@Sacramento Kings

So long 2023 | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

So long 2023 | The Carmichael Dave Show with Jason Ross

Playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did dad JS today we’ll see you next year it’s been great um my parents left yesterday oh we’s on party is on operation get the

Elders to Palm Springs is now almost complete they left with my sister yesterday afternoon for the uh greater Los Angeles area what are you giving Chris a funky look for I’m very nervous now me yeah I saw you give him I saw you give him a

Squinch face well um he was saying I was asking if the YouTube was fine and mine’s totally blurry and he said is is good is yours good Dave yeah you look fantastic to I mean as good as you’re ever going to look it’s really bizarre but your like your face is blurry my

Literally my screen I’ll maybe I’ll refresh it I try refreshing it hit uh unplug it and then wait 30 seconds and plug it back in oh there we go hi okay that’s weird that was weird Jason is just having a small stroke maybe not that

Small I’m not going to Li look I know this isn’t where you planned on going um and I don’t know if this is completely natural just part of my ongoing psychosis but ever since my dad had a stroke I’m obsessed with the fact that I’m gonna have a stroke someday so like

Occasionally hey welcome to the club Dave is that is that a thing wait what club always thinking that you’re gonna have a stroke wait you think that’s too oh yeah like for real cuz like I’ll get like okay this is really really stupid but sometimes I’ll be randomly walking

Around and I’ll smell like a match or something and I immediately if I’m with somebody be like do you smell a match and if they say no I start freaking out because I guess I think that’s like one of the signs of you might be having a stroke as you smell

Sulfur um or like if I get suddenly dizzy or off or whatever I’m like oh my God is this is this what’s happening and I have no idea what having a stroke feels like I mean I asked my dad he’s like oh it feels like having a stroke

Thanks Dad but when my dad had a stroke like I’m like making light of this and it’s like one of the worst things ever but when my dad had a stro my dad had a stroke this is this is how awesome my dad is my dad had a stroke I’m laughing

At my dad having a stroke let me finish here um he was in a McDonald’s parking lot going in to get what he terms as his morning sausage MC Muffy and he’s in the parking lot to go get his sausage MC Muffy and all of a sudden he starts

Feeling like a little bit Goofy and then he starts feeling a lot of bit Goofy and he sits back down in the car and that’s when he called me called me I was his first phone call and I could tell there was something wrong with him uh beyond

The normal like Dad in the morning type of thing but he was able to like you know at least have the presence of mind the whole way to know what to do know who to call I called the ambulances met him over there blah blah blah all that

Stuff but he was around for it the whole time so it’s kind of a a similar well it’s not a similar thing but I’m like God you know is that first off if your dad has one do you automatically have one as a genetic like there’s there’s differentiating whatever’s on it um but

Jason it’s all about getting old and you’re you’re the eldest on the show and uh worrying about you know as we slowly decompose in this world like what’s what’s coming what doctor’s appointment what uh Affliction what uh you know and that’s as we had into 2024 here’s to

Another year of not having any major afflictions back to you that was absolutely insane the one thing he had done the yeah hey do you smell a match one a match the one thing he had done like a couple months ago that really freaks me out is he had something called a heart

Oion you know what a heart oion is I sound good I remember what you telling me when he was doing it so like they have to like your heart’s okay I’m probably GNA get this wrong so there’s probably a doctor out there that’ll be like no but I think it’s basically when like

Your heart isn’t like electricity correctly it’s not beating in like the normal whatever so they have to like go in they have to like go in there and stick stuff in you to where they can shock your heart numerous amounts of times and until it like starts beating

In the right Rhythm and the electricity is fixed but you have to be awake for it like the whole time like you have to be awake while they’re shocking your heart repeatedly while you’re just chilling on your side on a hospital bed having your heart repeatedly electrified like I I

Don’t I don’t want any part of that so if scientists doctors everybody out there I would just appreciate it if you could come up with a way to like I don’t mind the fact that we can’t all live forever because then we’d have a population issue but can we just do a

Thing where like we live until the day we die but we don’t have any afflictions no diseases that’d be wonderful no disabilities no uh you know you’re you end up in a walker or a wheelchair any of that just just just simply you just roll through life and then that’s it i’

Go for that Jason do you think we’d benefit if we knew the day I’ve thought so much about that like if you I’m sure you have okay so like if you got visited by the ghost to Christmas future and they gave you the opportunity to know they they won’t tell

You how because that’s kind of that’s like super cheating but like they give you the day like you will die February 14th 2040 or you will die February 14th 2023 like you don’t know but they’ll tell you and there’s no changing it once they tell you like literally you cannot

Change it it will happen would you say I want to know it’s interesting because I mean in your mind you’re going what’s weird is I think you automatically go oh if I knew it was happening whatever day I would do everything I could but why why should we live any differently is

The question but it’s a weird if you know a finite end of something I would want to know yeah I would want to know because first off that’s like a weird gift and curse but it’s something that obviously to our knowledge is never I mean I guess some

People know the day they die they plan it I mean not to get too crazy but like honestly you don’t know these things but also I would want to know because I do feel like I would 100% live my life differently like think about it if you

Know would you test it like if you again let do something extreme like you said 20 whatever 30 years 40 years from now so you know you’ve got like you’ve got time yeah yeah yeah you know it like you’ve been guaranteed you’re like all right well I’m going skydiving and see

Like or I’m gonna do this because I know nothing’s gonna happen Okay I feel like okay so it’s going to be a uh Groundhogs Day situation no I feel like we got to step in with some rules in our fantasy here like you you you can’t because no

You can’t extend your your life but you sure can die earlier like then there’s no point of why would you know yeah no because here’s the thing if you found out you weren’t G to die for like 30 more years then you can’t like then you

Can’t go out and be like off that roof right exactly I’m then the thing was wrong that’s what I’m saying though that’s not fair you can’t just like go out and like jump off of buildings be like ah they said I wasn’t going to die like that that’s a completely different

Thing but I think if they’re like as long as you don’t do anything like as long as you don’t do anything that you know would normally kill you this is how long you’re going to live for isn’t that so that’s I like Chris’s Point there’s no advantage that’s life right like you

Think car could hit all of us today you know what I mean or but I’m saying like no that’s not going to like car will not randomly hit you rules happening no here’s no but here’s the thing car will not randomly hit you but if you decide to like Drive

The opposite way in traffic at 80 mes hour you might like like you can’t be stupid about it like you got accidentally run a red light yeah if it’s an accident you don’t if accident you don’t die and they’ll know because they’re I accidentally uh jumped off that burning

Building I because I think if you knew though like first off if I knew I was going to die for 30 years I mean I’d be like whatever fine but then like if I know it’s coming up next year well let me ask you guys this if you knew you

Were going to die in June come on man these next few months are a little bit different for you of course in a in a wonderfully horrible way like you’re saying goodbye to everybody you’re doing you’re checking off The Bucket List you’re Jason let me

Ask you this if you found that out would you quit your job and like devote your life to like checking everything off probably yes yeah me too yeah not probably yes yeah for sure and I feel like that’s an that’s the good part of it but then if you found out you going

To be alive for like another 40 years and you’re like well I can be lazy like 20 so what if you told June 1st 2024 you will die you check off everything and then that night you go to bed final sleep and you wake up on June

2nd are you feeling happy or are you a little upset no well here’s the thing there’s one flaw in your logic you said you go to bed and then you wake up check it out bro you’re not going to bed the night before you die like that’s not

You’re not lying down to me okay so like 12 a.m. June 2nd you are still alive then you’re like is it Hawaii time yeah so to to not to be a nudnick here but to your to Jason’s Point like I’m I’m now I’m like okay they didn’t give

Me a time today so now I’m just waiting in my room for utter death to happen but now if it turns into July or you know the 2 and I know I’ve beaten it which by the way probably be something that would happen um yeah I you go anywhere so if you’ve

Checked all your boxes youve you’ve done all the things that you had six months to do you assume it’s going to happen some like okay I’m not going anywhere I’m with my family the night you’ve made it through the night it’s the next morning are you even remotely going

Anywhere because you’re like I’m alive yeah you feel like you’re on like it’s like what is that Final Destination you’re on borrowed time yeah where you and maybe you physically feel great you’re like well I don’t know what could possibly take me I feel like this is a

Movie where like you do wake up and your life sucked and then you found out you were going to die and then you did like all the stuff and then you now have a second chance on life but you that would be the tortures never knowing when it’s

Going to come but you know it’s coming but then again isn’t that kind of like the world we’re in right now like that’s where we’re at right now you never know when it’s going to come but it’s going to come it’s going to happen it’s inevitable could be today could be

Tomorrow could be in 40 years all right so we’ll take a break when we come back I smell a match this the end of the year show okay we’re all we’re we’re all family here we’re gonna get the year wow we’re gonna get a little uh we’re gonna

Get a little out there uh we got a couple of things happen in a sports thank God Kings and Hawks tonight Kings had a full day uh in Atlanta we’ll see how that worked out we have the Niners trying a rebound uh this weekend and we have some pretty special performances

That happened around the NBA yesterday uh we also have a almost very special performance uh that almost happened and we almost called it but almost doesn’t count except in uh is that okay to say anymore hor it close doesn’t count except in hor shoes and hair grenades or

I feel like the hand grenades part is uh mly the hand grenades yeah you know I’m just saying if someone’s in the military I don’t know if i’ want to anyways that’s Jason Ross I’m car Michael day that’s Chris for a l we’ll be a little off the rails today uh Friday funny

Games today Jason of course end of the Year Edition uh no comment okay we’ll do all that and leading off coming up right after this you never know what you might hear when listening to a Sacramento Kings game Keegan going for another triple man is he feeling it can he do it

Yes there’s number 11 Keegan murrayan steps back he just knocked down his 12 three-pointer a king franchise record he’s got 45 Five Points never miss a moment of Sacramento Kings basketball with sack toown Sports and the sack toown Sports act timing is everything and now is the

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Stories in the morning huge news this is very important here’s cut number One let’s talk about um what what the expectations are for this year as Grant talked about last year you guys kind of took the NBA by storm what’s it like knowing that you have to be better as a team than your best was last year um you

Definitely feel the pressure but for us as a team we know what we got in this room we know what we need to do to be better and it’s obviously to move forward in the playoffs and um we feel like we still have so much more room to

Be better and uh we’re working at it every day like you said we’re in practice today that’s deont sabonis uh they were uh what was the show is the whatever that NBA show is nationally on NBA TV yeah yeah he and dear and fox were on there we we we should have some

More Clips actually uh from that today both dear and fox and damont sabonis talking about your Sacramento Kings and you’ll see this when they’re out in uh when they’re in La when they’re in Atlanta uh which is kind of the NBA capital unofficially and uh New York

They’ll generally pop them up on on the national shows because they can come in studio and uh yeah that was damont sabonis talking about expectations uh talking about where they go from here here and feeling the pressure and they’ll get a chance the 17 and 12 Sacramento Kings to even their road

Record at 500 they’re currently six and seven against the Atlanta Hawks the uh 12 and 18 Atlanta Hawks who are just 4 and8 uh at home the uh kings are favored by one and a half in this one guys and it’s going to be a fun Battle of of two

Of the best point guards in the NBA dearen Fox Jason and Trey young yeah I I’m you know to me it’s about the Kings again and how they respond to what we whatever that was the other night in Portland um the up and down the roller coaster that this team

Has been on again that’s that’s the season for everybody generally but this has been unique as far as the amount of large deficit losses so that part’s got to end in my mind so be competitive have yourself a chance to win and Atlanta for whatever reason as we’ve said before has

Been so difficult for them to win there before I hope tonight’s something new and let’s get going let’s go into the new year with wins against Atlanta and wins against Memphis and and let’s go Dave let’s go let’s shoot the ball the right way yeah uh Atlanta needless to

Say is 12 and 18 as I said they have lost three in a row they have lost seven of 10 they are 12 out of the one seed and four and eight at home although I think we’re all learning this year that records and streaks and Trends mean absolutely nothing with the Sacramento

Kings and you only have to go so far Jason as look at the scores from last night and we’re going to talk about this later but just as kind of an offshoot of the story um I could not stop thinking about you while I was watching the Piston

Celtics second half with my son uh because I and and I don’t mean this in a disparaging way I just I could hear your voice in my head saying on the show today uh see that’s the NBA you’re the Boston Celtics that’s their worst loss of the year and Boston came in that’s

Just the nature of the Beast and we’re not going to say that Boston isn’t a title Contender now and no one’s talking about that but which you would have been 100% right and your point still isn’t lost even though the Celtics uh came back but you know in in

Watching a game like that last night Jason I honestly thought the Pistons were going to do it for for a second I know especially I mean when they’re up 19 and their largest halftime lead the biggest point spread of the NBA the whole season and you’re like man they’re

Really going to beat the best team that team that hasn’t lost at home like none of it made sense and then the end result made sense but boy that was a journey getting there for the Celtics needing overtime to win and everybody was playing for Boston everybody was playing

I like against the Kings everyone was playing well Jason Tatum’s tactically probably the only one that played the first half but they were all on the floor yeah and once they caught him too I thought oh Boston’s going to win this actually by like 15 yeah and then no it

Was all the way down into overtime poor Pistons I know poor Pistons cut number two please cut number two I think all teams are scary um but especially in that situation I mean um when people have nothing to lose there’s everyone first of all always has them to

Lose because usually when people say there’s nothing to lose that’s there’s a lot of guys playing for their jobs too and those guys know that and even veterans who don’t think that they are um they usually find out at the end of the season that they were U so you

Always get got guys who are playing hard and um I know they’re playing a quarterback who’s won a lot of games in this league I know they got some players on their defense so they have just a good a chance to win every week as any

Other team sorry just on the tail end of what we were talking about with the Pistons I got to give credit here comment of the day it’s going to be tough to beat this uh from Jess who I I love always showing up in the comments

Uh we are 31 games into the season and there are more Marvin Bagley in the world than Pistons wins that’s that’s incredibly incredibly well done Jess uh Niners commanders this weekend and uh gives the 49ers an opportunity to rebound I I don’t I don’t know what in outcome I

Need other than obviously a win we are still talking about the one seed the one seed is not wrapped up it is back in play now uh and it’s a chance for a lot of things to happen Jason I guess if I’m Kyle Shanahan other than injuries which

Is top of mind what I maybe am worried about and I’m worried about this a little bit as a fan is the team feeling like they have to make up for last week’s loss in the first quarter and pressing things I just go out there do

Your job as if you won last week and you’re taking care of business yeah I mean the biggest picture is about winning and and trying to get the one seed that’s the most important thing I mean the the offshoot like if they go and play well like yesterday we talked

To Matt baros and he’s like because of his preparation because of his attitude because of his approach he believes Brock p is going to bounce back and have a great game I I do too so let’s just if you take care of the first part the win

Which is the most important thing and if pie bounces back and has a I don’t know three four touchdown day in in an impressive performance and I don’t know the Dolphins beat the Ravens honestly Brook C’s right back in the MVP conversation it’s the way the league

Works everybody’s just like oh it’s it’s Lamar Jackson’s now well two weeks ago Dave you and I and I think it was the right approach when um it felt like it was Brock pie or Dak I think we both agreed like look if Dak wins out he’s

Gonna win it well they lost two games in a row so it’s not gonna be Dak well it’s what’s all the way up to the end here and if the Niners finish with two wins and prie plays great and they’re the one seed and they catch with just one more

Loss the Ravens it’s a race and so those things are still in play too let me ask you this before we go to break here um do you does let let’s just say it’s a given that pery and the ners need to win the final two games and let’s say pery

Has his average py game you know the three touchdowns no picks 300 yards and great ratings does Lamar need in your opinion to have one out of the last two games be a stinker in order for p to to still have a chance you know I don’t know what

The voters are thinking because I I mean I feel like public opinion just changed it to Lamar and I don’t remember that much talk about Lamar Jackson before last week so it it’s really difficult to ignore the body of work now P’s been mentioned right or wrong he’s been

Mentioned for weeks dak’s been mentioned for weeks uh Herz was up there Tua was up there mcaffrey um you know maybe a few other people I’m Dak I mentioned so not that Lamar was ignored but I feel like okay it was Christmas it was naturally televised

Game wow Lamar played great pie did not it’s Lamar Jackson I I don’t know if that was just 100% recency bias and maybe Lamar needs to do a little more um to his body of work I I don’t know how the voters think of that but I don’t

Know that he needs a stinker I just I don’t know where the overall feel of the voters is because I mean again stats-wise PR’s got him on a lot of categories it sure seems if the MVP race is a horse race that Lamar Jackson has become that

Horse on the outside that is just jamming down the stretch and and has passed everyone and you see if uh if pry can look out of the corner and catch him back at the Finish L it’s going to be a fun race though it’s going to be a fun

Last couple of games of the year a lot of meaningful games still in the NFL which is fantastic for viewers we’ll take a break a lot of stuff to get to speaking of Brock pie at the top of the hour uh we’ve got his uh some of his

Press conference and we’re going to get into that uh I I really enjoy hearing him talk so we’ll have an opportunity to hear his words after that loss and after his terrible game when we get back though as we continue the end of the year theme we did most of that yesterday

But we’re going to clean up some of the national top stories we didn’t have time to get to uh three stories uh that really hit the sports landscape over 2023 and then we’ll get into some football last night it’s Carmichael Jason Ross Chris for L we’re right back

Here on sack toown Sports Countdown the end of the year with us on sack toown Sports Sunday we close out 2023 and Usher in 2024 with a big double header first the San Francisco 49ers look to regroup as they battle the commanders in DC then is the Kings and Grizzlies from

Memphis 49ers at 10 Kings at 5 on New Year’s Eve on your home of the 49ers and kings sack toown Sports Sacramento weather is brought to you by Arnold Law Firm I’m e javor in the kcr3 weather center some patchy fog this morning otherwise a mixture of clouds and sun

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8599 6339 1140 on sack toown Sports here’s a New Year’s resolution for you Jason you’re ready I’m ready uh well first off get out of my dreams and get into my car who me mhm Sho wait that’s not this is it this Billy Ocean right it

Is yeah this is no this is that song what am I doing here get in the back seat baby exactly and uh let’s clip that up please um that needs to be a Sounder uh it’s time to invest in you you are your most valuable asset

You must be careful whom you allow to be in your presence in 2024 this seems like a cash grab this is your year your time and your opportunity to win and win big how you play this how you play this game of life from here on

Is vital and whom you choose to be on your team is everything believe that that’s from coach Dion Sanders Oh I thought that was a forun cookie gas CRA anyone else on the show follow Deion Sanders on Twitter he’s actually a really good follow I do not he has

Motivational things every single morning that’s not bad is probably not surprising you got to finish and finish strong shut up Chris let’s complete the assignment and win in the process I don’t care how tough it gets you’ve got to finish I don’t care what they say about you finish finish whatever you

Start and don’t start nothing you ain’t going to finish coach Prime right okay weirdo party of one all right let’s finish up the top sports stories nationally uh that we did not get to last year just a couple here but enough to oh sorry that was that was

Me setting my phone on my board there and hitting the Crickets um let’s start with baseball uh changing the rules uh a bit uh longtime baseball head you me uh really many of us you worry because baseball is the most statistically uh heavy game there is I would say records

And stats mean more in baseball than than really any other sport it’s what it’s built around and tradition and going back to the 1800s and all that stuff and when you change something uh it’s one thing to add some postseason games but when you’re changing the

Actual rules of the game if you will adding adding a clock uh putting somebody on second as they’ve done in the past in uh in Extra Innings doing different things you worry a bit and it’s very fashionable for good reason to look at anything that Rob man Fred and

Baseball try to do and just trash it because generally uh they can’t tell their head from a hole in the ground but I think it was I don’t want to say Universal but pretty darn close to Universal that the the in-game changes baseball made last year especially were a resounding

Success I think so and I think it it well now for the sport it was um but I wonder like we said back to kind of the viewers and the attention for baseball um I wonder what it did overall but I I was one like I don’t think it

Needs to change but I think it was better it it was noticeably better it was noticeably better I think the the game games dropped significantly in time uh people responded they enjoyed the games more now I I think you and I have talked about this before in the sense

That it would be nice if they dropped the amount of games uh from 162 if they you know those uh those numbers that came out the other day that showed football just dominating in in ratings and viewers and all that and of course football’s King it’s going to happen

Right but there’s also something you know how would baseball and I I really did try to do a thought exercise here Jason if if if you had a SE this wouldn’t look this is dumb this my dumb thought exercises I’m just for the sake of argument what if baseball was a

Six-month Sport and they had 25 games like obviously there’d be more emphasis on each but would that would that even be entertaining or would that just be an eye roll like anyone can get hot at any time this is stupid yeah it’s it’s too drastic of a change from what

They are now sure sure sure sure sure I just I want to know like I’m just thinking in this dumb stupid fantasy world I’m concocting like would we come even close to watching a baseball game like we do a football game with this like insane intensity because it means

So much or would it just it would it just be a stupid exercise because you can’t do baseball like that my own feeling I mean cuz it’s hard for me because I enjoy the sport I the what my read is on people that don’t I don’t

Think it’s the number of games I I didn’t get the feeling that that many people that say it’s the number of games then jumped in in the postseason I I feel like they just don’t like baseball anymore yeah I think you’re right I do because baseball has done things that

Baseball is kind of like uh baseball’s kind of like Domino’s Pizza in the sense that if you look at dominoes over the last like five years I feel like they’re really trying like they’re being Innovative they’re doing their best they have good attitudes there’s great specials but in the end

It’s dominoes like it’s kind of the same thing with baseball I do feel like they’re trying and they’re aware that there’s an issue but in the end I I think a lot of baseball’s issues have to do with the way our society is evolving in the sense that we are um we’re

Very you need it now instant gratification two-minute attention spans YouTube and Tik Tok etc etc yeah and it’s weird because not everywhere but I mean a lot of places baseball had great attendance I mean it’s very regionalized so like yeah you know I think it would happen again like the Giants had that

Run in the 10 12 and 14 where they won the like people were crazy for Giants baseball sure not so much now and maybe it’s a front runner thing too and but is it different in Arlington though right now like in Arlington if we’re doing sports radio if we’re Sean Salsbury

Doing it while that’s Houston but you get Point yeah but he still would like sometimes we call him and you know like oh he’s like he would bring up the Astros right away like oh I wasn’t really thinking about the Astros but it’s a big deal there okay weirdo party

Of one I mean it is what it is yeah let’s kick it yeah um let’s kick it thank you Sean college football has imploded um I would like to think Jason you and I are of course very big college football fans I know college football

Isn’t the end all be all in this section of the country but you and I love college football we’ve loved it our whole life I’m hoping that college football right now is like the half caterpillar half butterfly and we don’t have the finished form yet but right now it’s

Ugly and it’s weird and you don’t know what’s going to happen next kind of like my love life but it’s it’s very uh like I’m I’m looking forward to next season but part of me Jason I’m not gonna lie I’m looking forward to it because I’m interested to see how big of

A car crash it’s going to be yeah and I don’t know if we’ve had the biggest part of the car crash or if there’s a bigger one ahead I I don’t know the answer to that because I mean the changing is happening while right now and we’re

Going to see teams in different leagues and trying to understand and sort that all out but what kind of overall impact will that have for us watching on Saturdays I I don’t know yet and we we’ve both talked about this before I think we’re in somewhat of an agreement

That there is there is a path there there is a path to maybe even having a a better college football landscape than than we had before with the Premier League style upper echelon but this whole USC and UCLA or where are they ACC where are they at come on

Go Big 10 or Big 10 yeah and then Florida State’s trying to leave the ACC and everyone wants to be in the SEC and uh where wait wait no what one I’m thinking was it Stanford going to the ACC yeah what’s yeah thank you uh Stanford and Cal right right correct

Yeah I can’t even keep up man it’s just it’s like they’re going to the Atlantic Coast Conference so they’re voluntarily going back in time to win at the Falcons and the Saints were in the NFC West it’s that’s not that’s not uh that’s not sustainable uh finally we we we have to

Go to break but uh we were going to talk the last story was just gambling gambling is everywhere gambling is here there everywhere uh Pete Rose rolling around in his uh his grave even though he’s still alive uh shoess Joe Jackson is 100% rolling around uh in

His grave and we continue on with gambling with name image likeness with College athletes making two three million dollars I don’t know if it’s good I don’t know if it’s bad my guess is Jason it’s all somewhere in the middle with good and bad associated with

It and half of it we don’t even realize what the consequences are yet yeah still waiting to see all that and that’s also ever changing too we’ll take a break when we come back there was one football game in the NFL last night I know for you fantasy players that are generally

If you’re still playing probably in your championships I would hope I hope your Championship is not the final week of the Season uh whether it’s this week whether whether it’s next week we did have a game last night and it piqu my interest Jason it wasn’t necessarily about the game it’s about something

We’re not talking enough about we’ll tell you all we’ll tell you all about that right here on your home of the 49ers sack toown Sports the 49ers final Road game of the regular season is Sunday in DC and here’s pie going to throw one deep wide for Debo made the

Catch on the back shoulder touchdown SA franisco and a back shoulder Banger for gibo Samuel San Francisco continues its quest for the nfc’s top seed 49ers and commanders Sunday at 10: on sack toown Sports Boost Mobile has given families the holiday gift they really want when

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Is Frank L Roa with a word about naturewood home furnishings of course looking forward with anticipation is exciting but I have a lot to appreciate in this past year and much of that revolves around time with family and more good time spent around my naturewood dining table watching my

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Fence about buying your first electric luxury car then go see my good friends at Mercedes-Benz of Stockton It’s Love at First Drive heck for me it was love at first sight my new Mercedes-Benz EQ is out there in the parking lot right now so you can go see my friends at

Mercedes-Benz of Stockton drive one of these I dare you it’s a drapes challenge just 45 minutes from Sacramento right off of I five or online at mbf waking you up with the best in local sports just make it interesting you know it’s the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports slam good morning Micha Dave Jason Ross just a few minutes left in this first hour the hey Jason it’s a final show of

The new year how about that flying by of the old year oh yeah it’s a good point of the old year that’s right we aren’t even in the New Year 2024 if you will I know right I do you remember when it went from 99 to 2000

Like the whole Y2K thing yes yeah I was like party over out of time I remember barely that Prince’s song Party Like It’s 1999 you’re like what what like like we’re supposed to have flying cars by now I used to have this uh that was 2015 according where we had flying

Cars remember we used to uh I used to have this computer game on my old trs8 from Radio Shack the old Tandy computer when I was little little kid it was it was like some time game it was supposed to teach you history like you’re trying

To chase it’s kind of like a early kmen San Diego you’re trying to chase down this guy this professor this Nutty Professor it’ll say like he’s uh uh the Magna Carta age or whatever and you have to go back and try to figure out when

The Magna Carta was try to catch him you do all that but you could also go in the future and I’ll never forget like it would only go up to 2000 and you had flying cars you had inflatable houses uh you had like all this crazy stuff and

I’m trying to think like it’s an interesting thought exercise guys to really sit back and go okay let’s go back to 1985 1990 that that range like what what exists now where you’d be like oh my God like I can tell you right now one would be having having

Your entire music collection in your phone that you could play wirelessly uh to to your your car or anywhere having uh not having to write down addresses or directions having a map just just I think the phone itself that’s it that would be the biggest thing where you’re like you’re a wizard

Harry like what is that all about I mean there was a time and you know we’re dating ourselves here but like literally I would know you’re like I would know people’s phone numbers just because you have to dial it and like you remember it and you don’t look it up because hey

It’s blah blah blah blah blah blah blah and then now it’s like ah just punch up Carmichael Dave and I’ll call you I I’ve I’ve said this before we had a we had this like white cabinet in uh this corner of our house where they had a

Phone next to it was the phone that my sister and I the only phone we were allowed to use to call our friends and we would write in Sharpie on the inside of the cabinet where no one could see we would write down phone numbers of friends I and we’d have this whole

Address book uh a list of you know anytime you’re going to somebody’s house okay how do I get get there okay turn left on fero Boulevard then you want to take a right on Julie Lane and you know you’re writing a little r with the circle and the whole thing and then you

Have this like map that you wrote down and now it’s just dude with and I’m a guy who gets lost in Carmichael like I I have no sense of direction whatsoever that’s no joke so um thank goodness thank you uh Steve Jobs and friends and uh you know all that stuff remember when

The information Super Highway was Upon Us in the Clinton years Jason it was it was almost here was almost here the uh uh my mom told me when I was learning how to drive that hey you need to pay attention to where you’re going because

You’re not going to be able to have a map in front of you all the time and you’re going to need to know directions everywhere parents are great dude well wasn’t wrong at the time no I have never not had Map Quest right you you you you have this map on your

Phone I will say that I did have to print them out back in the day I had to learn how to drive on a stick shift because my dad insisted I would be a better driver if I that it would come in handy to drive a stick and I also had

To learn before I was allowed to drive the very first time on my own I had to be a I literally he tested me I had to go outside we we had all the stuff and I had to change my own oil because you got

To know how to change your oil you have to know how to drive a stick oh and you have to know how to change your tire I had to do all three of those before I could pass the test and be able to drive and it’s not like it’s a bad thing to

Know those things but that’s what Jiffy Loop’s for that’s what that’s what the roadside assistance is for like I I’m changing my stupid Tire says the guy that’s about to get a flat tire in the middle of nowhere and forget how to change it uh the Jets lost to the Browns

Last night uh 37-2 and uh Amari Cooper fans are are sad if you’re in fantasy because he did not play Bree Hall fans are probably pretty darn happy he had a nice game David joke who had six catches and 134 yards but it kind of caught me

Jason why are we not talking about the Cleveland Browns more as a a a country why why are we not talking about other than the Lions or maybe along with the Lions the biggest lovable losers a team that lost um DeShaun Watson a team that lost uh Nick chub to that horrific

Injury a team that is starting a guy that was eating Fritos on the couch a few weeks ago and Joe flacka who happens to be a former Super Bowl champion who has come in and just in the year of Baker Mayfield’s being successful has come in and just lit that that world on

Fire three touchdowns 309 yards last night Supreme middle-aged dad performance I don’t know if you saw him getting hugs after the game from everybody but I think I counted three oh there he is when he was greeting other people which is 100% middle-aged dad uh why are we not talking about this team

That is 11 and five and 8 and one excuse me six and one at home yeah and espec especially um their coach Kevin stefansky to have this team where they are to clinch a playoff birth to have them um with four different quarterbacks this year I mean that’s incredible in

The toughest division they’re right there with the Ravens and they’ve hung with the Steelers and Bengals I mean that division is brutal and they’ve got good wins right we know they beat the Niners earlier this year just all the way through here and it I don’t know it

Was the team that for years was The Lovable losers they had those winless years and those one win years and then they got that hype for like about a two-year stretch like this is the year the brown could win the Super Bowl and like whoa what what’s going on here and

Now they’ve just kind of settled back in and I think this is maybe everybody’s kind of forgotten about him that’s the thing we I speaking of being old enough we’re old enough to remember when what was it Bud Light released all these fridges full of beer when the Browns got

Their first win speaking of B Baker Mayfield who led them to uh you know the the year where they they were able to make the playoffs and I apologize I read it wrong because I’m I’m used to there being 16 games they are the Browns are

Eight and one yeah at home this year they’re 11 and five um and Jason they have obviously a chance uh not just to go 12 and five their their last game is at Cincinnati a game they will most likely be favored in when you look at the playoff picture in the AFC

Especially uh they are right there Jason they’re currently the five seed uh and that’s just because of Divisions they have the third best record in the AFC behind the Dolphins and Ravens and it’s it’s I think it’s one of the better NFL stories that we’re weirdly not spending

A ton of time on yeah if you go like I always like to look at like win resume so who have you beaten in this stretch well they got to win against the Bengals the ners yeah uh the Ravens the Steelers the Jags um they could get the season

Sweep of the Bengals if they win the final game so look they’ve taken care of a pretty tough schedule um I don’t know how far they could go in the postseason but they’re there and that’s what’s important we’ll take a break speaking to the ners Brock pie had the stinker uh a

Lot of people were waiting on that happened last week his press conference yesterday I thought was quite Illuminating when you talk about the individual himself we got a handful of clips of those and then if we have an opportunity we’ll get to some uh of the rest of the local top stories don’t

Forget by the way Dave Richards going to join us at 7:27 Brendan Nunes uh King’s Insider will join us at 8 then of course Greg Papa the voice of the Niners to break everything down in a long segment at 9:00 a.m. it’s Carmichael Dave Jason Ross Chris for love right back with

Brock py next the Sacramento Kings Road Trip continues Friday in Atlanta the Simona’s back door cut Ken off the bounce with a two hand flush catch the kings of the Hawks Friday at 4:30 on your home of the Kings sack Town Sports every 40 seconds a child is reported

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From the power business technology TOA Studios spce the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 339 1140 it’s

The Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports hour number two of four Carmichael Dave Jason Ross we get Brock pretty’s presser in just a second for those of you watching on YouTube all right unpaid engineer Ryan on the chat who generally comments on our audio is there

Now seems to be a controversy Jason as to whether or not I might be in the Bonville Studios with a green screen behind me right and he’s commenting on the uh the lights I’m using now let me just I’m in the backyard of where I’m at and the big

Reason is I have a whole set of families sleeping inside the only other choice I had was to go in the garage and then it would sound echoey like I was in the back bathro I can’t necessarily turn the uh I’m afraid to turn the computer around because I don’t want to unplug

Anything but we have a a really uh nice setup here lighting wise I’ll grab the light I’m using a lamp that I took the shade off of okay I’m using that because it’s dark when I start the program here and uh and just to just to prove to to

To Ryan real quick as Chris gets the pry Clips ready I want Ryan who who works in the business to tell me how how I would CGI this I’ve I’ve put a pool floaty behind me okay so I’m going to what I’m gonna do here is I’m gonna I’m gonna go

Throw this floaty in the pool right now just to prove it okay so Dave’s doing this right now it’s great that he filmed this before look like he was doing it that smart pal I know smarty pants well Dave Chris and I just let out your secret what this you filmed this

Yesterday this is actually video and we’re making it seem like it’s live oh dear uh I am inar I am in Southern California for the week that’s a nice enough time to uh remind everyone that uh I I’m I’m down here I’ll be back uh what we’re off

Monday uh Tuesday Wednesday we’ll be doing shows I’ll still be down here then uh uh the same thing with Wednesday Thursday uh we will all be in studio and then it will be these fellas uh for uh the following week and who knows what kind of fun and hij Jinks will ensue and

I don’t care what the bosses say I’m going to try to check in from England guys if that’s okay with you and Chris I’ll have a full update for you on the Manchester City game match it’s a match and it’s a pitch it is you were a kit it’s a

Kit you you have no idea or maybe you do have quite the idea as to how personnic they get over that matches pitches and they don’t like it when you say they’re not using the right word correctly I just remind them of a guy named Corin Wallace and what happened

Last time they stepped up to us you know what I’m saying the last time they stepped up to us they burned down the White House well the time before that the one that we the one that we make the most movies about um Brock P’s a movie

He’s a walking living movie a wonderful story uh a guy who uh up till last week was the front runner for the MVP and now apparently might get cut uh According to some people he had his press conference yesterday his first real extended remarks Jason you’ve got the audio there

I know we have three Clips if you wouldn’t mind taking us through yeah first Brock talks about the loss and uh basically what he took away from it I mean it’s huge for me um you know the whole season right build building up to like what they’re saying is a huge

Game on Christmas Monday Night Football and all that um and it was a big game and so um you know for me it’s a great learning experience just in terms of you know not you know buying into what’s going on around and what’s being said um instead you know executing you know in

The moment making the right reads being consistent um protecting the ball um all those things man such a good learning experience and it’s not to say I’m going to be perfect moving forward like it’s football man you’re not perfect but um for me I think it was huge just in terms

Of you know being a quarterback in this league when things are going well people can say some great things and and uh it’s easy to buy into it a little bit but man you got to put your head down go to work have that chip on your shoulder

Still and and still prove to yourself that you know you got to continue to show your teammates that you’re the guy week in and week out so definitely something for me to learn from how do you not love him exactly how do you how do you not love him how do

You not want to just give him a hug and tell him it’s going to be okay and then Pat him on the rump and say get out there champ yeah I mean look this organization basically felt like they’ve been Super Bowl contenders here for a couple of years and they struck at

A time where they thought they could make a big move in the draft and they went for Trey Lance uh and somewhere somewhere they were thinking look maybe the quarterback play is keeping us from doing this whether it was Garoppolo or Lance and then now it’s Pie and I I

Don’t feel like that’s the spot they’re in now I don’t think feel like the quarterback’s holding him back certainly he didn’t have a good game on Monday but he’s been a humongous part of their success do you sorry about that do you feel I know you’re not you know Niner

Fan per se but you follow this team incredibly closely I feel more comfortable about the quarterback position then I have I would say at least since Jimmy Garoppo’s first you know his first full season when they came out of the box super strong I you know I I hindsight’s 2020 but let’s be

Honest Jimmy Garoppolo and the 49ers were a half if not a quarter away from being Super Bowl champions and we would rewrite a lot of Jimmy garoppolo’s history with this team I felt comfortable there but the the again I have to compare everything I have to analogize everything I almost

Feel like the Super Bowl Jimmy Garoppolo was a little bit like damont sabonis in the playoffs wonderful player love him to death definitely belongs in his a huge reason why you get there but there were some things that were exposed when you got down to the nitty-gritty

And both domas and Jimmy’s cases and I don’t feel that way I don’t feel like there’s something about Brock pie that is ultimately an Achilles heel that is going to prevent them from winning a Super Bowl I feel like he very much can lead this team to a Super Bowl

Championship I totally agree I think you know we look at at Jimmy Garoppolo in the Super Bowl but I I would say even just the breadcrumbs that we were getting along the way Dave I think there were certain games like man he’s got to make that throw and maybe they still won

The game and maybe it was a game in September that didn’t mean as much but I always felt like Jimmy garopp all his strengths were great a winner a leader um didn’t really screw things up that much it was just there there was a lot of good things and they had a good

Team and he was a big part of it but I felt like man if they’re down and could he lead him down to a score and he did before but I I didn’t trust it let’s put it that way where now um I don’t look at

Anything that Brock pie does where I say he is limiting their chances now I think if they get into the playoffs and he doesn’t perform well those questions will come up but he has consistently performed well this year been more times than not he’s had a handful of bad game

Maybe a really small maybe one to two um and so he he’s a part of why they’re where they are I think he’s a big part of their future I think he’s going to get better and not every quarterback can win the Super Bowl so if that’s now the

Group he’s in like if that’s the final measurement for him then he’s kind of arrived like if it’s oh he hasn’t wanton a Super Bowl well okay there’s a lot of people that haven’t but the fact that you put him there and think he can do it

I think speaks volumes to him and not that he’s that guy Jason but to your point Joe flacko won a Super Bowl um you know we can go back through uh Trent delers of the world you know no disrespect to them but they weren’t blowing the doors off from a quarterback

Standpoint and this is a guy that was the MVP front runner last week that’s what I’m saying there there’s there’s nothing about him where I go oh that could be a limitation they could expose his decision making his arm his ability to fit passes uh there uh in in tough

Places his Mobility there’s nothing that jumps out at me about Brock perty I know we have more audio to get to there’s nothing that jumps out where I go oh it’s not GNA happen yeah here’s more from pry about uh trying to find that fine line between being aggressive and

Taking care of the ball the games that I’ve played in you know um there’s a fine line of obviously ripping something that’s tight tight window or tight contested but at the same time being smart with the ball um in the situation of wherever the game is

At um and so for myself like I’ve played in enough games where I think I understand when and where I can be aggressive and and take a chance take a shot and when I should progress check it down throw it away those kinds of things

Um like I said it’s sort of just it’s a situational kind of thing and football is a game of situations and so that’s where um I have to grow and continue to bank on experiences that I’ve that I’ve gone through um but at the same time being a quarterback

In the NFL you got to be able to take some some chances and and some some risks and some windows at the right time and um that’s what I’m learning right now all right then one more Dave I I just want to get to this one just because what it’s labeled it’s labeled

Hat here we go every play has a life of its own you have to take it one play at a time and not try to win the game by a couple big plays um and when I’m thinking like that I just wasn’t in the right state of mind you know towards the

End when we’re trying to get back into it so um that that’s the learning experience So nah I did not just happened to be yeah no I had a hat head hat head coming in here so put it on forward yeah that too I do a little growing up all right nice that’s obviously a call back to uh uh who was it Colin coward saying he

Wants his quarterbacks wearing their hats forward that that’s the second most cringy quarterback analysis we’ve heard this year uh I don’t even know who she was but somebody on some show yesterday saying in regards to Lamar Jackson she wants her quarterbacks more quarterbacking that’s a real thing that happened okay more quarterbacking Jason

Sure we’ll take a break when we come back quick break here just one minute three for madness brought to you by fire Wings it’s Kings related we’ll talk about additions possibly to the team uh and also tonight’s game against the Atlanta Hawks don’t go away it’s the

Home of the Kings sack toown Sports it’s a huge NFC battle Saturday night in Dallas as the Cowboys host the Detroit Lions playoff positioning is on the line Saturday at 5: get all the playby playay right here on sack toown Sports and Sack toown Mr CLE Mr CLE of course I use

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95814 online at Cordell three questions three answers it’s three for madness on the car Michael Dave show with Jason Ross here’s question one Dave Richard will join us for the final time day I think the final time this year I mean probably may maybe I don’t know

We’ll figure we’ll figure it out this week or next week I guess we should figure it out before he comes on so we can say goodbye Jason what do you think final time or do we have a wrap-up one next week well I just don’t know what

Fantasy wise I mean this is pretty much anybody’s championship week right yeah would yeah unless you’re if you’re in a league whose Championship is next week you need to get out of that League unless well like I’m in one that it’s total points all the way through which I

Prefer oh I I take it back that’s a different story we have we have two P like there’s a head-to-head and then the total points which I really like that I agree with you because then you don’t get screwed by having the second best record in the points in the week and

Losing to the one with the top points all right so three for madness brought to you by fire Wings Jason uh we will get to Dave Richard in just a few minutes in the meantime Chris ver lot question one please okay Andrew Wiggins realistic upgrade at the three

Or a younger Harrison Barnes Jason we brought this up yesterday we talked to Sam am a little bit about it’s it’s with the kaminga wiggin situation and Andrew’s having a bad year this year uh look there are the players that you absolutely want the the dream players

Whether it’s a you know Lavine Kinga or Le kaminga LaVine marinan Mel Bridges what whatever it may be and then you have players that you go could they help and are they attainable I think Andrew Wiggins would be attainable I think he’d be attainable at a a pretty decent price

We looked at his contract yesterday it’s a decent contract low 20s uh he will be 29 in February this is a guy who has shown to be a capable defender on the Warriors a guy who uh can hit from outside but I can’t shake the idea this isn’t necessarily a

Bad thing but from a playing standpoint are is it is it a lateral move with Harrison Barnes I I do think it would be an upgrade but not that significant and it’s not one that that would excite me that much to be honest so I mean it would be I feel like minimal

Upgrade yeah and and then would that minimal upgrade justify whatever you would have to you know I don’t look if they would do Harrison Barnes for Andrew Wiggins straight up I think we’d probably do that but I think you and I both know that’s not going to be the

Case and then will that prevent you from another upgrade you look at guys like mati tyel with Portland that’s that’s a name I’ve liked for years and years who gives you next to nothing offensively but plays you know all first all second team defense each and every year again

There’s the dream fun conversations and then there’s the boring but perhaps effective conversations and I think yeah this falls in the lad question two please question two is there any part of you that believes Monty sang Pat on the roster is the way to go instinctively

No but this goes back to the New Year’s resolution from yesterday you know money hasn’t been perfect of course he hasn’t been perfect but he’s been pretty damn good uh he’s been pretty darn close uh and even his most controversial move halberton and and sabonis is we’ve

Talked about at nauseum worked out for both teams we all jumped on Monty last year the fan base uh a lot of us myself for standing Pat at the trade deadline and you know what they had a phenomenal record after the trade deadline made the playoffs and took the

Warriors to seven games now obviously expectations change and you want to advance but look nobody knows this roster nobody knows his team like Monty mcir and his crew nobody is more motivated to get to a championship like Monty MCD and his crew so that past record does help me a little bit saying

You know what in Monty We Trust he’s the one that knows the landscape he’s the one on the phone with the GMS he’s not going to rush anything and maybe there is a method to his Madness if we’re sitting here Jason in two months and like we talked about yesterday the Ks

Are playing top 15 uh defense and their offense wakes up and herder starts making his shots and other guys start getting on board and maybe we go wow look at what Monty did and he said I’d rather have a guy in his frame of mind that doesn’t Sway With The Tides uh than

Somebody as we’ve seen before that makes moves based on uh what fans and others think in the media yeah I I think my my first thought is no I think they I don’t feel good about them standing Pat but I I have to remind myself and I think we

All need to remind ourselves that this really does go in cycles and in different stretches so that the answer right now is is no to me but um I’m go back Dave to let me see when this was uh November 8th through November 19th just

A little over a month a month and a half ago kings were two and four after two losses to Houston beat Portland OKC Cleveland La San Antonio smash Dallas they’re eight and four winners of six in a row we’re going man Trey ly is still out they’ve been banged up a little bit

Wait till they’re healthy like this here we go we’re feeling really good about the team so uh but then the quick reminder right after that they get punked twice by New Orleans so we we started to see when that up and down nature of this team is been so you know

If they stick with this for a while in the next month they play you know 60 to 65% basketball I think we’ll feel differently but I don’t think you can get totally comfortable with the squad I think we see some flaws and I think those need to be addressed question three please

Chris Kings vers says Hawks tonight who you got it’s time to pull out the big guns Jason uhoh desperate times call for desperate measures do it Kings one8 Hawks 131 Trey young 38 points 15 assists Fox and sabonis combined for 70 and I know we’ll get into some of this

In three and the key um Jeffy Loop Drive of the game is a Malik monk alley to Javale McGee but in the end the Kings fall to the Hawks as they generally do throughout history as we covered yesterday go ahead Homer okay I didn’t want to do this it’s time to bring out

The big guns desperate Times call for Des measures yeah and I’m going to use a prop for this hang on one second okay all right here we go Jason is turning around he just oh he shoving Christian McCaffrey unceremoniously to the side oh no no he’s not he’s not going Revenge Revenge game no red

Velino on fire Mur wait play that again Kevin herder what’s that from that’s Kevin Durant talking about Kevin herder oh Kevin stick together yeah look at that you know what he does look motivated Jason he looks he’s holding out the basketball he’s got his black headband on is this a

Black headband night for Kevin hter what is uh I mean we could always save it for three for but or three in the key but um you’re expecting a huge performance out of him tonight huh a Revenge game I am are you uh how Kevin I can hear that

Uh Kevin how do you feel about your performance so far this season uh honestly uh it’s been a little up and down but um I’m gonna try to prove that I’m not allergic to 30 you know the funny thing is I’m laughing because I honest I can’t tell

Is is that Jason Ross doing a herder impersonation or is that actually Kevin herder in Studio returning for the Red Velvet Lounge is that you Kevin yes uh incidentally last year in your initial Revenge game you were four of 10 for 13 points uh why you bringing up old

Stuff why why is it going to be different tonight were you a little nervous the first go round lemon pepper [Laughter] wings all right then Kevin herder leading the Sacramento Kings to a victory you didn’t want to do it but you brought it out you brought out the big

Red guns yes what just happened no he didn’t yes he did he did we’ll take a break when we come back Dave Richards CBS Sports your final chance to get your questions answered from uh old Davey as uh he breaks down the final week for most in fantasy

Football we’ll get to all that next the Sacramento Kings Road Trip continues Friday in Atlanta the simonis back door cut Keegan off the bounce with a two hand flush C the kings of the Hawks Friday at 4:30 on your home of the Kings sack Town Sports Sacramento weather is

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Jason Mark Twain used to write for the Sacramento union did you know that I did not yeah Mark Twain that is not a joke back when he lived on jackass Hill also not a joke oh Sam Clemens no to Roger welcome back in Dave Jason Ross chrisopher L the final show of

2023 and it has been a banger as the kids say it slaps as the kids say and speaking of slapping joining us right now from CBS Sports the one the only the lovely The Talented hopefully enjoying his holiday period and driving down towards the down the stretch they come

In fantasy football and Dave Richard leading the way for so many of you good morning David it’s well Dave and Jason how are you I’m doing all right it’s great to talk to Jason leader of the show and Dave of course you a Sacramento Legend a king’s icon uh broadcasting

Career doing great I mean there’s so many things that they could just put on your Tombstone someday oh and and when they do it it would be a carmichel engrave when it’s done godam it that’s just did it yeah perfect year you know entire year you know we should have done

If we were uh responsible show hosts we should have clipped up all of them all of them yeah and just played them all I can just read them all again if you want I’ve got I don’t have that one the one I just did ritten down because I

Really think it’s like a like a four out of 10 but the rest of them I’ve got I’ll email them to you interesting choice that you went for car and Grave instead of Carmichael’s grave that’s where I thought you were actually I did too yeah well I’ve done grave already that was on

The Halloween edition I didn’t want to replicate Dave yeah hey hey for those whose fantasy football teams aren’t in the grave yet uh are you encouraging everyone because I’ve seen this on your Twitter account I do follow you are you encouraging everyone as your uh do something good to wrap up

2023 uh everyone should pick up Nick chub and put him on the roster just so that he has a chance at a ring so I’ve been doing this for several years recommending that everybody that’s in the fantasy Championship you’ll do anything you can to win your fantasy

League so why not add a little good luck Karma if you will to your fantasy bench and and the reality is that you know who your starters are going to be maybe there’s one or two positions where you don’t necessarily know exactly who it’ll be and you’ll make a decision but

There’s got to be somebody on your bench maybe it’s a a second DST you’re carrying or a backup QB you know you’re not going to need them so add a player who you think can bring you good luck back in the day it was Tim TBO for me

And we’ve run through a bunch of other players John mie was that guy last year remember he was battling cancer Maris Goodwin had a family tragedy we wanted to win a fantasy Championship with him and this year was Nick chub but here’s the problem Dave and J I don’t think you

Can add Nick chub because his team played on Thursday so we need to find another player that people can put on their bench for good luck here are my suggestions okay first is is JK Dobbins it’s just like Nick chub a player that we love who got hurt let’s go win a ring

With JK Dobbins what about Teddy Bridgewater who’s pretty much well-liked around football circles he says he’s going to retire this year let’s win a ring for Teddy and this one’s kind of obvious and and we used the same guy last year but if you’re in a league that starts individual defensive players idps

Demar Hamlin why not use him of course yeah of course I mean if you’re looking for ring success would it be out of out of pocket to add someone that’s not even in the league like Tom Brady of course listen if he’s available and you want to

Have the goat on your bench and give him his seventh ring uh or a ring I guess shoot he won one with Tampa Yeah by all means it really it comes down to first of all do you believe in karma do you believe in Good Luck are you willing to

Do all kinds of goofy crap to win your fantasy league if the answer is yes and it should be yes then why not just have a little bit more fun with it make it fun I added Barry Sanders by the way still I don’t know how you can he’s available in your

League yeah there’s still that one guy Dave that thinks he’s gonna come back this is the Year this is the year we all know that guy I think we’re past that now uh let’s see just some quick questions for you in general um Chris olve uh and Mike Evans are on my guy’s

Team he says should he start Carr or Mayfield for the stack I like I like Mayfield more than Carr I just think he’s a little safer I think both these quarterbacks have been playing really well lately the secret to each of them is as follows with Baker it’s been involving Chris Godwin more

We’ve seen Godwin getting a ton of targets but Evans numbers have been great too so I think that that’s really helped Baker Mayfield and for Carr it’s not having to leave the field for Tamm Hill as much as he did earlier in the year Hill isn’t at 100%

This is a difficult matchup for any of the Saints players to run on so I can’t imagine tames Hill is going to be on the field a lot that’s a great thing for Derek Carr who’s actually scored 26 fantasy points in back-to-back games this is also a great matchup for both

Quarterbacks because both of these teams secondaries pass rushes not that great it shouldn’t hurt the quarterbacks at all but I do have Mayfield ahead of Derk car Dave we’ve got let’s see here start two Nai Sutton Montgomery or Higgins I’m going to start well well there’s so many variables in there I

Think Montgomery almost has to be in there I’m not expecting Sutton to play Higgins if there’s no Jamar Chase would be the other guy but if Jamar Chase plays and that obviously hurts Higgins and then I guess I’d go with nii I don’t love it because he’s been so touched on

Dependent this year but Seattle’s run defense has really fallen off and I think the Steelers have really found something with Mason Rudolph under Center meaning that he can attack downfield the Seahawks are going to respect that they won’t drop the safety into the box it should make it a little

Bit easier for the Steelers to run the football hey Rich joining us you know let me back up for a second you and I will forever be linked and and and in love with our guy Al Alfred Morris and I I love that through the years we have

Picked up on on certain Trends certain players certain things randomly I was thinking about you this week uh when I was thinking about a player you mentioned earlier Mike Evans should should we establish an award or is there perhaps already one established I I Feel Like Mike

Evans deserves his own unique place in the annals of fantasy football a guy that he’s like the and I mean no offense by this but he’s like the Hyundai Elantra of of fantasy football players like no one’s no one’s going crazy over their new Hyundai Elantra but you know

What it gets you to where you want to go it’s super comfortable it it it’s a pleasure to drive around in all he does is have thousand yard years and 10 plus touchdown years every single year and and I don’t know is there another player that compares to that that gets that

People just feel so greasy about drafting every year I think there have been many receivers that have been in that same sort of ilk Tyler Lockett seems to be that guy every year that nobody really feels good about drafting him and then he ends up being pretty

Good by the time the season’s over Jarvis landre used to be that guy Herman Moore how about that as someone who used to be that guy in fantasy and I think the the bigger lesson to take here is when when there seems to be a consensus about these older wide receivers who

Have been great for Fantasy before but people are worried about them just because they’re old maybe you shouldn’t be maybe you should just give them a chance and and I wonder if Devonte Adams falls into that next year I don’t know whose quarterback’s going to be I can’t even say for sure

Which team he’s going to be on next year but I wonder if Devon ads assuming that he doesn’t go to the Jets because if he goes to the Jets and he’s back with Aaron Rogers everybody’s gonna pile onto that bandwagon but let’s say he stays with the Raiders and it’s a new

Quarterback maybe a rookie yeah I I think people will be a little bit nervous to trust Devonte Adams but you know when you’re a great receiver you’re a great receiver and the dude had put up some terrible games with Aden mconnell and some amazing games with Aden lonell

And maybe you should just trust in the talent when it comes to wide receivers especially older wide receivers because they’re not quite like running backs their their fallof age tends to be after 30 years old especially the good ones and so you just have to kind of keep

That in mind and that’s where you find Value in drafts I had Evans on a bunch of my teams it was one of my best picks at some point it was like maybe the middle of August guys I started to look at him and say he’s falling too far like

I know Baker Mayfield’s as quarterback and everybody’s nervous about him we felt the exact same damn way about Gino Smith in Seattle in the 2022 season and so there’s gonna be receivers like that next year and I just say you know what if the receiver’s talented and we’ve

Seen them pull through multiple times before trust them again and take advantage of that value in drafts Dave I don’t know if this is a silly question but the fact that if you’ve made it to your Championship you’ve probably done things right for the most part in your

Rosters helped helped help you get there but being that it’s week 16 and there’s so many backup quarterbacks playing it feels like one or two of them are going to have like the week where you go man who would have ever seen that coming would you risk anything like that or is

It just playing with fire you mean like with Joe Flaco right like yeah I mean you’re right um the one that stands out to me is jiren Hall of the Minnesota Vikings because I I just feel like he’s a capable quarterback who’s familiar with running that offense actually looked

Pretty good running it in the limited time we saw him who’s got great receivers or at least one in Justin Jefferson we’ll see if Jordan adderson plays a healthy offensive line not the best Run game to go with it but a coach who gets aggressive and in a great

Matchup against Green Bay that’s probably going to be without its best linebacker and is definitely going to be without its best corner because he made a selfish move at the coin toss last week that’s G Alexander so I know it sounds crazy it’s a rookie it’s his

Second start first start he had he got hurt in but I kind of feel like he’s the one out of all of these backup quarterbacks that could go out there and have 250 yards and a couple of touchdowns Dave Richard with us you know you tweeted something yesterday that

Caught my eye a little bit it was you responding to a tweet by Breece Hall the second year running back for the New York Jets and Bree had basically said get your get your laughs out now wait till next year uh and and you responded saying something the effect of most

Likely a first round pick and I you know probably probably excuse me and uh you know he’s played in every game this year you know those might remember he was having a a really good rookie year and suffered that that very bad injury is bounce back uh 800 plus yards four

Touchdowns on the ground uh and then maybe even more impressive almost 600 yards through the air uh receiving and another four touchdowns what would he he has been you know excuse me I hit the sound button there on my thing uh guys like him and

Then I would even throw in like uh Devon aan uh there’s these handful of running backs that just show such promise what would keep him assuming it by the way we have a healthy Aaron Rogers in New York what would keep him out of the first round for you is my

Question I think if the Jets make a move at running back and bring in another player to try and take some work off I’m kind of like what Seattle did when they drafted Zack shanet that would make me nervous add Dev Adams adding a big piece at wide receiver yeah would make me

Nervous um if their defense I don’t know maybe even if their defense doesn’t get worse I don’t know if that would mean anything uh and if something happens with Aaron Rogers where he somehow does not play next year that would also throw Bree Hall sass into question but I was

The guy telling you to draft him I I know that running backs coming off of an ACL usually they underperform in the year after and I just thought that Bree Hall was a different type of cat I like that he was working hard in practice I

Had heard I kind of got a little tip that he was going to be utilized uh and and his role would grow and that absolutely happened and he hasn’t been the perfect fantasy running back he’s had a couple of dud weeks but I thought he was worth that late round four in the

Round five pick because of his talent because of what he could do in the passing game and I’m sure glad I had him on a bunch of my team Dave because a lot of those teams are playing for a championship this week it’s going to be

Very important for us to look for that next guy in 2024 and it you know Nick chub makes sense as being that player JK Dobbins probably less so but chub coming back from the ACL kind of an older running back he’s gonna be 20 he just turned 28

But he’s on a team that does like to run the football and we’ll use him he’s going to be an interesting guy we had a debate on our podcast this morning about where we would draft Nick chub next year I’m gonna ask you guys first where would

You take Nick chub next year coming off the ACL at 28 years of age first round wow Jason I’d be a little bit later I’d be I’d be reserved because I feel like there’s other guys that pick ahead of him so third round third round okay so I said round three my colleague

Jamie Eisenberg said not even round five like way late so he’s gonna be out on Nick chub and I get it but once we once July comes around and that dude’s flying around at Browns practice and he’s going to be the main guy who’s going to get

All the high value touches it’s going to be hard to resist him it’s going to be easy to resist him in round one and round two which is where he was going these past few years but I think round three I think Jason’s right I think

That’s where I would expect to see Nick chub next year we’re talking about it by the way and and this is what y’all are missing and this is why I said round one because I would put the over under at about seven and a half the amount of

Instagram videos we’re going to see of Nick chub with uh a Ford Escort on his shoulders squatting it as as he comes back uh two and a half motivational videos of him working out and we’re talking about a guy let me just throw it out there fellas uh his last four years

He’s been in the league uh what six his last four years uh, 1500 1300 1,000 and 1500 yards on the ground that thousand by the way he played in just 12 games Nick chub is about as close to you know we talked about the hyai Elantra and

Mike Evans Nick chub’s a guy that you can unless he gets hurt he’s a and by the way you’ll remember you’re a college football guy he got hurt at Georgia this is a guy that shown he can bounce back from injury and this is a guy that that

Is you can pretty much put in the bank 12200 yards and eight touchdowns every year I all the more reason to take a take the value on him if it happens that way in drafts you take the value on them all right that’s Dave Richard got him Dave um

I’m sad because this is our final week and uh you know you’ve served with us for so many many years and I know that every year I tell Jason all the time because I hate summer I dislike baseball I think it’s all boring that there are certain um harbingers of the future that

Tell me that summer is on the way the winter solstice a few days ago was one of them the uh NFL having games on Saturday uh is one of them saying goodbye to Dave Richard is one of the things tells me that before I know it

It’s going to be 108 and sticky in Sacramento uh so it’s a it’s a Bittersweet day because we we say goodbye uh yet also thank you for um all of your fun and hij Jinks and um onliners at the beginning of the shows sure well listen it’s sad for me too

Because I always enjoy talking to you guys and Dave I know how it is like you would absolutely have me on during the off season but Jason probably not and you know what that’s Jason loss that is oh wow I mean well done it’s just out with

A bang yeah out with a bang hey uh real quick Dave since we like to trade fun stories did you know that you can um you’re only allowed to laugh so loud in Hawaii there’s actually a law against laughing loud in Hawaii did you know that yeah it’s a

Loha and then you’re gonna do Mahalo next right yeah you did this last time we talked all right I have to work on let’s do the matalam joke we’re gonna release the Dave Richard best of here in the next few days in the meantime uh where can people

See here and watch you not just now but let’s go with the offseason as well yeah I mean we just wrapped on our podcast I talked about it we’re already starting to look at 2024 fantasy so if you’re not playing for a fantasy Championship this year uh our podcast and our YouTube live

Streams will be there three days a week at minimum during the off season tons of Dynasty fantasy football content tons of reactions to all the NFL news and we believe that it is a true secret to winning at Fantasy Football paying attention during the offseason don’t be

The loser that runs to the convenience store grabs a fantasy Magazine on their way to their Fantasy Football Draft pay attention all offseason long it helps stay in the know it helps you form opinions on players and it helps you win fantasy leagues Go to and like And subscribe the Fantasy Football

Today podcast as we say goodbye to Dave for another Well Done year as we uh go to break Dave I’ll leave you with this bit of advice from mukie Wilson former Mets player when I’m in a slump I comfort Myself by saying if I believe in dinosaurs then somewhere they must be

Believing in me and if they believe believe in me than I can believe in me then I bust out Dave it’s been a wonderful year appreciate you and we will talk to you in August you’re the pterodactyl in my life Dave anytime you need to kill 15 minutes give me a call

The p is silent my friend talk to you soon have a great offseason thank you that’s uh Dave Richard yeah yeah yeah love him me too good guy we’ll take a break when we come back don’t forget uh Greg papa is going to join us for

Ners at n Brandon uh brandan Nunes the our sack toown Sports Kings Insider uh will join us at 800 a.m as we do a lot of previewing not just of the game tonight uh but also we’ll talk trade season I’m sure when we come back let’s

Go around the NBA a couple of absolutely breathtaking performances uh and one that almost was with your Detroit Pistons we’ll get to all that next trying to find out where to catch your favorite team’s games are you a fan of the Kings ners and the NFL well sack Down Sports has you covered

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It’s no secret to golf enthusiasts that Timber Creek and Sierra Pines in Roseville are one of the Region’s most unique and Scenic places to enjoy a great game of golf 27 holes boundless options elevate your game on our newly renovated driving range putting green and chipping area whether you’re aiming

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Guard 128 to 122 yeah it was 6647 66 to 47 yesterday uh at halftime in Boston and you you thought my goodness is it going to happen well it didn’t but didn’t expect that imagine taking the money line on the Pistons and having him win how much he would have won I know

Right to to be bold enough to do it and then you’re thinking you’re gonna get it done and then ultimately uh the Pistons pistoned the Pistons pistoned yeah they did uh Victor wanyama and this is a quick segment here forgive us here uh Victor wanyama had himself quite the game yesterday it’s

Funny the Spurs proved you can go into Portland and win by the way I did not know that was possible yeah 118 105 uh Victor wanyama the first time a teenager has ever had a line anything like this he had 30 points six rebounds six assists and seven blocks W in 24

Minutes and he out blocked the Blazers 7 to4 he has equaled or out blocked the opposing team times this year you know what I did I did one of those player comparisons because he’s 19 years old I I’m comparing his rookie year to LeBron james’ rookie year don’t do that that’s

Going to get you going down a rabbit hole Victor wanyama who may not even be the favorite right now for Rookie of the Year I’m not sure I think it’s Chad hren uh certainly having this kid as we’ve always said Jason if he stays healthy uh

He’s a Sure Fire first ballot Hall of Famer in my opinion yeah and um you know the response game for the the Blazers after they played the Kings and beat them dwap wreath didn’t play are you he didn’t yeah he had back sorus but still he hasn’t been playing that

Much uh finally because we do need to go to break I just want to point this out Nicole yic yesterday the best player on the planet and uh I will not you go argue with your mom if you disagree uh nicolea yic yesterday had himself a triple double that is not anything

Interesting for him 26 points 14 boards 10 assists two blocks however he went 11 for 11 from the field one of one from behind the arc and three of three from the line yes that’s right he had himself a perfect game triple double he is now

The only person in NBA history to have done this twice Jason Ross by the way he was 18 of 18 from the free throw line the game before he didn’t do it once he did it twice the game of basketball yeah take a break when we come back we will talk the game

Of basketball with our good friend brandan Nunes who is our sack toown Sports one of our sack Town Sports Kings insiders we will look ahead to tonight and uh we’ll also talk about the uh the Kings as a whole take a break we’ll come back on your home of the Kings sapt Down

Sports the 49ers have secured their playoff birth and now they chase the nfc’s top seat birie out of the shotgun looks lap throws end zone caugh K in the back of the end zone touchdown San Francisco check out all the 49ers games with Greg Papa and Tim

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From the power business technology to shba Studios your Flagship station for the beam can we light the bean light the bean baby Sports the carmichel Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the

Microphone and then boom with Jason Ross no he didn’t yes he did oh oh okay we’re still efforting at the moment what what what is going on we we have uh you know we have uh sack toown Sports the Next Generation uh at the station guys like Frankie Emil Brendan I

Think this is Brendan’s first one but what is it with these uh these kids today missing their spots on the show I don’t know I mean correct me if I’m wrong but whether he shows up or not what wouldn’t this make haven’t all three of them now missed their spots

Over the last three weeks one or the other maybe has that happened well Frankie and I know like you know there’s a sickness in there somewhere yeah um but I believe Frankie missed his and Emil I know missed his and then uh and then Brendan the Brendan’s the the

Reliable one out of all those he’s the one that’s not out partying you know who never missed a spot with us Chris Watkins you know what Chris Watkins is doing now he’s hosting a midday show that’s what’s happening yeah you and I never are we getting a a flipflop

Here are we getting Frankie oh okay hey the Insiders cover for the Insiders I want I just want I want to know what I love hey good bring the pizza guy on we’ll talk uh we’ll talk Kings with Frankie in a couple minutes here I want know what happened with

Brendan and if it’s something serious or whatever then you know apologies in advance but if it’s uh if it’s sleepy time then we got to give him some crap about that don’t we well remember I think Brendan filled in one time for Frankie so you know they’re covering for

Each other uh then in that case before we get into Kings as we wait on Frankie I’ve got a couple you know I gather these factoids Jason for you I got a couple of fun ones here’s here’s one baseball if you went Jason in your

Career two for five with a home run and a single every day of an entire baseball season and you played every game you would finish with 162 home runs 324 hits and 810 total bases I would say that would be a pretty good year would you agree that would be

The best year guess what it wouldn’t technically because you’d still end up with a lower Ops than Barry Bonds had an 04 that’s crazy that is bananas dude that is just absolutely for those who didn’t get to watch that stretch of Barry Bonds which is why he should be in

The Hall of Fame I don’t care if he drank clear through his eyelid and rubbed cream on his on his butt cheeks I do not care uh tyes Alberton last night 21 points 20 assists six threes zero turnovers the first player in NBA history to reach these numbers in a game

Hey did the Kings Trade the wrong point guard not that again hey uh Frankie’s with us now Frankie we bring on sack Town Sports Kings Insider or should I say Co you know what like Deion Sanders done does with his kids I’m doing weekly sack Town Sports Kings Insider rankings

And Frankie has just been promoted to number one he is the number one wow senior Kings Insider for sack toown Sports Frankie good morning good morning fellas I have no idea what you were talking about before I came on the first thing I hear is something about you know cheeks I’m not

Really sure what is happening but uh pleasure to be on with you as always I would say Cheeks is a way to describe Brendan nunez’s punctuality it’s cheeks um but fig Bron he he is not an early riser he’s a guy he’s not a morning guy

You know he he let’s not go too hard on the guy oh if I find out that he slept through this I I assure you this is this is you know the whole pizza guy thing with you that’s that’s G to be that’s that’s play I agree he does know that these are

His this is his spot every week but two in his defense it’s a game day so he usually does not log on till 10: a.m. on game days so like you know we can’t hold it all the way against him but yeah he does know he has this spot so I would

Say this and then we’ll move on Jason you know we uh we don’t have a program director but golly if we did I would submit this I think if you miss your uh it’s kind of like uh playing for a team you miss practice there’s a a

Repercussion I think if uh you miss your radio spot uh and you’re not doing the fundamentals I don’t think I don’t think Brandon should be allowed to go to the game tonight he should have to sit out a game he should have to stay home oh man

He’s not gonna be able to go to the game in Atlanta tonight that’s great point you got him Dave yeah na him maybe we’ll make him run like you said like you know if it was a practice run you know if he was in Atlanta right now

He probably would have been up because it’s 11 o’clock over there that’s a great point right there we need to send these guys on the road with the team exactly did Brendan Nunes go out with the team did he go out with the team in Atlanta last night and get

Hammered and now he’s hung over either way we hope that didn’t happen with the Sacramento Kings as I seamlessly transition to actual Kings talk here uh Frankie we’ve been talking about it all week and we’ve kind of been pausing and waiting for you or Brendan to come

On because you are the sack toown Sports Kings insiders and the audience does rely on you for answers because you have access that they don’t so I will ask you this whether it’s uh Portland uh whether it’s uh the Clippers or Boston at home whether it’s New Orleans uh we’re

Looking for you to answer the question why are the Kings so inconsistent go I mean well honestly at a certain point it comes down to person now and I think that this this franchise is really trying to dig deep and get the most that they can out of these players on the

Defensive end and as we’ve seen you know early on the year there was some improvements um but you know we’re what 25 26 I think actually the 30 game Mark tonight games in and that backslide starting to happen we’re starting to see them kind of fall short on the defensive

End like last year I mean 130 plus points to Washington obviously a season high in points to Portland those those are not uh you know formidable opponents by any means either Portland and Washington are both near the bottom of the standing so this is kind of what we

Saw from last year and kind of one of the fears going into this year when there wasn’t that much of a roster turnover those fears are being validated a little bit right now because the kings are unable to just simply get stops on the defensive end and against a Portland

Team that right near the bottom of the league I think they’re 29th in scoring um especially in a game where the Kings had their first it was the first game all year with a fully healthy roster just not a good look just not a good

Look by any means and uh it kind of makes you wonder I think talked about with you guys and with Allen and Chris and and WHYY Draper we’ve talked about it with everybody when will it be time for the Kings to say okay maybe it’s

Time to make a trade I mean I’m not going to say right now it’s time to hit the panic button but if if these kind of losses keep happening into February yeah I think that it’s gonna push is going to come to sh and there’s gonna have to be

A little bit of changes because this the roster just not able to put together consistent defensive efforts Frankie on that end if they were to make a deal I don’t know even plugging in a player but let’s just assume the player is labeled a defensive player whether that’s backourt Wing

Interior one player maybe even two addressing that is that how much of a tangible difference do you think that would make for a team that really hasn’t defended that well for a couple of years yeah it’s hard to say how much if you know they were to trade for Dorian

Vinnie Smith or someone to that extent um or even if it was someone more significant it’s hard to know if you just throw them into the rotation how much things are really going to change um but all I know is that the Kings just have a lack of players like that player

I think br WR a nice post last night about some trade targets and a lot of them are those kind of three and D type players that the Kings really do need I mean Keegan Murray has been the king’s best defender this year and he’s really

Taking a step forward in that end but there hasn’t really been anybody else taken a significant step forward so by adding one more even one more impact Defender um I do think it makes somewhat of a difference and if not you know it just kind of goes back to maybe it takes

More um again this group is really tight they they’ve been together since the beginning of last year and I think at the front office knows that that the whole entire franchise knows that this group really wants to make it work and um you know I just wonder if if at some

Point whether it be February or this upcoming off season they take a swing at things but I do think one player at least can make a difference depending on how much they can bring to the table defensively how many positions they can defend whether it be um someone who can

Defend a one through three or three through five on that end um but they need more versatility for sure when you look at the margins you know we we’ve all talked about players you know LaVine Markin uh mikal Bridges you know these names that are being

Thrown out that uh in most cases were almost certainly if even acquirable need to involve Keegan Murray plus and then you look at we’ll just call them the non Keegan players players that that you probably could get without messing with your your core three or even your core

Four with Malik monk um Andrew Wiggins has popped up over the last couple days matis tyel is a name that has popped up quite a bit and by the way I assure you at some point very soon the $40 million expiring contract of Tobias Harris is

Going to pop up do any of those names or other names and I’m talking about non Keegan Acquisitions uh vote your float to to me and this is my opinion this is no no Source information or this is just my opinion I think if moves are

Made it’s going to be kind of like ma styles again like d Dorian vny Smith um it seems like Caruso is going to be more of an expensive player that teams are going to be trying to call about with Chicago but I think it’d be something

Kind of like last year little maybe a little more but when last year mon mcir made the trade for KES Edwards and that was kind of that was kind of it um I’m I would be surprised if a larger deal happened personally just because it doesn’t seem like that’s vonte McNair’s

I mean obviously with the sabonis mo in different circumstances they were a team on the way out of the season they were already I think 20 games under 500 um I think if this team is still over there right now which is you know six seven eight nine plus games over 500

It’ll be a move like bring in a mat styel who could plug some holes defensively and the Kings could use more you know defensive guards especially with Dave Mitchell out of the rotation right now um I think if you were to trade see a trade for ausma or um Zack

LaVine anything like that it would surprise me personally just because I just don’t see that being a solution this year but um especially with the protection still on that that upcoming draft pick um I think mon mcir would be more apt to to make a trade with future

Picks this summer when um most of those protections are off but I I do think a move like a cyol is intriguing I think a move like a Dorian finny Smith is intriguing um I think some there have been some things I’ve read and I do

Think it’ be a good move to look into Daniel Gafford and Washington uh whatever that deal would look like I think he’d be a good fit um there’s a lot of fits out there but also we don’t know who could become available in the next month or two because you know

Things are kind of still sorting themselves out and standing but I have no doubt that m m will be making some phone calls this February Frankie kind of looking at the team overall that you said it earlier this the first game they had everybody healthy was in Portland

And of course they lost that game they didn’t utilize really everybody but if we’re looking at the the deeper end of the bench right now A guy like Davon hasn’t played in a while we’re talking about defense they’re they’re not utilizing him but Alex Len is back too

Do you think Len gets back higher up in the rotation where he was before or is McGee ahead of him how do you do you think they utilize Alex Lenn going forward I think uh he’s he’s been out for a while obviously out for two months

I think that maybe he’ll work his way back in slowly but I do think that Alex L is found a way back into this rotation just by any means I mean last year we saw him emerge at the end of the season playing the playoffs this year wasn’t in

The rotation for the first week and then he did come and out and play at backup center position so I think when you look at what the Kings have from an option standpoint he’s the he’s the more intriguing option because of the physicality he can bring very physical

Presence down low solid rebounder um I think that he’s done a good job in picking roll set I think that he’s someone that definitely should be getting some minutes back there but Mike Brown does kind of that backup center position is a little sporadic you know he goes to Javale McGee sometimes and

He’ll go to him for six seven minutes and won’t go to him again he’ll go to Tay l in the small ball five so I do think that Alex Len is someone who it’s a matter of time before he emerges back in that backup center role um but it’s

Just a matter of maybe him not being where he needs to be fully uh physically to uh you know to play those regular minutes off the bench Frankie Carly Sacrament Kings Insider with sack toown Sports joining us I I want to go back to the trades in Keegan Murray um I along

With I assume both of you and uh the large majority of the Kings populace want no part of trading Keegan Murray no part of Trad you know unless you know within reason yoanis and and and guys like that and maybe even a step below but I love Keegan Murray and I think is

A future star are we discounting though the idea that Monty McNair does not care not only does not care what we think but as we’ve seen him illustrate he at least once upon a time is more than capable of Letting Go one of his babies one of his draft picks

Somebody who is a future star if he believes it’s going to seriously upgrade the team in other words since trade talks and trade proposals are really just fodder for message boards and Sports Talk Radio give us something to talk about they we we can all admit it’s fairly meaningless conversation for

Content it’s not like we’re affecting change here should we be thinking more about possibilities involving Keegan not because we want it but because we should acknowledge that with Monty McNair and his crew it’s a legitimate possibility oh absolutely I think we all can acknowledge that is there is it

Likely that the Sacramento Kings will trade keeg Murray no I don’t think it’s likely is it impossible uh no I mean I I think one of the more memorable quotes in the George Carl tenure which really got a lot of backlash at the time and uh did seem

Like he was poking a bear at the time anyway but when he said that no player is untradeable in reference to DeMarcus Cousins there was a lot of Truth to that um I think that there’s really not many players in sports that are untradeable I

Mean if it comes down to a certain point like you said where you need to make a certain situation better and that’s the hold up we’ve seen it happen before uh the Kings did not want to trade Tyrese helber they didn’t um but they had to make a decision to upgrade the roster

Because there this situation was just not working and I think that these situations are a lot different as far as the kings are a good team um and I think there is a lot of potential to make this roster better by keeping Keegan and building around that core of of dearen

Fox Amanda sabon and keur I think that’s a very likely scenario um but we don’t know what’s going to happen in the next couple months or even if this happens over the next year or year plus we don’t know what’s going to happen and what the

Rost is going to look like or how things are going to unfold but I think that there’s I don’t think it’s very wise to say that no that a player like that is untradable um but I think think it’s very very you know valid to say that

It’s very unlikely he will get moved it do seem like that’s not going to happen but nobody’s untradeable and that is a lesson that old pal George call taught us a while back yeah and Frankie I think along the same lines we talked to Sam Amic yesterday I I think another one

That would actually be coveted from this roster on other teams is Malik monk I don’t think the Kings have real plans to deal him but being in the final year being that they’d have to pay him next year which I think they would have be more than comfortable doing but I feel

Like he could help fetch something um I feel like he’s in that Keegan group that you’re talking about but I I you know you got to look at it from other sides don’t you think monk would be a guy on this roster that other teams would want oh definitely absolutely I that the

Expiring contract aspect of it does kind of money things up for both sides I I think the Kings feel confident they can retain Malik monk as they should I think Malik monk loves it in Sacramento and he’ll still get a modest pay bump even if other teams comeone for more but I do

Think that’s a a connection that should you know revisit this offseason I feel optimistic personally um that he he would the Kings would retain him but I think that’s not going to stop teams from knocking on the door and saying if he’s available especially if the Kings starts struggling um into January and

February but again that’s a move that when you look at the and people talk about chemistry um I think trading Malik monk would be a huge hit just what the Kings have built and and how how they operate um but again we we don’t know what’s gonna

Happen no one’s untradeable but I do feel like Malik Monk and King Murray are on the right now you know the really don’t want a trade list if that’s if that’s a thing they’re on the really don’t want to trade list um and the Kings right now in a position to to play

Some solid basketball and bounc back from that loss in Portland and um you know if if they put Monty mcir in position to make those moves that kind of color things around the edges that that’s probably the preferable route here instead of a full not overhaul but

You know taking a part of this core whether it be trading Harrison Barnes Kevin herder Keegan Murray or like like any of those guys like I think this team really does not want to do that they want to keep it intact and find that success and Advance into a second round

Of a postseason I think that’s to me that’s how I view this season is what’s his success I think it’s winning the playoff series and I think if they do that they’re going to feel a lot better about the future where things are going all right so let’s you know we we just

Talked about trade proposals and sports radio and message boards and how ultimately you know non-consequential the conversation is so let’s do a trade proposal here let me run it by you um just to kind of I like doing this just to kind of give an idea of the pain that

Would happen and you mentioned Malik Monk and and I think again we all want Malik to stay but if at some point There’s an opportunity uh at some point that maybe they feel like they is going to be too EXP ensive I don’t know what goes on there

Um I I keep looking at the Zack LaVine situation because he he seems getable but again doesn’t address necessarily he doesn’t address the defense that’s for sure the only way that a move with the bulls could work where I think I’d look at it Frankie and

I want your opinion is if Caruso was coming back you mention he’s going to be a bit expensive but if the kings were to put something out there like herder Monk Barnes Mitchell and dwarte plus a pick yeah I know that’s about the only way the money works on getting both LaVine

And Alex Caruso back it’s just about the only way the money Works where you still manage to hold on to your core three you keep Keegan Murray obviously Fox and sabonis you add another Allstar SLP potential Allstar and LaVine I don’t know how much Fox LaVine and Caruso can share the floor

But are you a better team in your opinion with that move I think in the short term uh it’s very possible I think that Zack line would be a very very good fit in this king’s offense I think that they need another guy like dear if he’s just kind

Of like a bucket getter that can go get you a basket whenever you need it um I I just think more about and again it’s I have an uncle that has a saying with sports and and teams spending money it’s not my money so like I don’t I don’t

Care uh I do understand that IC but I do look at the contract situation and think about two three years from now and I’m assuming Deen Fox finds at Max extension or super max um you’re G have three players accounting for I think 130 140 million which is more than more than I

Think the king salary cap is right now or salary is right now so I’m I’m more worried about just that aspect of Zack LaVine entering his 30s making 50 million a year um just how will that hamstring the Kings to make more decisions down the line when they might

Be in a more uh you know Rush ing situ I mean right now they have a window dearon Fox is 26 sabonis is 27 Keegan’s 23 but I wonder about two three years from now um is that the time you need to make a decision because you want to maximize

These guys primes and um I think having a a big contract like that you got to make sure it’s the right move and the right fit and I think that’s the question of is Zach LaVine the guy is he the big player that the Kings need to go

Get and he’s going to be the final piece of the puzzle I mean you never know until you try I understand that but you just have to be really really sure for bringing a big contract like that let me follow up real quick it doesn’t make you

Feel any better if you pull monk out and you go herder Mitchell dwarte Barnes and you probably have to give up a pick or two here for Demar d r rozan who’s expiring in Alex Caruso who could share the floor yeah I think I’m I’m more open to

Like that idea yeah I think D rozan would be a pretty interesting fit as well he might cost a little less because of age and contract and in length but um that to me seems a little a little better just because of the launch vity of the contract and and all that that

Comes into account but yeah I think you’re a little closer there I think we’re a little closer to a deal how about tonight Frankie your thoughts on uh getting back on track with the Hawks they also have trouble like they did in Portland with the Blazers historically they’ve had a lot

Of trouble with Atlanta historically how do the kings make sure they get back on track tonight yeah yeah offense I mean Atlanta’s offense has definitely got some Firepower they have Trey young obviously Bogdan bogdanovich has been having a great season I think that there could be a conversation down the line

About him and Malik monks are Sixth Man of the Year so um another team the Kings can’t take lightly I think the record is a little deceiving that that I think the Hawks are five six games under 500 that’s a little deceiving because they do have a very good offense um and like

You said Jason they do struggle in Atlanta I think that they they haven’t won a game in Atlanta for two three years now um maybe going back even further I think Fox had that triple double when when it was I think it was 2018 2019 so it’s definitely been a

House of horrors for the Kings and we’ve seen them respond to adversity a lot over the years they they limit these losing streaks we saw it even in the the postseason when they really needed to win on the road they they got it when

They needed it um I think that this is a chance for the Kings to kind of Silence some of those doubts again and they seem to do it every year or since last year I guess at least but uh when they drop a couple they always answer with the win

And if tonight they can turn around and get that done it’s GNA silence some of those uh those doubts but uh gotta see it happen on the floor that’s senior King’s Insider Frankie carteri joining us on your home of the king sack Town Sports Frankie appreciate you another

Year in the books thank you for living up to your responsibilities and we will talk to you uh in about a week my friend thank you guys always appreciate it Happy New Year have a good one guys you too that’s uh Frankie we will take a

Break Jason I think one of the keys tonight obviously and we’ll get into this more later but they need to get in the paint you know I need to see guys like Harrison Barnes and Keegan Murray not just uh taking shots outside I need to see them driving the

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See is what you pay no hidden fees no add-ons no surprises unbeatable prices unbeatable selection nobody beats period we will take a break don’t forget the voice of the 49ers re Papa coming up in half an hour when we get back who’s hot who’s not three in the key for

Tonight and a pick six for the ners and commanders right here in your home of the ners sou Sports the NFL’s leading rusher plays here a hand off to maccaffrey Walks In The End Zone hand off to maccaffrey takes it right down to the goal line he

Does his thing again mcaffrey goes in motion right backwards pass let by us a block there hurdles a man 10 five touchdown c MC you can hear all of Christian McCaffrey’s touchdowns on your home for 49ers football sack toown Sports Sacramento weather is brought to

You by Bonnie I’m e javor in the kcr3 weather center some patchy fog this morning otherwise a mixture of clouds and sun throughout the day Breezy too highs will be in the 60s expect rain by late this afternoon and evening get the latest forecast in the kc3 news and the

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Military customer rebate 10,000 m per year and 20 cents per mile after 30,000 Mi based on sale price 30545 and payment excludes taxes and DMV fees and any dealer fees vehicle ID number r513 6138 so here’s a fact 85% of the population will suffer from foot pain in

Their lifetime that’s almost everyone so you’d think there’d be plenty of of healthy long-term remedies but there just aren’t right hi I’m Dan from the good feed store you know people come in all the time sharing the same frustrating story bought this tried that been there done whatever all different

Kinds of things but all with a similar result nothing a discouraging and endless cycle of disappointment if this rings a bell don’t despair there is hope if you think you’ve tried everything you probably haven’t tried good feed art supports from the good feed store they’re designed to relieve even

Eliminate the pain commonly caused by certain foot conditions like clatter fasciitis bunions flat feet and others plus provide better balance and increase Comfort see what we can do for you with a free arch support fitting just stop in or schedule an appointment with over 200 stores there’s likely one in your neck

Of the woods find yours at kneee foot or back pain visit the goodfeet store in Sacramento Roseville and Baville Waking you up with the best in local sports the Dave show with Jason on Sports hey just real quick I don’t know if you guys have seen with all the weather uh these videos of the ocean waves hitting you know south of the bay I saw one in

Pacifica and uh they’re causing damage like this some scary things I just want to send out a reminder to everyone um yeah Mother Nature is undefeated man don’t screw around be safe whether it’s there whether it’s uh when it’s raining and you’re driving and you’re late

Somewhere uh it is the last show of the year we’re going into the new year and as we often say Jason uh we want you back yeah so you know just don’t be a don’t be a dingle dong that’s what I that’s the that’s the motto I have no

More Dingle dongs oh no more Dingle dongs don’t don’t uh don’t be Dingle donging by the way we ever find out what happened to Brandon no no okay all right well right now uh what are we G what do I want to do here uh territory didn’t I

You know what confused me because I did the whole three in the key promotion thing bad hosting that’s coming up in the next segment Greg pop at the top of the hour right now for down territory Chris rad is the host and we’ll get right now to first in

What is your lock of the week in the NFL oh boy you know I want to do it but I’m not gonna because I don’t want to jinx anything and yeah I am absolutely tempted uh to bring my San Francisco 49ers into the game but not going to do

It give me the Bills and Patriots uh as the Bills beat Bill uh in Buffalo uh they are favored by 13 points I think that might be low Patriot’s defense doesn’t suck but I think the bills are very very very very scary team right now

Uh and I’m going to go with Buffalo as uh New England’s looking for the pick here okay I’ll go with the uh it’s another high spread but and I’ll stay away from the Niners I’ll take the Eagles at home against the Cardinals I know they’ve had some close games they

Generally flirt with close games but I still like them as definitely winning this game so it give be the Eagles is the lock they flirt with close games so they’re like hey close game looking good how are you come on over how are you doing second down

Please what is your upset of the week in the NFL oh I shouldn’t do this but I’m going to I want to believe I truly do for all my friends out there that I love this team give me the Raiders an against the Colts the Colts are favored by three

And a half Raiders seven and eight Colts eight and seven would it be nice if the Raiders could play spoiler a little bit bit and on top of that get to 500 if AP finishes at well he can’t finish at if he finishes above 500 if they win their

Last three games talking about the Chiefs uh then you go into Indie you beat the Colts and then you finish out against the division rival and the Broncos at home and you win and he doesn’t get the job then uh Oakland A’s fans who are still Raider fans should

Just go to Vegas and start the sell the team chant again with Mark Davis that’s just owner malpractice I think there’s a lot on the line he’s getting a he’s getting a nice tune out of his players as we said yesterday I’m going to take

The Raiders all right I am uh going to take a flyer on this one I’m going to take the chargers at Denver uh the Chargers have had an awful year but what Denver did this week I I just think that’s a terrible message also amongst the locker room for a team that’s you

Know was still battling here in the last couple of weeks trying to make the postseason uh I I didn’t like that move by them what they’re doing benching Wilson basically for f financial reasons so give me the Chargers in an upset in Denver he didn’t like that call not a

Very good call not a very good call at all third down please what a dumb dumb stupid call which game would you most like to attend this week in the NFL uh there’s a couple of really good games this weekend and I I I gotta say maybe the game of the week

There’s two possibilities uh the Ravens hosting the Dolphins the problem is that’s in Baltimore and I don’t want to go to Baltimore so I’m gonna go with Dallas and the uh Lions not that Dallas is uh anything super awesome but uh I’ve never been to that Stadium I’d love to see it

Uh the Cowboys are defeated at home the lion 6 and2 on the road this will be a fun litmus test for Dan Campbell and those Detroit Lions who are either not getting the respect they deserve or they’re getting the respect they exactly deserve for their lack of quality wins

This year give me uh give me Dallas and the Lions I’m going with you Dave I’m going to that game too all right yeah I think that’s the best one of the week I think it there’s some appeal to that certainly for NFC playoff positioning so

The Lions can get the one seed I there’s some things that could favor for them if that all goes in Dallas undefeated at home seems like a nice enough Stadium I think that’d be a lot of fun to go to that game and finally we’re going to go

For it here fourth down fourth and Ninth down and one ninth and six they got pushed back by all start Jacksonville Indianapolis and Houston can still win the AFC South so who will win it I’m rooting for Houston I like the CJ strad story uh I like the demo Ryan story

But Jacksonville finishes home against the Panthers and at the Titans I don’t know anything can happen Trevor Lawrence is banged up but I just I have a tough time not by the way none of these three teams uh really are you know hurting the uh the Colts finish against the Raiders

And the Texans at home you could make an argument that they’ve got the easiest schedule uh and then uh it’s kind of a flip flop Houston has the tips at home and then goes to Indie I’m going to give it to Jacksonville though but honestly Jason I’m not trying to be flip-floppy

Here I I have no idea it’s going to be a fun last two weeks there yeah it looked like it was Jacksonville’s easily to win and then all of a sudden they’ve let everyone else come back in they’ve had some injuries I’m with you on the

Raiders upset of the Colt so that gives them a loss this week uh Jacksonville schedule is the most favorable so I’ll just lean on that they did make it last year I think they have probably the best talent of the group and Houston’s been the best story so uh give me

Jacksonville to find a way to win that AFC s all right we will now take a break I think we’re all on time that’s pretty amazing Chris has to be happy with us when we get back we’ll see if we can screw that up with who’s hot who’s not

Three in the key as I promised a segment ago and a pick six for the Niners and commanders on your home of the Sacramento Kings sack Town Sports Countdown the end of the year with us on sack toown Sports Sunday we close out 2023 and Usher in 202 24 with

A big double header first the San Francisco 49ers look to regroup as they battle the commanders in DC then is the Kings and Grizzlies from Memphis 49ers at 10 Kings at 5 on New Year’s Eve on your home of the 49ers and Kings sack toown Sports the 49ers report brought to

You by eie Stone e stone for lifee garden the 49ers Christmas was ruined Monday night dropping their first game in six weeks 3 and 19 to Baltimore quarterback Brock P threw four interceptions in the game the most for any 49ers Gunslinger since Colin Kaepernick in 2015 the red and gold

Still control their own destiny in the NFC playoff standings looking to get back on track New Year’s Eve against Washington celebrating over a century as a family-owned business EB Stone has gathered in valuable insights into nurturing plant growth Venture into indoor planting with e Stones Edna’s best indoor and outdoor potting soil

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Auto Mall or visit us at Elk gr today and happy holidays from what’s hot yeah hot real hot and what not it’s not good brought to you by American Energy heating and air Sacramento’s complete Heating and Cooling company and second opinion partner who pray tell is hot Joe flacko

Hey Joe flacko last night threw for 309 yards and three touchdowns it’s his fourth game in a row with 300 yards or more and he has thrown 13 touchdowns in five games so far Joe flacko Joe didn’t even see it coming no no I love Joe I love that story I’m I’m

I’m all in on the Browns I am I am officially announcing my Browns bandwagoning for AFC Champion I’ve I’ve decid I’m there ners Browns yeah what he do what’s Dave do then Niners Browns yeah oh screw the Browns but I’m just saying if it’s Browns if it’s Browns fan

You are I gotta be honest with you um there’s no team I want to win the Super Bowl more than the ners of course but I admit how great would a lion’s Brown Super Bowl be how great would that be be pretty good right it it was okay yeah okay uh who’s

Not I’m gonna let you take a stab at this Dave uh let’s see uh is it something in the midwest uh near the Great Lakes yes uh the Michigan football program no not them oh how about the Detroit basketball program good job hey the Detroit Pistons

Have lost their 28th game in a row they tie the 76ers for the most consecutive losses in NBA history they play the Raptors tomorrow but good news this was the first time that they actually took a team to overtime so hey maybe they got a chance

Hey you know it’s coming you know you guys know what’s coming right nope you 100% know it and you just don’t want to verbalize it Jason’s going to end up like that guy running away from the wave the Detroit Pistons are obviously going to break their streak against the Sacramento

Kings and Draymond Green’s going to return against the Kings as well of course it’s gon to happen guys let me ask you this which one’s more likely Pistons think the Pistons beating the Kings is more likely than Draymond returning against yeah Draymond will be back before then

Yeah all right want I’m already getting I’m already getting preemptively mad at the king it’s already ruining your day a little bit already ticking me off uh let’s get to it three in the key Kings Hawk uh these are the Badlands for this after gam they don’t like winning in

Atlanta let’s see if we can turn it around Ross you have the questions and we have the predictions all right predictions are the point guard match up Fox Trey young we want points for Fox Dave points for Trey young uh give me 38 for dearon give me

41 for Trey young okay I have 39 and 31 Chris 36 and 22 they lock him up all right bench guys in this game we’ve got two of the best bench scorers in the league and that is Malik Monk and former King bogy bogdon bogdanovich Dave points

For monk points for bogy I think Monk’s going to have a bounce back tonight 25 points for him give me 18 for bogey okay I have 16 for Monk and 22 for bogey 15 for monk 15 for bogy random stat Michael D this 100% counts right Mike Brown will win a challenge

Sure that’s super random very difficult um I’m gonna say I said it earlier Kevin herder season High I hope you’re right I think that’s a shot of the dark I hope he moves right past 30 and hit 40 yeah uh I’m going to say this for Not So

Random it’s going to be deus’s third triple double in a row uh he missed one but it three third in four games yeah in four games February okay you got it got it got it all set all set do we have time to do a uh a a uh whatever the thing is

For the football Ample Ample time yeah let’s get to it pick six ners and commanders we simply Switch music bets Jason Ross lead us through the pick six all right we always ask this question is the first one we asked on the 49ers commanders game Dave who is

The first 49 to score Jak moody or doesn’t have to be a touchdown Moody okay do you pick him more times than not I yeah cuz you know Broken Clock right twice a day type of thing okay I’m gonna go with the CMC Chris I’m also taking CMC okay and

That’s come that’s gonna come into uh factoring my uh random step just to be clear are you talking about Chad McConnell yes or CHF that’s why we were smart we have two choices yeah I see what you’re doing there with both of you saying CMC pack of dirty cheaters Dave

Receiving yards leader who will have the most yards receiving for the 49ers uh I’m gonna stick with George KD he’s been hot lately uh give me 81 for old Georgie all right I have deau is it deau Samu Deo deau Samuel 88 for Deo Chris I’m gonna say auk

A3 is on fire all right Dave we are looking for Chase young his return to DC how many sacks for Chase young I think he’s GNA get one I’ll give him one one sack one big fat sack wow I will say zero Chris I’ll say one and a half sack

Wow we got it covered Carle Dave we are looking for is it a bounceback game or not for Brock py his touchdown down to interception ratio what’s he got TD and int I’m going to go out on a limb here with Brock pie and say three and zero

Okay I’m gonna say two and one Chris I’m gonna say two and zero two and zero all right uh what will the halftime score be Carmichael Dave um I’m gonna say 14 10 ners SF I have 216 SF 247 ners okay okay and then random stat Cara how you suck us

Baby he’s got to get me one man yeah uh I have that Brock py fumbles twice oh come on Jason what what are you doing a I have Christian mcaffrey will have three touchdowns or more nice MVP MVP MVC most valuable okay never mind um all

Right so there’s your pick six there you go brought to you by nobody yet yes there is a there is a rumored sponsor oh as the NFL season ends we have it for the big game yeah well you know there’s some there’s a lot of big game stuff

Circling here that I think we’re going to be able to talk about very soon but as we wind down the regular season and get into the NFL playoffs don’t forget Greg Papa our final postmortem of the week before we uh we move on to the commanders which we will with

Greg the voice of the ners and you could just hear Jason when we when we got in here on uh Wednesday and we played both clips from the Gman and clip from the other Gman Greg Papa um you could hear the same sort of disappointment and even frustration in Greg Papa’s voice over

That I I just don’t think he could believe what he was watching with Brock pie and the Niners yeah I’m anxious to talk to him coming up because that was I know Greg’s a big believer no I am too I I just it was an I would say out of

Character game I I don’t know what Baltimore was doing that that bothered him and rattled him so much I mean he just he is off of what he normally does yeah and hopefully he get to bounce back it’s a cross country flight this weekend it’s a different time zone there’s all

Kinds of stuff going on uh against them environmentally but this is a team uh and I I I don’t think anyone’s taking anyone lightly anymore this is a commander team that the 49ers absolutely should be let me lay out the final hour for you all uh Greg Pap is going to join

Us for a nice long seg M when we get back we’ve still got what to watch the bowl game game that Jason Ross is really really doing so well at I I really am looking forward to these I found myself watching pot Bowl mascot highlights uh celebrity birthdays and then Friday

Funing games so sit back relax go get yourself a refill uh get comfortable as the final hour of the year on the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross returns right after this Countdown the end of the year with us on sack toown Sports Sunday we close out 2023 and

Usher in 2024 with a big double header first the San Francisco 49ers look to regroup as they battle the commanders in DC then it’s the Kings and Grizzlies from Memphis 49ers at 10 Kings at 5 on New Year’s Eve on your home of the 49ers and Kings sack toown

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Official home for the San Francisco 49ers touchdown San Francisco Sports the Carmichael Dave show he’s on the microphone when he’s not on the microphone he’s playing a song and when he’s not playing a song He’s on the microphone and then boom with Jason Ross

No he didn’t yes he did call or text at 916 33914 it’s the Carmichael Dave show with Jason Ross on sack toown Sports Well the voice you heard was the voice of the 49ers is the voice of the 49ers Mr Greg Papa and as we just remarked before the break the my least favorite Greg papy here is disappointed Greg Papa surprised Greg Papa I can’t believe what I’m

Seeing in front of my eyes Greg Papa and he he converted an emotion that we all felt while we were watching that game at Levi Stadium and ending our Christmases on a on a bag of cold note but he joins us right now the voice of the Niners as

He does each and every week good or bad Greg Papa good morning sir hope your Christmas was great otherwise how are you well the kie daddy cookies were still delicious and my sister sent an extra box this year so when we get back from Washington after we celebrate the

New year so uh you sound down Dave you got your jber down a little bit so I’m gonna I’m gonna pick it up okay um here’s what I would say I know that loss was disappointing on Christmas night um may see this team again in the Super

Bowl may not if they can get there if we can get there but it’s all right in front of the Niners they they they win these last two games they are 13- four same record they had last year and last year 13- four wasn’t good enough Philadelphia went 14 and three you

Missed out by one game so this year Philadelphia’s got four losses so if you win this game Sunday in Washington and it’s a it’s a hard reality my biggest fear of the Christmas game was you lose the game you get injured and you wake up and it’s Tuesday and you’re like whoa

Going to fly to Washington like a couple days later so all those things happened the injuries I think are manageable they’ll have to move some people around in the secondary but Jer Brown’s knee injury Logan Ryan’s played a lot of football um so if they go there and beat

Washington then it’s going to come down to beat La beat LA and that’s going to be a hellacious game the last game of the year if if Philadelphia wins against Arizona there there’s a scenario where uh the ners could clinch on New Year’s Eve and have the ultimate New Year’s Eve

Celebration on the pl would that be would that be incredible um if Detroit loses to Dallas on Saturday night and Philadelphia loses to Arizona which seems unlikely but Arizona’s head coach is Jonathan Ganon who was Philadelphia’s defensive coordinator so he knows how to stop that offense and he has obviously theories on

Their defense and out of score so if they could pull that upset off and the Niners win then it won’t go down to the last game of the year but uh like a couple years ago in 2021 when they had to go to LA to M make the playoffs um I

Think we’d have a beat La scenario to be the number one seed quite possibly and then you wonder when are we going to play that game would it be Flex a Sunday Night Football as a standalone game would it be moved to Saturday right now it’s an either or it could be Saturday

Or it could be Sunday I’m talking about that first weekend in January I don’t think it’ll be Saturday because if the Niners win in the Philadelphia game doesn’t matter the next day and the NFL likes to have every game have meaning so and then if you move it to Sunday night

And Philadelphia loses earlier then the Niners game won’t be as important so you don’t want that on Sunday Night Football so maybe they just leave it all you know where they all kick off concurrently in the fox window on the that Sunday first January um Sunday in January in the one

O’clock window our time so but in a way the loss was disappoined we can get into why happening perhaps interceptions but it’s still there win these last two go 13 and four and you’re the number one seed that’s the goal when you start the years to be the number one seed it’s all

Right there just win these last two Pat La there he goes we’re talking with Greg Papa here Greg yeah let’s ask about Brock because Ian he’s been so good I mean the guys we’ve talked about him every week all the things are still there for him too I still think the MVP

Can happen for him if if the Finish is good but what was it about Baltimore I mean that he’s a timing guy throws Guys open reads things faster than everybody what did they do that just kind of boggled him up a little bit I think they got him excited on the

First series Niners drove right down the field George KD got some man coverage against their their uh their safety Marcus Williams who George knows well from New Orleans they had a epic match up on a fourth and two when Jimmy was the quarterback in in 2019 in New

Orleans that 4845 shootout he beat Marcus Williams and he got match man and he beat him on a third down beat her for 58 yards he took it down to the low Red Zone and Brock was excited and he came out of the next play and then first down

Um they went into a quarters coverage and Kyle Hamilton was just sitting there and the Niners really didn’t do anything jayes to to move him off that that hash he was kind of sitting there and uh he just intercepted the ball he saw Debo flash across and he made a mistake and

That took you out of the low Red Zone the other ones were more Niner scheme to May the third one was really bad for Brock I think when the flags were on the field Christian was called for a chop block he said he did see the flags and he read the body

Language of the linemen the Niners offensive lineman so he had to know that the penalty was against the Niners the play was going to come back so no matter what you pick up here they’re they’re they’re going to take the penalty so just ground the ball and tried to throw

Across his body ball got tipped up and again Kyle Hamilton intercepted um the second one was a really unconventional Blitz where they sent both outside corners you hardly ever see that um they they sent Brandon Stevens from Brock’s left and Marlin hrey from his right and

The ball went it was a laser screen the dball going out left and um they they kept the ball up in the air Stevens got tied and Marlin Humphrey picked it the last one he got hit and the ball went right right to Patrick Queen but um you

Know to me obviously it’s on Brock’s Ledger statistically the interceptions that’s what happens you throw the ball the other team takes it it’s your interception but it’s not that simple and I think the Niners got to look at what Baltimore did really was play Tendencies with the ners they um they

They like to show a lot of Illusion of pressure with those two inside linebackers roquan Smith and Patrick Queen they’re always jumping in the a gap like they’re going to blit so you have to account for him but what they did they brought him some Queen did

Blitz I think he Blitz the first play of the game and they got burned by George and they backed out of it is they had those two inside linebackers get to their landmarks and take away the hooks the curls they they were droppers and they choked off the middle of the field

Where if you think of the Niner offense what do you think of you think of KD over the middle the Debo dig and auk slant a maccaffrey Texas route where cuts inside it’s all that in breaking stuff they just choked that off and they brought pressure from the outside and

Then conversely the quarterback and it’s why he wasn’t you know a high draft pick he’s 6 feet 58 s inch tall he’s not he’s not 65 so um balls get tipped we’ll go back to the Cincinnati game when Jermaine Pratt tipped the ball now he was right

On top of Brock and this play where where Brandon Stevens tipped the ball he’s had some balls tipped here and there not a a huge number of tips but some and I think that’s kind of the scouting report on him is that when he stays in the middle out of the pocket

Can he see it remember the interception you through to Jordan Brooks in Seattle on Thanksgiving night there were back-to-back can calls where he flip plays and I’m not sure he could see the first one almost got intercepted and the second one did for a pick six the Brooks

Going to maccaffrey and we kind of thought can he see in there they’re kind of clouding it up so um I think he’ll bounc back he bounced back this week in practice but I think you have to look at it it’s not it’s not a brock pie problem

It’s a San Francisco 49ers offense problem speaking of the offense as we’re joined by the voice of the Niners Greg Papa you we we’re focusing and rightfully so on on the Ravens game on on Brock py on the things that went wrong talk to us a little bit as far as

What you know about the state of the offensive line worried about those injuries going in whether it’s the uh commanders or anybody else how how badly banged up are they going to be well got ridiculous uh the other night I mean we were playing Spencer berford at left at

Right tackle and M kbits at left tackle and I don’t even know what they were doing Ben B got in the game I was confused Brendle was the one constant and the other constant is John Feliciano I think he must seem might be the most underrated 49er this year I mean he’s

Just pilled in guy have played with the Raiders didn’t play much there was a backup went to Buffalo and started a lot of games last year he was the New York Giants and they were a playoff team last year he was their starting center every game plus the two in the playoffs and

Pisano’s ability to jump in at left guard for Aaron Banks or right guard for Spencer berford he also can go to Center for Brendle he played center all last year for the Giants but he hasn’t been been needed to so Feliciano’s been the fixer he just goes wherever you need to

Go so if banks can’t go in this game and Feliciano could go to left guard TRS back he practiced yesterday and Wednesday I think today and and we’re going to fly to Washington this afternoon so I expect Trent to be able to play so you know Williams at left

Tackle and polio at left guard Brendle at Center bford at Right Guard and and colon mckivitz right tackle so you’d be fine you just don’t have a lot of room as far as the backups because of the injury of banks can’t be up for the game

And he has to be down but you do have you know barch mixing in and prior and jayen Moore so they got some backups but I think the other area Dave where the concern is this Sher Brown the injury and uh sounds like he might be

Out for a while so you may see Logan Ryan and he played a handful of snaps award number 33 uh play a lot in this game next to tan Gibson guys played a lot of football uh with New England win Super Bowls there Tennessee and we saw

Him at Tampa Bay last year and play really well against the ners so but I think with Feliciano and his ability to move from guard to guard so easily has been a godsend for this team and specifically against these Washington commanders the strength of their team they traded Chase young they

Traded montz sweat to Chicago they kept the two inside guys number 93 and number 94 Jonathan Allen and donon Payne are the strength of their team and they play D tackle so they’ll be right over the middle of that line Brendle and Feliciano and bford and so John’s got to

Play well but he knows the Giants he knows the the commanders well being a giant last year he’s blocked these guys quite a bit so I think that’ll be the key to the game but everything I’m talking about that Baltimore did with Brock and tipping balls and getting in

His face and being a shorter quarterback if they going to be a problem in this game on on Sunday it’s going to be those two tackles collapsing the pocket and causing trouble for the Run game and then you can always run wide though and then you know do you have to move Brock

Out of the midline to give him a a clear pass to be able to throw the ball Greg I’d be curious your thought on just watching Lamar Jackson play too because I mean look the Niners defense is good they were in some tough spots because of

Short Fields but in turn overs that the offense committed but I thought they were doing a good job on him but the fact that he can just make a play on his own how how much did that you know demoralize maybe the defense that to me was getting some pressures and some

Hurries on him he is the best running quarterback of all time and we’ve seen some good ones you know going back to the early 70s the Bears had a lefty quarterback Bobby Bobby Douglas that ran for almost a thousand yards but he was big and strong with that back field they had Gil

Sers back then um but Michael Vic probably on pure speed and running ability Rand Cunningham was terrific Steve Young Russell Wilson is a Scrambler I mean a lot of guys uh can run the ball and more so now Justin Fields is really good but Lamar is just different those other guys are more

Straight line speed or Colin Kaepernick when Kaepernick got a lane he could run it all the way to the house to up prior what the Raiders could run but this guy he’s he’s a running back the way he sets up blocks the way he slips and slides the way it’s not just

Straight line speed Jason I don’t I don’t know if he’s ever been timed in the 40 but what do you think he is 44 or something but it’s it’s it’s the change of Direction it’s uh the 360 spin he looks like Charlie Garner the old Niner and Raider running back Eagles running

Back where he just goes look he’s he he’s playing on hockey skates U he just slips and slides and you can’t get him down and he has has no problem spinning around and and not looking at the line of scrimmage and coming out of it and

He’s just I don’t know what to do with him you spying him is not enough to me you got to double spy him and then I don’t even know if that’s enough so but you can’t sack him and I think the Niners one of the blitz him and they

Were able to get him on ground but he’s just so tough and he’s able to overcome what is really poor throwing fundamentals he is not a great thrower of the football every time he takes a shotgun snap he flips the ball around he never catches the ball clean and just throws it he

Flips it and then he throws off his back foot a lot he is not a natural thrower of the ball as far as the pull back and the wind up he’s he just flicks his wrist and he like he darts the ball but he is at times accurate but he doesn’t

Need to be because he creates such separation with his wide receivers and his eligibles because of the threat of the r once he breaks the pocket you have to respect that he’s going to run but he always keeps his head up and his eyes up and he he looks downfield for the throw

And then he get a bust and he’s like you know like Tim Ryan was saying the whole night you got to defend two plates the first three seconds is the play that Todd monin called the next three are Lamar he and Lamar and what do you do

There he’s just he’s a handful so I think you just got to get him in a situation where he has to drop back and make throws early in the game he was not good at all he sailed one to the sideline he was missing throws he threw

H z flowers he was inaccurate but once he’s able to get out of the pocket and and threaten you both as a a runner and a thrower as he presses the line of scrimmage he is difficult to deal with and that that’s not going away you could

Have somewhat of a scheme for him but the greatest defenders in football he’s going to make look bad time to time because as I say I I think he’s the best running quarterback that’s ever been I want to switch gears as we talk to Greg

Papa the voice in the Niners you know my favorite show with you this year I know I speak for Jason was our story time with Greg papa show where you kind of kicked his shoes off and uh waxed poetically about Mr Davis and and your

Time with the Raiders and and one of the subjects was Antonio Pierce and and you’re you were surprised based on some a comment that uh Pierce had made in the past as a player about the Raiders a little surprised at the the Raiders hiring him and I I’ve kept that in my

Mind throughout the year in the back of my head as I’ve watch this unfold and I and I wanted to ask you after the Raiders went in and beat the Chiefs and I know this is obviously an impossible situation Greg but take away the comment I could I can’t find myself help

Myself but think Greg that based on what you’ve told us that weirdly enough it seems like Pierce might be the exact type of coach that Mr Davis would have liked had that not happened am am I off base based on the way the teams rallied around him and he seems like he’s very

Much embraced the Raider way well they’re winning I mean they winning into Kansas City and won yeah um you know the game before I lost track how many touchdowns did they score in that game when they get to 63 I mean it was ridiculous so the bottom line of the

Defense is playing great they scored a couple of uh touchdowns in the game before and the Thursday night game and then Christmas day and we were getting ready for the for the Niner game but I was watching and they scored two defensive touchdowns in seven seconds so

Um the comments that he made um just struck a cord with Al and I know how angry he was it was it was more um just he thinks that of our team kind of a comment but he took it personally and he thought he shouldn’t

Have been said so if this was Al Davis’s Raiders there’s no way Antonio Pierce would be on the staff sure but it’s not it’s Mark Raiders and I don’t know if Mark even knows anything about those comments he probably doesn’t unless it’s been relayed to him I told Paul gooder

About it when they hired him so I couldn’t believe like is that Antonio pierce the guy the giant linebacker are you kidding me so it kind of took me back um but would Al keep him as the coach Al Al didn’t like defensive coaches you know defensive head coaches

He wanted it to be an offensive coach he wanted by and large with the exception of a couple of times um he had an offensive mind he wanted the head coach to call the plays and then Al really was the defensive coordinator the worst job in America is being Al Davis’s defensive

Coordinator yeah he just he obliterates them because Al coach defense he coach D line and whenever he really has a major criticism it’s about the defense and the Boston I can remember so many times him just ripping um Rob Ryan in particular um you know one time we lost

A game and now you know after the game was over I I tried to hide from him but he would send Butch the security guard back to get me and say Mr Davis wants to talk to you and I go up there and he’s sitting right next to Rob Rob’s in the

Seat next to him and Al’s just what am I gonna do with this guy what am I what should I do with him he’s just you know real loud I’m like well take him into the Town Square and TR and feather him and then give him a ing Squad and shoot

Him he want me to say a football game had a bad game so but he he was tough on defensive guy so all that being said um you know I think Mark made a mistake with Rich bace yeah a couple of years ago I knew I knew Rich well um I was

Still you know when John G got hired I was still with the Raiders for a few months there and Rich was the Special Teams coordinator and there was an Italian restaurant in Danville um we kind of ran into each other John would bring the the staff over there John

Lived on black off and I saw Rich a few times and I thought he was he’s one of the best special teams coordinators in the history of football and after that terrible trying time when John was forced to to resign uh bace had got that team in the

Playoffs and if there’s a couple bad you know plays here and there and calls in the in a playoff game in Cincinnati they would have won that game but I thought he a there he tried to go large obviously with Josh mcdang and made a big mistake so

Um all r l you know all the reports I get they like the building there so um it sounds like they will possibly keep him I’m not sure but um you know this is Mark Davis’s Raiders DAV it’s not Al’s yeah Al having he would not have Antonio

Pierce in the building after what he said or he’d make him apologize or settle it somehow if he believed in his football acum in but it’s just still odd to me when I whenever I hear the name and I see him on the sideline and saying

How much he loves the red people brought up the comment that he made about the Raiders uh many many years ago when he was linebacker with the Giants or am I the only one that knows that kind of I you broke that story as far as I know

Same here I mean but but but has it been picked up on do people talk about that yes I did I did see after you made those comments on our show it was picked up by a lot of your your Raiders twitter and message board that talked about that and

There were there was you know as always everything was Cal and measured on social media there was the group that expressed surprise uh they didn’t remember those comments and and agreed with you uh there was the group that said now that you’re with the ners you hate the

Raiders um and then there was the group that just indiscriminately that’s not true that’s I mean just look at the facts he did make com anybody did anybody ever ask Antonio Pierce about those comments not to my knowledge no no yeah it doesn’t really matter it’s a

Long time ago Al Davis is no longer alive so it’s Mark Davis’s Raiders and whether he said them or not he was you know preparing to play a football game what he said was we could beat the Raiders with 10 guys on the field and that was first of all who says that

Going into a game it was the week of the game yeah and uh it was the game got out of hand and they wound up pulling Eli and I think they played uh dereck’s Brother David in that game came in to finish if I remember correctly but any

Anyway it doesn’t matter it’s about how he’s got him playing now and they they’re playing pretty well the big question really is is Kansas City ever G to get it right I always look ahead to the Super Bowl and matchups and I fear them so much um but I’m starting to

Wonder if they’re gonna if they’re going to get it straight I think one thing for sure Mahomes is gonna at some point you would think have to play a road playoff game for the first time in his career wow yeah well do you do you follow as we

Wrap up last question then you know you cover basketball Just Like You cover football uh we’ve seen this before with your warriors with the SHA Kobe Lakers uh with a lot of these dynasties or dynastic teams that seem to get bored at some point we all question whether or

Not they they’ve still got it if this is the year that it ends and then what do you know they’re there in the Super Bowl does that apply to football for you at all not in that sense it’s more the salary cap they had to make a call with

Tyreek Hill yeah and when they decided we’re not going to pay Tyreek Hill $30 million a year and we can trade him and get all these draft pick backs draft picks back and and for a while it works you know they brought in Juju Smith Schuster micle Hardman and they had

Enough and it looked like Mahomes was good enough with those other guys as long as he had Kelsey but this group they just seem just jointed uh whenever he breaks the pocket on the scramble drill there’s nobody un covering the offensive line is not very good we know

After they beat the the Niners in the Super Bowl and clearly Eric Fischer held Nick Bosa uh the two3 chip jet L play but didn’t get called by benovic and his crew but in any regard the next year you know Fischer’s gone they lost the other tackle as

Well and and Tampa Bay killed him in the Super Bowl because Mahomes was on his back most of the game they went out and got tackles to to overcome and and now they just don’t have the tackle play they got one that’s Wy it’s playing for

Used to be a Washington Commander um so he’s not being protected in the pocket he can’t trust the people around him Kelsey looks a little different being able to uncover so the odd thing is their defense is probably the best defense they’ve had in this run um but

The offense is not there but I still feel like uh I want to see you know can Lamar beat them in a playoff game can Tua beat them in a playoff game uh you know Cleveland looks like is Flaco gonna be able to do this wow the whole way

Through I mean he looked so amazing last night to start and then it almost looked like he got tired at the end of the game his whole is throwing the ball like every play they had a good running game last night they got it going a little

Bit but I I don’t know the AF and buffalo um can Josh Allen run the table from whenever Buffalo gets in if they win the NC Easter and they’re going to play Miami the last week of the year I mean the NFC we kind of know who the

Teams are there’s a group of four at the top that are pretty dominant do we have any idea who’s going to win the AFC and go to the Super Bowl nope the Browns you think so I would what a story that would be a flack they got a great

Defense that defense is great you know well it’s great your visits with us each week and as we uh say goodbye for the final show of the year year uh hopefully next week we are uh celebrating lot of uh lots of uh aukes on Fires lots of touchdown

Cmc’s uh and lots of uh lots of an excited Greg and Tim enjoying the Resurgence of BR py after a tough game so we appreciate you friend enjoy the flights May old acquaintances be forgotten I never never quite understood that you have any idea what that means exactly never quite

Yeah got that one proba something about we forget old acquaintances I don’t get that right I don’t I’m GNA remember them that’s kind of weird uh you’re the best buddy enjoy the cookies and we’ll talk to you right happy year we’ll talk next week man all right thanks Greg bye-bye that is Greg

Baa we will take a break when we come back listen we got a ton of stuff Friday fun of games the the uh bowl game game uh what to watch celebrity birthdays don’t go away we’re right back sown Sports the 40 ners final Road game of

The regular season is Sunday in DC and here’s pie going to throw one deep wide for Debo made the catch on the back shoulder touchdown s Frisco and a back shoulder Banger for Debo Samuel San Francisco continues its quest for the nfc’s top seed 49ers and commanders Sunday at 10 on sack toown

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Regroup as they battle the commanders in DC then it’s the Kings and Grizzlies from Memphis 49ers at 10 Kings at 5 on New Year’s Eve on your home of the 49ers and Kings sack toown Sports Sacramento weather is brought to you by elk grve Honda I’m e javor in the kcr3 weather

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Your sports card and memorabilia needs the for ners report brought to you by EB Stone EB stone for lifee garden the for9 Christmas was ruined Monday night dropping their first game in six weeks 3 19 to Baltimore quarterback Brock P threw four interceptions in the game the most are any 49ers Gunslinger

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Sack Sports Al righty yo we got a lot to get to Jason Ross uh just a quick what to watch tonight Kings Hawks of course that’s a 430 tip right here on sack toown Sports Grizz and Clippers don’t forget the Kings play the Grizz on uh Sunday the Thunder nuggets uh going into

Denver Oklahoma City versus uh the defense in Champions and of course at 11:45 today a special Friday day match if you will Jason huttersfield Town host Middlesboro this is gonna be a tough tough match for the Terriers throw the records out throw the records out in

This case exactly uh let’s get to the bowl games you’ve been doing the bowl game games all week and I for one I don’t know about Chris I’ve been enjoying them quite a bit well good uh today we’re going to test your uh knowledge of uh geography okay okay so

Right now guys the tax Slayer hint Gator Bowl is going on where do you think they play that game guys Florida be Gainesville gainville Gainesville Florida I believe I’m gonna say Gainesville okay that game is in Jacksonville yeah um the Tony the Tiger sunbowl is featuring Oregon State Notre

Dame today where do you think that game is being played uh Arizona I would say specifically Phoenix I’m going to say Paso Texas I’m going to say Christopher L is exactly right uh where is the goodye Cotton bow classic the Missouri versus uh Missouri versus Ohio State today oh God that’s

Going to be somewhere in the South excuse I’m allergic to the South um I’ll say Alabama I’ll say Dallas Texas um right AT&T Stadium technically Arlington Texas technically well actually um how about uh the AutoZone Liberty Bowl which is featuring Memphis and Iowa State I know you guys know that

Philadelphia Philadelphia it’s probably somewhere like Liberty biberty De Moine Iowa De Moine Iowa and Philadelphia are the guesses the correct answer is Memphis Tennessee oh yeah home of Liberty yes exactly uh yesterday Dave we were talking a lot about the Pop-Tarts Bowl yes uh here we go here’s from uh

The Pop-Tart bowl game yesterday the announcers talking about the Pop-Tart mascot you just saw the an edible mascot he came out of a toaster a giant toaster minutes before kickoff can you really put the Frosted WIS in a toaster though well here’s the sad part of the story

After the game he will be devoured he will die and he will be his own last meal amazing wait what it’s it’s the darkest thing you’ve ever seen in sports the Pop-Tart mascot holding up a sign that says dreams really do come true as he’s lowered into a giant toaster to be

Burned to death not burned just cooked to death cooked to death evenly warm well smiling yeah the uh the poptart was uh very expectedly the star of the postseason bowl game so far the poptart was hurt in the proceedings poptart is day today yes all right celebrity birthdays

Brought to you by crumble cookies crumble cookies they’re so good we your taste buds wish you would shout out to Kevin Whitey gleon who will be on later today I believe with Dr yep uh after Styles and Watkins who will be in for Friday funny games next Jason Ross

All right guys happy birthday to Jude Law Jude Law is 47 Hey Jude Law is 48 uh Dave for the win 51 for Jude Law happy birthday to Ted so Dan oh dancon Ted Danson Ted Danson is 74 yeah you’re in the ballpark I’ll say 71 Christopher

L For the Win Ted Danon is 76 oh my God happy birthday say to Miles Simon Turner Garrett miles Garrett is how old today uh 27 28 we have a correct answer Christopher L 28 damn it happy birthday John Lithgow ol rude you’ve got a Lithgow twice happy

Birthday John Mac Andro Terry all right happy birthday who’s John Terry sucker player okay it’s John voit’s birthday John vo John vo he’s 86 Chris’s favorite actor is 84 wow you guys tied he’s 85 in between happy birthday Julio Caesar Chavez Franco Rodriguez how old is Julio Rodriguez for the Mariners

24 26 Dave for the win 23 happy birthday birthday to Danny bonuchi Danny McBride oh he is 42 let the boy watch he is uh he’s 45 uh Dave for the win 47 happy birthday maai Fifer this ain’t no Makai Fifer is 52 let say

56 Chris for the win 49 last one happy birthday Matthew MCC uh delaa oh hold on bradrick Matthew Barry fantasy football expert he’s 53 he’s 50 Chris the wind he’s 54 wow Matthew mberry let’s go back in time as we uh finish off the segment here

Coming up next we got a cross talk but really Friday fun and games but first oh yeah baby you know it’s time I’m here to talk to you about Supreme Source super premium dog food fastest growing premium dog food in the country been around since 1972 familyowned and operated that’s

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Bit Friday funny games last one of the year coming up next sown Sports the Sacramento Kings Road Trip continues Friday in Atlanta to saimon back door cutan poed up bounce with a two hand flush catch the kings of the Hawks Friday at 4:30 on your home of the Kings zck Town

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Fun and games on the carmichel Dave show with Jason Ross welcome in you’ve made it to Friday the final day of the year at least show I should say car Michael Dave Jason Ross in studio Allan styles Chris Watkins how are you guys outstanding great fantastic wonderful ready for some Friday fun and

Games I know we got a lot to get to so let’s get to it yeah all right great okay let’s go here we go guys we’ve got uh the final show of 2023 so this is an homage to the year that we just lived through uh Dave uh we have five points

Or five ways to score in each category I’ll explain as we go along but you get to pick first so Dave these are our categories MVPs NBA scoring college football movies music Kings baseball 49ers or Sports poer give me music please I knew you’d go there all right

For uh one point these basically is how it’s going to work they’re the five top uh concert selling tours this year does that make sense yes yes okay so who was the most popular this is just for one point who had the highest grossing Musical tour this year that’ be Taylor

Swift that’s correct who had the second most I have no idea anybody else who was on tour this year uh let’s go with the Eagles uh I don’t know incorrect Elton John incorrect Muse like she is super famous yes and it was a real battle

Between one and two huge news at I was saving her for the and Beyonce okay there you go you got the top two I better give you the rest uh Bruce Springsteen was third Cold Play was fourth that’s your group and Harry Styles was fifth so Dave you got three

Possible points there thank you all right Allan MVPs NBA scoring college football movies Kings baseball 49ers or Sports buffery guess I’ll go 49ers okay I think you’re going to do well in this one these are the leaders in touchdowns in 2023 remember there were a couple games

The beginning of the calendar year so who has the most for just one point macaffer correct who has the second most this is weird because you have to get this in order so it’s a little tricky great yeah the second most or you get a guess you’re at the second most

Yeah well I I know who it’s between but I feel like is it auk incorrect okay um who has the third most is it auk incorrect who is the fourth most is it a correct so was it yeah uh number two was Debo number three was KD and if you get

Fifth most you get Five Points the fifth most yeah I mean is it is it Brock pie it is not good guess though he was one behind it’s actually Jordan Mason what yeah that’s why it was worth Five Points why did I I don’t know

But you uh you got five points you moved ahead of Dave how do I get Five Points you got the number one which for one for Chris mcaffry and you ended up with auk with a bunch of guesses at points yeah all right Chris Watkins MVPs NBA scoring college football movies Kings baseball

Or Sports poery I’ll do uh NBA SC NBA scoring okay this one could be a little tricky here but we did have a scoring record broken do you know who became the all-time leader in scoring this year in the NBA like this calendar year no come on

All time yeah NBA scoring leader broke the record in 202 LeBron James okay you get a point who is now number two of all time kareim Abdul Jabar correct who is now number three of all time this is where you’ve got to get in order uh of all

Time let’s see here let’s go with Carl Malone correct who’s now number four uh is it of all time yes boy that was really funny the second time you did it um say uh is is Mike number four Incorrect and so you can’t get number five that’s Michael Jordan but you got

The top three there you go you have now six points who was it was it was it Wilt it was coob coob Brian all right so Chris rad MVPs college football movies Kings Baseball sports POI movies you knew he was going to uh the top five grossing movies of 2023 what is number

One for one point obvious Barbie correct what is number two Oppenheimer incorrect what is number three oh oh yeah yeah yeah correct what is number four yo mama fast a incorrect all right and you can’t get number five because it’s fast x wait why can I get it he said

Like friend and iuk like 30 times no it was different was I don’t know was it Avatar uh Avatar number one was Barbie number avar was 2022 Super Mario Brothers three was Oppenheimer number four was Guardians of the Galaxy 3 and five was fastx all right Marvel yes all

Right so we’ve completed round now we’re down to the second round Dave Sports po Pere and we will have to be very quick here okay here we go Dave for a point American tennis player who won her first Grand Slam title in 2023 Coco goof correct uh tanking for Victor was

Popular but who was picked number two in the NBA draft scoot Henderson incorrect it was Brandon Miller he was uh behind the sign stealing scandal at Michigan uh uh the stallions we’ll give you that Connor stallions uh he won the dunk contest in February NBA D oh MC

McClung wow good for you and named two of the NCAA Final Four teams no number one two or three seeds made it Florida State and UCLA incorrect didn’t name the two in the final yeah Yukon Miami San Diego State and Florida Atlantic for the correct there you go all right Allen

MVPs college football and this will be our last oh kings are base well we should probably what what do you want we’ll do kings Chris and I can share real quick while you guys are doing your thing to celebrate the end of the year I promised I’m gonna go jump in the pool

Okay oh he is oh my God we don’t to worry about the questions let’s just see this okay this is not great May notice I’ve already prepared with my Florida State bathing suit uh oh is it a song uh it is just wait till I turn around uh

Guys have a safe New Year by the way year da sign Bessie those are boxers oh my goodness yeah we see we’re a little delayed oh I heard the splash I heard the splash let’s see let’s judge him on the entry of the dive see here you think

It’s a cannonball does he go legs first or is he dive in I’m gonna say a lot of leg kicking leg kicking wow okay it more of a belly yeah it also wasn’t safe I mean he had a lot of momentum going there right right I guess that’s

It we killed it great job Dave you guys well the king question yeah yeah off all right that’s it is Dave swimming I think he’s swimming yeah he not he looks more like he’s drowning the butterfly he’s doing the butterfly all right that’s it for us happy New Year to everybody

Styles and Watkins coming your way next here on sack Down Sports last season the Sacramento Kings gave us a little bit of everything a Pacific Division typle GM of the Year coach of the year clutch Player of the Year all stars and all NBA performers plus we got to light the

Beast are steal by Fox the Breakaway he’s got the rip with the left hand what does this season have in store find out each and every Sacramento Kings game can be heard right here on your proud home of the bean team sack toown Sports at sack toown every 40 seconds a child is reported missing that’s 2,000 children every single day it’s a heart

The Sacramento Kings end 2023 with a matchup against the Hawks on Friday and the Grizzlies on Sunday. What does Sacramento need to do to return home with a winning road-trip record?

And the San Francisco 49ers travel to Washington to take on the Commanders. Can the Red & Gold clinch the number one seed in the NFC this weekend?

#sacramentokings #sanfrancisco49ers #kingsvshawks #atlantahawks

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