@Washington Wizards

Golden State Warriors vs Washington Wizards Live NBA Live Stream

Golden State Warriors vs Washington Wizards Live NBA Live Stream

Were underway Wizards going at the North basket here at Chase kzo takes a pass from abdia gets it back to ABIA down low left wants to work on Klay toson shot clock of 10 over the pool off a series of screens the jumper open Easy for

Jordan p and he knocks down a deep two and the Wizards are on the board that looked like a very Warriors likee first play it was yeah little misdirection ball movements Looney to Klay Thompson off a pin down by Curry the shots wide right and a good box out by P leaves the

Rebound for Jones Jones in the front Court hesitates Drives By Curry lob inside Gafford with the catch in the dunk that was a really nice job by Jones just draw the defense to him and he knew he had Gafford on the backside so the Wizards with the first couple of buckets

Here’s Klay Thompson Palm fake shoots a contested to it’s an airball grabbed by py thrown out to midcourt nicely to Curry back to psky he’ll drive goes inside the left hand hook misses wide right we get a foul in low okay it’s on Looney I’m calling it all right call I’m

Calling the hooks that’s it you can’t draw Iron calling it I love the kid that’s [Laughter] enough he has met the tobert criteria Wizards have it kba left sideline again dumped it down to OB mid post left side finds P same play Jumper over psky too strong rebound kaminga kaminga will take

It up himself Warriors look for early offense here comes psky off a screen by Looney catches TA of the key flipped it to curry curry steps to the right between Defenders shoots a three off the dribble that’s an air ball kozma comes up with it kman the other way with 1025

To go in the first quarter abdia catches works on psky back to up and now drives middle throws over to gaffer rotates out to kma kma comes left spins back right off the pck kma in the paint lob to Gafford and he’ll lay it up and missed

It it rolled around the cylinder no good Looney pulls down the rebound a break for the dubs Curry lobbed it to kiga he’ll drive quickly on pool backs him up underneath the hoop little bully ball and he laid it in low right yeah just too big for him there and Gafford little

Late getting over they could to exploit that all night they get that match up Jordan P Left Side Up and Under with a scoop shot on the rib won’t go Looney ripped the rebound away from Gafford finds Curry Warriors going right to left on your radio do Curry chest pass to kaminga in

Front of the Wizards bench he’ll dribble it back up top Waits looking weak side for something nothing happening ball goes to psky middle of the floor waits for curry curls off the screen Curry down the lane stops doubled shoots over Kua no good 4 two wizards and Kua with a

Rebound and the dribble gets a drag screen from Gafford up top gets it to the paint shoots the floater on the go on the rim and softly drop through kosman is so much taller than you think he is oh yeah like he’s got a lot of

Skill but he’s a legit 69ine maybe even close to 6’10 here’s Thompson Thompson off a screen shoots he misses in the rebound to kman Golden State is one of their first seven kman to tyus Jones really smart pickup by the Wizards in the off season Jones Gafford posting

Up Thompson drives and scores right over the top of him and it’s an 8-2 start for the visitors from Washington who won last night up in Portland almost gave away a big lead but hung on to it at the end psky mid post right side finds Curry

Off a looney screen Curry for three that’s good and the Warriors get the bucket they were looking for to get Curry started yeah Jones called that one out he knew it was coming just didn’t get the help he wanted P fakes from 27 drives up psky

Left hand Runner over over Lumi and it’s a dunk by Gafford but should padus blew the whistle and the foul is before the dunk or was It like P kind of went down on that play P will shoot two guy is really upset is Gafford he had a a dunk he’s like whoa rebound and a dunk yeah killing my stat sheet P hits the first to make it nine to five and hits the second and the Wizards

Have doubled up on the Warriors Looney picks up his second foul by the way on that play Curry off a Scream by kaminga bounce Binga slashes to the rib and scores a two hand slam love that yeah attack back this is not a great defensive team 29th in the league

Defensively kman doubl to gaford down to Jones Jones off the pick shoots a float around the way it’s up and good tough angle nice shot that was a really nice little push shot and guards do that so they can get it off before the big guys can come over in challenge their shots

127 Wizards Curry relocates gets a hand off from Looney has Jones on his hip shoots a one-hander playful shot no good kma the rebound Curry one of five kma stops and Pops a three straight on it’s up a good timeout Steve cerr has seen enough 15-7 Washington 733 to go first

Quarter we’ll take the break on the 957 the game Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines when something happens to your car you might say No but what you really need to say is something that can actually help like a good neighbor State Farm is there and just like that State Farm is there to help you file your claim right on the State Farm mobile app so just remember like a good neighbor State Farm is there

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Go to this exclusive address radi that’s radio for your free online visit AIO dub Nation this is Chris Paul you are listening to the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines 15-7 Washington 7:33 to go in the first course we look down for the door Dash Brad cast

Booth Wizards are six and N Warriors are 3 for 10 remember everybody hit that like button hit that subscribe button tonight are with your holiday war warriors VX or send me an email Tim Roy at warriors. it’s t i m r o y e I’m done you done cuz I never started

N we finally did the sensible thing everybody decided no gifts this year nice we all bought gifts for the little one okay so I went online I got her like five things found five little cool things for foury olds and called it a day caurus among them I’m I’m sure oh

Yeah big time curry curry with the handle over to Klay Thompson Thompson goes Baseline cruising his pass batted out of bounds by P intended for psky saved five that left the floor for Steve Kerr and ditto for West unel Jr I’m teaching her how to say what are we

Doing you do yeah that’s right W with with your inflection or the Bill Walton inflection oh what are they doing yeah I think the first phrase my son had was well that’s not good for Golden State they’re the best well she’s three and a half should be four in February

That’s some of the stuff that comes out of her mouth I can’t believe that what’ you just say exactly yeah yeah it’s like you you’re said there shocked cuz you’ve never heard them say that before it’s like oh Chris Paul’s just checked in Wheels to the middle and

Scores time and I go down memory lane as c yeah just realized if you say it they will say it at some point yeah I got in trouble that when I was a little kid oh bet you did oh my my dad had colorful adjectives and adverbs

Pull the ball high post to Gafford Gafford flipped a high pass for kman knocked away stolen by kaminga foot race drives in flies in from layup Bo he is so difficult to stop in the open court he just Glides yes he does OB Wheels it out to Cruz with

Corner three it’s no good Jackson Davis also on the floor he pulls down the rebound shov the Paul Jackson Davis hunting a screen for curry couldn’t get it set ball goes to kaminga instead now kaminga will use a screen Thompson pulls up 17 on the pass from kaminga no good Gafford will clear

It tus Jones right right side to kman working on Chris Paul cut off Paul who would have been a wizard as kosman comes middle shoots off balance good and draws a foul just too much size yep I mean kman is very skilled can shoot it can

Handle the ball so he didn’t feel any threat from Paul he could knew he could handle the ball get around him once he did just rose up over him so it’s going to be an add one attempt here for kma he and Paul got their arms locked there and so now

KOA at the stripe lets it fly the missed it and the rebound pulled down by [Applause] kaminga here is Paul waiting coming middle pass over to curry curry dribble Drive throws it back to Paul Paul down the lane to the rim throws out and send to kuminga up top to

Tops it for three good kaminga with the extra pass 174 Wizards lead by three Gafford on the far side gets it to Jones he’ll try to penetrate now on the drive kabali goes inside that’s knocked away it goes out of bounds as we get our F first look at

Belal hulali out of France rookie seventh pick of the draft a teammate of wanyama in France and it looks really good now a jumper by kzo off the inbound so good tipped out by tus Jones ABIA dribble drive on Thompson scooped to the hoop too Jackson Davis clears the

Rebound forward hand off the Paul the Thompson drives in flipped it up left hand up good ab was trying to catch up but could not onepoint lead for Washington and the the Warriors get their transition game going tyus Jones lobed to Gafford took the hit from Jackson Davis midair and a

Foul call Derek Richardson with the call much to the dismay of the partisan crowd here at Chase Center OH Trace Jackson Trace Jackson Davis Trace Jackson D whatever so I just go tjd yes uh he recognized it he just could not get back there quite in time and I think his

Momentum yeah I mean that’s a foul yeah it is foul of course it’s a foul people complaining about I mean his momentum took him right into him just because he didn’t hit him with his arm didn’t mean he didn’t hit him Cory kissper checks in for Washington and Char and moody come in

Kaminga and Thompson to sit so it’s charage playing at the four here with Jackson Davis the five Ludy the three in the back court of Curry and Paul Daniel Gafford played in Arkansas didn’t that play for Eric muselman he was there the year before under Mike Anderson among his teammates there was

Isaiah Joe the shooter from Oklahoma City he can shoot free throws good 1916 Washington Curry from Paul Curry great no look to shich for a beautiful reverse layup in side oh that was that was beautiful basketball and just que knew he was going to go there before he ever

Caught the ball Jones hesitation move gets down of the pain he scores Warriors need to tighten up the defense a little bit on those drives Wizards have gotten to the paint with abandon here way too much penetration Paul finds curry curry doubled back to Paul drives on Jones

Stops to the broken Circle and hits the bucket little Fade Away looks like a layup for Chris Paul loves those shots kma driving hook pass out to Cory kissper run off the line by sh takes it to the rim and scores again from the far sideline to the rim

And nobody stopped it Curry stops he’ll fire away in transition shot up in no good and the rebound pulled down by kzwa Kua waiting spinning goes up over shich no good Jackson Davis the rebound the tempo of the game that of the tenure of the game right now favoring

Washington Curry flipped it in the corner shich there for three no good and the rebound to kman wizards lead by three kman High steps it plows over Moody it’s got to be an offensive I mean not only run right through him he did the hesitation step

To draw draw attention to it and then lowered his shoulder bam of course what we’ve seen with block charge occasionally you never know and that it is a tough call oh it’s a really but that wasn’t that tough no that was anytime you lower the shoulder and you hesitated to give him

Time to set up too yeah exactly Mike mascala checks in for Washington as Chris Paul dribbles to The Far Side TA of the key right side line to shich left hand dribble middle crossover falls down flipped it out to Paul Paul gets up shot clock at five

Waits for Jackson Davis pick and roll and Paul circles Fade Away over kma from 20 airball it and it’s out of bounds good defense by KOA a shs crossed himself over he did he did unfortunately kma will sit down Landry Shaman another good shooter six-year Pro out of wit it’s on

State Mike MCA of course he’s now in his 11th year he’s a bison from Bucknell far wi pool driving on Paul floats up a runner no good off the glass shot’s the rebound takes it up the floor waits to The Far Side chased by P ball

Goes to Moody the Paul Paul takes a three left sideline no good rebound Jackson Davis outside to curry curry backs up likes his matchup wizard show a lot of help Curry steep back off the dribble three no good rebound Jackson Davis had it knocked away laali with it I think Casper he’ll fire

Away straight on oh that’s way too hard off the glass this thing is ragged right now back and forth ugly 2320 Washington Curry has the ball Waits on the far side this can’t be what Washington wants checked by mcalla Curry driving on mcalla lob inside Jackson Davis with a

Flush right at The Rim Curry the assist at the one-point game surprise teams just let big guys stay out up there on step instead of running somebody at him P to the near Wing P has it for the red clad wizard steps and shoots over Curry it’s a back

Rim Miss Long rebound deflected Paul has it P has started one of his first five shots Paul finds the trailer it’s moody moody above the break three no good bounces right in the rebound to mcalla Warriors are two of 10 Beyond The Arc tonight shamut Wheels to the pain throws

Over rali kper driving shoots over Paul bank shot from four no good no foul it’s going to be out Golden State when we come back 98 seconds to go in the first quarter and the Wizards lead by 12322 on the 957 of the game Warriors radio network presented by United

Airlines when something happens to your kitchen you might say this is ludicrous but that won’t fix your home that will only get you the rapper ludicrous having Trouble Don’t Panic don’t be alarmed you need to file a claim holl at State Farm like a good neighbor State Farm is there

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That’s Eastbay lawac this is Steve Kerr you are listening to the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines here at Chase Center 232 two Washington on top by one among uh those in attendance tonight we’re told that Mookie Betts is back here again as well as pal

Gou yeah okay look we’ve had enough of Muki all right we don’t we we need any Dodgers in here next week or so two weeks they made enough headlines here you know is crazy you better go win it now yeah no excuses Warriors over the limit that foul on

Chris Paul by the way was his second we asked our Twitter X question are you done with your holiday shopping Matt says I finished yesterday Pete say just left the store it’s now done and Andre says he’s done except for the Tim and Tom bobblehead yeah when are we getting that

I don’t know where’s Ritter at the bobblehead it’s got It’s got to have it’s got to it’s got to be uh an audio bobblehead though it has to be well I don’t even know what I’d say oh we’d come up some I know we come up we got all kinds of stuff for

You 2522 as Curry Kasper hit both free throws former Gonzaga bulldog shich with a catch with the defensive three and it’s on mcalla who was right in front of the official sc’s got these long white socks on tonight G grab to the knee got a red

Stripe in the back yeah those are it looks like he bought his socks and shoes at big five like right before the game as always Tom TT’s opinions who no not part of the Golden State Warriors over this radio broadcast or station on the radio network free throw good on

The on the technical 2522 Chris Paul drives into mcow who’s called for a block that’s going to be the fourth team foul actually first of the last two minutes for the Wizards well kabali has been very aggressive defensively out on the perimeter yeah he you know he’s looked

Good defensively all year long here’s shich driving it deep goes up over kper no good Jam home Jackson Davis just came right down the lane and a twoand slam that’s what it happens when you go to the hole and draw help big guys have rebounding Lanes 25 24 Washington Lali

Gets it to Landry Shaman Hill fire it’s short rebound run down by Jackson Davis that’s his sixth Rebound in the quarter Moody to psky Jackson Davis comes over rookie pick and roll over to shich pass inside to Moody a beauty and he lays it in right at the cup assist shich it’s a

One-point Warrior lead wow just Whi that thing with his left hand right on the money P stops the foul line moody right there mcalla catches and launches that’s though good P jsky the rebound pky black headband stops in the near sideline guarded by shamut ball knocked away psky

Picks it up gets a live dribble as a result takes it to the logo Scream by shards passing the corner to Paul Paul floats it into Char he’s in traffic in trouble shot goes up he got fouled on the floor either way he’s shooting free throws with

15.9 to go in the quarter the size of the Warriors given the Wizards fits right now who aside from a schola who’s you know good 610 611 but he’s not really an interior Defender yeah kabali kisber shamut and Jordan P that I mean that’s the way to go I me

Just keep pounding them inside Char barries a free throw the the interesting thing about this lineup too Tom that they they’re they’re working right now is I think it’s going to help shich on the defensive end not having to play the five yeah although there are going to be some

Fours yes they could put the ball on the ground and hit from the perimeter but in this lineup yeah he can guard kabali shich hits both free throws six nothing burst for Golden State in about a minute of court time they lead by three 28-25 p doubled to shamut shamut

Bounce pass inside kulali up over Jackson Davis can’t get it to fall Joseph at the rebound 1 second psky back court good if it goes it’s short and the quarter end so a late Warrior rally has given them a three-point lead we’re done with one here start of the backto back

Three games in less than four nights for the Warriors starts tonight they lead the Washington Wizards on the 957 game Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines anytime the Warriors take the court dub Nation knows that winning is in the cards just like a Cash Creek Casino

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Thompson you are listening to the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines 28-25 Warriors leave by three at the end of one as we look down for the door Dash broadcast Booth Warriors and wizards getting ready for second quarter Action Jackson Davis six rebounds in seven minutes four points

And plus 11 joining Chris Paul in that category Wizards come in three and 14 on the road so three of the their five wins have been away from home 29th and defensive rating coming in 21.34% so Jordan p on Knights can really get you shamama can shoot so they have guys that can make shots but I mean all the pressure is on shot making for them because they don’t do anything else all that well pamy Paul kaminga Thompson and shich starting the second quarter wash

Going with Jordan P along with mcalla Casper kabali and Sham it same five that left the floor ending the first Paul with the ball left elbow looking inside and kaminga with a layup but he’s called for a wraparound and an offensive foul on Jordan pool wrapped around pool and got position

Yeah really all he needed to do is get that arm up there and just bar it yeah and have him try to work his way around it he could have pinned him on his back our associate producer James G Kade is the expert on the arm bar he is his

Other job kesper dribbles on tops good Palm fake underhand scoop almost like a layup for him a nice move and the warrior lead down to one Chris Paul pounding the dribble gets it over psky right where it says Chase Center on the far side flipped it back to char middle

Crossover dribble down the lane over mscaa finger rolled it up and in off the glass I feel like he thinks he can take him whenever he wants to and he wanted to get that crossover back after falling down the last one he I’m got to get this

Move down here Jordan P step back shoots over sh CL sideline short rebound psky H it over to Paul Paul in transition stops feed sh plays catch gets the ball back now he’ll find kaminga on the right sideline kaminga shoots a three it hits it took his time

And nailed it Warriors double up their advantage hit now 33-27 kaminga yet to miss a shot in four tries and most of them been right at The Rim that time he stepped out lined it up laced it P to mcalla mcalla two dribbles back to pull on the near wi rip the ball

Through it’s out of bounds off Thompson and Washington maintains possession 10:30 to go first half by the way Joyce checked in on email timroy at says their shopping is done but haven’t sent out any cards yet there’s always New Year’s cards right I think so Jo I think so kper catches with

Four on the clock and buries about a third 30-footer straight on Wow shot that with confidence he did 3330 Golden State on top Chris Paul with a little half-hearted screen attempt by sh ball goes to psky on the near side he’ll bring it back up top charrett with

A dribble hand off to kaminga beond the arc fakes dribbles in all the way to the cup and he banked it in had Casper on his hip yeah just so much more physical dominant than the guys that are guarding him got a whistle what do we got here Scala offensive foul legal

Screen might be the latest in the game that an illegal screen call on the opponent where the Warriors have yet to be called for one good point 948 to go second quarter Klay Thompson on the drive throws a moonball for bsky stolen by p p goes all the way in and lays it

It with the right hand psky will take it back quickly to the front Court Warriors up 3532 shich with the dribble on pool takes him to the paint doubl back out to psky pump big puts it on the deck sees two dribbles away from that draws a

Crowd out to char he’ll fire away for three no good psky got a fingertip on it but if Ricky shade hulali has it Full Steam down the lane left hand misses the basket and the rebound to Paul Tom Tober can’t bear to look Kinga puts it on the

Deck he drives in gets fouled and root to the hoop and that will stop the madness [Applause] momentarily I mean I love guys will go like 100 miles an hour take it to the rim there’ll be three guys down there and you almost get the feeling hey I’m

In the open court I got the ball going to shoot it I just going to figure out how I’m going to shoot it never occurred to it might not be a great shot they’re just going to get a shot up that the quarterback that drops back

And the guy runs deep and he’s like oh it’s a deep patter I’m going to throw it the three guys guys down there though I don’t care I’m throwing it it’s a deep ball it’s my chance to air it out times the Dan Marino you know he had

The confidence to do that yeah and then if they didn’t catch you he’ just yell at [Applause] him 3732 Warriors up after the free throws P gets undercut by psky psky might have thought he kicked his leg out a little bit but Jordan goes to the free throw line

Saw Jordan P he’s got a little craftiness to his game he’s going to get three shots here the dagger three by Steph Curry the other night not a huge surprise to the head coach nothing shocks me with Steph I mean that shot um was insane um The

Catch and shoot the arc but I fully expected it to go in and I think all of our fans did too um guy’s magical he just you can’t explain it um that’s just the kind of stuff he does Soo missed the first made the second and made the third 3734 Warriors wearing black

Jerseys with gold trim Char dribbles it up on the deck hand off Thompson dribbles in throw out psky open launches buries a three Klay Thompson making plays happen and it’s 40-34 psky with his first bucket of the night drive draw Kick bucket whoa pull from about 30 heat check no good rebound

Goes to Chris Paul Paul timeline L kiga catches goes up B lays it in got fouled again that’s just throw it up you’re the better athlete go get it and he wouldn’t got it over kissper kissper didn’t even jump there just nobody on the court right now that can

Match his athleticism 4234 Warriors Wizards call time we’ll take the break on the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines 15 years ago pg& launched power pathway an education and job training program developed to increase the number of skilled workers in the energy industry since then 85% of the graduates

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Positively impact youth organizations in the Bay Area go to warriors. auction to bid 4234 time during the time I I looked at the shot chart for Jonathan kaminga tonight five shots all right around the rim and 1 three yep that’s where you want to see him y that’s where you want to see

And the defense has been much better too they haven’t gotten to the Lane in a in a while and that really hurt him early on this is only the sixth game The Warriors have played this year against a team that’s below 500 curry curry back on the hardwood now

For Golden State they lead by nine after kinga’s free throw makes it 4334 Shaman’s pass knocked out of bounds by kaminga he saved it and kesper was right there to lay it in it was unlucky Unlucky One of the ageold tenants has never saved the ball

Your own basket but he was away from the basket so and it’s hard sometimes in the middle of the action it is now Char bad pass off the hand of Curry kulali has it goes in and flush it with the right [Applause] handali talented young player for

Washington he is a keeper 4338 Warrior had a lead a moment ago it’s down down to five up to nine called to Thompson Thompson penetrates to kaminga he’s open takes a dribble has all day missed the three rebound cleared away and by mcalla and Jordan P will

Take in the front Court shovel the hand off Casper who’s had a hot second quarter missed it and the rebound cradled by curry curry will move across mid Court dangerous pass to kiga throws it over to shot’s right sideline to psky he’s open fired and missed it rebound

Thompson had it it was off his fingertips and goes out of bounds he timed that perfectly he’s thinking how in the world did I let that one get away then the ABIA comes back in for Washington Gafford returns Jackson Davis in shich out Moody is back in joining psky kaminga and

Curry clay sitting down [Applause] ball up top off a screen AIA down the lane to the rim layup good and Steve cerr is incensed at that timeout 4340 six straight for the Wizards we’ll take the break on the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines what’s up

Dub Nation it’s Stephen Curry I love the sound of the Warriors crowd so I’ve asked for them to help with this racket and Commercial the app that gives you cash back at thousands of stor plus fans can score 10% cash back with rington on Warriors gear either in Arena

Or online at back slw Warriors just join rington to get CH Ching on all your favorite dubs things all right now that’s a little too much visit Warriors everyone Circle up I know it looks rough out there sure we’re down 119 to 64 but we came here to play

Differently we need a Game Changer something like ring central the business phone system that’s more than a phone I want you to communicate like you can talk to anyone anywhere all from the same app now get out there and play like you’re using ring central ring central simpler

Communications now it’s time for the closer of the week presented by liftmas and RNs doors turn your garage into the Envy of the neighborhood visit RS this week’s closer comes from Joe from Tri County Aaron and Jonathan did an excellent job working on my gate

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Where I am be one of the first 10 cerss and receive 20% off a liftmas garage door opener call 800 fix a door that’s 800 fix a door or visit R and S Doors look for the red truck television sales on Black Friday set new records as millions of Americans

Snapped up the hot deals but a lot of people were out of town or too busy to take advantage of the special pricing so how about a redo right now you’ve got a second chance to save big on many of the top rated Samsung LG and Sony TVs where

At video only where the smart Shoppers go so don’t miss out check out video only now or you’ll be sorry dub Nation this is Brandon py you are listening to the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines alltime record between these two fr ches Warriors lead the series 116

To 86 including a six and5 mark on neutral courts back in the day well Cham scored the most points by The Warriors against the Baltimore Bullets back at 64 but uh Tom do you know who scored the most points in a game bullets Wizards franchise against the Warriors against the Warriors yeah Elin

Hayes no uh it happened since I’ve been with the Warriors really yeah St stat Alan Brown remembers no it was Tracy Murray I would have never got that he put up 50 wow on the Warriors one night I got a story behind I’ll tell you in a minute okay curry with the ball

Warriors ATT attack to the basket two R left they lead 4340 psky lob Jackson Davis rookie to rookie for a twoand slam can’t stop that two very poised rookies third assist for psky he’s got a trio of Threes on the card points rebounds and assist Casper run off the line by Joseph

Pulls up from 15 shoots over the top of him and rattled it in yeah Cory hord’s feeling it here in the quarter yes he is five to seven 13 points tonight the jamy pick and roll again down the lane shot blocked as kper got a block there up to

Curry no look to Moody above the break right side no good Jackson Davis tip no good rebound to ker 608 to go first half Warriors Le by three Wizards played last night I porland picking up their fifth win of the season three of the five on the

Road abdia to kesper checks the clock screen by Gafford pick a roll kesper down the lane shoots on the go missed it Jackson Davis with a rebound underhand hand off pky psky near sideline surveys gets a little brush screen now gets obas his Defender takes the pass over to

Joseph swings to the corner to moody moody right side block on the play kabali had a piece of that and here comes kman the other way kman directing tra outside the ball goes to ABIA guarded by Moody he holds it waits Waits Waits screened by Gafford ABIA to kman

Drives on Curry now gets Moody drives on Moody leans back shot no good good box off by Joseph rebound taken by Curry number 30 across midcourt splits traffic down the lane underhand scoop no good Jack Davis right there to pick it off the rim and flush

It in well he is having a fantastic first half play really well he this fourth dunk of the half ball pass deflected by Moody grabbed by Jackson Davis Curry crosscourt right side line to Moody cruising on the Baseline lost the ball ABIA ends up with it three on three ABIA

Stolen by Joseph but a foul in Roots and it’s going to be free throws so Tracy muray playing for the the Wizards back in in 1998 February 10th and the reason uh I remember this so distinctly was that was two days after my daughter Gabrielle was born Gabby was born and I

Was in the hospital and and holding her and and you know wife my wife was in the hospital the baby’s in the hospital and um and I am saying they’re trying hard not to scream at the TV while Tracy M is going off 50.9 on the Warriors I think that

Would have went over well with your wife yes it would have yes yes that would have been great would have been a great story for years to come as if there aren’t enough of those Joe Smith had 36 in that game Tony delin 14 for the dubs that night you

Might have been sharing that story in New Hampshire yeah Todd Fuller got in that game there you go there’s a Capper right there boom boom top it 40 7 44 free throws good by AB Curry’s pass goes off the glass rebound KOA and this game is deteriorating rapidly here ball in the

Corner Casper’s open missfires on three rebound to Jackson Davis got all the intensity of a summertime scrimage Curry step back off the dribble three knocked it down W unel Jr wants a timeout 50- 44 Warriors lead by six with 44 to go in the first half will’ll keep it

Here here’s some more from the head coach Steve C talking about Jackson Davis stepping up his game he was um tremendous I mean he was the player of the game there were you know there were several huge plays um obviously Steph shot probably being number one but um

You know trace’s block on on Jaylen brown but Trace was the guy who shifted everything plus 25 in his minutes the um second great game in a row you can see the uh the impact he makes so he’s going to play he’s going to be in the lineup

Eight points nine rebounds in 10 minutes tonight it’s 50 to 44 I love that that after Steve mentioned that that was part of his postgame press conference he immediately stopped and came back to the question and said no no when I say in the lineup that means he’s going to be

In the rotation not in the starting lineup he had to clarify well the thing I like so much about him is he has such Clarity who he is he just he he doesn’t need the ball he doesn’t ask for the ball he sets screens he runs the court tries to

Defend the paint you can throw him lobs and he attacks the glass and that’s it that’s all he he knows what he needs to do to be of value to this team and he does them and he does them well well the two rookies tonight combined for 11 points 13 rebounds three

Assists Warriors up six Tai Jones back in the game for Washington good solid player good assisted turnover player kman with the ball finds obus slices down the middle shoveled it up got his own rebound off the glass throws the corner Jones is there fires away and hits a

Three cutting the warrior advantage in half with 350 remaining here in the first half of play Chris Paul Curry back back to Paul Paul on the right side draws a crowd lob to Jackson Davis layup no good rebound loose bats the ball in the air knocked

Down a grabbed by a hustling Gafford who gets it back to Jones Jones drifting off a pick to Gafford right down the Lan double clutch Jackson Davis made him change the shot but Gafford hit it that was a tough finish wow Joseph tried to penetrate throws to Jackson Davis who wasn’t

Expecting the ball he’ll dribble it to Curry Curry takes a shot off the screen and Buri to three 5349 Curry now three of six from distance that were accounted for all nine of his points 5349 Jones dribbles on Joseph high runner no good Gafford missed the tip rebound curry curry in transition stops

And Pops he’ll fire away got another one and moon walks his way back up the court and I I bet you he finds a way to squeeze one off next possession too you can feel it right now 5649 kma throws to Jones abdia hand off kper not afraid to fire misfired on that

AIA double clutch the rebound it’s good and a foul it’s going to be on Joseph Denny AB of course hails from Israel you always wonder there’s such an International Flavor now in the NBA you just wonder how tough a year it has to be for him I can’t even imagine it’s just MB yeah being half a world away yep my goodness same

For the center up in Sacramento Alex Len from the Ukraine from Ukraine I should say free throw good it’s not like the Ohio State University too sorry yeah don’t start you know Curry dribbles middle down the lane pushes the ball up and in and is screaming for a foul call

He thought he got hit on the play he went down 5852 and he’s got to get a technical foul as he was Ben Taylor decides to make it about him and not about the play free throw good I don’t Jordan pull will shoot the free throw I don’t think he’s he’s

Practicing at the free throw line like a field goal kicker yeah like getting a free swipe at it he’s already taken two free throws now he’ll get one yeah yeah yeah OB I’m right on the hip yeah and he has a right to be mad and that and you know

You get not that I would know not be that was not an elevation sensation in my interal days but uh the but you get pushed in the air that’s scary oh yeah it is scary now he was close enough to the ground where it wasn’t I don’t know

If it was scary but it it was a foul yeah you can’t just take your your hand and shove a guy in the back and then so many players do it and I guess that’s why you feel like well maybe sometimes they won’t catch me I don’t know how

They don’t catch him but yeah I mean step was hot and again every right to be kma and Jones exchange on the inbounds gatford takes it hey is calling his number up no good a late whistle a foul Jackson Davis call the personal and the crowd in sense

Now it looked like a foul from up here but we’re ways away yeah he got it on the forarm yeah to a swipe at it it was a follow through no foul no foul oh right at the very end foul and even if he hadn’t touched him it looks like a foul

Yeah so Gafford at the strike crowd is in full throat right now as Gord hits the first free throw Warriors swept the series between these two last year after losing four or five remember they lost that one here in the pandemic that Bradley Beal out yeah

Crazy in a game they should have never lost yes I don’t remember it though he’s he could have thrown that game in this year yeah exactly Gafford I remember that corner like it was yesterday Gafford misses the second free throw Warriors 58 Wizards 54 inside 2 minutes

To go Warriors jog the ball up the floor Paul to curry curry in front of the wizard B to run off the line down the lane finds Thompson he’s open fires away can’t fit the range above the break and it’s kman with the board out to Jordan P

Takes one from way downtown it’s an air ball goes out of bounds I mean he was it wasn’t 30 that might have been 35 ft that was right in the logo where it’s says Chase Center not the center logo on the sideline logo I mean if I said that

Was a bad shot bad shot would call me and sue me for [Laughter] slander oh oh my goodness somewhere somewhere Curry takes the three he gets fouled by P and he’s going to shoot three shots there somewhere Nick Young Nick Young going I don’t think it was a bad

Shot of course he didn’t he enjoyed it well at least he didn’t turn around like the young say oh it’s going in oh yeah no there was no chance of that no chance oh so Curry at the stripe he’s going to shoot [Applause] three Wes unel Jr former Warrior

Assistant coach prowling the sideline down below us and he’s got a really tough task this year as Curry hits the first youve got to grow your young players try to get wins and you have veteran players on this roster as well so it’s a very different combination as you point out Tommy they

Don’t have like a solid you know big guy inside to help them well to me and look I’m not going to tell him how to do his business is he’s a coach and I’m not but to me if you want to grow this thing that’s where as a coach you go tell

Jordan P come on what was that what are we doing not that’s not a winning basketball play a 30-footer with 2 on the shot clock and and maybe you get him invested say hey look I can’t have you take that because then other guys are

Going to look at me and say well I can take that shot and you’re two for eight at the time yeah it’s not like you’re rolling 6154 Warriors open the Zone after the three free throws good by Curry they lead by seven Curry 14 straight points tus Jones with it

Against the Zone kozma contested Corner three nothing there rebound put back for p as Chris Paul got shoved out of the way J my petritis said no Curry stops in transition snaps off a pass kaminga gets the ball back back to Jonathan down the lane double clutch left-handed no good

Jackson Davis fights for the rebound it’s out of bounds off the leg of Gafford and it’s going to be Warriors ball one thing Jackson Davis and pky show night in Night Out is that little extra effort you know he doesn’t get credit for anything in the stat sheet

For that but he gives the Warriors an extra possession by for a rebound all the co coaches know they watch the film and they’ll see it Chris Paul to curry curry back to Paul topside with the dribble waits for curry leaves it on the deck for curry he’ll fire away another

Three no good tipped out by kaminga loose ball deflected and picked up now by abdia abdia in the front court right hand banging Chris Paul out the way the sweeper up with the right hand no good and the foul on kaminga as he pushed Gafford going for a rebound second on Jonathan [Applause]

And I don’t know what it is this year but I just seem to be noticing more hook shots than I’ve ever seen before well based on the results I’ve seen him there shouldn’t be any more hook shots than there used to [Applause] be CU they’re not going in I appreciate the effort the

Uh a based on the result Al reminds me of the line from uh Ghostbusters Dan akro when they’re getting kicked off campus he goes hey you guys don’t realize I worked in the private sector they expect [Laughter] results I’ll have to tell you uh you

Have to remind me as the game goes on speaking of hook shots my favorite hook shot story uh while I was in the NBA okay by the way shich is checked in and Jackson Davis leaves The Fray with eight points and nine rebounds in 14 minutes 6158 Boyers have not had

Separation for the Wizards here in the first half had a nine-point lead at one point Chris Paul will dribble it on the logo shot clock down to eight game clock and 17 Paul to Thompson Thompson run off the line bumped by Jones double clut dro the glass Bank it home nicely done by

Klay Thompson that may that may have been his toughest shot of the night down to 7 Seconds pool front Court full head of steam stops and fires away a three from the left wing with 3.3 to go in the half Chris Paul will take it Paul

Midcourt lets it fly off the glass no good and Golden State will have to be satisfied with a two-point lead at the break 6361 warriors on top a lot to unpack and RC Davis has the suitcase open as we continue on the 957 game Warriors radio network presented by the United

Airlines the Warriors in and Chase Center are teaming up with door Dash to pass the plate and fight food waste and food insecurity one event at a time through the Pass the Plate program all prepared and unserved food from Chas Center events is safely packaged and delivered to local nonprofits who work

With people experiencing food in security over 10,000 meals have already been donated to learn more visit Chas SLP Pass the Plate everyone Circle up I know it looks rough out there sure we’re down 119 to 64 but we came here to play differently we need a game changer something like ring central the business phone system that’s more than a phone I want you to communicate like you can talk to anyone

Anywhere all from the same app now get out there and play like you’re using ring central ring central simpler Communications considering a home remodel or designing a new one you’ll want to choose new ways to help your family feel healthier and happier many Architects and Builders who team up with

Golden state Window and Door design are experienced in working with their vendors including Marvin for Energy Efficiency take a look at the windows and doors page at Golden State for ideas then schedule an appointment with your designer since 1954 Golden State when you succeed we succeed it’s that time again dub Nation

You hear the call the stage is set team is hungrier than ever in this Arena every night We Make History this is where a simple sound can spread into an anth where a single Splash turns into a storm where year after year we witness plays that make us go did we just see

That yeah you did when Warriors ground starts to buzz brace yourself with the experience of a lifetime get tickets now at this Christmas the NBA is giving you five straight gift wrapped action-packed games the Knicks and Bucks tip off the action then the Warriors and Nuggets

Take holiday Hoops to new heights we’ve got a Christmas classic with Lakers versus Celtics then the festivities keep going with the Sixers and Heat and the Suns and Mavs cap off the Night by going Missle Toe to Toe that’s why this season’s best gift is the gift of game

Don’t miss the NBA on Christmas Day games begin at 12:00 p.m. Eastern on ABC and ESPN this copyrighted broadcast of the national Basketball Association may not be retransmitted reproduced rebroadcast or otherwise distributed or used in any form without the express written consent of the NBA live on the Golden State Warriors

Audio Network welcome to the halftime report presented by United Airlines I don’t know if you’ve worked with one of these we call it a microphone here’s RZ Davis this halftime report presented by United the official Airline of the Golden State Warriors United good leads the way wary the Wizards by a bucket 63

To 61 Steph Curry 17 points in the first half including 14 in a row curry in transition stops and Pops he’ll fire away got another one and moon walks his way back up the court I bet you he finds a way to squeeze one off next possession too you

Can feel it right now 50 649 Curry four of eight from downtown kaminga has 16 points and Trace Jackson Davis has nine first half rebounds no Draymond Green no Andrew Wiggins either Wiggins out with an illness former Warrior Jordan P pacing Washington with 14 points on 11 shots we’ll get to the

Scores next on the Kaiser Permanente scoreboard in the Golden State Warriors audio Network presented by United Airlines for Golden State Warriors game days door Dash is your Triple Threat bringing the food drinks and supplies right when you need it the one who delivers the energy boost at halftime

Gives your watch party that spark right off the bench his second three of the night the playmaker and the day maker when the Warriors need you most that’s when you need door Dash call in the sixth man door Dash official partner of the Golden State Warriors anytime the Warriors take the court dub Nation knows that winning is in the cards just like a Cash Creek Casino Resort this is the place to play a hot hand on our Premier gaming floor indulge at our luxurious spa or catch a live performance of your favorite acts

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7th welcome back to the Warriors halftime show presented by United Airlines now here’s RC Davis the Warriors 2023 24 season is presented by Kaiser Permanente former second round pick of the 76ers in the 1996 draft ran Miner has died at age 49 after a battle with cancer Miner never

Played in the NBA choosing rather to play baseball where he supplanted Cal Ripken after his playing streak at third base for the Orioles our NBC Sports authentic fan Spotlight game of the night was in Brooklyn less than a minute to go in the basketball game Denver

Looking to win their second game on the road floater Murray got it again Jamal Murray taking it over for Denver in the fourth quarter they lead it by three with 55 seconds to go Nuggets win 122 to7 Nicole yic 31 and 11 for Denver Houston was at home

Against the Dallas Mavericks bble across the timeline bounce pass behind him shenon sets fires and hits the three backto back triples for the Rockets Rockets will win 122 to 96 no luga donic for Dallas elsewhere Heat beat the Hawks at home 122 to 113 Sixers over the Raptors 121 to 11 Joel embiid

Continues to play at an MVP level he had 31 points 10 rebounds and 9 assists for Philadelphia halftime up in Sacramento Kings lead the Suns 65 to 5 4 The Warriors are teaming up with kaisa Permanente and the Athletes Corner to turn points into meals with swishes for

Dishes for each point the Warriors score this year 100 meals will be donated to Bay Area families visit swish to learn more Warriors up to is halftime continues brought to you by United Airlines what’s up dub Nation it’s Stephen Curry I love the sound of the Warriors crowd so I’ve asked for

Them to help with this racket and Commercial the app that gives you cash back at thousands of stores plus fans can score 10% cash back with rakon on Warriors gear either in Arena or online at Warriors just join rackon to get CH Ching on all your favorite dubs things

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Warriors tonight stat the game just five turnovers protecting The Rock always a recipe for Success when it comes to these dubs crash to the boards now brought to you by Chilton Autobody the Bay Area leader in Collision Repair number 30 across midcourt splits traffic down the lane underhand scoop no good Jackson Davis

Right there to pick it off the rim and flush it in Bo he is having a fantastic first half play really well he’s his fourth Doug of the half TJ D the rookie out of Indiana with nine of the Warriors 27 rebounds Tim Roy and Tom Tolbert return to the door Dash

Radio booth next on the 957 the game Golden State Warriors radio network can you believe this this team this crowd and they’re still at it with all this Bay Area Pride there’s no stopping now more dunks more blockson and more of this nation we out here yes sir what’s

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And Sliders it’s just better maetta is a family-owned Bera company providing Peppers olives pickled vegetables and SAU since anytime the Warriors take the court dub Nation knows that winning is in the cards just like at Cash Creek Casino Resort this is the place to play a hot hand on our Premier gaming floor

Indulge at our luxurious spa or catch a live performance of your favorite acts from the world of music and comedy it’s all here just a short drive away this is your time to cash in at Cash Creek Casino Resort official sponsor of the Golden State Warriors it’s time for the second half sponsored

By Cash Creek Casino Resort cash in at Cash Creek Casino Resort where the good times Never Fade Away visit cash to learn more about California’s Premier Casino and Resort pool for about 30 heat check no good rebound goes to Chris Paul Paul timeline

L kega catches goes up and lays it in it got fou again that’s just throw it up you’re the better athlete go get it and he went and got it over kissper kisper didn’t even jump it just nobody on the court right now that can match his

Athleticism RC Davis back in the door Dash radio Booth well Steve kurur knows where this team would be without tjd it’s two games in a row with Trace where he was really fantastic and U you know gave us such a a big lift at both ends

With the uh the rim presence uh shot blocking capability and then also you know his U his finishing around the rim in the paint he was he was brilliant both nights and so um he’s going to play he’s going to be in the rotation 100% he he really balances out the front court

And gives us a different look from Looney and and Dario so uh we’re really excited about Trace I mean he’s uh you know the 57th pick in the draft that that’s uh that makes no sense he he he looks like a looks like a lottery pick

To me that’s head coach Steve cerr thank you RC T along with Tom Tober Tom what has to happen here second half for the Warriors to tighten things up and win this game well one they need to keep them off the free throw line put them on

The free throw line way too many times keep them away from the rim which they’re better at in the second quarter than they were the first quarter and I mean look shots aren’t dropping they’re seven for 24 from three and they’ve had some decent looks so I would assume

They’re going to start shooting better but try to get to that to that Advantage you have on the glass really hasn’t manifested itself starting fives out there for both teams but jsky with it first possession Golden State Klay Thompson with an air ball from 15 had one of those in the first quarter

Wow you don’t see that let alone twice in a game OB caught that one out of the air kman takes a pass from Jordan P who struggled from the field in the first half four of 11 bounce pass Gafford from koosa right down the lane and a Dun

Tie game yeah that was a nice find by kosma a little bit of traffic there we’ve had one lead change this is our first tie Curry penetrates to Thompson Thompson drives in fires up a baseline jump for and knock it down little Step Back Fade Away clay

Four for 11 off a screen pull the push shot from 14 no good Gafford the rebound P backs up shoots a three two for a quarter no good rebound goes to curs curry in transition crossing the logo takes it quickly down the near sideline backs up shoots a three it’s

Good only player on Earth where you would say okay it’s okay if he shoots him I think he meant to pass it to Clay yeah he’s kind of backed into a three-pointer 6863 Warriors up five now as Jones and P and Jones and now kman left side takes a

Three above the break short Thompson grabs a rebound jogs down the far away pass over to kman to curry curry open again off a screen by psky and Curry Cates in and a quick eight nothing burst for Golden State and that is their lead right now Steph had like six points

Halfway through the second quarter got 23 tus Jones how lucky are we to watch him every night Jones goes right down the right side nobody stopped him layup for tus Jones 7165 Wizards are the best team in the league at shooting in the restricted area Curry

Catches lob for Looney wide open gets a dunk all eyes on number 30 Warriors back up by eight West sunel Jr calls time 948 to go in the third quarter take the break 7365 Warriors lead by 8 on the 957 the game Warriors radio network presented by

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Toyota thawn and soon Toyota Let’s go places offer available through tfsa buyers with premium rated credit ns1 1224 dub Nation this is gp2 you are listening to the Warriors Radio Network presented by United Airlines we’re in the door Dash broadcast Booth with the Warriors lead 7365 with 948 to go in the third

Quarter Tim Roy along with Tom tobert Warriors right back at it tomorrow night 5:00 you okay down there they need to remind people when we do the kiss cam it says kiss cam not eat her face cam come on family environment here pal oh what are

You doing what have I done we have mild and spicy it’s going to go mild spicy please C please come see us in section 213 where El we back at it tomorrow night I’m not sure we will but they will F gets the ball to kozma kozma up top

Wizards going at the basket or left that would be your South basket here at Chase Jones two hand pass deflected out of bounds by P six on the shot clock right into the Wizards bench feels like the Warriors have been here a few times get up eight yeah kind

Of Teeter you feel like okay here we go make that push and then all of a sudden it’s down to two or three which is a dangerous thing to do Jones lobbed it to midcourt Gafford has it Gafford throws it back to Jones chased by curry curry

Went for a steal Jones back over the pool relocation three is good well you go for the steal you miss that’s what happens the six in the shot clock I’m not sure if the steel was the best play there 7368 now jump to the other end no

Good rebound psky takes it out of the right side line gives Golden State a fresh 14 looks for curry Waits Curry flashes by they can’t make the pass ball knocked away and again psky gets a second dribble down the Lan throws up a wild shot no good rebound Loney put back

Is good and a foul B jky is staring at Derek Richardson like a 10 Pro saying where is my foul Call’s staring at him oh my goodness so Looney to the line good to see kavan get a couple of buckets tonight you okay back there see Davis having himself a

Moment it’s that kind of a night here at Chase 7568 crazy kiss cam rcia is allergic to a non- green Eastern Conference Team Gafford up top with the ball after to the free throw good by Looney makes it 7668 Here Comes kma driving in good hook

Pass but it bounced right off the chest of of Gaff and psky gets it to Klay Thompson the front he lost the ball Gafford picked it up and now he’ll feed AIA throw ahead to pool ahead of the field layup blocked by psky it’s a goal and count the

Bucket he had just got to the glass before pens had a chance to go get it this sloppy game tonight for Golden State leading by six Curry at the logo two hand toss to Looney downstairs kaminga back to the basket low left psky now over to curry curry Baseline

Driving in goes up for the reverse no good block whistle foul it’s going to be on gaffer Curry did a face plan on the other side and we’ll get a couple of free throws Daniel Gafford with a foul don’t forget that you can experience Enrique glaus Pitbull and

Ricky Martin they’re coming here live a Chase Wednesday January 31st it’s the 2024 Trilogy tour tickets on sale now at Chase I don’t remember the first two oh RC Davis Dancing in the out oh yeah big pit I need a video of that no we don’t oh you think you

Don’t second free throw for curry is no good he made the first 7770 it’s kind of like Jean Jean the dancing machine tus Jones throws out to kman kman backs down Kingo little flip shot short Looney with a rebound four Warriors attacking the glass there Curry

Throws it ahead to on the right side he drives by kman gets it to Thompson fires away three ball right corner pocket kaminga making a play that was a really nice play by kaminga Center trying to force it on a reverse layup draws the defense kicks it to Clay in the corner

Wide open three Warriors have their first double digit lead of the night it’s 80 to 70 Jones passes to ABIA off the dribble up top pool left wide open takes a dribble takes a three and nailed it now you do got to be careful with him we’ve seen him go nuclear on occasion

Where he just gets hot and the shots he was taking in the first he’ll make those he made two threes now here in the third Curry goes behind the back rubs P off on a screen and Nails a three on the near sideline classic Curry gets the three

Back Warriors lead by 10 Again 710 to go here in the third ABIA terminates the dribble hand off pool fires away it’s up and too strong rebound deflected grabb by pmy stolen back by tus Jones who lays it in warriors were of and running and psky had it taken away from him never

Saw tus Jones coming from behind and that quiets the the crowd quickly 8375 down psky to Looney let’s see what the Warriors can get out here they throw it to kaminga this time on the on the right side of the floor he’ll turn in face this time they let him go left hand

Dribble to the paint good pump fake KZ would jump right over the top of him the foul on the the floor before the shot this will be the third team foul on Washington second out kman kman with the two-toned hairo very familiar as I used to sport that that’s that’s

True how many different hair does did you have as a point I don’t know at least two or three two or three yeah but I did have the Billy Idol look for a while oh yeah love that love the Billy Idol look Thompson catches from Chris

Paul off a hand off no good jab call kaminga flying in from the weak side throws it down with two hands and golden state is back up by 10 you better get a body on that dude 8575 here comes Joon doubl right to Gafford he’s wide open for a two hand

Flush Curry patches chess saying my bad his weak side help didn’t step in 8577 every time the Warriors look like they’re going to have a a run they give up an easy basket Chris Paul low run Thompson flashes through Curry the secondary cutter gets a screen from

Looney dribbles down at kulali pass for Looney intended it was kicked by Gafford and so the shot clock goes from 7 to 14 side out comes Cory kesper in for Washington had a really good first half 13 points 15 minutes comes in for Denny Aban by the way we should mention that

Also on the bench for Washington Patrick Baldwin Jr and Ryan Rollins who are also involved in that Chris Paul train curry with a dribble off the handoff goes to the left side fires away off balance Defender near and knocked it down he’s on one right now he’s got

30 he is eight of 12 from three inside Gafford throws it out to the Wing Jones pulls up from the foul line throws to kabali it’s a corner three it’s too strong and batted out of bounds by Gafford and it’ll be Golden State [Applause] ball moody in Jackson Davis

In Thompson and Looney find the spot on the bench so will be Jackson Davis to toss in here had a great first half 10 rebounds eight points Chris Paul picks up his dribble in the front Court Curry stops backs up Moon ball up short airball grabbed by Jackson Davis his

Pass batted out of bouns by kper and it’s going to be Boyer ball with 10 on the shot clock Here Comes Dario shich in kaminga will sit so it’s kind of the same look with we saw in the first half with Jackson Davis at the five and shich

At the four we haven’t got the high pick and roll between shich and Paul that leads to the charage Elbow extended three-point shot yet tonight which usually a staple we get one of those a game Jackson Davis catches the inbounds hands off to Paul Curry gets a screen but Paul hangs on to

It now pick and roll of Jackson Davis Paul Fades and fires right side with the buzzer sounding no good rebound catchman that’s it to Jones Jones head up in the dribble finds kper who spots up fires and hits another shot he’s got 16 that’s his second three

Of the night it’s 88 to 80 the Warriors lead cut down to eight points halim didn’t cool him down nope Curry takes a hand off gets to the foul line thinks better of it throws out to shich hilto down the lane the runner short another air ball how many air

Balls we’ve had tonight now the pass batted away off the shoulder of Kord Paul to steps into a triple good not quite the pick and roll but there it is there it is 91 to 80 ball thrown to the wing kman takes it up top gets the rookie as his Defender

Throws for Gafford Gafford lowers his head on shart Stripped by Curry Moody gets it back to Curry behind the back comes to the right side head fake takes a baseline his pass deflected out of bounds off kesper and it will be Golden State ball was 17 on the shot

Clock Mike mscaa in Gafford out psky comes in for curry curry leaves with 30 points and seven assists in 27 minutes he had three points after the first quarter 27 in the last two Paul lobbed it in Jackson Davis with the catch as a safety valve and he bailed out the

Inbounds play there ball thrown to charot charot chess pass pmy checks the clock eight on the shot clock Jabs St right hand dribble on kper Feed shich in traffic 15 footer good that’s easy money for him oh yeah nobody within three feet had a guy lurking behind him and a guy

In front of him but nobody really close Jones to kman takes it on the go missed it rebound Jackson Davis Paul takes the hand off brings it to the front Court bounce pass to shx running the floor flipped it up and in no basket they’re not going to give him continuation

Though he did not put the ball on the floor cly Ben Taylor says it was on the catch was on the grab on the catch kesper picks up his second foul yeah if he ruled that he got him I think he ruled he got him before he ever

Got the ball right right yeah he did so it’s a good call by Ben Taylor shards will put it into play Chris Paul has it back to the basket waits for pky pump dribbles between the legs leaves it on the deck for Paul Paul takes the hand

Off rotates out to Moody left wing he has his pocket picked by kper but Moody Dives to the floor gets it back through the shoot pass inside Moody started a cut and then stopped and Paul threw it to where he thought he was going to be

It goes out of bounds and a turnover for the Warriors they’re eighth of the night that was just kind of doomed from the GetGo yeah that just wasn’t a great possession and and again we’ve talked about this once you cut you got to cut you can’t deak your own guy kman sit

Down Landry shamut is on the floor he takes a pass from Jones dribbles on pky back to to Jones back to shamet off a screen draws two pass squirts away was kicked Eric Richardson tells West unel Jr give me a second to react timeout 252 to go in the

Third 9380 the score 13-point lead for Golden State we’ll take the Timeout on the 957 the game Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines whether on or off the court the keys to success are the same on the court it’s ball movement off the court it’s workflow on the court teams call

Plays to execute their game plan off the court companies rely on systems to run their business smoothly MRC smart Technology Solutions a zerox company is the official copier and Office Solutions provider of the Golden State Warriors we offer large and small companies the technology they need to transform the

Way they work visit mrc360 to learn more today Warriors basketball on NBC Sports Bay Area join Bob pitz Gerald and Kina asabuki for all the action on the court and tune in to Warriors pre and post game live hosted by Bon Hill and former Warriors Chris Mullen and Festa zil for

Complete Game Day coverage 1 hour before and following every game plus get your Warriors news all week long on the doves Talk podcast with Monty p and Dalton Johnson featuring special guests and in-depth analysis authentic moments live here only on NBC Sports Bay Area when something happens to your car you might say

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Service agent it’s like having a travel agent in the palm of your hand for free and yeah that technically makes it a free agent download the United app and book your next trip today United proud to be the official Airline of the Golden State Warriors for Golden State Warriors game

Days door Dash is your Triple Threat bringing the food drinks and supplies right when you need it the one who delivers the energy boost at halftime gives your watch party that spark right off the bench his second three of the night the playmaker and the day maker

When the Warriors need you most that’s when you need door Dash call in the sixth man door Dash official partner of the Golden State Warriors dub Nation this is Chris Paul you are listening to the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines 93 80 the Warriors 2324 season presented by Kaiser Permanente Tim Roy Tom tobert with you on Warriors radio Mary checks in listening in Santa barmer on Sirius XM sync to the TV

Appreciate that shopping done still working on the baking of her Snicker dood o we do accept that X and speaking of uh baking yes you made your world famous peanut butter balls I did brought them in here thank you very much those are outstanding always rated 10 out of 10

Kper with the ball gets it to mcalla mcalla will have flipped no good rebound psky no peanut butter balls for you no psky takes look like he shot a peanut butter ball Scream by Jackson Davis psky still handling shot clock down the 10 nothing happening on this play they shovel it up

Top Jackson Davis will dribble hand off to moody moody wearing lavender sneakers it looks like spins into traffic and gets fouled and boy the warriors were lucky there it took him way too long to get into anything y there was kind of psky I’m not sure he knew what they were

Running but he just kind of stood there dribbling up top for about eight seconds and by the time they got into it they gave the ball to Moody and said go ahead young man we got nothing get us something Moody took the ball the hole and picks up the foul on

Kper Moody misses the free throw the Warriors Are Back In Action tomorrow 5:00 is the pregame show Warriors of Portland thanks for reminding me that was I know exactly why you did it there’s a little emphasis on the 5:00 M well you were our traffic correspondent that day yes I know yes I

Was that’s right get to the game early lot of traffic out here tyus Jones throws the ball over Mccalla will shoot with six on the clock no good rebound Chris Paul he’ll take it high stepping cross mid Court throws to charage Palm fake puts it on the deck good head fake

But he dribbled it out of bounds it knocked off kper and going to be Warriors ball with 16 to shoot Sacramento by the way on the kais of Permanente scoreboard they lead 100 to 84 in the final moments of the third there Chris Paul on the bounce psky catches

Fades to the corner and hits a three always on balance yep for those threes 97 to 80 the Warriors have their largest lead of the game right now shamit gives the ball to Jones former Timber former teammate of Andrew Wiggins floats it up off the rim tip no good

Thecall can’t buy a bucka Jackson Davis for the board clears to Paul pmy in traffic goes to the deck lost the ball ripped it away and now takes it away from Shaman who fouls [Applause] him Shaman picks up the personal foul and pamy he’s got a little

Stubbornness to his game which can be good by the way if the Warriors hang on and win this tonight Tom and Phoenix loses the Warriors will be tied with Phoenix it’s like we were saying during the the struggles of the Warriors you know one four game five game winning streak and

You’re right back in the middle of all this yep cuz it’s crowded probably between 6 and 11 51 there’s a lot of teams right around 500 two three games above yeah you watch this RC Davis our senior radio producer will love this analogy you know it’s kind of like going

To Talladega or Daytona you know you line up in the draft and you just and you just you take the slipstream of the car in front of you and hope the slingshot pass for the win yeah you lost me too oh jeez free throws by psky 99 to [Applause]

80 warriors with the lead Wizards with the ball Shaman High pick and roll down the lane he goes to the cup knocked away just swallowed up by Jackson Davis who takes the ball off the glass gives it to Chris Paul front Court heal set a screen

For him down the lane gets the Loba and slams it down Trace Jackson Davis doing it on both ends 10 nothing Warrior run outside mscaa Kord flash through mcin dribble hands off to Jones Jones elbow cross cour Ski kabali Hill Drive goes up and Jackson Davis made him

Change the shot a little bit no good rebound to Paul well Trace Jackson Davis went up but he went up straight yep they didn’t come down and fou him charage with a catch on the right side jab step into a triple it hits the front rim no

Good saved by Moody flying in there psky to char she’ll shoot again no good Jackson Davis had the rebound batted away from him by mcalla and it’s picked up by tius Jones well that was a bad shot by charge now that one you could you can go and move that one around a

Little bit cuz you can’t get two for one at that point down to 10 seconds to go in the quarter at the L go dribbling is tyus Jones waits for mcow we get a whistle and a foul it’s on Moody Warriers had one to give do look like he wanted to give it

Right there though no he didn’t 6.1 remaining in the quarter looked like he fouled him yeah so I don’t think there’s any longterm harm done with that if you just defend here Jones will take the inbounds circles to the right off a scre by mcalla guarded by Jackson Davis Jones

Will shoot over the top of him and hit a three at the buzzer that was done professionally by tus Jones but it makes the score 10183 the Warriors lead by 18 as we go to the fourth quarter 12 minutes left here at Chase Center on the 957 the game

Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines on the floor is a good three-point field goal Warriors basketball on NBC Sports Bay Area join Bob Fitz Gerald and Kina asabuki for all the action on the court and tune in to Warriors pre and postgame live hosted by Bon Hill and former Warriors Chris

Mullen and Festa zazil for complete Game Day coverage 1 hour before and following every game plus get your Warriors news all week long on the do’s Talk podcast with Monty p and Dalton Johnson featuring special guests and in-depth analysis authentic moments live here only on NBC Sports Bay Area this

Christmas the NBA is giving you five straight gift wrapped action-packed games the Knicks and Bucks tip off the the action then the Warriors and Nuggets take holiday Hoops to new heights we’ve got a Christmas classic with Lakers versus Celtics then the festivities keep going with the Sixers and Heat and the

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Auto Parts store or shop online at O’Reilly O’Reilly Auto Parts your professional Parts people Thompson catches from Chris Paul off a hand off no good ja kamga flying in from the weak side throws it down with two hands and golden state is back up by 10 you better

Get a body on that dude brought you by our Freeman’s Appliance a trusted name since 1922 visit Freeman today that’s our shot of the game Tim Tom 10183 as we start the fourth quarter quick reminder that tonight’s Warriors shop item of the game presented by reton stay warm in a

City Edition long sleeve tea from New Era save 30% with code iot G30 at shop. Fanatics experience if we look down at the door Dash broadcast Routh we’re kind of peering at the score sheet and it just jumps off the page for you 10 points 14 rebounds Trace Jackson Davis and 19

Minutes of play five of seven for the field he’s a plus 16 Chris Paul in 22 minutes is a plus 26 the bench coming through for Golden State yet again 27- 18 the bench scoring Tonight and the fourth quarter will begin with Klay Thompson on the floor Chris Paul Jon the Kinga shich and Psky Jordan P Begins the fourth quarter with kulali kispert mcalla and Shaman it’s pool stumbling on a drive trip by psky well let’s see if they can kind of keep this game stable the first four minutes so it doesn’t start leaking down to like 12 11 10 they’ve had a habit of blowing

These leads uh sometimes they win sometimes they lose but it’d be nice to see him have a nice just four minute just keep this lead side out for the Wizards p with the catch guarded by psky gets a switch they double him all rotated to kper he’ll drive and off

Balance a one-hander short Rebound mcalla in deep over shich with a left hand flip it’s up and good 10185 P jsky staff takes a three early in the shot clock missed it rebound goes to mscaa yeah I’m not sure that was the one no and this is how the Warriors let

Other teams back in the game who will take a three off a screen spins off the rim if he had hit that it’ be 101 8 the Wizards would be in business Chris Paul side SLE with with the dribble finds the cutter it’s Klay Thompson stops they leave him Malone a

15-footer they ran away from the second best shooter on the planet 10385 I’m going to say that was a mistake P picks up his dribble locates Kasper Kasper he’ll drive again stops and pops on the go the floater game no good rebound Char hand off Paul Warriers

Up 18 with the ball Paul leaves it for Thompson beautiful pass the three balls good Master Class by Chris Paul there it’s 10685 and West unel Jr will stop it right now 1042 to go warriors on top of the 957 the game Warriors radio network presented by United

Airlines for Golden State Warriors game days door Dash is your Triple Threat bringing the food drinks and supplies right when you need it the one who delivers the energy boosted halftime gives your watch party that spark right off the bench his second three of the night the playmaker and the day maker

When the Warriors need you most that’s when you need door Dash call in the sixth man door Dash official partner of the gold State Warriors anytime the Warriors take the court dub Nation knows that winning is in the cards just like at Cash Creek Casino Resort this is the place to play

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Something heavier than 11 cable cars a million times older than the Golden Gate Bridge something that ate the daily equivalent of 500 mission style vegg G burritos see the world’s largest dinosaurs a new exhibit at the California Academy of Sciences with life-size models and more get tickets at

Visit fredman’s Appliance and Pleasant Hill to see the full selection of Bosch appliances from refrigerators with their trademark Farm Fresh system that extends food freshness so you can make less trips to the grocery store or dishwashers with Precision wash technology that helps to clean San sanitize and dry dishes and eliminate up

To 99.9% of bacteria you can see all of the Bosch appliances displayed beautifully in live working vignettes at freedman’s Appliance in Pleasant Hill or at freedman’s dub Nation this is Chris Paul you are listening to the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines 10685 Golden State leads by 21 10:42 our time

Remaining and the Warriors is cruising right now let’s see if they can get a burst here and just keep the Wizards at Bay and maybe have themselves a fun fourth quarter we even had one of those in a long time no we have not we’ve had Agony we’ve had misery we’ve had

Exaltations moments of Brilliance yeah we’ve been right in the precipice of fun fourth quarters yes only to see it crumble and turn into nail biting four there it is on Fourth qu no it’s right on the horizon I can almost reach [Applause] Wizards have the ball there on the

Attack p has his choice of screens goes right spins back good drop step shoots over sh it’s tough shot no good smacked out of bounds last Touch by psky and it will be 14 on the shot clock for Washington last six games Chris Paul with 55 assists 9.1 a

Night Ryan Rollins I believe has checked in for the first time the former Warrior gets the ball in the corner to pull he’ll drive Baseline shoveled into Casper good cut he lays it up and in 10687 you can see where you know Kasper on a good team would be a nice piece

Yeah really good piece Anthony Gil is also checked in for Washington shich lobed it kaminga throws to the corner Chris Paul is there lets it fly the three is short and the rebound taken by P 10 minutes to go pass ahead and a dunk inside for Gil and the warrior

Transition defense which has not been good lately he not good right there either 10689 945 to go Paul midcourt pressured by Rollins Rollins of course play this college ball at Toledo therefore he is a rocket ball up top to kaminga kaminga drives the lane nobody home two hand

Slam a quiet dunk for kaminga it’s 108 to 89 that was a how not to video of how to play that P on the right side gets shich now we get a whistle we have a defensive three called on the Warriors and it’s going to be a

Technical foul so Jordan P shoot a free throw 919 to go pool if you’re just joining us they had a wonderful video put together during his introduction right before he was introduced as one of the starters about a 30 second video really nicely done and got a standing ovation pretty

Cool nice moment no did it they did it very well did him Justice 108 to 90 P of course part of the 22 Championship Squad catches up top Ed by psky and shich Wheeling dealing to the paint step back 17-footer popped out rebound Paul Paul shadowed by Rollins on the right

Side Paul feeds shich after a double team skipped to psky up top Thompson leftside triple money Cold Hard Cash for Klay Thompson it’s 111 to 90 and Klay another 20o effort here’s P Baseline throws up a shot and charot with the foul p goes tumbling out of [Applause]

Bounds I’d like to get a better angle on that one that was that’s a that’s a tough call on charts but yeah there was body contact there there was but it it was more Jordan pull does the word embellish come to mind oh yeah okay oh yeah that’s what scores do though they

Sell it oh yeah don’t let anybody believe you that don’t let me back up let me say that again don’t let anybody tell you that uh I’ll get you to believe that theater is dead in this C it is not it is not it lives in the

Association what that old s live with acting genius I remember it I don’t remember who did it Jordan P at the strike makes it 111 to 92 with 846 to go in the game CER is play on Jared Butler at the scores table for Washington Char off balance a slow

Motion move to the rim and he banked it home yeah he’s very good when he can get going right 11392 P probing the defense pmy recovers P drives right stops at a dive backs up for a three look it’s on the way no good offensive rebound Gil put it back in over

Charage be honest I’m one of Jordan P’s team rates right now I’m saying could we may move the ball a little bit Klay Thompson with a catch from Char it’s shot front r Glass no good kaminga gets the rebound H back good low left it’s 115 to 94 warriors on the

Right side Here Comes Rollins Euro steps in throws out to kper it’s a corner three it’s short and Thompson snatches the rebound down Moody at the score table bad pass by Clay deflected but kaminga saved it along the near way C for a lot of credit he’s been really

Active tonight he’s tough defensively yeah Char low right hand off clay pump fake fly by three ball front rim Miss and the rebound loose backing up into the corner is pool spins away from the double team takes it across the timeline shove psky out of the way it’s going to

Be an offensive foul and a turnover psky does a face plant Co his night is done he’s out Patrick Baldwin junor comes in along with Jared Butler we get a timeout 115 to 94 is the score we’ll tell you about some of the guys on the floor when we come back with

727 to go don’t you know don’t get too excited here but we may not have a clutch game tonight in Warriors basketball the Warriors radio network Warriors basketball on NBC Sports Bay Area join Bob Fitzgerald and Kina asabuki for all the action on the court and tune in to

Warriors pre and postgame live hosted by Bonte Hill and former Warriors Chris Mullen and Festa zilli for complete Game Day coverage 1 hour before and following every game plus get your Warriors news all week long on The dobes Talk podcast with Monty p and Dalton Johnson featuring special guests and in-depth

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Unlimited future get the prophetic Matrix now on and Barnes & can you believe this this team this crowd and they’re still at with all this Bay Area Pride there’s no stopping now more dunks more blockson and more of this we out here yes sir what’s

Next you’ll just have to see make them look get your tickets at this is Steve Kerr you are listening to the Warriors radio network presented by United Airlines well Golden State leading 11594 727 to go looks like the Wizards time are going to empty the bench ah there it is there’s that

Sound so I better not I better not I better not regret that huh I better not regret that not with them emptying the bed this is this is the year where you go by the way Trace Jackson Davis with another double double 10 points 14 rebounds second and as many games

Wanyama has had eight straight and HRM has done it twice this year with the two games of double doubl so he’s joining good company there they just had a graphic on TV most games with eight plus threes yeah Steph had 75 I think lard and Clay were in there as well the next

Three guys 74 really yeah wow now a shot by Joseph is good on the sideline but Derek Richardson says no he caught it standing out of bounds so if you had 709 to go in the fourth quarter the first time someone caught the ball standing out of bounds you are tonight’s winner Warriors

Are threatening to challenge it but they decide not to Rollins out there with bwin JR Gil Butler and kulali kulali driving on chiga leaves his feet jump pass gets it out to the wing to Rollins in the corner driving Baseline there is Butler Butler trapped gets it to Gil Gil and traffic

Will jump Hook from five up and good deny Gil with a bucket his college ball in Virginia was undrafted in 2016 well know if he went to Virginia he can play defense yes Jackson Davis hands to psky psky gets Patrick Baldwin Jr both a one point Warrior rookies and a

Runner low left hand flip I don’t know if it was a hook Tom it might not be a hook it’s up and good I don’t know if it was a swinging hook it was close enough though 117 to 96 backing up taking the jumper a long jumper is no good by Jared

Butler and the rebound the Warriors Moody on transition goes up shoots over Baldwin Jr a whistle and a foul we got the full Warrior Warrior reunion experience tonight we do all all three of them playing Patrick Baldwin Jr his dad’s a college coach of course he played for his dad at Wisconsin

Milwaukee for one year got hurt dropped in the draft was taken by the warriors with the 28th pick which coincidentally is the same number pick that Jordan P was [Applause] Tak and he comes from an athletic family mom volleyball player and coach a chance to visit with her in Japan back

In the day when the warriors were there preseason the jsky out and GE Santos comes in frush off his showcase cup experience the jsky leaves with seven rebounds five or more in his last 10 games Rollins probing the defense Santos guarding him ball up top to Butler

Butler on the deck skipped it to the corner good catch by Gil good pump fake dribble drive to the rackety L it in nice move also out there for the Warriors ler konz lot the Santa Cruz guys back from Orlando he a chance to play tonight here’s Joseph pick and roll Jackson

Davis tried an interior pass to Santos knocked out of bounce so good play by Rollins good thought yep Jared Butler one of the number of players in the league now from Baylor two time allamerican Moody Baseline working on Butler falls down and gets the ball in a

Pass to Joseph takes a corner three with a clock winding out hit the side of the board kabali out to Butler one-on-one over konz right hand Runner is up in an in off the glass and a [Applause] foul 119 to 100 konz with the foul Butler was the 40th pick of the 2021

Draft signed a two-way deal with the Wizards last July some feel he should be getting more playing time free throw is no good it’s 119 100 warriors with a rebound the ball Moody with it pick and roll with Jackson Davis throws it in traffic knocked out of

Bounce by kabali Warriors get a a turnover actually last Touch by Jackson [Applause] Davis five minutes to go in the game Warriors up 19 Butler was there with Mitchell wasn’t he I believe so yeah there together kulali squeezes around Moody had got to the rim and scores slithery slithery here is

Joseph Far Side throws middle to Jackson Davis two hand toss to Joseph screen set they get the switch Joseph lobed it to Jackson Davis but down the corner nothing he can do with with it there with five to Santos touch pass to ke norz goes down the Baseline

Rocked Away by Gil in the block Patrick Balwin Jr on the break to Rollin extra pass Gali Baseline lost the ball the way up picked off by Joseph he looks ahead 119 102 Warriors throws a pass in the Baseline Santos with it back up top Joseph extra pass konz down to Jackson

Davis Jackson Davis back out to leer Lester with the Baseline moveis will rotate it out to Joseph shot clock at five Joseph trying to move by Butler cannot lowers his head stops on a dime shoots with a clock winding down no good and Gil with a defensive rebound they

Got to start playing they’re trying to bleed this clock out there’s four minutes left off balance Rollins goes up scores over Santos called for a foul and if he makes his free throw it’s a 14-point game with 349 to go I mean you can’t bleed the clock out too much time

You got to play move the ball try to score war will call a timeout we’ll take uh well we’ll keep it here Warriors 23 24 season presented by Kaiser Permanente well Jordan P coming back Steve cerr looks back at it as a big success story just wish it could have

Ended on a higher note I really look at uh Jordan as a huge success story 28th pick it doesn’t happen often that the 28th pick works his way up to to you know key player on a championship team life-changing contract you know um it it really couldn’t have gone any better and

Then I hate the way it ended it just was um really unfortunate how it all played out you you you just wish that things um could end in a in a more positive note in a more positive way but it didn’t happen that way um and all that has been

Documented but I can tell you that everybody here looks forward to seeing him and and we appreciate him no doubt about that we should mentioned before with this game ends that some familiar guys down on that bench for the Wizards Brian Keefe is down there one of the

Assistant coaches and you may not know who he is but he’s a guy worked a lot with Kevin Durant early in his career at Oklahoma City and a good friend of of Kevin and then James posy the former Celtic and Memphis Grizzly down there he could he could defend you

And our old friend Sammy gelfan and ly yeah he’s down there behind the bench second row don’t forget about Joseph Blair Wildcat Yeah you mentioned him Bear Down Rollins with a free throw missed it ball deflected out run down by the Wizards and Gil to get another clock

Butler left wide open for three he hits it and we got a 12-point game time yes we do 11 nothing R for the Wizards and 340 to go the agony of Warriors basketball pinotes dribbles in throws the corner to moody moody will bring it back out shot clock

Down to 10 Moody left wing goes right side to Joseph waits for Jackson Davis screen set ball to the side Santos there takes a three no good rebound deflected Moody had it R right through his legs out of bounds and here come the Wizards couple more buckets you may see some of the

Starters get Back Up Get Loose I think and that’s last thing Steve wants to do absolutely Rollins circles up top goes away from a screen drives on Jackson Davis the left hand floer rolled across the cylinder no good konz with a rebound Warriors need a bucaneer three minutes

To go in the game kones dribbles the Jackson Davis back to kyotes fires up a three and hit it oh man hey I’ll take that over run the clock down and get a bad shot up with two seconds left he had an idea what he wanted to do and just went out and

Executed it Butler penetrates out to Gil Gil will launch above the break that’s no good Jackson Davis with a rebound hands it to Moody more Subs coming in for Golden State looks like Robinson and garuba are at the scorers table Jackson Davis middle of the floor what a week he is

Having about to end for him but what a great week pass to Joseph knocked away turnover Here Comes Rollins back the other way four on three Wizards Rollins jump pass inside stumbling losing the ball it goes out of boun on the far Wing there was kulab now layup for a dunk

There so Jackson Davis sits down with 10 points and 15 rebounds Moody will find a spot on the benchman garuba the Spaniard comes in James Robinson also on the floor the former Washington Wizard played for the Wizards fact the last time he was in NBA game before the Warriors was with Washington

And takes a hand off bounce pass in traffic to Joseph Joseph to the paint shot from 14 straight on won’t go rebound Wizards 122 107 minute 55 to go on the break on the go Bank Shot is up a good by Butler draws the foul and a free

Throw makes this a 12-point game again well with two minutes left now you can start bleeding the clock if you want to 4 minutes is way too early where’s so much game left and they were even doing it before that I’d say you got four and

A half minutes but now you start looking at possessions going they’re going to need minimum four possessions if we just take the shot clock down we should be good free throw good Santos launches up a quick three and it rolls around and rolls in or just do

That ke Santos did not get the memo there did not get the r you make it that’s okay 125 110 Butler by the way made his free throw it’s a three-point play for him throws the ball to Gil Gil takes it down the lane gets it the

Corner to PBJ he’ll step out takes a deep two it’s off the front rim no good King Noz with another rebound feeds Robinson down the right side Robinson brings it middle throws in traffic Santos puts it on the deck bounce pass AB Beauty to garuba had it blocked away

From behind by Rollins Rollins behind the back avoids konz takes it all the way in Up and Under to the rim and that was impressive very acrobatic 122 to 109 warriors were high on him getting him in the second round you wonder at some point guba pass

To Santos cutting Baseline a little back door play and lays it in you can tell those two have worked together a little nonverbal communication going Butler open for a three won’t go and there’s you knowz back for another rebound throw ahead to Robinson cross over over dribble but

There’s no spacing konz catches and took a backward step and stepped out of bound with 46.5 to go the Warriors leading by 15 is that the first one of the night no it’s the second Jose Joseph had one that’s right that’s right I thought you I thought I remembered you

Saying it earlier in the game cuz if it wasn’t I was going to say that may be the latest still looking for one we’ve had forever still looking for a sponsor Butler on the logo comes left guua on the switch guarding him the former Houston Rocket Butler penetrates skipped it in the

Corner kulali fires and hits a three 127 to 115 so the Warriors will get their fourth straight win they’ll get the 500 yep they’ll be tied with Phoenix he now do with 13 seconds left has to shoot it with five on the shot clock he does no good rebound tip Santos

Has it pump F put back goes up gets foul with 5.8 to go veteran player might have taken that back out but you know what 5.8 young let him play yeah he doesn’t get to play he doesn’t get to Score usually he’s not even up here so I tell you if if he keeps adding muscle the way he did over the last year we may see him up here sooner there than later he’s thick he is by the way garuba making his Warrior debut I mentioned he played

With the Rockets 99 games with the rockets kaminga by the way tonight his line 22 points nine of 11 from the field free throw good for Santos 129 150 jumper at the buzzer good by Rollins and there’s your ball game now the Warriors finally have a fourth quarter that was not a clutch

Quarter 129 to 18e final Ben Taylor working right past the final buzzer give him credit for that they’re going to look back at to caucus make sure that shot by Rollins was good so the final score will be 129 to18 handshakes and hugs down the floor below

Us James posy with a big hug for Chris Paul old friends Sammy gelfin down there as well and golden state gets ready for a backto back game with Portland tomorrow night 5:30 the year time 5:00 or 5:00 the year time 5:30 with the tip and the Warriors tonight making 18 threes that means

$9,000 will be donated via our friends at Salesforce benefit local organizations underserved you part of the Hoops for kids program presented by Salesforce go to kids for more info thank you Salesforce and everybody connected nice little little I guess moment going on down the floor kavan Looney and Jordan P

Exchanging jerseys kind of like what they do in in soccer guys that have that walkie connection Warriors have had luck with players out of Wisconsin recent years with Looney Jordan P now Brandon psky so Gary Payton the second comes over says hi to Jordan Jordan making the

Round so Brandon pmy is going to put on the headset he gets a hug from Jordan pool first and he’s going to talk to us again Brandon can you hear us yes sir hey well first of all congratulations uh on the win and and

How uh nice was it for you guys to not have a clutch game in in the in the fourth quarter uh I think it’s uh crucial for our team uh I don’t think we’ve had a blowout uh win and or loss it feels like in a while um but it’s

It’s definitely good especially with a back toback coming tomorrow uh you can kind of see towards the end of our uh game Portland last week on the back end of a back to back that we’re kind of sluggish in that third quarter into that fourth quarter so uh I think it’s big

For us obviously we got Portland again tomorrow um so it was nice to you know get our starters 8 to 10 minutes of rest well it’s good to see you back out there tonight so I’m assuming that that you not any critical issues with the back correct yeah nothing critical um I don’t

Know what they called it maybe a muscle strain last game I don’t know but you know I was adamit to do whatever I had to do the last two days to get back out here um um and y’all keep it rolling so um you know credit to our medical staff

Rick and uh his staff doing a great job over the last 48 hours to help me be able to play tonight I won’t go into this too much in depth because we went into it last time but I will mention every time you’re on with us how many

Rebounds you had you had seven a night I appreciate the fact that you uh you get on the glass as vigorously as you do what is Trace Jackson Davis bring to you guys both offensively and defensively Brandon no Trace Trace is a a s I think

Uh the Warriors have been lacking um a vertical Rim presence um that affects the game both offensively and defensively um you know it it makes it easier for guys like CP and Steph who are smaller and uh don’t play Above the Rim um it keeps the big down there

Honest that at any time if they commit to him all we got to do is throw it up there and T will dunk it so I think it’s it’s helped us offensively I think it’s helped us um you know limit our turnovers uh cuz sometimes we get down

There and and before maybe we’re getting stuck and and now uh you know he’s always an outlet which is which is huge and how big a deal was it in the second half to keep these guys off the free throw line yeah I think they had 18 at the half um

I mean coach Sayes it every game and you know he can beat the dead horse saying it that if we don’t turn the ball over and we don’t foul we’re we’re probably going to win 90 to Almost 100% of our games um that’s just the fact that’s how

The NBA is um and these guys you know they’re not a great defensive team but they’re number one in I believe Pace in the NBA um so you know if we just kept them out of transition and made him you know have to shoot half cour shots again and again

And again uh you kind of saw it there um in the uh late third quarter early fourth quarter how how we were able to expand that lead all right before I let you go since Christmas is coming up what was your favorite Christmas gift as a kid favorite Christmas gift uh I W

Always say money because I mean you’re R it you got rebounds five bucks you were crushing it I mean I I just think that I mean I’m such an not an indecisive person but I can’t really think on the spot of of what I want so I just save

Money and then you know when later on in January February maybe I’ll just buy my own thing Cold Hard Cash Brandon lone sharking in the fourth grade what do you need I got it yeah yeah I hear you we’re going to call the Wisconsin authorities BR thank thank you so much great job

Tonight we’ll see you out there tomorrow yes we see you tomorrow yep yes sir 10 points seven rebounds five assists Brandon psky Warriors 129 Wizards 18 the State Farm postgame show beckons on the Golden State Warriors radio network what go best with the Warriors win free

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Golden State Warriors vs Washington Wizards NBA live stream
Warriors vs Wizards Live NBA Play by Play 12/22/2023

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