@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks’ HC Quin Snyder Jan. 2 Media Availability

Atlanta Hawks’ HC Quin Snyder Jan. 2 Media Availability

Um give me one thing you want to flush from 2023 and one thing you want to carry over from 2023 to 2024 I mean I I I think that that there’s a lot of things I don’t want to flush anything you know I don’t think that’s the right perspective that that

We want to have I want to you know be realistic and recognize where we can be better and sometimes if you flush that so to speak uh it doesn’t give you that opportunity and you know conversely um we want to do everything better you know I don’t think there’s this isn’t

You know I want to eat better I want to get more sleep or you know want to be better and that means individually and collectively Trey has been at the top of points per possession in terms of being the pick and roll man or ball handler

I’m curious where do you see him taking that next step as far as Improvement he’s mentioned turning over the ball a little bit less just how does he do that and does that start with the communication I think communication is a buzz word yeah you know if I could go

Back and answer that question that would be something that that I really feel needs to be a focus for us um often times I’ll get back to more specifically you know if you’re trying to communicate if there’s a language that you don’t know or speak it’s it’s difficult to you

Know to to to talk right so hopefully that’s something you know as we become more and more trained in our habits we know where we’re supposed to be what we want to accomplish that that begin that’s more communication I think in Trey’s case um you know managing a game

Is you know those are the situations where he’s able to communicate um you know and that that’s collectively you know us understanding um and I’m not just talking about late in the game throughout throughout the game I think um something that you’re seeing him do

More and more of um you know and with respect to things like turnovers you know there’s a fine line there because he’s able to make plays you know and just being able to understand time score situation and when is it when is a you know is is a play um along that

Continuum um worth it and and then what are the things that allow you you know one of he he’s so good you know moving people with his eyes he’s so good um with ball and you know can he keep his feet on the floor and play in the

Lane more there’s lots of little things that that he’s talked about um as you as you look at kind of what you want to accomplish as a goal I think it’s important to see the things that lead up to that that help you accomplish the goal and you know that’s really where

Our focus is as a group as well he’s just happen to has he happens to have the ball um so with that um you know that great freedom because we do want him to to be who he is and uh comes responsibility what’s the biggest challenge facing with Oklahoma City team

There’s a lot of things that they do well obviously you can see that reflected in the way that they’re playing um you know there’s they play a lot of small small actions where um you know they create shots um by creating indecision and then driving the ball so

I think you know home grin spacing the floor um pulls you out away from the basket often times so we’ve got to be better generally containing the ball and they’re a team that puts a lot of pressure on you to do that so um starts with transition and uh and then even you

Know in the half court um us being shifted you know shrinking the floor so to speak and not allowing them to see Lanes to the basket and then just guard your man you know one-on-one guard your yard stay in front um you know so that

We can if you if you are beat because those things happen you know you’re not beat in a straight line where we can actually help each other it’s it’s well documented they’re the second youngest team in the NBA but do they look like that on the court is that a credit to

The coaching what they got development you know I I think youth is in this day you see so many players that early in the league they just they feel like they belong it’s not not just that they look it there just there’s a level of confidence that um you know younger

Players have now um that kind of transcends age you know I think over the course of their career there’s other things experientially that um where they grow um but I don’t think of them ironically as such a young team I think you know SGA as an example often times

When you know a guy that’s a catalyst for you plays with the Poise and experience that kind of lifts everybody and connects everybody um but they’ve got an identity you know they defend um they defend the ball they help each other and they drive the ball and I I

Think that’s something that marks developed you know in those guys over time and they’ve bought into and you can see it reflect on the court how do you assess the growing connection that seems to be between Trey and Jaylen they just seem to be connecting really well on the

Court as FP yeah I mean I think we’ve you know I think Trey’s been with us for you know a much longer period of time than JJ and um even Jaylen it’s been good to see even though he missed the you know a big chunk of time that you

Know he’s his his feel for the game he’s someone that’s easy to play with and you know he and Trey together they’re they’re both good passers and they’re both unselfish and they’ll continue to get more connected um I think as they play more together um whether it’s a

Two-man game or you know in transition you know you see Jaylen pushing the ball and you know Trey running running the lane where someone else is getting him something easy as opposed to to him having the ball all the time in transition he he wants that um JJ wants

That and those are kind of those interactions I think they’ll continue to improve Trey also talked about jaylen’s confidence growing and just not hesitating to pull the trigger and whatnot and that but he still sees there’s like a little bit of untapped potential do you see that as well yeah I

I I think you know he Jay I don’t know he didn’t he hasn’t played like heavy minutes in his career so now that he’s playing more sometimes s um being comfortable particularly in catch and shoot situations is something that you just you know through repetition um you begin it’s less about

Confidence than it is about um familiarity with those situations and being prepared to shoot um because that’s what we want him to do um so him you know not hesitating and and that’s something that that I think he’s done a really good job of

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