@Charlotte Hornets

Kevin Durant speaks after the win over the Charlotte Hornets!!

Kevin Durant speaks after the win over the Charlotte Hornets!!

Kevin Durant speaks after last night went over the Hornets check out the video running and trying to stay obviously engaged when there’s noise in the gym man it’s always a great feeling no matter where you at you know got ra no matter if it’s kids or grown-ups in

The gym it’s always good to see people run up Curious with the game last night with Bradley um coming back uh how’ you like the spacing in particular in that first quarter oh it was amazing I mean I think we all moved the ball pretty well we

Touched the ball quick decisions and um 34 assists but we want to kind of hang our hat on the offensive side I mean we made shots last night don’t get me wrong I tell you as a make a Miss Lead everything looks better when you making

Shots but we generated good shots so it wasn’t anything for us it wasn’t a lot of shooting up two or three people you know I think we move the ball well curious you obviously had some penetration early and found and found nage um how much of that was a product

Of you obviously drawing the defense but then the spacing allowing you to be able to yeah I think it starts from me just looking to be aggressive to score the ball um and then you know making a quick decision when somebody helps up you know I’m trusting that you know n could be

There to finish those plays or or Drew or dope or Mesi The Bigs down there to finish those plays so I’m making quick decisions with putting pressure on the defense to be a a threat you know I always try to be a threat as much as I

Can I think that’s what’s open up for pass you’ve obviously talked which which I think people know but had 11 assists to one turnover maybe how’ you just feel about that floor game that you I mean I mean that’s what I’m supposed to do like uh I know I feel even more excited

About this game because I had I mean that’s just what I’m supposed to do read the game understand how the game is being played make decisions I mean I’ve been a lead for too long uh for me to get surprised at games like that a 25 assist between you and Brad you feel

That’s kind of uh yeah you can say that but I think for our whole team we all moving the ball and it might be a five assist night for break one night or seven assist night or EG you know or saving you know who knows ner you know so we make it unpredictable

When it comes to moving the ball and who’s initiating offense was play I think we’ll be an unpredictable team to stop and that’s really what great offenses in this league do they switch attack so many times so we trying to be that type of you mentioned that because

That’s something that you were saying early in the year trying to be unpredictable but when you don’t have the full compliment of players it can become predictable because they’re expecting maybe you but do you feel like now with everybody at least close to full regardless who on the floor

Basketball is an unpredictable sport I mean you’re playing off an instinct you don’t think too much on the offensive side make a quick play then that’s just basketball in general regardless of the Personnel okay uh and that type of basketball can translate to any Personnel playing together making extra

Pass kicking in the head get together on defense running out and transition no matter who’s on the floor that that stuff transl into a good basketball curious with Orlando they’ve got obviously uh with Paulo and and frons and a young team that’s making it coming

What do you think what do you what do you see when you look at that broster no athletic team that can cause so many problems for an offense the second best defense first best defense in the league um us a length getting out getting turnover so we got to protect the ball

We got to work cutout for us tomorrow uh on offens on offensive side of the ball uh understanding you know that this team can get in the passing Lanes they good at contestant shots so we got to make the correct plays I think it was the pain for Charlotte after the seven

Minute Mark in the first quarter what you like about the way you guys defended yeah I mean we know it’s a three-point league but a lot of that three-point stuff stems from the paint if you touch the paint first and kick out that’s always a good for formula for any team

So to try to eliminate how many times teams get into the paint those threes sometimes are tougher you seen last night Rosier was hitting fadeaways uh so if you got to rely on those shots you know that’s a that’s a tough diet to live on right

There so but it all starts from uh it all starts from the paint if we can plug that up as much as we can and still get out to the shooters and contest you know we Ain been sh I know positionally you’re not in that weak side protector

Role possession but how have you been feeling that out over the course of the season I know based on the coverage and changes for go yeah yeah I mean it’s a it’s kind of a where in a pick and roll in the pick and roll you want to

Sometimes you can overh help and and and you know when the guys are playing a two and two pick and roll uh that third guy can overh help sometimes when they got it covered and they can spray off some threes so you got to know when to you

Know stab at the ball and get back and close out back to your man and show presentation but still not give up with threes so that’s the that’s the part of NBA that’s tough you know cuz guys can make those passes quick they can get in

The LAN to make shots shoot the Flo and they got guys that to shoot the three so you got to you got to make second and third efforts against every team in the league now so uh but playing that bottom side pick and roll is almost like a a

Read that each play might be different you remember the coach you started emphasizing that role to you type of shot blocker you are uh I feel like I always been a shot blocker since I was a kid I always had a back B around the basketball both end of

Theor but when I got to the Warriors it was coach gave us a lot of freedom to kind of roam on defense the way we like to roam Andre Draymond myself with that length and we can rooll more defense and I just you know over time we just learn

A little bit more about position and when to help when not to you know so coaches giving you that freedom to go out there and and and and you know be a Anor def side of the ball is only help you how big will it be for you guys how

Big will it be for you guys to take advantage of the hard Clos because they were yeah they were rushing to to try to get out to you guys yeah yeah I mean that’s that’s basketball I mean you want to put teams in in a in a tough

Situation where they got a Sprint from the three from the paint to the three-point line to cover us we got guys that can catch a shoot catch a drive that’s always going to be a tough thing for the defense so much you can get on the ball and make those quick passes on

The other side um we’ll be in closeout situation the only thing I had was why you know we looking at Grayson with that fit with you three and Nerf what is it about him that is a good fit when he’s out there with you three and L yeah

Manan he’s not just being a stand still shooter like he’s handing the ball he’s making plays in the paint he’s making plays off the bounce in the pick and roll um so he’s he’s expanding this he he probably already did this already but from watching him in Milwaukee and the

Stops he were before it was hard to see this type of stuff in his game because of the role he’s playing so um you know I didn’t know he he had all this stuff off the dribble he had the the the incredible footw work and the paint can

Make smart plays driving so I think it gives a better advantage of somebody else that can attack in pain be sure to like comment and subscribe see you in the next video hoop life family

Kevin Durant speaks after the win over the Charlotte Hornets!! #phoenixsuns


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