@Dallas Mavericks

Who do the Mavs Think They Are!? | Kyrie Irving Returns, Dallas Mavericks vs Utah Jazz Postgame

Who do the Mavs Think They Are!? | Kyrie Irving Returns, Dallas Mavericks vs Utah Jazz Postgame

On today’s show who do the Dallas Mavericks think they are really who do they think they are to come into that game and play that way against the Utah Jazz we’ll talk about that and more on today’s lock down Mavs I’m lukic and this is lock down Mavericks Mavericks NBA champions bang

Bang it’s good and the Mavericks have won the game if you don’t believe you shouldn’t be Here and welcome you are locked on at the Dallas Mavericks my name is Nick angad media member to NBA channel manager for the locked on podcast Network your team every day thanks for being part of the show and makeing lockdown Ms your first listen today where the best way you can

Help us grow the show is to listen every day leave a festar review like the video and comment anything below let me know in the comment section what’s the Maverick’s biggest weakness the biggest weakness the biggest one you can think of let me know this episode is brought

To you by prize picks the easiest most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports go to priz lockdown NBA use the code lockedown NBA allerase lockedown NBA for a first deposit match up to $100 the Mavs lose to the Jazz Kyrie Irving returns we should be excited about Kyrie getting back about

The Mavs big two back together for the first time in a while since December 8th I think and we should be looking at this Jazz game going oh Mavs are coming off of a really good team win against the Warriors and here we are the Mavs lose

This game in a fashion that made it look like the Mavs spent last night New Year’s in Los Angeles or wherever they were or maybe in California and the Jazz spent it in Utah you could chalk it up to that you could just say oh the Mavs just didn’t

Have it look at the jazz jazz shot super well from the floor what did the Jazz shoot 51% from the field and they shoot 27% from three so that means that they shot so well from two that the Mavs just couldn’t keep up with what the Jazz were

Doing and the Jazz were pretty healthy dud Lowry Markin was back and Colin seon and Jordan Clarkson got the first triple double since like some of you were not even born like he oh it’s it’s fine it’s fine I’m not going that way today I’m looking at this game and what I just

Watched told tell me told me one thing about this Mavericks team they do not know who they are with this loss because if you lose a game like this where Kyrie comes back Dante XM was available you got Luca you got this new lineup that you feel good about the excited about

With the emergence of Dante exam with Derrik Lively playing the way he’s been playing with Derrick Jones Jr giving you what he’s been giving you this season you’ve got a pretty full bench now that you feel good about with contributions from Tim Hardway Jr and Josh Green coming back and Grant Williams doing

Some things you know you’ve got good contri like you can spread your two stars out into bench units now Luca’s been playing Amazing Kyrie’s back now and you come into this game and if you’re the Dallas Mavericks you lose 127 to9 90 score 11 points in the fourth

Quarter Jason kid pulled the plug with 6 minutes and 42 seconds left now that’s probably your biggest indicator that the Mavericks just didn’t have it in this game that they partied too much for New Year’s and that they came into Utah and they don’t really drink in Utah I

Don’t know if you guys know this or not they they drink like a carbonated milk beverage like a a Coke plus milk beverage that’s like their their whole thing people like line up for it in mornings just like coffee uh I’m not sure that the Jazz partaking partaking

That necessarily my boss would probably be upset with me if I talking about Utah this way but the Jazz looked so much more prepared they looked like they cared more it looked like they came in and said hey we’re supposed to be the quote unquote underdogs with Luca and

Kyrie being the two best players in the game I don’t think that was the case tonight in the way that they played but you know Derek Lively outplaying what Walker Kessler did like you’re looking at this team going oh man this MAV team should be so much better than this Jazz

Team coming in even if the Jazz get get teams back or get players back that is not what happened in this game at all and so I wonder do the Mavericks know who they are if you’re the Mavericks I’m gonna talk to you for a second Mavericks

You are not good enough as a team at this point to just walk into a game expect all right we’re getting Kyrie back and then all of a sudden everything fall into place and you’re just going to walk over teams you’ve done a good job still talking to the Mavericks so hold

On for a second let me talk to the Maverick you’ve done a good job this season of taking care of business Office Depot you you’ve got you’ve done a good job of coming into games that you’re supposed to win and winning those games so far this season

The Mavericks are uh so far the Mavericks are 12-3 against teams below 500 this season I think it was 12- two before this Jazz game they’re 12 and three they’ve been able to come into games and take care of business when they needed to one of those losses I

Know is to the Grizzlies and that was without Luca I’m pretty sure the other one is too and you come into this game and just it wasn’t even that they lost to the Jazz the Jazz have been playing really well lately I’m going to give them a little credit because the Jazz since

December 13th now are eight and3 they’ve had almost 120 offensive rating which is amazing points scored per 100 possessions 116 almost 117 defensive rating that’s actually those numbers are probably going to go uh improve for both of them after this Maps game but they’ve been a good team since for the last two

Three weeks or so I think they’re a really well coached team they look like they’re more prepared they look like they’re better together and if you compare that to what I just saw with the Mavericks the Mavericks are the opposite of that in this game they did not look prepared

They did not look like they had a game plan it did not look like it just looked like they gonna roll the ball out and say all right Kyrie’s back we’ve got this we’ve got this in the bag we take care of business against these teams you can’t have it like you just

Can’t have a game like this if you’re GNA continue and try and be one of the best teams in the west and honestly if you’re going to make the playoffs in the west because right now the Mavs have been playing pretty well this season I just said they take care of business

Really well they’re 19 and 15 they’re in seventh right now the West is too good for you to drop one of these games and for you to not know who you are and to walk into a game like this and be overconfident about who you are as a

Team and then just not even show up really how many cuts to the basket did the Jazz have where they just got a wide open dunk or a wide open layup in some way the Mavs defense we’ve talked about you and I have talked about this a million times their defense is

Predicated on effort it’s on guys being together playing together knowing who’s going to be where especially when the Mavericks play smaller they’ve got a rookie Center he’s got he’s still you know working his way into the NBA like they’ve got to be communicative they’ve got to know who’s who’s getting who

Who’s picking up who who’s jumping out to rotate and the Jazz have this ball movement they get a ton of assists how many they finish in this game felt like they had a million uh the Jazz in this game 37 assists to 49 made shots which

Is a ton especially a ton compared to the Mavericks and the Jazz just ball movement did The Mavericks All Over the court they would pass one way the ball moves faster than a player ball moves one way somebody tries to catch up to it then somebody has to go run over there

Then somebody has to run over there then all of a sudden Walker Kessler’s at the rim for a lob it was over and over and over again in this game and it makes me wonder if this Mavericks team just it’s over comp like overconfident about who they are

We’ve got Luca we’ve got this Kyrie’s coming back we’ve got this it’s a ridiculous notion because in the NBA today teams are too good this Jazz team has been too good it’s it seems crazy to say if you look at it if you told me this roster

Was was too good for the Mavs to overlook them like three years ago I said who’s their best player oh it’s Larry marinin oh Simone fonio is gonna go off for 24 this game oh guess what Chris Dunn is back and he’s playing good defense oh hey guess what uh Colin seon

Is not even gonna score 10 points in the MS are gonna get beat hey Jordan Clarkson is on just like you just go down the list and you go man these are the best players on the Jazz and the maps are better than them they have more

Talent they have more Talent than that team you have Luca you have Kyrie you have a you know pretty solid role players around them like you should have come in and beat this team Mavericks and yet you look at what happened and it looked like they party too hard the

Night before came in didn’t know what they were doing didn’t really have a game plan and to Jason kid he came in and was experimenting with lineups he tried to you know start the lineup that the Mavs have been talking about he tried to throw guys throw guys in here

And there he tried Hardy who seemed to work in the third quarter we’ll talk about him a little bit later but I think that this this Mavs team came in with just too much they they got lost in their own sauce a little bit in who they are as a

Team overlook this Jazz team because you just beat them by 50 last time you play it’s a completely different team than the one you beat by 50 a bunch of players from the from theirs are back and the Mavs just looked at it and were way overconfident who they think that

They are and I need this Mavs team if they if they want to make the play honestly if you want to make the playoffs you’ve got to come into games like this and take care of the business that you think that you should be able

To take care of and they just did in this game and it makes me wonder going forward if the Mavericks know who they are that’s been my big question about the Mavs right now do you know who you are do you know what you need to do do

You know what preparation you need do you know what game plan you’re supposed to have kid what was the game plan in this one because I don’t know offensively it was a mess second quarter Luca was jacking threes up all over the place we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about how the Mavs

Lost this game and more coming up on today’s lockdown Mavs today’s episode brought to you by prize picks prize pick is daily Fantasy Made Easy Go to prize picks right now and you can pick the more or less on projections on two to six player stats

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It’s all lowercase lock innba and check out priz daily fantasy sports Made Easy thanks everybody for being part of the show uh and part of the raccoon Squad listening every day we appreciate each and every one of you last day that I’m traveling I’ll be back so I’ll be

Back in the normal Studio back with the back with slightly biased on Wednesday back with the guest hopefully Dana Larson this week and all that so uh this is the last day you’ll have me just completely solo not at home and with my in my studio and all that kind of stuff

If you’re joining for the first time appreciate you this is a five day a week uh in every postgame Dallas Mavericks podcast lockdown Mavs appreciate you jumping in who are the Mavericks I don’t think they know who they were because coming into this game it was just a mess even from the even

From the beginning they only outscored the Jazz in one quarter and it was by four or in one quarter and it was by four in the second uh the Jazz did shoot really well now the jazz came out they were hot early and it felt like it the

Mavericks really took that to heart and just like got frustrated because they are losing going into the second quarter 26 to 37 the Jazz had shot 62 and a half per. the Mavs had missed one for had missed eight threes they were one for nine and it felt like like the Mavs

Teams in the past where they miss a bunch of Threes then they get frustrated and then they didn’t get don’t get back on defense and they don’t rotate they don’t put the right effort in it felt like that kind of a team again and they just have to break that they have to

Break that habit if they want to be a playoff team this season if they want to continue to be good and if they want to continue to follow this path that we’ve been talking about where they are good this year they at least make up make make the playoffs maybe win a first

Round series hopefully win one and then next season you make a you know this offseason you make a big move and you take a step forward you’re not going to do that if you have games like this where you don’t take care of business you don’t you know you take a team

Lightly that you probably shouldn’t and you come in and you lose in such a way I mean Luca the beginning of that second quarter he hit a couple of Threes got really three-point happy and then just jacked a bunch more he just was chucking up threes over and over and over again

And it that’s just not good offense for the Mavericks to walk to the other end and to just him shoot a three or Tim Hardway J just jack up a three or Kyrie Irving just jack up a like a mid-range shot they’re just not getting into anything they’re not making anything

Happen and the ma this Mavericks team since December 14th they’re 4- seven their offensive rating has been 112 112 points scored per 100 possessions to give you a perspective 112 points per 100 possessions is the Washington Wizards offense the Chicago Bulls offense the Los Angeles Lakers offense and and the Jazz offense for

This entire season they are playing like one of those teams recently over the last couple of weeks they are not organized enough they have not been playing well enough for them to just walk into a game and think they’re going to just walk all over a team you have not earned that

Right yet and I felt like in the second quarter is where they really kind of just like gave up and just started jacking up a bunch of Threes And they cut it they cut it to like seven or eight in that and uh and just really their defense just betrayed them oh felt

Like over and over and over again in this one uh the Jazz finally did start missing some and then the they cut it to what seven at halftime and then by halftime you’re starting to look and say okay seven points Jazz shot really well Maps can come back in this game and in

The third quarter they really started started playing well it felt like they were really getting into it Luca Kyrie Hardy started instead of exm in the third quarter because exom went out with a heel injury he was questionable coming into this game he’s had some you know

Some things here and there where he’s been questionable and so this time it was a right heel contusion that he’s that he was out for and I just would ra I would definitely rather than be cautious about Dante exom he’s had big injuries in the past and all of a sudden

Dante exom is really important for this team which is kind of wild so as much as it stunk that he didn’t get to play a full game in his first game back against Utah his former team uh they needed to just play it safe with that so I get

That Hardy started kid wants to go with that that other ball handler next to Luca and Kyrie so they can create some more you know like ball like uh offensive creation they can move a little bit more didn’t really feel like they got into a lot of that at all

Really but Hardy hit a couple of Threes Derrik Lively hit a nice paint catch on a turnaround and then he had a nice leaner against the Utah Zone Utah went into Zone because the Mavs weren’t shooting very well at all and the Mavs cut it to three at that point and then

They cut it to three let’s see yeah they cut it to three and then the they never got it anywhere closer that the rest of the game and the Jazz just kind of walked away with it and they went on a run in the fourth quarter and Jason kid pulled

The plug like I said with almost seven minutes to go which is kind of just embarrassing and honestly that’s the way that the game went the Mavs defense just kind of couldn’t keep up and couldn’t keep the Jazz away from the rim enough for them to uh for them to even like get

A for them to even feel like they could breathe in this game the Jazz shot 21 of 23 from the at the rim 21 of 23 they missed two shots at the rim and I think one of them was a block by Lively oh my gosh just BR just brutal

Just a brutal game for the Mavericks to like it felt like you had some momentum because the Mavericks all of a sudden have this long you know uh like home like home stand and I think the Mavericks need to stack up a bunch of wins I think tomorrow I’m going to look

At this home stand and we’re going to talk about why this is a very important stretch for the Maverick season it will not Define the Maverick season I’m not going to go there just yet but they need to stack up a bunch of wins especially with Kyrie back and Luca hom stand

You’ve got a bunch of teams that you’re playing that are not necessarily the best in the NBA you’ve got to stack up a bunch of wins coming up in this home stand and so it would have been great for the Mavericks to have the Warriors win then win this one with Kyrie back

Use that momentum going into the next one and then maybe you you build some of it and now just feels like to me back to zero the Mavericks may not feel like this but from the outside looking in it feels like they’re back to zero in this

One we did see Hardy go on a little bit of a run and score you know he hit a bunch of shots he hit five threes in this one I’ll talk about him in the third segment I also want to talk about Lively and talk about what he’s did in

This game because I thought we saw a little bit of growth from him and so let’s talk about that but man it it was just weird the only other thing I want to talk about with this game is that the Mavs tried to go small again and they

Keep trying to do this they went small about the 10-minute Mark in the fourth quarter it was kind of Jason kid’s last Stitch effort say all right let’s just try one more thing to see if we can cut this lead down it was 79 to 97 so

They’re down by what 18 Luca Kyrie Tim Hardy Jr Derrick Jones Jr and Grant Williams I don’t know that that crew is ever gonna play defense well enough to come back in a game like this they’re gonna hit enough threes and that’s probably Jason kid’s bet is he just said

Let me just let’s just see if we can hit another enough threes and Kyrie Irving won a little like Five-0 burst where he hit you know a three-point shot then he had the steel n one he missed the free throw can we can can we say that Kyrie

Missed free throw off of the end one was when it just like ended for the maving felt like it ended there felt like the Mavs attempt to come back ended when Kyrie missed a free throw in the fourth quarter because that has NE that never really happens and yet it did in this

One and then about two minutes later or about a minute later or so uh the Jazz hit a couple more just shots right at The Rim I mean honestly dunks right at the rim and Jason kid called the timeout the Mavs tried to come back with the

Same lineup Tim hard Jr had that egregious turnover he’s just literally standing at the top of the key trying to figure out what to do with the ball because the Mavericks had no offensive plan I’m telling you they just didn’t seem like they had anything that they

Wanted to to go to and so Tim’s just standing there looking around for somebody to come around at an off ball screen or just to do something and the you know the ball gets tapped away from him and then all of a sudden you uh you

Know you get you know know it’s 103 to to 84 it’s a 19point lead and you get another dunk at The Rim Grant Williams tried to stir things up with K George where he was kind of hooking him and then Grant Williams tries this thing

Every once in a while where he just get into somebody’s face he gets called for a tech and Jason kid goes enough enough let’s end this let’s put them out of their misery and take the starters out take everybody out basically and put in the the the very far end of the bench

Guys a frustrating awful loss but Jaden Hardy and der Lively showed some stuff what did they show in this game and were we excited about it or am I a little skeptical about it we’ll talk about that coming up today’s episode brought to you by FanDuel FanDuel Sportsbook has all kinds

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Third part here where I want to talk about Jaden Hardy and Derrick Livy start with Jaden Hardy he’s had an up and down season this year where he’s had some games where you come in you feel feel good about what he’s bringing to the table and you’ve had others where you go

Man it just don’t see like there’s any growth from Jaden Hardy in this game 17 points gets to start at the third quarter instead of Dante exom he hits five of his nine threes three rebounds one assist two turnovers and he plays about 21 minutes played into the fourth

Quarter played some of the garbage time minutes as well am I encouraged or am I discouraged by Hardy I didn’t I was not very encouraged by this game to be honest I think his process has been good at times I think there was a a segment in this game where

I saw him make some really good passes and try some stuff beginning of the second quarter I thought he had three or four really good possessions in a row where I thought he took good shots he missed those shots but he took good shots he made some good passes and they

Either got deflected or it was it was missed uh that you know that he off the uh the the steel and a transition an opportunity he threw one up to Josh Green to dunk and he should have just had it really easily and Josh Green missed that one and then he got an

Assist to Derrik liely off of the pick and roll where he had a floater or no Hardy hit the floater excuse me and so I thought he had some some good things here and there but the problem is with some of these games that we’re looking

At with Jaden Hardy oh this is a good Hardy game 17 points he hit five threes again the only good games he’s had this season or when he hits five threes this is the third time he’s done this this season where he’s hit five threes and it

Feels feel like he’s becoming just what Tim Hardway Jr was a couple years ago if you can hit a bunch of open threes you’re good and you’re helpful if you can’t hit threes and you can’t hit these open threes then what else are you doing for him because he’s just driving into

Guys sometimes getting blocked he’s not hitting a bunch of uh you know mid-range stuff he had the one floater I just mentioned and then other than that he was what uh one he missed five other twos didn’t get to the free throw line had the two turnovers as well I mean

He’s just not not creating stuff that you feel like you don’t feel like he’s really taking steps in that way now could Hardy steps be slower than some other guys sure they could be he’s got to really work on his decision making and decision- making the NBA can be

Really difficult especially right now when offenses are so like hyped up right now offenses are souped up in a way that we haven’t seen ever and so every decision matters on offense so much more than they used to because teams are scoring 120 points per 100 possessions that’s in that’s insane and

So every single possession feels like you have to score in today’s game because if you don’t then all of a sudden you miss the huge opportunity your you know your offensive rating goes down and all of a sudden you’re not keeping up with the other team on the

Other side who are scoring pretty much every other time down the court so with Hardy maybe his steps are a little smaller and maybe some of these five3 games are a good sign of all right he’s still got the confidence he can still knock down shots the more of these games

He puts together that should that should be better better right like the more games where he hits five threes and gets hot and shows that he has that ability that should be a positive for the Mavericks problem is he just doesn’t seem like he’s putting together all the

Other stuff that we we’d love to see but he had this is definitely his third game shooting that he’s had a couple other games where he shot know 50% he hit two of four three other times three of eight one time two of three from three like he

Can hit some threes and he can knock down some threes his percentage has not been that good this season but remember he’s been playing in real segments like weird spots where he’ll close a game but then he won’t play another game and then he’ll start one game and then

You know come in in the third quarter another game it’s just been all up and down so with Hardy’s growth let’s take the let’s take the win with the five threes and say all right it’s at least positive he’s continuing to show that he can shoot in the NBA especially playing

Off of Luca and Kyrie if he can get the open shots he can knock him down that’s at least a skill in the NBA you’ll take that but can he grow into anything else maybe it’ll take just take a little bit more time with him on Derrick Lively there is one thing I

Am very let’s let’s end on a positive here something I’m very encouraged by is Derrick Lively’s ability to score in the post he was five of eight in this game that means he missed three shots I think two of them were were aloes right at The Rim that he definitely should have got

He just didn’t get his hands on the ball and uh it felt like I’ve been watching a lot of football with my family as I’m traveling it felt like he he got it took his eyes off the ball before he caught it a couple of times and tried to just

Dunk it really hard instead of getting it right to the rim which is just really uncharacteristic of him but he missed those two his other shots he had some really good stuff he had a leaner where he’s posting up on a guy and he turns

And he’s like all right I’ve got a weird angle at the basket but I’m gonna put the ball in one hand it’s not it’s not fully a sky hook it’s not really a floater it’s just kind of like a leaner where he’s got the ball stretched out

And he you know puts it in the basket I thought that was good he had another hook shot in this game at least one maybe two he’s he’s showing a little bit more in the he did a couple more times uh he’s he scored a couple more times

When Luca was double teamed and he got the ball turned and dunked or turned and got a layup or something he’s just showing growth in that area and I think that’s such a positive because I coming into the season I was worried about his offense I was worried about what he was

Going to bring to the table offensively at all because he was touted as eventually this dude like he’ll be able to rim run but eventually this dude’s gonna be able to step out and hit a three and I was like okay well what else

Is he like what else is he doing then I brought on Rafael Barlo from locked on NBA big board and he said ‘w he’s got he’s got this face up game a little bit too I was like man what what what should I really expect from from this guy

Because he didn’t do a whole lot in college but this high school stuff shows that he could be this different guy but we’ve seen some good postup stuff from him we’ve seen great stuff out of you know Luca getting trapped in double team him taking advantage of that space and

I’m GNA take the positive from Derrik Lively on the offensive end him being able to score on mismatches on on guys in the post and all that so let’s take the win on that on that development of Derrick livley is scoring on a little bit of a postgame a couple shots here

And there I’ll take that win with Derrick Lively moving forward and the Mavericks have this this home stand now for them to stack up some wins prove who you are as a team and to not look like you did in this game because this should hopefully this

Motivates them because man this is a really frustrating game if you’re a Ms fan in the comment section let me know what’s the biggest M’s biggest weakness and uh tomorrow come back we’ll talk about the MAV schedule why this home stand is so important what I expect to

See what should we see with Luca and Kyrie lineups going forward we’ll do all that uh tomorrow guys thanks much for listening to lockdown Ms peace out Boom

Kyrie Irving returned but the Dallas Mavericks got beat by the Utah Jazz… did Luka Doncic, Jason Kidd, and the Mavs overestimate who they are in the NBA season so far?

Nick Angstadt @LockedOnNBA reacts to the Dallas Mavericks loss to the Utah Jazz, Kyrie Irving’s return, and if the Mavs know who they are as a team in the NBA this season. How did the Mavs lose to the Jazz even though Kyrie returned? What happened with Luka Doncic and crew? What did we see from Jaden Hardy & Dereck Lively II?

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#LukaDoncic #KyrieIrving #DallasMavericks #Dallas #NBA #Mavericks #Mavs #DallasMavs #MFFL


  1. they are fuck up….. dallas is too small team…. dallas need power forwards and back up center…. kidd is so stupid coach… hopefully luka gonna leave this sucks team

  2. Oh yeah Grant Williams didn't bring anything to this game bro has been bad …give OMax some of his mins

  3. Why was Hardaway on the floor late in the game.. he was clearly not the answer hardy finally get rolling then gets benched. I don’t understand

  4. Kidd has to go. I've been saying it all season and it keeps becoming more obvious. The root of a large number of their consistent issues are coaching. I don't care if we look good for a few games or if Luka can put on the cape and save the team from self destructing. As long as Kidd is the coach this team is going nowhere. The sooner every can acknowledge that the sooner the Mavs can really start building good habits.

  5. If luka doesn't win the game single handed you people are ready to trade him lol, can't wait till he leaves this awful franchise

  6. If the mavs wanted to have a contender they would've fired kidd years ago, they have wasted lukas career so far, lukas 6th season and still not a competent team around him

  7. Use Hardy as a scorer looks better. We should use him this way to replace THJ, not the offense initiator. Every time THJ and Josh are in the trade rumors, they play terrible. Our defense is a disaster against these big teams. Please get a big wing before the trade deadline, we can't depend on lively for all the interior defense though he does a great job as a rookie center.

  8. KYRIE IS A TEAM KILLER 😂💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  9. 'great insight into the mavs play today. they looked disorganized and had spent hte new year partying.over the new years
    They came in unprepared to play well and it showed big time. Luka looked like he is feeling the continuin effects of his quad injury; and is trying to play through it.the best he can..He had a lot of assists that were bricked, and couldn't make his 3s, He had 14 assists and could have had 10 more.Hoping they get it together for the next series of home games. This one was an embarrassment…

  10. If the 3s are not falling, and its clear there not falling, they need a backup plan and not just keep shooting 3s like they think they're Prime Steph and Klay….

    What they need to do, is run a play where Luka will get the ball at the Low Post, run alot of screens with Luka making 2 to 3 screens as the screener and hopefully,, he'll get a smaller player on him, as the play unfolds to him having the ball at the Low Post, then have Luka do Luka things at that moment.

  11. I don't understand why OMax is not assigned to G league. Playing in garbage time is not helpful for his development. He needs to work on his 3pt shooting and it seems he will not get an opportunity on the mavs, so what's the point here?

  12. Biggest weakness might be our lack of defensive effort or doing the small things night to night. It's one thing to not have the personnel to guard a matchup/team but it's another not giving effort every night. Won't give our self a chance when we do that.

  13. This is not the same caliber team that went to the WCF. We lost Brunson, tried to replace him with Kyrie and lost DFS / Winwiddie in the process. Grant is not a replacement for what DFS brought, DJJ is good but can he replace that clutch shooting that big shot Bullock the bullet brought us in the WCF run? Not to mention, guys like Kleiber and Powell are now very weathered. Alll we needed to do was keep that team together and/or add a big and they couldn’t do it. Lively should be a back up center to a proven big until he further develops but because we were so size deprived, having a rookie center seemed like a god send to us when inreality, he’s not there yet. Guys like Green and Hardy are somewhat stagnant in their development and you never know WTF you’re going to get from Hardaway. .

  14. Look at ur podcast, one Q for yt commercials, one Q for ur commercials, one Q for raccoons? and one Q for the actual game. Same with mavs, only one Q for game at hand, the rest is headless running arround.

  15. Irving and Luka won’t work. You have 2 defensive liabilities with these 2 on the court. One liability can be hidden. 2 is a problem. Especially if either is having an off night

  16. Something completely different. First of all, I wish you a happy new year and a successful and healthy year 2024. I miss Isaac, that's clear. But I love how you do the podcast alone and work with many different guests. many thanks for your effort. Best regards from Dirk-Land.

  17. The main problem is that they dont have a trainer. And you realize it when Luka has not a good game or when the second unit is on the floor. I do not understand how he is still on the team.

  18. Tonights offense looked so stale suddenly like kyrie never played with this team before

  19. I don't think they were up late for New Years or something like that. Luka was clearly still injured, so he settled for difficult threes. Every time he tried to drive, he was in pain. He was also slow on defense. Kyrie just came back from injury and it looked like it. Everyone else played like they always do. Jazz are also good when healthy. Also THJ playing bad, when trades will start happening. I think it happens every season, because he know we'll try to trade him.

  20. Exum injured Luka injured Lyrie just returned…

    You can’t have them all as the starting 5

  21. If you watch Slovenia you realise that Luka wins championships if he has a second shot creater (in 2018: Dragic) and a rim-rolling BigMan (in 2018: Mike Tobey) with a couple defensive minded guys who can hit a three. That is it! So, with Kyrie and Lively we have 50% of what we need. Now, we should trade THJ and every other pure scorer on the roster to compile defensive wings and guards.

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