@Minnesota Timberwolves

OG Anunoby Debuts for the Knicks at MSG vs the Minnesota Timberwolves

OG Anunoby Debuts for the Knicks at MSG vs the Minnesota Timberwolves

Nicks family what’s popping it’s your boy yes ladies and gentlemen today is the day OG an and Obi is going to debut for the New York Knicks at Madison Square Garden yeah ladies and gentlemen I think there’s a lot of people excited and ready for this

One you know what I mean a lot of people excited and ready for this one Tony what’s popping with you my brother how you feeling man we’re going to listen to a little bit of OG actually before before all of that I just want to remind everybody ladies and gentlemen the

Channel’s been demonetized so please make sure you support the channel cash app is dollar sign nothing but Nicks PayPal is nothing but Nicks all right so please make sure you support the channel Tony how you feeling yes how you feeling how you feeling F first off happy New

Year happy new happy New Year to everybody no doubt about for for sure mix fans everywhere happy New Year um let’s start the year off right you know what I mean let’s let’s I’m I’m excited to see what this new Dynamic brings to the team you know what I mean

Um everybody knows how I feel about the the loss of quickly I see the smile on Andy’s face I know you happy I know I know we’re on the other sides of the spectrum Tony but it’s Nick’s fans first right so let’s go let’s let’s let’s see

What this new Dynamic brings yeah Andy we haven’t had a chance to speak with you here yet at least we haven’t you know what I mean um and so so before we get to listening to just a a little bit of 40 seconds or so of OG and and Obi uh

What how do you feel about the trade I kind of got an idea but how do you feel about the trade well first I see Tony smiling not not say laughing at me but yeah what up tone uh what up Simeon Arthur Russell I heard you you like that you

Know full full announcement to be made so uh Happy New Year to you guys of course to the chat um listen my perspective on this whole trade um I’m not gonna say I’m happy like fully happy uh I think both of RJ and quickly got a solid and being traded to

A team like the Raptors uh to be true I don’t think there was any other better team to be traded to for RJ Barrett and actually Emanuel quickley probably the Raptors were top five of you know his beloved teams as far as the chance and the opportunities that he’s going to

Have there so I think it was a win-win trade for both sides okay okay okay all right well you know OG’s going to debut today he’s wearing number eight it’s going to wear number eight you know so you know I’m excited to see OG and

And and how he’s going to fit with this team I mean I think he’s going to fit I think he’s going to fit you know what I mean you know you know my disappointment was not with OG coming to the Knicks it was with the Knicks losing you know a

Potential Sixth Man of the Year and Emanuel quickley right because look look you see did you see Andy you see Andy’s expression did you see his expression Tony listen man I like you man you know I like the way that Quickly’s been playing but you know

He’s going to get his chance to uh do his thing in Toronto so I’ll be happy for him I’m happy for him you know to get his chance to be a starter in the league you know what I mean and Sim you know that what I’m gonna say at the end

Of the season right he ain’t won no six-man of the year he’s gonna be a starter now that’s why he he ain’t going to win yeah he’s going to be a starter so n he’s definitely not winning six Man of the Year cuz he’s going to be a

Starter but uh you know he he was he was he had the chance he had the chance you know what I mean let’s listen to OG right you know just just you know quickly talk about um you know how he feels playing in the garden and and and

Some of those things and then um we’ll get to breaking down and talk about OG a little bit and what is Fitz going to look like uh next to Julius Randle and jayen Brunson ladies and gentlemen this is OG and anobi obviously a lot has changed in

Your life in the last 48 hours but when you know you just fin to sh walk you’re looking at your new teammates the city of New York and what are you most excited about uh just to you know start playing you know excited to go with my

Teammates then just play MSG from the fans really excited and the way you play you kind of feel like this is a natural fit for you yeah I think so you know I think I’m a tough player I think his players are tough play hard I win if I

Do all those things met scoring game the season here a couple weeks ago you remember anything about that game um I know we lost guys remember we lost told random letters to you yeah all right ladies and gentlemen that was ogan and Obi uh you know I didn’t

Get a chance to hear much I’m pretty sure some more will come out from um his his interview right but the only thing that really sticks out is that he thinks he’s a fit because of the way that the Knicks play and his style of play you know as

Far as playing hard playing tough being aggressive you know and those type of things uh I mean the fit seems natural right he thinks it’s a natural fit obviously the Knicks believe that it was a natural fit uh how long do you think Andy how long do you think OG’s had an

Idea that he may end up a nick well we fans were hearing that the Knicks are interested in OG for what like two seasons at least um so I think you always have it back in your mind when you even hear those rumors you know that a certain

Team is interested in you you’re like and it’s not like every team in the league was interested in him right so he probably had a couple of teams his agent you know threw him couple of names out there and and you always have it subconsciously in your mind that you

Might get de dealt there right and listen maybe because we are Knicks fans so we you know we as people and fans would love to play for the Knicks that’s why it’s a you know even even bigger thing for us but I think even for a guy

Like OG uh I think it’s a big thing to play with the ncks as a franchise as an organization as a you know Big City Market I think that opens up opportunities for him and we know that he’s you know from Nigeria and I think that opens even more opportunities for

Him to bring and and you know do stuff uh compared to to what he was able to do from Toronto yeah yeah Tony yeah I I feel like once the agen once he switch agencies uh the right it was just a matter of time um at that

Point I I I really feel like that the B the reason he switched agencies we we had that discussion when when it went down um so yeah I think he knew once he made that decision it was just a matter of time yeah on for sure let me ask you

This any do you have any issues with it being another CAA guy no because I mean we didn’t I I’ll put it in this perspective not with this particular move because before he switched agencies we wanted him here right like we we we knew what his value

Was as a player so it’s not like they they have uh bad guys under contract and and they’re like oh we got to get our guy a job he would have got a job anywhere he was a coveted player throughout the league so um if anything that worked in our

Benefit right right right right um I mean I mean you know I I I just come to expect it now that you know the Knicks are going to go get CA guys you know Leon Rose is comfortable with CA guys he has a relationship with CA still so you know and to be

Fair CA probably has the most clients in the league and and the biggest clients in the league You know despite what some people might think you know you know with Rich Paul and everything CA still has the bigger clients in the league you know what I

Mean uh so you know you’re going to get a lot of CA guys in New York um any any uh well I guess we’ll get into any thoughts on expectations and things like that uh later on uh in in in the show let me get to a phone call real

Quick caller you’re live name me where you from please yo peace fam my name is Jay originally from Brooklyn New York when I’m in ATL what’s going on Jay how you feeling man what up what up I’m good my brother I’m good so um I wanted to

POS a question to you to each of you okay serious question would you trade straight up quickly for OG if it was a straight up trade would you make it yes I would have well let’s look at it that that’s what we did and then that’s not what we did say

That again that’s not what we did cuz I also would have straight up traded RJ for OG well let me ask a second question though would you have traded straight up and and let’s look at RJ that we wanted him out the door kind of sort of I can’t

Hear you were you talking no you saying that I wanted him out that we wanted him out the door well most most most of us Nicks fans were kind of fed up with RJ we were you know we were kind of ready for him to go so with that

Said would you have tra RJ straight up for um precious no no okay and that’s and that’s Val that’s valid that’s a you know that’s not a great straightup trade well you know for me I just look at it that you know um it was a straightup

Trade IG for for OG and RJ was kind of collateral damag you know um I got another another thing if I may add and thanks for responding to my questions problem yeah I think it also RJ I mean IQ being gone I think it also gives our guards some breathing room where they’re

Not so you know fighting for time it gives them a little more breathing space for them to hopefully develop and for us to see actually what we have you know so that that’s another way to look at it and the third and final point I’d like

To make brothers is BR it don’t matter what whether we have Donovan Mitchell or Donovan McNab as long as we got th Nicks ain’t gonna never reach their full potential so I’m leave it at that and got the floor right Donan McNab we reached into the bag for that one boy

Shees or Donan mcav don’t matter as long as we got th I appreciate you my brother thank you for all right y’all be good peace sh uh you know I do want to say this though I do want to say this right because we were all you know me and Tony

Were disappointed that IQ wasn’t included in the trade and yes I would have done OG for RJ straight up no doubt about it right that you know for straight up I would have did it but I don’t want to Discount what RJ did bring to this team because he did

Help I mean where the Knicks are now RJ helped the Knicks to get there you know what I’m saying I mean you know uh up until this point tibs is the only coach that r no I’m sorry he was with no R.J was with uh what’s his

Name fdale right fale right RJ was with fdale um but it wasn’t until tips came that you know you started to see the Knicks Turn Around but RJ was part of that RJ Julius Mitchell Robinson IQ of course both of those guys you know have been part of the Knicks Resurgence or

Turnaround whatever you want to call it you know what I mean so I don’t want to discredit RJ he wasn’t the best player you know he had you know there were a lot of expectations on RJ Barrett as the third pick for the Knicks

You know what I mean um but he did help the Knicks and turning turning the thing around you know what I mean you know I wanted more from him but I’m not going to sit and say oh he was just a straightup trash player you know and

Things like that you know I mean you know Tony we talked about it all the time and people used always say how long you going to wait for RJ d d and I always felt like hey you know he’s still growing he’s still growing he he can

Still uh maybe he’s not going to be a perennial Allstar but he’s still growing and we’ll you know let’s see what he does I’m okay with him being traded but I’m not trying to diss him either you know what I mean go ahead Tony um no I was just gonna say um and

We can’t discount the fact that we know RJ did never folded under the New York pressure yeah you know what I mean like he like he was built to survive here you know I mean he he didn’t but he was built to so um you can’t discount that

Like a lot of people will F under the pressure that comes with playing here yeah so you know what I mean um so you know you it’s you know just a lot of stuff going around you know about RJ and you know I don’t think anyone should be

Trying to dis RJ or whatever you know maybe he didn’t live up to potential you know but he definitely helped the Knicks to improve you know and that’s that’s the way that I see it ladies and Gentlemen please make sure you support the channel of course you know the Channel’s been demonetized you

Can support the channel through cash app dollar sign nothing but Nicks or through PayPal at nothing butnick let me get to another phone call here ladies and gentlemen call it your live what’s good AK what’s popping with you brother how you feeling man I ain’t feeling good bro you’re not feeling good

Okay I a like this trade man yo I don’t know if we’ been getting my messages but I I think we’ve been being boozled as a big fan I mean I see the move that was made bro but you know when you get attached to people when you

Don’t let people grow uh you I mean you get RJ five years you can’t grow off that different coaches different inside coaches people talking then you give a quickly it seems like scratch on my head like what’s going on here I mean OG I like OG he’s all right but he injured

Prone like if he get injured what’s gonna happen okay if you don’t sign a contract what’s gonna happen now we gota make a move so this is what I’m gonna say about the uh the contract I think that’s a done deal whichever way it goes whether he’s going

To be whether he’s going to uh pick up his option and then sign an extension or they sign him to an extension OG’s going to be a Nick they they’ve been wanting OG you know uh obviously Leon Rose got the inside track with CA he’s going to be a Nick he’s gonna be

A Nick yep probably for a good four years yeah he’s gonna be a Nick so you know that I’m not worried about that part of it so you think let me ask you a question here to all your guys you know what I mean abolute happy New Year but

You think this is a push for a championship or just a good playoff ront every year I think it’s a piece I think it’s a piece I don’t think they’re looking at this as the uh okay now we finally have our team together I think it’s a piece and they probably know you

Got to add more pieces or another piece and and then a couple of uh you know outside pieces so how many years you think we how many years you think we gonna get to get there because every other team is looking good yeah I I think I think

That Leon Rose Tom Tipp all of them I think they’re you know they’re looking within the next two two to three years that’s what I think I think they feel like they’re putting pieces together uh you heard Tom Tibido when he talked about OG uhuh you

Know talk about the ways that he fit you know as far as his size being able to defend multiple uh positions and he also talked about timeline I given his age he’s 26 years old so I do think the Knicks have a timeline in mind yeah definitely you know what I

Mean you know and they Phil he fits damn son yo lucky for you yo I I I’m still watching the season though I just wanted to highlight you what I’m saying I’m a little disgruntled right now but okay n listen I mean I wasn’t I’m not fully I’m still I am

Still a little bit skeptical still watching to see how it goes I want to see like I want to see the vision like today obviously it’s not going to be all there because they you know he’s just getting there you they haven’t even had a chance to practice just do some

Walkthroughs shoot arounds right true but I’m looking to see the vision all right what’s the is that you’re looking at with OG and and Randle and Brunson how how do how does it look and how do we think it’s going to look so I’m looking to see that you know what

I mean I I don’t think it’s finished I do want to see the get better from the trade though as I said on previous shows I do want to see the ncks get better I want to see that you know people say okay he fits better than RJ

He’s a better player he’s a better Defender he’s a better shooter all of that stuff right and yes we gave up IQ but hey we made the move I want to see the Nicks get better from the move exactly me too me too but before I

Leave bro you know what I’m saying bless to you bro yo your marketing genius with them hoodies though y That’s marketing genius right there yeah appreciate bless everybody this year you mean precious is to Tade I like the precious I like him yeah yeah yeah one to love to you in the

Panel I appreciate you my brother Happy New Year to you be peace peace yeah let’s talk about precious because you know everything’s all you know it’s about OG right and and rightfully so because OG is the guy you know he’s the he’s the big name but what about

Precious how do you feel about precious Tony well um as I was mention mentioning to you um off off air I re recently came across a clip where he was referring to himself you know as being one of believing he’s one of the best defenders

In in the league League which if if you know I mean I’m not saying he got to be the best but if if that’s a um a aspect or area where he can bring you know an extra push in this direction um could be a reason why tibs you you know maybe

Gave the the stamp of approval on them um and we we get we get another guy I mean we spoke about OG playing some backup for you know if precious can play the backup for and be a more than adequate Defender excuse me alongside um

OG now at the three or even Josh Hart at the three is still keeping people more in their natural position and and and everybody now has the ability to play defense on their natural position but also guard up you know what I mean right so instead of everybody always guarding

Up which was the case um be before um brings 68 you know what I mean Big W long wingspan another another one of those guys we didn’t have before so right to be honest it’s another thing that kind of changes the dynamic of of this team yeah yeah he he definitely W

With Mitch being out he’s definitely going to give us some inside presence some rebounding add to the defense you know what I mean Super athlete too and yeah exactly Andy your thoughts yeah I’m just going to say that my expectations of prees aren’t that high because we don’t know what his role

Is going to be uh when we’re going to see that no he’s clearly Randall’s backup we’re going to know that he’s going to be only playing what 13 maybe 15 minutes a game and if he’s going to be playing you know just getting those rebounds doing all those hustle plays

And playing defense I think that’s going to be enough for the Knick so if you don’t have high expectations you’re not going to be hurt if he’s going to be playing you know under uh the expectations that you have uh I’m not expecting him to to you know

Fight for starting for a starting role on the Knicks no um so so you know I’m not expecting him to to to be any kind of Superstar or or a coveted asset for the other teams to trade for from the Knicks and stuff like that so but he

Adds that he’s just a rotation guy right so right he’s a rotation guy that adds some depth though you know it’s an inside presence and as it where we need it that’s the thing like yeah he brings size which which we lacked he could he

Could um he could he he could shoot the ball you know what I mean like so now it’s another guy that can stretch the floor a little bit um I think everything he brings is something that is actually useful he’s not going to be a a star at all but he

Could star in his road yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely without a doubt let me give it shout out to Chester n uh big shout out to Chester thank you for the support hit me with a $ PayPal uh so I definitely want to thank you for that much much much

Appreciation to you my brother thank you very much and let me get to another phone call here caller you’re live name me where you from please yeah hi uh Lee from Long Island Lee what’s going on with you how you feeling hey what’s up guys long time listener first time caller just wanted

To salute everybody uh thanks for the show you guys are great apprciate it um I just wanted to throw in a quick thing my own thoughts um I think what made this trade possible um started back when they picked up Divan chenzo because I think Divan chenzo was known as a good

Player but sort of an unknown quantity like they didn’t know how much production they’d really get out of him but the fact that he’s done so well on the offensive end hitting clutch threes scoring a lot of points and doing a great job defensively I think he made

Quickly tradable because he was filling the exact same role as a defensive and three-point shooting guard that quickle was doing so I think that made the quickly trade possible I don’t know if they would have been so quick to trade quickly if they didn’t have D venzo and

That was my thoughts so so do you think do you think D venzo stays in the starting lineup or do you think maybe he goes back to the bench so that you have that scoring boost coming off the bench he might I could see I could see

With anobi in the s lineup I could see them trying to move Grimes back in to see how he does and then have Divan chenzo and Hart maybe on the bench yeah because then both lineups would be pretty productive right I mean you know

It’s I can see I I’m not sure Tom Tom Tibido is going to do it you know he doesn’t change quickly right you know it takes him 20 25 games to make changes to the lineup you know uh but I understand I can understand the philosophy behind

It yeah and plus when they traded away Obi and they picked up D venzo they they were very they were short on wings and they had a glut of point guards yeah so something was going to happen eventually whether it was grm or somebody else I

Think they would have had to trade and they were suffering too much on the defensive end because Randall and Brunson like you guys already said Randall is great player great offensive player you know Allstar but uh not not great on the defense event he’s just not quick enough on his feet right doesn’t

Cover enough territory fast enough yeah so that’s going to be interesting what are your expectations of OG today OG and precious because Malachi Flynn is out he’s hurt he’s not playing today um yeah and we’re going to get into the injury report and lineups and stuff shortly what are your expectations from either

One of those guys I I think precious is going to be really good I think he’s going to add a lot of length I think he’s going to be on the bench so I think it’s going to make uh and uh just highlights I’ve seen

Of him not as familiar with him but I think he’s a high flyer so he can take that role um maybe get in the passing lanes and and pick off a lot of you know maybe some steals maybe the uh the bench Squad will also run in the floor I could

See him running the floor a lot with him you know um putbacks lobs you know alleyes and stuff like that so the fans will definitely enjoy that aspect and I think uh I think anobi is going to be great in the starting lineup because I could definitely see them using him like

In the you know in the very uh you know the frustrating uh was it the Christmas Day or Christmas Eve when they lost to the Bucks that game they just couldn’t stop the Bucks I could definitely see him stepping up and they’re using him like defending a Giannis or somebody

Like that yeah yeah yeah I’m I’m anxious to see how precious how precious it’s going to fit but of course OG I think you know like you’re saying in that starting lineup has the ability to defend multiple positions um you know and and add to the uh you know add to

The the length I still don’t think I still think we need more players to make the Knicks a longer team you know Josh and I were having a conversation about that uh in the previous show but he does add to the length he obviously adds to

The defensive side of the ball which the Knicks have been lacking sorely uh over the past you know for a while now yeah and I think one last thing and I won’t keep get anymore um I think it also shows by making this move now um at

This unlikely t year I think it shows that the Knicks are definitely set on making a playoff run this year I don’t think this is future building I think this is with OG and and the defense that he has I think they’re looking to because they’ve been losing some of

These games to the top tier teams you know and beating the teams are supposed to be beating and I think that they’re they’re looking to just kick it up a little bit of you know kick it up a notch and at least get into the playoff

Mix that’s I think they’re looking to do that yeah I I mean I mean I you know I think I believe that they think he’s a really big piece um and that the chemistry is going to take them to another level and just the way that that offense runs and obviously the defense

You know what I mean so you know let’s see if it let’s see if it works Lee I appreciate your time man yeah I appreciate your time Lee thank you for the call thanks for having me you guys take care God bless well have a good one Happy New

Year good call yeah good call good call we’re going to get into the injury report uh start looking at lineups and things shortly my man AK talked about the captain clutch hoodies ladies and gentlemen and for those who haven’t seen them you’re getting a chance to see them

Right now Jaylen Brunson Captain clutch hoodies uh you can only get them at print jurisdiction. comom so they’re exclusively there and I’m putting that link in the chat you can just go there and check them out you know we got hoodies and t-shirts with different color schemes so make sure you check him

Out ladies and gentlemen exclusively at print jurisdiction. very high quality t-shirts and hoodies make sure you check them out ladies and gentlemen all right uh let’s talk about the injury report then we’ll get into the lineups and things like that uh for the Knicks Mitchell Robinson and Malachi

Flynn are both out we know Mitchell Robinson is out but Malachi Flynn has a right ankle sprain I didn’t expect Malachi Flynn to be playing like that anyway right I assumed it was going to be Deuce that stepped up into that role Andy I know that has to make you

Feel good I don’t see the deuce I don’t see the deuce picture behind you is it still there oh of course there it is oh it’s bigger now it’s bigger now it’s bigger now you got the bigger dce picture yeah I got to put the special

Lights on it right yeah EX exactly uh for Minnesota Jaylen Clark is out um you know I’m I’m happy for Duce though I’m happy that Duce is going to get a chance you know to prove himself uh you know with the Knicks starting lineup for the Knicks Jaylen Brunson

Dante Devan chenzo not Quinton Grimes oan noi Julius Randle Isaiah hartenstein for the Minnesota Timberwolves Mike Conley Anthony Edwards Jaden McDaniels Carl Anthony towns and Rudy gobear right that’s what we’re looking at for lineups the bench well you know the bench is going to be uh really different for the New

York Knicks miles McBride Quinton Grimes Josh Hart I’m assuming precious is going to play Maybe has some power forward Taj Gibson at Center or maybe precious is going to be at Center and either Julius Randle or OG uh steps in to play uh with the second unit some uh for

The Minnesota Timberwolves you got Shake Milton but he hasn’t really been playing at least the last game he got it did not play uh Nel Alexander uh Brown Jr Kyle Anderson and you got Nas Reed uh before I get to the next person on the line my man silk before I get to

Silk just I want you know you guys thoughts on the lineups today we played Minnesota once the Knicks got blown out by Minnesota what is your thoughts on the lineup now Tony I’ll start with you go back to the starting unit what are your thoughts on the starting unit right

Now um I’ll say this I know a lot of people were saying OG’s going to be on um on um Edwards off the Jump but where would that put Divan chenzo C cause um the the small forward he’s what 610 69 you know what I mean like that dude’s tall

So so you might have to have OG um Garden um who’s that the three I’m sorry from Minnesota oh J MD McDaniels you might have to have him on McDaniels because I know you really don’t want um div chenzo on on them you you know what

I mean so and so that’s this is where I’m worried in in that starting lineup more than anything because Edward sees D venzo on him he gonna feel like he in that in that in that movie he was in there you know what I mean like right so um and but

Tough tough challenge for divon chenzo if if he has to you know I mean guard erwards but I think I’d rather see that than see the mismatch of McDaniels um with with you know 610 on with Diva Cheno guarded him so yeah that’s going to be the interesting Dynamic I think

From the jump it is it is it is it is but you know what this would have been the same thing whether it was OG or RJ that’s true right would have been the same thing uh you know I I I I think OG will maybe start on Jaden McDaniels and

Then see how things go at some point he’s going to guard Anthony Edwards though there’s no doubt about it maybe maybe when the switch with Grimes comes in I mean I think that might Grimes is used to guarding up anyway you know what I mean so I would I I wouldn’t mind

Seeing Grimes on McDaniels yeah point you know I mean if they gota now make that that switch here’s where here’s here’s where precious kind of comes into play and OG because now OG if you needed OG to guard Anthony Edwards precious could possibly come in and guard Jaden

McDaniels now what happens on the offensive side of the ball you know that’s a different story but there’s the possibility right there and and now you start to see where presses could have an impact on his team defensively or Josh Hart too or Josh Hart too could guard

But you know just looking at uh the side you know precious is 68 right you know so you know you could you could definitely U bring precious in you know to guard one of those guys or probably I don’t want to say one but Jaden McDaniels I think that’s maybe coming

Down the stretch some you know depending on how guys are playing but you might lose some offensively with pressures out there too you know uh Andy what do you think Sim me as if I was tibs and I want to ease two new guys into the rotation I

Would try to you know mesh out the minutes as at least two guys from the starting lineup are going to be always with the guys from the bench right uh you and even I probably know that that for is not going to get any more minutes today unless we are really really down

And and we need someone on on the bench to score but like I said if you’re going to have two guys from the starting lineup with the guys from the bench you’re going to have those guys probably being the main scoring options when you think about you know easing an OG and

Presses at the same time I would mesh out those minutes as well because it’s easier to play basketball with one new guy instead of two new guys unless we are trying to run and get easy buckets before anything you know you know as a the Statics transition uh offense is

Supposed to be set up and stuff like that so if we’re going to see presses on the court with OG I’m thinking we’re going to try to push the pace and if not we’re going to go the you know the route that we always do which is make a move

Here and there and then go ISO ball as far as on the defensive end I don’t think that’s going to be a problem because mainly we don’t play zone we just play one manto man defense so that’s not going to be a case I think though uh if if you know Sims is

Back I’m not sure that he’s going to get minutes over precious because we know that Sims is probably healed by now he isn’t in the injury report but like you guys said I think he might get minutes before Taj but I think Taj with precious in the rotation he’s not going

To get many minutes you saying Taj isn’t going to get many minutes yeah I don’t think he’s going to get many minutes one guy that we got to realize that the the Timberwolves have on the bench is Nas Reed he’s a he’s a machine on the boards

And you need to stop him uh you know before before you know anything huge happens right so I think a guy like Precious aoua can at least try to make his life difficult in today’s game yeah yeah um the last time we played Minnesota Mitchell Robinson was here to deal with

Rudy Gober obviously it didn’t work cuz the Knicks got blown out but now it’s Isaiah hartenstein with Rudy Gober right Carl Anthony towns Julius Randall I mean that’s you know that’s what it is you know do you expect anything different today with this lineup and and what do

You expect with carstein Rudy Gober not that Rudy go is going to be scoring up a bunch of points you know but uh you know we lose some length with Isaiah hartenstein in the lineup I guess we’re gaining some with OG now uh any thoughts about that there oh it ain’t gonna be

Easier you know I mean like so so I mean I mean I like the fact that hartenstein he he’s a physical guy you know what I mean so he’s not going to just get um Rudy Gober is not going to J just use his length to dominate you know what I

Mean like he’s going to have to or put physical pressure back to to kind of get use his advantage against hartstein he’s not a walkover is basically what I’m saying so okay um I’m I’m I’m definitely um confident in the in the resistance you know what I mean yeah Ry goar last

Game 16.7 rebounds you know it was really Anthony Edward to you know started to really cook in the second half right you know he he he killed in the second half and there was nothing the Knicks could do about it we’ll see if we’ll see if OG makes a

Difference there yeah see if OG makes a difference there of course the niick shot terribly in that first game versus Minnesota they shot 34.8% from the field 23.7% from the three-point line well that’s a Difference Maker too yeah you know what I’m saying you know you’re not

Going to win when you’re shooting like that it’s just not going to happen I’ll say this let’s clean up them turnovers from I mean where we was at last game them turnovers yeah yeah past few games we’ve been turning the ball over you know I mean you know we played

Against a couple of teams that create Orlando they like to create turnovers OKC they like to create turnovers you know uh we got to clean up those turnovers you know uh am I expecting the Knicks to turn the ball over today you know maybe they maybe they’re you know just trying to

Get used to OG and playing with OG you know what I mean maybe there will be a few turnovers but uh I’m pretty sure Tom Tibido is talking with them about taking care of that basketball cuz if you’re not going to shoot the ball well and you’re going to turn it over you’re

Going to be in trouble now the Knicks have been shooting the ball well you know but then not getting stops and turning the ball over has just been leading to blowouts 100 giving up 140 points I’m not happy with that you know I mean you know we’ll see if we can make

A change there I want to give a shout out to uh Kashif thank you for the uh cash app I definitely appreciate your support he hit me with two of them so it’s actually $10 cash app alog together uh you know he said it hurts to see RJ

And IQ go but we got better feels like we got better you know uh I hope so I hope that we got better hasief I definitely do let me get the silk on the line he’s been patient silk what’s popping with you bro how you feeling how

You doing yeah I’m family man we family so of course I gotta be patient with family you know how okay all right all right we with it up you Sim Tony Andy my man Andy I gotta speak to Andy yeah Andy I gotta ask you a question bro do y got

Like Power Ball in Poland what’s your what’s your lot you got lot lot okay so you gota put down 213 for Duce you got your man in minut now that number two and 13 million exension you got playing 213 all the time I gotta hear that but I got a question for you

Guys man I saw an athletic that they think OG’s contract is gonna be four for 150 how y’all feeling about that four for 150 that’s 37 and a half 35 30 37 and a half a year you know I’m just going to say this let’s see how he looks with the Knicks

That’s all I can say because everyone’s going to base it on his numbers now right right let’s see what he does with the Knicks what if he what’s what if he UPS to scoring the 20 a game you know what I mean and and and the Knicks

Are playing at a really high level with them there you know so and that’s exactly what ponm just said in the chat for 15 points a game question mark we don’t know if that’s what he’s going to do with the Knicks let’s see what he does with this team so

All I can say right now and then I can then I can engage it from there yeah I remember since we had this conversation right after we lost to Milwaukee and I was and we talking about who we could get the better of this team and I mentioned Obie and and and getting

Rid of RJ and you said I want to keep RJ with Obie I remember feel your appr about that you wanted OB with RJ right I want I want I wanted yeah I wanted OJ and RJ in that starting lineup because I thought that’s how we would go to

Another level by having the both of them there you know what I’m saying so you know because then you know you add length you really add length to the lineup you know what I’m saying uh right you know so that that’s what I that’s what I wanted to see happen

But yeah and I think Sims is going to be situational because they said on the endie game he was eligible to play he just didn’t play DOD play so if he was eligible to come back in the any game and he didn’t that means he back the

Situation so I can see uh precious and Taj playing the five4 Off the Bench for two or three minutes and one of the stars going to come in and and one and then to going to come out P move to Center and they going to be running with

That either Randall or or however they want to work it but I see them the first two or three minutes of the second and fourth I can see that line of charge prees heart grinds and Deuce for two or three minutes not a lot of minutes in in

Those two quarters and then a star is gonna come in and help out after that yeah I think that’s how the line is gonna that I don’t want like I said I want to see hard at the three no at the four no more he gave me I gotta take blood pressure medicine

At the time especially especially with this team this big old team right right yeah yeah this is a big team they got a lot of length a lot of size you know what I mean and you know well you know Josh believes that the Knicks got longer

You know let’s see if it really does work you know let’s see if they really did yeah and I think I think gri got up to the fifth from proof is scoring otherwise he gonna be gone yeah that’s after that’s when that’s when Murray can

Be tra to us yeah so he got he got he got what how many days four days we’ll see what’s going on silk I appreciate it man all right fellas all right all right peace all right let me see Bayside junr said Taj is out not even third on the depth chart

ESPN has the depth charts Oh I thought he was saying Taj Taj is out uh I mean we we’ll see I mean that’s ESPN’s death chart we don’t know what the Nick death chart thinking right what is tips thinking ESPN can they can put anything they

Want you know what I’m saying what is tips going to do we’ll find out today we will find out today um any expectations of OG or precious today I’m it’s more it’s not expectation for me it’s it’s really about like like you were saying I want I want to see I

Want to see if OG is going to get the shot attempts that RJ got you know I mean and and and then at that point what does his numbers look like with a larger role right um the questions I mean the the the talk out of Toronto is he wanted

A larger role um well now he has that opportunity right to to have a a much larger role um expectation is not very high right now first game um I don’t think they had a practice you know what I mean like things things of that nature so it’s really going to be

About basketball IQ at this point and just trying to make the reads and make the plays that way right but um in the long run I want to see where his production goes um with with a bigger role you know with more attempts at the percentages that he’s been throughout

His career right right and I’m I’m going to say this to all everyone all the fans he’s probably going to start off in the corner right I mean there’s been no practices no nothing he’s going to start off in the corner so don’t come on talk

About oh why get him if all you’re G to do is put him in the corner right he’s probably going to start in the corner but but then as time goes on you’ll see his role expand in the offense so you know don’t don’t lose it or on defense

Sim I I do need I need to no no I need to amend my statement cuz if there is expectation it is on the defensive end like there’s no excuse about practices and and you know I mean all all that finding your wait you supposed to be a

Lock down guy um that needs to be shown tonight you mean today you know mean yeah off jump so so I will I will add that as far as expectations no doubt about that no doubt about that uh Andy any expectations from you no sim I learned throughout being a Nick

Fans throughout the years that you know when you have high expectations you’re gonna get burnt so I’m you know growing as a Nick fan and I’m learning not to have high expectations listen I’m expecting him to like Tony said Play Good on defense individually uh probably get a you know

A rebound here and there uh if he’s going to have some of those shots that you know RJ had which is in the corners or maybe play ISO uh you know possession here and there he’s going to probably make those buckets even if not listen it’s only one game yeah it’s only one

Game so so you know we didn’t pay him that 37 and a half million yet so let’s not judge him like he’s supposed to get that money right so right yeah no doubt about that uh any keys to the game rebounding rebounding rebounding now the last time we played him we

Actually won the rebounding battle we lost the game yeah but we won the rebounding battle I think you know 50 or whatever that was with Mitch right yeah I’ll add re you say rebounding I’ll add um just turnover so we got to clean that up so so keep keep

Them turnovers low keep them second yeah chance uh points low yeah for the opposing team uh yeah last time we won a rebound in battle 50 to 44 but yeah Ian we shot like 15% less so I mean we shot terribly man and also um we

Got we got to shoot the ball well you know we got to shoot the ball exctly we got to shoot the ball well shoot the ball well uh shoot it from three well which we’ve been doing right we’ve been shooting the ball well we also got to get stops play some

Defense and get stops you know what I mean um utilize OG the best you can but you know don’t put too much on him yet you know what I mean uh you know find them you know kick it out to him find them for outside shots if you’re going to use

Him in an offensive set try to get him slash into the basket you know I mean he does those things well you know he’s not a one-on-one shot Creator so that I and this is probably part of the reason that people say he’s a really he’s a good fit

Because you had Brunson you know you got Brunson who’s a shot creator Randle who’s a shot Creator then RJ who’s kind of a shot Creator but not a great one but in order for him to get his off he’s kind of got to try to create his own

Shot too uh so I I think the expectation is that this is going to help you know help with some more ball movement you know help with um some more outside shooting obviously and then OG you know he he can slash to the basket you know I mean uh Dante demenzo

Can slash to the basket uh back door Cuts you know now you got two guys in the lineup that does those type of things let’s see if that really does add to the offense we’re not going to see it all today but you know later on in the

Future but today you know they got to shoot the ball well hopefully OG is going to add to that in order to win this basketball game you got to shoot a well but Minnesota is one of the top defensive teams in the league that’s what makes it

Tough you know that’s what really makes it tough uh when you’re playing against Minnesota and with you know a new guy the lineup makes it even a little bit tougher uh any predictions for the game Nicks winning let’s hope so I’m I’m going out on Li we gonna win

I don’t never say so the energy in the building is going to lead us to a win we just because you know we got OG how do you think the fans are going to feel in you know that are there all obviously they’re going to support OG but you know

Usually when you get a big name you know the crowd everyone’s like they can’t wait to see the guy play like you remember Melo coming in and all of that right how is I don’t I think I think it’s gonna be a mixed Crow you know I

Mean I think they gonna be cheers I don’t think there’s GNA be booze but I think it’s gonna be half the people cheering okay you know me yeah Co be what what do you think Andy I’m not sure though me personally I’m going to sh for OG like you know

From for for any other Nick right but but I don’t know what what the crowd could do I think they’re going to sh at the beginning but if he has a bad game and stinks up the joint you know he’s gonna have to have like five good games to repair that to

Instead of you know instead of having a a introduction to the Nick fan base like Josh Hart had right he had like what 22 points 18 points people were shock oh man if this is gonna be the Josh H we got we gonna get the chip right so if

He’s going to go for like 30 today and the next game he’s going to have like 25 he’s going to take rand’s role all of a sudden you know maybe Jason Jaylen brunson’s role as the main guy for the Knicks so listen if he can have a great

Game today shooting wise at least that would be perfect for him yeah we’ll see what he does man uh ladies and gentlemen 3 p.m. on MSG on NBA TV the Knicks are taking out a Minnesota Timberwolves oan noi is debuting for the Knicks precious AA is debuting for the Knicks Malachi

Flyn is out so he won’t be playing you won’t get a chance to see him debut today uh Duce McBride maybe see some extended minutes today I mean I I guess he could have received them I don’t know how many minutes he got against Indiana um I

Guess before we go your thoughts on you know just any expectations for Deuce now that he’s it seems like he’s going to be the guy that’s in that backup point guard role Andy you could lead this one listen guys uh I was on the airor with Steph and I was thinking that

Malachi Flynn is gonna be still above de McBride but when he got the extension oh okay I was like listen they might even wave Malachai Flynn they might listen that that that that was the that was was the thing because I I remember you know seeing

Flynn only a couple of games because I’m not like a huge Toronto Raptors fan that I’m going to follow them and look for a guy off the bench right of course I love dues and stuff like that question is he uh like a 15 20 minute NBA rotation

Player at this point maybe no but if he’s not going to get burned we’re never going to know that so no on the defensive end I feel like he can he can uh he can play definitely his shot we know it we all know that it’s so inconsistent at this point

Because he has games where he makes like two three threes and then you never know when’s that GNA happen again right so that that’s the thing consistency but he’s still a young player and you know consistency comes with age and I think that’s going to be the case with Duce as

Well other hand is he doesn’t need to shoot or score right as a bench guy he’s going to have guys with him on the court that can take that load off of him and just playing defense having a steal here and there know putting up a layup or

Three he’s going to be fine in the G League you know he was able to score with ease because he had games for like 25 and over points but that’s still the g- league not NBA so yeah yeah no doubt I mean you know listen I’m happy for

Deuce I hope that he’s able to come in and um produce and I think he I think I think that Deuce is a slightly better Defender than Emanuel quickley so we do I think I think we I think we add I think we add to the defense by do you

Know being out there and I think he’ll give them he’ll give Grimes uh more of an opportunity to become a scorer that’s true um it’s on it’s on grinds let me preference it by saying that Brian’s got to you know what I mean go ahead and

Take it but he don’t got to worry about a ball dominance of quickly and that’s no knock on quickly that’s my guy you but gets off the ball a lot faster ladies and gentlemen the game is going to start we will be here for the postgame show so please make sure to

Join us for the postgame show on the way out make sure you hit that like button smash that like button all right support the channel couple of ways you can go through cash app which is dollar sign nothing but Nicks you see it up there on

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Go through a whole Gambit and show you all different the different colorways this and that but you can go to the website yourself in the description of the video so also tag to the top of your YouTube chat ladies and gentlemen we appreciate your time we appreciate your

Support and uh we’ll catch you on the postgame show peace this is NK nothing but Nick when s pass the assist you know that it’s number one show that breaks down the game if you can’t play defense stay out my way triple the ball come down the

Lane 5 seconds on the shot clock who going to win us the game you want to hear Nick updates and trade rumors post game reviews this the place you tune in so tell a friends just to keep the ball moving like the page if you feeling the

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The New York Knicks will face the Minnesota Timberwolves as OG Anunoby will make is Garden Debut.

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  1. you knicks have crazy expectation lol… Miss OG..Gives the best interviews.. hope you guys get his humor.. with his one word answer.. lol touger on the courter.

  2. Don't tell me we got rid of r j so Randle can take majority of the shots per game now👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾👎🏾

  3. RJ is unfairly cursed to be the 3rd pick behind Ja who is amazing and Zion who was SUPPOSED to be amazing. RJ is just a good role player and that's all he will be. A 3 option on a good team and a 2 on a trash team. Glad to ditch the contract most of all.

  4. OG did EXACTLY what we wanted in his 1st game. He played good defense and hit open shots. Jalen was off today and Randle was clutch down the stretch and outplayed KAT. We probably would have lost that game with RJ. Although we missed IQ’s points…. OG’s defense is invaluable and unquantifiable….especially with us not having Mitch. If Grimes steps up or we upgrade the 2guard…we are good

  5. Knicks fans are delusional. They b**ch and moan about Randle, Thibbs, and Rj.
    Randle has improved, embraced NY, and developed into a perennial All Star.
    Thibbs is flawed, but look at our teams that he took to the playoffs. If you want to fire him, please name a replacement that had done more with less.
    Rj isn’t that guy and doesn’t fit the role we need. We need shooting and defense….not his strength
    We overpaid Hart and signed DD for 1/2 what IQ wanted….so the writing was on the wall
    OG is one of the best defenders in the game and very efficient on offense.
    Would folks rather if we traded Quik and 2 first rounders or Rj and 2 first?
    Quik wasn’t resigning and Rj wasn’t improving…. You have to give to get. Embrace change

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