@San Antonio Spurs



All right okay I’m getting tired of y’all all right I’m getting tired and sick of y’all because there are so many people telling me that Jeremy soan is trash Jeremy soan is garbage Jeremy soan should be traded that he’s not worth anything it’s absolutely insane now let me go ahead

And get I’ll I’ll get all the I’ll get all the negativity out the way okay because people also say like I’m just so biased when it comes to Jeremy okay maybe possibly cuz I I like him as a player I like9 I don’t know if you heard that

That was my uh oh crap I can’t say the that was my Lexa okay cool it worked I didn’t put the a in there um I don’t know what that was but yeah there’s so many people telling me all this stuff about soan and just saying

How bad he is and blah blah blah let me go and say all the negatives okay we’ll say the negatives about about soan okay let let me say it all right and I’m going to be so brave by saying this okay uh where’s my cat she sleep somewhere I

Don’t know I think she’s in the living room let me say this okay Jeremy soan is a bad point guard whoa what he’s a bad point guard whoa whoa isn’t that mindblowing that soan isn’t a good point guard whoa yeah he’s a bad point guard so what

Yeah he’s a bad point guard all right so I will throw that out there obviously he’s not a good point guard and I’ll I’ll even I’ll trip I’ll triple down on this okay the San Antonio Spurs don’t have a great point guard the best one they have is Trey Jones and Trey Jones

Isn’t a elite passer by any means he isn’t an elite facilitator like a lot of Spurs fans want you to believe that’s not true he’s not we we don’t have one and after this game and it’s several games well but after this game I think that the most skilled

Passer that the San Antonio Spurs have right now IR ironically is the guy that we want to get the ball the most Victor Wim banama is probably the most skilled passer we have and that’s sad but that is no fault of anybody really because the San Antonio Spurs they did trade or

Not trade they drafted a guy that was supposed to be a combo guard that had pretty good passing skills and he turned out to be Joshua Primo oh thanks for the uh thanks for the Super Chat IFL um so yeah he turned out to be J Josh Primo so

Let me say that soan is not a great point guard now wi be a point guard might as well now with that being said I think that I understand the issue with soan okay after talking to my boy uh swis we actually talked about this and

He brought up a really good point in which I knew like like I knew this but then he he actually brought up like actual Clips to back it up and I’m like oh yeah you’re absolutely right so we all know like this is no big brain take here that soan isn’t accustomed to

Running point guard okay but the reason why I think Sohan struggles so often so you guys let me let me I’m going to talk to the chat directly okay because I’m not going to just talk and and you guys just you know talk over me I don’t know

It just ignore me okay so I’m talking to you directly okay have you noticed that Jeremy soan almost every pass that he makes is around the perimeter like directly across from him but it’s usually around the perimeter do you notice did you notice that like he makes

He rarely makes any passes in the paint have you noticed that that’s everyone though well yeah but yeah yes okay all right yeah that happens continuously right like over and over and over again well if you actually look at Jeremy Sohan and the the uh the role that he had last season

The reason for that is because when he’s in the paint that’s what he’s looking for right he’s continuously looking for his Shooters he’s continuously looking for who’s open around the perimeter and he’s trying to adjust that into a point guard role but he’s still doing the same

Thing and that’s what makes it look so bad I don’t think that sohan’s actively avoiding wimy I think by the point in which he finally finds wimy it’s too late I think that’s the bigger issue like even if hold on we can we can actually go to a specific occasion

Because this is this is one that kind of went viral um a little bit so take a look at this this playing oh my goodness I’m blocking it I am literally I am literally in the way I am so sorry hold on let’s gosh why are these things not

Together why why am I not together hold on no we we this is important so we we need to we need to see this okay I’m moving look hey I’m moving I’m on the move okay all right okay so even in this play look at where Jeremy sohan’s eyes

Are eyes are okay right here even where his where his body is he is looking for his player around the perimeter off the off the pick right he was actually looking for wimy to go around the perimeter you can kind of see that so once wimy Cuts in he’s still

Looking around the perimeter now at this point now he’s looking at wimy actually no he’s still not looking at wimy he’s still looking at the perimeter but by the time he cuts in it’s too late it’s too late he he he didn’t find him and then he takes a

Terrible shot on uh under Ro a contested shot which he makes it sometimes but it’s terrible but this is a continuous occasion occurrence he does this all the time he’s continuously looking at the perimeter he’s continually looking for uh the perimeter shot yeah he’s bad it’s bad it is bad but it makes

Sense it makes complete sense like because soan that’s what he’s accustomed to doing he’s a he’s a post playmaker and when he’s in the post and if you go back and you look at all of his games last season that’s he did he’s continuously looking at for looking for

Players in the perimeter and right here he was looking for wimy he was expecting he wasn’t expecting this he was expecting a a perimeter shot and by this point he’s looking again he’s not even looking at wimy like look he’s not even looking at wimy he’s looking at the

Perimeter hope maybe even waiting for Deon fael to come out and by this point it’s too late by the time he sees wimy too late right there it’s too late way too late it’s way too late and that’s not just a problem with Sohan it has

Been a problem with our team as a whole but with Sohan in particular where he’s the one that gets called out for it all the time there is a reason for it and I think that that’s a good explanation for it this is ridiculous it is ridiculous

It’s not good I’m not sitting here saying trying to make an argument for this is good or this is okay it’s not but at the same time I think that this speaks more towards the fact that the Spurs will need a legit point guard in the offseason and not the fact that oh

Sohan just absolutely needs to be traded or anything like that this is sohan’s just not that good at this and that’s okay he’s the the thing with Sohan is I think that papovich and the sanon Spurs franchise and everywhere that soan has played thus far uh overseas and with

Baylor is that he has been this uh uh switch army knife right Swiss army knife sorry I don’t know what I said Swiss army knife he has been this player that can do so many different things you can have him as your six-man you can have

Him as uh back to the basket uh uh player you can have him as a playmaker you can have him bring the ball down the court you could like you can have he he plays defense on on guards at times he can play great defense on small forwards

And on occasion he can pay play defense on Bigs like there’s so many different things that he does and this might be one of the things that he’s just genuinely going to be bad at or he can improve it but I don’t think that if our expectations is that soan is going to

End up being like a phenomenal point guard and he’s going to find so many different things this might be the thing that this this might be the the wall here this this might be not his ceiling necessarily but this might be his wall where it’s like he’s so skilled in so

Many different things this might not be it so’s a bust are you serious are you joking soan a bus are we joking right now that’s insane that’s an that’s an insane com coment also by the way he hasn’t even um been running point guard so yeah that’s another thing too A lot

Of people have been saying that well sohan’s running point guard right now and it’s terrible it’s like no he hasn’t ran point guard in the past like week or a couple weeks actually but I think that that’s what I think that’s the problem right there and even if you go back and

You look at hold on can I let me I’mma put myself back here that’s me oh gosh I’m all over the place oh my goodness I don’t even know if that’s where I was at the beginning I have no idea who cares um so if we go hold on

Here’s something else if we go and look at some of his passes from last season it kind of reflects where he was passing the ball as well that he was in that perimeter and it was either dump offs from uh Cutters or it was guys around the perimeter so so you can see

Here 422 of his passes were out to uh uh uh Trey Jones um and this could be anything though cuz Tre Jones was also running point guard quite often so I kind of don’t really care for this one as much uh the ones I really do care about is

Kellin Johnson and which Kellin Johnson last season as a whole attempted 39 uh three-point field goal attempts that was passed from Jeremy Sohan but a big chunk of these were you can see 71 where two field goal attempts it was it was Cuts Like soan is really great when his back

Is at the basket and he can be a post making playmaker uh and and that’s just kind of what it comes down to if we’re looking at this year who he’s pass it to or who he’s had to pass it to is completely different um you can see Zack Collins

Here Kellin Devon fael those his top three and then Victor W bayama has gotten pass the ball just as much as de um but yeah I think the problem I think the bigger problem of this whole thing is it necessarily the fact that uh soan is like a terrible player overall that’s

Not true he’s not a terrible player overall the big issue with soan right now is just that he is in a position that I don’t think he’s that good at and I don’t think I don’t know how good he’s he could be at it um it’s definitely improved his his

Vision quite a bit this season but he’s just uncomfortable if you guys notice and you can tell me this chat have you at least noticed this okay have you noticed that when he comes down the court if if he’s bringing the ball down the court he’s quickly turning his back

To the basket you ever noticed that like he’s quickly protecting the ball and now his his vision is is cut off the only play place he can pass it to is around the perimeter once again like this is what he’s used to this is his thing have you noticed

That yes bro he’s a post player okay you’re just pissed off yeah it’s really hard to have conversations when people are this mad see this is what I’m say oh my God oh my God it’s obvious then why is everyone saying that soan should be traded if it’s obvious then why is every

Maybe it’s not that obvious that maybe that’s why I want to bring it up maybe it’s not that obvious because every single person I don’t I’m not hearing oh sohan’s not accustomed to this role you know and maybe next season it’ll be much better once you actually have a point

Guard I’m not hearing that I’m hearing get rid of Sohan he’s absolute trash get rid of him he’s he’s garbage that’s what I’m hearing so if it’s that obvious and it’s not that that big then why is everyone making it out to be like he’s like the worst player

Ever what does Jeremy excel in please tell me I don’t know go watch the Lakers game I don’t know go watch the Lakers game go go look at go look at LeBron’s number I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know what he excels at I don’t know he’s he’s trash

At everything you’re right soan is a bus you see what I’m saying maybe it’s not that obvious maybe it’s not that obvious all I’m saying is what Sohan usually does what he’s accustomed to doing is finding guys around the perimeter and he’s not the only one that’s been bad at finding

Wimy like it’s not just been him it’s been the whole team they’re not great at finding wimy so that’s number one that to find wimy on those cuts to find wimy on those um on those alley oops it takes a lot of anticipation and you need you need people that have really good

Anticipation not every single person knows how to throw a lob not every single player knows how to throw an entry pass or a successful entry pass and I feel like I feel like soan in particular has avoided doing it because the times in which he has done it it’s been

Turnovers just not every player’s good at it I feel like Zach Collins is pretty good at it wi’s good at it which that doesn’t help us that much other than that I don’t know I haven’t seen Trey Jones be great at entry passes I haven’t seen Sohan be

Great at it I I haven’t seen anybody really be great at it but that’s I guess that’s that’s my bigger issue right like I’m totally fine and I always come out and say this player didn’t play well or you know they could improve in this way or whatnot and but I’m optimistic

Towards the future cuz I’m like yeah we’re still in the midst of a rebuild and we don’t have a guard we don’t have a point guard um but man I get so tired and sick of people coming on here here and saying soan is trash he’s garbage

Get rid of him without any context to anything else and none of these people were saying this last year Sohan was the man last year everybody loved Jeremy Sohan and and he he slips up in a new role that he’s not accustomed to and all of a

Sudden he’s garbage get rid of him what are we talking about what like what are we what are we talking about he’s a sophomore see this is my thing too Michael like what you said Sohan needs to go back to being a three andd player he’s not a point guard he hasn’t ran

Point guard in the past two weeks he hasn’t ran point guard and then you hear things where people say Trey Jones he needs to be out there he’s the one that’s that’s our success that that’s where the success come from and then the one game that we

Win Trey Jones didn’t even play soan wasn’t running point guard that game no one’s been running point guard Malachi Brandon for the most part has been running the point guard position and not really we don’t have a point guard that’s that’s my thing that’s my issue Ruru he’s playing like garbage

Dude is a pro stop the madness how did Kellin play today Ruru I mean you are ve you’re very you’re very venomous when it comes to to soan explain his play against bucks wmy didn’t even play that’s fine how did how did Kellin play today gosh it’s just so frustrating I’m

Sorry to get so angry dude but it’s just like these are very young players like very young players I I don’t I don’t get it I don’t I I can’t fathom going as far as to say trade a specific player in their second year when all this context is behind it it’s

Not it’s not like it’s not like soan has like been controversial for the team or there’s some issues going on or he’s he’s battling with the coaches or like it’s it’s for you to just say trade this player I it has to be some real extreme situation extreme situation for me to

Say that in their second year you don’t just trade a lottery pick after after a season like that’s crazy that’s crazy to me and if it is that obvious is it if it is as obvious as oh no we all know that he’s a post playmaker Clan like it’s

That simple like we all know that it’s nothing it’s nothing crazy what are you talking about well if it is that if it if it is that simple then why is everyone saying get rid of them if we all understand that oh he just needs to

Be in this position I’m not hearing I’m not hearing a lot of people say oh once he goes to his natural position next season we’ll be much better I’m not hearing that I’m hearing he’s trash he’s garbage he’s actively avoiding Victor when what I’m seeing is he’s not

Actively avoiding him he’s literally not seeing him because he’s not used to it and he’s ain’t the only one if if to me if you say trade soan this quickly yes just trade everybody like what what why not everyone’s bad just trade everybody Zach Kellin all of them they they all

Just go right like it’s silly and people treat and like Kellin and that’s the thing it’s like well we don’t have anything negative to say about Kellin he’s Kellin Johnson Kellin Johnson is in his what fourth fifth year hold on what what year is Kell Johnson in came in 2019

Right he’s in his fifth year Kellin Johnson is in his fifth year was there was there that many people saying Trey Kellin Johnson in in his second year was it that many I mean you literally got soan on the toughest matchup every single night four years well he’s in his fifth

Year yeah he’s in his fifth year see he’s literally in his fifth year this kin Johnson has never been asked to do anything else than what he is he has not been asked to do anything else than what he is this season maybe we could say it’s been a little bit

Different like okay more passer but somebody like soam where his entire basketball career he has been put put in different situations and he’s adjusted well this is the one time that he hasn’t adjusted well and everybody’s willing to give up on him but when Kellin Johnson he’s he’s

Been just Kellan this is who he’s been he’s just been Kellan Johnson hasn’t had to change too much about the type of player that he is and nobody nobody nobody nobody I don’t recall anybody in his second year saying get rid of Kellin it’s not like Kellin was just

Like phenomenal like he slipped up he made mistakes I just can’t believe how quick people are to get rid of somebody I hate it too I hate the Kellin and soan trade requesting I hate it too I hate I hate I hate all of it if we’re talking hey what makes the

Team better or whatever what could we do I understand the Devonte Graham it’s like okay we’re not really utilizing that much you want you want to trade Devonte Graham hey okay all right okay all right okay I like OJ the juice man all right okay

But I mean when we just start say even a veteran if you’re like well mcder you know we can get rid of him and try to get another vet or we can try to get a second round pick a couple second round picks out okay I’m with it I understand

But when you just like flat out say this sophomore get rid of him he’s trash let’s screw you dude give it some time oh my God impatient make Mr Freeze the point guard he’s been running point guard more than anybody really my good God just frustrating just frustrating


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  1. People have no patience everyone don’t understand we still in the only the 2nd year of a rebuild. The (or one of ) the youngest teams in the league, and he’s playing in a new role, that he didn’t even play even an ounce last season and he’s only a 2nd year player, they don’t know how to allow players to make mistakes, basketball isn’t a sport to be perfect in mistakes happens.

  2. Sochans a great player, yes. But, I didnt like when Wemby missed him being open he threw his arms up visibly and cried about it. Being that he misses wemby all the time and Wemby dont act like that. Hes a great player but if hes gonna have a problem with giving the ball to the #1 option then Im fine with trading him

  3. With the extra coaching and exposure to the game from the PG perspective Sochan will be a much better player overall. He’s getting to the point where he’s a lock-down defensive specialist. He’s well on his way to becoming this generation’s Bruce Bowen.

  4. FACTS CLAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. That Laker game? He guarded Lebron who is 37 years old. I hope he is able to guard him. Lebron at age 20 would have made Sochan into a joke.

  6. I think people are not watching the games as much anymore, they are just complaining for the losses and what they think happened

  7. #tradeSochan or bring him from the bench. Dude is trash, not looking forward to Luka cooking him tonight 🤦🏻‍♂️. The only thing that may save him is that Luka is on the injury report!

  8. I dunno, we probably should move on from our 20-year-old All-Rookie player less than two seasons into his career. That's how championships are formed.

  9. LOL. Clan has a man crush on Sochan. The dude is whack he couldn't pass or shoot it into the ocean and Keldon is just as bad. If both of these guys were here in 2 years. I would be surprised. Pop has also gotten soft and management needs to get it together. If this is going to be the product Wemby will bounce too.

  10. The clip at 6min is lowkey showcasing Wemby's elite off-ball footwork. To be that big and move like that is really out of this world.

  11. It's still a team game. With such a bad record, there's plenty of blame to go around; from the top to the bottom of the organization.

  12. Jeremy Sochan gotta come off the bench next season and sane for Zach Collins. After this 2024 draft our focus needs to be on the playoffs

  13. …pop has to go…they need to fire pop…this is a young team and they need coaching the kind he used to give Tony Parker Manu Danny green Bruce Bowen Tim Duncan that tough love… he's not helping the team by been a soft coach… he's not embarrassing the team like he used to in press conferences after a game when they have a bad game…now after lose he says he's proud of the team…how can he be proud of the team after losing and losing every game…he used to sub all of them out when they started bad…this current pop is bad for the team he's bad for wemby…

  14. You have a crush on him that's why you have that option and us San Antonio people option is what matters he's trash 🗑

  15. Sochan is doing MUCH BETTER (now that is he is NOT playing PG). Good shooting and overall performances against latest opponents. Keep it up young man! Go Spurs!

  16. Hornets fan here – y’all honestly need to just chill and watch Nikola Topic highlights, you will will be fine lol. If you play the long game you’ll easily be top 3 in the west once victor is 24+ and you’ve drafted 2 other high lottery picks to put around him.

  17. These hatin ass teammates going to turn Wembanyama into an asshole, hopefully into a Kg type player and it’s over for the league lol.. give it time.

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