@Philadelphia 76ers

Thought this nyt article on the potential new stadium was a good read

In a City Defined by History, Chinatown’s Champions Fear New Arena for 76ers

by Jsmooth123456


  1. It is a good read. It is such a complex issue and there are many stakeholders involved. Politicians, unions, team owners, Comcast, city council, new mayor, developers, and community orgs are all going to battle it out over the next few years.

    I just feel like each time an arena is proposed or developed, we get lied to by those with the money. And they still want us to buy into this narrative in 2023. The economic benefits don’t get spread through the communities these massive projects have destroyed. They say 12,000 jobs will be created, but that could mean just about anything. How many will be union, and how long will these jobs last? Then the team is going to donate $50 million over 30 years. What a joke. These millionaires and billionaires are people who have no regard for the rest of us.

    The people who are fighting back against the arena will be vindicated but forgotten if they lose the battle. And the sad thing is it’s all so people can enjoy their games somewhere more convenient when they go a few times a year.

  2. maudeblick

    It’s an enormous jobs program in the poorest big city in the country. It will revitalize a corridor that’s gone to shit. And, it’s not even in Chinatown! Building it is a total no brainer, but community advocate grifters abound!

  3. OldAgedZenElf

    Okay don’t build the stadium, but what else will fill that void that is a net positive to the city.

  4. clickstops

    I hear an argument from one side and think “that’s reasonable.” Then from the other side and think “hm, that’s reasonable.”

    I think about how much I enjoy jetro beers and think I’d miss it. Then think about how much I’d enjoy nearby food that isn’t xfinity and better/easier public transit in general.

    I guess overall I’ll be happy with whatever happens, and the new stadium feels inevitable. So I’ve mostly stopped thinking about it until anything happens.

  5. needahaircutbad

    The simple truth is that there is enough money and power behind this plan, including the incoming administration, that it is going to happen.

    It is inevitable that Adelman is going to come to the city at some point mid-build and say “oh we have unexpected cost overages and we need you to kick in X million dollars or else we can’t finish and there will be an empty hole in the city” I hope they tell him go pound sand when he does, but I’m not holding my breath.

    Personally I don’t think a sports arena will activate east market any more than the shitty mall does now. On 41 days a year there will be a ton of people out and about. That leaves 324 days a year with nothing going on. That’s not sustainable to keep solid retail going.

    Chinatown is going to get screwed and it’s a shame. They will be stuck dealing with this development mess for years and the rising rents that will follow. And can you imagine the cluster of traffic in that neighborhood on game nights? It’s already a disaster in the middle of nowhere stadium area, just add that into the center of town and see how well it works (“but everyone will use public transit!” Yeah right)

    But hey, I’ll be able to walk to sixers games.

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