@Detroit Pistons

I WATCHED Taylor Decker try to talk to a ref! – Ryan Clark | SC with SVP

I WATCHED Taylor Decker try to talk to a ref! – Ryan Clark | SC with SVP

This was a fun day at work Ryan Clark alongside as I mentioned when when Troy and Joe and John were on with us in the studio as we’re watching that last Lions drive you say to me if they score they go for two we both were sure they would

Right you like that call I love that call when you look at look at Dan Campbell this is who he’s been all season he’s believed in his team he’s gone for the win and also this is the team that’s already clinched the NFC North they know they’re going to host at

Least one playoff game why not go out and get a statement win why not go out and show your team that you believe in them in any situation any scenario and they almost pulled it off if not for a call made by the official he was furious

At that at the pressor and he ain’t the one I want mad at me either no that’s a big that’s a big man and and I thought he might just bust the thing up and I get the anger because in John Perry explaining to me and to our audience

That it’s on Taylor Decker to be more demonstrative and talking to Brad Allen like aren’t you trying to do that on the low well I mean you’re definitely trying to do it on the low you don’t want to draw attention to yourself and he’s going to go over to the defense and

Announce it anyway and so Taylor Decker as a left tackle is not walking over to the lead official for any reason other than to argue a call or to report as eligible and it seems that he’s doing that maybe I don’t know if Detroit’s plan is will run Skipper onto the field

And maybe it’s a diversion for the defense and they don’t recognize who’s eligible who’s not but I watch Taylor Decker walk over to him I watch him try to have the conversation about being an eligible player and the other piece is this if they can’t hear the official

Tell the defense who’s reported as eligible now Taylor Decker doesn’t know to go make to go make it clear to him you understand what I’m saying like if he announces it over the mic or if he lets both sides of the football know who’s reported eligible now Taylor

Decker can make the adjustment to Taylor Decker I’ve walked over I’ve talked to him already he knows what’s going on I’m ready to catch this football for the touchdown you know what I thought was wild is after that penalty they got backed up they could have then kicked

The extra they could have then kicked the extra point if they if they chose to they didn’t then Parsons is offside so they get a chance to run it back again and and they just aren’t able to execute so in the end as we work our way

Backwards from the call and the flag that takes it off the field the only reason they’ve even got that time is because Dallas after a two-minute warning where there was a penalty that backs Dallas up and Detroit’s only got two timeouts they threw the ball three times I I couldn’t believe that this

Isn’t the first time clock management has reared its ugly head in the Mike McCarthy era for the Dallas Cowboys and I understand he’s trying to be aggressive he’s trying to get an opportunity to get better field position or get the first down but you have a kicker who’s been amazing throughout the

Entire season you have a guy who’s made who’s got opportunities to make field goes and it can make him as deep as 60 yards you don’t have to be in the rush there you don’t have to throw the football why not make sure you waste as

Much time as you possibly can this was the one the second and 14 throw was the one that I was just really baffled by in because in completion that stops the clock CD lamb made every single play tonight why wouldn’t you give him the opportunity and thinkk players over

Plays Mike McCarthy has done this too many times with the Dallas Cowboys and not for that last call Scott we’re having a different conversation no doubt and there’s a whole lot baked into this result this call that call decisions I think McCarthy this is me speaking I

Think I think he wears a convenient Target and and and a lot of people fire at that and say he makes a lot of mistakes I think calls like this invited does it concern you looking towards the playoffs if this guy might make a critical mistake it does concern me

Because it hasn’t changed we’ve seen this in very critical moments and crucial moments for this team come up not only in the regular season Scott we’ve also seen it in the playoffs going as far back as the wild card game against the San Francisco 49ers a few

Years ago at AT&T Stadium he has to be more died in in these moments and I don’t know if being the actual play caller allows him to do that and delegate and delegate that as well as he needs to either we got to go but I want

To ask you this last one quickly am I nuts to say that I leave this game almost a little bit more impressed with Detroit not for a 92 yard pass on a sack that should have happened but didn’t and then they roll the dice and come up

Short like they they left there with Scot I I I think what’s going to happen is you’re going to look at the final score and forget that if not for a hellified play by Dak Prescott in the pocket that gets the football to cidd lamb for a 92 yard touchdown what Dan

Campbell says about this defense is right they do play well Aiden Hutchinson does come up with a big play and you actually find a way to score within the rules and a official makes a mistake the Detroit Lions are Going to feel good about themselves you played a team that

Was absolutely phenomenal at home and should have walked away with a win tough one to swallow if you’re Dan Campbell I understand why he was looking for a place to put that gun waded it up in the Paper

Ryan Clark joins SportsCenter with Scott Van Pelt following the controversial ending to the Detroit Lions vs. Dallas Cowboys matchup.

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  1. Being from Detroit. I’ve been a fan of the lions since I came out the womb. I wanna be mad at the refs but this has been a thing against the cowgirls for a while now. I’m mad at Goff. He was under throwing passes all game and making bad decisions. We even had a chance to win on the 3rd 2-point chance we had if he doesn’t under throw the ball with no pressure the TE probably gets in and we don’t even have this convo.

  2. The league needs to suspend Brad Allen for the rest of the season, and possibly fire him for good pending further investigation. He has has been corrupt in the calls of other teams this year as well. To tolerate this will be absurd.

  3. Look back at the previous so call tripping call on Dallas. Detroit player did the leg whip,Dallas got flagged negated 1st down run… game over

  4. Sorry to burst your bubble but if the refs hadn't TOTALLY botched the tripping call on Hendershot when the video CLEARLY shows it was Hutchinson trying to trip Pollard, the game would have been over and all the nonsense at the end wouldn't have mattered. That botched tripping call was a 30 yard mistake and the Cowboys should have had the ball 1st and 10 inside the 15 yard line inside the 2 minute warning with the Lions having only ONE timeout left. Look up the play online. Hutchinson was being blocked by Hendershot and he stuck out HIS leg to try to trip Pollard but the MORON ref (who apparently thinks that an offensive player wanted to trip up his OWN running back) called it on Hendershot instead. Bottom line: time for FULL TIME NFL officials and stop keeping around these subpar crews.

  5. They should have called the illegal formation penalty then they had 2 more tries and then the refs just called a tripping against Dallas that should have been against the lions that would have been 1st and ten under 2 minutes and beer field goal range that Dallas could have ran off a lot more time and kicked a field goal making a 3 point game

  6. People bitching about the call on the eligible report. Better yet why didn’t Campbell just kick the FG? Nobody is talking about Ceedee fumble cost the Cowboys points. Hendershot was not clipping. Also Mike McCarthy throwing the ball not killing time by running the ball

  7. Bad reff is a problem. Coach DC didn't have to gamble. Why not go to OT with the momentum on your side? Enough with the go for it on fourth down. Coach putting the team under unnecessary pressure. GO LIONS

  8. Why didn't ESPN/Abc show the wrongly called kicking penalty in the last two minutes. Whenever the network goes to a commercial and then won't show the penalty something stinks in Denmark… The dang Detroit player committed the kicking penalty… But let's call it on Dallas for 15 yards… See for your dang self…

  9. Good lord I have have never seen so many babies in my life crying about a football game. Not a single one of you crybabies were down on the field with the ref when 68 supposedly checked in as a receiver. The ref announced over the PA that #70 was eligible and no one else. 68 even lined up in a ineligible position. Have you given any though to why a lineman was wide open? Detroit tried to pull one over on the refs and got caught. Get over it or don’t watch!

  10. If the officials would have called the tripping penalty correctly the Cowboys would have been 1st and 10 at the eleven yard line! With under two minutes left the Cowboys would have ran out the clock! This two point controversy would have never been a thing!

  11. Why is the focus and not the fact that a tripping penalty was called on Dallas when it was a lions player. 1st and 10 at the lions 14 is much different that 2nd and 25 at the 44. With only 2 time outs dallas could have ran 80 seconds off the clock if they kicked a field goal. Lions would have never been in a position to score without that call on the wrong team

  12. Firing that errant official (Brad Allen) might be overkill, however, Allen should absolutely be banned from officiating any further games this season. And by all means he should be barred from the upcoming post-season playoffs.

  13. Nobody mentioning tha fact that Peyton Hendershot got called for tripping that should have been called on Detroit and that would have ended the game. People are so sure Decker reported because he went to the official, but three players went to the official. Who knows who said what, but hey, you do you.

  14. Fire the Reffs. Now!!!!!!!! They make so much off the games. it is so funny how they change the outcome of games. not the players like old.

  15. This is why I never bet on football. The NFL is rigged and for me it was when the refs allowed the saints to beat the Vikings in the 2009 NFC championship game.

  16. There have been too many Sundays where we talk about officials instead of teams. This one single call changed the top of the entire NFC, this did not just affect the Lions. If the Lions win they take at least the #2 after the Philly loss. Who do you think Seattle and LA would rather play? Everyone has their take and, it's much more simple. The ref heard 68 but said 70 since 70 had been reporting all game long. He told the Cowboys 70, he has no choice but to throw the flag after the play is done, that's why the flags were so late. I'm quite sure the Cowboys instantly reminded him he said 70, even though he had 68 in his head. When you spend all game telling a team that 70 is eligible it's easy to say that number again by accident. This is reinforced by the fact that the coach went over the play with the ref before the game. He just said the wrong number by accident and because of that he had to throw the flag. You can't penalize the Cowboys because you told them the wrong number. I would rather him be a man and own up to it than be a coward and pretend he did not screw it up.

  17. Nobody heard what Decker said, if he said anything. It’s his fault for not making sure the ref knew he was reporting. Decker screwed up.

  18. The Lions basically did it to themselves all game long by not kicking the earlier FG, trying to force the 2 point conversion 3 times and trying to use trickery to the point of confusion.

  19. A view from the recliner. Come on now trying to take the focus off the officials. The Lions pulled off an amazing victory and it was snatch ed away by an official. But that's the luck of the Cowboys when the Lions play them down there. We never play them in Detroit. Lion's fans always wonder what's next when we play the Cowboys. You have to admit this was a new one, something I've never seen before in my 65 years following the Lions. This is one of the reasons we've never won anything. You've got to beat the other team and the refs. too.

  20. Yall notice Scott got the TimTheTatMan headphone dent on his dome? lol dude was playing CoD before this segment

  21. The lions got hosed on that play and I hate it . But they should have kicked the xp on the 3rd go around. I loved aggressiveness at first but after 2 penalties, it just seemed like sheer stubbornness to keep at it. And for that matter …if they had kicked a field goal early in the game on that 4th and goal this wouldn’t even have been an issue . I love Dan Campbell’s brass marbles but it’s a two edged sword.

    But please please give refs more actual accountability

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