@National Basketball Association

[Durando] Aaron Gordon is ready to play tomorrow vs. Hornets, he tells @denverpost. The dog that bit him on Christmas was his Rottweiler that his dad usually takes care of because the Nuggets travel so often. “He’s a good boy. He’s a good dog,” Gordon says.


> Aaron Gordon is ready to play tomorrow vs. Hornets, he tells @denverpost. The dog that bit him on Christmas was his Rottweiler that his dad usually takes care of because the Nuggets travel so often. “He’s a good boy. He’s a good dog,” Gordon says. More soon @DPostSports.


> Nuggets forward Aaron Gordon suffered lacerations to his face and hand resulting from a dog bite on Christmas Day. Team says he is in good condition and will remain away from the team while he recovers.

That dog did not have any dawg in him.

by UnbiasedNBAFan_


  1. If you have your big dogs around a lot of people during a Christmas gathering, you’re gonna have a bad time.

  2. Sheesh it was his dog?! What a shame glad he’s back tho.

  3. runevault

    His own dog? Ugh I can’t imagine how that must have felt emotionally.

  4. BoozeGetsMeThrough

    I wonder what all those people calling for the extermination of pits in the original thread will say here.

  5. Physical_Software_95

    he calls the dog “a good boy” the same way someone defending their criminal friend says they are “just a good dude”

  6. MemeLordOverKill

    Why does it feel like almost all violent dog attacks come from pitbulls or Rottweilers

  7. Not a good dog. God forbid it clamps a kid next.

  8. opal-flame

    Hopefully he can afford to hire a dog trainer after this

  9. Why do people own these dogs and pit bulls? For their own ego?

  10. xpillindaass

    kids and elders die every year because people think their giant savage dog is “good”

  11. UndisclosedLocation5

    The dog was sent by Landry Shamet to mark the 1 yr anniversary of the Xmas day massacre

  12. ruggnuget

    Why is it that nobody asks “what was he doing with the dog”? Was he playing too rough and scared’ hurt it? Was he in its face? Or was he just walking past and it just jumped him?

    Because those things matter. For some reason not a single idiot here can reserve the most basic judgement until any information comes out.

  13. He’s a good boy, he’s a good dog, you can pick him up from the Denver Animal Shelter today.

  14. nugcityharambe

    Damn Aaron Gordon is an absent father.

    Rottweiler was like “bitch you’re not my real dad”

  15. MikeJones-8004

    Don’t worry he’s a good boy. I promise he is. When he’s not mauling you in the face, he’s a really good dog.

  16. Kwilly462

    Oh nah, that dog gotta be put down. That’s way too big and strong of a dog to just have “accidents” like that.

    Cuz who’s to say this the last time his dog will hurt somebody?

  17. BehavioralSink

    Maybe his dad is accidentally amping up his dog like Bill Burr, watching his son’s game on TV and shouting at the screen at him. Then he finally shows up in person at Christmas and the dog has that Mike Singletary look on his face, and he’s like “There’s that motherfucker!!!”

  18. YeOldeBarbar

    Wait, I saw hundreds of comments saying it was a pitbull, what happened?

  19. pumpkin3-14

    Shoutout to everyone that said it wouldn’t be his dog.

    Guess we can shift the goal posts to “bad owner”.

  20. I’m not an expert on pitbulls or rottweilers but I do know that everyone on r/nba is an idiotic piece of shit, so I’m sure whatever the group consensus here is dead wrong

  21. redmostofit

    Dog would likely be automatically put down in my country, even with it being his own dog.

  22. If you’re about to get your face and hand ripped off that’s not a good dog lmao.

  23. celluloidsandman

    The amount of people in here defending some of these violent breeds. No one’s saying it’s the dogs’ faults – but that doesn’t mean do nothing about the damn fucking problem

  24. i_love_all

    Lmao what? A good dog usually is excited when you come back for a visit

  25. rowmean77

    That is embarrassing.

    And yes he is not a good boi.

  26. existentialkush

    Bruh that’s your dad’s dog he attacked a stranger 🤣😂🤣😂

  27. SwimmingGun

    What a fool, who gets bit by their own dog..

  28. sbenfsonw

    @all the people jumping straight to conclusions about pitbulls

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