@Denver Nuggets

Top 10 Denver Nuggets Moments of 2023 – Weekends with Swipa

Top 10 Denver Nuggets Moments of 2023 – Weekends with Swipa

All right folks welcome in to pickaxe and roll brought to you by a good friends over at Superbook Sports I’m your host Ryan Blackburn at NBA Blackburn on Twitter part of the Mile High Sports podcast Network and I’m excited to be joined by my gu swiper here on this weekend we got weekends

With swiper Edition on the pod on the program thank you so much everybody for tuning into the show really appreciate all the love and support on the podcast as always uh going to be a good one we’re going a little bit during the football time but wanted to still get

Out a final episode before the end of 2023 swiper how you doing we’re wrapping up man I’m living man it’s been uh you know what everything in 2023 that we could have want to happen man so I figured it’d be a great time to tap into

The season and year you know after a loss at SGA and um it’s like you know you get wrapped up in the small things and these little daily nuances and all that stuff and it’s like you know what the Denver Nuggets have like more to celebrate in this calendar year than

They literally ever have before and what a way to close the year but for two great friends to close out the Denver Nugget season with all of the best fans in the world so you know what I’m really excited for I love it man it’s been great It’s Been

A Good Year a a great year doing the show with you we started doing this uh weekends with swipa back in I think like February or March one one of the two yeah I think it was March and I think I think you’re right I think it was March

And we’ve been going strong basically uh pretty much every weekend over the course of the Denver Nugget season we have done a show and it has been a lot of fun it’s been a lot of joy and we have been able to expand the content a

Little bit over the course of this time and the MHS channel is thriving uh Swip a cam channels thriving and the alleyoop is uh we’re coming we’re coming baby let’s go let’s go say get your work out have you seen these H yeah yeah

Yeah I uh no I’ll be I’ll be hitting the gym hard and and and getting some workouts in in 2024 Ryan’s the man of the hour you should check somebody’s group chats Ryan’s getting invited to parties and shenanigans all kind of stuff me on the other hand I’m just out

Here just minding my loome goodness man it’s the the group chats be popping they they be popping for sure it’s been good um all right man let’s let’s uh let’s chat about 2023 let’s chat about some of our favorite moments from this season uh we’ll do that we’ll we’ll do a small

Little preview at the end of this upcoming week and what’s to come in 2024 things like that but uh mostly this is going to be about the past this is going to be about what has happened throughout the 2023 calendar year there are a couple moments that we get to cross off

From that list we do not get to talk about Jamal Murray’s buzzer beater in Portland anymore in 2022 that was a sad one kind of going back through that was over a year ago and it doesn’t actually qualify for this list but I think that

Does in a lot of ways kind of kick off what was a magical 2023 for Denver they needed Jamaal Murray back they needed Michael Porter back they needed their team healthy in order to become the best versions of themselves and I I wanted to mention that one because I think that

That really kind of coincided with what was Denver’s Greatest year ever honestly just think about all of the different narratives that existed throughout this season and the things that happened um you know this is really just it was an incredible year uh for a lot of of different reasons and I think

The Nuggets just able to overcome all the allegations because we just got to even think leading up to this year nobody thought the den nugget with a championship nobody thought joic was a certified again bro we had you know I love you know Nick Wright gets a lot of

Flack but he’s obviously amazing at his job you know really really good at his job one of my favorite people on social issues on National Television but that’s fair when it came to Joker I mean he did a top 50 players the last 50 years Joker

2 MVPs not even on his list Luca n to 20 uh and then within one season joic goes for not on the list to 20 and then for me I think you know I had him as high as uh I think 19 on my list or whatever

Else it was or 18 um and for Joker to just overcome all that Jamal Murray the Nuggets wouldn’t beat the sons of Jamal Murray was healthy allegations were absolutely destroyed uh Michael Porter Jr couldn’t be a two-way player those absolute dupid narratives were destroyed and destroyed that that one was D

Destroyed it was crazy NBA Finals game one blocking Caleb Martin at the rim and all this other stuff now he’s become a legitimate player guarding Luca and Steph Curry in space now like who is this guy who is this dude who is this dude that couldn’t guard the Utah Jazz

On roller skates it was crazy guard Jos giddy but he can guard Steph Curry so yeah um you know I think that I do think that this has just been a a really great year uh and again Malone bro I just thought about this the

Other day you know cu the coach of the your o came out Malone is on it’s about I would say Malone is uh uh about eight months to seven months away from solidifying himself as a a Hall of Fame coach that’s that’s how close he is

That’s how close he is which is insane given where the Nuggets were no he’s gonna be and and dripping to we really really appreciate you hopping along I I always see your comments on the beginning of the podcast just kicking us off in a good way so thank you so much

For following along as well um it has been awesome to track Michael Malone think about where he was in Sacramento think about where he was in even at the beginning of his nuggets tenure where a lot of people needed him to tone it down they needed him to be more comfortable

In his own skin be patient and not be as uptight in a lot of these situations and he has to his to his credit toned it down he’s been really really good over the course of this last calendar year basically just as the Nuggets proved what they needed to prove he became a

Better and better Coach I think and and was exactly what Denver needed to become the best versions of themselves so well think about even where he is now people said like the narrative on alone is like you know he’s potentially one of the two best coaches in the league now like out

Of nowhere and he out Coast everybody down the stretch in the playoffs too including Eric Boler so yeah it’s just uh yeah a lot of stuff but we got to tap into this uh these uh these alltime uh 2023 list man yeah I’m I’m excited for

It it’s going to be great got gonna have a lot of hollow Famers from this nuggets team I’m hoping and and right now I I think you’re probably only gonna get two like guaranteed ones that are stamped because of this last year but um I’m I’m excited to see Jamal Murray make that

Run that’ll be great um all right let’s uh let’s get into the actual list though let’s let’s start with the best moment of your 2023 was the so you want to start at the top um I think so I think I think we should I think we should start at the top all

Right well number one for me easy was uh after game five the Denver Nuggets they’re on a Podium to to win Not the End season tournament but to win the NBA finals which we just did not I don’t know you know I think my entire life you know watching the different nuggets it’s

Not that I didn’t think it could happen but just there’s no reality there was no place for it and you know for them to do that and on a 16 and4 run and to see the entire team solidified in NBA history when all the Highlight rules are being shared

About like all the best teams ever the nuggets are going to be in the conversation and they’re going to be uh on the little you know memorials and all this other stuff and they’re going to be flashing back to the NBA when it’s full of cyborgs a 100 years now remember

2023 uh Denver Nuggets an international team with a Canadian and a Serbian leading the way they won an NBA championship it was a great moment on that Podium it’s one of the pictures that I used for the thumbnail for this pod was Jamal Murray crying while Lisa sulter is interviewing him and

Everybody’s around him just uh just everybody vibing out smiling there’s no there’s no dry eye on the stage basically it’s great uh no I agree man when when they ultimately raised that trophy uh when when the final buzzer sounded on that moment it was surreal it was and the thing about that game

Especially was that it was contested all the way through it was a war it was a uh not I was about to say uh uh something related to dogs um it was uh awesome it was an awesome awesome game but it was a stressful game and it wasn’t until I

Think about well really like 12 seconds left in the game where they really started everybody could breathe a sigh of relief there it took a while what was the moment that in that game you knew that the Nuggets were winning was was it any moment um I thought that after the Michael

Porter pull-up three that they were going to win I I thought that at that point that Denver had recaptured all the momentum time was on their side that felt like the dam breaking because the the thing about that series was that Mike couldn’t hit a he couldn’t drop a

P&B ocean if he wanted to from three so when he finally hit that one and it was a yeah Mike three that was the one that I was like okay it’s happening this year this is not they’re not going to be stopped and even though Jimmy and and

Miami kind of kept it close it was still a like I still I still felt like Denver was gonna pull it out no I think I knew for me bro would I mean I knew they were gonna win I I predicted five I think you predicted five that’s that series but

Bro when they came out oh they still on business when the start of the fourth quarter yoit and Murray there ain’t no sub out they’re in the game and I was like yo this this is closing time you know this is this is Andy from The Office closing time like

Yo they were not playing around like yo like y’all not about to get no little run with the bench unit nope you about to get joic and Murray the rest of the way and joic yeah man that was that was just an incredible game so yeah definitely number one for me all right

That’s your number one as well that’s that’s my number one my number two uh it it might surprise you is actually game three of that series I was in the building for that one and over the course of those couple of days prior there were a couple days off that Denver

Had and you could sense like hey this there’s a like hey this is the only time that Denver’s ever lost a home game in this in this playoffs this is what’s going to happen here how are they going to respond is Miami gonna do the thing

Again and then joic and Murray put up matching 30 point triple doubles and joic has 20 rebounds to add to it and those two like that was their LeBron and Kyrie moment that was their K Kobe and sha moments that was their dynamic duo Unstoppable moment where it

Just doesn’t matter what the other team did because if you remember in game two Murray was a little bothered joic was great but Murray was a little bit bothered by the the style that Miami was kind of throwing at him he had had in game you remember uh I remember it being

Like five of 18 five of 15 something like that and the efficiency just wasn’t there and he he had some turnovers in the game it was just like he he wasn’t making the right decisions and it was a a moment where he had to respond to the

The questions and he responded in as great of a way as you possibly can yeah it’s it’s insane I think that Denver Nuggets all together that run did they lose by they lost by three 47 I think and then they lost to the the Wolves

By uh I want to say that one broke away a little bit but it was in an overtime game well I feel like it was like four oh maybe it was like I I I remember that I’m saying I don’t know if they lost by

Like a more than 15 points total in the four losses they had I mean that’s crazy you know what I mean like it was just insane and then in that game that he didn’t play well game two yeah I mean they still almost they were Jamal Murray

Step back three away from tying back up the game um so yeah I mean game three was incredible I actually had game three for me uh I had game three at four for me uh number two for me is actually uh the joic finals MVP moment and for me the

Reason that sticks out is because joic averaged 30 points 14 rebounds and seven assists on a 67% true shooting in the NBA Finals like best this he was the most efficient 30-point scorer in playoff history no one’s ever done that 30 on 63 through shooting and then in the final

67 through shooting versus arguably the best defense in the playoff with bont b and spst so it was just asinine man like I just uh I think that was number two number too for me just because everything was done all the yic nonsense all the nonsense about joic being a

Dropper not being a it was gone obliterate finals MP3 and n and a half no that’s exactly I I think that’s a fair moment and it was so vindicating for a lot of nuggets fans right where everybody was just dreaming of this moment hoping for the regular season

Success that yic had had that the nuggets have had to finally translate where they were put into a good situation to succeed and they were and and this was joic has fought through tougher circumstances in other in other years as well and done great with it but

He had to go through go Baron towns uh DeAndre Aton which was like water um Anthony Davis like yeah basically no it was like it was uh it was like he man as opposed to running through the brick wall is like running through like a a screen door basically right

Um and it was Anthony Davis in the Conference Finals and then bam adab bio and Eric SP in the finals and like like you’ve talked about with me bam outo might be the best defender in the NBA certainly the most versatile and he put up a fight against joic and it just

Didn’t matter right yeah and then also defensively yic held him a 50 true shooting in the NBA Finals run yeah so people did not give him enough credit for that right and then in game four he has like 23 I think 11 and and six but

He had three Steals and like two blocks I think in the course of that game too or three blocks two steals it was just incredible so I remember I remember in that game that uh it was like eight of 25 that that bam shot as well right so

It’s definitely one of those moments where uh you’re just you’re just surprised about what’s happening and you’re you’re just you’re pleasantly surprised by what’s happening um all right couple more here before we hit a break Lakers series I’m going to go game four versus the

Lakers as my next one so I’m going game three nuggets vers heat is number two game four nuggets versus Lakers as number three for me um I was in the building for that one luckily enough and gosh darn was the building so quiet it was so quiet especially when Joker hits

The the lean back three Anthony Davis fourth quarter if if there is a signature play during that playoff run it is that it’s that one where it just didn’t matter what Anthony Davis did joic was just going to hit the shot anyway right yeah that was insane uh

Three for me is uh Jamal Murray game two versus the Lakers Western Conference PL you know nuggets are down double digits they’re struggling uh then all a sudden in the fourth quarter Jamal just goes absolutely Super Saiyan and 23 points 23 points uh inside of the quarter and just

You know just is like I’m not you’re you’re not going to win this game so uh that was his at the time I think his fourth 20.4 quarter uh in the playoffs in three runs stupid in three playoff in three playoff runs gets 42o quarters and

I remember you know now even some Lakers fans were like you know he avered 32 uh points a game on five rebounds five assist shot 50 4090 you’re like well is he ever going to do that again I’m like actually that’s the second time he’s had

A 30 Point 40 50 4090 Series so Jamal is just different dude like he is an elite shooter he’s an elite shot Creator and it all comes absolutely alive in the playoffs I have no idea why that is by the way I’m gonna have to ask him at

Some point we’re we’re gonna get we’re gonna get Jamal on the pot I I know that that’s going to happen in 2024 I’m manifesting that for sure uh but it has been a joy obviously to watch him level up in that manner and and doing it every

Single time has been a lot of fun right um game one for nuggets versus Lakers is also won this was the ruy adjustment game this was uh joic taking Anthony Davis to the Woodshed and then them having to adjust as as quickly as possible in three quarters and right

That performance by joic might have been the best performance I ever seen through three quarters ever right yeah that was insane um number five for me is uh the end of the run for Jamal Jamal becomes the third player ever to average 255 and five 39% from three and 90% from the

Line him Larry bur Larry B Larry Bird and then Steph Curry did it three times from 15 to 18 uh so obviously Steph Curry is you know one of the 10 best players ever so it makes sense so it’s Larry almost but yeah yeah I think you

Know Jamal getting in that Elite company that kind of efficiency uh and people just yeah I just think it’s insane to me dude like how do you make it through a playoff run and you’re shooting 39 he should have shot 40 but then he had one

Bad game in the finals set dropped it uh but do just 39 and 90% from the line 25 points a game and you’re just completely Dependable as a playmaker average 10 assists in the final to that was just insane Cedric brings up a good point here by the

Way yeah just uh I’m not I’m not even gonna like talk about it the uh the reaction from LeBron last night I got I gotta think about some things gota think about some things about my career about my uh about my time about my time in the

League he’s still really good too bro that moment I was like bro like just just say just say you got your butt whooped like just walk just keep it keep it keep it keep it moving that will uh will never happen because Michael would never say that um

So here we go uh all right let’s take a break when we come back we’re going to complete these lists uh and then we’re going to talk about some some stuff in 2024 should be a lot of fun but first everybody this podcast as you know it’s

Brought to you by our good friends over at Superbook you can win a trip to the biggest football game of the year this year courtesy of Superbook Sports they will fly you and a friend to Las Vegas for February’s championship game and they’ll give you two tickets to that

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1800 Gambler we’ll be right back on weekends with Swip up and we’re back pickax and roll Ryan Blackburn here thank you so much everybody for tuning into the show really appreciate all the support make sure to hit that like button hit that subscribe button down below that helps

Us out tremendously if you do all right let’s wrap up here swio with the rest of our lists and then some uh some late 2024 talk um finish up basically with the Lakers series finish up with the Heat series I assume do you have any other moments from those series that

That you think we should discuss uh no actually not those series but number six for me though um I actually have the Michael Porter Jr dunk over Kevin Durant lost that game yeah they did that was the past of the uh the Legacy unicorn torch I think in my brain

Man I was just like dude the the Nuggets didn’t win but man Porter was just like just that cut the pass and then Porter just not caring again people forget to start that runoff Porter was was shooting 80% on drives through the first couple rounds of the series couple

Rounds of the playoffs and he was dunking on tan Prince he had a dunk oh uh remember that Jamal Murray uh in the timberwol series was holding the ball out with his right hand Porter did did a cut through the lane and then Porter got

A dunk on Rudy goar too like Porter was just like he doesn’t everybody know that he was here so Porter is a slept on great playoff dunan he’s a gamer man like that’s that’s one of the things that I’ve I’ve come to really respect about Porter like sometimes the shot isn’t

Going to drop but like he found ways to impact the game even on drives even on rebounds even on defense and it was a joy to see because that’s what a that is what a complete basketball player does is when one aspect of their game isn’t really working you find other ways to

Impact it and he did a fantastic job with it there um for me like when I think about moments I’ve been I’ve been going over games and just like just picking out different moments from those games I guess uh game one nuggets versus Suns the we’re ready for this moment

With Jamal Murray like that that’s one that I think about a lot where there were a lot of people that weren’t sure if they were ready for this there were a lot of people that were like hey we we are not necessary Believers in Denver

Sort of matching up with a team like the Suns a team that is going to spam the pick and roll the pickle roll is going to try to get into the mid-range they’re gonna get threes and layups on Joker’s defense and and then that just didn’t really happen like they they started out

Pretty hot but it just didn’t really matter because Denver kept coming and they they they found solutions to it and it was so clear that the Nuggets were the better team in that series and that was really the moment where it started yeah so I had uh the Jamal

Murray were ready for this moment at 10 and you remember Jamal Murray this is his pullup three-pointer the sun SC a timeout and the Nuggets everybody oh because again just to be clear they were the prohibited underdogs the NBA media like like like ESP majority like a large majority

Thought the suns were winning the Suns when they got K Durant in February the suns are the best team in even uh Marcus Thompson for the Warriors be Rider you gotta feel bad for nuggets fans you gotta feel you gotta feel whatever if you’re the nuggets and then they go into

The series underdogs and the odds say they’re The Underdogs they got Kevin Durant and Devin Booker Devin Booker coming off this crazy run versus the Clippers and then the nuggets are like okay punch him in the face by 20 points yeah and Jamal Murray is like I’m not

Afraid of anybody and guarantee I’m gonna give everybody to work in the series so yeah that was a great moment number 10 for me it was dope like that’s that’s one of those ones where you just you you know that a team is going to win because they’re not afraid in that

Situation and Jamal just he manifested that in a lot of ways like I know Denver has always had that they’ve always had a quiet confidence especially this last year about themselves but it was loud during starting in that series and then carrying on throughout the rest of the playoffs they started started really

Crowing a little bit and a lot of folks were not super happy about that but they uh they were doing it anyway um game six nuggets blowing out the Suns that was a massive moment I think for for them and uh just sort of dunking on the Suns

After the the trash talk over the last few years and if only the Nuggets had Jamal Murray it was it was definitely cathartic for sure and and I the the step back that Murray had over Booker in the second quarter in that series was just like okay you cannot keep up with

This dude anymore this dude this dude’s On The Rise and you have had your moments and it is now gone yeah on my list I had at number eight uh game four yic Sons 53 point and 11 assist the ishia game yeah 53 points and 11 assists and it was just this

Dude remember he got the ball the back down versus Booker back down baited Booker got the ball up hit the jump shot over him 53 points and 11 assists for a center disgusting it’s like that’s a James Harden regular season line and joic did it in game four of the playoffs

Against as a center yeah against a team they were not favored against it’s crazy and again they lost man and Joker you know uh he had that turnover on the handoff at the end of the game they could have tied the game up but it was just like miscommunication thing but

Joker dude is just like 53 points and 11 assists as a censor and he was cooking double team single coverage he was passing the ball crazy oh bro like in the pass he was Finding and then so and the reason I say that one is because do

You know what the statline was the game before that uh it was wasn’t it a 302010 game again 30 17 and 17 oh that’s right I I mean right before that it’s close right but you know what’s funny I I could put together any three numbers and

Like it just like you’d be like yeah that was probably close it’s like probably Joker 27 27 and 27 sure yeah that sounds right yeah Joker did that’s probably like Jamal was out or something like that he was just doing everything Joker I think in the playoff last year

In his losses bro I think he averaged 40 12 and 11 and I think he shot like 50 40 85 50 like I think he was around that you know there were a lot of people during this last playoff run they were like man joic is averaging 40 points in

His losses like what’s up with that is something weird going on here and I was like he’s doing what the defense is giving him and they didn’t give other people a lot of room to operate so that’s that’s usually how that goes but no he he’s a baller man like there’s

Yeah no no I’m sorry I misquoted excuse me Joker average 42 11 10 60 5380 in losses last year 42 11 10 60 5380 in losses last year so that’s got to be like a 70 true shooting Jesus well remember the the loss to uh the bad the only bad one was

The loss to the timberwol when he he went like eight of 28 from the field they won that they won that game it was the one before where he had 40 on the road I was there like where he he had 40 on the road in that one and he was just

Dominating and so that’s like he had three 40-point games in the playoffs and Denver lost all of them for some reason but uh and then they had the last one obviously was the 40 and I think it was 4011 and five 4011 and four 4111 and

Four versus the Heat yeah he’s just he’s disgusting man he’s he’s lose you’re going to have to beat literally one of the best players that’s ever touched basketball to do it he he’s going to finish top 10 in the NBA and he’s not going to be 10 like he’s he’s gonna be

Higher than that we I feel very strongly about this I mean I told you if Jer wins another title this year another MVP season which I think he’s gonna have obviously he’s already having another MVP season he G to probably finish at worst two this year I think even even

With Luca and all them I just still think he the worst he finishes is two and then he closes the year with a championship again oh bro he’s gonna if I I told you K ktie is a 14 for me he’s I don’t I don’t care I want at

You know Katie’s been playing since you know 2007 all that stuff he’s jumping KD that’s like 12 13 for me yeah it’s just a it is a the peak of him has been unbelievable there there are maybe four players that have had a higher Peak ever four at at

Most um okay let’s keep going couple more here do we want to talk about any other Playoff moments or should we move to some regular season stuff uh yeah I only have for uh I only have one more on my top 10 and that’s from the regular

Season okay uh let me let me go through some of these rapid fire here beating the Clippers by 40 at halftime yeah that’s one that’s that’s a that was a great moment and that was just a I think that was a statement when we’re like Denver just owns the Clippers that’s

Just that’s how it’s going to be right um beating Memphis on March 3 basically solidifying the one seed and then it was then like immediately after that they were like losing a whole bunch of games and people like what’s wrong with the Nuggets it’s because they had

Basically locked up the one seed with that they went eight and 10 down the last 18 games yeah it was hilarious um pton Watson that surprise in April was great that was a lot of fun and it sort of manifested what we’ve seen for this end of 2023 portion which has been great

To see as well um oh man pton Watson’s gonna be klanders huh he’s gonna win another championship this year as a as a top six player and then he’s going to be like I kind of want to go be a superstar I I I cannot believe that Matt took time away

From his awesome vacation that he’s taking with his family with his children so that he could rag on us for having pton Watson Faith it’s crazy what the hell i’ I’ve got two more here uh I’m sure you have one of them I have the bailout game by Reggie Jackson and

DeAndre Jordan this year was freaking unbelievable it’s one of my favorite things that I’ve ever seen from Denver because all of the stars in La played and the best player on the court was Reggie it was awesome 3 what 35 and 13 something like that just just a a stupid

Performance um and then ring Knight ring Knight’s the final one for me yeah ring Knight was on this list for me it’s as well uh watching them allh suits um Coke white suits bro like all drip down all the way gold all on it and everything the banner goes up the Rings are

Displayed the crowd the aura of that night everything about it man it was just a incredible incredible incredible experience man and and again it’s just watching dudes like you know you’ve been around them since they were all teenagers you know you were a teenager so like watching these dudes come up and

All of us get older and like become adults together and then obviously everybody wins a championship you know it’s just it’s just incredible Jamal and I are like two months apart in terms of our age and I started getting into the building and started really getting into

Nuggets coverage when he was drafted and it was it’s been very interesting kind of going through that because I’m now 27 which means I’ve been doing this for eight years and Jamal’s been doing it for the same same exact time so been uh been impressive to just see where these

Guys have gone from be in these media rooms man Ryan first name Bas is Malone or Jamal or whoever else it’s just funny it’s just funny to me it’s it is is not what I expected this year believe me this has this has evolved after the

Championship let me tell you um but yeah this is this has been great a lot of fun moments for Denver this year I I don’t have any other specific ones other than ring night and the bailout game from this year but I’m looking forward to seeing what they can add in 2024 and

Like I I can’t imagine that 2024 will be as good as 2023 but we could at least see what happens we could see if they can try I always expect greatness man so my last encouragement one I want to say to everybody Ryan everybody I’m deeply deeply appreciative of all the listeners

Of you of everybody that supported the channel the way three years in for me this is three years that I’ve been doing this and you know we have just all like just ascended you know and so the the the love from the community has been amazing uh everybody you know everybody

That’s like supported the platform and the growth and 2023 man was a great year even just professionally with all this stuff and it wouldn’t be possible um from M High Sports to lock down nuggets to Bleacher Report to Slam Magazine everything you know all of it because

Nuggets fans are the best fans in the world and they’ve just been supporting and like you know they engage with the content so much and so I’m I’ll always say you know I’m I’m a man of people because the people kind of help make me who I am so I’m deeply appreciate

Everybody so shout out to y’all man for making 2023 such a great year really appreciate you man awesome words it has been a joy to be able to do this and to be able to learn from you and to be able to uh just continue to grow together

This has been a lot of fun uh I remember back to the beginning of this channel this this channel Mile High Sports had 500 subscribers back in January of 2023 and between myself anilo Cody you and everybody that’s been involved in terms of creating content for it taking

It from 500 to 5,000 in what feels like the blink of an eye so been a lot of work a lot of fun behind the scenes a lot of lot of uh tough moments behind the scenes for sure just as as we continue to grow but uh the acceleration

Is on track so I’m going to do the same thing for the alley man I’m at about uh about about 430 some odd subscribers there we’re GNA take that to to 5,000 as well in 2024 I’m manifesting let’s go that would be wild it would be so

Wild oh my gosh well for everybody uh we we’ll we’ll do some other 2024 related things in future episodes swipe and I might record some things offline here just to make sure that we get some good stuff but I think that is going to do it for this episode of pickaxe and roll

Weekends with swipe Edition uh from the bottom of our heart once again thank you for a great 2023 here’s to 2024 being fantastic we are looking forward to celebrating another championship for the Denver Nuggets thank you so much everybody we will talk to you guys very soon

In the latest episode of Pickaxe and Roll, Weekends with Swipa edition, Ryan Blackburn and Swipa rank the best moments of the 2023 Calendar for the Denver Nuggets and Nuggets fans. They go over Goals for 2024 as well before breaking down what’s happening next week on the Nuggets schedule.

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