@Houston Rockets

Jabari Smith talks his improvement this season after Rockets win

Jabari Smith talks his improvement this season after Rockets win

Setting the tone from the jump when you guys do have a lead like that does it take a different level of me mental focus to maintain it uh for sure you know um uh you’ve seen a lot of teams have leads and and the other team come

Back and and and lose so it’s just it’s just trying to keep that um that um that that that that Focus because it’s a natural thing to look at the scoreboard you up a lot of points and just you know relax but uh that team not going to stop

You know the team going to keep fighting and um and um we’ve been on the opposite side of it being down and coming back so we know we know how um how teams are fighting to get back so we just try to try to try to stay going and just how

Fresh they just keep working on us keep keep working just keep playing as your confidence is growing on the offensive and are you doing more film study to see where you can pick your shots pick and choose your shots uh yeah just trying to see uh different ways to get easy

Buckets and uh get to the free throw line and just just um just make it easier on myself you know um I can make tough shots I can I can do all of that but it’s it’s it’s the easy ones that count that add up to that to to that

Point to and make it easier for my teammates you know what I’m saying so um just just seeing seeing different areas where I can score and just just make it easy on myself I’m definitely watching more film is a lot of what you did in the summer starting to playoff now for

Sure you know um I knew it would you know it’s a it’s a long season you know the season didn’t start how I wanted to for me personally but um just just just picking it up uh staying with it you know and just just keep playing the win

You know and I know everything else take care of itself

Jabari Smith talks his development this season and the Rockets win #nba #rockets #alperensengun #jabarismith

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