@National Basketball Association

[Immanuel Quickley] Oh my goodness….

> Oh my goodness….

Quickley was just traded to the Raptors along with RJ Barrett in exchange for OG Anunoby. ~~He does not appear to be happy about said development.~~ The rest of this post is me reaching the character minimum so this post stops getting removed

by Brady331


  1. I will never understand how players find out about trades live. Part of the business but it’s shitty for them

  2. JoshSran04

    In what way does he not appear happy? Did u see him through the screen? Oh my goodness could be said in different tones

  3. Neophyte_Gardener

    Honestly it is kinda crazy to wake up and find out you’re going to be living in another country when things feel pretty stable. I know Toronto is not going to be suuuuper foreign feeling for an American but still.

  4. abippityboop

    Putting aside who came out best in the trade and how sad I am to see two homegrown young players leave who always repped hard for the Knicks, I am happy that IQ will likely get the larger role he wants and RJ gets to go home. On paper it’s a good situation for both those guys.

    I thought typing all that out might make me feel better 🙁

  5. vagrantwade

    I want you to explain how “oh my goodness” inherently implies dissatisfaction. This just tells me his mom used a switch on him when he swore as a kid.

  6. I think one of the factors that pushed the Knicks to trade him is that he wants to get paid big next season. Obviously they are not willing to do that and here we are.

  7. uwwasteman

    Oh I’m soory for breakin the news to ya, anyways here’s a coffee crisp, eh.

  8. UrABigGuy4U

    What does this look like? As in, the logistics of having to move to a new country in 48 hours? I’m assuming all NBA players, staffs, etc. have passports already? Does he get some kind of VISA to temporarily live over yonder? Fascinating tbh

  9. Etobocoke

    The Raptors have huge cash. They have accommodations for millionaire players to stay until they settle in. He’ll have everything he could need. He could live in the states and commute into Canada every day if it makes sense to him.

  10. LOL Toronto is a sick city, plus they have an entire country behind them…I’d be excited if I was IQ, the dudes popularity and social media following is about to be explode and he’s going to get more touches which means a bigger contract

  11. gregbills

    He’ll be good when he gets here. He’s leaving a better situation with the Knicks so he should be mad no doubt but he’s going to love Toronto when the dust settles

  12. spartaceasar

    NBPA should work in to the next deal fines for teams that fail to notify players before the media. Rumours and “deals in the works I understand getting out early but official trade notices should go to players before aaaaanyone else.

  13. Bunch of triggered Raptors fans flooding this post to defend Toronto as the best city in the world lol. The absolute meltdown and anti-American rants on the blue jays sub when Ohtani signed with Dodgers is a must read for anyone. I’ve actually been to Toronto and it’s a nice city, but I understand now what “bone chilling” cold is.

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