@Utah Jazz

POSTCAST – Very impressive performance by Utah Jazz in 117-109 win over Miami Heat

POSTCAST – Very impressive performance by Utah Jazz in 117-109 win over Miami Heat

Was this the best win of the Season by the Utah Jazz that’s Up For Debate but there’s no debate it was the best play by keante George we’ve seen all year we’re talking about it next on postcast you are locked on Jazz your daily podcast on the Utah Jazz part of

The locked on podcast Network your team every Day David lock along with Ron Boone after the Utah has win as impressive a performance as they’ve had all year a 117 109 win here in Salt Lake City on a Saturday afternoon against the Miami Heat in a fun fun game a game in which

The at the end of one Miami led by one at the half the Jazz led by one at the end of three we were tied and until the final moments of the game neither team led by more than two possessions other than one single Jazz possession and that

Didn’t happen until late in the fourth quarter we went the first 43 minutes of the night both teams Within two possessions the whole time we finished with 25 lead changes and 12 ties in what was a really really fun basketball game and a continuation of what we’ve seen

Out of the Utah Jazz Ron of improved play they’ve won seven of their last 10 now they’ve won four of their last six this team just is playing completely differently and will hardy is using the pieces correctly yeah you you can just tell the confidence level is starting to

Build from the players as well with what’s going on out there on the floor uh minute distribution I I think is is changing from game to game is that working for the Jazz obviously you know guys are different guys are having some big nights we saw that tonight with lri

And Clarkson not uh playing or not shooting the basketball very well and and other guys stepped up and got the win the most important guy is probably Kelly Lin we’ll get to him in a second the headliner is Keon George he had a really really bad turnover in the third

Quarter seemed as down as we’ve seen him will hardy brought him over and then in the fourth quarter he was fabulous these are the flashes uh that you need to see from Rookie players they sometimes will last for four minutes sometimes they last for eight they happen every now and

Then but they are there that’s what you’ve got to see and the guts the number one thing about Keon is he looks like he belongs and I even said on the broadcast night Ron he looks like his number one things he looked like blun and he hasn’t gotten flustered this was

The first time we’ve seen him kind of noticeably get flustered and for him to bound out of that in a manner that he did tonight in the fourth quarter he finishes with 12 points I believe it was in the fourth quarter uh tonight on four of five shooting and three of four from

Three and they were big ones and they were gutsy yeah it it was right at a crucial time to where it could have swung either way as a matter of fact and and he knocks down a three good jazz back up four on on on both possessions I

Think when when he knocked down those threes there in the fourth quarter so his confidence level is is there uh the the the moment doesn’t seem to scar him and and again you just can’t say enough about the confidence level that will is putting in him and is showing for him

Out the you make a really interesting point right there he was willing to have the game on his shoulders like if he missed those shots that could have swung the other way he wasn’t scared of having the game on his shoulders there yeah I mean and they were open threes um take

Them you know and both of them on the left side of the floor I can look and see what his percentages are on that left side of the floor I don’t think they’re very good no none of his percentag are very good so he’s just he’s playing with guile a little bit on

Some of these you know what’s interesting he played all 12 minutes of the fourth quarter and I think he checked in with about five minutes left so he played the final 17 minutes tonight that’s also a against the Heat team that’s up on you playing you hard

To play that’s that’s an impressive task to stay that engaged for those 17 minutes and will is starting to do some of that remember the other night he played uh didn’t substitute anyone in the fourth quarter so if he’s going to ride the hot hand I mean that’s

Something the coaches uh I like to see a little bit more you got a guy that that’s hot uh just because his minutes say he needs to come out of the ball game well you got to ride those minutes you know y special hello to Andy in

Europe the I do uh the 3:00 tip off helps Europe watch these games and I just saw he chimed in uh actually we’ always thought the NBA should be playing a like Saturday and Sunday game for the European audiences you know a noon and a three o’clock game for European

Audiences um so fun to fun to be a part of it tonight uh or this afternoon for for this one let me just go big picture on the Jazz the level of competition the level of of effort they’re putting out there right now this is just a vastly

Improved group than what we saw earlier this year yeah it it really is uh and and again you know you’re looking at a young coach uh with the the Personnel changing from one year to the next uh rolls changing from one year to the next except for a couple of two or three

Players and now you’re starting to see what we were witnessing in practice as far as what the Jazz want to do offensively and defensively they’re getting probably getting better at it you know that’s putting it mildly that’s probably the best thing and we open the broadcast

Time about what a test Miami is because they change so much and they’re versatile and they alter the rhythm of the game the Jazz didn’t seem flustered by it tonight they they understood the game plan Scott Morrison said to us hey if you’re in that slot three you’ve got

To take it you got to pull it’s going to be there all night they didn’t make it early they were one of 10 and above the break threes through one two of 16 through three four of 23 through three quarters but it was those slot threes by

Lowry Markin and Keon George from the Jazz in the fourth quarter suddenly busted out hitting six of nine from three in that fourth quarter I think it was or six of 10 uh in which you know Keon gets three of them John Collins hits two Corner threes and Lowry hits an

Above the break three I think all three of kontes were above the break so they hit four above the break threes in the fourth quarter having hit four all night that that’s game planning when the coaching app but that’s players having the guts to execute the game plan game

Planning is very important and especially when you you you’re able to see it when it happens uh not sure if they talked about when they when they’re in the zone or even when they’re switching one through five uh with some you should get a shot here and you

Should get a shot there when you’re there take the shot uh and obviously keonte was right there on a couple of them and knocked him down the dagger of the night is low Markin in’s three he’s 0 for seven at the time from three he’s really having a miserable

Offensive night what did you see out of him he was willing to pull the trigger on that well he’s the score on this team he’s the star on this team he’s the best player on this team and and you can’t be afraid of the moment if you’re the best

Team on on the best player on the team that I mean you miss it you know at least I took the shot but you got a lot of confidence that I’m going to make the next one I missed four in a row I’m gonna make the fifth one if that’s the

Mentality you definitely have to have all right I’ve buried the headline let’s go to Kelly alen a former member of the Miami Heat came off the bench in the first half he immediately started going to the basket he was five of six in the first half he uh really was attacking uh

Told us in postgame that it was based on the matchups of what he knew he also knew that Miami you know we told you in the broadcast Miami’s 27th in the league in Rim defense teams are allowing night shooting 70% at The Rim against Miami he

Knew that uh and and went after them there and then the Jazz ran the same play about five or six times in a row it was Kelly linck out on the right wing catching and distributing and playing off that and it led to Keon’s three it

Led to a Keon UCLA Cut for a layup um it led to 10 assists by Kelly oin tonight um and they just really the the I I I’ll stop there I got a bigger picture comment in a second but I’ll stop there and what Kelly was able to do for this

Team ton yeah and he scored he looked to to score in the basket I mean in in especially in that fourth quarter but David he knew what was guarding him as well the young rookie hwz and Robinson and he torched them both so he torched them both uh he was interesting postgame

You asked him about the Kelly Al linic move to the right that is not on Rhythm and that’s from one-on-one two on two three on three when he all those games he plays yeah it it’s it’s amazing and he’s smart enough knows how to get him off he

Missed a couple of layups the other night after pulling pulling some of those moves off and but he just and we saw him in practice working on those things so it’s not like it’s it’s he doesn’t know what he’s doing yeah because he does work on it there are two

Things that have changed about the Jazz there’s probably more but I’m gonna go with two things the biggest one to me is Kelly a little he’s playing with the ball in his hands more he’s on the floor more he’s more involved he they’re when possessions aren’t working they’re

Flashing him to the ball and making him make a decision he’s probably the best decision maker on the team I I I I think his role of what’s happened in the last month is you know I don’t I’d have to go back and and I will do this look at how

Many touches he’s having how many front Court touches he’s having it just feels like he is so much more impactful but his role changes from game to game but about six shots five to six shots at ball game so but tonight different you know he knew that need to shoot the

Basketball he only ended up with 10 shots right 10 shots he made six in 27 28 minutes a play but they were very important minutes setting his teammates up getting assists rebounding I mean it just his impact is just unbelievable the other one’s Colin seon this is a

Different player this is the player they dreamed that they were getting a year ago coming off the knee injury he didn’t perform this way for the opening 20 games of the Season his last 10 games he’s averaging about 23 points but it’s different it’s it’s a level of awareness

Out of Colin that I didn’t know he had uh will talked about his decision making and the picking roll and slowing down and making the initial read um and it’s also a propensity and willingness to shoot the three like he took four threeson I don’t care he’s one for four

If You’re Gonna Play shooting guard in the NBA you have to take four to seven threes a night he was taking one or two last year that just wasn’t enough and he’s now bombing the three making it at a high rate but his attack and what he’s doing uh he’s earned himself that

Starting spot on this basketball team well and and you just mentioned something very important because he is as you mentioned his decision making but also he’s not playing with his head down you know and so now he’s getting some assists I mean he’s reading the defense

He ended up with five assists tonight in 25 minutes I mean that’s awesome though that’s that that type of performance or effort that you’re getting in in in 25 minutes that is awesome even if he was doing that coming off the bench it would be just as valuable to what the Jazz are

Doing out there for all right um easy six yeah really easy yeah uh six players and double fig seven players and double figures tonight is John Collins went over as well with two big fourth quarter threes for John Collins Tonight Simone got the start defended Jimmy Butler

Really really well Jimmy Butler left the game with a foot injury late I saw somebody in the chat room saying this game would have been different if Jimmy maybe but Miami by the way came in as 27th in the league in the fourth quarter is 26 in the league in clutch and Jimmy

Butler this year is eight of 31 in the clutch so this is actually what we saw tonight out of Miami it’s been a little bit of a season long issue for them where we were tied going to the fourth quarter and they weren’t able to close it and the Jazz have been remarkably

Good in the clutch will Hardy’s team is now nine and five in the fourth best offense in the league in clutch play so U maybe it would have been different obviously Jimmy Butler’s awesome but it has not been a Jimmy Butler esque season late in games uh so far I thought Simone

Did a great job on him Chris Dunn uh started tonight and again kind of just dimed out six assists held it really just an allaround effort Walker Kessler had a fabulous stretch defensively around the rim in the third quarter that altered the game I want to give everyone

A little du um before we get to it um and uh now we can do it our two stars tonight are simple and easy they both start with k absolutely Keon George and Kelly alen both off the bench and both were just fabulous Keon with 12 fourth

Quarter points and a double double for Kelly thanks so much for tuning in postcast Ron you got any final thoughts before go home go home we’re home we don’t have to it’s not like road trip so we got another game money we might as well stay here huh yeah we yeah Dallas

Tickets are available uh for the first see Luca if you’ve never seen Luka before would you please come out it’s really it’s I talked to a NBA coach this week who said he thinks Luca will be remembered equal to Magic Johnson by the time it’s done it’s great company

Absolutely Jazz win it over Miami come and get the tickets see you here thanks very much for tuning in we now send you the first ever 247 National stream on YouTube locked on sports today

The Utah Jazz had 6 players in double figures lead by Keyonte George 11 in the 4th quarter and a double double from Kelly Olynyk who had 19 points, 10 assists to go with his 6 rebounds. The game was tied heading to the 4th quarter and Jazz outscored the Miami Heat by 8

David Locke and Ron Boone bring you POSTCSAT after every Jazz game.

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