@Miami Heat

Why the Miami Heat’s Loss to Clippers Highlights Glaring Defensive Issue | Miami Heat Podcast

Why the Miami Heat’s Loss to Clippers Highlights Glaring Defensive Issue | Miami Heat Podcast

All right on today’s show the heat loose to the Clippers on Monday night highlighting a major issue that continues to be a problem for this team I’ll tell you what it is and how you can fix it next you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat podcast part of the

Locked on podcast Network your team every day welcome to locked on heat your daily podcast on the Miami Heat I’m Wes Goldberg and be a media member and editor at Allan going solo uh no David ril joining me today but however you’re tuning in on YouTube Odyssey or your favorite podcast app

Thanks so much for making lock on heat your first listen every day do it now hit that subscribe button like the video follow us on your podcast app we really do appreciate it as we continue along with the season but as this West Coast Road Trip continues the Heat lose to the

Clippers 121 to 104 they dropped to 19 and 14 and one and two on this five-game trip I’ve got some takeaways uh from this game including why the heat might need to make a change to the roster but before I zoom out uh just a recap of

What happened in this one the heat uh no Jimmy Butler no Caleb Martin no Haywood heith and no Josh Richardson in this one but they were up by 14 points two minutes into the second quarter they were doing a good job with kawhai with Paul George with James Harden limiting

All the things that they try to do haime hakz hits a pull-up jumper that puts the heat up 41- 27 uh two minutes into that second quarter uh at 952 specifically and that was basically it that was the the end of all the good things for Miami the Clippers stormed back Kawai Paul

George James Harden they get going they broke Miami’s point of attack defense they made shots against against Miami Zone uh the heat didn’t have any answer uh flat out and uh I was really disappointed with their transition defense too uh in this one the Clippers scored 19 fast break points but really

This just came down to kawhai making shots 24 points for him Paul George 23 points for him both of them shoot over 50% in this one big during that that comeback there uh the heat had only one player score 20 points that was bam he

Had 21 uh and after the heat went up by 14 in the second quarter again after that highe jumper they got outscored 94-63 um the rest of the game so this one wasn’t even close this one really wasn’t even as close the final score didn’t look very close uh but it was

Probably not even as close as that final score was just because of how much the Clippers just thoroughly dominated uh down the stretch now the Clippers are a good team they got kawhai back after he had missed a few games and he looked great uh the heat ra obviously missed in

They’re important guys um but defense is becoming an issue here and after the game Eric spoler Kyle lry those guy those guys talked to the media and talked about point of attack defense and how this team needs to be better defensively they are right now 13th in defensive rating I’ve got some other

Stats that I want to get to here in a second as we zoom out but specifically in this one um kawhai and Paul George and James Harden just attacked Tyler hero over and over and over again and that’s going to happen right those guys Kawai like big predatorial type of wings

Strong guys they’re going to just go after the smallest guy on the other team and A lot of times that’s been Tyler herro sometimes it’s Kyle Lowry sometimes it’s somebody else um and I don’t think that is necessarily a problem with Tyler hero I don’t think that there’s anything you could do when

Kawhai is playing like this and he’s been playing awesome for the Clippers basically after the James Harden trade um they it took him a few games to to get things settled there uh for them and then after after that he’s been playing great and I know he’s just missed a few

Games but he’s back and he looks awesome for them Paul George is predictably great and and the the James Horton thing is working out too and so it would be pick and roll with James Horden and he would get into the teeth of the defense again because that point of attack

Defense just wasn’t there so it was either kawhai getting into the low post or James Harden running pick and roll with zubach and they would just get into the paint and either just score and a lot of times they just scored they didn’t even bother with the kick out and

Then when they did kick out you had noron Powell on the second side um scoring off of off of a scrambled defense pal had another good game for them too he had 22 points off the bench on nine of 11 shooting and so it was

Like okay if if you were lucky enough to stop kawhai or James Harden on one possession they those guys would just kick it out to Norman pal and then he would score uh he shot 82% in this game so you had that the heat only turned the

Ball over 13 times but it felt like they could never really get back on defense after the turnovers and the Clippers scored a bunch of points off of turnovers in this one they again attacked Tyler hero Jamal Kane was in the starting lineup with no Jimmy Butler they went after Jamal Kane

They went after Kyle Lowry they went after haime hakz Jr quite a bit in this one and I think with all the haime hype we forget that he’s a rookie and he’s further along offensively than he is defensively and I think a lot of Heat fans might Overlook that because you

Look at the way that he plays and the way that he carries himself more specifically and and his size and all these things in the whole oh he’s 22 years old he’s ahead of his time and all stuff is very true but defensively he could still get beat like when you’re

Going up against kawhai or Harden or a professional scorer like pal or Paul George like you’re just gonna get beat and those guys just went at Hae who is still a rookie and he’s gonna get beat on that end so he wasn’t great in this one either I don’t know how much it

Would have mattered um I mean obviously it would have mattered if you had Jimmy Butler in this one but his point of attack defense hasn’t been great all season long either Caleb Martin like I don’t know what’s going on with him I think that there’s still some injuries I

Mean obviously he missed this game because of injury but even when he’s on the court he never looks 4 100% healthy and I just wonder I’m like his point of attack defense hasn’t been great either and the the best guy I think the most consistent Defender Miami has had on the

Perimeter has been Haywood heith he got good news on him by the way it’s it was a jaw issue not like a concussion even though he went in the concussion protocol cleared that he should be back at some point but no there’s no timetable on him either and without him

I just don’t know who the best who the best perimeter defender on this team is who you could consistently rely on the heat are even taking Kyle Lowry SPO likes to just kind of play uh let let let guys guard their positions but he’s starting to do that a little bit less as

His issues crop up Kyle Lowry was just sort of like the the down man a lot in this game and wasn’t awesome on rotation or helps side defense they they had to use Thomas Bryant quite a bit they had they had they went to two big lineups

With fam and Kevin Love and that those those lineups are just going to get beat especially against a pace and space team like the Clippers so again there’s there’s just a lot of things that they don’t have on the table because of the injuries but you know you see SPO going

To the Zone in this game a lot and the Clippers it might have been a couple possessions where they had a problem with it and then they just figured it out and again credit them they made shots like kawhai made a couple of Pull-Up threes Paul George made a couple

Of Pull-Up threes late that basically just broke Miami Zone but I tell this to people all the time when it when it comes to heat the heat Zone it’s it’s a fun wrinkle it’s an interesting thing it’s they’re trying to but they’re basically trying to turn a

Bug in the system into a feature right they they heat don’t go to Zone because they think that zone is some strategic Advantage inherently they’re going to Zone because they don’t have one-on good one-on-one Defenders whether it’s because of injuries or because of the lineups that they’re playing or whatever

It is uh they don’t have a ton of size on this roster either and so they’re going to a zone out of NE necessity not because they think it’s some sort of uh trump card right that’s not what this is it’s it’s because they have to and the

Heat went to it in in this game because they had to and the Clippers broke it and that was Miami’s kind of last kind of play that was kind of their last move and it didn’t work and like I said that’s why you get out scored 94 to 63

Down the stretch in this uh in this game 19 fast break points for the Clippers that wasn’t good uh good either um and just going back to the quotes there like spola is going to say every time he’s asked about the injuries he says basically paraphrasing here but next

Question like he’s just not going to talk about it he doesn’t want to publicly uh provide any excuses and I get that as a motivating tactic but it’s a real thing that these injuries are continuing to pile up the heat are fourth or fifth and that last I checked

On spot tr’s games missed uh there it’s it’s I think a hundred games missed due to injury now and unlike last year where the injuries were you know you lost like Victor Depot for a long stretch of the Season well he wasn’t really a important part of the rotation anyway now it’s bam

For seven games Tyler hero for 17 games it’s Jimmy Butler uh now for for four and five games in a row so like the injuries now that they’re dealing with as opposed to last season are much more impactful I think there’s things that the heat can feel good about I think

That there’s definitely some offensive things that I like a lot I think their depth overall has stepped up they got a big win in Golden state to start the road trip they lost against Utah over the weekend and now they lost against the in La they do have another game

Coming up against the Lakers in LA and then they wrap up the trip against Phoenix those are big wings that they’re going to go they’re uh going up against in LeBron James Uh Kevin Durant Devin Booker like we’ll see if Bradley Beal plays you never know with him but

There’s gonna be some some problems coming up uh some real tests for Miami’s defense so we’re going to zoom out on some of those defensive issues I got some key stats that I want to get to then I don’t know there’s a name out there I I promised we wouldn’t do trade

Talks right away uh but I’m already breaking my New Year’s resolution that’s going to come up a little bit later in the show but first um let’s let’s talk about our friends at prize picks today’s episode of lock on heat is brought to you by priz picks prize picks

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Slightly above average they’re giving up about one more Point per 100 possessions than they did last year but that’s not good enough that’s not good enough for the heat when when they’re not they have a a a pretty firm ceiling of what this team could be offensively and to be

Honest uh shooting almost 40% from three-point range this season is kind of bailing out a lot of their other roster issues the injuries being maybe the number one thing but um defensively I I think that we need to start talking about this this unit and just stop assuming that because it’s the Miami

Heat that they’re just going to be good defensively I don’t I don’t know that they’re going to be there I think against certain teams they look great against in certain matchups they’re fine but when you’re going against some of the more talented teams like the clippers for instance on Monday night

Like you’re going to do against the Lakers and against the Suns coming up and even when you have Jimmy and Haywood and Caleb and those guys there is a real concern about what this unit can do against the other top offenses in the NBA and it starts at

Their point of attack and you listen to this team talk about their their defensive issues and it’s always about the point of attack it’s always about the point of attack Kyle Lowry was asked point blank in the locker room after the game uh on Monday night what can you do

What can you do when the point of attack defense has been this bad uh against the Clippers and basically for the entire season and you know he he did his best to give an answer but he basically just said hey we just got to guard our man we

Just got to find a way to guard our man and you know he gave credit when you’re going up against the guy like kawhai and Paul George they’re just going to make shots and that’s going to happen and you know he he made the point like those guys when you’re even going against

Faster guys like James or not faster like James horten but you know more drive and penetrate kind of guys like James horten who are doing it at a high level they’re just going to open you up they’re GNA get you flat footed they’re gonna play the Angles and you just gotta

The way that defense is played right now and um you know with the lack of hand checking and and the freedom of movement and all that stuff like that stuff is just going to happen but Kyle lry at the end of his statement basically said we

Just got to find a way to guard our man and he just aren’t doing it and I don’t know that they to stop the opposing ball handler from scoring there just needs to be more friction there needs to be more of a fight at that point of attack

Whether it’s from the first guy up or whether it’s from the help on the nail or from somebody rotating up from uh uh under the basket something else has has got to happen and Miami they have good one-on-one Defenders I don’t know that they have an elite one-on-one Defender unless you’re

Talking about like Jimmy Butler in the playoffs when he really cares or even in the fourth quarter qus when he really wants to lock in but just like a 48 minute Elite Defender Haywood heith might be the closest guy to that and I don’t know that most teams would consider him that

I would Pro I I think he’s a great perimeter Defender but we’re also not talking about like P kawhai and San Antonio or even like oan anobi who just got traded to the Knicks and the Knicks are making a move because they felt like they needed that they needed somebody

Like that on the perimeter and you look at who’s in the Eastern Conference whether it’s Milwaukee with Tannis and Damen Lillard or uh or Philadelphia with Tyrese Maxi uh at the point of attack or obviously Boston with Tatum and Derrik white and Jaylen Brown and all those guys like Miami when it comes

To the playoffs are gonna have a hard time stopping these guys and even if we’re looking at a guy like Haywood heith being your maybe your your defensive specialist your Ace are they starting Haywood heith anymore offensively is he giving you enough in a playoff series that you

Could even keep them on the floor or opposing defense is just going to play off of them and pack the paint now you have some offensive issues so you not only need a guy who could defend at the point of attack at a high level you need

A guy who could stay on the on the court in a playoff series and play real minutes and contribute something offensively you need a great two-way player and they Heat have that in Jimmy Butler but they don’t really have on I’m talking about perimeter guys so I’m not

Including bam in this but and Bam is good when he gets switched on to guys but you don’t necessarily want him always guarding the perimeter guy either or a ball handle or a wing because you he’s your only big man in most of these lineups so you need him by the basket

Guarding the other OPP was in big man and so that’s the roster construction is a flaw even if the heat have depth it’s just getting to the right lineups at the right time and starting the right players and making sure that they’re not negatives offensively so there all those

Things are an issue here’s the other problem Beyond just the roster construction beyond the lack of athleticism or size or an elite perimeter stopper there is some effort stuff here that is a little troubling the heat are 25th in transition defense uh per cleaning the glass that is a bad

Number uh and that is not a number that we are accustomed to seeing from from the Miami Heat and Eric spoler has mentioned transition defense here and there he talked about it a little bit after last night’s game uh it’s coming up more now when you listen to him

Talk that’s an effort thing and some of it is a structural schematic thing like Miami they need to sort of strategically crash the offensive boards because part of Miami’s formula this year in winning games is just creating more opportunities creating more possessions for themselves whether that’s uh forcing turnovers or crashing the offensive

Glass or limiting turnovers on their own all that kind of stuff goes into that pot and they need to come out the other side of the game with more possessions more chances uh than the imposing team and then obviously what that does is it limits chances for the opponent also so

That’s part of their formula but in but you have to be very careful when you crash the offensive glass because now you’re letting uh if you don’t get the offensive rebound you’re you’re sort of you’re behind the play now you’re behind the defensive play now and look the heat you know and

The heat aren’t unique in this when you when you have guys crash the glass other guys are pinpointed as okay you get back while I crash the glass and the have been really good about being opportunistic and crashing and knowing okay you’re crashing I’m getting back they’ve been really good about that over

The years and it’s really helped them get extra possessions that are important uh especially late in games but this it just seems a little off and I do wonder how much the injuries are at play here because instead of having those designations and and those commun and that communication of you crash I

Get back sometimes it just feels like they don’t really know who’s supposed to crash who’s supposed to get back and again there’s injuries they’re playing a ton of different lineups they’ve used like 20 different starting lineups in this season and and when you’re relying on guys who don’t play a lot whether it’s

RJ Hampton or Jamal Kane or these guys it’s not necessarily their fault but because they don’t play a lot with these guys there’s no real chemistry and communication becomes so much more important but you’re trying to do all that in the flow of the game while you’re trying to score while you’re

Trying to get stops while you’re probably a little bit frustrated that you’re not getting those stops and that these blow buys are happening at a rate that is just too high and you’re getting frustrated and annoyed because of that it’s tough in other words it’s tough but

They need to clean it up they need to figure it out they haven’t had a ton of time to practice I would imagine they’re probably going to practice at some point when they get back from this trip um but their their transition defense needs to

Be an area of focus getting guys back is obviously going to be helpful cayb Martin is a very good transition Defender Jimmy Butler is a very smart and well-placed transition Defender but even in last night’s game it would just be like Tyler hero would be the last man

Back and it looks bad on Tyler because he’s the one getting blown by but he’s the only help because everybody else is behind the play so that’s part of it there’s also you know inherent hey sometimes they just throw the ball over the top of Kyle lry Even when he gets

Back sometimes Kevin Love is just slow to get back because he’s just a slower player and he can’t keep up with some of the faster players uh in the league and so there’s just a lot of those issues too um so the heat need to clean up the

Transition defense and I think if they do that you’ll start to see their defensive rating nudge up a little bit more but even when you do that I still have some overarching zoomed out concerns about this defense especially when we’re talking about what they can

Do against some of the best teams in the Eastern Conference in a playoff setting can they make a trade to address that issue we’re going to talk about that next here on locked on heat today’s episode of lock on heat is brought to you by FanDuel the NFL

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Your first listen every day make sure you’re subscribed on YouTube and on your favorite podcast app if you’re still watching on YouTube hit that like button leave us a comment let us know where you’re watching from uh what you think about Miami’s perimeter defense do they

Need to make a trade is there an answer on this roster are you less concerned just because of all the injuries are you more concerned because it feels like all these injuries are constant for the Heat this season let us know in the comments um and make sure that you follow us and

Download the podcast uh where where you get your podcasts Apple podcast Spotify The Odyssey app and wherever else you tune in um let’s talk about dejon Murray we haven’t talked about him a lot on this on this show just because I don’t really know if he’s the guy that

The heat need when you’re talking about players that the heat would realistically look at to acquire either either before the trade deadline in February which is like hey it’s January now we’re talking about like a month and a half away so so trade stuff is picking

Up and we just saw a trade happen over the weekend the Knicks and the Raptors uh the Knicks get OG an anobi uh the Raptors get RJ Barrett Canadian native they get Emanual quickly in a move that I really like for the Raptors and I’m a little it’s okay it’s okay for the

Knicks I guess they got the player that they wanted uh and anob seem is like a tibs guy so good for them uh kind of a win-win deal if you’re the Heat and you’re looking around you’re saying okay trades are happening like we’re like you don’t see December trades happen a whole

Lot but it feels like teams just know what they need and it feels like the bottom of the league and the teams that are just sort of out of it know earlier than they usually know and so they might be sellers earlier in the season than they might be so just because the

Deadline is in February does not mean we can’t start talking about trades right now on January 2nd because stuff’s happening stuff’s already happening and dejon Murray from the Hawks is reportedly available the Hawks it’s been a disappointing year for them they’re not where where they want to be it is

Very obvious the Trey young de jante Murray back court does not work it never really worked I never really loved that fit in the first place and I don’t know that they’re ready to blow it up completely and trade the franchise player that’s Trey young even if you

Want to argue that they should it just doesn’t feel like that front office is ready to make that kind of move but you can flip dejon Murray and try to retool there’s other guys too like DeAndre Hunter is another name that I would look at if I’m Miami or if I’m another team

That uh could be gotten from Atlanta but you know deantre Hunter deante Murray they’re reportedly available and the dejon Murray thing is interesting to me because when he was in San Antonio before the Hawks traded a couple of first- round picks for him when he was

In San Antonio he was an All-Star 20 point per game score but also a really good Defender a really good Defender uh at the point of attack on the perimeter and this is what we’re talking about right uh is Miami specific issue and if teams are just going to attack Tyler

Herro and if they are going to attack Kyle Larry because of just his size and the fact that he’s 37 years old um and you’re always going to get them attacking you know the other obvious like the Duncan Robinson’s and the haes and and those kinds of guys I do wonder

If you just need to go ahead and make a roster move and go get a guy who you can plug in on the perimeter and say okay you’re our new point of attack Defender we don’t have to overthink this we don’t have to mix up our matchups you’re a

Great point guard at the point of attack go out there guard your position um dejon Murray is long and he has been a very good Defender before he has not been an awesome Defender recently in Atlanta but it’s not been a great situation in Atlanta either and I

Don’t know that if you’re playing next to Trey young you’re the most motivated either to give it your all defensively because you know that he’s not doing it either and he’s the leader of the team I think theant Murray has the talent there’s no doubt about that that’s why

The the the Hawks traded for him in the first place is they thought okay this is a guy who can defend other point guards because we don’t trust Trey young to do it in the first place and now I I am a little concerned that he’s not doing

That for Atlanta but the have had like three different coaches over the last three years it’s it’s been a complete mess there I think if you put dejon Murray in Miami and had Eric sper coach him and had the him be accountable to guys like Jimmy Butler and Bam atab bio

In that locker room I think you would see something a lot closer defensively to what de Jon Murray was in San Antonio than what he’s been over the last couple years in Atlanta I think I think that very strongly I think scenary setting accountability coaching all that stuff absolutely

Matters the question is is he what Miami needs and is he worth what it takes to give up especially if you’re talking about okay he’s not really a whale uh I think dejon Murray is a good player I think he’s not I don’t think he’s an All-Star I think he’s closer to what

Derek white is which by the way is a very good player for Boston and if you can get something like that in Miami that moves the needle in a meaningful way and the point of attack defense is so bad at this point that it’s it feels like when you thought when you talk

About problem solving in general I always sort of ask myself like okay what’s one thing that I can do that fixes a bunch of other problems that I might have in my day all right or something that I have going on with work or in life like what’s one thing I could

Do if I just do this one thing does this solve these other two problems or does these make or does it mitigate these other two issues that are going on a little bit more where they’re not as big of a problem and I think if I think

Miami’s version of that is the point of attack defense if you get a guy who can credibly guard other ball handlers and wings I think that solves a a lot of Miami’s issues defensively I think it solves a lot of their um their their uh their matchup issues it solves some of

The transition stuff if you’re getting a talent like that who can just get back and make plays with athleticism it just doesn’t feel like outside of bam the Heat have a lot of players that are making defensive plays athletically that can change the game I think that could be really

Helpful and if you if that guy can also score 18 points a game the way that dejon Murray can and make shots and do these things obviously that helps like talking about earlier you need a two-way threat you need a guy who could start and end games I think de jante Murray is

Kind of that guy now what is it gonna cost I wouldn’t give up Tyler herro obviously I’m not sure I’m even giving up both I’m not giving up both first round picks I’m not would I give up one would I give up the 2028 could I get it

Protected top five top six something like that am I willing to trade Kyle Lowry in that deal does Atlanta ask for something more like a Duncan Robinson am I willing to go that that far these are tough questions um that the heat would have to answer uh obviously I think you

Start with Lowry he’s on expiring contract I don’t know that he’s been coming back next year anyway if you could find a long-term answer at the position I think you have to do it and if you think de jante Murray could be a long-term answer uh not just for this

Year and I think he would be helpful this year but obviously a guy who can age with bam and Tyler hero also maybe that’s something you do and if you would have asked me a couple of weeks ago what’s Miami’s biggest if they had to make a trade what

Are you target I was sort of in the camp of go find your starting long-term answer at Power Forward because it’s just sort of been a Band-Aid solution over the last couple years but now I’m thinking that they need to go and address the perimeter defense and specifically a guy who could defend

Other ball handlers and other wings at a high level and in a playoff setting we haven’t seen it a ton from dejonte Murray lately it is a name that I would be kicking the tires on if I were the Miami Heat not sure I would go

Fully into it and do it but it’s a name now that I’m thinking a lot more about than I was even a couple of weeks ago um and I think the heat when they’re looking at their options before February if they really want to make a run at

This thing again not to overreact to one game or even these two losses in a row but there’s some real concerns here and you got to get these guys back from injury and see what this looks like when it’s whole but the trade deadline’s only a

Month and a half away and whether or not they make a deal or not that’s a different thing but these are conversations that this front office really have to have in a serious way thanks for making lockdown heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button on YouTube follow us on

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The Miami Heat lost to the LA Clippers on Monday night, highlighting a major issue that continues to be a problem for this team.

Wes Goldberg goes under the hood to break down Miami’s slipping defense, ask if injuries are the main reason, or if there are other roster problems the Heat need to address with a trade.

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#NBA #MiamiHeat #JimmyButler #DamianLillard


  1. Most of the time the defense is their best offense. But this year hasn’t been the case. I still think Miami needs a better overall offensive player. The team scored 23 points in the second Q and then 19 in the fourth Q.

  2. Honestly, the heat has been cooked all season defensively. And this is a major problem this season with them. This is one of the big reasons why this team is so up and down.

  3. The 3 stars for the clippers were just taking turns cooking Tyler herro. Tyler herro is a streaky shooter and a horrible defender. Plus all the early shot clock fading threes herro was taking. This offense is not for him. If I were the heat I would trade him.

  4. LET'S not OVERREACT!!! 1st, with Jimmy, Caleb AND Highsmith OUT WE were MISSING 3 OF our BETTER defenders IN this GAME. Not to MENTION Josh IS also a SOLID defender. 2nd, WE have ONLY seen GLIMPSES of WHAT this TEAM can BE offensively but ESPECIALLY defensively. Primarily BECAUSE we have NOT been WHOLE early IN this SEASON. ONCE we GET whole THIS team at MINIMUM will BE a TOP 10 DEFENSE…EVERYONE take a DEEP BREATH and RELAX!!!

  5. Defense wasn’t even the main problem everyone shot horrible from the field mainly the top players. Bam and herro gotta be better especially herro. Need to find ways to get to the line better cuz he shoots 90% from the line, needs to tighten the handle up and make faster decisions. Bam also got to the line but he left so many points on the board cuz he kept going 1-2 from on trips to the line

  6. Old team = lots of injuries. I agree with getting Murray IF you can keep your top 3…(Tyler will only be traded for a top 75 player anyway. This is known).

  7. How to beat the heat…. Let Bam shoot as much as he wants and send him to the line, he’s become a bad free throw shooter.

    This is actually what every other team’s broadcast and media folks say. Since the Finals I think they figured that out. If the team is going to be good Bam has to become efficient…cause right now when he’s their top scorer the Heat lose

  8. Yea it was a tuff game to watch live . Heat nation was there though. Pg & Leonard And N powell Went off last night . We just gotta bounce back 💪

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