@Brooklyn Nets



Bridges pass it all what the heck was that oh my God that was disgusting SK it man see how turn out man listen man we got the Nets first the Nuggets hey man this should be reg good game you already know we going to do the stats at the end

Of the video make sure you stay tuned for that also you know your boy can remain uned throughout this whole game we going to enjoy this game together but listen if I got a bet money on the team uh about to go to nuggets low key

Man I’m about to go to nuggets I don’t know n Nest actually pretty good this year but um I’m going go to nuggets though but we going to see how that turn out and know we see that boy y going to do this game man all to the rim all bass

In okay then I got his on Miss though put it back up and in all right then this should recovered from that but Thomas almost straight up air ball for a little second but Murray Got It Go pass inside Gordon easy slam right there easy peasy slam man rebound by Murray let’s

Push the pace my boy going pass to yic a to Gordon beautiful set up hey them boy nuggets trying to pull away a little bit a little what the heck just happened right there but look Bridges saved it inside back the bridges I on that that was tough that was

Tough Bridges pass it off what the heck was that oh my God that was disgusting that was tough hold on Dan witty that was a mass SM three that three was smothered like yo yic with a nice put back though yeah that three was mass smother my boy that

Was insane yic got fouled and he going to continue is going to give him the continue basket all right they going be on the floor all right how about to say cuz uh like like he fouled him way back there not in the shooting animation so nice three though that boy

Uh finish Smith they caught a body the last game towards the end that was hilarious but Flo it up he going to get it in man yes sir so we got we going to skip to the half I mean that’s half time we going skip to the second quarter man tie ball

Game that boy was gliding for a little second but got denied but that boy clashed and pulled up with a nice little put back out the cut pass out to the corner d w that’s a tough one yeah that’s tough I me that boy Smith hold on man I I got confused

From his number for a little second that boy finish Smith what you going to do with that going pass it all right back out okay was it for three no he going about three of his own that boy definitely he now net got a four-point lead all way to the rim oo oh

He still got it in D the air one oh he should have got a n one off that it like he practically blocked it but it still went in that’s a tough finish I’m not going to lie that was tough but up man let’s give it to that

Boy Thomas man he about to pull up low key pass back inside that boy shark with a nice little slam all right Murray about to pull up low key never mind mid-range okay that’s going to go in that boy M Murr from the mid-range yic my well ice that up my boy

Never mind all right pass side that’s easy Murray easy peasy lay I mean that was too easy bro but then muray got straight up clamping that under the rim right there Bridges got it fast bra oh oh right come on let’s hey let’s St let’s stay y through that defense though you

Know that pass was mad sketchy from Murray but look yic it’s come on that mid-range is mad tough though they can’t be leaving them open like that bridg is going oh yeah oh that’s get it that mid-range was hey hey we know he had all the Three Bridges but

I’m just saying though man is a mid-range assassin Thomas that’s a midrange hey that’s a that’s a nice mid-range usually he he be shooting lights out from three but mid-range is work too Murray oh nice pass nice set that Gordon Murray with a with a little nup

Pass action at the uh at the shot got under two minutes left for halftime all way to the rim that boy O’Neal going go all the way and finish it let’s R man Net’s up right now up like a cool like like five right now but

Uh get that man Gordon and one stone finish let get out After High Time two-point net lead Clon gu it going dunk on that boy I’m might going to get it up in in thought going to stay Wham on yish for a second all way to the rim with a nice little

L hey that boy bridg is here man yis got denied by Clon hold on now CL we going to do with that my Boy you know you can’t dribble y about to say pass that off my boy Thompson all way to the rim with a nice little

L hey Net’s kind of holding it down right now give it to yic he gonna pull it himself let’s get it okay then okay then hey hey have no fear yices here Thomas he going to put oh that’s thas that boy Johnson with a nice three AKA Lala AKA MI

I see you boy Murray going to step back three oh my Lord hold on Murray I was that was a crispy step back three my boy you been working on it been learning from James Harden Pat Johnson all the way what the heck oh that’s a un how would you how you pronounce

It orth Orthodox something like that uh laying right there that’s insane but uh get that man y one stone finish inside pass back out finish SM for the three hold on N hit the lead back five minutes to go on third hand off to Murray yeah he going to pull up for it

Babi that boy M muray hold on it’s a brick got to get that rebound y was in your hands bro hold on bub our boy O’Neil ski out there though that man y should have grabbed that rebound bro it was in your hands or hand that Murray with a corner

Three hey under minute left though nuggets up by four pass aside go bullly it up okay that boy sharp big bully work underneath the rim they bullying on na said I’m here him boy we in the fourth quarter Jackson going to take it himself over Clash then

I’m surprised he I’m surprised he didn’t send that ball gliding into the crowd you straight up block yish earlier how how you don’t block Reggie Jackson that do that boy Smith hit the most smother shot of the week oh my Lord hold on now that was at least that was

That was like 98% smothered 1,00% oh my God nuggets up by three though Tom is going keep it himself to okay all right I bet you to wearing that thing down but that’s still a finish though I’ll get it to you Murray might yeah just run inside bro

Never mind he gonna Glide backwards okay then yeah hey they Bunny Hop backwards then boy Murray doing it this game yish oh go take it himself now that’s a nice finish you must have heard what I said that boy Murray is wide open on that play you know y got eyes in the

Back of his head I thought he for straight straight straight hit that boy yish with the uh behind the back but he must have heard what I said he like he like like he like hey Murray doing what hold on let me step up real quick Murray

All way to the r oh back to yic all the way with a nice little lay okay Murray that’s a nice set up my boy now you might have to pull up for three never mind Y what the heck bye K CP wait remember he some tough passes out

Here D witty M take the three low ke boy ain’t going to lie to you might have to oh yeah side step let’s get it boy d hold on boy three-point game Bridges might to step up my boy all the way to the rim give him that one stor finish okay it

Going to tie this game up oh he missed the free throw how you missed the free throw bro Murray floer that thing good I don’t know how that man Bridges missed the free throw my boy you straight sold on that Watson for the game winner I mean for the dagger that

Might be the dagger low key but then you missed the free throw so they kind of still have a chance though Thomas got pull up for three Thomas for three oh yeah oh my god get in one St finish that boy Thomas yo but that’s going to basically do it

Right there though man with 4 seconds ain’t nothing y can really do with 4 seconds bro up top that’s a nice finish okay still got three seconds wait got to foul him what the heck and a foul he just stay I ain’t going to lie

What up yo hear me y’all y just hear me out bro you threw the ball right imagine if they didn’t if they didn’t call that if they didn’t call that foul bro and you just literally threw the ball for literally no reason and and they get the

Ball back that would have been insane bro I don’t know what that man was thinking I know the log the logic was probably I’mma throw it down there Wast out Wast out the rest of the clock at least throw it up in the air you know what I’m saying but that man just

Launched that down there but hey nuggets tiet let go got the stat sheet we got Murray 32 points nine assists five rebounds we got uh y 31 points L rebound s assists hey shout out to Murray though 32 that man stepped up man Y is doing as

He usually do you know 31 Point close triple double uh Gordon 18 points five rebound two assists go to the next what we got Thomas 23 points two assists we got Johnson 17 points two assists one rebound we got uh Bridges 14 points six assist three rebounds hey hope y’all boy

Enjoy this video If you watching this right now appreciate you see the next video bro b


1 Comment

  1. The NBA needs fingernail rules, Jokic arms are covered with scratch marks. They had to halt this game 2 minutes to stop the bleeding ! I think some of these morons grow and file them as weapons.

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