@Chicago Bulls

Mailbag: Is Demar Derozan A Better Fit For The Bulls Than Zach LaVine?

Mailbag: Is Demar Derozan A Better Fit For The Bulls Than Zach LaVine?

It’s mailbag Saturday so y’all know we gonna jump into the mailbag but before as promised me and C duub gotta had a conversation is dear de rozan actually the better fit than Zack LaVine for this team currently oh it’s about to get juicy y’all already know we gonna talk

About it break it down but you know you got to he a music first come sh boys podcast with the conak boys I’m conak Boy Bobby and I’m with my dog C du how you doing boy hey Merry Christmas Merry crimal oh but hey y’all know Christmas Eve

Tomorrow so what you want to do go ahead and GI the coac boys a like a subscribe and the notification Bell so every time we drop you be one of the first ones to know now see du on one of the daily episodes I came out I and I was alluding

To while during the conversation that man is deand Rosen actually the better fit than Zack LaVine and I said I wanted to save that for a conversation for me and you so we can go ahead and bounce ideas off each other and the people can hear your opinion on our list we know

What we seen Demar de roosen without Zack LaVine in 11 games now fit in with this team who do you think is actually the better fit for this young Corp or you know what I’m saying or do you feel like it’s a bit unfair since we haven’t

Seen Zack LaVine by himself along with the young guys how do you look at it hey first of all shout out to you that was a great episode I did check that out and I did hear you say that we had this episode coming up uh I always been a

Proponent of Zack LaVine being the better out of the two players and the best player on the team for the last two to three years since he since we got that you know Discord with v and Lonzo ball and Zack LaVine them uh Zack LaVine

I think in a lot of categories when you talk about physical skill he’s above Demar D rozan when you talk about the jump shot from the from three-point range I thought Zack LaVine took the cake when they talking about t in the basket athleticism Zack LaVine was the best out of the

Two but when you sit back and look at it um I also have this I thought that Zack LaVine would be better uh without a Demar D rozan on the team so you can definitely call me a Zack LaVine apologist I don’t give a damn everybody make a

Mistake but in this situation it’s one thing that separates the two of them and that is IQ I think dear D Ro IQ just it just Trump Zach’s is Zach’s IQ is is it’s not good and with this particular team when it’s not two uh ball dominant players on the perimeter

And you got the one player on or if you just think if you had Zack LaVine in there and and all the crazy turnovers and and the crazy shots and the wasted dribbles that he do picture that with Kobe white and OD Demar the rad and on

The floor I’m not saying Demar de rozan is perfect but his IQ just Trump Zack LaVine therefore I’mma have to go with DeMar rosen see I was ready to come on and say I think it’s a bit unfair for Zack LaVine to be honest with you simply

Because Zack LaVine has not been in this position with a emerging Kobe white yeah with the improving Patrick Williams with the Resurgence of IOD do sumu I was going to come out here and say it was a bit unfair and I think that two things can

Be true it is unfair to Zack LaVine with with this type of conversation simply because he’s not in the lineup without dear with these young guys but then you brought up the thing that trumps it all IQ bro IQ IQ IQ IQ that is the Trump bro because demard de

R Roan if you looking at him and how he’s been playing you love how he’s playing with these young guys he’s letting the young guys cook and when they absolutely need a bucket he is showing up like I got y’all Young Buck it’s like it’s like when you training

Your young child is whether that’s your little boy or your little girl and you like okay baby we G to go ahead and start you off on the training wheels and then your child comes to you one day Dad I want to take the training wheels off

He like all right baby I got you and for most of the ride you holding on to the back seat so they won’t fall and then eventually let them go and they start a ride yeah dear Rosen it’s starting to let him ride yeah he let him go man he

Letting them ride and then when you see your toddler or your young child getting ready to tip over because they losing that balance on the first few times riding that two- wheeler Demar d r Ro I got you he been he was trailing I got

You I got you and that’s just kind of what’s kind of setting apart setting things a part for me I understand that Zack LaVine I know this conversation is probably not 100% fair but as early on you gotta keep it a the IQ stands out a lot hey nephew life ain’t

Fair fair ain’t nobody told his ass to go and request a trade he jumped the gun he absolutely drun believe that I think he jumped I think it’s I think I I listen two things be can be right I think he jumped the gun and I think he

Did a great thing by asking for a trade to change this team for the best I think he’s looking at this team like I know a lot of people think he going to he he thinking about Cal California but he got he’s human he’s thinking like damn what

Can this team be with me on this floor doing things like this helping this team win what could we be how far could we go but I do not think that’s the case right now because it’s a it’s a it’s a possibility you come in here you

This up Zack you come back and get a back on this team without a trade and this team up bro and then everybody gonna know who it is they they gonna blame you it’s gonna blame you so if for your benefit you should never step step

Uh put your body in the Chicago boys uniform again you should put your for his benefit do you agree with that for his benefit only if he buys in to the point where you like hey I’mma go ahead and I’mma just do what they need me to

Do for most of the game or for the entirety of the game boost my value and that’s how I’m gonna get up out of here but if you come in and say I want to drop 35 a night it ain’t gonna happen bro no it’s not gonna happen nephew even

If he says that like I’m a buy in if they start to lose it might even not even be his fault nephew who they G to blame him yes so it’s a lose lose do not put the uniform on I think dear fits the team uh brilliantly to tell you this

Crazy coming out my mouth brilliantly if you need your veteran who could be a better veteran than Demar de rozan on this team he already got the ears and minds of all the young players on this team so he might as well be him it’s

Just it’s just all fits in and I think you gotta look at yourself Zack LaVine and look in the mirror and say thank you say thank you and I think that’s one of the biggest things too we always said that we felt like Zach was the better

Player but we always gave kudos to Demar de Rosen for what he was able to do but I think that you said something early on that I think makes a lot of sense when it’s two of them on the court at the same time that need buckets it’s not happening it

Just don’t look good it doesn’t work and then because you still have to not even just say it’s two of them it’s actually three of them V is in in that as well so you got to show that and I think that when you look at it ladies and

Gentlemen boy toed up bro boy it’s up boy to men boy to men with Zack line is the end of the rad big dog we appreciate he ignant right before kma right before kma right before christas man I’m Bulls man I love Zack LaVine I defend that bad

But hey man it’s all about bull sorry dude yeah and I and I understand that and I think that the biggest thing is like I’m still I still like the player let’s make that clear y’all I still like Zack LaVine as the player I just think

Right now you don’t want to do anything to kind of mess this up nope can’t he can’t for his sake for the Bulls absolutely nephew but for his sake it’s more trumps for what the boyss can actually lose we a going to win a championship they could definitely put

Him back in the lineup they paid him Max money but for Zach’s sake you better not put that uniform on Zack don’t do it my guy don’t do it that is crazy to say especially how hard we went for this guy but hey that’s why it’s Sports talk

Sometime you got to go ahead and evaluate things and sometimes your your your opinion will change I still think he’s a dynamic player I still believe he can be he can still be solid yeah but just as of right now with the results showing what they are and that’s

Something we cannot argue cannot cannot argue with the results the results is that since he’s been gone the Bulls are eight and three the ball is moving better even when the shots are not falling early on in the game the Bulls go for heer in the fourth from the

Three dear Rosen closes the game and he always been closing the game c dub if we think about it he always closed the game now you got these young players with a closer who’s allowing him to play and then when it’s time to close he said I got you

Gang give me the keys we G to go close up shop yep and if we if we being honest we in recent memory that’s the last three years can we point to any game that Billy Donovan has entrusted Zack LaVine to close a game maybe one maybe

One and you you probably about to say what I’m about to say yeah yeah it’s the Atlanta game it’s at when he was when he thought when he was supposed to shoot the three but he stepped in to take a two and still missed a shot it’s crazy

IQ IQ nephew IQ nephew it’s just it’s so sad it is what it is with Zack LaVine this is a tough I enjoy watching them though uh it’s a tough discussion for sure definitely a lot of things can be discussed out of this but we want to

Show love to our people that called in uh this week and get them on a show first up we GNA show love to stand up Rivera stand up he called in C du here’s the voicemail stand up what up fellas this stand up you guys are fire on the lives you

Know see du Bobby big Kevin let’s not forget about St V the Chicago Bulls are changing the game like something insane before keep them young pups and Chicago Bulls podcast keep doing what y’all do I want y’all at my show one day all expenses paid y’all family to me let’s rock Chicago hey bro shout out to stand up seub take it away hey shout out to my man standup man he been supporting us so much these recent months bro uh what can I say man uh we definitely have come to the show bro and chill you on you support us why

Wouldn’t we come support you bro we appreciate all the love and we G we just G to return it right back man and and make sure you ready for what we got come what we got to come uh in store for you guys coming up stand up we got some heat

And fire for you big dog we appreciate you C for real bro facts hey stand up you’ve been big certified you know 30y but hey if you give us a date to where you want us to give us a show I ain’t even going to lie to you you bro I will

Fly into Chicago I don’t live I will fly to Chicago come kick it with you at your comedy show and then go see my Chicago Bulls depending on when you want us to slide and it’ll be a great weekend or week or however you want to do it but

Big shout outs to you definitely thank you for supporting the channel and it’s always love once we locked in with our people that support us we don’t call them fans or anything like that we call them family we call them supporters and we put that support back if you it’s not

Just you but the next guy coming up hey we F get him on the show big old he always calling in and just start of this podcast look if you if if anybody know shy Bo’s podcast bro ain’t no hate over here we get hated on

Because I I follow the motto of Cat Williams feel free to hate on me I don’t give a damn if you’re a supporter we gonna support you bro if you want to say if stand up if you came to M say hey I’m G to start a lemonade stand we going to

All right bro bro we F to slide and send you some money for that lemonade stand bro we going to buy a couple cups hey I’mma put some um hand dog in that we buying that lemonade but hey shout out to you stand

Up now speaking of Big O uh C dug we got a voicemail from Big O here’s that voicemail my Guang the word Kan boy C and Bob big go man Chicago boys block through hey man it’s so refreshing man them boys doing their thing man you know

I’ll be the first to tell you I didn’t see this coming I didn’t see it coming but I’m happy for him I’m glad they putting it together it just seemed like uh you know it’s a little messed up it gotta come to the expense of Zack

LaVine but you know um I called in because I noticed something and I checked the numbers on this right so the last year Billy Donovan was in Oklahoma City we remember that team he had right he had Chris Paul he had a young Shan who was a promising player uh he had

Stephen Adams he had um uh Luke Dort um Danilo ginari and some other you know pieces on that bench now you go back and look at those players numbers uh Danilo galinari average double figures Shay average around 18 Paul Aver around uh 17 I think it was like two other players that average

Somewhere in double digit if I’m not mistaken even Al might aage like 10 points or something like that very well balanced well-rounded team team play with play Pace team play hard now if you look at this team you know since Zack LaVine has been out if you look at the

Scoring it’s it’s been pretty similar you now on a nightly basis you see at least three to four four guys always in double figures you see the ball moving you know um you know they playing more of to me like that Oklahoma City team now you look at Chris Paul the Mel Rosen

Playing that that older vet role like Chris Paul did right they had a Stephen Adams you know granted totally different players I know I’m comparing them I understand they totally different players but just you know hang in there with me as I break this down so Stephen

Adams you know old uh you know he’s a little bit of an older guy you know but you know that’s what the role vot playing now you got Kobe who I would put in that Shay gild’s role who was the young player who hasn’t really pee yet

But you knew he was coming you knew he was a player that that was on you know that that was that was on his way you know what I mean not to say you knew that he was G to be a top five MVP candidate that’s what he EV turned into

But you knew he was a good player and that’s what compared to Kobe and you saw how that team break down they eventually traded Chris Paul they eventually traded Stephen Adams and then at the end of that Billy Donovan end up getting uh leaving as well so a lot of resemblance

When you look at how that team broke down and how they still made something out of it and then you see this team breaking down and they still made something out of it a lot of resemblance and my my God big old that was a great

Breakdown and a great take C dub take it away that absolutely is a great take and a great breakdown um this team does remind me of a Billy Donovan team in OKC um I do agree with you you know different talents you know Vu is is definitely a little skill skill

Set wise different than Adams and you got Shay you can probably put Kobe in that in that uh position and you got Demar D rozan for uh Chris Paul that is a absolute great take um this this what I say be the difference in that in the difference will

Be Patrick Williams and Alex kuso I think this would be a little bit better than that um they no telling how far they can do if they continue this type of play throughout the season and they try to fight their way into the playoffs but we don’t want to talk about that yet

They still got some work to do I don’t care how good they’ve been playing for the month cuz we just see a lot of for the last year and a half so so they got a lot of making up to do and and you all right great take they got a

Lot of wake uh making up to do so I don’t want to move too fast but great take great take though for real man and big old if you’re up for it I would like to have you on the show so we can discuss that further bro shoot us an

Email or you can send a text to the mailbag line and we can set something up I would love to have you on so we can really really break that down instead of having your three minutes or your take limited by the three minutes but on to

The point first thing first you said it was the Bulls have been refreshing absolutely I’m not gonna lie at the start of season I’m like CW I don’t want to watch this yeah and now I can’t wait to get on and watch I can’t wait to watch this damn game why because Kobe

White is cooking IO do sumu is cooking Alice kuso for some reason it seemed like he gotten better we knew he was good but he’s gotten better it’s crazy but then you talked about uh the players getting in double figures I’mma break this down to you big old against La the

Bulls had eight players in double figures that’s crazy in the last game against the Spurs they had six players in double figures yes that is crazy to me that means the ball is not sticking everyone is eating they’re stay connected there’s no ego there’s no guy

In the room that’s saying hey I need to get my 25 no matter what M it’s hey it’s is what it is I believe against the Los Angeles Lakers Kobe white only had 17 points didn’t bat a eye then came out against the spur and dropped 22

And he was just the same demeanor the same way last point when you compare it to OKC I think that’s a great breakdown because if you looking at it hey deardo Rosen is having that mentorship type of role with this team like a Chris Paul had with the OKC Thunder and who knows

If dear it’s maybe out of the way and maybe a year or two or if he doesn’t resign or anything who knows what can be the next step for these young guys like we see what’s taking place with the OKC Thunder that’s a great point and that’s

A conversation to be had in a little bit will Demar de rozan stay cuz he’s going to f I think he finish out this uh contract this season so that’s going to be an interesting uh conversation when it come up but great Point nephew great Point facts man man man big old

Definitely send us that text message or hit the email bro we need to set something up so we can get you on so we can break that down I really would like to do that and we can go ahead and rock out CW got anything left uh yeah uh if

You wanted me to get this off or you want to wait yeah we can wait let go ahead and wait right bet let go ahead and wait but it is what it is thank y’all for tuning in to another episode of shy boys podcast make sure you subscribe here for your latest

Bulls content if you want to go ahead and send us a voicemail be a part of an episode like this call in and leave your take 773 242 9219 and the Bulls are playing two nights so we will see y’all later tonight yes sir y’all already know baby

C red we gonna catch y’all on the next one for sure G A

Chi Bulls Podcast Host Bobby and CDubb discuss Is Demar Derozan A Better Fit For The Bulls Than Zach LaVine?

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  1. I blame the coach if he put Zach back in with Demar Cobe and Vuc,nothings going to change about thats just not a good line up,its almost like a g league squad.

    Now if the coach put Zach in with Ayo,Patrick,Caruso Drummond as a 6th man that can work,its about chemisty pieces that actually compliment other pieces.

  2. You both make good points. DeMar is the far better overall talent though. Zach is younger, but DeMar is the better player. Dude has been Mr 4th qtr since he arrived in Chicago.
    Zach can't come back. He might look good for a few games. He might hustle on defense for a while, make some nice dimes for a while, and even let Coby run the show for a while. But, you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Sooner or later Zach will go back to his old losing habits which led to a 5 – 14 early season record and 9 out of 10 losing seasons with Zach in the starting lineup. Zach needs a new team. A team that will allow Zach to be Zach. A new team where Zach can expand his game within a new system. It's time to move on from Zach.

    Bulls/Dubs trade: Zach Lavine, and Javon Carter to Warriors for Klay Thompson, Brandin Podziemski, and Trayce Jackson Davis Bulls.

    Why this is a win for the Dubs? They can cut ties with Klay Thompson before his contract expires, and add two floor spacers with Steph to keep their title hopes alive. Zach is a certified bucket-getter.

    Why this is a win for the Bulls? They do not have to commit long-term to Klay and his expiring contract. The Bulls add two rookies to a rebuilding roster and clear cap space for re-signing DeMar DeRozan, and Patrick Williams after Klay's contract expires.

  3. Maybe go to the website, cleaningtheglass and look at clutch-time stats for Lavine and Derozan. That will let you know that Lavine is complete ASS in clutch time, while Derozan is actually one of the best. You tell me dudes! And C-Dub is right, it's the I.Q. Lavine's dumb as wood. Dump him, for whatever picks and young, athletic rotation, guys, and even an bad expiring contract, but please just MOVE HIS ASS SOON! He's a cancer at this point. Let's not forget he ASKED OUT. He ain't got a no-trade contract, and ain't owed any favors, send him anywhere that the deal makes sense, Even DETROIT~

  4. I can’t tell you what DeMar is not doing on and off the court 😂 just kidding, overall a solid leader, Mentor, and veteran. The guy is a future Hall of Famer.

  5. I know time has passed but I still remember how Zach gave up on the team before he sat out..I can’t unsee that💯I never saw Demar play that’s not just the fans but around the league they question if he is a number one player that influences winning..the front office even said let’s see how the team plays or what we have without Zach 😂💯 I feel Zach fans are being delusional “he does not want to play here” he gave up on the team let him go

  6. Only thing Zach is better than Demar in is volume shooting from 3..Zach is not better than Demar at mid range post ups or overall mid range scoring, getting to the rim and creating fouls also Demar is better at creating for his teammates, i feel Zach is a good and talented player but also a bit your content bro keep building

  7. I love Zach, but Coby just took the spot like it always was available. I don’t know what was holding back Zach, and I blamed Billy an DeMar but Coby prove me wrong.

  8. I too think Zach jumped the gun as far as a trade request, but I believe it probably was an argument and things were said.

  9. FACTS! I’m glad CDubb said it bro I’m sorry but it’s true. Zach just doesn’t have a good basketball IQ AT ALL lol it’s horrifying to watch at times

  10. Yes Demar Is Agree With C Dub I Stopped Liking Zach's Game Once I Seen That He's A Good Scorer But Not That Guy Because Of His IQ And It Looks Like He's Not Going To Change And It's A Shame Because If He Gets Smarter On The Court That's When He'll Reach His Maximum Apex

  11. Demar knows how to play team ball as well as take over when need. I like Zach, but he is the definition of selfish basketball. Everyone on that team has taken a charge or dove on the ground for a ball….I can't remember Zach ever…ever…

  12. Derozan is absolutely a better fit for this team. Great supportive teammate and mentor, superior basket IQ.

  13. Demar is also much more dependable and durable than Zach. He knows how to keep himself in top shape, and how not to get severely injured. Body control preparation, longevity and durability is part of IQ.
    Even at almost 35, he still is in top player shape, and still has some athletism.
    Demar could still average 25 tp 30 ppg if he wanted to ,but like yall said, he knows when to and when not to. Wutever is required to win. He will still be a solid player when he is closer to 40, sort of how Lebron has been able to last in his career.
    Zach wont have knees left by the time he is almost 35.
    I wouldnt be shocked if Zach actually retires before Demar.

  14. Zach is the better fit. His catch and shoot threes are third only to dame and steph. He’s able to light it up. He’s in the midst of his prime you built everything around him.

  15. Is it unfair to Zach that he didn’t play with an emerging Coby?? Or is it lavine fault that Coby wasn’t emerging??

  16. Heard Lakers, are not interested in Zach Lavine, but
    Are interested in Demar Derosan, and Caruso, and
    Ithink the lakers will trade
    They will be shop aound the

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