
Bronny James SEASON-HIGH 15 PTS: USC Trojans vs. Oregon State Beavers | ESPN College Basketball

Bronny James SEASON-HIGH 15 PTS: USC Trojans vs. Oregon State Beavers | ESPN College Basketball

And that’s why you’re dealing with situations where coaches really know the other coach and what they’re going to do and what they run execution is huge in all those little things and having a player that can do that you saw Enfield now fourth all time in career wins at

USC Boogie Ellis from way deep but we know he can knock down those deep shots Wayan tingle said that game was lost in the paint on Thursday night Pope short will tie the offensive board goes up with the second effort blocked feeds it to Bilo and he gets the

Roll changes up the defense and USC really got to be able to recognize and come back and attack with their zone offense Billo he can knock it down from Deep again this is an Oregon State team doesn’t shoot the three ball particularly well at 31% nice feed from Collier down low to Joshua

Morgan Bella do ooh oh right from the holster Collier again down low this time to Paige he’s another player that is very skilled can shoot it understands the game can see the play make the plays and then has the ability to finish with the best of them cting and one skill set

Guys that can see plays defensively and offensively now he’s got the handles now he’s got the skill set to finish with the athletic move at the hoop so a very skilled talented basketball player at both ends of the [Applause] floor loano nice H to B who gets a chance for a three-point

Play Young Players to understand how to play the game and wanting to to understand thing here’s a catch High finish High by a big doesn’t bring the ball down doesn’t have to put it on the floor great hands great footwork catches the ball high the key as will they trap

Out of it play kind of solid and normal there one open down low Joshua Morgan with the [Applause] flush found himself open counted in one now caseyc gets a chance for a three-point opportunity Rodman back out to Ellis and a reset for the Trojans with 10 on the timer Ellis

Back door cut clier up and under with a beautiful reverse as she’s back in the dead zone remembering now if you’re going to play that zone You’ got to get to the three-point Shooters quicker you you’re not too much afraid it has to go inside there it is again trying to dance around

Bronny James down to three lots of contact no call here we go bronny for liftoff like father like son bronny James reaches for the sky level to play and understands the pressure of guarding a great shooter poker’s are great shooter and he’s proved that last year

And look at his defense he stays down he doesn’t go for the shot fake that was not not a foul and then the big time finish at the other end of the floor so not only did he defend but he had a little Showtime finish as well this back court for Oregon state

Has been Stellar over the last couple of games Pope dancing step back right in the face of DJ Rodman off the inbound for three bouncing off the [Applause] heel aano creates space and drills another triple Dexter Hano pop shake and bake regains possession and able to throw it up and in Wayne was talking about he got fouled well he did but he didn’t have the ball and offensively for aano as Rai will try a high arching three that one ways short Bido the offensive rebound

How it’s swatted Away by Joshua Morgan cuz I know we’ve heard so much on those turnovers you know I think the biggest thing again is how help how to guard the three-point shooter I I don’t like the fact that they’re in that zone because the rotations aren’t as good and

They give an opportunity again for three-point Shooters to shoot here goes James look out flying through the lane of course’s out of the game right now here we go bronny James pushing it again four onone Boogie Ellis transition three knocks it down Boogie Ellis from downtown and it’s cut to an 11-point

Game timeout Oregon State momentum of the game is gone from you and goes back to USC go inside the bone and missed him again for a second looked like they’re going to try that high low action but a backway bodies his way to the cup for an

And one opportunity Bor had a strong post up then they took away the high low with Morgan dropping back which gives him beckway an opportunity to put it on the floor and attack the basket and I love the fact that he recognized that and went right to the hole to

Score quiet night for colier so far only with Four Points trying to get going Boogie Ellis with seven with a floater gets it to drop goes to work left hand with the left counted and one Casey a beue here you know only about 35 of them

But you you knew he was coming with the left cuz he couldn’t get it off he had to come back and go with the left hand up and over to his credit know people will talk about well those teams were weren’t the level of Pack 12 competition

This is true but the situations are still the same you still got to see the play and make the play make the right decisions in those tough situations going down in the wi back almost had taken away pop knifing through the Defenders all the way to the

Cup and that’s a feel and here’s a young man Jordan Pope has a tremendous feel for the game that kind of speed to blow through underneath dipy doodle and finish come on what are you thinking I I wish wish there was video evidence of this I couldn’t tell whether it was a

Pass or a shot from bronny James but another bucket he he’s a wonderful player that has a wonderful game and he just needs to get stronger learn a few more things but he’s got a chance but again we know Boogie can get Hof from downtown Boi Ellis with 18 points for

USC bronny James junr from Deep knocks it down got to shoot it can’t be playing with it got to take some chances shoot the ball gamble a little bit okay it’s okay to to use the clock if you get a foul or you get a bucket out of it in the late

Clock that’s the bu they did the right thing they got a team they got together they got some guys to understand some things got into a nice Rhythm now the conference is here and they’re into Rhythm how about bronny James it’s coming out party with 15 he needs to

Shoot the ball more that’s all I’m saying he needs to take some of those make some and and [Applause] obviously ok with a possible exclamation point and one they don’t play well when the ball sticks but they’ve really been sharing the rock cornery with the jam Kobe Johnson for [Applause]

Three almost stolen away by Kobe Johnson up ahead RTI to the W to get their first Pack 12 win of the season in the infancy of the Pack 12 slate 8670 the final here at G [Applause] Coliseum

The USC Trojans lost to the Oregon State Beavers on the road, 85-66, to fall to 6-7 on the season. Bronny James scored a season-high 15 PTS off the bench.

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  1. Im gunna say it now, this kid's athleticism reminds me of a young Westbrook. His explosiveness looks to be on the same level.

  2. Funny people post all these highlights like they do LeBron. Funny he didn't have 25 points in 3 games combined. They didn't show them highlights as they don't when LeBron has all them turnovers and missed 3s

  3. His defense is what stands out to me. They seem to be much better defensively when he’s on the court. He has great anticipation.

  4. lebron fans are probably the most positive people on this earth I swear. But I can’t stand y’all.

  5. USC stinks dawg and I didnt expect them to…. Maybe im bias but they need to play bronny more. They play better wit boogie bronny and collier… but they still stink fr lol

  6. Not to be a hater but there are collage players that score 25-30 and never get a highlight or exposure. People that watch Bronny know that he is more of a defender than an offensive player. Its sad that this is going to be a topic on all the talk shows on Monday.

  7. The point guard from Oregon way better than Bronny but y’all bronsexuals talk about “potential “ 🤣🤣🤣
    Man stop. Admit that he’s average. His brother will be 10x better plus he has the height to match the nba game. Bronny undersize and that jumper is suspect

  8. Man when that ball in bronny hands he make things happen for his team mates he has great vision and passing skills he is a good defender and his shooting was great in this game. Way to go bronny

  9. good game by bronny he lets the game come to him which is why hes going to be solid he defends at a high level & shoots the 3 at an elite clip

  10. Why is the highlight about Bronny James?. Lol, he sucks.. Headline should be… Oregon State not James payout of ESPN? ? Rigged news wow.. goin down hill ESPN

  11. No cap, Bronny looks comfortable. No ego, accepts his role, elite defender and truth is he’s comfortable being in his own lane. When I watch him, I don’t see him trying to be LeBrons son, I see him just trying be there for his team and play great basketball. He looks confident in who he is. There’s still so much more growth for him in this game of basketball and I hope he achieves it. I could see his game transitioning to the NBA as a valuable 3 and D player. So nights 20pts some nights 15pts. Hope he proves me wrong and does better. Exciting to see these guys grow before your eyes. Let’s see what Bryce does.

  12. He's a good all around player and very unselfish. A really good athlete on top of that and a willing defender. Anytime I see a clip he's playing the right way, no doubt in my mind he's at least a NFL level bench player right now. I wonder if USC will feature him more and more as the season goes on and if he'll be one and day or return for another year.

  13. I didn't expect USC to decline so much this year. It seems like they've got enough top players to win more.

  14. 😮 i love to watch Bronny play because he plays defense….these other guys only care about offense…😮

  15. Bronny getting busky 🔥 got the same posture, run form, passing form just like lebron. It’s crazy. That fast break dunk he had is all lebron

  16. The team has other issues, but big men for USC look totally lost and confused defensively every set.They don't rotate and or defend well. It's going to be a long season.

  17. I can’t lie bronny gone be a Superstar SG I think he’s holding his self back on purpose cuss he knows he’s going to the NBA

  18. Bilodeau, Elliss, Pope all had 20+ pt games.. but nooo.. its the son of the billionare chinese sellout that is getting the Highlight Reel. smh

  19. Told people college would really bring out the IQ of Bronny’s game. I knew his game would translate much better in college. It was certain things he couldn’t show when you playing on a AAU high school team lmao and 80% of time it was sloppy ball. College is showing why he’s a true PG

  20. Put em in the starting lineup!! Bronny defense is top notch fr! He’s better than people give him credit for. Especially when it comes to the little things. You can tell bron his dad by how smart he plays

  21. Jr. On the jersey is a target on his back 🤦‍♂️ he’s been through severe health scare. Unnecessary Pressure is just that.

  22. Where’s all the people saying he can only score 5 points? Look at him now, getting his rhythm pack, shaking off cobwebs. This guy has always been a good player but people simply don’t wanna see him succeed bc of his last name

  23. They have a good team they just need to play better team defense. They’re losing to teams that aren’t better them.

  24. If only he was more confident and used his dribble moves more effectively/Flashier. Add his own imprint on the game would be exciting to watch . Already has great jumpshot and rhythm to his game

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