@Chicago Bulls

6 Things We Need to See from the Bulls in 2024

6 Things We Need to See from the Bulls in 2024

A very Happy New Year to you all Bulls Nation hope you all celebrated stayed safe and as we go into the new year in 2024 and we all work on our own New Year’s resolutions I thought we would talk about some of the things we would

Like to see from the Bulls in 2024 New Year’s resolutions if you will things we want to see change things we want to see the team improve upon as well as expectations for this upcoming year and since we’re talking about the entirety of 2024 this will also apply to the

Offseason and going into next season and there are six things I want to see from this franchise in 2024 and I would love to hear what some of your Bull’s New Year’s volutions are in the comments as I’m going through these but first maybe you guys want to kick off your New

Year’s R by getting some free money which could potentially turn into more money well then you’re going to want to hear from today’s sponsor Underdog fantasy you’ve been hearing from these guys for a while now if you’ve been following the channel but for those that aren’t familiar with Underdog let me

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Let me know which pick you guys end up making now given how this season has taken a turn for the better for the Bulls and finally starting to play good team basketball Vibes are better the guys look happier and playing with better energy and focus in games but at

The same time we still know this team needs a lot of work and as they’re currently constructed they are nowhere near to being a title contending team and so when I talk about things that I want to see for this team in 2024 the first thing that comes to mind is

Changes and I mean more meaningful changes to this roster not just changing things on the margins and so the first thing we need to see is a traded now this might seem obvious to most but as we mentioned before in the channel there is talk of the possibility that Zach

Might remain with the team beyond the trade deadline partially because the market for Zack LaVine is more or less non-existent but also the fact that the Bulls are starting to play better and winning now that it’s possible they might be able to make things work with

Zack LaVine at least for the rest of the season but as I’ve said before there really is no scenario in which Zack LaVine can remain with this team beyond the trade deadline like it’s one thing if you’ve got a player who maybe is having a Down season they’re not fitting

With the rest of the organization and there’s a clear difference in their impact when they’re on the court versus when they’re off but said player is still committed to the team they’re still wanting to see the team win they’re still trying to better themselves and willing to adapt their

Game to fit the rest of the roster but when a player has made it clear they don’t want to be here anymore you can see on the court when Zack LaVine was playing that he was checked out on the team and especially when we’ve now seen

How much better the team is when he’s off the floor I just don’t see how you bring a player like like that back now maybe if Zach comes back from this current injury and he hasn’t been moved before then and we see a noticeable difference in Zach accepting a new role

Playing how the team wants to play uptempo ball movement team basketball hard nose Scrappy defense if we see that Zach has adapted his play like we have seen from demard De Rosen in this recent stretch then maybe you can make it work with keeping Zach on the roster at least

For the remainder of the season but really for me you need to find a trade for Zach in 2024 even if it means you take an L on the trade and just ends up being cap relief that you get back in the trade obviously I want to see a

Bigger return in the form of draft Capital young players but if the market for Zach is really as bad as they say then they might have to settle for a low return in exchange for Zack LaVine but in my opinion that would be better than keeping Zach around for the long term

The next thing we need to see from the Bulls in 2024 relates to some weaknesses or holes in the current roster and that’s Rim protection we’ve been talking about how the Bulls have needed to add Rim protection to this team since before they even traded for Nicola vuich and

That Still Remains the case today and by RIM protection it’s more than just shot blocking but bigs that can actually read the floor make the right switches defend the pick and roll box out and crash the boards prevent guards from driving to the basket as much as some might say

Well Andre Drummond is a good rim protector he’s better than vuich when it comes to defense in the paint but he does still have a lot of miscues on defense commits silly fouls a lot and doesn’t have the best timing when it comes to keeping up with guards driving

To the hoop now what does Rim protection look like for the Bulls in 2024 whether it be in the form of a trade before the deadline or in the offseason I don’t really know there are a lot of good Rim protectors in the league but not all of

Them are going to be available in a trade I would love someone like Miles Turner but that’s not going to happen for the Bulls whatever player or players it is even if it means someone like Patrick Williams improves even further to being a legitimate Rim protecting threat great but the Bulls have to

Resolve this in 2024 we’ve been talking about it far too long for this to not be addressed the other thing we need to see in 2024 and yes it’s still the case despite the Bulls shooting the ball better so far this season but yes it’s shooting the Bulls currently at the time

Of this recording are 28th in the league and field goal percentage even though the Bulls have improved their overall three-point percentage and three-point rate from being dead last in the League last year to now being 21st in terms of three-point volume 24th in three-point rate and 19th in three-point percentage

That’s still not good enough to really be competitive on a consistent basis in this league that is so focused on three-point shooting they need more three-point threats outside of just Kobe white like really when you think about this team and who are the shooting threats from outside it’s really just

Kobe yes Zack leavine to but again we’re going to assume he’s going to be one of those players that is moved but outside of Kobe who are the real outside shooting threats that opposing teams have to respect and be focused on when playing against the Bulls yes Alex

Caruso has been shooting the three ball a lot better same with Patrick Williams Javon Carter can get hot from three every so often but they’re not legit threats from three given they shoot threes on low volume and at times they can be a bit inconsistent it’s not going

To be something that is going to significantly impact how teams guard the Bulls and gives them multiple shooting options for the Bulls they need actual Sharpshooters shooters that primarily play off the ball catch and shoot shooters that help space the floor Force teams away from the Bull’s primary

Scores and gives them a more Dynamic offense and hopefully hopefully bring the Bulls out of being in the bottom 10 and offensive rating dating all the way back to last season the other thing I’ll add is that it’s not just three-point shooting the Bulls need to improve their overall shooting profile too many

Mid-range shots and it’s one thing if the Bulls are hitting those shots but the Bulls believe it or not are actually 29th in the league in two-point field goals and in the bottom five in the league in mid-range shooting so yes shooting efficient scoring Still Remains

A problem the other thing we need to see from the Bulls in 2024 is the Bulls have to hit on this draft pick that they have for a team that actually has their draft pick this year even though it’s projected to be a weak draft class in

2024 they need to hit on a gem a steal in otherwise weak draft even if it’s just a solid starting level player not necessarily a future All-Star a franchise level player but for the Bulls they have to start positioning themselves for the future and when they don’t have their pick next season in

2025 they have limited second round picks as well when it comes to the Bulls younger players yes we’ve seen some great strides from Kobe Patrick and I this season but for the most part the Bulls have limited talent to build upon for the future and it makes this 2024

Draft pick no matter where it lands whether it’s a lottery pick or a mid first rounder they have to hit on it adding a player that will provide shooting on ball creation a smart and ready NBA player that can be a piece that the Bulls can build with for the

Future next what we need to see from the Bulls in 2024 and I know it might sound like a bit of a stretch but seeing Lonzo ball return to the court this obviously being in The Following season for 2425 since we know he’s out for the rest of

This season and while I still have my doubts as to whether Lonzo will actually ever be able to play in the NBA again getting Lonzo healthy and being able to play for the Bulls again even if it’s not the same Lonzo ball we once knew but still having that high IQ that Court

Vision the ability to play in transition quick decision maker could be huge for the Bulls and improving their offense and speeding up their overall Pace you combine that with the Improvement and development from guys like Patrick Williams and Kobe white would make this a much better team going in the next

Season from what we’re currently seeing which leads me into my last thing that I want to see in 2024 for the Bulls Patrick Williams breaking out I know the same thing could be said for Kobe white but we’re actually seeing a pretty decent leap from Kobe this season

Despite his recent shooting slump and while Pat has looked a lot better since the start of the year now that he’s been given more opportunity and touches with the current injuries to Zach Tory Craig and nuchovich in December alone Pat averaged 14.1 points per game 4.4 rebounds on a true shooting percentage

Of 58% shooting 50% from three I mean that’s a massive jump for the first 15 games in the season but I really want to see Patrick Williams break out I want to see him averaging at least 16 points per game for the rest of the season ideally

I would like to see him averaging a bit more going into next season I want to see him commanding the ball more being a better on ball Creator a better and more assertive rebounder in boxing his man out taking more threes and of course maintaining his overall high level

Defense I know it’s a big ask but given he’ll be going into his Fifth Season by the end of 2024 we really need to see Pat breaking out into being a true borderline Allstar if the Bulls want to have any kind of hope and success for

The future and so I guess yes this would also mean the Bulls extending Pat whose rookie contract is expiring this off Seas and hopefully at a reasonable contract somewhere in the 5year $100 million range or less and then finally a New Year’s resolution for myself which I

Guess maybe I shouldn’t call it a resolution but a goal for this year is to get the channel to 45,000 subscribers so if you’ve made it this far in the video and you’re not subscribed it would mean a great deal to me if you did to

Help the channel grow to that point but anyway guys until next time hope you have a great New Year and I will see you in the next one

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Highlighting things we need to see from the Bulls for the calendar year 2024

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#ChicagoBulls #BullsNation #NBA #DeMarDeRozan #AlexCaruso #NikolaVucevic #PatrickWilliams #ZachLavine #CobyWhite #LonzoBall #AyoDosunmu #BullsNews #NBANews #NBARumors #BullsNews #BullsTrades #BullsTradeRumors #NBATrades #NBATradeRumors


  1. If im the Bulls I would let zach play a week or so before trading him, if anything just to improve his value

  2. Toughness from Billy.
    Players continue to follow the leadership of Caruso.
    More rebounding from Pat.

  3. Lonzo steeping back onto the court is gonna bring a tear to my eye! Happy new year, thanks for all yr hard work!

  4. You willing to trade Zach for a bag of chips or nothing in return really nope not me if he’s not tripping then keep him and let’s see what happens

  5. 1) Trade Zach is must. 2) Bulls should draft a rim protector. I kinda like Kel'el Ware. 3) Shooting is not a problem. I would say bigger problem is- not enough 2-way players. 4) I think Bulls should look for legit 7 footer from this draft. there seems to be good number those at this draft around mid to late first round. 5) You can't put any hope on Lonzo for next season. If he can play- good. If he doesn't play- no worries. 6) Pat will improve. As long as we don't keep Zach and play him and DeMAR together again.

  6. Has anyone ever thought about Lavine playing on a bad foot to start the year? He's not causing any drama other than the postgame media issue that was very quickly resolved. Everything else has been media created. No, I wouldn't trade him for pennies just to make a move. He said he's committed as long as he's here and I'm taking him for his word. Despite all the unfair criticism from the fanbase, he's been completely professional. If no team can meet the asking price, let him rebuild his value throughout the rest of this season and get a better deal in the off-season.

  7. I don’t understand how Bradly Beal has a trade market and he was never on a winning team but it’s different for zach? Jus interesting too me personally

  8. I think with zach we are going to be better because with him on the floor coby is gonna get better looks

  9. Believing in Zach on this team at this point is so delusional… just let him go. Both bulls and him thrive after. Yall are already seeing this with the Bulls.

  10. Happy New Year Bulls Fam 🤗 I want to continue to see growth from the young players and more wins than losses in 2024.

  11. Draft Capital !!! Keep Zach tell him to be a team player to get his stock up get his teammates trust and if he wants to stay he can but if he wanna go then get trust and stock value up only way he getting out

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