@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons Have A Plan This Summer? | The Pistons Talk Podcast

Detroit Pistons Have A Plan This Summer? | The Pistons Talk Podcast

Finally Pistons won a basketball game that was probably really loud in your ears my bad it’s all good I think headphones might have blown just a little bit right there but yeah finally a freaking win going to collect my wings tomorrow because who won it

God damn dude it feels so good like I oh my God bro I I don’t even know how to express myself right now it’s only three wins on the season but damn the losing streak is finally over this is amazing I can’t believe it and it’s so fitting

That it happened against the Raptors I hope that is the longest saddest drive home for all those fans that were here tonight in Detroit yeah the the crafter as I call them um bro that was a hell of a game too like Kade obviously he didn’t shoot

Well from the field but he got to the line uh it’s what I love to see he didn’t shoot it particularly well from the field but hey man he he was believe he went to the line at least 10 times a night which I told you like a

Month ago that’s that should be the norm for him the type of player he is so you know happy with it his performance from the free throw line um Jaylen Duran Pistons missed him so much man and I’m so happy to see him wearing those braces

On both ankles uh because every time he falls I just hold my breath I was like oh God please get up please get up please get up but dude I’m so happy that this monkey is off the Detroit Pistons back I’m so happy that I don’t have to

Log on the social media to see a a cringey post about uh the Pistons hav won a game or it seems like people have just been poking fun at the bear for two months it’s finally over thank God I was it almost happened against the Celtics but they blew the 19point lead that

Was probably one of the better games the piss even though it ended in a loss but that was still a fun game but damn dude this was I said that three times already this was a heck of a game Cade 30 points 12 assists 10 for 10 from the free throw

Line Duran 18 and 17 and he went six for six from the free throw line Kevin Knox had one of the I canot stop tweeting about him Kevin Knox just played phenomenal seven of 14 three for eight from the three-point line 17 points two rebounds two assists a steal

In one big block dude I didn’t even know he could do that and holy crap dude and then buan he did his thing too jayen Ivy did a bunch of stuff that won’t end up on the box scorp he got to the line 12 times it was funny too one

Of the can I keep I don’t know why I just said Canadian broadcasters one of the Toronto Raptors broadcasters like jayen Ivy hasn’t hit a free throw all night and he was like four for seven at the time and he kept calling durren Doran and then Alec Burks found a

Shooting stroke he only missed two shots all night it was just just an incredible performance All Around by them I will say the only negative killing Hayes dude had too many turnovers it was scaring me a little bit my heart was just beating out of the Rhythm every time he was on

The floor I just I don’t understand why he keeps playing over Sasser but I’m not gonna be too negative because it is a w and we finally ended the losing streak yeah every time H to the Raptors announcers it was just like it’s a Canadian with a really bad New York

Accent yeah it was just like we’ll be right back after the first quarter I was just like dude shut up you could it’s like Pascal cakam I was like sakam dude Jesus like can you enunciate uh but I am really happy that the Pistons had win even happier that the Raptors broadcast

Had to you know announce that game like they they kept thinking the Raptors were G to come back and win Pistons finally won thank god um whoever reason the the streaming site that I watch never has the Pistons broadcast but I heard uh I think it was Johnny Kane and Greg kelzer

So I’m sure you know Pistons fans were definitely lit tonight after the game um seems like there were more Pistons fans there tonight too than Raptors fans which was good to see like the the camera like I felt so bad like you could tell this kid was like special needs and

They kept putting the camera on him at LC I was like come on he’s a rap He was a raptor fans on top of it I was like come on don’t do that like just you know there there’s there was at least like 20 20 to 40 Raptor fans in that section and

They put it on the kid that’s like you know special needs I was like come on dude that’s up I I don’t even I’m not even going to make a comment that’s just crazy to me but um yeah the Toronto Raptor broadcaster I don’t know if you know

This name but he sounded like the ESPN boxer analysis Freddy roach that’s what I thought who I was listening to the entire time I was like this is kind of crazy nice little crossover Sports don’t make sense but hey we’re getting Freddy roach on the broadcast so we’re getting

Into this right now the Detroit Pistons did break the all-time losing streak held by the process Sixers the losing streak is the worst it will ever get for the Detroit Pistons I mean I know we’re exper we’re coming off the high of a w there are better times ahead of us it’s

A long tunnel the light is at the end of it and we will I I do strongly believe this we will experience a couple more losing Seasons before we actually see winning basketball in Detroit I’m talking like not just a winning streak but a winning season it will be a couple

More years before we actually see a winning season in Detroit but we need to celebrate this W big time and just you know not let the losing streak you know just take us off this high too quickly hey man playoff push let’s go yeah let’s

Do it so I came up with a A list of things that we’ll see before the Pistons have a winning season some of them are dumb but I’m going to share them number one was both of LeBron James Suns will suit up for an NBA team the Detroit

Lions will win a Super Bowl hoay the NBA will expand we’ll see the w NBA become profitable slam ball will end and restart with more hype than ever and Chris Paul and Scott Foster will become friends that all will happen before we see a Pistons w a Detroit Pistons

Winning season Jesus man what is wrong with you all those things are depressing and like very very unlikely like we just lost seven viewers after that holy crap come on man let’s be more positive about this Pistons wi I’m I’m happy about it um Scott Foster and Chris prob

Will never get along I think you’d probably see a celebrity boxing match before that does happen that’s a good that’s a good one yeah but come on man like stay positive on this train we’re not we’re not saying the Pistons are gonna make the playoffs we’re not saying

You know they’re gonna go on like a 15 game winning stre they’ll they’ll probably lose some more games this season but it’s good to get that that monkey off their back you could tell the players were so happy Jaylen durran slammed the court Kate Cunningham was smiling into the camera like that

For the players I’m happy very that they that they won a basketball game because you could tell it was weighing on them heavily um I’m just happy for them I’m happy for not only the players but the fans too I I think the fans have been

Through it the fans have been through it with you know people making fun of Pistons fans every game the fans have been through it in terms of you have ESPN saying what’s wrong with Monty Williams what’s wrong with the Detroit Pistons why are they broken what’s wrong

With this team I I’m just really happy that they did get a win against a Toronto Raptors team that was kind of the fleet of the day because they did trade ogan and noi um to the Knicks which was not really too surprising if you see who OG Anan noi’s Asian is and

You kind of look at like his Client List uh has a lot of New York Knicks on it so happy for the Knicks that they did get OG they got them for basically Nothing by the way which I I thought that was a such a great trade for them but dude I’m

I’m so happy that we’re doing a podcast on a win I can’t remember the last time we’ve done a podcast on a win yeah I don’t remember the last time we actually started recording right after a win I don’t think you I know the last win came before Halloween but I

Don’t know if we recorded directly after the win but either way it’s very happy and I just want to make you clear though we did have we were supposed to talk about the losing streak we didn’t I don’t think either if us expected a win tonight even though we did see a

Depleted Raptors team I thought that trade by the way was actually pretty fair because I am a huge Emanuel quickley fan I don’t know a ton about RJ Barrett I think he’s a solid two guard but Emanuel quickley is about to have a breakout campaign in Toronto he’s a he’s

A very good player kind of sad though that the Detroit Pistons were actually a part of that trade though with the second round pick that the Knicks traded so we were kind of in it which is kind of cool I guess in a way but the Knicks

Man they’re making a push to uh maybe make some noise in the playoffs as well they just got to shore up that two guard spot now um sham chirania gave G us a few names to keep an eye on that could possibly sign with the Detroit Pistons

This off season the names are Pascal seaka ogan newbie which is probably not gonna happen now that he went to the New York Knicks Tobias Harris and Fan Favorite miles Bridges me personally I want to see Pascal seaka play for the Detroit Pistons just another guy that

Can create his own shot plays with a ton of energy he can create for others he’s another guy that Kate or Ivy could drive and kick out to and hit an open three he’s a very good player that I think is going to have a few more years playing

At a high level left in the NBA I think the most realistic option though is mile Bridges just because of his connection to the state of Michigan and he is I mean I know some fans don’t want to hear it but he is having a pretty good season

Right now for the Charlotte Hornets he’s averaging 19 points shooting 44% from the field seven rebounds three assists a steel and half a block per game he is only shooting 31% from three which is down from his career of 34% but miles Bridges I know all this stuff bothers

People that happened off the floor and that’s fair if you feel that way but he is still a good basketball player I just want to finish it with that but what name intrigues you the most out of these four names well the the name that intrigued me the most was Pascal seak

Um my only concern with Pascal is the shooting from the perimeter um he he’s not known to be an elite three-point shooter and that’s not really his game his game is more in the post um than the perimeter which I I I think a lot of Pistons fans know that

They they know that he’s more of that you know post presence it’s he kind of looks like the Tasmanian devils at times just the way he just with the spin moves and stuff like that but I think Pascal has always been a name that a lot of

Pistons fans look at at the power forward position it’s like yeah I would like that guy on my basketball team he’s a good player um I would like him but at the same time I think Tobias Harris to me I I’ve told you I think he’s more

Realistic than anyone on this list I’m not going to speak on the miles Bridges off the court stuff because it’s not my place to talk about what he went through or what he did I should say um and I can understand why some fans don’t want him anywhere near the Detroit Pistons it

Would actually kind of go against everything the Detroit Pistons have preached to us we go after the person not the player um so I I kind of think it it’s contradictory um I was kind of surprised when jams did mention his name this week but for me I would like Pascal

Cakam but I think ultimately Tobias Harris to me would probably be the most realistic you know forward they go after it’s a name that the organization is familiar with they traded for him once possibly they could trade for him again during this trading deadline or wait to

See in free agency you know what a number for him would be but I I think to bias to me would make the most sense for this team just for the fact that he can scored all three levels and he’s really familiar with this organization and you

Know he he was a part of a team that made the playoffs so um I know he’s a little bit on the older side but that that’s just kind of my take on it with all all these players that jams did um report this week obviously like Pascal

But I I just don’t know how realistic that could possibly be especially when you’re going to have a lot of teams in free agency trying to you know bid you even though you do have practically 50 60 million in cap space depending on what you do uh during

This trading deadline I I I just think do you really want to max out a a guy like a pascal cakam who’s not known to be a three-point shooter or would you rather possibly you know pay to buy his Harris and you know he can at least hit a

Three-point three-point shot at least League average so that’s kind of like my only argument with it I will say just real quick before we move on Pascal three seasons he made 34% or better he actually hit 37% on three attempts per game his third year in the league and

Then 36% on six attempts per game his fourth Year’s first All-Star appearance I think when he has the larger offensive role that’s when you see the efficiency start to dip that’s why I think if you were to play even though the Pistons aren’t good but if he was to play with a

Playmaker like Kade and jayen Ivy who do create a lot of gravity when they’re going to the Hooper operating in the mid-range he would get a lot of open looks and I think that three-point percentage would kick up a little bit more but he’s not shooting the ball very

Well this year at only 25% per um a game but he’s a guy that once you get him at the top of the the key and he does that little like you were saying that Tasmanian Devil spin move I mean he we’ve seen it a bunch tonight it’s so effective and that’s a

Guy even at he’s 29 right now he’ll be 30 I think next year probably even going into his 31st going in to be 31 I still think he could be effective like that just because his game isn’t really relied a ton on athleticism he does need that quick First Step which eventually

He will lose but I mean still playing at a high level in his early 30s I think that’s something Pascal seak could do he out of this list I do like to buyas haris he is a little bit older but if I were to throw the

Bank at someone it would be Pascal cakam on this list just because I think he could have the larger make the largest Improvement on this team just because of the role he could play I mean another 20o scorer in a an effective Defender not a great one but an effective

Defender that would be I think that would really help this team out I just don’t see it actually happening for either of these for any of these guys though coming to Detroit I don’t know yeah I mean I I can get why people want Pascal he’s younger like career-wise

He’s shooting 32% from three uh Tobias career-wise is shooting 36 almost 37% so I mean it’s not that I don’t like Pascal I do I just question fit yeah I think fitwise Tobias makes more sense on paper but who who am I to say that Pascal wouldn’t fit with Kade Cunningham I’m

Sure you know they could find a way for those two to coexist together I I just kind of question because you have so much money tied up like Isaiah Stewart Marvin Bagley um what are you doing there at that power forward position I mean Marvin baggley was a DMP tonight again

Like I I don’t know what his future holds like is he on the trading block do the Pistons want to move on from baggley do they see wisan is more of that backup center I don’t know there’s a lot of questions you have to ask yourself as an

Organization and as fans too watching this I think fans are very vocal about wanting guys like a sakam like a kosma like a Jeremy Grant like it’s a bias even you know some fans are with the miles Bridges stuff like I get it um I just think you need three and D

Wings to help Kate Cunningham I mean you put Kevin Knox in the game and you see what happens when you put a competent player that can shoot three-pointers and put the ball on the floor a little bit I mean it if you get this team some three

And D Wings to complement you know Jaylen dur and Jade Ivy and Kate Cunningham you’re gonna see more wins on the basketball court so I I think any of these guys would you know help Kate Cunningham out a lot I just kind of question the fit with SE yakum in terms

Of you know the the paint being clogged up because if you want zakum to be here in Detroit he’s gonna really have to you know shoot the three-point shot closer to like you know 35% for I think a lot of fans to be willing to give him that

Bag that he’s probably going to be seeking this Summer that makes sense and those are all very fair points um buan will not be traded this season unless the Detroit Pistons receive an offer that they can’t refuse this report comes from Jane Edwards I third I called it a

Couple of podcasts ago and I said this this guy won’t get traded I do not see Troy Weaver trading him I know that last season there was a contender offering two first round picks I do not think that’s the case this year here buan is playing pretty well but you can notice

That there is he’s a he’s a step slower than he was last season the time to trade him was last year I think the Val even though he’s still playing well I think the value has dipped quite a bit and those teams and why wouldn’t you low

Ball the Pistons they really you know they’re in a position where they have no advantage in any of these trades so buan will remain a piston he’s gonna be 35 at the end of this year he’ll be 36 by the end of next season I do understand

Why the Detroit Pistons would want to keep them but do we really see them making you know huge improvements to this roster that makes sense of keeping buan and potentially bringing him off the bench as a scorer in that role I don’t know I don’t see it happening but

I get the logic behind it but I’m on the train of we should have traded him and we should just try to get something for him because this season is lost by all account I mean there’s no way they come back from this it’s it’s so conflicting we last

Week we reacted to Tom goras y saying like we require change we need to change and then this part of James Edwards I third’s article it wasn’t a boon piece it was a piece with Sam facini and they were talking James James once in a while will kind of just throw like little

Tidbits in there that you’re not really expecting and this was the tidbit saying like the Pistons don’t plan to trade you know buan bogdanovich unless they get like a really handsome offer and that’s kind of been the message we’ve had over the past couple of years with boan

Bogdanovich on the roster the Pistons like boan a lot they they want to keep him and you see the type of value he adds to this team when he plays with Kate Cottingham obviously we didn’t get to see it because he was injured for a big portion of the season this year but

You see the instant impact the numbers back it up offensive when Kaden you know boan are on the floor they produce points and the offense looks a lot better it flows a lot better but at the same time you have to tell yourself the guy’s

34 he’s going to be 35 next season I believe I don’t know the his birthday at the top of my hand he’s on a $2 million contract um I believe going into this summer it’s non- guaranteed it goes from like three million if you wave him by a

Certain date or if you want to trade him he’s valuable don’t get me wrong yeah he’s a he’s our second leading scorer at almost 20 points a game right behind Kate that has I believe 23 or 24 points a game I like buan a lot but at some

Point if a team is going to offer you something for boan if a team offers you a first round pick for boan you have to consider it you’re not gonna get this Hull you think you’re going to get you’re not going to get these two first round picks that you think you’re going

To get I think a asking for two first- round picks for a player like buan I think is a little bit unreasonable um you know 20 points a game at 34 dude that’s that’s impressive that’s damn impressive but at the same time you you have to look at this team’s future like

Boan isn’t going to be a part of this team when this young core is trying to compete for the playoffs he’s just not we have to be reasonable and be realistic buam bogdanovich is not going to be here for another you know five to six years if you can get something from

A contending team whether that’s a young player maybe a draft pick you have to consider it we like him as a player but this organization sometimes holds on to players veteran players I should say too long and the value just goes out the window I mean we held on to Derek Rose

Way too long when the Lakers were willing to give the Detroit Pistons Alex Caruso and Talon Horton Tucker in a first round pick and we ended up trading him to the New York Knicks for Dennis Smith Jr in a second round pick so that that’s my biggest thing

It’s like if you can get good value for boan you have to consider it now I understand the Piston standpoint of you know they want to be good they don’t want to give him away for nothing you shouldn’t give him away for nothing but if there’s a good offer on the table you

Have to consider making a deal in my opinion anyways I’m even at the point to too where even if you can get a veteran that’s in like their late 20s that fits more along the timeline of the young core winning maybe a you know a veteran that has some playoff experience I’m

Okay with that doesn’t necessarily have to be draft picks or another young player like because this team’s already young enough but if or if you could find two bench pieces that can be a part of an eight 10man rotation I think you got to take it but holding on to him with

The hopes that you’re going to be better next year when Troy has really showed us nothing in terms of improving this roster in the last two off Seasons something that you just got to get what you can for him at this point and I don’t know what the holdup is I agree

With you when this team is ready to compete he’ll be he’ll be retired he’ll be sitting comfortable back home you know he won’t be he won’t be playing at that time so I just don’t know what it’s all about I hate reading reports like this because it again it just shows me

The ineptitude of Troy Weaver and that it’s really putting me in that realm of thinking that he really doesn’t know what he’s doing at the GM spot and it’s just terrible to hold on to assets like this when you could have flipped them at some point when he was having again he’s

Still having a great year but it wasn’t like last year where you know he really could have helped a contender out I mean I would maybe call Charlotte up and see what you I’ve already said his name before but around January 15th try to bring in like a PJ Washington you know

If Charlotte’s more inclined to key miles Bridges or whatever because he runs with lamelo maybe see if you can sneak a trade like that and or maybe call the New York Knicks back up or I don’t know just somebody and get something for boan before because he’s

Another one of those guys I just don’t want to see dwindle and like you know just watching Detroit until his career is over when his career was just a few fun regular season games instead of playoff basketball I just don’t want to see that I’m a little selfish that way

But I say trade buan if you can the one thing you said that I I do want to disagree with I don’t like the the try Weaver comment that you made you said he doesn’t know what he’s doing I think he does know what he’s doing but

I’ve told you several times I don’t think he has full rate of actually what he gets to do that’s fair no you know Tom Gore says it’s you know it’s Troy and I making decisions I don’t buy that I’ve told you I think there’s a lot of

Cooks in the kitchen I think there’s three or four people trying to make a decision and they can’t agree um not defending Troy by any any means I mean he’s made some questionable draft choices he’s made some questionable free agent signings uh he’s not getting a

Pass for me but at the same breath I I think that he he is a good talent evaluator when it comes to the draft it’s his free agency I don’t know whether this front office can’t agree on a player they don’t see a big fish they

Think they can land um I I think overall Troy is probably the best uh Talent evaluator that the Pistons have had in quite a long time this is the most young Talent they’ve had probably my entire piston phandom I just wanted to kind of

Say that but um I do agree with you with the you know holding on to veteran players like that like if you can get something get something no and I think there are parts that Troy Weaver is good at like you’re saying the talent evaluation I mean he

Said on a few draft picks it’s just the other parts of being a GM where maybe you’re right maybe it is because he doesn’t have full control of the team and that’s fair like that is fair we just don’t know that that’s just more speculation on our part from things

We’ve heard reports that we’ve read quotes that have been dropped by some people in the front office so like I’m still I still like Troy Weaver I think there are part again I think there are parts of his job that he’s good at I just think the overall it

Could be a lot it it could be a daunting t task to be building a team and I don’t know I guess time will only tell we do have some injury news for you guys Isaiah SE will be out 10 to 14 days with

A is it a is it really a right great tow strain no just his right toe oh okay I don’t know why I wrote great I I I think it was a typo on wge I because I read it a few times it

Is a right toe sprain uh be out 10 to 14 days and kind of sucks that he did get injured um obviously I I do like Stuart but I I’ve kind of told you like even listening to all these broadcasts they’re like dude Stuart would be such a good player off the

Bench for like the Celtics couldn’t say enough great things about Isaiah Stewart um like yo we’d love an Isaiah Stewart off our bench like he’s just that ultimate glue Ultimate Energy guy but you know I’m wishing him well you know hope his his toll does heal up um I

Think James Edward had reported that Isaiah Stewart is like a huge Sneakerhead and he’s been just walking in Crocs because his foot hurts so damn bad so he’ll up beefs to I miss you do you think that there’s any chance now that the Pistons have won a game going

With two forwards like voon and Kevin Knox that they that Monty actually brings Isaiah Stewart Off the Bench going forward or do you think that he becomes a starter again when he returns from injury I’m not entirely sure I don’t know uh but you do make a fair

Point um we’ve seen what happens when you put two perimeter Shooters next to Kate Cunningham and Jade Ivy and Jaylen Duren the offense looks a lot better um Kevin Knox looks like Tracey McGrady out there like I don’t know what he’s gotten into him but he he had a like you said

Earlier in the podcast he had like a crazy block and then he saved the ball and passed it to Cade um he was hitting his shot his three-point Shots tonight um he’s just such a good compliment at that forward position I think it’s something you do have to consider though

If you are Monty Williams Because I know the two big lineup is something that this organization is like really stubborn on but I’ve told you I don’t think it’s going to work here I really don’t I think ultimately just go with one big and just go four out in my

Opinion I I think it makes more sense in the modern NBA this isn’t the 90s anymore where you can just have two bigs and just throw it down on uh in the paint uh but I don’t know to me I would I would keep doing the Knox and boan

Because it’s working and I mean like you had already said earlier like bringing Isaiah Stewart Off the Bench other broadcasts have talked about it and we’ve talked about it in this podcast to exhaustion he would be so good at that backup five spot picking on second units

With that energy and that hustle and he could still close out games if he’s feeling it you know bring that defensive pressure it would be that would be a nice one-two combo between him and Duran at the Five Spot Duran starting Isaiah St coming off the bench one quick note

About Kevin Knox he is my favorite in-game dunker on the Detroit Pistons by the way way when he’s on a fast break and he just it back with the right hand he’s going to dunk it that is it is so cool man he is a man I I hope Kevin

Knox just I don’t think he’s ever gonna figure it out and be an All-Star but I hope he is a player in Detroit for many years because I just I really do love his game he he’s an awesome he’s a fun guy when he gets it rolling yeah I mean

He put a poster on uh yoka purle um he had a fast break dunk with Jade Ivy he’s just so athletic um and to your point I think I don’t really need him to be an All-Star I just need him to be a complimentary piece of role player at

The end of the day and he he’s done that I’m still surprised that the Pistons did get rid of him when they did sign him to a two-year contract I’m I’m really surprised by that because he just fits so well like if we didn’t have the

Injuries that we have like who knows if he’s act even actually here I remember Troy’s like oh yeah we’re gonna be really careful about her last roster spot and I remember fans were just like really Kevin Knox but I think right now people like Kevin Knox let’s go and I do

Think those are sometimes the guys you have to Target when you’re a team like Detroit you have to find those guys that are they’re kind of specialist in their role maybe they haven’t lived up to the hype but they still have game to be a rotation piece and that’s Kevin Knox so

Jayen Ivy and Kade Cunningham took offense to the fans yelling chanting sell the team I don’t know why they took offense to it because I’m sure they hear much worse things on social media and when they’re playing away games it’s just I think when the fans say

That it is it can be warranted sometimes because I think it was Keith Smith that said either Keith Smith or san facini was one of their tweets maybe was somebody else or they’re saying like a good team is a product of a great a great owner and that is why there are

Some teams that are always near the top because they have an owner that is invested and really cares about the product they’re putting putting on the floor or the field and sometimes with Tom Gores it doesn’t really seem that way but then there are other times where

He’s willing to spend the money where it does so I don’t know we’ll we I guess we’ll give it a few more years to see how he really cares about this team but I didn’t think selling the team chant was that bad and it’s just an odd thing

For them to bring up in their press conference I don’t know if there’s more to it or not yeah I I saw the comments um you know the the way the players took it was like like you know if you’re not with us during this losing streak then don’t be

With us when we you know start winning games and my thought process behind this and I even saw some you know fans like tell the beat reporters like hey like tell the players that this isn’t directed towards them yeah and that’s the way I took it too because when we

Were playing I want to say it was the Nets uh the was really loud of fans saying sell the team and the way I took it it wasn’t directed towards the players it was directed towards the owner at the end of the day that was directed toward Tom Gores because a lot

Of Pistons fans speculated with the sell the team chance oh you want to move the Pistons you want them to relocate no I mean you can sell the team and still keep the team in Detroit yeah I I I think a lot of people when they read the

Tom Gore’s letter to the fans quote un quote it wasn’t really a letter but you know what I mean um when they saw the last quote saying we’ve done a lot into the community outside of winning basketball games I think that just pissed fans off a lot like dude no one

Gives a if you’re charitable winning basketball game should be your number one priority nobody cares that you donate you know bicycles to these kids like actually put that same amount of effort into a winning product on the floor and we won’t be on your ass and I

I think that’s what a lot of fans were you know trying to explain to the players and these beat writers like we’re not attacking you like we just don’t like the owner here we think he should should sell the team to someone that’s more serious about winning basketball games because over the last

15 years this you know organization hasn’t won a lot of basketball games they’ve made the playoffs but they’ve gotten bounced in the first round for you know the last two times they have made the playoffs I think more fans were directed towards the a their anger

Towards Tom Gores not the players yeah I don’t know why the players took it that way either because yeah I’m not I would never say anything crazy about I mean we’ll talk about the players like we always do the podcast but nothing is just too crazy or out of pocket and when

I’ve said sell the team it was never because of the players on the floor it was it was just the overall you know I just felt like the owner there are certain odors in sports it doesn’t seem like they care because like there’s no incentive to win basketball games or

Football games or baseball or hockey games like you get to keep your team regardless there’s no criteria for being an an owner in professional sports you just got to have the money and that’s it so it’s just more of like dude you sell

The team give me a guy or give me a a woman in place that wants to bring a winning team to Detroit I would take that over anything and I don’t see that as offensive at all I mean I just don’t and I’m it’s a little disappointing that

The players took it that way and if Ashton’s watching right now like please tell Kade we didn’t mean we weren’t calling out the players we were just calling out the owner of the team that’s all we were doing yeah uh I I I made it pretty clear like my

My frustration towards the sell the team chance was not directed towards any of the players and like I explained that on Instagram like I have no problems with any of the players on the Pistons I think my frustration as a fan over the last couple of

Years has been an owner that is just not around not involved enough in my opinion um I told you you get three times a year you you get the when a player gets drafted you get a mid-season game U whether that’s the Lakers or the Clippers and then you get a April press

Conference when he comes to town of you know the whole media swarming him asking him what went wrong this season Tom like that’s the three times a year you will see or hear from Tom Gores he’s just not available and another thing you cannot pat yourself on the back for being a

Charitable person because then it just kind of goes out the window like if you want to donate the Char PR cool um no one’s going to Pat you on the back for it like you should do it because you you want to do it you shouldn’t do it

Because you want to brag on it like oh you know I’ve done you know multi-billion Dollar Deals and I’m a very charitable person like dude nobody cares about that they don’t like if it’s great you’ve built tons of basketball courts you’ve done tons um with the his

Flint now Flint now project like he’s done a lot of great for the community I’m I’m not saying that but when you go in an article and say like hey um outside of weighing basketball I’ve done a lot like dude nobody cares yeah and you he could still do that stuff because

He’s a billionaire like you don’t have to do it as the Detroit Pistons you could just do it as Tom gors you know what I’m saying and you’d probably get more praise doing it that way than you would just saying like hey look at all check all these things off no the one

Box I one checked off is a winning basketball team that’s literally all I care about that that is all I care about when it comes for the Detroit Pistons it’s literally a tax write off too so you’re not that charitable dude yeah tax season’s right now man you need those

Writeoffs and you know all that charity is a tax right off at the end of the day that’s what you gotta tell that’s what you got to remind yourself like hey man that’s true that’s true so what happens first Monte Williams resign resigns or gets fired Troy Weaver

Resigns or gets fired or the Detroit Pistons going on a winning streak first and for foremost what is a winning streak is it just two or more games so if the Pistons win their next game it’s a winning streak or are we saying it has to be more than

Three so what was your question Monty Monty Williams resigns or gets fired Troy Weaver resigns or gets fired or the Detroit Pistons going to winning streak what happens first o that’s a good question Lance I’m gonna say them checks are going to keep coming 13 mil a year is great money you get

Paid every two weeks so no Monty’s not going to quit um Troy’s not getting fired either um if Troy was gonna get fired it would have been you know last week I’m gonna say the Pistons go on a winning streak oh you’re gonna be positive I like that that’s cool yeah I

I I just don’t like the the first two D this is a great topic I love it uh but I I think what would be more likely is the Pistons is actually going on a winning streak uh versus like the other two um Mon’s not turning down those a $13 million a year

Check well I don’t care how many games they lose dude like I I I would just be the most positive person showing up to work every day like come on boys let’s do it no I agree I mean I’d be the same way um so winning streak is just consecutive

Wins in a row so the Pistons do have one as of right now ah it’d be so easy to pick the winning streak it’d be so easy I’m gonna say Troy Weaver gets fired that’ll be the first thing that happens before the Pistons go on a winning streak who do

The Pistons play next let me just look this up real quick I got the schedule right here so they play the Houston Rockets on January 1 Monday and then I’m New Year’s um yeah uh New Year’s oh man that’s awesome Thompson vers Thompson on New Year’s yeah start of the New Year

This is crazy get twins battling and out man then they play Utah after that uh yeah I’m gonna say Troy Weaver gets fired before we go in a win streak I know it might be out of pocket and it is probably pretty negative to say but I’m

Gonna say Troy Weaver gets fired before the Pistons go a win streak yeah I just don’t see the first two happening but I I like the topic I I really do um I just thought of a topic that we’re going to do uh before Q&A it’ll be a little bit more positive so

Okay that’s just thought went off the top of my head sounds good sounds good so we are on year four of Troy Weaver’s tenure as the Detroit Pistons GM things have not been pretty we already all know that now fans are asking for him to be

Removed as GM I would like to see a new GM in Detroit that’s where I stand on this because I’m done with this whole tenure it’s been depressing I want to watch games with my son but I don’t want him to hate the Detroit Pistons you know

Growing up and hating them that would be terrible for me and now that the trade deadline is approaching I don’t know if i w a GM whose whose future in my mind is up in the air making decisions that could potentially set back this organization already even though we’re damn near at

Rock bottom right now but what do do you want to see Troy Weaver finish out his tenure with the Detroit Pistons or would you rather see them go with a new GM it’s hard for me to say because I thought since coming in he’s done a good job of clearing cap space

He’s done a he’s done a good job of getting rid of the bad contracts now obviously I think his first draft was his worst draft um I think people look at the draft and they see Tyrese halberton doing what he’s doing when he was there kilan haes is a fine fine player

You know I I I just tell people all the time I don’t hate kilan Hayes so because some people think I do hate him I don’t hate him I just think offensively it’s five verse four when he’s out there I think defensively he’s a he’s a good

Defender he’s a good passer um but I think the Killian ha draft pick like I I’ve told you all the time if he was not your first pick if you know Killian Hayes with the 16th or the 19th pick fans probably wouldn’t be on his ass the

Way that they are yeah um Isaiah Stewart I I I think you know good glue guy I I think trading up to get him that that trade itself it’s still haunting the Pistons to this day with the you know we can’t we don’t have the rights to we

Draft pick right now yeah that the Knicks still own it now obviously it’s heavily protected but you know if you did want to make a trade for maybe it’s a a veteran you really can’t un let the Knicks sign off on it and why would the Knicks do the

Pistons favors right um even though we’ve done them plenty of favors and then like the sadique bay he’s not even on your team anymore yeah you tra you traded Kevin Knox and James wisan for sadique Bay and sadique Bay is having a fine good season with the Atlanta Hawks and obviously you got

Kevin Knox back um James wisman is playing better but I don’t know man that that first draft to me was was was pretty bad um in terms of just like value because you look at guys like Hal Burton you look at guys like Desmond Bane tyres Maxi uh that were all there

For you and you you kind of missed on them but I mean I’m not I’m not gonna be too hard on him with that it was the co year but I don’t know I I just don’t know if they’re gonna move on from him because if they were they would have done it

Already yeah I just but man it seems like going back to what Troy Weaver was talking about when we did the reaction video last last week there’s a part of me that thinks like he doesn’t have the most faith in Troy Weaver so why would you continue to pay him even though you’re

Not allowing him from what we’ve read and what we’ve heard not allow him to do his job his way like you’re stepping in you’re also making decisions like there’s just it seems like you have no faith in the guy so why can continue to hold on to him Troy Weaver could be the

Best GM ever and we’ll probably never see it because it’s in Detroit and all the other decision makers sitting behind him so find your guy that you trust that you’re going to give 100% control to and you’re gonna stay out of it when and allow him to make decisions go and find

That guy you know I mean why just do this like I don’t understand like it’s it’s bad it’s just bad ownership at this point so like I said Troy could be a great GM we’ll just never see it in Detroit and it kind of sucks and know

Someone actually wanted me to break down all his drafts which I can because I have that memory and I’m a sicko yeah so we we went through the 2020 draft you know Killian Sadiq Stewart Sabin Lee now Sabin Lee not on the team anymore I think I want to say sabin’s with Phoenix

But I could be wrong um I think he’s with Utah isn’t he oh is he with Utah I I can’t remember I can’t keep up poor guy he he still follows me on IG so shout out to him for that um that was the 2020 draft I I thought

You know I thought Bay to me was probably the best pick out of that whole draft class yeah to me he was like the number one small forward in that draft class and he had a really good rookie campaign um 2021 obviously we win the lottery you draft Kate Cunningham that

Was great uh in the second round you get Luca Garza who’s no longer with the team I believe he’s with the Timberwolves he’s you know in and out uh with the g-league team he dominates in the G League um and he’s a rotational player

At the end of the day um I thought he was a good player then you have Isaiah livers who you know man like he past two games he’s been okay but dude recently it’s been rough for livers he’s just not looked like an NBA player I know real

Quick Fe s Sabin Lee does play with Phoenix and ah dude I hate saying anything negative about isaah livers he had such a good rookie campaign where he shot 42% from three I know it was only 19 games but God he has fallen off dude sucks

Okay so when we can fast forward to 2022 Pistons get screwed in the lottery as we know they get Jade iy at five they trade up for durren at 13 which which I thought was probably Troy’s best draft in my personal opinion because you you

Trade up for Duran you get a guy that you know maybe not a lot of people thought would be there for you and you to me you got a franchise Center at 13 I think he’s a guy that you could build with Kate Cunningham and then you get in

My opinion one of the better guards in that draft class now I know a lot of people are trying to take their Victory laps Jade Ivy right now saying you know he’s not a good fit next to Kate Cunningham I’m not there I know some people wanted jayon sharp Benedict Ma

And I get it I do um but I think Jade iy will figured out it’s just you know he’s in the in the dogghouse right now with Monty Williams it seems like if he does make a mistake he’s getting ripped out of the game which I get he’s trying to

Coach him up but I I still believe in Jaden Ivy I think he will figure it out um you know whether those two Kate Cunningham and jadeen Ivy are together long term that is going to be determined on their defensive impact together because if they’re not defending they’re

Not going to be together long term um that’s just my opinion um maybe some fans have other opinions I don’t I I don’t believe we had a second round pick in 2022 oh yeah we did pereda I believe um let me look real quick so I have it

Pulled up yeah well 36th overall pick right before Jaden Harvey yeah Gabriel pra who he’s actually doing some pretty good things overseas I actually did check on him he’s shooting the ball a lot better from three um I think you know staying over in Europe is actually better for his

Development maybe we’ll see him possibly next season in the summer league who knows maybe he’ll be with the crws don’t know but it’s good to see that he is actually getting better over in Europe now we can fast forward uh this past summer Pistons get again they get the fifth over overall

Pick and they draft thear Thompson they had a second round pick but they traded with the Celtics to get Marcus Sasser um I think if you just kind of look at Troy’s draft he’s good at identifying Talent it’s just pieces I just don’t know when you you

Draft Killian Hayes Jade Ivy and then you you trade up for Marcus s a lot of guards on this team just makes me think he’s not too confident in maybe the the two guards next to Kate Cunningham like I I I just don’t know um I think he’s a good talent evaluator but

The answer your question Lance I don’t think they are going to move on from tro Weaver I think Tom Gores wants to keep Troy Weaver but Arn tellum I still it’s still ringing in the back of my head watching that interview that Bryce and I’m Mari

Had with him this last month yeah when he said we didn’t see any big fish this past summer um we really like Joe Harris we think he’s gonna be a good vet this season like that just rings in the back of my head because he’s the VP of the

Detroit Pistons organization he has a say and Tom Gore is saying he doesn’t have a say is the biggest load of I’ve ever heard like that’s why say I don’t think Troy has full reign of what he can actually do I think there are a lot of

Cooks in the kitchen saying no we don’t want to get that guy no it’s not the time to make a big splash we think next summer this summer is going to be the time to make a big splash man you look at this free agency class it’s a it’s a pretty old free

Agency class in terms of vets which I think will favor the Pistons because they need vets but a lot of these guys aren’t the same players they used to be like I I can’t wait to see who’s going to max out Klay Thompson I really can’t because it it’s going to be it’s

Gonna be funny because he he is not the same player he used to be man we just went down a whole I hate looking back on the drafts too I mean I love the players that play for the Pistons I mean I’ve criticized the Marcus Sasser pick just because you

Drafted him he’s an older rookie he has played well in the 16 minutes per game but it’s not consistent he seems like he fits alongside jayen Ivy and Kade Cunningham where you could he realistically should be the guard along with Alec Burks if Alec Burks is sitting

Shots to come off the bench and I really think at this point you can just end the ten year with Killian Hayes and just the dream is gone the dream is dead it’s it’s over with and he should be getting more minutes assar Thompson same thing he should be getting more minutes it’s

Just it sucks seeing him sit on the bench because because we don’t know why it continues to happen and then the sque bay trade I did call it don’t get me wrong because at the time when Kade was sitting on the sidelines dealing with his injury it was

It was tough watching sadique Bay get tunnel vision and try to be the guy in Detroit I know we saw a 50 game from him which was incredible but looking back on his skill set he would be a hell of a starter right now playing alongside or

Even a good role player Off the Bench he would be great with this team with Kaden Ivy finding him on the perimeter with him relocating he could have got back to his rookie ways of being a three and D guy but unfortunately I felt like that trade was really premature I think

You’re gonna you lost on that because James wisman is not going to develop into the player that Troy Weaver thinks he can or thought he could be I don’t know we just I just don’t see it so yeah there’s been a lot of questionable moves by Troy Weaver and

It’s just it’s just crazy and it’s just depressing dude it really is I can’t really say much more than that but I’ll reiterate again because my first point when we brought up this topic was I want to see a new GM you know I said a couple

Podcasts ago I want to see how bad this can get in Detroit but like this win in watching the way Kate has played his last five seven games I want to see a better roster around him and I want to start winning now because I do not want

To wait till Kate is 27 28 years old before he experiences playoff basketball in Detroit I want to see it sooner I’m a selfish fan that’s what I want and I I don’t know like I said already if you’re not GNA give Troy 100% control of what

He’s allowed to do find someone you’re gonna trust in that same spot that that’s my thing I I think you’re just gonna have to wait and see what the moves are this summer because it’ll be really telling what this organization thinks of this core um this last week has told showed

Me build around Kate Cunningham because Kate is showing you hey I can I can get you 30 a night if you need it I can get you 12 assists tonight if you need it the Detroit Pistons need to commit to Building A rad Kate cutting ham they need to commit to

Getting him more perimeter Shooters they need to commit to getting him more three and D wings I think at they do that this team isn’t going to be too far off on what your wish was they will win more basketball games they just have to cut

Bait with a lot of these players on this team right now that aren’t actual NBA players we’re probably going to see a lot of these younger players that probably will be fighting for G league in two-way spots next year not going to name those players you guys can go in

Ahead and guess and you probably know who I’m talking about um I I I think you know having that much cap space you can do a lot of of creative things I I just hope that they don’t use a majority of their cap space like they have their

First three years excuse me first four years being here in the trade market because I think the trade market right now I I just don’t think it’s gonna be as good this next two months as maybe you know previous years like just saw that the Warriors want to move on from

Andrew Wiggins and that just seems like a typical piston move you know like nothing against Andrew Wiggins I think he’s a fine player but it’s like you got to get guys that are kind of like those lower tiers like I would love Royce O’Neal from the Nets

He’s yeah like like mid tier three in D Wings he can defend he can shoot he can pass a little bit like I’d love Tory Craig from the Bulls I thought Tory Craig was a lock to sign with the Pistons because of his history with Mony

Williams I really did s Craig’s a fine good three and D Wing I don’t think you have to break the bank to you know try to get you know mid- tier free agents that’s what I’ve been trying to tell fans like you don’t have to go and try

To go get those A+ guys you can still get the lower to Mid tier guys that can contribute to winning basketball games like you don’t need the superstars um you have a franchise guy that you can build around you just need to put the pieces around him to make his life a

Little bit easier don’t clog the paint you know just go four out and just let him do his thing I’m looking at the list right now I’m looking at like a Grayson Allen uh Gary Trent Jr um even a dlon Wright if you wanted to bring him back I

Would not mind it at all he’s he fits right into what you’re saying um yeah just some guys like that that have some you know that have dipped their toes in the playoffs that have won some stuff that have proven to be like you know that specialty role role player

That can contribute to winning if we go into next season where and Marvin bagley’s on the roster and he’s the 10th Man in the rotation that’s the win for me you know like if he’s your guy where like you know what man the team is that good where he’s not playing Major

Minutes and it’s no like I’m not trying to offend Marvin Bagley I’ve talked about him plenty where I think he has great chemistry with Kate he’s a great lob threat but if he’s your tth man your roster is that much better if guys like Isaiah livers and Killian Hayes are

Pushed out of the rotation your roster that much better and those would be wins for me that would restore my belief in Troy Weaver and this Pistons Organization for you know going forward I would really love to see it um Bobby marks tweeted out that Marcus Sasser and

Assar Thompson should go to the g-league if the Pistons aren’t going to trade andc if the Pistons aren’t going to play them because it does them no good sitting on the bench and I couldn’t agree more with Bobby marks it would be really funny if the crew said no we’re

Winning basketball games we don’t want anybody from the Pistons but anyways it’s a disservice disaster having him sit on the bench when he has proven to be a player in this league he dude he can hit shots he hasn’t he can he compliments Cade we heard that from Monty Williams he’s a

Dog defensively he shoots great percentages from the free throw line and gets the to the free throw line he doesn’t do those things where he jumps in the air and then he tries to pass it off at the last second causing turnovers he’s a confident player but if you’re

Not going to give him minutes send him to the G League where he can get minutes continue to develop his game and be ready for when you’re ready to play him and then for assar I would love to see him play in the g- league and still play

For the Pistons let him get some two-way action let him because I think for his development I would love to see him in a role where he gets to be at the playmaker but playing him in the second unit does him no favors there’s no lanes for him

To drive there’s nobody that’s gonna hit him on the cuts there’s there’s just nothing there and he looks like a shell of his former self I know he had a better game tonight where he was looked like he was playing with a little bit of energy but he gets pulled so quickly now

And I want to see him continue to expand his game because he can be a very special player in this league but you are doing him a disservice by sitting him on the bench but what are your thoughts do you think that Marcus Sasser and assar Thompson should get some run

In the G League no okay MotorCity Cruz don’t need him and that might sound crazy if you’re watching this the MotorCity crws are a very deep team Xavier Simpson who went to the University of Michigan is like their lead guard you just had a buzzer beater uh come from behind win against the

Cleveland charge this past week they came back from 23 down and hit a buzzer beater with like I think two seconds to go they’re very deep at the point guard position position they’re very deep at the forward position with Stanley Amud and they have a guy I can’t think of his

Right his name right now but he used to be an NBA player that it’s a wing player they just don’t really I’m sure they would accept a Marcus saser they would accept an assar Thompson but I just don’t really think there’s a need for them to go down there because the crews

Are winning a lot of basketball games like they won so many basketball games in the first half of the season they made the winner showcase no one really talked about it man like they made the g-league winner showcase and obviously they didn’t win it but they made it they’ve won more

Basketball games over the last six months in the Pistons have if if you look at the numbers like they are a very good well- coached basketball team under I want to say it’s McMillan son I can’t think of his name right now I think it’s

Jamie or something like that oh why am I I blinking on the name too I want to say Ryan for some reason I don’t think it’s Ry Ryan McMillan I forget his name no I can’t remember his name I know it’s Nate son but are you talking David naaba the

Wing player yeah David nwaba dude he he plays he plays for the cruise he has for the past two years like they just don’t have room for players like an assar Thompson am mercus Sasser I think it would just kind of disturb the flow of

What they have going on right now I mean it is traded for a Golden State Warriors Center the other day they they’ve replaced uh Mike uh I can’t think of his name right now it’s gonna bug me Michael Porter Jr’s brother he got a two-way contract from the Raptors uh and they’ve

Traded for two centers over the last two weeks like they have depth at every position they’re a g-league team that’s probably going to have a deep playoff run because they’re just a really good basketball team at the G League level I just don’t think sending assar armar casser down there would do like

Obviously they would get playing time it would be good for them but I think this lead him on the bench I think assar is too valuable to send him to the g- league he did play a little bit tonight but I I think it’s just kind of tough

Love from Monte um because at times he does get out of control and I I think they’re just teaching moments Marcus sasra I don’t understand it I think you know at times he does get tunnel vision at times you know he doesn’t shoot it shoot at the best from the outside but

He’s still a guy that you invest a draft Capital to get and you’re not playing him he’s your third string maybe backup point guard if you want to categorize him as a point guard I’ve always told you I think he’s a combo guard yep but I

Just I don’t think there’s need for them on on this g-league team this g-league team is a really good g-league team they’re one of the better g-league teams um in their conference I think they were like first or second place through the first half of this g-league season man like they were a

Powerhouse yeah I’m not saying like just send assar and leave him there but I would like like you know I mean I because I do think it would be beneficial but I also get what you’re saying because the motor the Motor City Crews have been phenomenal this year

Like I feel like just going to as many games as I can I mean I feel like going to watch them more than I feel like watching the Pistons which just sounds crazy man my headphones are just like falling off it’s crazy but anyways um I still think it would be beneficial if

You could find room for them and allow their games to grow or let things get messy with the Thompson and let him be a playmaker on the bench unit it can’t be worse than playing kilan Hayes at the point guard guard you know it it can’t be worse than

That and I would love to see Marcus Sasser I think he’s earned it you know I wanted to see him make an all rookie second team because I really thought that was possible at the beginning of the year with the games he was having but again for some reason he’s just been

Pulled and he’s in the doghouse like I don’t think we’ve seen a minute from them in the last two games it just sucks I just don’t know what’s going on I don’t know if they’re showcas casing killing Hayes they’re trying to build up his confidence again but if you have to

Continue to do that year after year after year then why are you still holding on to the kid just let him go find greener pastures let him go to a team where he’s not going to be counted on like this anymore I just don’t understand the decisions this team just

Continues to make from a coaching standpoint and from a front office standpoint it just none of it just makes any sense man man Pistons fans are going to probably throw their phone at the wall in that wge notification Killian Hayes has signed for a three-year extension I don’t even want to talk

About that because I don’t think it’s GNA happen but God that would be crazy I uh I I had heard something recently and it would not surprise me if he’s back on this team next year not gonna say who it was from because told not to say anything but

Monty Williams likes killy and ha’s a lot he’s not Rubio I don’t get it this is what I I will defend Killian with Killian is the only player on this basketball team that actually plays 0. Five offense he’s the only player on this basketball team that makes a

Decision in a0 five offense and it’s so glaring when you watch him play because he’s always passing the ball he’s making quick decisions everyone on this basketball team does not make quick decisions the way Monty Williams wants them there like there was a play I don’t

Know if anyone caught it tonight m the play for Kade I think it was in the third maybe you know start of the fourth quarter and Kade just looked at him he’s like I’m GNA take a mid-range and pull up like he didn’t even pay attention to

Him and like Monty’s like waving at him um I think that’s why Monty likes Killian so much and I think that’s why he was he’s been getting so much playing time over guys like Sasser and Jaden Ivy to start the season it’s because mati really likes his ability to make quick

Decisions now obviously you know some of the passes he makes are just like insane but I I’ve told you before like offensively like it feels like five vers four out there like I I just won’t be surprised if we do get a w notification this Summer that you know he has signed an

Extension with the Pistons apparently they did offer him one this summer and he didn’t like the number oh my gosh dude when will this end and it feels like it’s three on five let’s just be honest when he’s out on the floor I I did want to tell you that like they

Did act I I had no idea someone had just told me this um recently that the Pistons did offer Killian Hayes in extension this past summer but they couldn’t come to an agreement oh my God I I don’t even know what to say that is that just ruined my

Night so monate Morris what was the podcast he was on real quick uh the hoop chat with Emily Austin okay so he M Morris was on the hoop chat and he told Draymond Green he believes assar Thompson will win multiple not one not two not three not for multiple defensive player of the

Years that is High Praise coming from Monte Morris right there about assar Thompson I don’t know when I don’t know if that was recorded recently or recorded when assar lit the league on fire at the very beginning of the year but again High Praise coming from Monte Morris I don’t know

I think it’s it’s hard for me to predict if he’s going to win multiple defensive player of the years dude it’s way too early in his career that would be cool that would be cool if he’s the next Detroit Piston to do it joining the likes of Ben Wallace and Dennis Rodman

Who each won multiple with a in a Detroit Pistons uniform that would be great I will say that I do believe assard Thompson will be a multiple time defensive all NBA defensive team member it’s just hard for me to say whether he’s going to be a multiple Defensive

Player of the Year winner though but what are your thoughts on that um this was recorded pretty recently it was recorded last week um and to answer your question I I think he could be just from what we’ve saw his rookie year um his ability to lock down SGA and

He he’s not a guy that a lot of people can figure out I mean SGA just posted a picture of a little uh poem against Anthony Edwards hitting the shut over him um I I still vividly remember him blocking Damen Lillard shot um I I remember him you know contesting Kevin

Durant shot and Kevin Durant said goddamn um his athletic ability to contest shots his ability to guard one through five I think is still valuable and for Monte Morris to tell a guy like Draymond Green who’s one defensive player of the year I mean Monte Morris has seen some really

Good basketball he’s been on some really good basketball teams um and even Draymond has praised him for his defense saying like you know I gotta up my game up because you know this rookie coming in here making me look like he’s embarrassing me I wouldn’t be surprised

If he’s going to win a defensive player of the year I don’t know about multiple though because you got guys like Victor wenyama and Jet hram yeah seems like I I look at some box scorers on some NBA pages I fall it’s like oh Victor wanyama had seven blocks tonight Chad hram had

Five blocks tonight I think it it would be really hard for him to win multiple but I could see him winning one because of voter fatigue down the line if he keeps up this level of Defense throughout his you know entire NBA career I think he’ll always be um an

Honorable mention uh you know for you know NBA Defensive teams or I don’t want to say honorable mention I I think he he will be be you know a first defensive team he he he’ll be in consideration uh with the national media to make these teams because that is something that I

Think a lot of Pistons fans when they watch him play they like dude like this kid’s a rookie and he’s locking down guys that have been in the league for over 10 years um his defensive ability is special there’s a lot of things that he does that you can’t teach um but man

If he develops his offensive game man it’s game over I’m sorry it’s game over he just does so much smart individual stuff on the court that you just can’t teach like I I’m just praying that he just develops into a two-way player like develop into a baby kaai or a Paul

George please man I need it I need it as a piston fandom I need just that Elite Wing we really haven’t had that like Elite wing god you could say like taan you could say like Grant Hill like we really haven’t had a lot lot of great

You know Elite Wings in my fandom anyways no taan Prince was Pro he was the best two-way the wing that we’ve had in my time of watching the Detroit Pistons I do I think it’s going to be tougher though to win these defense players not just because of Victor

Wenyama and Chad hram just because of the new crop of players that are coming up that have had to play defense against these type of offenses from when they were like in Middle School all the way through high school then now in college and now it’s coming to the NBA I think

We’re going to see a lot more maybe not to the level of an assar as a rookie but I think we’re going to see much better perimeter Defenders coming the next couple of draft classes just because they had to grow up playing against this style of basketball but assar Thompson

You are right he is very special I mean I’m gonna go on the limb and say he I don’t I can’t even say that if he’ll win one or not it’s just too hard to predict he is a very special player though and I think he’ll be in the running for a

Defensive player of the year but he’ll for sure make multiple all defensive teams in the NBA um what was the topic you wanted to talk about okay so with it being New Year’s Eve New Year’s Eve Eve I should say we’re gonna play a little game all

Right and you have to name three New Year’s resolutions for the Pistons I have to okay yeah yeah you go with your three and I’ll go with my three man way to put me on the bad right now um three New Year’s resolutions for the Pistons so are we basically saying

Things I want to see from the Pistons it could be anything it could be a trade it could be a rotation it could be anything that you want to see them get better at okay one would be bringing Isaiah Stewart Off the Bench to be the backup five two would be trading

For a 34 that could start alongside k Jaden Ivy and Duren and then three would be seen more minutes given to Marcus Sasser and assar Thompson I made it easy on myself those are my three resolutions or my three wish list for the Pistons okay so my wish list is getting a

Stretch for this deadline I like it now whether you get crazy and go for Lori marinin um you go for a lower tier guy get a stretch four um the second New Year’s resolution is I want Monty I want Monty Williams to not be as stubborn with his

Rotations down the stretch um I I want him to call a timeout before the lead is completely gone like so many times he’ll sub all bench unit it look it it feels like a hockey change sometimes it’s like you have a all bench unit and we have maybe

Like a six to eight point lead and the bench unit comes in and then it’s like a you know 10 to 12 point deficit when the starters come back in I I want M to be more flexible with his rotations and call a time out when maybe you know the

Lead is getting away from them a little bit that’s my second new resolution and my third and final one this one might be um little controversial no I I I wouldn’t say that um my third and final one would be um stop trying to make Deuce a thing God yes I hate

That I know that’s Kate Cunningham’s nickname but some people they’re like deuce is he talking about poop talking about like no like Duce is number two like just call him K like we already have a nickname for Kade like you know Kate icewood whatever like we don’t need

To throw deuce on there like I was literally watching and my mom came down the hall she’s like did he just say Deuce like I was like yeah Deuce like number two she’s just like oh I was just like like come on man like just call him Cade

And it doesn’t make things any better that his number is number two and his nickname is D in they’re trying to make D something thing dude it’s so like I I love Johnny Kane I I really do man um it’s just stop trying to make it a thing man it’s it’s

Not yeah and on basball reference they say His official nickname is motorcade yeah motor Cade’s way better than Deuce it is it’s way better um yeah but motorcade is tough to say in like a broadcast like ah motorcade driving down you know what I’m saying like we gotta

Give a really good nickname we gotta think of one I agree with you though and I want to I love I hate the Ben units I wish he wouldn’t do that that’s such a middle school way of coaching basketball like just G to it’s like a platoon thing

We’re just going to send five guys out there bring the other five if you’re not pressing the entire game there’s no oh I didn’t even know they called him motor thank you yeah I did hear that yes Brian scal you call a motorcade multiple times

He made fun of kilan Hayes a lot though during that broadcast too holy crap my guy the other guy I don’t know who the other broadcaster was for the Celtics but there was one moment where he was like he just kept saying ah over and

Over again after one play and I was just like dude I don’t I don’t know what’s better him or George blah this is incredible but Brian Scott BR he cracked me up but the bench unit thing clearing out the bench and putting Five Guys in

That needs to go like that is and dude give minutes to Marvin baggley I don’t know why we’re I know they I know Monty talked a little bit about why they were getting James wisman minutes they’re trying to get him in rhythm I just don’t I don’t understand that Marvin

Bagley’s so much better with Kate Cunningham on the floor like those two really have something and he gives you a great Lop threat so I don’t know what that is but I want to see more minutes for Marvin Bagley going into the new year yeah I think they’re trying to

Showcase wisman or whatever reason I mean he’s not an expiring deal you know maybe a playoff team or maybe a a lower tier team that’s looking for more Center depth wants to trade for him he’s in the final year of his rookie deal which is like 13 million because he was a second

Overall pick and I’ll probably never see that again um not not not in a year anyways might be over like a two to three year period but um yeah I don’t understand like not playing baggley because Bagley is one of your better scorers on this team which I don’t know

I felt like Bagley this year has really proven himself to get consistent rotation minutes but some maybe somewhat upstairs wants him to play more yeah because I mean he yeah that would make sense too but Bagley was playing with so much effort too even on the defensive

End he’ll never be a Lockdown Defender but he could be average where he doesn’t hurt you so much on the floor and that’s another thing that bothers me you know you’re doing everything the coach ask but then the coach still puts you in the dog house I don’t get it but maybe

You’re right maybe they are showcasing James wisman maybe Phoenix wants him or something or the Portland Trail players I don’t know but it’s just it’s just weird to see Marvin Begley sit there when he’s capable of helping this team out on the floor yeah

I mean I I’ve told you you know wisan is putting it together a little bit more he’s getting his confidence he hit a couple mid-range Shots tonight he blocked some shots he getting better it’s just he’s had such a rough roow to the NBA with injuries and getting drafted by

A team that just has expectations um that you know maybe his development hasn’t gone as smoothly as other players in his draft class because I I feel like when you play for the Golden State Warriors uh you’re not really GNA make a whole lot of mistakes

Out of out of the center position I mean you think of some of the great centers that they’ve had like bogot and you know David Lee even though he didn’t really play center but like they were you know veteran centers that just you know they set screens they played hard they

They they didn’t take a playoff and getting a guy like that that didn’t play a whole lot of college basketball and then you got to play behind guys like Draymond Green and others it probably wasn’t the best for his development but I think there is something there I I

Just think it’s going to take a couple of years just to untap um his potential and I just don’t know if it’s going to be in a Detroit Pistons uniform because I don’t know if they’re going to extend him this summer I don’t know if he’s

Going to be just a salary dump to try to get something at the deadline um this team needs a legitimate shot blocker Off the Bench when and durren hits the bench like Monty even hinted to it like I I have to play durren longer uh because I’m not comfortable with the backup five

Position right now you could be if you moved Isaiah Stewart to the backup five you’d be a lot better like yeah that makes no sense because if you’re not comfortable with who you have make a change to the starting lineup and bring the guy that is a

Center off the bench that can help you defensively in a pinch I seems simple enough do we have any uh Q&A questions we have a couple um this was from someone earlier in the podcast I don’t know if they’re still watching they said what can we get for Killian and

Bagley um just two extra roster spaces I don’t know um I’m not entirely sure what their value is um Killian I would probably say maybe a lower bench player in a second round pick I think what his value would be because I I think there are teams I

I’ve told you I think San Antonio would be a good fit for him I think Phoenix would be a good fit for him um I think there’s value for Killian Hayes but as a backup bench point guard at the end of the day uh for Marvin Bagley I’m not

Entirely sure I know he did sign a a $12 million contract a few years ago with the Pistons but uh if teams around the league are looking for a bench player that can get you a good you know 14 points eight rebounds a night I think

There’s value for him but I don’t really think you’re GNA get as much as you probably think you’re GNA get you probably get a bench player and maybe a second round pick at the end of the day yeah I trying I’m trying to look this up yes Utah they might need they

Could probably use a backup point guard Spurs could use a backup point guard Chicago Bulls even though kobby white has just been crazy New Orleans could probably use a backup point guard even though I know they got Dyson Daniels and kir is it Kira Kyo whatever Lewis I know

I don’t think he plays a lot and I know they play CJ mccolm a lot at point guard but you know just a bigger guard and then like I said earlier Phoenix Suns they could probably use another backup point guard because they go with pretty much Bradley Beal and Devin Booker but

I just think I’m I’m sure kilan does have trade value it’s just it’s not high right now and it’s probably I mean it could you could look at it two ways it’s I think it’s probably as low as it could possibly be but then again it was probably always

Low to begin with so it might even be the highest it is I just don’t know if a team actually trades anything of value for kiling A’s I mean I guess if you could get a second round pick for him I would take it but who knows

Yeah who knows honestly um we can do a few more of these questions because I actually do unfortunately have to work tomorrow morning which sucks um this is a question from case crack what Fringe moves would you look to do today um I would I’ll let you take it well I’m

Just thinking out loud where I would highlight players where maybe they’re not getting the most of their situations right now it doesn’t matter if they’re young or late 20s mid 20s whatever I would find players where they’re probably not in the best situation and take a chance on them and see what you

Could do especially at that four spot and then I would maybe look at for some lower here three and D guys or guys that could hit an outside shot maybe they’re on a one or twoyear deal and trade for them and just try to move some of these

Players that really are more of Fringe NBA players I would try to move them and get some guys that have had a few years in the NBA that could help out your team right now and get these guys used to teaching these guys had a win but I just

Don’t know what moves are really out there like there’s just so many holes on this team that that you’d have to do a lot before the trade deadline yeah I think you just kind of look at the market see if you can improve the forward position um because

I I like Isaiah livers I just don’t think he’s a rotational NBA player right now Kevin Knox looks good but I i’ kind of like to upgrade not to say that I don’t think he should be in the starting lineup I just think you should try to

See um what lower tier you know three and wings are out there um and if you can make a deal make a deal I I can’t really think of a player off the top of my head um but I have a feeling it’s going to be like Patrick Williams or something like

That uh I was just thinking too maybe someone like a Daniel house Jr for Philadelphia I don’t think he’s playing a ton with them but that’s a guy that career 36% shooter hitting 38% of them this year I don’t know if he’s heard or

Not but he’s like a he can play two or three you know decent size at 6’6 and 220 bounds good athlete bounced around the league of ton that’s like a fringe m a fringe move I think you could make where he would be an upgrade at some of

These positions for the Pistons than what they currently have yeah I mean we’ll see I I just I don’t know how active we’re going to be during the dead line we could make no trades and then we can kind of mock that you know Tom Gore is um we require we uh

We require change quote all day and we don’t do anything um maybe change they mean by calendar like new year new me I don’t know uh this is from Chris uh what moves do you want to see Troy Weaver make this season look respectable um try to get a stretch four

Try to get a legitimate stretch four I’ve mentioned Lori Marin in but I don’t know how realistic that is for the Pistons it sounds like the Jazz want a hall see Lori marinin seems like he’s going to be a OKC Thunder player at the end of the trading deadline because they

Have the draft picks that Danny age wants maybe his price will you know lower as we get closer to that February deadline but to me I just I just think get try to get a stretch for at least yeah I’ve been mentioning his name these past few

Weeks PJ Washington like I I really don’t know what his future is he’s available January 15th I believe for trade so someone like that um if the Toronto Raptors are trying to clear cap space and just trying to go all in on a youth movement I’d probably answer the

Phone and see you see if there’s a trade to be made for G Tren Jr I’ve mentioned his name earlier on this podcast um looking at some of these guys that are I would be looking for guys that are GNA be making that are on one-year deals

That are kind of in proven mode so they can get another contract with another team yeah so I’m just looking at guys like that like Daniel house Jr that’s a guy I just mentioned I like him um yeah maybe Justin holiday too for Denver he’s 35 years old but a guy he’s

Played some winning basketball over his life yeah maybe even bringing like a javil McGee to be the backup I just don’t know I don’t even know how many people want to play in Detroit though but I would just start making minor moves and yeah that’s kind of yeah it’s

Hard to be specific with this team because I don’t even know if anybody really wants to trade for Detroit I know that not to change your subject but I’m uh I was scrolling on Twitter and I want to give a shout out to zark he went to go place an order on

Wingstop and use the code pistons and he got a error message from their app oh so maybe too many people are using the app no free Wings Wing Stop can’t afford it they probably they were probably so casual about it like a this will never happen oh my god dude that is hilarious

I feel bad for Pistons fans but that’s funny yeah I was gonna try getting some tomorrow man that that’s hilarious oh my gosh that’s oh man poor Pistons fans I just want their wings um if you want to tell the people where they can find the podcast uh where

They can follow us um you can go on and do that I know we’ve been getting a lot I shouldn’t say a lot we’ve been getting a little bit more Spotify reviews lately I’ve noticed yeah no yeah we for sure have thank you guys for listening to the

Pistons Talk podcast do us a favor go to Google Apple Spotify or wherever you listen to podcast And subscribe after you subscribe leave a review drop rating vote in our polls and more importantly tell a Pistons fan peace guys

This week on The Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony and Lance talk about the latest Detroit Pistons news and rumors of the week.

#detroitpistons #detroitbasketball #nba


  1. We ain’t getting none of these guys mentioned because this current NBA has no problem overpaying anyone and whatever the pistons can offer another team can match and have a better overall chance of success and the players will likely take the overall best opportunity. The organization needs to take a look some veteran free agents and overseas and even some players that aren’t in the league trying to get back in just to build their bench and have players that can help mentor the younger players and offer consistency when the starters sit down and keep the bag ready for the right 5th starter

  2. This summer is crucial for Troy's time in Detroit, get rid of Wiseman, Haynes, Livers, move Bojan, Harris & possibly Burks. Sign some guys that can actually shoot and stay healthy. Get a vet big that can mentor Duren. Tom has to let the people he hired to make basketball decisions make the basketball decisions. He got what he wanted with Blake. I honeslty haven't seen a thing from Livers that warrents him having a spot on this team. He's almost as bad as Killian. Im sick of this immature fan base always bitching about things, treating players like Drummond like shit, booing him when he did nothin wrong at all. Monte Morris needs to get on the floor immediately. I like the kid Stanley Umude and think if we get rid of trash like Wiseman, Haynes, Livers, Harris he could get some playing time.

  3. Need to surround Cade with shooters and defense! Would like to get Miles Bridges dude is only gettng better. Bogey has got to go! He give up more points on defense other teams target him every time

  4. Troy weaver whiffed in 2020 draft with killian over Hali and maxey and also 2022 draft with Ivey over B Math, S Sharpe and Jalen Williams imo.

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