@Milwaukee Bucks

Khris Middleton returning to form but Bucks defense struggles in NY | Gyro Step Podcast

Khris Middleton returning to form but Bucks defense struggles in NY | Gyro Step Podcast

Hey there welcome to the eurostep Milwaukee Bucks podcast probably a part of the bluewire podcast Network and gspn I am Ty Windish one of your hosts here as always not always but you know my preference I love all the gspns but Rohan cotti my guy as we close out

2023 Rohan of course one more question to ask you this year how’s it going probably we’ll have more than that throughout the Pod actually not not bad doing well hope everyone’s enjoying their holiday season I know I know I am I hope you are as well Tai it’s uh it’s

Been a it’s been a nice week uh in terms of just you know being able to spend time with friends family stuff like that see people you don’t usually see who are in town for the holidays it’s a it’s it’s a good time here let me let me I we

Weren’t I didn’t prepare you for this time oh okay what is your favorite gspn moment of 2023 um definitely the uh the meet up uh when we uh I would say the watch Party part of it when we got to interact with so many great listeners was was my

Number one gspn moment of 2023 Rohan how about you I was really hoping to catch you off guard and you forgot about that no way because that’s mine yeah that’s it’s hard to beat that one yeah okay well I thought I could get you but I

Didn’t well that’s a good try thank you thank you but yeah um 2023 coming to a close big year uh hope for the best going forward in 2024 uh it sounds like I’m doing the outro thank you for listening to this um but yeah a lot to

Cover on this podcast I feel like it’s been a while since you and I have done a pod together it has been and then we just had a lot of things happen in the last couple days amidst all the holiday uh busyness and and maybe chaos so let’s

Just knock out items one by one I mean uh unfortunately a very sad note to begin with here and I think we as a network will have more coverage on this going forward but former Bucks owner herb cold did pass away I believe on Wednesday uh December 27th so for anyone

Who’s maybe a newer fan or doesn’t follow the Bucs as closely outside of just being you know an owner who if you look at just the wins and losses of his ten year you may think uh it’s not you know what did not have a huge impact on

The Bucks herb cole really did love the Bucks and Milwaukee and I think his legacy will always be defined as ensuring they remained and handed off to an ownership group that would do all they could for the bucks going forward in the Hest tedak kmo era which of

Course they did they won a championship in 2021 in Milwaukee herb Cole got a ring which I know meant a lot to him that he was able to get that but he also uh as part of the sale gave just basically gave a 100 million of of his

Own money uh toward the arena construction to make sure Five Star forum was built I think it’s pretty much confirmed he turned down higher offers from parties who wanted to move the Bucks to Seattle or other places so uh yeah I think just great to take a

Moment and I’m glad pretty much everyone seems to be around who does Buck stuff take a moment just to recognize what he did for the team and that none of this that we’ve been doing over the last what however many six seven plus years now would be possible if he were like many

Owners and just you know took the biggest check and didn’t really care what happened after that yeah for sure Echo your sentiments it’s a pillar for the bucks as a franch just the just the type of person where you you want to celebrate what he did

For this team and the City of Milwaukee in terms of being able to keep this team here and again if you look at the straight wins and losses it doesn’t really paint the whole picture of what herb Senator herb Co has done for the Milwaukee Bucks uh I think uh the

Milwaukee Bucks in their statement put out a very very uh uh they put out a nice statement and my my favorite line in there was that fiser Forum sits on herb Co wave for a reason and it’s just it it’ll remain that way forever and I’m

Glad he got to see the Bucks win its idle they honored him with the championship ring uh I believe before ferve was built he did turn down a statue outside ferve but who knows if that changed in Eric names piece in the athletic he uh one of the owners I

Forget which one actually like they asked him when he said he was going to give 100 million like do you want us to name it the coal Center and he said no no I just want the Bucks to stay here and he would go to games all the time

And apparently his one request was hey have him win tonight when he was there uh always wearing his same old bucks hat there’s also this is uh Eric name of the athletic put a put a piece together this morning uh this is from Yannis tedo on

Herb I’m praying for his family it’s a guy that took care of me when I came in and made me feel comfortable but most importantly he made my family feel comfortable he helped a lot with the process of bringing my family over he’s done so many things for the city of

Milwaukee so many things for the Milwaukee Bucks organization he’s definitely going to be missed so just another another great thing that her Cole did is help make sure giannis’s family got over uh to Milwaukee and to the US yes so uh thoughts are with his family in this

Time 100% uh and yeah as you mentioned also a senator so really someone who was just incredibly involved in his uh in the state here of Wisconsin another bit of news uh the Bucks have filled their assistant coaching Vibe it’s not a name that I had heard of before frankly but

Trevor Gleason from you weren’t you weren’t grinding uh NBL T even if I had like a passing interest in the NBL I would have known who this was because he has won five championships in the last 10 years over in the NBL which is the uh League one or main league in in

Australia over there uh he also then went from doing that to being an assistant coach on the Raptors the last couple years which is the Adrien Griffin connection this is clearly someone Griffin feels more comfortable with which sounds like a good idea after the way the the last uh the last the

Assistant who left uh we’ll just say how that went uh I don’t think any title has been maintained I would expect that Joe pry will continue being the I guess deao lead assistant I don’t think he’s the technically the associate head coach I think he’s just a lead assistant I

Believe I guess that’s Joe pry is yes correct I don’t think there’s there’s any main title but I don’t I also don’t think gleon is going to come in with a higher title than anyone else on the staff that’s not what it seemed like let

Me see if we have Clarity on this from from wge um but yeah I mean I think it’s just good to have more coaches on the staff I think Adrien Griffin mentioned when he shared the news with reporters before the uh bucks Nets game on Wednesday that

They just were down a man and didn’t have many coaches compared to a lot of staffs around the league so I wanted to add more someone who’s won that many championships has experienced coaching at a high level certainly is going to be probably beneficial to the bucks on both

Sides of the ball so seems like yeah good a good thing to add yeah both sides of the ball indeed apparently in his time at Toronto he was primarily focused on the offensive side of the ball and then he had to move to the defensive

Side of the ball uh under Nick nurse um take that as you will he can do both that’s how I Char get you get you a man who can do both exactly um well just said just straight up as an assistant coach yeah um so Griffin’s quote was we were a little bit

Short-handed one of the staffs with the least amount of coaches so we thought it would be beneficial to bring someone on I worked with Trevor and Toronto just had a lot of respect for him so they’re bringing him on slowly sounds like he is kind of just getting the lay of the land

And everything at first but then he will be picking up Scouts and everything that the other assistants do so yeah just another assistant coach nice to see the that they kind of just didn’t forget about that given you know the Bucks did have a strong coaching staff with Terry

Scots obviously lost him I would say gleon is not as well regarded as him but again it is a guy who won five International championships and has NBA assistant experience can Terry stot say that he doesn’t have either of those things I’d have to look it up to be 100%

Sure he maybe does I don’t I’m not that familiar with his resume but probably not he spends a lot of time in the NBA so yeah probably not but yeah it’s it’s it’s good to see them adding to the coaching staff um it’s interesting I I know there have

Been rumors floating around for like a month now about the Bucks potentially adding an assistant coach I believe there’s a there was a European Sergio scariolo yeah that didn’t really materialize I guess guess not honestly I think he is more of an offensive-minded coach at this point someone who can do

Both and and has experience like on the defensive end is probably preferred maybe skyo is great at that too I yeah it’s exactly it’s like these coaches aren’t just they don’t just know offense they don’t just know defense they know everything they but they’re certainly Specialists one way or the other you

Wouldn’t you wouldn’t bring in Mike dantony if you’re like you know what we just really need a guy to fix our defense maybe you would because he he would just be like just don’t worry about it that’s the answer who cares is this actually broken yeah does it matter

No I don’t think it does you score more that’s all that matters which is has been the Bucs approach this week so Milwaukee just wrapped up on Wednesday night a three game trip to New York they’re still on their road trip they play the Cavs next and I believe seven

Of they’re in the midst of a seven of eight game Run on the road so they’ll come home for one and then be back out on the road afterward but two and one on the trip so far Rohan and I joked before we started recording it would have just

Been great if they could have just swapped the order of their Knicks games because I honestly think that the week would have been a lot more positive if the nice Nicks win was on Christmas Day when we all maybe uh maybe internalized an ugly lost a little bit too much for

The rest of the holiday maybe I’m just speaking from personal experience here but they did beat the Knicks they did beat the Nets in a very weird game that we’ll talk about and then they lost a stinker to the Knicks where and this has been their issue I think against the

Nets too they just couldn’t stop New York from get into the paint I mean neither their their three-point defense has been largely pretty good those teams shot very poorly from three and the bcks didn’t give up a lot of Threes but their perimeter Defenders are getting beat their interior defense is not collapsing

Quickly enough and teams are just getting to the rim over and over and finishing uh around it at way too high of a rate so that has been Milwaukee’s issue this week Milwaukee strength this week has been Chris Middleton who seems back in a big way over the last three

Games this New York trip Chris averaging 23.7 points a flat seven assists 3.3 rebounds and just 2.7 turnovers net rating of plus ter plus minus a plus 10 in that time so even though how many minutes per game 32 4 which is third on the team also he also LED Milwaukee in

Minutes against Brooklyn they basically in the fourth quarter Dame had a a pretty bad game against the Nets and Griffin was kind of just like yeah campaign and Chris are playing real well just close them out and they did which was uh different but it worked out uh

Chris looks awesome also he shot in that in those three games 55% from the field 45% from three and did not miss a free throw although he only got to the line I think twice in three games he just looks awesome again uh he looks back I think

Defensively he looks a bit better than he had earlier too I mean they put him on Jaylen Brunson on purpose toward the end of the Christmas game and honestly didn’t it didn’t look any worse than the other guys they had guard Jaylen Brunson frankly uh which is maybe less good for

Chris and more bad for everyone else but just the fact that they’d even do that shows you that the Bucks feel better about him defensively too uh we’ll get to the defense but let’s start with the Positive what have you been your thoughts watching Chris Middleton Rohan

He’s he looks back he honestly looks back it it’s it’s reminding me of uh he’s he’s old enough where I can say vintage Chris right I think so gu he look like vintage Chris Middleton it’s it’s not like he’s 40 years old or anything doing this he’s 32 I guess you

Can say that but coming after multiple seasons in a row where he’s just dealt with injury after injury trying in that constant ramp up process multiple surgeries I think it’s fair to say vintage Chris Middleton he’s not he’s not prime Chris Middleton where I I don’t know if you

Remember I said he he was better than Prime Paul George in like December like three years ago oh I remember uh if the listeners remember that was a fun time uh I don’t he’s not that level but he’s right now he’s what the Bucks need him to be and I think that’s what

Matters at this point is he’s not the best version of himself but he’s the best version of himself for this team he is acting as a tertiary option he is acting as a secondary or tertiary playmaker he can create his own shot when the offense sort of bogs down he

Can be a playmaker he can he’s been dishing the ball man like you mentioned a flat seven assists in these past three games on this road trip just throwing incredible passes you realize how smart a basketball player he is and why he’s been such an important pillar of the

Milwaukee Bucks franchise during this run that they’ve been on it’s it’s great to see Chris looking like this again I think he’s always had this sort of in him but his body has been letting him down and now he’s sort of utilizing his skills to the best of his ability to

Which his body lets him I know you and I have talked I believe on the last podcast about how it’s just some things he does are really dumb like how he’s dribbling the ball up half court backing guys down three4 cour like just give the ball to like Malik Beasley or Dame or

Someone and let them bring the ball up it’s just he he’s starting to come to these realizations that he can’t do everything that he used to and he’s sort of playing within himself now which is what I think we’ve seen in these last three games is he’s not trying to press

He’s not trying to be uh that that french press coffee that you love so much Ty he’s uh he’s being like more realist IC about his own bodily abilities and what he’s able to do out there on a basketball court which I think is why we’ve seen in these past

Three games on this road trip him playing the best basketball we’ve seen in like a year yeah it’s it’s it’s that like that’s the type of production we’re seeing because he’s not making stupid mistakes anymore 27 points 10 assists against Brooklyn certainly the best game

At least I would have to look at the the Miami series where he had some good games but one of the best Chris games we’ve seen and and certainly you know multiple years at this point due to the injuries I mean the ramp up worked is

Where I’m at I mean he looks way better than he looked at any point last regular season I think shout out Suki Hobson shout out Suki Hobson the whole bucks medical and training staff and Chris for you know not just being like you know what I’m Chris Middleton I’m going to

Play 30 minutes tonight I mean it was an angsty first what two months of the year now but if this is the result and it’s able to help him stay healthier and be at this level again I mean obviously you you do that 100 times out of 100 and I’m

Glad that Chris and the buck stuck to it I also think he looks a little better physically too so he’s able to do a little bit more I mean he shook someone from the perimeter which we’re not used to seeing I agree he doesn’t have to

Bring the ball up as much the he and campaign combo was pretty hilarious because it was just like campaign bring up the ball all right give Chris the ball okay go space the floor and it worked like that’s if that’s campaign’s role that’s honestly fine like he’s good

At getting the ball up the floor he’s Shifty he’s got a good handle and when he’s on he’s on cam was a flamethrower actually led the team in plus minus against uh against the Nets the other big thing for Chris I mean I think obviously your brain defaults to like oh

Man if Chris is going to play like this the when they start in close games with him Dame and yanis they’re going to be just ungodly good and I think they are the other thing though is they’ve been leading on him more to give those guys rest together Dam and Yiannis and it’s

Been working I mean the last that’s what that’s what we wanted to see right like going back a month ago like okay in these when when we saw these bucks teams sort of start to falter we saw you know why why are Dame and Jana sitting

Together why do we need that to happen and then we would say yeah it would be those are the Chris minutes so yeah we’re seeing that those are the Chris minutes sorry continue no it’s just it’s been working and it’s been really I mean that that’s your that’s your like bad

Minutes now going forward it’s like oh five minutes where it’s chisle in the offense which used to be like pretty much the best minutes I mean Yannis would be out there but Chris leading the offense was the best best case scenario I’ve got a special guest oh oh we have a

Sophie Cameo make sure you check a little grumpy she’s a little make sure you check out the YouTube so you can see the Sophie Cameo we see if we can make it through the rest of the Pod she’s a little restless but um but yeah I think

That those are great you know bad minutes to have and you get campaign to help with the ball handling Bobby poris who has been a spark plug off the bench and pretty much every game since that Indiana IST loss except of course for Christmas where he did not have a good

Game but it it’s been it’s been really positive I think to see okay the bench just needs to be good around Chris the bench doesn’t need to carry they just need to be fill in the gaps and when they do that then you look at a team

Where for 48 minutes when they’re mostly healthy you’re just contending with a ton offensively and Chris has done a great job making life easy for those units I think they’ve relied on Bobby a little less he’s been able to pick better spots and he’s looked really good

Because of it yeah we’ve seen this in the past too where even during the Budd years it would be third option plus bench units worked really well whether it’s Eric bledo whether it’s Drew holiday and now Chris Middleton yeah and it’s just you can see through those players I’ve named they’ve progressively

Gotten better a little bit Yeah in terms of being an offensive weapon going from Eric bleda to Drew holiday and then Drew holiday to Chris Middleton it’s uh you you’re really upgrading the offensive Outlet as your third option um it’s just yeah we’ve seen these type of units

Thrive where it’s like yeah you want to have your two best players on the court at the same time to re leverage their skills together a lot of times sure you can have one of them out in the court uh while the other rests and uh vice versa

But then also play them together a lot because again they’re your two best players you want them to uh to be able to leverage their skills together on the basketball court especially when you have a pairing like Dam and Yannis who have reverse gravities which just plays

So well but you’re able to get these bench unit lineups where you just have Giannis and Dame on the bench but you have Chris while you have campaign maybe and uh you have Bobby out there maybe you have marjon or Ajax out there as well and you just like yeah Chris this

Is your time to shine go you’re going you’re going against bench units we still trust you you’re still a three-time Allstar we we trust you to go out there and cook bench units and that’s what he’s been doing he’s been absolutely cooking bench units uh especially in that uh Nets game which he

Was cooking summer league uh yeah lineups really weird I don’t so they what happened there so they had a lot of guys out and they wanted to I think give um male Bridges a deao game off without ruining his like streak of games played in he has never missed a game in his

Career yeah but why I don’t know why they took cam Thomas out so he is 23 years old he has never gotten like a like a long run at a season before this one he’s an instant bucket and he only played like 23 or 22

Minutes they it was they were on a back toback too and they had a lot of guys that I think they just kind of tried to punt this game but I don’t understand why you take out back to back where they they played against the Pistons so was

It really a back toback but again like okay I think the Mel thing makes a lot of sense keep him fresh assume you’re going to lose this game with some guys actually out and some guys out for rest and Royce O’Neal whatever keep him healthy probably for the trade deadline

Frankly why can’t Thomas and DFS actually out Roy onil played in the game oh yeah true true true um it was very weird like yeah in that game um I think male Bridges played the entire first quarter and then we just didn’t see him again cam Thomas played

11:55 Roy O’Neal played 10 minutes so they those guys played to start and then they were just done it just it baffling baffling decision I mean uh jacqu vaugh was like working OT trying to coach a bunch of like literal g- Leaguers I mean we had a guy named Jason wils get his

Career high or Jaylen Wilson get his career high 21 points as well have been Jason Wilson I’m kidding it’s Jaylen Wilson uh seven offensive rebounds two assists he got he had a pretty good game but he can’t shoot so it’s going to be tough for him anyway but armanii Brooks I forgot about

Him he’s the guy that Jordan War crossed over remember on the Rockets oh yeah he is he did not have a very good game yeah one for five from twoo range for Armani Brooks just tough just tough but yeah what a weird game from the Brooklyn Nets

But uh who were we even talking about oh yeah Chris Chris Chris is looking this is this is why I wasn’t really concerned about the ramp up process I know there was a lot of I’ll say discourse I won’t say where because I know we’re trying to avoid this but

There there has been discourse about whether Chris is going to be able to be the guy that’s needed for this Milwaukee Buck team go for this season uh as they you know try to march on and try to win a title this year uh uh I think it’s safe to say that

Everything about this Bucks team has been a little premature every there’s been a lot of discourse about uh uh everything’s just been a little premature in everyone’s day I get I get that everyone’s ansy I get that everyone uh is uh you know wanting to make these sweeping declarations because you know

There’s been a lot of changes new coaching staff new new one of a new star player on your team new expectations um just maybe just like settle down a little watch the games we’re we’re not we’re about to hit the new year on Sunday yeah well technically Monday

Sunday night Monday yeah that is yeah okay I’m just making sure I’m right I never know what it is got thank you um we’re just about to hit the New Year it’s okay r e l a x oh boy relax because Chris looks good Chris looks good Chris looks really good if

There is if he starts to dip down like starts to have like a downward slope after this game like if this is the highs we’re going to get for the season which is one that’s pretty good High um and two it’s maybe you can start to be

Concerned a little bit if he doesn’t like if he goes back to like not playing 30 minutes per game if he’s like struggling to shoot the ball if he’s doing that because I I I’ve said this multiple times and I’ll say it again Chris is the canary and the coal mine

For this bucks offense if he’s not playing well the Bucks offense isn’t humming and now you’re starting to see him play well the Bucks offense is absolutely out of this world yeah so I think I think that was a pretty good take for me but so if if we start to see

Chris struggle again maybe that’s indicative of other problems maybe Trevor Gleason’s not doing a great job I’m kidding I’m kidding I’m kidding uh Chris B out for Trevor gleon Chris owns an NBL team doesn’t he he does he owns part of the part of the breakers right I

Think so so not not Perth but we’re we’re gleon coach but he’s got to love this infusion of of Australian basketball yeah he’s he’s got responded to it yeah do you think he’s still friends with Deli like probably like sort of probably not close friends he owns the bullets

Part of the bullets the Brisbane bullets excuse me not the breakers there we go maybe him and Joe Engles talked about him maybe Joe Engles is the reason Trevor GLE I’m yeah um I I just pulled up the Nas’s career totals do you want to play a

Little game oh God this is very random I know but he had two nice assists in this game and I’ve been I’ve been I was thinking about this earlier today how many career assists total do you think the nasus has he has played 177 NBA games more than I

Thought um he played 70 games in 2122 no I lied I lied that’s field goal he played 57 he played 57 the year before which is a ton championship year yeah that’s what I’m saying you play more thanasis you win titles that’s all I’m saying there is some evidence there I guess

Um I should do a regression analysis on that that that’d be that’d be fun that’s very on brand for me but how many total assists does thanasis at TMO have in his career 75 you’re wow you’re low on your guy 105 after last night 105 okay okay the way

You phrase the question I thought it was going to be lower how many total points do you think oh it’s like 400 or something oh pretty good 457 for ta 457 because I saw he has like 170 something or 188 career field goals made or something uh that’s 188 is

Correct yeah I know my guy he’s shooting 50.5% from the field we won’t talk about three what is it from three 14.5% oh it takes after his brother in the last this season and last season how many combined threes do you think ta has made this season and La his his big game

Against the Knicks was two years ago so I can’t include that um did he make two threes in that game I think he did then that’s the only time he’s made threes since 2021 oh he’s made zero yeah oh no two two for 14 and 212 to 0 for eight last

Year this year he simply stopped trying you know what I respect it um 7 for 29 in 2021 we were probably sitting here like I think he’s developing the three-point shot I think he’s going to be ready by next year y he’s been in he’s been in the lab with

Opie hey the way these young guys are shooting I am not g to slander Oppenheimer I think the ATA Kos just need like like more intervention than him I don’t think he can it’s funny it’s funny that op and couldn’t even do it it’s just fun I have yet to see that

Movie same you haven’t seen it no I don’t see that many movies I think you get more FL you yeah I was gonna say then why am I the one who just gets FL I’ve I’ve seen more older movies I don’t watch many current movies that’s

Why I I think I I think I watch more current movies than you probably have you seen Barbie yeah have not seen Barbie you haven’t seen Barbie I really enjoyed I saw a Tik Tok that said maybe I’m a sexist because I haven’t seen it and it’s not personal I didn’t choose

Anything over it I just didn’t go you just you always want to be cancelled don’t you I I just I do feel like it’s part for the course what’s part for the course what what no define would you say would it’s I’m just I’m a white guy who records a

Lot of podcasts and I just feel like it’s like statistic going to happen at some point oh getting canell I thought you were saying sexism you I always I always make it that’s why I wanted you to clarify yeah I meant getting canceled for all okay cool it’s probably I

Probably have been for basketball takes more than anything else at this point oh remember when raptor fans were like circulating our Clips we’re not allowed in Canada I don’t think yeah well I mean we got their coach now so maybe that’s fair we got two of them we got the glean

And we got Griffin okay let’s move on uh want talk about the books defense but first let’s have some fun although maybe it’s not that fun because we we don’t have any wins to talk about on our sleeper daily fantasy segment if you’ve been watching the Pod for the last

Several months you know we have been playing sleeper and having a great time if you’re already using the sleeper app to play fantasy sports hit that money sign in the middle sign up for daily fantasy use code eurostep to get up to a $100 match on your first deposit on us

Enjoy that I know a lot of people our followers and people in our Discord have been playing and having some fun as well so I would love for you to join us on sleeper it is legal in many many states Wisconsin is one of them crucially uh

Daily fantasy sports so I believe Rohan this is from is this Christmas this is from Christmas Day I know I’ve talked about this a lot when we’re doing these segments but I love I love the first quarter picks yeah you it’s it’s it I I

Enjoy it a lot because it’s you if you make like full game ones it’s like oh I’m going to be watching the game really closely trying to see if this specific thing happens but then if it’s a first quarter one I get to I get to get it out

Of the way and usually they have uh they have like more drastic multipliers on the I might join doing this I feel like you have more fun lately than me on on pick well we’ll get to my slate but um but this one unfortunately wasn’t L for

Me on this uh on this ticket I had Damen Lillard projection for first quarter assists was two and a half uh I said he was going to get more than that he did he got three the reason I picked that Damen Lillard plays all 12 minutes of the first quarter that’s his rotation

That’s a che and he usually gets lower projections for assist numbers and he’s been he’s been dishing in the first quarter um so he got that he got that more than two and a half assists in that first quarter that’s a win Julius Randall uh his projection was one and a

Half first quarter assist that’s pretty high yeah which is why I immediately did not think he was going to get that and guess what he didn’t he had zero assists CU Julius Randall against the Bucks turns into an offensive black hole and doesn’t pass the ball unfortunately uh

That that didn’t end up uh working in Milwaukee’s favor him being an offensive black hole as he put up 24 points yeah he did have two assists in the game but zero in the first quarter that’s not how he operates so that one was another successful pick for

Me then my guy my guy Malik Beasley I I’ve said it before for his projection is usually two and a half points I love that first quarter sprinkle of him and Dame it’s so tempting to just do it every game it’s it usually it’s usually it’s usually a winner it’s usually a

Winner he just has to hit one of his threes he missed his uh he missed his only three-point attempt in the game which I don’t believe actually occurred in the first quarter I don’t even think he shot yeah it was a it was a bad game for bees who thankfully bounced back

Against the Nets with quite a nice game but that one didn’t not uh that one did not come to fruition he had zero points um so unfortunately it was not a it was not a winning ticket for me I also lost based on one I really so this is for the

Nets game on Wednesday I figured Giannis being questionable or probable like a couple times in a row maybe he would play less of a role which was kind of correct although I think he did end up having like 27 or 31 points so not really figured Dame would maybe do a

Little more he ended up only having 12 points kind of took a back seat with the weight Chris was playing so I went with less than his projection of I think 24 and a half and he wasn’t even close cam Thomas rebounds it the the projection

Was set at three and a half he averages 2.9 per game and all he really wants to do is shoot and the fact that he only played 11 minutes really made it an easy one so I am pretty salty I didn’t get a win on this overall play Given basically

Had a free uh a free pick there Chris Middleton’s points rebounds and assists I think he had that in like the first quarter it was like one away I mean it was 2 was it 25 and a half he ends up with 40 p and then Bobby poris 12 12 and

A half Point projection just figured probably over he’d probably do a bit especially against a smaller more athletic team ended up with 14 so unfortunately he wasn’t doing it on the defensive end so he had to do it on the offensive that is correct he did have a

Very good game offensively though I will say that there are some people who thought he should have had an upstock for that game Rohan but I thought he should have had a downstock well we can talk about it but a couple of losing plays for us on sleeper but see we’re

Still laughing we’re still having a good time so download sleeper use our code eurostep get that match and join us in playing g y r o s p is the code all one word all one word let’s talk about just defense in general I think that’s the other the

Other half of the episode title here you know you know what the buck should do Ty you know what the buck should do tai they should deter shots at The Rim they should actually try and do that you know that might be that might be a good uh

Solution to some of their problems because like you mentioned up top they’ve been doing a pretty good job of playing perimeter defense closing out on Shooters getting to guys that’s what happens when you play a lot of fast players you can run guys off the three-point line but the you you can do

That only based on the ability to contain uh the the offensive players attacking Closeouts which the Bucks have not been able to do they have not been able to do that Rook Lopez got a double down stock against the Nets because he could not he absolutely could not do it

He could not deter shots at the r Bobby poris was worse somehow he was like given it was a young athletic I almost said Nick Nets team and it was just a lot of guys blowing past Bobby uh and it was a poor match up

For him a poor match up for Brooke who again is not going to be dealing with these quick Shifty players that well but I feel like that’s exposed a whole in the Bucks roster construction is the the lack of a true quick-footed defensive big man and I know that’s a

Lot yes outside of Giannis yes obviously because Giannis is an alien you can do everything yeah uh except shoot thanks Josh I’m kidding uh uh what was I saying yeah it’s I know that’s a lot to ask for especially considering the offensive Juggernaut that this Milwaukee Bucks team has shown

They can be and are they just have been an offensive Juggernaut for the past month uh that’s just who they are that’s what happens when you have Damen Lillard and theis sedo and Chris Middleton at this points in their careers they are going to be an offensive Juggernaut of a

Team and they’ve shown as much credit to everyone involved credit to them credit to the coaching staff credit to everyone John horse the entire organization thanks thanks herb Cole like rip like it’s it’s just they’re they’re an offensive juger defensively they have some problems they do have some problems

And I think these last couple games uh against both the Knicks and the Nets have exposed that they just cannot deal with any sort of athleticism in the restricted area they can’t they really can’t and I don’t know what the solution to that problem is because Brook uh

Having to come up on guys in sort of a mid-range area that’s what killed them that Jaylen Brunson really killed them in that area and that Christmas Day loss against the Knicks uh he would get past everyone including guys like Andre Jackson Jr if everyone was ping for Ajax

Minutes I’m not here to be an anti- Ajax guy but he was getting past everyone he was getting past everyone on the Bucks team uh even their uh best touted perimeter Defenders he was getting pass and it was just uh he was he was killing Brooke in that little uh in the

Drop scheme that everyone knows uh is a little susceptible to that Brook Lopez is not the best in containing mid-range jumpers Jaylen Brunson fed off that and it was a Christmas Day loss I actually I think Brooke chases blocks too much the way they play defense has been one of my

Takeaways this week it wasn’t a good week for Brooke um like there’s a lot of the time like there was a play against the Nets where I think Chris was contesting I I don’t I would say I forget the player I probably never knew the player who was taking the shot I

Mean again all G Leaguers I’m just not familiar with uh even from covering the g- league but he’s kind of contesting a guy who’s like shooting like kind of it’s like a falling out of bounds a runner basically and Brooke is like leaping over Chris to try and block this

Shot and it goes out and then whoever the Nets big was again really don’t know maybe uh Clowny uh gets the rebound and just dunks it and it’s like don’t why like that’s you’re not going to be able to block that if you get it it might be

A goal and the offensive rebounding has been in a lot of these games as big of an issue as the initial shot you know so I think that’s been like Brooke for all the you know we’ve talked about in other circumstances trusting players including Brooke himself when they’re against a

Star big to just guard one-on-one I actually think Brooke needs to do that a little bit more in some of these cases where he will like Chase to try and double contest a shot that’s already going up and then he caught in between so he’s not really affecting that shot

And now if it does miss the big is able to get the rebound so I think maybe a little more you you know who did that a lot and it it really reminded me of who Greg Monroe oh yeah yeah Greg Monroe was such a guy that did that and I think I

Think Brooke it’s it’s it’s really the reason we’re we’re having problems with this is we’ve seen him play well in this sort of scheme like we he’s been runner up for defensive player of the year the last two years yeah it’s it’s because he’s been playing a very similar role

Like you mentioned November 3rd right is when they switch back to drop defense and he’s been just with Brooke um and he’s been playing a very similar role that he has been for ever since he’s been a Milwaukee Buck uh but this season I don’t know what’s happened like

Is it because he’s leading the league in blocks per game is is that is he trying to just get get up on the stats so he can like actually Focus I’m playing defense telling the official too like hey I blocked it it’s like okay Brooke I don’t even think the official records

That no he’s like he motions to the scorer table does he sometimes it looks like he’s going just toward the official not even toward the scorer I think he just do out bounds yeah I I don’t know um May it’s probably because the perimeter is so leaky that I think it’s

Probably thrown off his sense of how to how to help and drop a little bit compared to what he’s used to but it it has not been as effective as we would like to see C certainly not this past week we’ve seen so many especially in

The past week we’ve seen so many just dump off passes for dunks yeah uh in the Christmas Day game against the Knicks I swear it was like three out of like seven possessions in the third quarter it was just drive dump off dunk Drive dump off dunk because they would drive

Draw Brooks help and then just no one would be able to contain the cutter from the weak side corner and just get a just get an easy dunker layup like no one no one was able to defend that again given not all that is on Brooke he’s trying to

Help someone else has to rotate in to sort of contain that guy who’s flashing in from either Corner that’s not Brook’s fault he can’t just double jump this isn’t Mario he can’t just do that even though he’s he’s done it before but he can’t do you can’t rely on him doing

That every single play but we just haven’t seen that crisp rotation and again not all of it’s on Brooke but some of it is on Brooke we haven’t seen him being able to do that and don’t even get me started on Bobby man that dude he’s bothering me on defense he’s

Bothering me like we’ve seen him be effective on defense like on the defensive end of the floor at points this season and going back the last couple Seasons as a buck we’ve seen him be in roles where he can be not just in a horrible defensive player but that

He’s getting into some bad habits on the defensive end of the floor and again these weren’t the most ideal matchups for Bobby or Brooke they’re quick athletic players in the paint and neither of them really stood a shot but either they have to start learning to

You know adapt to this sort of these sort of players or the Bucks need to make a roster move because yeah well it’s a little it’s it’s a little it’s very concerning we don’t want to put too much on him I think getting Crowder back

Will be a big deal Assuming he’s able to come back and be anything close to the player he was in the first couple weeks of the Season before he had the the core muscle issue uh but yeah I do think I mean you’re watching Dennis Smith Jr get

To the basket a bunch and play hard defense draw charge on Yannis and I think that first quarter uh of action and it was like man how can we can we leave a second round pick and bring him with us he’s making vet minimum this year like someone like that just a

Smaller more athletic player for guards and I think the obvious counter is like well we want Maron and Ajax to be that I mean Maran got befuddled on defense multiple times in this game too and we’re not talking about against a star player we’re talking about like Dennis

Smith Jr is post ing Brooke after beating Maran like he wasn’t there or Ajax or whoever else was guarding him so I think it’s you know the bigs have to be better I don’t think there’s going to be you know a roster move to bolster the big rotation I think it’s probably their

Strongest position group overall I think they just need to get more out of their perimeter Defenders they need guys to fight harder they need Crowder to get healthy and they probably could use a roster move on top of that I do think like you know for all the the Griffin

Stuff early it does seem to have Qui down I mean you watch these games like he’s throwing in his own just cuz like nothing else is working like literally like doesn’t matter put he can for the Personnel yeah I mean they they’re just getting beat and there’s not a defense

That solves magically when pretty much all your primitive Defenders if not all of them just get beat one-on-one like not even screen we’re not even talking screen navigation Dennis Smith Jr and trendon Watford are sizing guys up on the perimeter and just scoring in the paint like that’s that’s there’s no

Scheme for that like that’s just your level of compete and your level of defensive Acumen so God I hope that happens for the Pistons versus the Celtics uh it’s it’s it’s there history I do think and I said we wouldn’t talk much about trades I’ve got a I’ve got a

Trade like assets thing I need to put up no no no a trade asset piece on the on the substack I want to post but um I I I love pet it’s cut off in my frame but there’s a 24 that’s unrelated to to him on the wall back there you just said

Those sentences they didn’t have anything to do with each other no just a stream of Consciousness he’s in danger I mean if it’s going to be a player that makes more than men like there’s there’s literally no one else who I think is close to as at risk of a trade outside

Of again vet men guys and not all of the vet men guys like I think Malik Beasley is much safer and campaign is safer than where pad is at just because you look at when Crowder comes back there’s you know your top Wing player Off the Bench assuming bees and and Chris continue

Starting together at least for the time being and you’ve also got the young guys who have flashed a lot of potential and give you more defense than Pat has given you maybe they’re not always in the right position like he is his perimeter defense has been pretty problematic this

Year the shot for the second straight regular season is just not going in at a nearly high enough clip the last week of games 38% from the field 33% from deep does have five points three rebounds per game he’s a good rebounder again he’s in the right positions he’s offensive

Rebounding as well yeah but I mean he’s just got a I mean I don’t know if there’s the pressure is on him kind of knowing it’s a crowded rotation and really the Bucks are out of other guys to tr somebody say it’s a Crowder rotation got sure okay like J Crowder

Yeah I get it um yeah you can’t you can’t win them all nope you can’t um but yeah I I do think it’s a tough position for for Pat right now and going into the I think February 8th deadline which is now only six weeks or so away uh he is

The guy who is certainly at the most I know I said this like four times in this in this thing you can talk now I I agree he’s he’s the guy most in danger because even though I’ve just talked a lot about Bobby poris he still

Provides a lot uh in terms of the offensive end of the Court just quickly these three games 58% from the field 45% from Deep 100 from from free throw averaging 16 points and 8.7 rebounds per game for Bobby so his offense has been cranked up for most of the time even

Though the defense may have been lacking yes is sometimes is he trying to do a little too much on the offensive end maybe maybe is he going against a double team when Dame’s wide open in the opposite corner maybe sometimes hey if we want to talk about Big’s not passing

Bobby is not the one I have issue exactly no exactly if you’re allowed to pass on the perimeter and I’ve said before it’s good that he he doesn’t gum up the offense by not shooting open shots you don’t have to shoot every single time I mean Malik Beasley is just

Wide open one skip pass away nope I’m just gonna CR one of the best Shooters in the League this season Malik Beasley 55% the last three games from three just outstanding outstanding offensive player but yeah it’s the big men the big men have uh been disappointing to me not

Giannis obviously yeah but the big men have been disappointing to me in these in this road trip I think that’s I’ve been okay with Bobby that’s fair I can’t take I can’t take special issue with him getting beat when everyone’s getting beat that’s fair that doesn’t absolve him of any blame

Though no but it’s just like he’s one of seven eight guys so I’m not gonna at least at least he’s giving them a lot on the offensive end yes yes for sure but pat pat Conan Patrick conon the landlord himself yeah you gotta start you got to start doing

Some stuff man otherwise uh they’re going to turn on you real quick it’s going to be real tough for three leaf to continue doing Milwaukee stuff if you don’t play for the bucks well I mean they’re not gonna kick him out of the city I don’t think but I

Know but I’m just I’m trying to I’m trying to motivate him I just want where are you at right now if Portland called and said give us our second back and Pat and we give you tible would you do it no really no I’m so out on tible you’re

Just anti- table I I and that pick is valuable that is it’s a valuable pick that’s going to be third it’s going to be at least not 35 like it could be within 35 yeah I mean I moved by that less just I mean what did the Bucs give

Up for 36 last year like one future second I guess cash who did they trade that with Orlando Orlando who had a bunch of second round picks I but but that’s I think there’s going to be a lot of teams who have a bunch going OK has

40 picks in every draft that’s fair that’s a fair point but I’m not saying I agree it’s going to be a good second round pick but like if they really love someone there they can probably go get another one and we’re at a point now where if they don’t trade any of them

Like Maran Ajax Chris Livingston are going to be on the roster next year you’re not you’re not going to add three more rookie scale guys every year you end up with two our guy Hugo song yeah we looked up his stats before the Pod let’s I don’t think he’s going to be on

A roster spot next year I know we forgot about him so I just want to remind the listeners that he does exist probably will not exist on the Bucks anytime soon Adriatic League plays I mean now he’s he’s doing the long game he’s recruiting yic he’s a little

Late yeah I guess yic has been gone there from there for about 10 years no no no no so he’s he’s getting he’s he’s getting like acclimated to the Serbian culture so when yic goes back as soon as the season ends he’ll have his plane

Ready to go back um yeah he’ll be like yeah yeah I know what I’ll I’ll stay in Serbia a little bit longer sleeper AG I just just watch that watch that going forward watch that watch that it’s something to look out for um hot tip all

I’m saying is if it happens I’m taking credit for it yeah sure I I can sleep at night knowing if the Bucks get n yic it’s a big W for you it’s also a Big W for all of us but mostly Rohan and a big

Big W for Hugo bassan they got to hang John horse colllege shirt up in the rafters if they get if they get uh Nicole yic after getting Dame that would be uh that would be I me come on dude and then and then still that offseason the ring will be like

Bucks have the 14th best front office in the league we still remember that they had to give Pat a player option because they messed up his first dealer whatever the case may be yeah they didn’t give him enough uh the money they they tried to give him

Too many years or something yeah but pat pat Conan it’s just we we know Pat as a player he’s been a buck for what this is year six yeah five or six I think this is year six because we had I views of BU yeah

Yeah so this is year six yeah uh of Pat conon being a Milwaukee Buck and he’s been the most consistent at being a guy who can be inconsistent uh I know that’s sort of like a sports cliche but I think it fits with Pat coniss is he will go through these

Spells where he’s just not being very well not playing very well you even mentioned for the second straight regular season he’s not shooting the ball well but then it comes playoff time against Miami and it’s like oh yeah this is Pat hnin he he he fits in the

Rotation he fits well with this team uh I just don’t know if the Bucks are in a similar spot as they were last year where they can just rely on Pat yeah we just need him to become that guy again because they have so many other options

You have the development of marjon bamp you have the addition of Andre Jackson Jr boss man 99 should actually have a role on this team this year it’s um whoever whoever John hor inevitably gets at the trade deadline whatever athletic forward they get uh at the trade deadline eyeing up PJ Tucker yeah

Apparently according to markstein I don’t know why unless unless PJ is uh willing to give up that player option uh he’s not going to be a buck yeah no I would not trade Pat for PJ straight up right now he’s like 38 years old I mean that’s that we’re talking about they really

Need a player to guard guards they don’t need 38-year old PJ Tucker to do that but that that that I think is the real reason that I am thinking it’s possible and considering potential Pat condent trades is it’s less even about like oh they have all these other options at the

Wing it’s also they just have different needs at the wing now and I think they can’t afford I they can afford it’s it’s so much more appetizing to switch out Pat when there’s other options on the wing who can provide what he provides at least offensively maybe there’s not as

Many good rebounders but you have you can make up for that and you just desperately need the defense like desperately need the perimeter defense so um it’s going to be interesting I like I don’t think Caruso would happen but that to me is still like give all

The picks and maybe even one of the young guys because I just think Caruso coming off the bench with as well as Crowder fixes so many of your issues on defense like almost just having those two guys almost by itself fixes the defense I think to a large extent

They’re still 14th since they started dropping so they have not been a horrible defense they’ve been average but they I think they do need help I I don’t think 14th is good enough I think you want to be around top 10 when you’re going into the playoffs and they have

Not been at that level I think the reason is just very obvious their perimeter Defenders have not been good enough for sure sure for sure we do think I I think we’re in lock step when we say we think some sort of move is going to happen yeah regarding a

Potential perimeter Defender Chris Dunn Dennis Smith Jr guys who are making like minimum who you could go give up one of your minimums and Dennis Smith Jr would be fun I mean if dwy and all their guards are healthy if Ben Simmons ever plays again I mean maybe they would be

Willing to give him up for that Portland second I don’t know it’d be interesting we just saw him ball out against the Bucks I mean they just punted a game in the middle of the season so it doesn’t feel like they’re trying to be that competitive this year

I don’t know yeah even though they don’t own their pick yeah weird weird I don’t know what’s going on they have a Paris game so their fans were like oh we have to get their fan was like oh we have to get ready for the Paris game it’s like

It’s it’s not like they’re gonna make you fly you’re not doing a back to back to back it’s 23 year old cam Thomas yeah for sure um it’s uh I love I love uh venicius Jr just going around the league yeah what he did he did the funniest route possible okahoma City OKC

Sacramento and then LA and then Brooklyn someone had to tell me who he was you know he’s a true NBA junkie if you’re doing that like I love that I love that I honestly love that if OKC is on the menu at all you already earned a lot of

Respect exactly like that that alone tells me okay you know ball if you’re going I gotta go see the Thunder play at home that’s real I got I gotta go see Chad j obiously yeah yeah but yeah that’s fun it’s a fun subplot it the Bucks tweeting out after

The game because Giannis immediately was like you get my shoes you get my jersey F them kids you you get them he usually gives them to kids yeah not not today no no when there’s a global superstar in The Bu so I I didn’t recognize who it was and I thought

Someone said it was Vin Jr like Vin Baker’s son Vin Diesel no and I was like wow I didn’t think it’d be such a big deal for the broadcast that Vin Baker start for for like the whole team like you fig they’d be around him a lot so

His son I think had I don’t think his or maybe I’m thinking of Darin ham I I’m thinking of Darin Ham’s son but I was just like I didn’t think it would be that big of a deal for Vin Baker’s son to be around then someone explained to

Me that this was not that and I was like oh that’s cool yeah uh fun times there but uh what else what else do we have to talk about um just the young guys in general I think Mar we we saw a good offensive output for marjon he like you mentioned

Earlier he got a little little lost on the defensive end at times um but he’s still trying his best uh he’s showing that bounce off he I I love how we haven’t talked about Maron in a little bit but he he he’s showing off his athleticism in game now which is nice uh

He’s had a few nice like poster dunks and uh he he he reads the comments he reads the comments because he’s out there tweeting see I can jump off one foot too or something like that and it’s like yeah good good for you man I’m I’m happy like that sounded sarcastic but

It’s not like you you do you man like it’s good to see him sort of um get get back in the rotation sort of solidify that rotation spot it’ll be interesting to see what happens when Jay Crowder boss man 99 himself comes back but it’s

It must be a tough sort of situation for marjon where you’re the seconde guy but then you see this rookie come in and audre Jackson Jr and get a lot of starts get a lot of playing time um so it’s just been uh it’s been good to see Maron

Sort of persevere even not hitting that sort of seconde wall that sophomore slump yeah it’s been fun to watch him continue to shoot the ball well I think he was two for three from Deep against Brooklyn he’s up to 45 a half% this year 50% from the field uh again we’ve said

Before Andre Jackson shooting the ball well two but Maron has been getting more minutes lately and has been doing a a good bit with them I’d like to see more defensively just staying in front of guys and making them hit shots versus getting blown by I think that’s going to

Be a key for him but we’ve seen him play good defense on guards so I think he does have a a lot to potentially gain the season if he can just be a little more consistent on defense continue just dunk and hit threes offensively that’s a

Pretty good game plan uh his shot looks good though I think it’s been a good year overall for Maan he’s been inconsistent but that’s just kind of a a young Player thing still has gotten 15 minutes per game so it’s not like he’s barely playing that’s you know

Significantly more than than Ajax who’s at 10 minutes per game some of that hurts cuz I think Ajax played like two minutes against Brooklyn he had like two fouls and missed a shot or two and Griffin was just like that’s enough of that um I think he was just trying

Things early in that game AJ Green got some run too uh did not play a whole lot better but did end up knocking down a three before he checked out but it is I mean having three young Wings shooting 42 plus per from three has been kind of

Fun even if they’ve all been in consistent in their own ways uh it’s been I guess actually technically four Chris Livingston has not missed a three this year so uh 0.1 of 0.1 per game for Livingston in his seven games in 24 or so total minutes yeah it’s it’s good to see the

Young guys like I think we’ve mentioned this before just having a young core in general is fun yeah uh it’s it’s it’s nice to see I think I think one thing that’s impressed me the most about Ajax is just his ability to be resilient yeah uh because he’s a rookie he’s coming in

Getting very very inconsistent playing time like uh Adrian Griffin’s really showing him the NBA yeah and uh he’s handling it really well like credit to him he’s handling it really well uh he didn’t have the he hasn’t had the best week that we’ve seen uh definitely has

Not been the best week um but continue to persevere second round rookie so you know can’t expect the world I think what we’re starting to see is Maran is more leaned on to guard guards and I think Griffin likes Ajax on forwards more like if if they play the Bulls and is cooking

It’ll be Ajax but like Maran got the Reps this was the first game of the year so still there was a lot in the air but Maran got uh the Reps on Maxi and like tonight the Nets had so many guards Maron had more of a run so it’ll be

Interesting to kind of track that and see does one player become more versatile or is it kind of become the where all right we need someone to guard guards Maran okay there’s a forward cooking us Ajax or if they can just be interchangeable that’s just a a pattern

I noticed so far and it’s been if if that is how it is it’s going to going to be better for marjon for the rest of this year given again they guard forwards better than they guard guards for sure for sure that’s something to something to watch going forward just

Like yic to the Bucks and I I want to address quickly too and this might be our last thing every game it feels like somebody there’s somebody where it’s like this guy’s just randomly out of the rotation now what’s going on it’s like there’s not many spots in the rotation

Right now uh they don’t play Griffin probably usually plays what probably about nine we’ll say so obviously Giannis Dame Chris and then you’re gonna see Brooke you’re gonna see bees when he’s healthy is five that’s starting five Bobby’s gonna play that’s six Camp’s goingon to play whether people

Like it or not that’s seven and he showed why he should play at least at least exploratory play against Brooklyn and then but now that Pat’s back he’s been pretty firmly in there and then Maran is what that’s nine I think yeah and that’s before you get Jay Crowder

Back and then it’s really it’s going to be like probably one young guy most nights when they’re fully healthy I think that’s fine these gu they’re young guys they’re inconsistent like I I know there was a good stat dive I think Frank Madden shared on Twitter of like as

Exciting as Ajax has been you look at different segments of the Season net rating wise they still mostly gotten crushed when he plays like it’s not all on him but it’s not like they’ve just been amazing in his minutes for any sustained period he’s still a young guy

And it’s okay if he doesn’t play every night it’s not he’s the 36th overall pick it’s not like you know he’s going to demand a trade or something cuz in year one he’s not playing 20 minutes a night on a great team so I think that’s just that’s just normal it’s just going

To be a thing going forward and it’s kind of reminiscent to early Bud except they’re quote unquote young guys where Pat Conan and Dante dienzo at that point which maybe less young but it’s it’s the same idea and I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that no it’s it’s

Quite normal for contending teams which is what the Bucks are they’re a contending team just the Bucks like you mentioned haven’t had to haven’t had the privilege of dealing with you got multiple promising young guys yeah what a like what a crazy concept for the buck yeah it’s been fun

But yeah it is it’s going to be frustrating sometimes and they’re not we’re not going to get to see them all all the time but maybe you’ll see him in ashkash I don’t think we’ve seen Andre go at all this season Chris living’s played there uh I think six to eight

Games so far it’s been okay the shot hasn’t fallen yet which I think is really what is going to be really important for him but I saw he’s averaging like 12 and eight and 20 minutes so continuing to rebound and and put up some points which is good to see

Yeah for sure we’re getting some action from the two ways as well Tai Tai has been balling I think yeah so uh Lindell has actually had a very good year yeah alltime leading scorer kind of I think I think there’s a little bit of like hey let’s not forget I exist from Lindell

With uh you know all the excitement especially from us um about Tai Tai I want to pull it up quick just because I know when I checked earlier his numbers kind of wowed me because he’s really got the three-point shot down right at the moment so this will be our last thing a

Little bit of Wisconsin herd check in they are home a ton in January if you’ve ever wanted to catch a herd game which I will they there we go they play at home a lot but this season Lindell wigington is scoring 19.8 points a game plus 4.9

Rebounds to just 2.8 turnovers so a more than 2:1 ratio there shooting 49% from the field 42% from 77% from free throw plus 3.3 rebounds 1.2 assists and half a block so we’re talking nearly two stocks a better than two to one or no that’s

Not better than two to one but a a strong assist turnover ratio wall shooting almost 50 42 and almost 80 from the field very impressive very impressive from Lindell who’s just been just a professional just been a he’s been a he’s been a bucket getter he’s been a

Distributor that’s just a Defender too I mean it’s yeah I I wouldn’t I mean if if they do have any injuries to guards I would like to see Lindell get a couple games at the NBA level just to see just to have some more data on him but he is

Playing quite well in the G League I I don’t think people should forget about him Tai Tai Washington has struggled a bit uh scoring the ball 13 points 36% from the field 26.9% from three so the shots are just not falling he is rocking though the same 4.9 assists to just 1.8

Turnovers so he is doing a good job as the point guard but the the shot making has not been there uh as much for him and then Maris Balden 12 points per game along with 5.6 rebounds 54% from the field still shooting 50% from Deep so

The big guy is knocking down the shots uh has 1.4 blocks per game as well 1.3 assists 1.7 turnovers and then actually the fourth leading scorer down there is Chris Livingston in his five games in just 24.6 minutes he’s scoring 12 points per game shooting 50 55% from the field

33% from Deep uh just 50% on free throws which a pretty small sample uh that is oh sorry that’s 6.4 rebounds not eight uh 1.4 assists to 1.6 turnovers so the young fella getting some run in down there for sure for sure love to see it

Love to see it uh make yeah like you said January it’s a nice month for the Wisconsin her schedule at home make sure you check the game out I will definitely be up there for a game in January now the ticket sales are going through the roof now that people heard rohan’s going

Won’t say which game so they have to buy tickets for every game get season tickets folks exactly exactly uh but yeah no if you’re in the area make sure you check out the herd go go harass TI I’m kidding don’t do that uh but yeah

Herd up uh and we’ll wrap this up say thank you for listening to this episode of the eurostep here on bluewire in gsbn make sure you’re subscribed wherever you’re listening to this podcast Sophie is telling everyone to leave a festar rating and review on their podcast platform of choice uh check out gspn

Info for all of our links pod random and we will talk to you next time

Khris Middleton shined in a weird Milwaukee Bucks win over the Brooklyn Nets on Wednesday, leading Milwaukee in minutes and posting an impressive 27 point 10 assist double-double to beat a scrappy Nets squad. Ti Windisch and Rohan Katti discussed how crucial Middleton seeming back to form these last few weeks has been, touched on why Milwaukee’s defense has been bleeding points in the paint, the Bucks’ big depth and perimeter defenders, some trade chatter, and recapped how MarJon Beauchamp has looked lately as well.

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