@Los Angeles Clippers

Post Game Thread: The LA Clippers defeat The Miami Heat 121-104

#Miami Heat at LA Clippers Arena- Los Angeles, CA




|Time Clock|

|MIA |35|23|27|19|104|
|LAC |23|36|36|26|121|

###Player Stats

**Miami Heat**

|J. Cain|34:31|9|4-12|1-4|0-0|3|0|3|1|1|1|0|3|-22
|J. Jaquez Jr.|38:29|15|6-13|0-3|3-4|3|1|4|2|4|0|2|2|-17
|B. Adebayo|35:45|21|6-17|0-2|9-13|3|12|15|4|0|0|3|3|-12
|T. Herro|34:35|12|4-13|4-8|0-0|0|6|6|6|2|0|3|1|-29
|K. Lowry|24:24|8|3-5|0-1|2-2|1|0|1|3|0|0|3|3|-19
|K. Love|22:30|17|7-11|1-5|2-2|2|2|4|3|0|2|1|2|5
|D. Robinson|26:05|15|3-8|3-7|6-6|0|1|1|2|0|0|1|1|-3
|R. Hampton|11:34|0|0-1|0-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|2|9
|T. Bryant|3:22|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|-6
|N. Jovic|2:55|3|1-2|1-2|0-0|0|0|0|1|0|0|0|0|3
|C. Swider|2:55|3|1-1|1-1|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|3
|O. Robinson|2:55|1|0-0|0-0|1-2|0|1|1|1|0|0|0|0|3

**LA Clippers**

|K. Leonard|33:42|24|10-19|2-5|2-3|1|5|6|5|4|1|2|0|24
|P. George|33:46|23|7-14|3-8|6-6|0|3|3|2|1|0|3|4|14
|I. Zubac|28:48|6|3-4|0-0|0-0|1|11|12|1|0|0|1|4|28
|T. Mann|17:47|12|5-7|1-2|1-1|1|2|3|0|0|0|1|2|8
|J. Harden|31:29|15|5-8|3-5|2-2|0|4|4|10|1|2|2|1|26
|R. Westbrook|17:53|8|4-10|0-1|0-0|2|2|4|3|2|0|2|0|-4
|N. Powell|33:01|22|9-11|4-5|0-0|0|2|2|2|2|0|1|4|13
|A. Coffey|18:32|5|2-3|1-2|0-0|1|0|1|2|0|0|0|2|-7
|D. Theis|16:17|6|2-3|0-1|2-2|0|1|1|0|0|0|2|3|-8
|B. Boston Jr.|2:55|0|0-1|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|0|-3
|K. Brown|2:55|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|0|0|0|0|0|1|0|-3
|M. Diabate|2:55|0|0-0|0-0|0-0|0|1|1|0|0|0|0|0|-3
###Team Stats



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  1. Call me a doomer or whatever but yes, I was nervous about Kawhi’s injury.

    Glad that wasn’t anything too serious, 4 games missed is no big deal.

    He looked great, team is flowing, Mann had just the type of impact we needed, Norman be stormin…

    Bah gawd is that winning streak music I hear??

  2. thahovster7

    I wasn’t on the Harden train but I have to admit this team has never looked this dominant end to end of a game during the entire 213 era. We look genuinely scary for the playoffs. Miami’s defense looked lost.

  3. LilTurnippman


    It’s chubby time


  5. clippersguy17

    kawhi with an absolute masterclass on both ends to close that game out early in the 4th

  6. All hail kawhi. Norm was good and PG was better in 3rd

  7. Way to take care of business against a short handed Heat team to get another win streak going 🔥

  8. Happy-Cauliflower-22

    What a friggin win.

    What I don’t understand is in the first quarter people were saying our players and teams were garbage. Make it make sense?

  9. GenericDarkFriend

    post game interview: “Happy new Year”. Kawhi: Silence. Turns around. lol

  10. When the Clippers get the W, I get a little chubby dude 🤷🏻‍♀️

  11. MannyDanning

    Kawhi reminding everyone he is top 5 in the league.

  12. 6Charming

    This is it for the Clips. This is the year to win the chip. They have everything they need

  13. Upset_Purchase_5903

    4th quarter Clippers are LEGIT THIS YEAR. Closed that out to perfection.

    And as per usual, Kawhi is a basketball god.

  14. Who’s beating this team when healthy though?

    Even when Miami was up 14 I had no doubts we were coming back… can’t remember last time I felt that way about a Clipper team.

  15. Very good win against a tough team, even without Jimmy B. I really thought it would be a trap game, but the team proved me wrong, which is great.

  16. benificialart

    great win after being down 14 in the first I believe

  17. TheNamelessClipper

    Kawhi is my favorite basketball player, but James Harden makes me feel things, man.

    Really thought this was going to be a struggle game, one that I feel like we would’ve lost the last two seasons, but coming back to win by nearly 20? Oh yeah, that feels good even against a depleted Heat. Love Kawhi coming back from injury by just taking the game over.

    I really, really want this to be the year. Maybe I’m crazy, but is this Norm’s most consistent stretch with us so far? Cause it feels like he is playing lights out so far off the bench.

  18. LLUrDadsFave

    You can tell Ty using the first half of games to try shit out. They know what works.

  19. Kind of curious why plumdog didn’t get any minutes.

  20. TheMightyNomad

    3-game win streak. 10-game win streak with our best player playing. Safe to say this team has figured it out. That 6-game losing streak when we first got Harden was truly alarming. In hindsight I feel horrible for judging JH13 too quick

  21. Ragnar_OK

    Harden is a magician with the ball. So many amazing passes and high IQ plays on offense, just a pleasure to watch. Kawhi and Harden work amazingly well offensively, but Kawhi can take over the offense by himself when Harden’s sitting. I’ve noticed Kawhi does more isos when Russ is playing vs when Harden’s playing, he relies on Harden’s playmaking a lot more than he does Russ’.

    Kawhi and Russ work so well defensively tho, the whole team play style changes, that fourth quarter was stifling when they shared the floor

  22. Jayden-Wilkins


    Clippers are scary bruh.

  23. GenericDarkFriend

    Mann is figuring shit out, I don’t doubt him at all

  24. EvenRobotsNeedTango

    Great W! Our cyborg’s immune to rust 😤

  25. ThaEternalLearner

    Best stat of the night is that Harden only played 31 minutes.

  26. MITWestbrook

    In all seriousness, Kawhi will take this team if healthy to conference finals.

    When he was fully healthy, his last playoff run was 2nd round exit to Nuggets. Then it was NBA championship w Toronto. Then it was WCF loss to Warriors but he was hurt that series.

  27. What a win! Harden is now averaging an absurd 1.4 steals & 1 block per game so far this season wtf

    Credit to Westbrook and Harden reinventing themselves into defensive presences this late into their careers

  28. InTheMorning_Nightss

    Hell of a game! Some quick thoughts:

    * Harden and Kawhi are simply unreal. Harden truly is a system. Get him the ball and good things happen. Some of his passes (like when he was doubled and threw a crazy lob pass to Zu over the entire defense) are just disgusting, he scores so damn efficiently, and he has been playing inspired defense. Kawhi gets the best looks he has in his entire tenure, and he’s an absolute defensive monster. Just a fucking pleasure to watch both of them.
    * For as consistent and dominant as those two are, our other hall of famers giveth and taketh away. I’m not sure what’s been up with PG, but his body language and play has just been so… meh. Luckily he turned it on in the 3rd, which is basically his MO, but man, he has some low lows. Same applies to Russ. He and PG were the primary reason for such a big deficit early on, and it’s because they were both atrocious on both ends of the court in the first half. We need them to find some consistency.
    * Coffey, Mann, and Zu just continue to do all the little things right. With the loss of literally 3 forwards, Coffey stepping up the way he has has been *so* huge for us. While they do the dirty work, Norm is just a fucking bucket. What great role players we have.
    * Gotta continue to give Lue his props. He coached a masterful game against the best in the business, and we were simply just getting better and better each quarter. Great shit from him.
    * I love Theis. I think he has a role on this team on many matchups. But I’m excited for Plumdog to be back, because nights like this show how much size simply matters in this sport.
    * Lastly, fuck the refs. I won’t argue that we *didn’t* foul Bam a bunch in the 3rd. He’s a great player and we did resort to fouling him… my issue is that he was getting ticky tack whistles while we couldn’t buy a call. Russ, PG, and Kawhi all get hit with that same contact on nearly every drive… nothing. Amir literally gets grabbed on a 3 pointer? Nah. But the second Bam touches the ball and gets bumped, it’s a whistle. I hate how the NBA is trending to basically make it impossible to guard big men. It’s awful.

    We’re coming up on a VERY important 4 game stretch here. Gotta take care of business against the Suns (2x), Lakers, and Pelicans. 2-2 is basically the bare minimum, 3-1 is a win, and 4-0 would be fucking amazing. Let’s go, Clips!

  29. ohmeohmy78

    Kudos to **Ty Lue** who coached an awesome 2nd half of that game.

    Rotations were on point, as he kept **Harden** in longer to run the offense in extended bench minutes in the 3Q, allowing **PG** to heat up with his shooting, **Russ** to focus on defense and pushing the pace, and this is when the Clips really started to separate themselves.

    Once it was **Kawhi’s** turn to take over in the 4th, he looked fresh, disrupting on defense, securing boards, and getting practically anything he wanted on offense, essentially pushing the lead to the point of no return. The attacks at the rim (baseline reverse dunk!) were very encouraging to see on his first game back from injury.

    The other role players were very good tonight, especially high-efficiency **Norm** dropping 22 pts, and **Zu** protecting the paint.

    This was another game where their effort caught up to their talent and different guys took turns contributing / dominating at various times throughout the game where they looked unstoppable. Could definitely get used to these kind of W’s…

    Schedule continues to stay tough with some talented opposition coming up, but it looks like the team is ready. Onto the next one.. Let’s go Clips!

  30. WatermelonMan921

    Praying clippers are healthy entering the playoffs

  31. Evening_Influence794

    I love this fucking team. Haven’t been this pumped since I became a fan 25 years ago.

  32. HorrorBoard

    This team is deadly. Like PG said in his pod barring injury it’s unlikely teams can beat this squad 4 times. Putting the rest of the league on notice

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