@Charlotte Hornets

Denver Nuggets vs Charlotte Hornets Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Denver Nuggets vs Charlotte Hornets Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

[Applause] nver starts the second quarter with the basketball STW finds nii wow and Nai throws that out of bounds he had two guys of the game it started the game today Nathan Mena is going to get some uh some burn didn’t see Nathan in the game a couple of days ago down in

Phoenix and Bryce mcgowens is back in bridges get a friendly bounce yeah he got a mismatch there had the height and the leaping ability on his Defender took his time shot it very softly got a roll Jackson strawther Nai Watson did smart man let’s H it to

Ashley guys Nathan not just studying the playbook for the Hornets but also his studies for his Masters he’s Curr over the summer which sparked this interest so guys if you see him buried in his books it’s not just about the Hornets Playbook he’s also getting his Masters that’s great congratulations Nathan men

I love it he’s got the perfect clientele sell his crap to they got a lot of coin to can you fold boy he’s in a good spot hornets have outscored the world champs for to nothing to begin our second quarter rice McGowan’s working on

Niji got an angle and drops it in to tie the ball game extended the right arm at a tough angle before he ran out of real estate love how the Hornets are playing here in this first half long one strawther and maybe ill advised Bridges ish extra pass to

PJ little floater matches ball movement body movement show it get a nice uncontested the float game is working for BJ here in Denver nothing but Subs on the floor right now for Denver and they are limping there’s regie Jackson the veteran tie ball [Applause] game floater of his own this will be the

First team that the Hornets will finish the season series with first team that the Hornets will leaded the home and Road portion of their schedule against [Applause] mwan and what do we got a foul called on Na and lay it in brown good contest by Bryce without

Fouling that bothered Brown rims seem to be tight they are they are tight ish can’t get it to crawl in strawther Watson and Denver goes back on top yeah that’s first fast break points of the game for Denver the Hornets have been playing really good transition D up to that Point mcowens ish that’s the third field goal for ish Smith in our first half 14year vet knows his game he’s open from three that’s not his game step inside get a mid-range matches F blown up Hornet Super Fan du Lea wants to know who’s the greatest 28

In Hornet’s history du there is no 28 never been worn before Reggie Jackson breaks that 28 Tie miles Bridges that’s a Goen both sides Nick Richards Michael Porter Jr Aaron Gordon all waiting at the scores table menah a contested rebound Bridges finally a three goes down for more than doubled 15 to7 so far in this second quarter and now all five starters

Back into the game for the Nuggets oh complete line change and I don’t think they should give free throws to Murray to me that’s not it oh no one two for Murray so we thought we’d have a tie ball game at 33 but it’s not meant to be ishmi running the

Point oh back door cut PJ got pushed trying to save it and it’s Denver ball cavius calwell po didn’t shoot in the first quarter changes that immediately upon Re-entry Gordon and Aaron Gordon will go to the free Above the Rim and yish the way he passes the ball you’re only going to get better playing with better players we’re tied at 33 Nick Smith Jr back in he replaces is Smith in the back for Nick sets up PJ

Washington we still have not seen a shot attempt from yic lazy pass knocked out of bounds by Nick Richards first time yic has played 9 Minutes in any quarter this year without any points oh I bet didn’t even attempted a shot you can’t score you cannot score if you miss everyone you don’t

Take left-handed pass to no one in particular second time this quarter the nuggets have thrown it right in between two open Players lethargic are the Nuggets right now Cody Martin back into the game and Gentleman shot clocked out of four Nick Smith Jun kind of froze Gordon into thinking he wasn’t going to shoot and quickly the side step and he gets into his sh shot the blue arrow one and done Hornets the leading the ball halfway through our second quarter remember Nick had that

Courageous fourth quarter two weeks ago against the Nuggets this time he’s called for a travel good idea terrible basketball’s telling truths so the Hornets get it back got to take advantage of these mistakes made by Denver No Doubt cavius Caldwell Pop Porter [Applause] junr shoots 39% from behind the arc and some high [Applause] volume y trying to Speed the game up [Applause] Murray Mark Miller [Applause] Richards and Nick MC junr all Five Guys on the floor for the Hornets are hornets draft picks in recent years BR Miller his second three-pointer

Tell you what you run that play a lot for Terry Rosier but you got a guy that can also run it they get you production out of it that’s Brandon Miller good timing on that play Jin still has not shot the basketball he’s purposely not shooting the basketball I think I didn’t

Know but until that play right there he’s got to shoot it now no shot clock down to four and Murray is fouled by Smith

Denver Nuggets vs Charlotte Hornets Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

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