@Phoenix Suns

542. Suns (14-14) @ Kings Post Game Podcast with Fallen Founder

542. Suns (14-14) @ Kings Post Game Podcast with Fallen Founder

20 to 105 the Suns fall to the Kings the Kings basically broke the Suns tonight right Jake Fallen founder is on the podcast tonight how are you feeling right now pretty good you have a drink drinking T night ah uh I’m definitely gonna go run when you uh and grab

Another beer when you play the music because I was drinking pretty heavily uh I was trying to find the answers at the bottom of those beer cans and uh unfortunately Suns fans the answer was not there either yeah no I don’t think it’s anywhere right now I I don’t know

Where this team really goes I don’t think going into this game we really thought they were going to pull off a victory but just like sitting through this one I’ll have some questions obviously to start the Pod but seems like a an end of the era kind

Of game you know what I mean it’s just like what the I know Bradley b we tried you know we tried we didn’t we don’t deserve it 10 years of deplorables coming back up let’s do a dragon Bender 2.0 I’m ready for it this has just been

A horrible week for Suns basketball you know you know next week when we start winning again we’re going to be like we figured it out that we’ve got it going again Suns fans but these moments that hurt yeah you know what right now it’s like it does suck and you do question a

Lot but do we hold in there for like another week and do they make some progress I know last part I was like I bet you Booker might tweet out like I don’t want to be here or something like that that’s what I was worried about stuff like that

I know you told me to to shut the up but um yeah so those are that’s entering my mind right now but um do you actually you have a drink on you oh you said you’re G to go get one right so yeah yeah soon as the music hits uh I

I’ll be grabbing that but yeah no I’m I’m waiting for him to say you know what uh bothered hashtag bothered bothered right now boother he’s not unbothered he better start being bothered that’s the problem yeah yeah and that’s gonna really scare us too you don’t want them

To be bothered but um I’m bothered by this I guess is that a good transition some eggnog with a little bit of Brandy I I love it are you big egg fan you know I like an eggnog milk knog is good too and I was actually before the the game

Came on I was watching a Christmas vacation and uh and you know you’ve kind of got that Clark W Griswald where I hope you down that and go it’s good it’s good we’re gonna need that kind of a moment yeah you know what that’s the other podcaster John that’s like his

Movie so Christmas Vacation I’ve seen that like a few times but I’m not the biggest fan of it is that weird I know maybe we could talk some Christmas movie and and worst out there yeah there you go well uh let’s start the pot all [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Right [Applause] 120 to 105 the Suns do fall to the Kings and it was quite expected uh coach Fallen founder Jake do you that’s not coach Fallen founder anymore what is it now you you do you remember why I’m now equipment manager Fallen founder no what

Is it because you guys coach Evan beon a few times and I had my screen name as coach Fallen founder and it was either you or or John was like I don’t even think you’re an actual Co I don’t even think you’re a real Coach so like I

Demoted myself to equipment manager I was like well geez why I’m not going to be the we did that to you you ever watch it to Sunny you you like Cricket like Matt he used to be a priest and then they basically turn him into a street rat so

Basically that’s what we did to you right crickety yeah basically why you go back to being a coach I can’t now can’t you can’t anymore just go back back all right well let’s let me uh let me ask you the question o Madie mate I’ve got to

Ask it is circling Twitter a little bit um do the Suns have a I’m gonna I’m gonna ask it all right do the Suns have a Kevin Durant problem are we just pointing fingers at whoever the hell we want right now I’m just gonna start

There if you want so let me play as drop really quick and then we can get into who the heck are you I’m Kevin Durant you know who am y’all know who I am did anybody see a sniper did anybody see anything I’m one of the best players ever played a

Game all right so I did start off a little hot there with the Kevin Durant is it a Kevin Durant problem the only reason is because of course the trade um we basically traded away our future for the guy now I mean I mean he put up 40

Points last game he’s been looking great he is probably our best player the majority of the time but is this really good for the team though I don’t I don’t I’m not pointing the blame what I’m saying like oh he’s doing a trash job out there it’s just the fact that like

Maybe right now we’re kind of relying on him and Booker and it’s not the right way to go about things but I don’t know I just kind of want to throw that out to you and just see what your response is well you know it’s uh it’s yes and no

Um you know you’re absolutely right I mean he played phenomenal I think was it last game and this game uh if you look at some of the numbers that he put together uh what did NBA have 28 points7 rebounds couple assists on nine of 14

Shooting so over 64% he was two of three from three um and he was eight of nine from the free throw line I mean if if you’re gonna tell me oh that’s Kevin Durant’s statline I’m gonna say wow so who did we just go beat again uh of

Course then there was the uh seven turnovers and you know it’s it’s it’s interesting because it feels like I don’t know he can he can create a lot of offense but he should not be attempting to create this much offense and uh it it does kind of make me sit

Back and go you know what I know those first round picks aren’t probably going to amount to much but male Bridges and a cam Johnson right now how good would they look back at with the you know let’s say you know a couple weeks from now Bradley Beal’s back and Booker would

We actually want a Bridges and a cam Johnson it’s it’s always it’s always greener on the other side right so it’s easy to say that uh because as you point out Kevin Durant until this last and this is going to be a lot of stuff that

I’m going to point out uh for you know this game and and this week in general Kevin Durant was playing MVP like numbers I mean second highest scoring output in his career I think um you know numbers we hadn’t seen since Oklahoma City Thunder uh I mean just phenomenal

Play so do we have a a Kevin Durant problem yes uh but no and and and and there’s there’s not one single problem with this team which is I think the frustration because then if we did have one problem it’d be a heck of a lot

Easier to solve that is true and you don’t really know behind the scenes how this team’s really acting you don’t really know like how Booker and KD and how the whole thing’s going down last podcast I did bring up you know the relationship between Booker and KD means

A lot to this team and how they’re handling themselves behind the scenes I feel like and how they’re leading this team to me it just well you had to like it tonight though at the very end I noticed that before the game was over Booker and Katie walked back to the

Locker room together you know and yeah next to each other yeah they both got up they’re like I’m not GNA go shake their hands uh and it’s like oh okay two guys that should have helped us beat the Kings yeah no you guys don’t go shake hands poor UDA Watanabe and bullbull

Have to sit there and shake hands with everybody like hey I was just excited to be here says bullbull but yeah no I can’t tell if I’m excited that they were that upset that they didn’t want to go shake hands afterwards because they know they’re struggling right now or should

They sit there and just kind of face the fire you know whatever actually gets them to actually turn it around and get motivated I mean I feel like that’s the thing we’re missing for the last week to two weeks at least yeah and I think um

When it comes to Booker and KD like what they’re doing on the court obviously in the stat sheets it looks good I mean Booker he’s kind of falling off we’ll talk about him in a little bit but it’s kind of just like the transition between what they can do behind the scenes to

Really get this group ready how they can lead and how it actually transitions to the court and then it’s like well is it is it a coaching issue is it you know some of our assistant coaches you want to put the blame on them if you want

I just I don’t know where you go from here and the whole players meeting thing that was a question asked that chamei metu before the game and he’s like hasn’t happened yet and we hope it doesn’t get there basically is it a time though right now where they have the

Players only meeting and it turns the season around or like the only thing is like the players only meeting how does that like how do they not just like talk in the locker room together like you know what I mean like have a desk in front of us have

Some chairs like is that the difference um yeah I just think this team and where they turn the chair so they it’s the back is sitting at the yeah like AC Slater Say Say by the Bell dweed yeah like turns it around just calling people

Names um no you don’t want that you want this team talking respectfully to each other but on the court like you just don’t see the communication as much you just see mostly it’s a lot of yelling and stuff too um but I wanted to bring

Up the one the one time during this game I’ve never seen this before in my life where Kevin Durant does step on the court gets a tech and OKO oku gets that dunk he’s super excited runs on the court basically to celebrate in a way

And he gets a tech Booker gets a tech a little later on coach vogle gets a tech too so plays like that it can be frustrating right because the suns were kind of like not on a run but like after that dunk you kind of felt something and

I feel like we keep seeing that like we’re so close on runs we go on five or four four or fiveo runs and all of a sudden we shoot ourselves in the foot either a bad pass the technicals I’m not I’m not the one to really blame the rest as soon especially

The suns are going to the free throw they did tonight what was it 22-28 I’m not gonna blame the refs for anything it’s just the response that suns have with the refs and in those texts I feel like it kind of ruined a little bit of a run there in the second

Quarter do you agree yeah I mean to to a degree and and and you’re right I’m not going to blame the refs that’s Fanning the flames and so says territory to keep keep the ever watchful eye on referee conduct but you know it you’re you’re absolutely right in the sense that you

Know one bad play in these guys can can lose it and it will shift momentum absolutely so you know whether we’re trying to cut into a lead and you know we go on a six seveno run and then we get a tech and then we start going back

To making mistakes and playing you know playing mistake uh mistake full basketball instead of mistake free basketball so mistake full yeah I guess mistake full yeah we’ll go with that so yeah no I I think it’s it’s just the wrong times and although I will say

That um the one that Frank vogle got was kind of strange to me because I thought Kevin herder clearly fouled Durant uh and even if he didn’t foul Durant I thought he if he got didn’t contact Kevin he knocked the ball loose and yes that’s why it went to the half court and

Then and then that’s why it should have been because he did touch it tipped it that was the reason and the like two seconds goes by and he goes yeah no over and back and that’s why Frank’s like what are you doing like either yeah call

The foul he poked the ball free or call call it when it happened and you were very delayed and he just does this and oh you can’t you can’t react like that I’m like who okay no that’s come on that Frank was kind of fine on that one like

You know yeah yeah but also like before in the beginning of the season I feel like Frank did such a good job with Kevin Durant really going at the refs and like getting him to the free throw line more and more every game so I loved it before of course the suns

Were were winning too you know what I mean so it kind of lit the fire underneath their butt and the right way and it actually worked tonight it’s just one of those things was like hey don’t like we’re very fragile right now we can’t we can’t make these mistakes where

We’re giving up a point here or there because it comes down to you know the end of the game when you’re down just a few points I know tonight was a blowout but those points are crucial now and I have another question too I’ll just get

Right into it do the Suns even look like a playoff team right now man I know we think no absolutely not but do you really see any kind of signs of where it might turn around to where they can make the playoffs be a top eight seed I know

It’s a long season but just I’ve never seen this team this bad recently in the last three or four years this is just something that I haven’t experienced in a while like I said earlier in the podcast it seems like an end of an era kind of game

Or we’re just questioning things but I don’t know man I just right now they’re obviously not a playoff team right right no you know you know it feels like what do we do eight game win streak or seven game win streak I think uh and that was

About that wrapped up I think what three weeks ago or so and then uh we’ve kind of treaded water and then obviously this week has been rough but uh that wind streak felt like forever ago right and uh yeah and you know with Beal reinjuring himself

Uh it just feels like we just can’t you know we can’t catch a break and and then you know uh you can say what you want about like a Josh a kogi or an Eric Gordon or Grayson Allen but you know we all of a sudden are reliant on these

Fourth fifth option guys and we just in the health department can’t stay healthy and so we have to play Heavy minutes for Kevin Durant Devin Booker and and so you know right now yeah we’re definitely not a playoff team uh you know play in team maybe but uh you know it it’s winning

Cures a lot and you know if if the big three and of course the biggest if right if the big three can play together and remain healthy winning can solve a lot of problems you get a healthy Josh aogi out there and then maybe they can actually for the first time since the

Season started fall into roles I feel like the only guy that has shown any adaptability um has been Grayson Allen and you see it and uh like I didn’t know much about his game I thought he was just going to be like three and D type

Player but he’s bodying people up in the post and on defense and grabbing rebounds and and getting assists and taking it to the basket he’s not just sitting there on the wing which I feel like is every single night with Nazir little and UDA watab and just like they

Just sit there and they just wait and they wait and they wait and they get it and they shoot and they miss then we all get pissy again and go God dang it all right Kevin Devon don’t pass it to him anymore and then we get upset with Kevin

And Devon that they’re getting doubled and they’re not making shots it’s uh like I said it’s more of a um oh you remember that movie uh with Keanu Reeves this was like this was like post goofy keano Reeves but uh but before like he started doing cool John Wick

Stuff um was called The Replacements no you don’t remember the replacement oh the football one the football one yeah i’ I’ve actually I’ve never seen it I’ve never seen it but I’ve heard time I’ve seen the movie poster plenty of times but never checked it out okay there

There’s a great scene in there um because all the players are like essentially you know uh they all get brought in and they used to all be like former College grades maybe they like flamed out in the pros and they’re all getting a second shot and the coach

Asked them in the locker room when they had a team meeting uh that they said hey okay what’s everyone afraid of and of course at first there’s some jokes because nobody ever understands the question right and then Shane Falco uh you know Ki Reeves goes Quicks and he

Goes you think everything’s going right and then something goes wrong and then another and then another and before you know it you’re in too deep and you’re in over your head and I feel like that’s the problem with the Suns right now is that it’s just it’s just these little

Things right it’s not like Hey Kevin Durant do we have a Kevin Durant problem I don’t know the guy almost had 30 points seven rebounds and shot the lights out it sounds weird but he did have seven turnovers Devin Booker well he could have played better but yeah he

Had 24 points seven assists I mean it’s like oh well is Deon Booker just not a lead enough I don’t know that’s pretty great stats yeah just something happens and you’re right with the text something happens and then another and then a you know a bad couple defensive sequences

And then UD to wab is just like I can’t hit the broadside of a barn anymore and so that you talk about it a lot with um kind of body language these role player guys outside of maybe Grayson Allen um and Eric Gordon because I don’t know if

He has any body language right now except just stand out yeah but everyone’s just like down on themselves and I’m sorry you got got to find a way to contribute if you’re not making shots go wreck some people on the boards and uh that’s why I liked I don’t early

Spoiler warning uh aab bu is gonna probably be my jam star of the night yeah oh yeah he has to be absolutely we don’t have that guy just seemed like he was having a blast out there and you know oh yeah yeah but like that’s the

Thing is like that was the one bright spot I guess you can say for the Suns but the thing is is like even sa Lee came in tonight too and had a little bit of a bright spot a few times but azi buuk first time playing I think he had

Like eight minutes his whole year before coming into tonight’s game he comes in he did light a little bit of a fire under the suns and he was even yelling down by 20 like come on let’s play like it was the fourth quarter but those dunks and stuff him taking his

Time down there on the post getting his his move on like he was just basically owning sa bonus there for a little bit and it was the spark that the Suns needed right it was like oh my God like we have some guy in here that’s

up and he was doing that at a high level level in the beginning in the first quarter when he first came in of course Eubanks we’ll talk about him a little bit Eubanks had the two fouls auk comes in like what and it it turned out

Great it looked good but it’s exactly what the Suns needed to actually win a game like this because you need those extra guys to step up so now the suns are just performing the way they are and everyone’s like at on the trade machine trying to find other guys to add I’m the

Way I’m thinking of this I’m like we have guys we knew what we got in the offseason we killed the offseason with what it looked like on paper as a really good solid team even with Eric Gordon added of course Beal’s out but whatever I don’t care about that right now I

Don’t think the Suns can really trade for anybody that can come in and fix this right now right because it’s like you even UDA right now that can’t hit anything he was supposed to be a three-point specialist he can’t knock down anything so what makes us think

Like some guy’s gonna come here start draining thre start playing great D to help this Suns team actually like limit a team from like scoring 120 points once you know what I mean like I don’t see any guys coming in here to help that at all but let’s talk about Booker really

Quick before we get into the bench big dick Booker yeah Booker like you said was he had 24 points seven assists 0 from three from three so there’s a few things with books game tonight like okay the whole point guard thing I want to ask you about that okay so there are a few

Comments I want to bring up if I can get back my computer’s going a little slow Jason L does say Booker isn’t a point guard low Suns books not a superstar I’ve been saying Lazy S Sasquatch not gonna read that one because has nothing to do with Booker I I love Booker

Playing the point I do and I think today in the first in tonight tonight’s game in the first quarter there were just some wide open threes all game long suns were missing threes he was over three obviously he was setting guys up guys were open all right but him finishing around the rims

Been a little bit more tough he was getting to the free throw I think he was four for four to start in the first half but I think he can be that point guard I don’t think getting a point guard is the solution if it’s halberton hell yeah of

Course yeah right that should have been our guy right but anybody else it’s like okay can we just get a decent point guard in here do you think that would change things or do you believe in book to be our point guard you know I I get it because when I

When the Suns have a storied history with elite point guards I mean and and and and the full spectrum of point guards even but I mean we got Steve Nash Jason kid Kevin Johnson um you know Chris Paul uh and so like that’s we’ve never been known for centers but we’

We’ve always had phenomenal guard play it feels like and um so is Devin Booker a point guard no but he’s the primary offensive creator for this team and that’s kind of what you expect out of a point guard he’s having a career high and assists at over eight a

Game uh yes career high in turnovers but his usage rate is up on this too I mean again when when you have to be the initiator you’re it’s kind of normal that it would go up um and you know I’m more concerned with turnovers from other

Players than than I am with book right now so you know is he a point guard hey I would love to get him some help um so he doesn’t have to try and do uh so much and and honestly that’s going to be when Bradley Beal is able to play more than

20 minutes with him uh you know and so because Beal’s gonna be able to take a lot of that off of his shoulders I think Booker will still be number one in the the creation of it but it’s going to be a lot easier to send the

Ball over across the court to Bradley and start the offense over again there as opposed to send it to Josh aogi send it to nesser little or somebody else and the ball just stops and then they look for where Kevin is and look for where

Deon is and if you have three guys that can really create their own that’s really where you’re going to get a lot more mismatch mismatches and you know we were missing nerkish a lot he is pretty good for a center that can create some stuff so I’m not too down on on Devin

Being kind of the focal point of offensive creation right now is he a true point guard not in the purest sense of the word um but you know he’s our guy we’re going to ride with him he’s our homegrown Talent he was the prince that was promised come on guys let’s not get

Too down on some in the comments you know it’s like Booker’s not a point guard it’s like okay he doesn’t have to be but he’s still and I think the leader of our team and and I think he’s still he he’s still an elite player it’s he’s

Just had a couple tough games and this whole team is trying to figure them things some things out right now yeah and it’s it’s not a thing where to me I don’t think it’s not a thing where it’s like Booker like I mentioned before previous podcasts it’s not thing where

It’s like Booker has to be like the MVP like the the Giannis like that type of player right obviously he can because the size I mentioned before but the only way to do this with Durant if Beal’s not able to play this season because it just keeps getting reinjured um he would have

To go to the next level I don’t think he can with a KD next to him and that wouldn’t be enough to be a championship Contender I want to see what it’s like with Beal you saw it a little bit here and there when Beal was playing how good

It did look in the spur the first three minutes against the New York Knicks like there there is definitely something there and we just have to keep waiting and I think that might just be the frustration just the wait for Beal to come back and then Booker can play point

Guard and it’s going to look good it’s gonna take some time and if you believe in it that’s good right now it’s just hard to believe in any of that so let’s talk about another stinker big crank you Banks what happened to this guy he he

Honestly I I don’t know what’s going on do you have a take on Eubanks at all because I think that what we saw earlier in the season was something that was really positive coming off the bench someone that was explosive that was athletic that wasn’t afraid around the

Rim he was dunking on guys he was just he was basically bullying anybody in there now it’s like opposite I did tweet that it looked like the way he’s playing is like there’s a piece of on the floor doesn’t want to step on underneath the basket he falls away so much from

The from the from the rim and it’s frustrating as hell man what do we do he started tonight two fouls he was out obviously the whole he kept dropping everything that was thrown to him it looked bad I kind of felt bad I kind of wanted just to call Mercy and just have

Him just subbed out the rest of the game it just it’s getting that bad for this guy don’t you think well and well I think Frank saw what you saw and pretty much did pull him out early I mean you know 14 minutes in the game for starting

Spot uh not quite what we were hoping for from uh you know the empty spank bank but um you know it’s I don’t know maybe he’s doing it too often that that could it’s just a theory Suns fans but uh you know it’s it’s it’s unbelievable what is happening uh and you’re right

Yeah the only thing I can explain it with is you know it’s kind of like the backup quarterback uh of your favorite football team is always a beloved player and it’s always well maybe we should give him a shot as soon as you’re starter starts struggling and the

Problem is nine times out of 10 when they have to play actual starter roles they struggle and that’s why they’re backups usually so yeah it’s why Drew is a journeyman backup it’s why he backs up nurkic in Portland it’s why he’s backing him up here he’s not ready to take over

From NK and uh it’s he’ll give you flashes and you’ll go wow and then you’ll remind yourself hey he’s not going to do much more than that and that’s okay yeah I guess so and John trying to say hey he’s doing eating stuff on a budget and I I totally agree

With that it’s just I thought there was more there and um I guess not you know I was fooled all right and this not the first time I’ve been fooled as a Suns fan um is there anything positive taken from that so I think the whole nerk MVP

Conversation does this need to start taking place here quickly where nerk is out tonight and like all of a sudden the suns are just struggling I’m just joking there’s no way that’s even a thing obviously but we didn’t miss nerk tonight because I feel like nerk would have made

Huh I I was wondering how serious you were gonna push that like no not at all of course we all love nerk here I think nk’s been phenomenal all year long him missing against sabonis was a big deal that was huge because sabonis was abusing us early late and often all game

Long he did have the 28 points go go along with Daren Fox is 23 who I feel like dearen Fox when he’s playing us like he can score 50 any time like he just he’s wide open all the time all game long there’s nothing you can do I

Know Sab Lee came in I don’t know that was like a thing to kind of like you know kind of contest against Fox which you can’t contain that I feel like but I mean he did the way I looked at bringing in Sabin and uh U Azie was just hey if

You guys aren’t gonna play I’m gonna play somebody that wants to and I think it was an attempt to send a message to these guys that they’re way into their own head uh is that hey Jordan Goodwin you can’t slow down Fox and and you are missing too many shots bring in Sabin

Lee uh you know hey Drew Eubanks I don’t know what’s happening to you right now but I’m going to play you know Azie who I haven’t played all year pretty much I mean I think he’s got like three minutes in the season so far played so I think I

Think you just reached down deep and U gave it a sh saw what was completely on his bench I mean hey got meaningful minutes in the end with no I guess he did um it just seemed like too tonight where the Suns went through spurts and you brought up this

Guy earlier I want to talk about him cuz he is still obviously competing at a high level I feel like hi Barbie oh hi Alan oh Grayson Grayson Allan our up Gu he got the start along with uh Eric Gordon tonight and we’ll talk about Eric Gordon a little bit but I think Grayson Allen’s play this year has been very consistent um it always seems like in course in these type of games like he is always in there he’s like the extender

Where he’s going to grab those extra rebounds helping out whoever’s in the middle and usually it’s nerk but he does such a great job there and he’s really just competing all game long right he’s taking the ball to the hoop as much as he can doesn’t finish as much he did hit

Three threes tonight him little and a lot of the bench guys were trying to like they were trying to push towards the rim trying to be more aggressive but they just could not finish tonight just like they couldn’t knock down their threes Grayson Allen though man like I

Don’t know I I I just see the disappointment on his face just like book but he’s just like like this is probably my best year and seriously like this is like his best year and it’s going to waste don’t you think well I mean at the moment right

Not like exactly it’s been a it’s been a bad week I want to waste these type of games I know well yeah exactly it’s a uh but I I think he he certainly identified himself as interestingly enough a true like fullon utility player I mean hits the three knows how to drive

Looks for the open man uh plays hard on defense um you know and he’s kind of well I’ll be I’ll be honest when when Bill does come back and the big three are in there with nerk I would say that the fifth starter should be Grayson

Allen moving I said that too yeah has to be great early on remember it was kbd and UDA and and joshu kogi was all the debates and Grayson Allen man he’s the one that’ll yeah he’ll dive on the floor for you he’ll and he’ll hit down he’ll

Hit the open three unlike Josh aogi in company so yeah no I think uh I think we found our fifth starter he finds ways every game to try and keep things going yeah he’s just like a better Joshua K I feel like but the thing is I love his

Cutting I love that he’s always on the move right and esally when be is back like I just feel like the lanes are going to be wide open for him and he can finish around the rim like you said unfamiliar with this game earlier in the

Podcast he didn’t know how good he was around the rim and he is good man he’ll draw contact I feel like he gets driven to the floor a lot of times like tonight with Monk and we got to bring up the monk dunk and we didn’t talk about it

Yeah but that dunk over Eubanks I guess it was kind of over Eubanks that’s that was pretty awesome but what sucks is coming into this game I wanted to be like hey the Suns went obviously you want that but I finally wanted Booker to have a game a

Good game against the other guy like Darren Fox just to outshine him and have those highlights you know that are just fluttering around Twitter or X and just you know all night long we can just look at it like damn this what a great game like the Suns finally got a win against

A good team and then look at this play from book look at this play by maybe you gets a big dunk but no it’s Monk and he destroys the Suns and when that happened that’s when I felt like the Kings broke the Suns and season was over

But that at that exact moment that’s what I thought that’s when I thought that but your thoughts on if you want to give any takes on the Kings I know it’s kind of hard right now to really talk about the opponent when you know we went

Through what we did and what we have been going through even though it’s not as bad 500 team right now but do you think that the Kings just really quick I mean any any response to the way the Kings played tonight and then also just the season do you think like this team

Is a legit like Contender or do they need that extra piece no I I think uh well first off I just love that I mean yeah the mentality that you just shared is absolutely every Suns fan right now which is oh my God season’s over I mean

We’re 500 and we’re missing one of our best players and and a couple other role players and but you know season season I know you know I was I was prepared for this I know but like I understand that but it’s just like uh I’m just I can’t

Take it anymore man like I want I want to reverse the trade I want to do all that now I want Chris Paul back I want everything back now so continue Sor you know what it is we haven’t seen enough of Beal to know what the potential unlock that’s on the horizon

So it’s like oh when we get him back we still don’t know we think we know we hope we know you know on paper it looks great but you’re right um as for the Kings I mean I I would say are they a legit threat in the west not yet um you

Know uh Keegan Murray though better than uh better than I was expecting seems improv traded too he looks good yeah seems Seems improved um sabonis man just to think I think wasn’t there talk that we were gonna send Aon to oh yeah that was a thing that was a

Legit that was like a legit trade sabonis could you imagine right now if if it was sabonis with the big three uh oh that would be glorious um no I would rather oh I was gonna say wait um but no this Kings team I think they can make a

Competitive they’re going to compete in any playoff series um they’re I think they are one move away um but you know they kind of have a core they kind of remind me how the suns were when we went on that finals run and that I think they

Really like their core uh and they might have a hard time giving them up except for maybe Keegan and maybe that’s kind of maybe they’re excited hey a rookie contract and uh he’s really showing out a little bit lately and maybe that’s going to be tradable um for what they

Need because I do think they are missing that other piece I mean they’re defense is still not much and I mean obviously they were able to shut us down tonight but uh you know for the season they’re they’re still a little bit uh you know

They want to go out and outscore you so I I think they’re going to be an interesting team to watch in the west I think they’re going to be competitive but I I don’t see them getting further than the second round right now and but that’s not bad I mean from where they

Came from over the last exactly yeah I mean they kept the same roster obviously like um but you know I I think they are one piece away and it’s really kind of just like a bigger guy that’s more dominant you know what I mean like if

Nur’s in this game he owns sabonis I feel like like I feel like those two going back and forth I think he has his upper hand on sabonis in this situation but maybe that’s just me being a homer but that’s what I was looking forward to actually in the preview that I wrote

From brid side I wrote the thing on those two going head-to-head and then last minute something came up and nerk was out so yeah as as we keep talking through this you know it doesn’t seem as bad I guess I don’t know I guess I’ll jump right back into the relationship

With the Suns after I was almost out you talk me back into it but uh you know last game I thought Eric Gordon needed to have a fourth quarter that was just on fire we needed that from him last game to pull out a victory tonight we got absolutely nothing from us from

Indiana University number 23 air Gordon 0 for two zero points um wasn’t that bad oh my gosh yes yeah and you know what when he’s when he is starting he is a much better player his statistics show so but tonight man zero points from him man and the thing is like when he’s starting with Grayson

Allen I feel like Grayson Allen’s such a good cutter and what you get from Eric Gordon is he stands out there but tonight it was like he was so hesitant to do anything else the pick and roll he wouldn’t really roll there was a wide open Lane just kind of stood there

And then he would also just like kind of go into the lane with the ball and like pull it back out he looked really timid tonight I’m not saying he’s very good at finishing around the r because I think he’s honestly atrocious doing that but when we’re not getting those threes to

Go down or even the attempts it’s just it’s a waste of space right a little bit you know I I’ll be honest I I I was not super familiar with a Gordon’s game um you know what back back when he was in New Orleans um and even with the Rockets

I feel though like he was probably more athletic I mean understandably he was getting up there a little bit in years but is it just me or does Eric uh look like he’s got like if there’s a guy with a dad bot on this team it’s Eric Gordon

I mean he comes in and I don’t know if you seen his build but he looks like a guy like that that you play pickup ball with and he’s the like the big kind of slightly overweight guy that just sits out there and shoots threes if you’re a

Big guy why don’t you just go stand closer to the basket and like he’s like no and he doesn’t want to really play defense and he just wants to Chuck threes up from way deep and be like pro league Pro level and just toss him in um

And so right now I feel like that’s Eric uh he’s a very intelligent player um and so I know he’s a lot better than how I just described him but um with he he can’t he’s not really gonna take over a game by himself he can get super hot

From three and start draining a bunch but I think the days of um an Eric Gordon takeover um which he had a little bit you know five years ago uh you know are going to be fewer and far between now and that’s that’s tough uh hopefully

We don’t need to rely on him uh to to turn back the clock because I just don’t think it’s gonna be there I think he’s you know he’s I’m glad we got him on a minimum contract no I know exactly and uh he does look like a pug doesn’t he

Kind of yeah yeah he does look like a pug exact I saw was it old man in the three they were asking him about his uh nicknames they’re like er G he’s like yeah that’s a classic one and uh and I think I forget JJ retic was just reading

All the ones off of basketball reference and he’s like The Hobbit and he’s like yeah that one’s real too and he goes he goes They Call You The Hobbit and he goes it was some coach the movie had just come out and all the other guys were much bigger around me and and

They’re just like Oh The Hobbit and I’m like oh wow no but you also kind of look like yeah yeah yeah I guess so kind yeah exactly he’s got hairy feet who knows but yeah I could see he could have been like the fifth Hobbit you know yeah no I

Can definitely see that now um you know maybe he should go and take a role but I I honestly think that um what we’re gonna get from Gordon in the future is g to be more of just like when this team is settled I always thought this whole

Season where Gordon was really striving is when things were consistent like things were organized right now everything’s a mess and or does not succeed in those kind of situations he just doesn’t and right now he’s just not going to so I think starting him it’s

Fine I don’t even know you want to start bench whoever it doesn’t really matter I guess right I mean if you’re going to throw a starting five out there um that’s who you want right now right and then you don’t have nerk but you want

Nerk in there and I know I know they were trying to start Nazir little that wasn’t working then we actually saw UDA tonight and he didn’t play like the last two games still couldn’t hit a three did he make three oh for three oh for two oh

My bad hold on he was oh oh for three yeah I was right yeah so 0 for three and things oh yeah he just had that running layup at the end yeah which looked great because I was like oh my God I don’t think I’ve ever seen him take a shot

Inside the ark uh but yeah I guess he did and he did it like under pressure uh I don’t know is this whole is this whole team just all of a sudden in the uh you’re traveling through another dimension a dimension not only of bricks

And of boards but of Mind a journey into a wondrous land whose boundaries are that of stagnation that’s a sign post up ahead your next stop the shamid Zone this whole team’s in the shamid zone I mean Shaman is out shooting our whole bench from three right now so it’s

A team thing right like I said earlier there’s no one you can get in on this team make a trade for where it’s going to improve right now I just don’t know where it starts and I guess you can say it’s the top down is it does it go as far as

HBO uh do we start playing that card right now or no it’s it’s his fault and you know what Al I was I was told recently somebody brought the point that um ishbia did a terrible job of uh putting Shawn Maran in the Ring of Honor

Um at this time of year when nobody was paying attention but uh because it like early December yeah it’s like oh why didn’t you wait till like more people are paying attention but you know I just want to point out this actually because I I just had it with me I’m getting

Ready to travel for Christmas uh everything I need to know I learned in the Twilight Zone uh is a book that uh one if anybody’s looking for a good Christmas H book this is actually a fun one for anyone that actually likes uh the Twilight Zone oh very cool all right

So oh you actually are reading books instead like audible do you ever do like the audibles oh yeah no I actually probably do more audible anymore just because I get through them a hell of a lot faster um but uh uh no it’s it’s funny for yeah for anyone that actually

Knows the show most of the episodes are like one guy is doing something and ends up in the Twilight Zone and you’re right this is one of those rare episodes where it seems the entire team has stumbled into the Twilight Zone and they’re all looking around like is it me is it you

Are you real are you the real version of you or did are you like the the shamut version of you and so it’s it’s everyone that’s what I mean it’s like uh so I’m also a a Die Hard New Orleans Saints fan which means I just love misery uh for my

Professional sports teams and uh and if anyone suffered through that uh uh amazing Thursday night football game last night um you’ll know that it’s it’s very similar and that everything is wrong with that team right now and it just that’s what it seems like the suns are very they’re better than my Saints

For sure but it’s EV everyone needs to improve on something right now there’s not somebody that’s carrying us the coaching needs to be worked on uh you know the these uh really just about every single player has something to work on defense rebounding just shooting and uh the guys

That play defense and rebound can’t shoot and the guys shoot don’t play defense I mean it’s just so it it very much just seems like yeah call a team meeting in the shamut zone that’s yeah maybe maybe they need to to get out of there and um I was gonna say uh Derek

Car is probably the most annoying annoying to watch on football field can’t stand him off the football everything he does I can’t stand sorry he’s cringey I don’t know if you like him or not as your quarterback but wait who’s cringey Derek Carr oh yeah no oh I’m sorry yeah I saw somebody

Point out yes Saints W to ring yes and that was absolutely that’s why I always tell Suns fans just hang in there because when it actually happens when we win that title it is one of the most amazing unbelievable feelings uh but that’s why I got a little sidetracked

Because at first I thought you were saying like Drew Brees he’s just a jerk and I was like wait about all right well I it’s cringy because it’s like so nice but no Derek is yeah dereck’s cringey for sure yeah well I did uh tonight I didn’t do a subreddit because uh last

Second John had to like pop off and do his thing tonight and just give it up to me to find somebody and it all worked out Jake thanks for joining the show tonight um so I didn’t do subreddit but we can go ahead and do um Jamar The jam star of the game yeah and you know what actually what sucks is the Sacramento the Kings Reddit Kings have like a really good fan base out there I don’t know if you ever watched have you watched DUS Mo their podcast kings’s pocket really good

Podcast it’s kind of like John and I were just two of them been doing it for forever um big Following over there but their fan base is always great I’m sure it would been very positive proba a little bit of uh you book Grayson all looks like Ted Cruz um this is all

DeAndre aon’s fault why is this happening honestly it is you know all this is just DeAndre it is if he ever had you actually got a low post game we wouldn’t be here right now did you did you really quick I don’t even care we’re

GNA talk about just for a second did you see like Chanty bills had to talk about and even players are talking about yeah we have to motivate him the whole game like oh my god dude it’s happening again it’s always gonna happen I don’t know so

I don’t know if you saw that but Jamar of the game you said it’s gonna be aoku right is that who you’re G it to yeah how do you say his name uh auk auk udoka my bad Azu on my nuts that’s what I thought he that was the energy he was

Playing with go where he was just like yeah we’re down what 20 points he slams the ball in the basket turns around he’s like no come on let’s play defense it’s like that is a guy that you want on your team to like going he reminded me he

Reminded me all of like big sauce remember Allan Williams he was had that big sauce energy I was all about it I was like this is exactly what you know Booker and Durant need to see the other guys need to see like that’s he needs somebody charge in the floor with yeah I

Know exactly and we wasted it because I you know what we got from him tonight was great but it’s like it’s one of those things like well now they have a little bit of film on him you know and we’ll see how he does the next game because he’s gonna continue to get

Minutes now right even with ner coming back you’ll see more of him because of the energy he brought right maybe over Eubanks is that gonna be a thing yeah no I I think Eubanks is kind of like a poor man’s version version of nerk right now

Um and if Azie is going to be the more athletic big that actually tries to dunk over people in the restricted area then go for it yeah keep keep Drew glued to the seat until he figures out whatever is wrong with him okay yeah let’s go

Let’s go with that I’m ready for some more Aussie give me more of that let’s do that you know and let’s just see what the jamers say it’s already starting out great to Lazy Sasquatch nobody azuk obviously udoka jamstar from John Tran Kiko G no jamstar because no one showed

Up you know you know it’s funny when we talk about like our responses to the games all losing winning whatever it’s always about chemistry heart you know they didn’t they didn’t show up you know things like this it’s just it’s always just so basic and I’m I’m I’m guilty of

It too right it’s always just that right the sun tonight didn’t show up they didn’t have the guts but it’s like they know they have to win this game they know they have to somehow make this a close game in the end I don’t know I

Feel like they did try like right like it’s just something’s off I think the try is there it’s just something is off and it’s just it’s not a try thing I don’t think but I mean no you know one of the jam Stars actually made a a good

Point is that um you know motivation that’s really got to fall on the coaching staff and uh I agree to an extent but I think at the pro level you hear this a lot from actual guys that have played the game um you don’t need your coach to motivate you at the NBA

Level because you have had to go through so many Junior leag you know youth camps uh grade school games high school games college games developmental League you know years in the league that to try and make millions and millions of dollars uh and millions more in advertisement and sponsorships you should already be

Motivated and so there are the rare Exceptions there are the Deandre out there um but you know I think dein Booker wants to win every game I saw it was a Jamal Crawford bit talking about Devon Booker and the other day and he said oh that he he would play one-on-one

With them after practice he said Devon would win the vast majority of the time he said but the few times I would win he’d get really pissed off about it and and because he just didn’t like losing and I and I think that is the case with

Booker I think they are motivated but you’re right something’s not clicking and you know and it a little bit does have to fall the coaching staff I don’t think it’s just a Frank vogle problem I mean if we’ve got the highest paid assistant head coach and Kevin young

That was supposed to be this offensive Mastermind some Sons fans wanted him to be the head coach you know I I feel like the offense is just as stagnant as the defense is poorest uh you know we got coach fizdale that a lot of people were

Like oh my God we got another head coach as like a you know an assistant coach what a f i feel like we’re coach I feel like we’ve got a lot of depth at the coaching position right now so I don’t know if it’s a coaching problem per se

As so much as it’s just the the whole team needs to kind of figure something out uh and and figure out which direction to pull in it’s kind of like Rowan uh if you’re not in sync with everyone then the boat’s just not going to go the way it’s supposed to and

That’s only because I’ve seen that boys in the boat preview too many times now that I know that that’s a thing boys in the boat hold on hold that thought really I want to get to John Tran I thought you had a drop for no I don’t

Know what that is I gotta ask what that maybe I do but hold on John Tran does say the kings are just too good at home this was going to be a hard game regardless couldn’t make threes or layups to keep up and that is basically the game um

What does that come down to just fundamentals I guess just I don’t know I I don’t know maybe that’s just all it is but um boys in the boat or boys on the boat uh it was I think we I think it was like the American Olympic team that won in rowing

Oh but like it’s a movie that’s out right now or coming out and uh yeah there’s there was a book about it it’s on Audible as well supposed to be really good sting who doesn’t want a riving story about rowing um but uh but no you know I

Think I think something kind of clicked for me earlier this week or maybe it was even last week on this is that the tough thing with this team is it’s so topheavy with Booker Durant and Beal that we were very we didn’t realize how how lucky we

Had it when we had Aon cam Johnson Crowder uh Paul Booker Bridges guys that might not be better than a Durant or even all of them better than a Beal but On Any Given night they could give you enough of something uh to potentially turn a game right now it’s solely on a

Booker and Durant I mean let’s be honest if if if you know God forbid something happened to Booker and Durant um you know tweaked ankles do would you expect us to win any games no AB without the big and so we have to keep telling ourselves wait a minute we’re down one

And which then means if one of them’s having a bad game we spent almost 10 years with Devon Booker well not he came in in the second half of that but you know we had a lot of years where Devin Booker was our only player and we saw we

Don’t win a lot of games like that so now we have Kevin Durant and I would argue that the team might be deep but it’s certainly not super talented in that depth um we don’t have 10 rookies that don’t kind of know how to play the

Game but we have a lot of guys that aren’t going to be able to impact the game as heavily as a male Bridges and cam Johnson can do on a given yeah no I totally agree with all of that I’m right on board with it and uh also you have to

Add to the whole thing is is it’s pressure on this team right I mean the way HB is building this te is now or never like if you’re not proving that this is a basically if you’re a coach a player anything to contribute to this team if you’re not proving that this is

A championship Contender you might be gone soon right that’s the way I feel I mean the the expectations of this team every year especially with Kevin Durant being here he knows he knows that they gave up a lot for him he wanted to be here in Phoenix if things aren’t working

Out and yeah we’re a 500 team right now and we got B coming back but if things don’t work out quickly and they keep losing and go on a longer losing streak who knows what’s going to happen that’s a lot of pressure for Kevin Durant that’s a lot of pressure for Booker to

Prove like hey I am a superstar he’s been doing it his whole career right for respect now he’s in the slump he started out the season so well got a little hurt once in a while missing a few games here and there but there was just like this

Pressure on him to prove that he’s a superstar that he belongs he’s falling off so far which I don’t even know if he makes an All-Star Game this year I I don’t think he’s an Allstar right I mean there’s so much more Talent out there

Even saw tonight with Fox like I trust a fox more than a b right now but obviously that team knows what they’re doing over there in Sacramento but the added pressure of this team just might be too much and I think uh like you said it’s very topheavy and you get you can’t

Rely on guys right now so it makes you think about things and they think about it too man that’s why they’re trying to get it together as quickly as they can and if it’s not coming together anytime soon you might see some moves and they

Know it’s gonna happen so but uh yeah I feel like it could be like a little bit yeah just like a little bit like a NBA 2K deal because I I thought about it too just like wait a minute Durant is still playing unbelievably well he’s scoring

You know through the roof what could we get for him if we decide to just trade him and and nobody else and you know what could we get back I wonder if it’ still be you know a king’s ransome um it’d be interesting to kind of think

About but uh no right now that’s not that’s not where we’re at I think I think he I think he said a point in his career where it’s like I have to win here in Phoenix otherwise I’m not going to win anywhere else that’s where I see

It if it’s LeBron you want to bring LeBron on right now Kevin Durant he’s in a spot he’s in the shamut zone with the rest of the players where he is just he’s kind of stuck in this situation that’s just kind of weird it’s kind of

Awkward I feel like right now it is it’s definitely very awkward for him here in Phoenix you love the player you love everything about him but when you’re losing and you know what you gave up it’s just it’s always gonna be a thing um well and we we got to keep reminding

Ourselves this the amount of turnover that this team had uh I mean Devin Booker’s looking around the locker room saying I don’t know any of these guys Kevin was here very briefly uh you know towards the end of last season then he missed he had missed a ton of games too

Even when he came over uh Damen Lee is on the Shelf with you know who knows when his knee is gonna be good to go um so he’s looking at but Sabin Lee and he’s probably like dude you’re a two-way player we don’t even hang out I don’t

Even let you drink my red wine and then he’s looking at Josh aogi and he’s like you did not practice your three-pointers this summer in the shows and then he’s looking around he’s like I don’t know any of these other people I don’t you know do you think

They’re going to Devon’s Christmas party I mean yeah like I don’t I don’t know him long enough I just don’t think he’s gonna talk to him I mean you’re losing if he can’t talk to Jamal Crawford and gets upset over losing to him like exactly talk to his teammates when

They’re losing missing wide open fre all game but he was too as well we love the you know the old Instagram stories of like Mel and campaign and uh Johnson and those guys like at parties together afterwards like the Halloween parties remember DeAndre aen was always missing he was never

There hanging out with the dudes never I I get the feeling that that was like don’t don’t text him don’t text him yeah I think why would iang when I can go out and mess with these jubly bubblies out there like I don’t that cut into his video game time

Yeah yeah true and then um okay so before we get out of here here just one quick thing we do have just a couple more minutes and we did go an hour I thought maybe it would just be a half hour but it was just so much fun tonight

Jake I really appreciate you joining uh had a good time Christmas is coming up do you celebrate Christmas I do are you okay um well here’s a question for you you probably already answered it huh what do you not celebrate it no I do I just gotta be careful I don’t sure

Anybody okay um favorite Christmas movie and worth Christmas movie oh okay see I I’m always ready for this one because I I am a Christmas fanatic uh so the uh my favorite Christmas movie is uh Bill Murray’s Scrooged that’s a good one wow I love that I love that pick man

That’s a good one yeah uh and uh so I actually just rewatched that for the eenth time uh what I think earlier this week because the Suns keep losing so I need to you know Channel my in uh uh Frank cross uh worst Christmas movie is actually oh God it’s actually going to

Be jingle all the way I like Arnold Schwarzenegger and I like Sinbad movies and I like Phil Hartman um and everyone always likes to reference the put the cookie down now but like everything else is a SLO to get through in that movie it is absolutely so long I remember like

People always putting memes together and stuff and then I was like oh I’m G to watch this thing through the whole way that was a terrible decision that was a terrible decision it’s pretty bad movie um I would rather watch Christmas with the cranks with Tim Allen that’s how bad

I think I can never finish that one I can never finish that one it just never picks up uh jingle always a weird one because when I was younger I kind of liked it but I rewatching it it’s like oh this is terrible man Sinbad pretty awful just pretty annoying

I think Sinbad like uh it’s always sunny he’s he made an appearance on there he’s funny but like um maybe that’s the only time I liked him was on it’s always sunny but he had a great movie called house guest in the 90s uh okay that uh

That also star Phil Hartman I think I never seen his standup though so but he was kind of just too much right I it was a little too much and uh Phil Hartman though and jingle all the way I think he’s hilarious that’s the only Bri there

Yeah kind neighbor’s wife you do night yeah so you do these nuts I’m gonna i’mna Harman I’m gonna take your pick though for worst I I I I might go jingle all the way but I really like those like Mark special ones like they’re really cheesy like I’ve been watching those

Lately like they’re just so dumb and like it’s just fun to watch to have on the background it’s always like the big city girl with City ex a project my dad owns a firm or whatever but I have to prove like go to the small town find guy

A shirt that owns his own Bakery and just happens to you know be a single dad that’s just looking to every town knows him yep that’s the way it always is everyone like he’s like giving money to the homeless man like oh watch this guy

Guy he he’s C and he never has a life like all a sudden this hot girl’s there and like he has no life oh but his wife passes passed away and stuff like that’s the way it always is be like oh divorce it didn’t work out

She was cheating on you no she died she died she got one of those random small town illnesses that doctors haven’t figured out yet and the kid like loves the lady that just gets there there was the one um I forget the name of it with Lindsay Lohan watched the whole thing

I just I love those movies it’s they’re awesome but um yeah so I’ll go Jing all the way um and then my favorite movie is the Muppet Christmas Carol great movie have you seen that one you know I’ve not all the way through I remember uh uh

Who’s it is it Kane is his name the actor that plays a scrooge in it um oh Michael Kane yeah Michael Kane yeah and and everyone like I’ve been hearing a lot about that about how he just played it way too straight and that they interviewed him later and he like Yeah I

Wanted to act like I was part of like like a very talented theater group instead there were Muppets talking to me but I decided to play it as like straight and mean of a Scrooge as I could so I’m like shouting at Muppets and people are like oh you’re really

Intense yeah yeah you he’s great in it man I I love that movie um it’s got be I I gotta go one quick defense though because I’ve been seeing some people and it’s definitely the the passing of a torch I think I’m getting the feeling that we’re not going to be getting 24

Hours of Christmas Story much more into the future because there’s a younger generation that feels completely removed from it and I’ve been seeing some people of my own millennial generation just like H A Christmas Story doesn’t do it for me I don’t get it and uh see that

One I watch every year as well it’s definitely up there it’s not Scrooged that’s the black and white one right the uh no no that’s um that’s just a wonderful life oh see yeah see Christmas stories you’ll shoot your eye out they play 24 hours on I’m so bad at this

Stuff I really am like so long actually seen that one I was never a big fan of it though so I apologize oh okay well then watch uh Always Sunny in Philadelphia is it’s an always uh Always Sunny Christmas I think it’s called yeah they had Charlie and Mac realized like

Charlie trying to get the Christmas spirit man yeah his mom was basically a and Santa s and and was just like houses and was like oh no that was the other coming to get their Christmas presents this is South Philly tradition yeah that that a

Great one um so just really quick jams just had a few in here um favorite Christmas movie John Nelson fire Vogal that’s a good one um lazy SC Squatch the original Rudolph The Rednosed Reindeer classy nassy peace out have a good night thanks for joining really appreciate uh like subscriber view I

Didn’t even say that the whole pod so I apologize um after this game I don’t think it helps anyways so but um gonna have the same likes tonight just like every other night so hit the what about elf you like elf right elf’s good yeah I love Elf it’s funny my niece

Is five and she loves elf dude so yeah we watch that one for sure um how about die hard I guess we can ask that I’ve only seen die hard once so I don’t know the whole Christmas movie thing if it is is if it isn’t I’m I’m not I cannot

Decide I don’t know if you want to go ahead that point uh that die hard is just home alone but starring Bruce Willis and uh that kind of flipped the both movies on its head for me but yeah it’s basically about one guy that’s taking on adult criminals uh except Die

Hard does it a little bit more violently uh okay well no because Home Alone does it pretty violently too more blood and gore for sure yeah R 92 watch Four Christmases it’s a good laugh actually have not seen that have you seen that that’s Vince vau and um I forget who

Jack Black in it no I don’t so John F’s in it though I think Vince and yeah his parents are divorced and her parents are divorced and they get caught trying to leave the country and celebrate Christmas elsewhere so instead they have to go to four different Christmas parties uh you

Know it’s a it’s a bit of a SLO too there better moments though than jingle all the way I’ll say that all right well that’s a great way to end the pod on a bunch of movies I’ve never seen and you know would prob been a better host with

All the Christmas movies huh you got some homework to do man I yes I do I don’t really watch too much I always watch it’s always sunny that’s all I ever watch so it’s always on in the background man I’ve probably seen every episode 200 times a lot okay we gota we

Got to talk more always sunny next time then on this because I I used to always you come on when the suns are five games below 500 we’ll have something to talk about Suns I don’t know let’s talk about uh yeah top 10 episodes top 10 moments

We got do that for sure all right well thanks for joining Jake uh you can find them at equipment we’ll be there in less than 12 hours hosting a Suns fan and podcaster from the great country of Spain so we’ll be talking about Spanish Christmases and how much better they are than this

Entire Phoenix Suns week uh then you can also find me individually at Fallen founder on Twitter all right very good you can find me at Matthew lissy and you can find us at Sun’s Jam don’t know why I’m having such a hard time with that I guess I’m just so sad

This whole thing is over with but at least we have Christmas forward to jamers we will see you Christmas night very late there’s an 8:30 game against the Dallas Mavericks if you guys care to watch of course we’re not we’ll give a prediction if you want uh I thought the

Suns would actually win this Kings game I just had some hope um but do you think they actually pull out the victory against the Mavericks I’ll just ask you really quick I do it’s gonna be asab bui’s big shot nut game into Luca and it’s I’m here for it okay why can’t wait

I want him to dunk on Luka let’s make it happen awesome dude why can’t wait it’s G to happen until then go home and love your family [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Everybody

Well, the Suns are crushed by the Kings and are .500. Yay.

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  1. Alright, let’s cut the crap. This team was playing 3 starters undermanned. THREE. Against a fully healthy Top 6 West team at their home. Did people expect this game not to be a blowout? Yall need to get real. The Blazers game was a case for big frustration, this game’s result was expected.

  2. Only thing holding me back from calling it a wrap on this group is the injury thing is genuinely insane. I feel like you can’t make any big coaching change or roster change until you see how this team even functions/defenses react to Beal being out there with Book and KD

  3. I am more concerned about this team right now than I was a week ago. I thought the New York and Wizzards games were definitely grounds for calling a players only meeting but that has not happened. Point Book continues to not go well and if you listen to the interviews from the coach and players, they are essentially saying the same things over and over again

  4. Phoenix will trade Booker, Beal, Nurkic to New York for Randle, Barrett, Quickly and seven future unprotected Knicks first round picks, while Suns will trade Durant to Golden State for Podz, Moody, Kuminga, Looney and two future Warriors first round picks.

  5. Talking about trading Durant “seeing what we can get for him” is actually shameless. He’s literally the only dude out there producing on a nightly basis. I swear I hate this fan base sometimes. Where is the main host of the show at, at least he respects KD. These 2 guys are absolutely unbearable to listen to

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