@Golden State Warriors

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks Full Game Highlights| Dec. 30 | NBA Highlights 2023

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks Full Game Highlights| Dec. 30 | NBA Highlights 2023

Steph Curry Chris Paul Klay Thompson Jonathan kaminga and the first NBA start for Trace Jackson Davis and the L isly exed fast start is this fast enough for you watch Steph Curry at the end of this set that screen on lively Lively doesn’t know what hit him those bone crushing

Back screens John Stockton has usually work made donic hesitate I’ll be asking you all game but but how do you deal with Luca as he drives in there over clay Lively [Applause] Jones is a Dunk champ and you see him soar in for the two-hander he is so bouncy but you got

More alert more intense defensively bage gets Trace Jackson Davis on a switch that step back three and you set top kaminga is being guarded by donic yeah that might be somewhere to explore Steph gets Luke on the switch Curry tough turn for the [Applause] Rebound back door hello Jacks Davis staff with the step back in that three out but you asked a rhetorical question and I think Steve c will go to at some point as warri looking for stepen said it’s Looney put it up and in all the action

Go with him donic missing that three but kaminga challenged but didn’t jump at him and now kaminga is going to jump and lay it up and in with kaminga coming at you donic backing down Chris Paul there’s your double team EX in that three the game Hardway

Junr at 30 against Minnesota you have to deal with him green show and go knocking off the mid-range defensive possessions where he made the offensive player take a tough shot of course he’s got the vision he’s going to throw it ahead getting back on defense set that’s the [Applause] Second first quarters have been a problem for the Warriors roll to the basket respect what he’s doing fire it over there let Wiggins knock one down step back loves that left wing and I mean work jsky got hung up in the air Wiggins is the escape Bou Andrew flipping it up

And in say your time going to keep running the same action that time St did a good job with Luca clay side step three in the size up psky get going with that big step outway Junior from the elbow and he will pick Same thing on a screen D to T Center catch and shoot and green I bet they set a ball screen oh wait they just did Luca gets step on a switch and then steps back for a three we’ve seen on offense maybe they make a mistake they’re not a high turnover team

You got to do something to make can turn it over B inside and nicely got at home 20 you like the up and down I told you the MS are playing much faster you see how they throw it ahead as kjy misses a three theard is there there’s a standing

Ovation Final 5 Seconds of the quarter do missing that three so the Warriors defense picked up the jsky threw it long dinga no double coming JK going to work he’ll put it up and in I love the patience there left wing three kaming high for that rebound another opportunity Chris Paul

From deep and he got it they are using their Lively dribble hand off to Jaden Hardy and then kaminga coming up with the steel push ahead psky Klay running the floor and threw it away is Dario’s a 38% three-point shooter he’s at two warm-up threes miss both get shoot XO

Rebound and he wanted some contact there and didn’t get it exm speeding into the front Court Grant Williams of Trail three then beat up to real estate get a little closer if you can shoot a mid-range jumper floater do something else Hardy lasering that home the glass

It’s a great CB and he ran into Andrew Wiggins D exm is just a oneman fast break he’s decisive he can’t be getting out worked while you’re missing shots hurry with a cross over step three got it that was nice XS him again there’s another stop JY running it right back putting it up and iny another rebound br’s already got

Five PS Off the Bench a rebounding guard or small forward hurry three piing up your intensity defensively and of course gp2 is in the game that helps you defensively op again create some contact flip it in and it’s already got five PS Off the Bench a rebounding guard or small forward hurry

Three there he goes picking up your intensity defensively and of course gp2 is in the game that helps you defensively Ops again create some contact flip it in donic has it again there’s the ball screen again this time two men stay with him liely kick out to Josh green and

Green with the double teams a little bit pocket Seven on the back down and then back your way down it’s pretty good recognition just use your power crab dribble in there that is so well done teams want to get up and down wiam very good Off the Bench he’s got 10 little Zone look for the dobs Lively

See Lively getting it to donic two men jump at him hard away ex beat the shot clock the free throw he had to be able to comat that poor shooting by going inside LA but over he had to make a second effort a second stab at donic donic is too tricky

As soon as he sees his big get behind your big it’s a two for one to end the half here and Wiggins on the [Applause] Baseline doic with the skip pass and then Wiggins with a steel Chris Paul down to five at three exm played good de Chris Paul from the

Baseline right at the shot clock buzzer Chris Paul and Jonathan kaminga same F that started the game M little tornado move and right to the rim speaking of points in the p double figure scoring he’s had 12 straight games in double figures now sometimes you got to get creative

Offensively exom on a show and go and Dante exm right to to the rim he’s a te you’ve cut it in Half to the rim see that was like a stagger screen but that’s tested and didn’t foul Curry step wanted some contact on didn’t get Nick enough keeping it alive but he stepped out of bounds on the Baseline Bic it’s Trace Jackson Davis on a switch Trace moves his feet well can’t play him

Any better than that but as is not going to change that up at all step CL are four for 19 right now that four for 20 respect he’s always going to have I mean if Stephen Clay just becomes Stephen Clay you’re going to be okay in this

Game Lively putting it up and in three guys up there with him Luca to the Elbow okay you can’t you can’t let him keep going up against single coverage it’s just Lively rolling and kaminga came to help down 14 and times a wasted step with his feet set there you

Go dropping it off to exom healing in the lane Trace played him very well but that is great Feet Work MinGa out to Chris Paul for an open three got that’s Bic there’s Jackson Davis switching on to him again and another three he’s shoot just does not happen

With Stephen Clay that way in a tandem for multiple games they’re both capable of working themselves into game somehow lukach has just come it’s kind of nice had a lot of great swag Warriors here Wiggins hitting both free throws down that he’ll just throw it ahead you’re not ready to defend St

Finding for jsky and Looney rebounding that to put it up an in over and over and over stap with the step back three got it a little more than just attack the other guys in the white jerseys do something besides him jsky steps into a three got it cour

Just makes him do something different don’t forget Dallas blew a 20-point lead at home to Cleveland they’ll let you back in it Hardway Jun hitting a three they shoot Aon staying with donic got him oh he leaned in 35 ticks left in the third looking for clay on the dribble hand off back to Dario the jsky catch and twoo three those are the a 4 second game shot clock difference winding down this third Josh green has been incredible

Tonight with 16 points driving and flipping it up and and he the clock doesn’t start till now when he picked it Up jsky on donic step back again Bron gets back to back help or is there a scrappy team and they stopped turn the ball over donic will begin the fourth on the bench Tim Hardway Jr hitting the jumper perent as a team it’s not layups and dunks it is

Jumpers Thompson is one of 10 Derek Jones necks him finally Maverick missed a jump shot Trace Jackson Davis stepped out and contested perfectly Char three Lively holding up top with a shot clock at seven Hardway junr show and go little mid-range P two Defenders jump at him Char Grace Jackson Davis banging

Bumping his way in he had one def Steph Leading The Way with [Applause] 19 exom put this and that finish so much more decid now when they blew the 20-point lead to Cleveland they went through a stretch where they went three of 22 on threes they kept launching

Threes and they hit a cold spell that one he saw it Curry running the floor Wiggins with the show and go the skip pass to step for three think the MS have only played in three games AED by three or less daic inside to Derek Jones they just beat the

Shot clock buzzer Ser two men are on Curry really the whole game clock at n s jski drop it to trace Jackson Davis to lay it in Defender shot clock at Five out of the corner Jones and the Warriors miss a layup on one end give up a layup on the other back down nine slows his body down Steph reversing it up and out steps Out MinGa triple got it first three of the night fall asleep and then he just brings into action kaminga will take a turn kaminga stays with them they don’t switch it do Fade Away got it anying divide by Lively three and dropped in cut it to six and go two men stay with Steph that’s how you have to make him get it out of Don’s hand XOM flipping it up and out but twip how the rebound rash green is human finally missed to two tried to watch one of

Those need to trust the force here down the stretch and they going to see behind the back man how good is that loudly never saw waiting for curry Chris Paul warm up three got Jones with the big step Hardway Jun nice catch shot clock at seven and every

Role player play in the trail position Tonight hereis Paul another three Chris Paul’s five of eight for the double he say yeah let’s not let him beat us again Hard Away with a shot clock at five x him down the lane right to the rim tough losses to Miami who just thoroughly outplayed the dubs

Tonight it wasn’t like the warriors were terrible were just amaz

Golden State Warriors vs Dallas Mavericks Full Game Highlights| Dec. 30 | NBA Highlights 2023

1 Comment

  1. Rc te hackearon el canal?o que esta pasando?cambiaste de la nohe a la mañana?me llevo haciendo esta pregunta desde que cambiaste

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