@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Dec 29 | 2023 NBA Season

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Dec 29 | 2023 NBA Season

In I mean this is the same thing over and over Jason kid is not going to change the play they’re running until the Warriors change how they cover it was whacked there I mean the play it’ll be Warrior Ball but not a foul best player’s hands and just let

Him try to score well he gets switched with the center on him yeah over and over and over and over stap with the step back three got it green off the main then turn it around on him on the offensive end Curry Yanks back Josh Green sta

Beautiful drive he’s got counter boo now gp2 is on Don full court working himself into a game he’s got 19 right now at that pressure release screen now here’s a double team Josh Green attacking touch pass back to Dage for three see when they got it out of his

Hands though yeah they got their energy up rotated make them move it around make them do a little more than just attack the other guys on the white jerseys do something besides him jsky steps into a three you can tell there’s a different type of energy now with the team in the

Building crowds into it the gp2 picking at 94 ft makes someone else bring the ball up the court just Mak them do something different don’t forget Dallas blew a 20-point lead at home to Cleveland they let you back in it Hardway junr hitting a three they shoot

A ton of Threes they make a lot of Threes 14 of 31 score the Warriors by 12 from the three-point line Tonight step down the lane through the roster and just couldn’t quite flip at [Applause] home that patented left wing step back miss the three jsky good rebound Looney’s leading the break running with step back to kaban and that’ll he be fouled there’s Paul 22,000 points surp passing that

Tonight jsky two men are standing there doic waited in the other corner and then Luca threw it away anytime you make him pass it’s good that doesn’t happen very often that’s only seven turnovers for them he’s just incredible and out these are the shots the Warriors need so desperately he said

That wipe out screen Dallas at 58% [Applause] shooting like I said eighth best in offensive rating you seen the mass great Williams two of two Dante aom three of four every role player for the Mavs is coming up perfect JY on fire him there Wiggins fighting on the glass Looney give me

Just played well I’m just saying that 97 doesn’t have 50 points in the paint it’s jumper jumper jumper and they’re making all of them that can turn at times in the NBA neither the Mavs or The Warriors rely on points in the paint bu they’re

Both at the bottom of the league in that [Applause] Category staying with donic oh he leaned in and officials weren’t buying it Grant Williams will G’s got the green light here and Dallas is back to their largest lead at 16 you’re in the bonus so it doesn’t hurt to stay aggressive there ball picked up the drib

Has nowhere to go pton will escape that shot clck in seven has to make something out of nothing for jeky the show and go Chris Paul three to beat the buzzer and Tim Hardaway Jr putting Josh green on his way back out to Hardway Jun got the three-point and nobody had possession

That’s why the jump and white Powell wins That on John Wiggins in the playoffs two years ago Andrew did a tremendous job on Luca he also had the help of a guy named Draymond Green as well as Gary pton donic round it out every river begins with a raindrop just one stop at a time youve been reading

Books I have them read to me interesting 3 five ticks left in the third looking for clay on the dribble hand off back to Dario the jsky catch and shoot three those are the ones you got to rail Brandon’s two of four on threes Klay Thompson’s energy and movement created

That one finally two Defenders committed to him he got off of it started the ball Movement by a 4 second game shot clock difference winding down this third Josh green has been incredible tonight with 16 points driving and flipping it up and he’s 18 he’s got some

Handle and some speed six of seven from the field yeah once he gets going downhill he is tough to stop Chris Paul making sure the clock doesn’t start till now when he picked it Up jsky on donic step back again Bron hits back to back threes he’s got 13 to go the seven rebounds oh they turned it mind and the third well

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks 3rd QTR – PART 2 Highlights | Dec 29 | 2023 NBA Season


  1. I love how these announcers keep giving Klay credit for pts he’s not making.

    “Klays defenceman stayed on Klays so pods made the shot” or “Klays defenceman stayed on Klay because he respects Klays shot” 😂

    The announcers are doing everything possible to try to make Klay look good when he’s totally playing like shit. It’s almost to pathetic cuz he has to pandering to Golden State Warriors fans.

    I wish the announcers would just tell it as it is “maybe Klay should be benched”

    I just find it funny that the announcers are living in delusional land

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