@Oklahoma City Thunder

New York Knicks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Postgame Show

New York Knicks vs Oklahoma City Thunder Postgame Show

Nicks family what’s popping it’s your boy ladies and gentlemen the OKC Thunder was just too much for the Knicks tonight jayen Williams was too much for the Knicks Chad hren was too much for the Knicks and yes shy gildas Alexander was too much for the New York Knicks

Tonight happy holidays to you anyway ladies and gentlemen hopefully you had a great great great Christmas and you having even better New Year’s I hope so I hope so ladies and gentlemen we’re going to break this one down uh please make sure you support the Channel all right you know we’ve been

Demonetized so you can support the channel cash app is dollar sign nothing but Nicks PayPal is nothing but Nicks that information is in the YouTube chat it’s pinned to the top of the YouTube chat and it’s also in the description of the video ladies and Gentlemen let’s go ahead and break this

One down because uh I don’t know the Knicks they didn’t look good for a lot of the night I mean you know they they they battled back but right from the beginning of the game they weren’t sharp in my opinion ladies and gentlemen they just weren’t sharp they just weren’t Sharp

I don’t know why but they weren’t sharp tonight and OKC is a young team with a lot of talent coming off of a big win last night against Minnesota they came in ready to go and even though they’re winning basketball games they’re still a young team that’s looking to prove themselves

Ladies and gentlemen and uh you know the Knicks just um they didn’t step up to the plate they didn’t step up to the plate right off the bat you know you could see that OKC was going to get to the basket whenever they wanted to get to the

Basket they were knocking down threes they took a double digit lead in the first they they dropped 38 points in the first quarter 38 points the Knicks battled back in the second quarter with the bench unit they battled back but then when the starters got back in the game they didn’t match up

Well they didn’t match up well and OKC again took a double digit lead it was a nine-point lead at halftime third quarter the Nick starters played better they figured out how to deal with the smaller lineup of OKC and they battled back never was they able to take a lead

Though but they battled back they was a five-point lead after the end of the third something like that fourth quarter you know the game you know that OKC never gave up that lead the Knicks would get there they tied the game they’d get there be down by two

Whatever it was the Knicks could never get the lead and then down the stretch of the game with the Knicks down six and Emanuel quickley playing a great basketball game and who matched up well with OKC because OKC played small Tom tipido substitutes RJ who hadn’t really been shooting the ball

Well RJ was 35% from the field and 14% from the three-point line for IQ I don’t understand it and then RJ automatically you know turns the ball over on the inbounds and then after RJ turns the ball over Julius Randle gets upset because he thought it was a goal tendon

Didn’t get back on defense and a whole chain of events led to OKC blowing the ncks out down the stretch for the most part man that’s the way it went down I’m telling you true story you guys seen it if you didn’t see it and you’re

Listening to me right now to figure out what happened that’s a true story bad substitution by Tom Tibido bad I I I don’t I don’t know I don’t get it I don’t get it I got my man T crow in the building man we’re gonna break this one

Down and I want to find out from Tony why did Tom Tibido make that substitution Tony why I don’t know why S I do not know why shout out to the chat black is time that I mean it made no sense you talk about sacrifice that was the time RJ needed to

Sacrifice minutes exactly we we need to give up some height whatever whatever the reason was that you thought we needed to put RJ in the game we needed to sacrifice at that point that part right I don’t care what you know cuz I listen to him talking in in the uh post

Game and he said You know guys got to make sacrifices everybody can’t play at the same time and and and and you know matchups this that and the third IQ matched up perfectly with who was on the floor IQ would you know IQ was single s single-handedly at

Points kept the Knicks in the game Bad call by Tom Tibido bad call the only the only thing that said in that in that post game conference was was um because he wanted to switch but that’s again sacrifice the switch you you know what I mean because um IQ was playing good defensively

Offensively um I don’t know keep going Tony just keep going Tony you know he was playing good offensively defensively um there was no reason to take out the game I I already been talking about like he needs more minutes and I don’t know it’s just that to me

Tonight it felt like that stubborn substitution pattern because he did the same thing last game at the same time time point and you you know I heard some people talking about RJ play good down a stretch last game maybe I missed something but it it looked like um we

Almost squandered the game last game when RJ got put back in down stretch yeah you know my cat yeah n now it’s cool you know he’s pissed off she’s pissed off too you know what I mean she’s pissed off too uh that was just that was a terrible move I just don’t

Get it and I’m not blaming the entire game that entire stretch on just RJ but I feel like it kicked off a series of events you know what I mean because immediately he throws a bad pass and I could have thrown the same bad pass who knows but he immediately

Throws a bad pass he just wasn’t playing well tonight he immediately throws a bad pass and maybe it did go off a chat on that play I think it I actually think it did go off a chat but so what he throws a bad pass they go down the score Randle

Thinks it’s a go 10 it’s not a go 10 actually when you go back and look at it he’s complaining to the rest instead of getting back on defense and the whole chain of events just bam yeah 18 turnovers uh I think six Miss Miss free throws and then that down the stretch

Mean those are the three things to to me yeah you know what I mean and and IQ was a little bit mad too I can see the way he walked to the bench you know what I’m saying I to me it looked like he was

Thinking to him s what do I got to do why am I being taken out the game this doesn’t make sense and it’s not RJ was 5 for 14 he had one stretch in the second quarter where he played well other than that he wasn’t doing

Anything to make you say he had to be out there on the floor anything anything man I mean RJ tonight 14 points four rebounds four assists had five turnovers Julie Randle the team is scoring he had 25 points nine rebounds 46% from the field only 25% from three

He was 10 for 13 from the uh free throw line had a couple of turnovers few turnovers in the first half uh you know some costly not getting back on defensive mistakes from Julius Randle tonight complaining to the referees instead of just saying forget about it

And getting back on defense you know I mean you know costly Decisions by Julius Randall Jaylen Brunson I didn’t really think Jaylen Brunson played a good game I mean he shot 47% from the field but I just felt like jayen Brunson was a little bit off in his timing and things

You know I he had five turnovers tonight you know sometimes trying to force passes into into areas into spots you know you know to try to find isah hartenstein or something and you know I didn’t feel like he played a good floor game tonight yeah I agree um even that pass

That Randle snuck in um um cutting in and stole the pass I don’t think that was to him that that probably would have been a turnover had had Randle not you know what I mean right been cutting at that same time so I agree 100% yeah and

Then Dante Devan chenzo 17 points he was really kind of hot all game you know what I’m saying he was hot all game long and I don’t think he got back in the fourth quarter until late in the fourth you know where do you find him I don’t

Know obviously IQ was out there and the Knicks probably needed IQ you had jayen Brunson out there maybe you have Dante out there instead of Josh Hart you know and Josh Josh played the hell of a game you know you so so so it’s even hard to make that that

Argument you know I mean by just by by what he did on the floor his presence was was felt I felt like yeah um and he was one of those switchable Defenders I think I mean Shay played great but I think he he did the best job on

Shay yeah Dante didn’t do bad on Shay he yeah yeah you know Emanuel quickly tonight 22 points two assist he was seven for 10 from the field four for five from the three-point line four for four from the free throw line you know there were points he was a little

Dribble heavy but you know he did create a lot of things for himself and others while he was out there I don’t know some bad calls from Tom Tio man some bad calls for Tom to now Josh Hart did have um you know seven rebounds and six assist we’ll give him

That I don’t know you know some some you know Bad Decisions by Tom Tibido tonight though especially that substitution of RJ taking out quickly yeah like three minutes left something like I was I was looking I seen RJ coming I was like what are we doing right now are we

Serious the funny thing is you you say quickly look upset like to me he looked like he looked like he knew like it was it was uh business as usual you know mean like he looked like he knew it was that time and I’m just like I couldn’t

Believe it either man man it it made it made no sense he was the only guy that was cooking you know I mean at that at that period of the game and and yeah I don’t I don’t get it I don’t get it yeah and I was waiting for the exclamation

Post game I was waiting for uh Fred cats to ask him a couple of specific questions yeah you know what I mean it’s it’s it’s crazy yeah it was a dumb explanation too you know what I’m saying because you talk about matchups and guys got to make

Sacrifices and like you said um you know this is when RJ needed to and I don’t think and I’m not even saying RJ wasn’t willing to make the uh sacrifice you know what I mean um Tom Tibido just got to say you know this is who I’m keeping in the game you

Me oh boy oh boy for OKC man uh they had some guys who was scoring up a storm a couple of you know their big three was scoring up a storm for you know I mean Shay SGA 36 points seven rebounds eight assists shot 56% from the field he shot

40% from the three-point line tough to keep that kid out the lane um jayen Williams that kid is tough give me my props ca he was the guy that I was like yo we need to draft him yeah Grant he got he got picked before we we you know

I mean before I pick yeah that that that kid man that kid is tough you know he can go to the cup he can handle it he can shoot the mid-range he can knock he was five for five from the three-point line tonight you know that kid it’s

Tough they definitely have a big three growing no doubt about that Chad hongren a 22 points five rebounds four blocks tonight you know what I mean and don’t let his size fool you he’s got more strength than he’s got more strength than it looks like you knew that from

College though yeah you know what I mean like you know he played a little bit stronger than his his his uh weight than his weight yeah yeah you know he’s got you know great footwork uh he can shoot the ball for the three-point line you know they have a nice three growing

Right there and they’re all young and 100 draft picks they still got draft picks you know I mean so yeah yeah you know this is a tough team to stop right now you I mean it’s a tough team to beat because they can score the ball they are good at creating

Turnovers and the Knicks turn the ball over tonight you know right from the beginning of the game the Knicks were turning the basketball over right 18 turnovers tonight for the Knicks four turnovers for OKC that’s four turnovers plus 14 you know what I’m saying 18 turnovers

For the Knicks four turnovers for o for OKC it’s going to be tough uh to win and the Knicks shot the ball well the the difference is the turnovers the Knicks shot 50% from the field they shot 41% from three the difference is the turnovers they rebound the ball well

They rebounded the ball they had more assists you know what I mean the the only area other than turnovers that they lost I believe is points in the paint yeah because these guys were penetrating anytime they wanted to I was like holy cow what is going on and

Threes but that was like it was close you know what I mean right you know you know they’re another team similar to to to to Milwaukee where they’re able to shoot from the outside but also attack in the paint you know what I’m saying and all of these

Teams like you know you know teams that can do that are so so dangerous you know what I mean because it’s almost impossible to defend them you know teams that can do both efficiently you know what I mean and obviously OKC is a team that can do both of those things

Efficiently and they did it tonight right they shot 54% from the field they were 43.8% from the three-point line right but like you said they had 62 points in the paint the Knicks had 50 they had 22 fast break points the Knicks had 12 you know I mean

Uh but what it came down to still in my opinion is you know late game execution you know what I mean turnovers down the stretch of the game those turnovers again you know but but late game execution bad coaching bad coaching decisions late game and and and um early

Like we didn’t start the game well at all we didn’t start the game so you know I mean it was an uphill battle Yeah and and it was a battle to get back into the game and then maintain it because every time you know the get back to

Four then they extend it out to 11 10 you know what I mean and and you know if you don’t get down 17 you know what I mean you’re probably always within one or two you know maybe have a lead you know maybe within one or two but you know

When you get down 17 points now you got to battle back get to within four then of course they’re going to go on a run you know and and and this is the result 129 to 120 the Knicks lose to OKC and they’re on a they in in in the

Middle now of a stretch of games that are actually tough right teams that you didn’t expect to be very good this year I don’t want to say very good but teams you didn’t expect to be what they are you know that’s who the Knicks are facing so you know they’re facing some

Teams that you know they haven’t played against them this season they haven’t played they haven’t had a chance to feel them touch them play against them to know all right this team is fast this team is strong this team is this this team is that even though you played against them

Last season different now right okay it’s different because they got check out there on the floor you know what I mean speaking I’ll say this him um out of all the young teams that are doing well I believe in OKC the most you know what I mean so that goes

For our next two opponents which Orlando and paces um you could throw the uh the the the the the Houston Rockets in there you know what I mean like out of all the young teams that are like really doing um outplaying expectation the OKC is the

Team that I I I I believe in in in the most you know what I mean um and those next two ones those next two games are more important games more within the within the conference you know I mean the within the battle for positioning so so yeah way more important these yeah

These next two games are way more important uh for like you said everything you I mean CU right now Orlando who is our next matchup is what like one game above us yeah y cuz it was a half before this before we lost right so they’re like one game above us

Above us in the standings um and then Indiana is just below us in the standings right you know somewhere around there so you know this these are definitely important games more important than the OKC game but still two young upstart teams that are going to you know they’re

Coming in with a little bit of a chip on their shoulder because neither one of these teams made the playoffs last year but the Knicks did so they’re looking at it like okay what you know another team we got to prove something against something to prove yep yeah so yeah

Orlando right now is 18 and 12 full game above the Knicks Indiana is 15 and 14 they are one and a half games below the Knicks they’re in the AP seed in the Eastern Conference you know what I mean uh the Knicks remain above Cleveland even though Cleveland is 17

And 13 probably because the Knicks beat him right but uh you know tough loss for the Knicks in all these games are Road games too right yes sir yeah all these games are Road games the toughest part is the the self inflicted wounds you know what I mean like those turnovers really really

Killed us cuz considering what we lost by we lost by nine lost by nine I think I think you can you can argue the game was closer than that you know what I mean and and yeah the the the turnovers we we we did our job in a lot of the

Categories that we supposed to do our job in you know what I mean like it was uh yeah the the the self-inflicted ruins um I don’t know if I keeping IQ would have one of one us the game you know what I mean like so I I ain’t gonna put

The super emphasis on on RJ sub but it didn’t make sense at the time yeah you know what I mean I mean I mean that’s not the reason we lost but you know it’s it’s like a microcosm of the night you know I mean you know what saying

Microcosm of the night shout out to starlife uh it says salute brother this is Ghost Rider man thank you for the cash app I definitely appreciate it hopefully you had a very Merry Christmas and that moves right into the new year ladies and gentlemen 2024 coming up Mamba

Year coming up can you believe it it’s 2024 you know uh I seen someone in the chat say C Phoenix said the Thunder is the future of the NBA and we look like an outdated version of a past NBA um you know I’ll say the Thunder their style of

Plays maybe you know their style and you know the way they have versatility even you know have a center that can bring the ball up is what the NBA you know looks like even now and will look like in the future let’s see how well that

Team can grow you know because you know we’ seen that with OKC before you know they had three guys before and you know they did go to a championship though with those three guys three three potential Hall of Famers they did go to a championship they weren’t able to keep the team

Together though and and that was and that was the team you know I mean it wasn’t even like the play like like they they it was a $4 million difference that that they couldn’t agree upon to keep that whole Court together yeah and I’ll tell you what I do like about OKC though

Right they did try they tried for a moment to you know they they they had Russell Westbrook they brought Paul George and then Melo you know what I’m saying and they tried that route and they quickly said nah let’s not do it and said let’s go back to building from

Youth you know what I mean and obviously they just their front office knows how to they know how to scout they know how to bring in players they know how to put together a young team and you know help them build and grow and and obviously their developmental uh system is strong you

Know what I mean you know you know you know let’s see if they can um let’s see if they can keep it going let’s see if they can keep it going and and turn the turn I mean SGA is already all NBA I don’t see any reason why Jaylen uh what’s his name

Jayen Williams I don’t see any reason why he wouldn’t be an all NBA player at some point or Chad hren to be honest with you money is always going to be an issue the way the NBA is structured but you know if they can find a way to keep

Those three together and then add pieces around them they really got something Brewing they really got some I mean they got something Brewing right now but you know what I mean they definitely got something Brewing the only the only thing that surprises me about Jaylen Williams right now

And honestly I said it last year last year was rookie year um how much weight he gained from from like draft time to game to to the beginning of the Season you you know I mean like he put on CU that was my only concern with him like he was

Slender in in college and and somehow he just put on Mad muscle going into the season and he’s been phenomenal first two years yeah phenomenal yeah you know uh he makes giddy Expendable like if if you really think about it you know be like yeah you know it’s uh you know it’s

It’s tough man you know 18 turnovers tonight they I want I want to know how many of those turnovers turned into points yeah I was looking for that stat too I they didn’t they didn’t show it on the um on on the Nicks feed yeah how many turnovers turned into points 10

Blocks for OKC as well four of them by chat you know but how many of those turnovers tur into the points if the Knicks take care of the basketball it’s a different basketball game you know offensively we were we were we were good we didn’t get stops

That we needed to get uh we gave up the lane to the basket 62 points in the paint for OKC you know what I mean you know um that small ball lineup became effective at you know I mean some point during the game yeah um and Shay man like like besides

RJ taking being T well being brought in and and and kind of that domino effect of what we s um when Shay got brought in the game that domino effect as well like I think we cut it to four um Shay came in brought it right

Back up to 10 you know I mean with two or three possessions right right and you know they asked Tom Tibido about the defense you know you know are are we where we need to be defensively he didn’t really have a clear answer for it

It was you know you know you know I look at the the the teams that we are playing you know what they’re doing offensively and this and that but I’m like it don’t just play defense it don’t matter I mean you know all right I know what they’re doing offensively good but

If you have a good defense what did you take from that what what did you take for that what did I I have a take from it what did I take from that that uh you know he’s covering up covering up for the team not playing well defensively that’s what I took from

It you thought he was just trying to be politically yeah I yeah yeah you know Tom tippo is not the kind of guy that’s going to you know just straight up you know trash team that’s that’s a fact he he he’s always going to try to spin it into a positive

He’s not any too many negative actions or single out a individual or anything like that I mean he will say stuff like you got to get stops boom boom boom you know he he’ll say things like that um but you know you know overall the Knicks defense hasn’t been good this season not

As good as it as we thought it would be I mean that’s fair that’s fair true too um I looked at it differently I thought he for me when I was listening to him I thought he was s it felt like he was still trying to figure out how to adjust

From the absence of Mitchell Robertson well that could be too and make an adjustment if you will you know what I mean because I think I think it is an adjustment at this point for him philosophy wise and everything so that that that’s the way I I took what he was

Saying but I mean I I think what you’re saying makes makes a lot of sense too you know I mean rather than rather than you know say anything negative you know even as as little as it’s not where it needs to be um you know I mean just kind

Of right give explanations he does that a lot too so yeah Josh said the team is winning games by not playing defense well then by your logic the team is also winning games by playing isolation if that’s what you call it you know they’re also winning games by not having another

Guard they’re also winning games by not having all these things that you always complain about right uh so you know what’s that mean they need to play better defense if they’re going to win basketball games 62 points in the paint and it wasn’t like they had a big guy

Posting the posting up it’s because guards were penetrating down the lane and scoring you know what I’m saying guards were penetrating down the lane and scoring that’s why they had 62 points in the paint we got to figure out how to get stops they almost shot 60% from the

Field they shot 54% from the field and he he also he also said um we we weren’t good defensively with Mitch Robinson the difference was the points and the paint thing look different you know what I mean so so I think that’s the difference with without Mitchell Robinson and if if you know

Anything about tibs that’s his emphasis first defend the paint first and then take care of uh rotations and getting back on on um on on rotations and threes and things of that nature right so I I think that’s the the difference yeah OKC played small all night they played small the entire night

Besides Chad they played small but their small is bigger than than our than our small their small is almost like our average yeah I mean right but but that’s what I mean look at Julius Randle when the starting Lance was out there Julius Randle was the biggest strongest guy on the

Floor right because you had Lou Dort playing the power forward spot right then of course you had chat at the center spot everybody else is small you I mean I mean you know I don’t know I think I think the defense is just terrible right now and I think when they start playing

Defense better like you know we’ve seen a couple of nights when they’ve played defense I can’t argue with that too I didn’t think it was possible and backtack games you I mean what was it 109 you know I mean I forgot what the other score was 114 114 109 we gave up

You know and that’s coming off 130 125 140 so know I mean so so I I do agree with you in that aspect right I mean you know I I think if they if they can play some consistent defense they can play some consistent defense they can win basketball

Games you know they can if they can place I actually I think they can win basketball games by margins of double digits because their offense is doing well you know what I mean they they’ve been shooting the ball at a high clip they’ve been shooting well from three

Shooting well from the field you know uh moving the basketball they’re not getting stops can I ask a um almost um Blasphemous question um is there ever a situation where the sacrifice comes from Brunson sitting and and quickly playing uh I mean there could be there could be

You know I mean like if his argument is we needed the size you know what I mean like and this is I’m not saying he should have did that I’m just saying like does that factor in or or is it I can’t ever take Brunson out so IQ is

Always the guy that has to sit when when it becomes a size issue right um I mean I I he’s not going to take Brunson out he’s not g to take Brunson out I mean I don’t think he you know mean but I’m just I’m just trying to

Make if you if if that’s your argument you gotta be consistent in it that you know what I mean like that that’s that’s my only point and you know I’m not one of the tibs haters I I support tibs you you know I mean but sometimes his decision and then his explanation don’t

Match up and then it comes like all right I’m not stupid me right right um rebild said this isn’t a defensive team who on this team can defend so then how do you explain last season Obi was the difference yeah Obie was the difference right this team has shown that they can

Defend you I mean they have guys that defend this team has been a good defense they were a good defensive team last year they had ups and downs they had stretches and and most teams are going to go through those kind of stretches but this team has shown that they can

Defend you know what I mean I’m just saying either way I don’t think this team is outscoring teams every single night I still believe that sweet spoted somewhere around a pace that brings them around 115 116 117 points I believe that’s a sweet spot in in Pace for them

Obviously they’ll win games by scoring more they’ll lose games by scoring more they’ll lose games by scoring 115 obviously but I feel like that’s a sweet spot for them when it comes to pace and scoring you know I mean and but you know if you’re not going to

Play if you’re not going to get stops and you’re going to turn the ball over you’re going to lose you know you’re going to lose and OKC you know they shown that you know the turnover were not just the Knicks just throwing the ball all over the

Place they were getting their hands in the passing Lanes you know what I mean they were getting deflections they were jumping the passes you know what I mean uh when they’re in when they’re in the lane maybe they could have you probably could have called some fouls but you

Know they’re getting their hands in there right they’re getting their hands in there making it difficult uh when you get inside you know I mean they’re not just letting you be inside you know I mean and where the Knicks this season when teams have gotten inside they’re not really getting

There to help their teammate some nights they are when they’re really motivated right but you know uh just in general it doesn’t feel like you know they’re clamping down defensively yeah I don’t know I feel like they got to figure out you know they got to figure out this

Thing on the def defensive side I mean feel like they got to figure it out on the on the defensive side it’s going to be tough well we know who the scapegoat of the night [Laughter] is yeah gotta figure it out you know I don’t my you know my my key decision is

The RJ thing although that’s not definitive that’s not the definitive thing that lost us the game you know it it’s just it was just a baffling decision so that is my key decision for the tonight my key play my key decision that that whole sequence RJ and then Randall you know not getting

Back on defense um you know you know just kind of signified the downfall of the Knicks I’m saying it just kind of you know that that that that got the ball rolling in my opinion you because IQ was he was hitting shots man he was hitting shots he was

Defending well you know what I’m saying his size you know was a good matchup for SGA you know I mean uh you know jayen Williams nobody was stopping jayen I mean nobody was stopping either one of those guys but they were good matchups so like you know SGA got the ball he

Wasn’t just getting to the basket whenever he wanted to get to the basket you know if if I if I IQ was in front of him uh you know he made it a little bit tougher although you still could get a shot up he made it a little bit tougher

On him jayen Williams was just getting any shot that he wanted to all night long he was killing RJ yeah from from the beginning of the game to the end he was I mean he killed everybody but particularly RJ yeah it looked bad um what do you think

About they did it for the Knicks what do you think about the referees holding the ball until a team decides whether or not they’re going to challenge a play what do you think about that cuz you seen you know jayen Brunson was asking I feel

Like if the player I feel like if the players doing this there should be a little grace period or or here’s the alternative which I know people aren’t going to like I mean players aren’t going to like if you do this like cuz is oh well it’s considered a coach’s challenge so maybe

The player isn’t allowed you know what I mean but I would I would say like if they do this they use they they use that as a timeout you know what I mean and now you got that you have a grace period after the timeout right right to you

Know what I mean to for the coach to either use the challenge or just keep it as a timeout yeah because you know I mean the player has the right to call the timeout right so if you see a player doing this you know you know mean you know that to me

So that’s that’s where I I feel like I I don’t have a problem with it but if you want to clean it up maybe this becomes an automatic this and then now you got to have make that decision quickly are you challenging or you know mean right because because because the player can’t

Challenge the coach has to because you know the tough thing is when the ball is inbounds once the ball is inbounded you no longer can challenge that play right so if the referee is holding the ball and you seen OKC like you know the referee is holding the ball you know

I mean it’s like uh you know why are you holding us up from you know being I I guess it does stop a team like as soon as a play if a play looks like it could be challenge the team hurry up gets the ball in bounds you know what I’m saying

So now the coach never gets a chance to challenge I guess it does stop that from happening too what if you have as the referee know that that might have been a quick whistle or you know I mean like you might have you you wasn’t 100% you know I mean like

Maybe you want to save face a little bit um yeah I don’t I don’t necessarily have a problem with it they did it back for OKC as well on on on the other side so as long as you keep it fair and keep the Integrity there that I don’t have a

Decision I don’t have a problem with it if you’re benefiting one team more than the other then you know I mean now gets a little sketchy yeah how long do you hold it as the ref how long do you hold it I mean the funny the funny thing is

This situations where the ref holds the ball when it’s not a challenge you know what I mean like it’s just trying to be a quick inbound or or or trying to run the play like I’ve seen that plenty of times you know um more so from a Nick’s

Perspective because that’s when I like noticed it but I see brunon like like come on give me the ball give me the ball trying to get a quick inbound yeah yeah and so so the fact that it happens when it’s not necessarily a challenge either again it keeps it more into that

Fair game thing I don’t know why they’re doing it ever but you know I mean I I’ve seen it when it when it doesn’t necessarily affect a challenge right well you know sometimes the referees have to confer or you know they’re looking at you know another referee to

See if something was boom boom boom or or anything like that you know what I mean you know n no I was just wondering about it when I seen it tonight because I never really paid attention to that this was the first time I’ve seen it as

Well you know I mean never really paid attention to that so you know you know we’ll see if we’ll see if it’s something that becomes apparent in the NBA where now you know they have to look at it and say okay what’s what’s going to be our you

Know do we do we make a rule change or what’s going to be our policy regarding that you know what I mean um you know so yeah we we’ll see but you know they they they clearly held the ball I mean you know the dude was like

Looking for the ball trying to get the ball from The Ref and he held it on his hip like hold on wait a minute he jumped on side to side the ref kept moving the ball side to side like no you’re not gonna get the ball you know you can’t

Just take it from me right right exactly yeah if you do that you just take it from me then it has to you know that has to be a tech so so they weren’t going to do that you know um I don’t know in your estimation Tony what do the Nicks need

To do I mean I’m not panicking from the loss yeah because the Knicks could have won the basketball game you know what I’m saying nor nor am I you know um I mean keep doing what what we’re doing you know what I mean like 18 turnover is very uncharacteristic of us

You know what I mean so so to me that that that’s not like trendy that’s not something that’s going to continue to occur and and and like I said we wanton a lot of the areas that we usually need to win to win a game so if

We clean that part up I feel like we’re in this game so you know I I’m not g I’m not going to go crazy just keep doing what we’ve been doing we we’ve been on a nice little stretch you know what I mean we got two very important games coming

Up you know I mean let’s let’s take care of those guys let’s I mean we haven’t seen either one of them so it’s gonna be new you know I mean like new for the for the season so you know I mean let’s come out with energy let’s win the first quarter let’s close

Out quarters let’s close out the game you know what I mean like I’m I’m not very concerned with with this loss either yeah uh Greg said uh tell me why tibs didn’t use his second challenge for Taj when he got shoved down to the floor on that offensive foul uh because the

Timeout right after to complain to the rest when he could have used it for a challenge I agree 100% he should have challenged that play cuz that was clearly an offensive foul clearly an offensive foul that’s that’s crazy because I definitely thought the same thing but I

Definitely didn’t put it together at you know me at the time like I’m like yo why not Challenge and then he definitely did call a timeout right after he called a timeout to complain to yell like the ref to yell at the ref instead of using the challenge

Well I guess the only argument is you still have the challenge later on if you use the challenge the second one you lose the timeout but the fact that you use the timeout his his only thing is he was preserving that challenge l right right but yeah was that third quarter or

Fourth quarter was that third or fourth I want to say that that was the fourth early in the fourth yeah I mean I mean Ian that would have been a good time I think to to use that challenge though cuz that was clearly an offensive foul I agree now IQ

Came back down on the other side IQ once again came back down on the other side got chat in the air and picked up a foul you know I mean but that could have ended up being I think that was his fourth foul on on on IQ that could have

Been his fifth foul on IQ right and that could have changed instead of the Knicks being down eight they could have been down six still and then maybe IQ still comes down and scores and the Knicks only down four now you know those typ of you know those

Those decisions change the game Big Time little little plays coach uh tibs didn’t have his best performance tonight at all you you know I mean RJ didn’t have his best performance for that I mean I mean you could really argue that Nick’s percentage R we we we shot the

Ball well but we didn’t really play well didn’t play well ter we had 23 assists which is good for us you know I mean average I’ll say that we played average tonight and and the turnovers really did did Us in like we weren’t phenomenal nobody was outstanding we played the

Average game and and we were still in the game you know what I mean with with 18 turnovers so yeah you know you know the we just we didn’t play a good floor game or anything tonight you I mean didn’t didn’t didn’t play a good Flor game bad game for the

Knicks we’ll see if they can respond and rebound versus Orlando Orlando obviously is playing tough you know what I mean um you know they you know they got a young group out there too you know but the next you know this this is you know hope maybe that was

Just one I mean the Knicks just played on Christmas you know two days ago so you know hopefully they’re not you know but you know you still you have Christmas you got the holidays maybe they needed to knock some rust off I don’t know but they they they better not

Need to do that again think about it most most likely they didn’t celebrate Christmas early they celebrated Christmas after the game you know I mean after where where if it was a late game they might have celebrated it early in the day or or or or whatever so you had

All their festivities and things after that when um you know I’m g go with that they had to knock a little knock a little bit of rust off that hopefully that was the of the 18 turnover turnovers they got and fix it yeah building blocks said 18 turnovers OKC coming off of a

Backtack was this their first back toback of the Season or something like that second um I know in The Telecast I know in The Telecast they said they hadn’t really played many backto backs I don’t remember if he said it was their first one I don’t think it was their first one

They said they hadn’t really played many back to backs I know it ain’t as many as us it ain’t as many as us we gotta be leading the leion back to back got to be the back to back kings boy I’m telling we got one coming up

Right our next to is Friday Saturday yeah right a go another way right you know what I’m saying right how much rebuild said that was a big win on Christmas how much do you believe in emotional let Downs I do believe in emotional let Downs you know what I’m

Saying you get a big win on Christmas you get a big win against Milwaukee then the next one you know you kind of let down a little bit let down your guard on I’m I think it’s more likely the this just the the The chisman Hangover you

Know I mean I think that’s more likely than I don’t think this is that team that kind of lets St guard down or or or breathes a a sigh of fresh air you know what I mean like we we’ve we’ve because this could have been another statement win to be honest you

Know what I mean like and and that’s the mindset I would expect that they continue to have I don’t expect a let down against Orlando you know I mean I think they know the importance of it um and I really think they’re trying to get to a level

Of I’m not going to say Supremacy but at least showing some kind of dominance right showing they belong you know I mean in in a certain tier yeah yeah yeah no doubt uh Greg asked uh can I not play the post games anymore he said I’ve

Noticed you don’t do it uh any longer I see other Nicks channels still do it uh the thing is you know uh YouTube is acting real funny right now they got all kinds of wild stuff going on um you know so like they hating yeah it’s just a lot of stuff going on

Especially for whatever reason with my channel you know what I mean so I just chilled out on it for a little while until you know we get things back situated and then uh you know I’ll be back playing them you know once once once I get things back

Situated I mean they are let’s let’s say my channel was banned and Tony you decided to post stuff from me cuz I got this i got this message yesterday and you decided to post stuff from me they’ll ban your channel like they’re bugging out you

Know what I mean cuz on the front stoop they took down a video that I had up because it was a video of someone else that I didn’t even know got banned right so like they were in the video like a clip from them was in the

Video whatever and they took it down because now they said you know it’s just a warning that’s what they told me but they said we took it down cuz this person got banned boom is there i’ be like uh I’m sorry is there a band list that I could could

Ience right before you know what I mean before I put myself in this type of predicament you know what I’m saying like because how would I how would I know somebody is banned yeah so you know so so so right now I just you know chilled out on I’m

Pretty sure you know I can do clips and pieces of it but until I get things cleared up with YouTube I just chilled out with it for a little bit because this there’s this thing called um reused content and they might consider it reused content so that’s the reasons

Why but I at some point I will have them back you know what I mean at some point I will have him back but you know YouTube has been bugging out bugging out recently they just been going they they’ve been going crazy but how do you Tony how do you

Think the Knicks improve this team what do you want him to do to improve you know you know there’s rumors out there about the jonay Murray I thought he would be a great fit you know that year coming into the year that we got

Brunson um I do think as far as fit he’s a better fit than um Donathan Mitchell just because of what he can bring on the defensive end like like you’re not worried about two small guards um I’m I’m not mad at it I feel like if

Even if if the cost is the same cost that they gave up to get him if if that’s what we’re talking I’m with it you know what I mean if if it I don’t think it should cost anything near uh the Donovan Mitchell cost or or you know

Some of other other guys I do I do like the fit to be honest um I guess my only concern would be just a quick acclamation how how how quick do we figure things out um you know I mean if if we pull the trigger on on that

Because I don’t know if it’s a seamless fit in the middle of the season if it was like coming into off season and everything else I I would love it right now you know he is another ball handler you know another Creator out there uh he can obviously play defense I think he

Adds to our defense big time what’s he like 64 65 at least 65 yeah you know I thought I think he might be 66 yeah you know so so you know there could be um I think he could be a good fit next to Brunson obviously like like you said

How do we get adjusted who gets moved if that were to happen you know what I mean uh you know how does your lineup turn around then of course you know you got to start to figure things out on you know kind of on the

Fly you know what I mean uh but you know I wouldn’t mind seeing Deonte Murray play for the Knicks although I do have some questions about his character just a little bit you know just just just some things that I’ve seen after he left San Antonio made me question it a little

Bit you know I mean and then he gets to Atlanta and they just like plummet the the interesting the interesting thing is you know they say the Knicks have interest but they don’t specify who and we know that’s been the Knicks like that’s been one the one

Thing you could count on with the Knicks when they looking into acquiring somebody character is always like one of the first things they look at so it’s interesting that you know I mean all these things pop up and then the Knicks supposedly have interest um the other interesting aspect is is obviously the

Clutch ports aspect yeah exactly yeah yeah that that’s that’s that’s a big aspect right there so I’m like y you want I was because um I forgot OG’s not not with clutch no more but I was gonna say you want to work with us with this

One you might as well make it a double Wham because you know mean I think two bringing in two defensive guys you know I mean a OG and a and a uh and a and a Murray like that really changes things defensively on for for this team

Yeah we see what happens man uh just any quick thoughts on Orlando uh long term I like I said I feel like their lack of experience um will eventually catch up to them whether it’s during the season or or you know in the playoffs mhm

Um but I think they are a super talented young team with a bright bright future um I I just think right now they that you know what I mean they they off to a hot start I don’t know if it’s sustainable um like this year you know

What I mean so so I think I think we we we can beat him um it’s not an easy task um Wagner is another guy um both of them but you I mean they they got a nice young team out there they they feisty feisty they competitive you know I mean

Like battle they not they not the Super athletic team they not the Super tallest team like it’s all about fight with them you know I mean effort and and resilience right it’s like a young young young us you know I mean yeah yeah that that’s going to be a good game that’s

Going to be a battle again like we said that’s an important one for the Knicks the next two are two important games for the Knicks Orlando and Indiana you know one team above above us in the standings one team below us I think if the Knicks knock off

Orlando if they beat Orlando they probably then jump above them in the standings right that’s what I really want that four five matchup whoever ends up being I feel like that’s our um that’s our our sweet spot in the playoffs and and you know the Knicks actually just dropped to

Seventh because Cleveland won tonight so Cleveland is 18 and 13 the Knicks are now s 17 and 13 so now the Knicks are just one they’re they’re a game and a half above Indiana Indiana’s in the eighth spot and they’re a full game behind Orlando so yes if they win this game

They’ll be a they’ll be tied with they both teams would be 18 and 13 right and so the Knicks would be able to jump in front of them because they would have the lead in the one to one uh head-to-head match and and right now we’re tied with Cleveland but they’re above us

No no Cleveland they’re above us by half a game okay yeah because they won tonight oh wow they was losing too I thought yeah Cleveland beat Dallas 113 to 110 oh wow they was they was down last in the fourth quarter when I look yep they beat Dallas 113 to

110 uh you know other games around the league the Raptors beat the Wizards 132 to 102 uh the 76ers beat Orlando 112 to 92 Milwaukee beat Brooklyn 144 to 122 Phoenix beat the Rockets 129 to 113 y all the scores around the league ladies and gentlemen yeah hartstein had problems

With ch ch tonight um yeah yeah yeah uh let me see Michael cariglio kav hopefully I said your name right cariglio he said no that’s not the one I was looking for he asked about sadik Bay and Murray on this team I mean if you can get sque Bay and de jonte Murray

I mean that you know you get the backup power forward and then of course you get you know a defensive Wing you know what mean mean both of those guys could fit well with this basketball team and both guys can shoot it from three you know now where is you know how

Do you find room for obviously you’re going to have to move somebody to get a sadique bay and Murray you’re GNA have to move people so two rotational guys two rotational guys that you got to figure out how to fit you know into the lineup obviously you’re going to move

Other other rotation guys too so yeah yeah here we go I think I like uh if you had the choice between Murray and ba and um Drummond and d rozan i I’d go with M Murray and Bay yeah younger they still add some things that you need but they’re younger you know I

Mean you can have you have a longer future with them so yeah I what I would say what I would say is if it’s if it’s short term if it’s just this year I’m going I’m going the Rosen um Drummond but but yeah you get mured that’s long that’s a longterm plan you

Know what I mean and he’s under contract and I I think ba is too right or or is he a free agent um after I’m not sure I’m not sure but yeah so so if I I I guess that’s the way I’m looking at if it’s if it’s

Longterm I agree but if it’s just if it’s like for this year I think that gives us a um you know I mean a shifi top four seed yeah we’ll see what the do I’m pretty sure they’re looking to trying to figure out some things that they could do by the trade deadline

Trade deadline comes up in what a month and a half yes sir yep yep month and a half we’ll see I seen Nick GM said Ben Simmons should be cheap by now no he’s still not cheap he’s got like another year I think he’s going to make like $40

Million next year he’s not cheap right now you know what I mean he’s not talking about the contract me like n we gotta pay him still so he yeah yeah that that definitely ain’t cheap you know what I mean but ladies and gentlemen I’mma get

Up out of here I appreciate your time on the way out make sure you hit that like button you can always support the channel as well cash app is dollar sign nothing but Nicks PayPal is nothing but Nick that information is in your YouTube chat it’s also in the description of the

Video all right so you know make sure you check that out ladies and gentlemen um you know uh I’ll be able to reapply I should have never been demonetized but I’ll be able to reapply in about a month we’ll see what happens then you know what I mean YouTube is a

Trip they be bugging out YouTube is a trip but anyway ladies and gentlemen we’re going to get up out of here I appreciate your time Tony any last words before we get out um I’m glad you’re back man I missed you happy holidays I hope I hope you had

Uh you know I mean great great time I did man you know you know everybody family everybody is here I got a job driving people all over the place and all kinds of stuff you know I had to I I I took my daughter to the train station

Today CU she had to go to she had to go she she’s planning on going to Leman College next year and playing ball at Leman College in the city yeah yeah okay I’m definitely going to a game s you know what I’m saying so she she’s there

Now with the team they have a tournament starting tomorrow so she’s there with the team with the coaches you know and just to support the team and be around the players and stuff like that but she’s planning to be at Lei College next year oh that’s right up the block from

My mom s I’m I’m pulling up I’m pulling up yeah yep we GNA have to do something man we gonna have to plan something that’s congrats to her yeah she got two more years so you know she she’s looking forward she’s looking forward to it for

Real you know so then I got to go pick her up Friday night and it’s crazy cuz I got a basketball game Friday morning then I got a basketball game Saturday morning so I’m all over the place you know I mean but you know things are kind of calmed down so I can

Make sure I’m getting all my you know all my stuff in you know me all all my all my shows in and everything but ladies and gentlemen get up out of here appreciate your time uh maybe I will get a chance to see it tomorrow I got basketball practice in the middle of

The day at like 3:00 so I don’t even know if you know but uh I’ll be home at 5: I’ll be done at 5: so I’ll be able to do something maybe later on tonight tomorrow night tomorrow night what’s tomorrow Thursday yeah all right folks I’m out of here

Peace this is BK nothing but Nicks when s pass the assist you know that it’s number one show that breaks down the game if you can’t play defense stay out my way dribble the ball come down the lane 5 seconds on a shot clock who going

Win us the game you want to hear Nick updates and trade rumors post game reviews just the place you tune in tell a friends just to keep the ball moving like the page if you feeling the movement every game we coming to win give us a sub like a player that came

The bench this is nbk nothing but Nicks

Postgame analysis of the New York Knicks vs Oklahoma City Thunder

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  1. Thibodeau an old senile stubborn ego maniac S.O.B and the Knicks will win nothing wit him in charge of this roster mark my words.

  2. Knicks literally got beat by three people. No one else on that team scored in double digits. It might be time for rj to go to LaGuardia

  3. Too much for the Knicks? You mean too much for RJ…. Biggest reason why we lost. Biggest reason why we always lose. I’ve been saying this for 3 yrs and RJ fans always have a damn excuse

  4. Tony, WIlliams didn't get picked before we picked, he was the 13th pick in the draft and we traded away pick number 11

  5. IQ NEEDS TO BE IN THE STARTING LINEUP IF YOU NOT GOING TO GET A REAL SF… Thibs need to be replaced he's not going to get this team over to the hump.

  6. RJ needs to get back in the Lab and work on his shot. He started the season off hot but ever since he had those Migraines headaches he just hasn't been the same. I thought this year was going to be his breakout year but I guessed wrong. The Knicks will be a competitive team all season but unitl RJ takes that next step I don't expect them to consistently beat these elite teams..

  7. Quiks is our 3rd most consistent player. Whether he starts or not… he deserves more time. Rj's inconsistent shooting and lack of defense is glaring. We need a big and shooting in order to be taken seriously in the East.
    Can we get Devin Booker?
    Can we get Dejounte Murray?
    Let's get Drummond or Olynyk asap

  8. OKC fan here. I agree that one of the reason Knicks lost is the complaining than coming down for D. If you noticed OKC peeps, they complaining while running down for D. The discipline is a major difference.

  9. Realistically how far do you think we’re getting? I love the the Knicks but as a realist we not going anywhere with the block ness monster out the season. We need to continue to build from the draft enough chasing stars look at OKC

  10. Why are we wasting time with a starter who cannot close games or hit open shots or stop anyone on D? Who else is a third option on a team that can't play in the 4th? We have to get off this guy and the coach is as good as a lock with broken pins. There's just no getting through to him. Enough is enough. This ain't what you should get from the 3 pick and that makes it a bust to me…

  11. Dinosaur NBA Coach Tom Thibodeau’s incompetent coaching decision call to sit red-hot Immanuel Quickley late backfires on KnicksRJ Barrett was struggling again, and Immanuel Quickley was on fire offensively. Terrible coach Tom Thibodeau terrible coaching decision to bench red-hot Immanuel Quickley late backfires on Knicks and caused the Knicks to lose the game against OKC.

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