@Detroit Pistons

The Detroit Pistons WON’T TRADE Bojan unless they get a big offer for him

The Detroit Pistons WON’T TRADE Bojan unless they get a big offer for him

Um buan will not be traded this season unless the Detroit Pistons receive an offer that they can’t refuse this report comes from Jan Edwards I third I called it a couple of podcasts ago when I said this this guy won’t get traded I do not see Troy weer trading him I know that

Last season there was a contender offering two first round picks I do not think that’s the case this year buan is playing pretty well but you can notice that there is he’s a he’s a step slower than he was last season the time to trade him was last year I think the Val

Even though he’s still playing well I think the value has dipped quite a bit and those teams and why wouldn’t you low ball the Pistons they really you know they’re in a position where they have no advantage in any of these trades so buan will remain a piston he’s gonna be 35 at

The end of this year he’ll be 36 by the end of next season I do understand why the Detroit Pistons would want to keep them but do we really see them making you know huge improvements to this roster that makes sense of keeping buan and potentially bringing him off

The bench as a scorer in that role I don’t know I don’t see it happening but I get the logic behind it but I’m on the train of we should have traded him and we should just try to get something for him because this season is lost by all accounts I mean

There’s no way they come back from this it’s it’s so conflicting we last week we reacted to Tom Gores saying like we require change we need the change and then this part of James Edwards I third’s article it wasn’t a Bo on piece it was a piece with Sam Vini and they

Were talking James James once in a while will kind of just throw like little tidbits in there that you’re not really expecting and this was a tidbit saying like the Pistons don’t plan to trade you know buan bogdanovich unless they get like a really handsome offer and that’s

Kind of been the message we’ve had over the past couple of years with boam bogdanovich on the roster the Pistons like ban a lot they they want to keep them and you see the type of value he adds to this team when he plays with Kate Cottingham obviously we didn’t get

To see it because he was injured for a big portion of the season this year but you see the instant impact the numbers back it up offensively when Kaden you know boan are on the floor they produce points and the offense looks a lot better at a lot better but at the same

Time you have to tell yourself the guy’s 34 he’s going to be 35 next season I believe I don’t know the his birthday off the top of my hand he’s on a $20 million contract um I believe going into this summer it’s non- guaranteed it goes

From like three million if you wave him by a certain date or if you want to trade him he’s valuable don’t get me wrong yeah he’s a he’s our second leading scorer at almost 20 points a game right behind Kate that has I believe 23 or 24 points a game I like

Buan a lot but at some point if a team is going to offer you something for boan if a team offers you a first round pick for boan you have to consider it you’re not g to get this Hull you think you’re GNA get you’re not

Going to get these two first round picks that you think you’re gonna get I think a asking for two first round picks for a player like boan I think is a little bit unreasonable um you know 20 points a game at 34 dude that’s that’s impressive that’s damn

Impressive but at the same time you you have to look at this team’s future like buan isn’t going to be a part of this team when this young core is trying to compete for the playoffs he’s just not we have to be reasonable and be realistic buam bogdanovich is not going

To be here for another you know five to six years if you can get something from a contending team whether that’s a young player maybe a draft pick you have to consider it we like him as a player but this organization sometimes holds on to players veteran players I should say too

Long and the value just goes out the window I mean we held on to Derek Rose way too long when the Lakers were willing to give the Detroit Pistons Alex Caruso and Talon Horton Tucker in a first round pick and we ended up Trading him to the New York

Knicks for Dennis Smith Jr in a second round pick so that that’s my biggest thing it’s like if you can get good value for boan you have to consider it now I understand the Piston standpoint of you know they want to be good they don’t want to give him away for nothing you

Shouldn’t give him away for nothing but if there’s a good offer on the table you have to consider making a deal in my opinion anyways I’m even at the point too where even if you can get a veteran that’s in like their late 20s that fits more along the timeline of the young

Core winning maybe a you know a veteran that has some playoff experience I’m okay with that doesn’t necessarily have to be draft picks or another young player like because this team’s already young enough but if or if you could find two bench pieces that can be part of an8

10man rotation I think you got to take it but holding on to him with the hopes that you’re going to be better next year when Troy has really showed us nothing in terms of improving this roster in the last two off Seasons something that you

Just got to get what you can for him at this point and I don’t know what the holdup is I agree with you when this team is ready to compete he’ll be he’ll be retired he’ll be sitting comfortable back home you know he won’t be he won’t

Be playing at that time so I just don’t know what it’s all about I hate reading reports like this because it again it just shows me the ineptitude of Troy Weaver and that it’s really putting me in that realm of thinking that he really doesn’t know what he’s doing at the GM

Spot and it’s just terrible to hold on to assets like this when you could have flipped them at some point when he was having again he’s still having a great year but it wasn’t like last year where you know he really could have helped a contender out I mean I would maybe call

Charlotte up and see what you I’ve already said his name before but around January 15 try to bring in like a PJ Washington you know if Charlotte’s more inclined to key miles Bridges or whatever because he runs with lamelo maybe see if you can sneak a trade like

That and or maybe call the New York Knicks back up or I don’t know just somebody and get something for boan before because he’s another one of those guys I just don’t want to see dwindle and like you know just watching Detroit until his career is over when his career

Was just a few fun regular season games instead of playoff basketball I just don’t want to see that I’m a little selfish that way but I say trade buan if you can the one thing you said that I I do want to disagree with I don’t like the the try Weaver

Comment that you made you said he doesn’t know what he’s doing I think he does know what he’s doing but I’ve told you several times I don’t think he has full rate of actually what he gets to do that’s fair no you know Tom Gore says

It’s you know it’s Troy and I making decisions I don’t buy that I’ve told you I think there’s a lot of cooks in the kitchen I think there’s three or four people trying to make a decision they can’t agree um not defending Troy by any any means I mean he’s made some

Questionable draft choices he’s made some questionable free agent signings uh he’s not getting a pass from me but at the same breath I I think that he he is a good talent evaluator when it comes with the draft it’s just free agency I don’t know whether this front office

Can’t agree on a player they don’t see a big fish they think they can land um I I think overall Troy is probably the best uh Talent evaluator that the Pistons have have had in quite a long time this is the most young Talent they’ve had probably my entire piston phandom I just

Wanted to kind of say that but um I do agree with you with the you know holding on to veteran players like that like if you can get something get something no and I think there are parts that Troy Weaver is good at like you’re saying the talent evaluation I mean he

Sit on a few draft picks it’s just the other parts of being a GM where maybe you’re right maybe it is because he doesn’t have full control of the team and that’s fair like that is fair we just don’t know that that’s just more speculation on our part from things

We’ve heard reports that we’ve read quotes that have been dropped by some people in the front office so like I’m still I still like Troy Weaver I think there are part again I think there are parts of his job that he’s good at I just think the overall it

Could be a lot it could be a daunting task to be building a team and I don’t know I guess time will only tell [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Yeah

On The Pistons Talk Podcast, Anthony and Lance discussed a recent report from James Edwards III reporting the Detroit Pistons will not trade Bojan Bogdanovic unless they get a big offer for him.

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  1. This front office thinks Bojan is a Superstar 😂😂😂😂 and it's funny that this same front office declined two 1st Round draft picks for him last year 🤦‍♂️

  2. This is the most incompetent FO in the history of pro sports! He is constantly targeted by other teams offense and clearly he doesn't affect winning. I'm done with Tom Gores and Troy Weaver, they think he's prime Jordan or some damn thing

  3. I can't believe you actually said that Weaver isn't that bad, are you messing with us?

  4. Why is Weaver hell-bent on holding on to Bogey thinking he can get the same offer he rejected last season? Holding on to him just kicks the can down the road to addressing 1 of this team’s problems in having a capable shooter with Cade . Bogey no younger today & it’s getting tiring hearing about this so called timeline they think they have 🤷🏾‍♂️

  5. Bojan should do us and himself a favor and demand a trade to a contender. I don't know what the hell he's waiting for wasting his talent in the last few good yrs of his career here.

  6. Can't believe Weaver worked in OKC. All they do is acquire picks over there. If anything Weaver has them in a net negative with draft picks.

  7. At this point it is not Smart to trade BOJAN. CADE has said he helps his game a lot, and look to him for advice. Why trade away the guy your FUTURE star wants to keep. Trading him open the court for CADE and IVEY due to no one else on this team can hit open mid range shoot or 3pt shots consistently any longer. And he still the 2nd best scorer on the team. We do not need more draft picks we need to figure how to develop the guys we have or ship them out for better talent at this point.

    DO NOT TRADE HIM it would be a dumb move now. AT this point no one on this roster showed they can score over 22+ppg except CADE and BOJAN on any giving night. Why trade you only other option that helps you future star "CADE" games.

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