@Oklahoma City Thunder

The OKC Thunder Have A Josh Giddey Problem

The OKC Thunder Have A Josh Giddey Problem

The Oklahoma City Thunder have a Josh giddy problem and they either need to trade him or they need to move him to the bench Josh giddy simply put outside of having a bad start to the year is not a fit within this Oklahoma City system Chay is their star and thanks to that

And the emergence of Jaylen Williams and the emergence of Chad hren this is a Darkhorse title Contender and a top three seed in the Western Conference and despite being way before anyone’s projected window they have already opened their potential contending window but none of that is thanks to Josh giddy

Who’s in his third year in the league and was before this year considered one of the best rookies of that 2021 draft class Josh giddy this year has simply put not improved compared to last year his shooting has declined his play play making has not been as effective his

Defense is still not great and that very much impacts his ability to influence this team Shay is always going to be the primary guy as he solidified himself as the Superstar on this roster and shett is already emerging as that co-star as he looks like an efficient 20 and 10 and

2 and a half blocks a game type of big already despite being a rookie and is set to win the Rookie of the Year reward because of it Jay dub has also taken that step and looks like he could also be that secondary co-star thanks to his

Improved ability to get to the rim and finish to the rim his three-point shooting has continued to improve and he looks like a legitimate option to be another secondary star to Shay so where does that leave giddy it looked like giddy was going to be that secondary

Star potentially next to Shay who could be be the primary playmaker who could have the ball in his hands often and he still does at times but at the end of games you’re defaulting to Shay and as you should Shay is still even arguably your best playmaker above giddy as he’s

Taking a step in that department this year his drives have been a lot more controlled and he looks a lot more deliberate and planned and orchestrated and where he is going to kick when he drives as opposed to driving and then reacting to where he needs to kick kick

And now results in games like we saw on the 27th against the Knicks we giddy is sitting in the corner for most of the fourth quarter a fourth quarter he played most of but didn’t take a single shot because he’s not getting downhill he’s not playmaking that much due to

Shay being the main guard and he’s not a threat from the three-point line he’s offering you very little on the offensive end whilst being at at absolute best an average Defender this results in OKC having two options for the future of Josh gidy they need to include him in their eventual star trade

Or his role needs to change it has already changed in the fact that he is now seating on the corner in fourth quarters of games or in some games he’s no longer closing and he’s being preferred to case Wallace or Isaiah Joe however I think there’s an argument that

This needs to go much further than just fourth quarter rotations and fourth quarter rolls and then if he stays on the roster this needs to be him moved to the bench Isaiah Joe and or Cas Wallace make plenty more sense in this starting rotation although especially in the case

Of case Wallace he can still facilitate and be some amount of a lead guard he is also productive and capable of spacing the floor and shooting the three as he’s shooting well above 40% from three this year as one of OKC’s most efficient three-point Shooters whilst still being

A solid Defender as a rookie someone who’s only going to improve and can continue to grow with this starting lineup Isaiah Joe similarly does not have the playmaking or the defensive props that Cas Wallace does but he is one of the best pure knockdown three-point Shooters in this league he

Can create his own but off the catch he is lethal his range is unlimited and he will create so much space for this OKC team and way more than Josh giddy ever could seated in the corner compared to Isaiah Joe that is someone you can’t just leave open in the corner giddy sure

He might cut and he might get a finish at The Rim or then playmake off of it but you’re not worried about Rec covering to his three-point shot you’ll let him have that you’re not letting Isaiah Joe or case and Wallace have that that’s a potential shift that OKC need

To be considering very seriously if they plan on keeping Josh giddy around if he’s moved to the bench he can now be that primary ball handler and primary facilitator in those non SGA minutes especially if Cas Wallace has moved to the starting lineup allowing him to be

The true backup point guard and quite likely succeeding in that role it’s not going to be a scenario where he is going to be that typical hot shooter Off the Bench who comes in and gets you 16 18 points a night but he could still produce some offense whilst being a very

Good facilitator and offering a lot of size at the guard spot Off the Bench now the problem is giddy is going to need to be paid soon he is eligible for a rookie extension at the end of this season and I doubt OKC are going to want to give

Him as much as Josh GID is going to demand if he ends up just being their backup guard as I’m suggesting he should be so longterm he’s the odd man out for a long time it seemed like Lou Dort was the odd man out but he’s the ultimate

Glue guy he’s an elite Wing Defender he can rebound well and although he can be a little bit inconsistent at times he’s still a respectable three-point shooter something Josh giddy is not similar to the defense that ludor has it’s something that giddy does not and likely

Will never offer at that same level of production with giddy being the odd man out it means whenever that star trade comes he’s the centerpiece how they make the salaries work outside of that will be interesting because giddy’s not on big money but Davis per towns is there

Right now who could be included Kendrick Williams is on a long-term deal who could be included amongst other salary fillers who could be included some more notable but some in much smaller quantities like a try man or an Aaron Wiggins point being is whenever a trade

Gets made giddy is going to be the centerpiece he’s still offers a lot of value as a primary playmaker and initiator at the point guard spot to many NBA rosters he’s certainly not an elite scorer and he never will likely be an elite shot Creator but he offers a a

Lot of Versatility at getting downhill at creating for others and his size makes him a very difficult matchup for opposing teams the issue is OKC don’t need that Jay dub can already create and get downhill to a point Shay is ultimately the guy in OKC and is going

To be the de facto scorer playmaker and initiator and if giddy could continue to improve his three-point shot to make him be respected from that range and give OKC’s offense spacing great but that hasn’t happened he improved from your one to year two year two to year three

It hasn’t been there if anything there’s been a regression now many teams will still see value in giddy I don’t expect as most teams probably don’t expect this regression to continue I still expect him to see more Improvement and for gidy to be a very good basketball player I’m

Not saying Trey J giddy because he’s a bum he is a very good basketball player and still has plenty of room to improve but his skill set is not what OKC need his skill set for 10 minutes of a fourth quarter against the Knicks is being wasted away sitting in the corner not

Giving anything to OKC and OKC not letting giddy utilize his strengths for both it makes sense for him to for the time being change his role and no longer be a fourth quarter closer on this team and longterm be traded and get a piece that fits better whether it be a reported

Lori marinin whether it be a impending free agent OG anobi or Pascal cakam someone that can come in and can space the floor preferably not Pascal cakam and give them some amount of production as a secondary scorer giddy will always be best with the ball in his

Hands and that is going to be limiting to some teams because giddy is a limited scorer but OKC don’t have to rely on that limited scoring and the limits of Josh giddy because they have one of the top 10 players in the league in SGA because they have one of the best young

Bigs and what will be one of the best bigs in the n in Chad homerin and because they have an already Elite two-way Wing in Jaylen Williams who’s only going to continue to improve Josh gidd is the odd man out and with OKC playing as well as they are and

With his extension eligibility being less than a full season away OKC need to think about this fast and make a move to bring in some talent for Josh giddy

Thanks for watching the video, be sure to let me know your thoughts on the OKC Thunder 2023-24 season and the future of Josh Giddey. If you enjoy the content be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel for more NBA content including NBA news, team and player specific videos and team building videos like this one.

– about –
Run The NBA, Devin Kenny, is a full time college student and basketball fan. He is a former athlete who has turned to content creation due to many injuries, and is building an NBA/basketball community.

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  1. They really don't. Im not only an actual Thunder fan but been watching ball since the 90s (grew up watching the Spurs).

    Giddey has actually had his role extensively change to give more shots to Jdub and implement into the new 5-Out scheme.

    This is requiring Giddey to drift away from what makes him successful. Giddey was NEVER expected to be the 2nd guy. He was always meant to be a complimenting facilitator or even eventual 3rd or 4th guys (which he still has room to be).

    I do agree that Giddey well eventually be moved to the 2nd unit to lead the bench and create a chanfe in scheme dynamics when the 1st team is on the bench.

    OKC doesn't need to trade a guy who famously finishes seasons averaging a near triple-double. We are good enough to contend now and can perhaps make a move for a Olynek or DFS to keep our 5 out scheme or get a Allen/Capella for brusing.

  2. I almost didn't like and subscribe to your channel when I saw your title. Please convince me why we should trade Giddey, because I say we let the "chili" cook

  3. Is this a delayed downloaded video? Because it sounds like you skipped giddeys recent performance. We obviously have our big 3 now but Lu Dort and Josh Giddey compliment them very well. Giddeys passing and rebounding game makes the team better and if he can continue in his new role with efficient shooting then why change. Today’s game should be a good indication of where the team and Giddey is at.

  4. There’s no problem lmao. Y’all other fan bases just scared of the future so you speculate turmoil to try and break them up 😂

  5. Lol his last ten games hes basically a 50-40-90 player hes just slightly under 90… And hell who is going to play amazing when the whole world basically has it out for you and your dealing with police and the media thats ALOT TO HANDLE FOR SOMEONE WHO IS 21… And he said giddyh hasnt improved have you not seen him all off-season he clearly got wayyyy better…. We meed amd want giddy so does okc thatsbwhy they stick by jim so kuch when everything happened because they know hes an integral piece.

  6. There is ZERO chance he is moved to the bench. Late last season everyone assumed he was a max extension. His numbers are slightly down but closely correlate with the minutes down. I don't think he will be traded….why change with the ultra successful Thunder?!

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