@Los Angeles Clippers

Paul George Reacts To The Clippers 117-106 Win Over The Memphis Grizzlies. HoopJab NBA

Paul George Reacts To The Clippers 117-106 Win Over The Memphis Grizzlies. HoopJab NBA

Is that is that a death or or a jacket jacket um that first half is obviously obviously show I know you were relieved when you saw some shots go through that one pull up three obviously in the third quarter good note of you know what was the process to understand what you had

To do in that third quarter espe uh I mean I just playing through adversity um yall know what that means just playing through that and just trying to stay aggressive and uh you know once I uh saw for what it was um you I just found Rhythm what was the

Adversity I know what the adversity is I mean is it both ends of the floor or or just you know playing through contact on one end while not getting the contact on the other hand playing through adversity I I got you past year just felt like when

Some of either you or Kawhi were out I’m adjustment period for the rest of guys to figure out what their rules were that night what have you seen this year I know that you hav’t missed a whole lot of games it’s not it’s been an all the

Time thing but just cuz it’s happened last couple weeks a little more often like how quickly does take you guys really lock into who you are that night and kind of readjust and lock in uh how quickly yeah like if you know Ka out tonight like I mean every yeah I

Mean I think you know we we know uh going to take some time for him for kawhai to get back into the adjustment um or back into the lineup uh you know so we going into it we know uh what’s at hand and what we got to do um so it’s

It’s not something that’s surprising coming into the game or something like that are going into the shoo round um you know we got to hold it down for when he comes back um and then we pick up right where where we all left off uh

Before he went down um but you know it’s not that much of an adjustment you know we we professionals you know we we know we got to come out hoop play our game and uh play Clipper basketball do you take that as being concerning maybe he

Might be out for a little while longer as you suggest or is it just sort of like are you guys hopeful uh I mean we hopeful um we hopeful he he’s looking good he’s looking better and better um but you know again um we know it’s nothing serious like you

Know he’s going to get through it when when you know his body is is back to where it needs to be um but again our job is to just continue uh going at the level we’re going we’re playing great basketball um in the month of December

And uh you know must just keep picking it up and and uh next man up mentality you guys keep that going I that’s a very broad question but you guys seemingly made such big strides in the last month how how what’s the most important you think to carry over from December to

January uh I think we’ve done a great job of taking in one game at a time we got to continue to do a good job of of uh that approach um every game’s different every matchup is going to be different um we’re changing coverages based off the matchups so it’s just

Being locked into the details going into the games we’ve been doing that um and it’s been working TI said that uh the four Thursday practice that you guys have really only started to begin playing more plays like when it comes to the offensive side of the ball how much of

The iceberg are we seeing of what you guys are doing offensively how much is there still to show on what yeah I mean there’s a lot there’s a lot uh we we’re still working to unlock everyone’s true potential with with this new four um big

Four uh group that we have um so there’s still a lot that we’re trying to unlock here um you’ve seen flashes of it um on a nightly basis throughout uh very uh different variation of games um but you know it’s still so much um that we can do offensively um

That I think we’re still trying to scratch the surface on uh but I like where we’re at like like I said we’re we’re learning and figuring out how to win I think our defenses have been uh holding pretty strong which has been making our offense a little easier to get comfortable and

Adjusted to um but once we start clicking on that in uh should be real scary has talked a lot about winning games while you guys are figuring it out obviously guys have been able to do that here in the month of December how encouraging is that knowing that you

Still have so much to go but you guys are finding ways to win despite that yeah super encouraging um you know that’s that’s what you want right um get better as a group while winning um and so I think that’s where we’re at right now and you know everybody feels good

About where we’re at so uh we talk about the process we’re enjoying the process what was you and James I know you guys interacted a lot in the court like a play in the first half session that didn’t go to well you guys were trying

To you know get on the same page there like what’s that process like in game uh you know like what do you guys talking about yeah I mean it’s easy it’s easy it’s co-workers figuring it out um same with any job you know he see something I

See something let’s talk about what we saw um and let’s look for it on another possession or the next possession or um just constant communication um there no different than any other job well was it like to get that bounce past that that that eye contact and and finish with

That dunk like I it felt like that was something where maybe y’all talked about something like that opening up for you uh I mean it was just reading the floor um I had a big Onie saw a ton of space uh read the play um and and James is a

Hell of a passer um put it right on target you coming to H the cut uh I mean I’m working on it I’m working on it working on it trying to figure it out anything different about the way James sees the game that is different the way

Maybe you assumed would be like playing with him uh I mean no playing against him year after year that’s that was as much as how good we he was off the bounce with creating space um how good he was with with drawing the defense in and creating um two-on-one opportunities

And you know playing against him he was so tough having three three or four guys on the perimeter with um propella roll and you know that was just tough he was just a maestro in that of just picking teams apart and picking your apart in

That so being on his side um you know it’s it’s it’s definitely special watching it just how good he is for playmaking apprciate thank you guys let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Los Angeles Clippers All Star Forward Paul George speaks to the media following the Clippers 117-106 win over the Memphis Grizzlies. George finished the game with 23 points, 7 rebounds, & 3 assists.


  1. “Gonna take some time for kawhi to get back in the line up” ehh I don’t like the sound, but hip bruise shouldn’t b too bad . Maybe another week or 2 at most

  2. Wonder what adversity PG is talking about? Also, from what he’s saying, Kawhi will be out longer than what we expect, but it’s not very serious. 🤷🏾‍♂️Who knows what’s going on but good win for the Clippers!

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