@Houston Rockets

How Alperen Sengun & Jalen Green DOMINATED 3rd Quarter In Houston Rockets Blowout Win Vs Pistons

How Alperen Sengun & Jalen Green DOMINATED 3rd Quarter In Houston Rockets Blowout Win Vs Pistons

On today’s show Alper and shenon and Jaylen green absolutely dominant in the third quarter against the Detroit Pistons to give the Houston Rockets a 136 113 win this was a four-point game at Halftime plus Jabari Smith Jr returning from injury amen Thompson and cam Whitmore making the most of their

Minutes off the Rockets bench and so much more to get to it’s all coming up right here on locked on Rockets this is Mission Control Houston ignition sequence start throw it up to jayen Green goon here in the short row oh my that’s the no look Jabari for three and the

Win look at t e 15 seconds guidance is internal the Houston Rocket select amen Thompson and cam Whitmore one thing I have never done is not made the playoffs and so we want to take that step here as well 6 5 4 3 2 1 what’s up and welcome to another edition

Of locked on Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball as always I’m your host Jackson Gatlin native houstonian and credentialed media member I’m also the host of locked on MBA Mondays be sure to follow along on Twitter at JT Gatlin and the show of course at locked on Rocket

Free and available wherever you listen to your podcast including YouTube now today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy Sports to locked on NBA and use code all lowercase locked on NBA for a first deposit match up to

100 dollar the Houston Rockets getting the 13613 win against the Detroit Pistons a game that looked very different in the second half than it did in the first half pardon me little under the weather but we’re going to make it through this because this was a fun game and I want

To unpack exactly how this went from being a close game in the first half bit of a disappointingly close game right I mean the Detroit Pistons are the team that are just coming off the longest losing streak in NBA history and the rockets just got one of their starters back yes they’re still

Missing Dylan Brooks but this was a game where you’re looking at it and it’s like it’s a trap game because the Rockets should absolutely beat the Pistons so after a first half where you’re like kind of scratching your head like what’s going on why are the Rockets only up

Four points they woke up in a big way in that third quarter and it had to do with some of the adjustments that they made and I want to give a little bit of credit here to specifically Jaylen Duren who did a I think a really really phenomenal job guarding Alper and shenon

There in the first half and part of it was also just the way that the Rockets were trying to attack Jaylen Duran he’s a massive guy he’s incredibly strong and just traditional post-ups are not going to work against Jaylen dur I think this is one of the best times that we’ve seen

A player actually defend alpie just straight up in the post because every time alpie tried to go post up Jaylen Duran he wasn’t getting like deep seals on Jaylen dur he wasn’t like down near the bat he was like posting him up from like the three-point line because Jaylen

Dur was not letting him get a good seal and and when alpie was trying to back him down he wasn’t going anywhere so shout out to Jaylen Duran who’s incredibly strong and defended alpie pretty well one-on-one in the first half Alp was just uh three of seven I believe

In the first half of this game and you know only had a handful of points six points it didn’t look great and then the Rockets adjusted there in the third quarter and what they wind up doing is they figured out that they could attack Jaylen Duran on the move and so they ran

A few sets early in the third quarter uh to get Alp on the Move attacking jayen dur coming out of the pick and roll with Fred Van vet and that led to a couple quick fouls on on on Duren and he had to sit down and once Jaylen durran had to

Sit down that’s when when the evening went from good to great because Alper and shenon went on a tear against James wisman who had zero answer for defending him in the post face up out of pick and roll whatever it was Alper and shenon was feasting he posted 20 points and

Four dimes in that third quarter he is easily your locked on Rockets player of the game in this one and again part of it was just the the way that they were able to identify hey alpie can’t go to work in the post like he usually does because Jaylen

Duran’s actually doing a pretty good job defending him so how do we adjust right how do we open this game up and they attack Jaylen Duran out of out of the pick and roll they attacked him while he was on the Move led to some quick fouls

Jaylen Duran had to sit down James wisman comes in and then the Rockets completely explode over the course of the rest of that third quarter Alper and shenon dominant running the offense getting guys involved setting up guy setting up you know shots for Jaylen green he had this one really beautiful

Little give and go play with Jaylen which I want to talk about a little bit more here in in segment two as well because it really feels like last year one of the best versions of Houston Rockets offense was the Jaylen green alrin shenon Twan game and I even had a

Chance to ask eem odoko about it earlier this season about why we’re seeing so much less of that two-man game this year and understandably Fred Van’s going to have the ball in his hands a lot and and he’s developed a great two-man game with shingun as well but I do feel like at

Times Jaylen has kind of suffered by not being given those two-man game reps playing with Alp especially with an empty corner and the play that I want to refer to you know here to you right now is in that third quarter where alperin shenon and Jaylen green had a little

Give and go two-man game where Jaylen pitches the ball to Alp he’s kind of at the elbow and then Jaylen kind of does a little shake you know side step and then Cuts back door to the basket and alpie immediately feeds him the ball back and

He gets a bucket it’s it’s that little two-man game whether it’s a traditional pick and roll whether it’s a dho whether it’s you know a give andg go dribble handoff like that that Twan game between Jaylen and alpie works so well because alpie is unselfish with the ball and

He’s absolutely looking for Cutters and so for Jaylen Green in that moment getting him you know playing him off ball using his speed to beat his defender back door and get an easy bucket right there at the rim and Alp just serving up the you know the dime on

A silver platter serving up the bucket like that it was beautiful so I really liked what we saw out you know out of alrin shingun and and I highlighted this during the game that and I want to talk about Jaylen because Jaylen was was massive there in that third quarter as

Well but the way that alpie generally starts games if alpie struggles in the first quarter first half of a game he generally bounces back pretty well in the second half and I’m I I haven’t like dug into the stats I’m just going off pure eye test here he’s such a high IQ

Guy that if he’s struggling in the first half he’s going to sit down at halftime and they’re going to adjust they’re going to figure things out and that’s exactly what happened there in that third quarter and part of it too Oka addressed this post game he said that

One of the things that he told Alper and shingun at halftime was to just play and to stop looking for fouls to stop trying to you know draw contact and make things just go out there and play and that’s exactly what alperin shenon did shout out to the

One the one and one that he got uh on wisman where he was literally like falling down ripped his arms through and I actually I don’t even think the foul was on wisman somebody had reached in uh you know the the help defense had reached in and swiped across alp’s arms

And he just ripped up through the contact and like flung the ball at the basket and it went in and that was the point where like he’s walking away with just this big smile on his face been noticed like it’s game over at that point if you’re hitting those kinds of

Shots uh it’s it’s getting pretty ridiculous that was an Allstar third quarter from albr going to get 20 points and four assists just in that quarter on his way to an insane night of 26 points on nine of 13 shooting he had nine assists for the evening four boards

Three Steals and the last thing I want to highlight here which we’ve highlighted before and this is an a huge area of growth for Alper and shenon is the free throw shooting right it’s it doesn’t matter if you draw fouls at an elite rate if you’re going to the free

Throw line and going one of two or 0 of two every time you’re at the stripe and there was a period of time where Alper and shinon was really struggling to hit free throws and he’s shooting something like 80 and a half percent like like I don’t know something something north of

80% over these last 10 games from the charity stripe and that is huge growth from Al BR shingon for a guy that can get to the free throw line pretty much at will if you’re guarding him in single coverage because again of his array of moves the spins The Fakes all this he’s

Going to get your team in foul trouble and he’s going to get to the free throw line the question was for a while just is he going to be able to hit these free throws at a consistent rate shot eight of nine from the from the stripe in this

Game that’s what you love to see out of him that’s a star level player somebody that can get themselves going at the free throw line and somebody who adjusts over the course of a game and yeah he had a he had a rough first half couldn’t get it going against Jaylen Duran the

Rockets as a team adjusted they attacked him in new ways in the second half and led to an absolutely dominant quarter where the Rockets posted 47 points and turned this game from a four-point tightly contested match into an absolute blowout there in the third quarter

Coming up I do want to talk about Jaylen green and his third quarter as well because Jaylen had kind of you know a a I can’t call it a quiet third quarter uh but he he had a strong third quarter as well next to Alper and shenon uh want to

Highlight him jabarus Smith Jr’s return what we saw of him as well as a Min Thompson and cam Whitmore making the most of their minutes off the Houston Rockets bench we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by prize picks prize pick is the

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Who was another huge reason that the Rockets were so dominant in that third quarter playing the way that I think Jaylen can can play at a con a a consistent level um and B something where it’s not necessarily like Jaylen wasn’t you know Jaylen didn’t take over that third

Quarter by himself right it wasn’t just you know hero ball Jaylen green where he’s hitting Hail Mary shots and he’s on a hot streak from three or something uh like he was you know against the Phoenix Suns where he couldn’t miss and shot six of 12 from three and the

Process was a little bad this was the type of performance from Jaylen that I think is sustainable but it’s all just based on whether or not he’s knocking down shots and so for Jaylen he was playing off of other guys a lot and I do think Jaylen green as an off ball threat

Is actually one of his strengths that I don’t think this team has highlighted nearly enough this season I remember highlighting you know throughout his rookie year and even at various points throughout last season how much better Jaylen green had gotten at understanding how to move off ball right how to find

The little pockets the little Windows where he can drift and and be open for a three-pointer or cutting back door and using his speed to get to the rim while his Defender you know turns his head or something like that and so I do think

For Jaylen a guy who at the end of the day you know jaylen’s got a a bit of a weaker handle than you would like for a year three guard he still hasn’t bulked up considerably here in year three he doesn’t have the best you know finishing package around the rim especially

Through contact so what are the ways that you can mitigate some of Jaylen Green’s weaknesses as an offensive player right play him off ball right let him be a catch and through catch and shoot threat let him be a b you know a cutting threat let him play off of guys

Like Fred and alprin shenon but get him in motion right get get him moving get him coming off of little pin Downs so that he can catch and shoot when he’s wide open don’t just give Jaylen the ball and tell him to attack a defense that’s set and playing him straight up

Because that’s really at at times it’s not his strength there are times when he can make it look good there’s times where he gets a good first step and he’ll beat a Defender but I really don’t think Jaylen green strength is sitting there trying to break down a Defender

One-on-one and then on top of that have to make the read when a second Defender comes over there’s other guys on the roster who are just frankly better at that right now so let him do what he is good at right let him catch and shoot

Let him cut let him play off ball and do more of that like what we saw in this game specifically there in that third quarter Jaylen green had how many I don’t know catch and shoot three-point attempts where he just caught the ball and immediately elevated and pulled up

For a three or he had the give and go attempt that I highlighted uh off the pass from alarin shenon uh that was his fifth bucket so he was four of six from long distance in that third quarter he was five of seven overall again that one

Bucket coming uh off the feed from Alper and shenon he had one play where he drove it in from the Baseline and tried to challenge uh the Pistons right there at the rim and he he elevated like he was going to yam it back he was nowhere near completing that dunk because he

Elevated from like well outside the paint but he drew a bunch of contact right he got to the rim so I think the way that Jaylen played there in that third quarter playing off of other guys playing within the flow of the offense and just knocking down those open shots

Is a recipe for a consistent Jaylen green now the big question is can he keep that shot consistent right because if we’re we’re talking about him shooting four of six from three in that quarter whereas there’s been other games this season where he goes one of five

From three-point land or 0 of six or whatever so it’s knocking down those shots and being that consistent threat from three that is going to allow him to stay on the basketball court because he has improved as a Defender he has improved as a playmaker his effort is

There he’s trying harder than he has at any point in his career before this it’s all about whether or not he can just put the ball in the basket and it doesn’t have to be as hard as it you know the Rockets make it out to be sometimes

Jaylen doesn’t have to have the ball in his hands and isolate on a Defender and try to create everything for himself he can play off of other guys specifically Alper and shingun and that’s exactly what was happening that quarter alpie was the Maestro he was running everything in that quarter and the

Pistons defense was so focused on trying to stop him and failing to do so that it left other guys wide open and that’s how Jaylen was able to feast and get his 17 points off of wideopen Threes off of ball movement that was generated by predominantly other guys that were on

The floor and that’s okay Jaylen doesn’t have to be the be all end all of this Rockets offense there can be stretches where he runs the show where he runs some pick and roll where you know he attacks and gets the defense rotating sure but it doesn’t feel like that’s

Necessarily his strength at this point and I’d like to see the Rockets continue to try to utilize him the way that they did in that third quarter moving forward because I think that is the recipe for a sustainable consistent jayen green as long as he’s knocking down shots the

Rockets also got Jabari Smith Jr back in this game it was good to have Jabari back on the floor in this one a bit of a quiet night for Jabari Smith Jr nine points three of seven shooting he was three of five from a long distance knocked down a couple early triples and

I get that it was his first game back from injury uh he did he did have six rebounds and an assist as well had a blocked shot in there I I get that it was his first game back from injury but after knocking down a couple triples I I just it was another

One of those nights where I just thought man like I at at some point it was it was early in the third quarter after Jabari had knocked down what I believe was his third triple and I looked at myself and I thought man like get this dude more

Touches like he’s back from injury he’s hitting his threes like you know get him a couple touches right let him you know run some of the offense run some stuff through him give him some sets and I think that’s one of the frustrating Parts when you have a team with so many

Offensive weapons where you on any given night right you’ve got Alp you’ve got Jaylen you’ve got Fred when Dylan’s healthy you have him and usually the mismatches that other teams try to get away with by putting a smaller defender on Dylan so then you can go to his

Little you know Dylan postup move that’s been really efficient this season Off the Bench you’ve got uh Jeff Green you’ve got tar een You’ve Got A Min Thompson like Aaron holiday there’s so many different different guys who are capable of putting the ball in the basket for this Rockets team that I do

Think at times they they fail to recognize that they do need to share the basketball a little bit better and make sure that the guys who are Staples right the the the Main Stays of this team need to get involved so I’m not going to fault them too much for it the game

Worked they blew them out in the third quarter alpie and jayen were dominant it worked but it still was just a thing where I looked up and I was just like how does he only have like five shot attempts here we’re in the third quarter and he’s been one of the most consistent

Offensive forces for this team this season especially over this most recent stretch of you know last couple weeks or whatever pre-injury where you get the ball to Jabari at the elbow or you know on a post up and he’s pretty much money from that mid-range area so it feels

Like the Rockets kind of got away from that in this game and they hadn’t quite found the offensive Firepower that they got from shingon and jayen when I made that remark so it was kind of funny because then like I immediately was like Jabari needs more touches and then

Shingun and jayen went on a tear in the third quarter I was like wow I’m going to look like an idiot for this one anyways it is what it is it was good to have Jabari back in the lineup uh good to have his size back out there uh

Against this Pistons team and uh I do want to highlight here some of the uh defensive approach against this Pistons team as well some of the ways that the Rockets were able to uh slow the Pistons down here in this game as well as a Min Thompson and cam Whitmore making the

Most of their minutes it was twin night for Amin Thompson the first time that Amin and assar have played against each other in their careers that was an exciting night so highlight some moments from that as well as some of the standout plays from this game we got a

Couple different Rockets posters to talk about in this one man one poster one insane dunk from Jeff Green turning back the clock we’re going to get there in just one moment first today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel the NFL regular season is wrapping up but there’s still time to

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On the defensive side of the ball for the Rockets before diving into uh what a men Thompson and cam Whitmore were able to do in this game as well as a few other you know takeaways little quick highlights from this one uh because it was a fun game against the Pistons it

Was Twin Night A Min and AAR playing against each other for the first time they they did a jersey swap after after the game they did a little postgame Q&A uh I wasn’t in person for the game unfortunately again still feeling a little under the weather but I heard it

Went really well I heard it was fun shout out to uh Rockets PR Rockets marketing for kind of gassing up this you know this uh twin twin night they had uh you know twin national anthem performers they had uh the Cavender twins do the first shots plural um it

Was just kind of a cool night they did like twin based trivia and games and stuff all night so it’s just cool when they come up with fun stuff you know like that within within a given you know individual game kind of like the NBA paint uh game a few weeks back against

The Grizzlies that one was a ton of fun so uh just wanted to give them a quick shout out for that uh in this one though defensively uh the Rockets I thought you know given how well Kade Cunningham had been playing as of late I thought the Rockets actually did a really phenomenal

Job on Cade in this game he finished with just six points on three of 16 shooting he was 0 five from long distance only made it to the free throw line once and missed it he did have 10 assists but he also had four turnovers just a really rough outing for

Kade and I know that that’s not the norm right he’s been playing out of his freaking mind trying to drag the Pistons to ending the losing streak which ultimately they did against the Toronto Raptors before making their way to Houston but you know I thought the

Rockets did a really solid job on them right guys you know J shant Tate tar een some of the primary Defenders on Cade Cunningham other guys kind of handling him on on switches um and more or less like it’s just the the Rockets knew that they had basically one guy that they had

To shut down and that was Cade and they achieved that right if you shut down Cade Cunningham the Pistons are going to crumble um elsewhere uh Alec Burks had a decent game off the bench for the Pistons 21 points on six of 11 shooting he got free a little bit um knocked down

Some shots got to the free throw line a little bit the other guy that I was mostly impressed with I know I highlighted Jaylen durran earlier in this game uh and and he had an impressive first half before the foul trouble kind of caught up to him and then the Rockets

Just dominated in that third quarter but uh Jaden Ivy who’s had such a weird season right like you know he starts the year then he’s coming off the bench then he’s not starting he’s he’s been all over the place with whatever Monty Williams is trying to do there in

Detroit uh but Jade Ivy had a had a pretty phenomenal game right 19 points six of 10 shooting he was three of four from long distance got to the free throw line four times uh had six boards had a few assists like Jaden ivy looks really

Good and like that should be their back court of the future right that should be every everybody that they’re highlighting should be Ivy and Cunningham Ivy and Cunningham and then Jaylen durran as well in the middle is really solid you’ve got assart like there’s Talent on this Pistons team is

The crazy part uh so I just wanted to give him his props because Jade Ivy looked really good in this game the Rockets kind of struggled to at times they just gave him some wide open threes was the problem and that’s kind of maybe the book on I he struggled as a

Three-point shooter as an outside shooting threat so maybe that was by Design they were okay with giving him those shots as part of the game plan and he just you know knocked him down tonight but uh I liked what I saw out of him and I was higher on Jaden Ivy than I

Was on Pao banero during the during the NBA Draft so uh I stand by that I think Jade iy’s got a really uh bright future ahead of him and same with Kade Cunningham he’s been that guy for the Pistons he just had a a rough night and

Credit to the Rockets uh kind of Ace Defenders uh J Shante tar een who I thought did a pretty phenomenal job guarding uh Kate Cunningham throughout the evening especially tar een who continues to just be insane in his production level 17 points four rebounds had an assist had three steals off the

Rockets bench really strong night for him and J shant Tate uh still in the starting lineup still not a big fan of J shant Tate in the starting lineup you know with just the way that you know just how impactful tar een has been but

A big part of that is and I’ve I’ve you know raised this concern here before I I wonder what T’s impact you know how T’s impact would feel in the starting lineup versus coming off the bench uh something about his ability to just come in and

Change the energy of a game off the bench is really important for this Rockets team I feel like so maybe that has a little bit of something to do with it maybe it is still kind of a minutes restriction kind of thing for tar but either way you’ve got J shant Tate

Playing 26 minutes because he fouled out you’ve got tar e playing 24 minutes last game tar e played 27 minutes like you can probably get away with starting tar een and figuring out a way to sub him out early or whatever cuz he’s a more complimentary fit for the rest of those

Rocket starters than J Shan Tate is however I will highlight for all all the uh the Tater haters out there jant Tate had a couple you know rough possessions early in this game he missed a couple free throws and then he uh had the turnover but then it was like after

Those couple flubs early in the first quarter he really started to find himself specifically off of cutting like it was ridiculous watching Jan Tate and alrin sh work together to where alpie would have the ball and just J Shante would just cut and then alpie would find

Him on these little cuts and he would go you know cutting back door behind his Defenders you know cutting through the lane as alpie was trying to post up and and that’s one of the things that janate does incredibly well is well J sh does a lot of things incredibly well but his

Cutting is a really important weapon for him to use I don’t like it when the Rockets are just content with letting J Shante sit at the three-point line because other teams don’t care other teams don’t honor him as a shooter and I know that he’s improved his shot a

Little bit this season and he’s been a little bit more reliable from three uh I actually haven’t checked the percentage in a little while so I don’t know if it’s like back to what he’s been shooting kind of historically around like 30 31% but I test right it he shot the ball

Better this season at least from what I can remember but he’s more effective when he’s cutting right J shant is insane when it comes to finishing in and around the basket it seems like he’s able to finish in the land of the trees he’s got the pump fakes he’s got the

Spins all of that the little bag he can drop you dip his shoulder into a Defender and finish over the top whatever it is and he did that and got his season High 16 points in this game uh predominantly all off Cuts right he had a couple where he just drove the

Ball in and did his thing where he you know drives in from the three-point line and does the the spin finish layup at The Rim but he got a lot of his points off of cutting actions so I like that I want to continue to see the Rockets have

More ball movement because it does kind of feel like for a little while there they fell into that lull where alpie would just kind of be doing his thing and everybody else would just be standing around waiting for him to do something and that’s not effective

Offense right you have to get the entry pass person who throws the entry pass has to clear out to give Alp the space and then you need to have something happening off ball right whether it’s you know setting a screen to open up a three-point shooter whether it’s a guy

Cutting through the paint when his Defender turns his head whatever it needs to be there need to be actions happening away from the ball when alpie is posting up to make use of his passing ability right and to make use of the fact that often times teams will send a

Second Defender at him to try and slow him down and I think the Rockets are starting to do a better job of that right we saw it a little bit with Jaylen we saw it a lot with Jan Tate we’re seeing it from tar een we’re seeing it

From a lot of different guys who are understanding hey if I cut when Ali has the basketball good things will happen and that needs to be a consistent part of the Rockets offense moving forward uh off the Rockets bench amen Thompson playing on Twin night uh 12 points four rebounds six assists two

Steals five of six shooting including a three-pointer at one point he had a pull up midi uh just some really strong play from Amin Thompson and you know it’s important to remember Amin what what is he is this his like 10th NBA game of his

Career what is he up to let me see uh games played 12 games sorry he’s played 12 games this season he’s basically still in the first like I don’t know three weeks of his NBA career because he missed so much time due to the ankle injury then he missed time from being

Sick and I I think there were a lot of people who have been maybe a little out way too early on him in Thompson expecting him to be an immediate contributor right away and you know all this and he looks good man he looks comfortable out there he’s settling in

Uh he’s understanding where he can make his reads how he can you know get other guys involved offensively you see him when he just decides that he’s going to attack and collapse the defense and then make the read right he knows where Shooters are he knows where his teammates are

Um just a a really kind of strong game from him and and you got to imagine that there were probably some nerves you know on Twin Knight going up against his brother all of that and he didn’t you know one he’s he’s got like one of the

Greatest poker faces of all time you can’t tell there’s like just stoneface stoic no emotion on his face at times until he smiles or something but he’s all business all the time liked what we saw out of a Min Thompson in this game and if he’s going to be able to knock

Down that three-point shot with confidence which he did the one three-point attempt that he took he just ball found him he had no Defender anywhere near him he was like all right cool I’m pulling the trigger knocked it down if he’s going to knock down those

Shots then this dude is going to be a future like multi-time Allstar he’s going to be a superstar at at you know at some point in his career because that’s the one knock on his game is his outside shooting and now we’re seeing him comfortably knock down wide openen

Threes pull up from mid-range right get to his little you know little little mid-range bag and then Elevate if he can do that consistently and just keep a defense honest where they know that they can’t leave him wide open at the three-o line then he’s going to be just fine

It’s kind of like John Morant right John Mor was never you know widely regarded as this like amazing three-point shooter but he worked on it he got comfortable enough from three to where Now teams cannot leave jaw wide open from three right you just can’t do it and he’s so

Explosive and so athletic that because you have to honor him from three he’s got that lightning quick First Step he’ll explode past you he got he’s got the spins he’ll Elevate he’ll finish through contact or just dunk it and yam it on your head that’s the kind of stuff

That A Min Thompson’s going to be able to do as long as he keeps the defense Honest by being able to knock down those shots and so it’s going to take a little bit of time for the NBA to get kind of the book on him where they’re going to

Be like all right Scouting Report now says hey we got to go out and guard him because he’s going to knock down these threes if we leave him wide open uh so that’s just a nice little development from a in and again the six assists right he’s got the passing bag is

Absolutely there he picked up you know some of those in garbage time but that’s that’s fine he was impactful in the minutes that he played continues to get those consistent rotation minutes it’s a good sign for a Min Thompson moving forward and last guy I want to talk

About here Save The Best For Last not kid uh cam Whitmore who just it’s so funny watching C he cam checks into the game and like less than 10 seconds into the game he runs a dribble handoff set he immediately launches a three and just drills it like

Within like is literally his first play of the game and he’s off the bench he’s like already gunning then couple possessions later he gets an absolutely filthy disgusting nasty poster on uh Marvin baggley who was trying to guard the rim cam was on the perimeter did a

Little you know gave a little jab step shook his Defender drove right into the paint and just elevated and yammed it on baggley and had some words for him afterwards to he was in his face I’m really surprised I don’t know if like the refs were just mentally checked out

Of the game and there’s like oh what cam Whitmore dunked okay whatever uh but I mean he was he was in his face in his grill talking after the dunk the Rockets bench like I mean you it was funny watching each individual reaction on the bench when you’re watching the replay as

Soon as cam has the open Lane Fred was just like kind of leaned back on the bench like arms tucked in like just kind of hanging out Fred was the first guy that started to move and Fred like immediately like was like getting his arms out of the way and he like was

Pushing off of like the assistant coach to his left and like Alp to his right and he was like getting ready to stand up before cam even dunked the ball and then to see the rest of the bench just completely fall out standing up you know laughing loving it watching cam get

After it it was cam is that guy and you can kind of tell right he’s just he’s comfortable he understands he cam had a you know the the little give and go moment um himself like there’s just there’s a lot to what cam Whitmore can bring to the table offensively for this

Rockets team but then you also see some of the the moments right defensively where there was some points where you know the Rockets are switching things and cam got you know lost on a switch it led to a wide openen three-pointer didn’t box out on one possession like

There’s just these little things and eay has been consistent in his message that for cam to get minutes he has to be consistent across the board we know what he can do offensively we know that he can provide a spark to this team offensively which is something that they

Definitely need but he also can’t be an inconsistent presence on the defensive end right it’s not for lack of energy it’s not for lack of effort or anything he’s trying there’s just moments where he just gets lost there’s just moments where you know a switch will happen or

He’s not following the scheme or or not paying attention whatever and that’s okay he’s a rookie and there’s going to be moments like that that’s what it that’s what’s cool about you know him being able to stay with the big boys now and he’s I would imagine he’s probably

Done playing with the g- league because you put cam down at the g- league and he’s just going to average like 301 and 10 uh there’s not much else for him to learn playing at the G League level he needs consistent NBA minutes he needs consistent NBA reps and it’s just

Unfortunate that the Rockets don’t have enough Runway to be able to give amen and cam the leash to you know go out there and and make mistakes and live with the lumps that they’re going to have as they struggle through some of their you know rookie moments because

They’re trying to win games right you’re going to have to live with some of those moments with a Min Thompson it’s really hard to make that decision and live with those moments from two rookies so that’s why we haven’t seen cam in the rotation consistently yet uh we did get to see

Reggie Bullock in the rotation for this game though so that was a bit of a well welcome surprise Reggie Bullock finally knocking down a three-pointer uh as well as having that assist to cam Whitmore on the little uh the little give and go play so Reggie Bullock with some

Rotation minutes but and then we saw the Twin Tower lineup to close things out that’s how much of a blowout this game was as we saw ja landale and boban marianovich in the game at the same time with one another which was uh kind of a funny sight bowan had to pull the

Trigger on a three-pointer uh look this was a a a much needed kind of tuneup game blow out win for the Rockets get back on track you in the losing streak you get back to defending home court uh hopefully the Rockets can build on this they got the Nets in town on Wednesday

And that’ll be a ton of fun and last thing of note from this game good old Steven Silas was back in town and he got a front row seat to watching an alperin shenon masterclass watching Jaylen green drill shot after shot after shot in the third quarter uh

Watching tar een produce at a ridiculous level and you know again shout out to Steph silus one of the kindest greatest human beings that you will ever have the chance to to meet in your life but you know I’m sure it was a bit frustrating or a bit

Bittersweet sneeze at the end we’re falling apart here at the end of the podcast um I think there was a narrative running around with rockets fans that like Rockets players were like you know out to get revenge on Steven silus and this game or like I saw somebody say that

Like Jaylen was like you know calling out the bench and pointing at Steven Silas over on the Pistons bench after knocking down a three uh all the Rockets players loved Steven Silas there is not any bad blood between any of the Rockets players and Steven Silas many of the

Players on the Rockets roster went to go uh say hi to Stephen to welcome him in his return before the game or to go catch up with him after the game there’s not any bad blood there that’s not that it’s not that type of game as much as

Rockets fans want to make it out to be something bigger than it is uh it’s just the rocket sucked for the last three years and Steven silus was the face of that struggle unfortunately so and now he’s also part of the face of the Pistons with the longest losing streak

In NBA history so there is one common denominator to some of those incredibly long losing streaks in NBA history but that’s neither here nor there uh on that note that’s going to do it final thoughts from this Rockets Pistons blow out hopefully a game that uh allows the

Rockets to kind of tune up and and get back to their winning ways moving forward uh but as always thank you so much for checking out the show if you haven’t done so yet please consider subscribing wherever you listen to your podcasts as well as on YouTube go to

YouTube search locked on Rockets give me tell me your favorite moment from this game your favorite play your favorite moment your favorite bucket whatever let me know in the YouTube comments but as always thank you so much for watching thank you so much for listening and we

Look forward to having you back right here at lockon Rockets your daily podcast home for everything Houston Rockets basketball

How Alperen Sengun & Jalen Green DOMINATED 3rd Quarter In Houston Rockets Blowout Win Vs Pistons

Host Jackson Gatlin (@JTGatlin) reacts to and discusses the Houston Rockets 136-113 blowout win against former head coach Stephen Silas and the Detroit Pistons behind Alperen Sengun and Jalen Green dominating in the third quarter. Why Sengun got off to a slow start offensively and the adjustments made in the third quarter leading to him scoring 20 points and dishing out 4 dimes, Jalen Green being incredibly effective off-ball and running more two-man game with Alpi, Jabari Smith Jr. makes his return to the lineup, Jae’Sean Tate and Tari Eason slowing down Cade Cunningham, Amen Thompson vs Ausar Thompson on Twin Night, Cam Whitmore feasting in his garbage time minutes and more.

#Rockets #AlperenSengun #JalenGreen

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  1. Sengun is evolving into something that we never saw before. Fast, agile, strong, talented, creative and super smart.

  2. Jalen should never play on his own in a set play. If the ball is in his hand more than 10 seconds, the danger starts. He still did that kind of nowhere-to-go-in-the-end move with the ball a few times ignoring the others in the last game. If he does 2 things positive , then comes 3 negative moves from him. Never reliable.

  3. jalen isn't a playmaker, if he can learn off ball game, he gets more minutes and allowed closing the games.

  4. im glad ime told sengun stop trying to draw fouls in every play and just play regular. i love al p but one of his biggest problems is when he constantly tries to look for the foul instead of actually trying to make the shot. love to see the growth under coach udoka he is a WIZARD

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