@Denver Nuggets

Michael Porter Jr. on having Nikola Jokic on Curious Mike Podcast

Michael Porter Jr. on having Nikola Jokic on Curious Mike Podcast

I think um you know we came out with energy but they came out with less energy in the third quarter and I would just say like sometimes when we have decent first halfes and Coach kind of gets into us at halftime we just have to adjust and really realize we got to pick

Up the energy so sometimes we can jump on teams but sometimes this is the flow of the game as well so it’s I don’t really know like one thing to put on that but um yeah what leads to locking in defensively like that is that just is

That a group like mentality thing is that an effort thing who starts that like is it just a collective yeah like I said it’s part on us you know being more intentional about really trying to get stops get out run and then part of it is on the team that we’re playing not

Playing with as much that force or energy and not Mak as many shots so we definitely came out a little sluggish but at the same time I think um in the third quarter yeah they didn’t come out as aggressive I didn’t feel that do your mentality change when you’re playing

With with second unit a little bit I think uh just in terms of toughness of shots um that I can hit that are that feel pretty easy to me but in the first unit you don’t have to force at all because if I’m not getting a wide open

In three then um you know we can keep it moving and things like that and the second unit is like uh Reggie’s a primary ball handler the main Creator but for me to be out there with him you know take a load off of him I think it’s it’s

Good was like getting Aaron back tonight it was great yeah I was really happy that it was was like a prolonged thing you know um his spirits are really high so it was really good to have him back out there were you in touch with him consistently over the last few days yeah

I was in touch with him uh he was yeah I’m sure he had a lot of text but yeah we was we was hitting each other back and forth for sure um I’m just glad he’s he’s okay and um yeah it didn’t seem as

Bad as it was it seemed you know um when we didn’t know really how bad it was it was good to just be able to talk to him and see his spirits being high and everything like that what kind of response have you had since the podcast with

Nicole um what’ you think of I thought thought it was great but it might be the only one he ever does yeah no I mean everyone’s been super positive about it you know um I think it was good you know just for people to get to know him and a

Comfortable space it was really fun for me and it’s so weird that he has never done podcast cuz it wasn’t like I had to convince him to do it or anything I just hit him texted in one time like yo bro I got this new project going on this new

Podcast like would you hop on he was like yeah brother anytime so it just show like how Nico is towards the people that he would call friends you know what I mean and it was just it was easy so um it’s been a lot of positive feedback um

You know and I’m hoping to get some more you know players on in the future for sure all right how was your response from Serbia brother I haven’t gotten to see a whole lot of comments like I I’ll scan through some of the comments like the YouTube comments um once in a while

But I won’t really pay too much attention I’m not on social media right now um but you know his brothers they Lov it they they approached me said they liked it uh his wife said she watched it right away I think I think uh people really enjoyed it compared to the start

Of the Season how’s your ankle feeling yeah my ankle’s pretty good now yeah thank you you guys have uh gosh okay I’m sorry I was just gonna answer ask a question I havea what’s it been like to have uh guys like is guys like Jeff guys from

Last year’s team back in the building and have those uh those moments with them um yeah yeah n it’s just you know one of our brothers that we won a championship with um he’s one of our favorite teammates I’ve ever had so it’s good he got his ring tonight they didn’t

Lose the ring um we’re happy we’re happy for him uh and yeah um let’s get who is that the only guy who is Bruce the only Bruce took Thomas Thomas okay yeah yeah no so we’re excited every time someone comes comes to and gets the ring we’re we’re

Really happy you’re making a joke about I I know if everybody knows that story about the I don’t even think I got the story I don’t know what happened I just know Jeff was supposed to get it that one night they might have postponed it

Cuz his family was going to be in the next game I don’t know if it was lost I don’t know all right

Michael Porter Jr. Press conference after Denver Nuggets Win 111-93 over the Charlotte Hornets. In this exclusive interview, Denver Nuggets star Michael Porter Jr. delves into the team’s recent victory over the Charlotte Hornets and the impact of Nikola Jokic’s presence on and off the court. Porter discusses the team’s defensive strategies, his role in different units, and gives fans a behind-the-scenes look at his new podcast project with Jokic. Tune in for insights on team dynamics, player relationships, and Porter’s vision for his podcast, “Curious Mike.”

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