@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks’ Trae Young Jan. 2 Media Availability

Atlanta Hawks’ Trae Young Jan. 2 Media Availability

Uh lead from this team in 2023 and one thing from this team that you want to carry over to 2024 um I don’t know uh I’m not the type to like hold on any hate I I like I think what we went through in 20 2023 is going to help us

Uh be better in 2024 so um although there’s some moments that I wish we could do over and wish we could be better at uh I think what we went through in 2023 is going to help us be where we need to be this year how would you describe the growth in your

Chemistry with Jaylen on the court especially coming back from uh his injury because it seems like you guys have just been connecting really well yeah I mean uh jaylen’s a smart player so it’s really easy to connect with him uh just the way he plays he’s very

Unselfish when he gets the ball looking for others and sometimes you got to be on him to be more aggressive and use his talents and his athleticism more and uh but I mean he he makes it easier for all of us and he’s like I said a smart

Player it’s just more about getting more reps uh for him so so he can feel more comfortable when he’s out there and I mean even though he looks comfortable now he can I mean there’s so much more potential he can he can show so I’m looking forward to continuing to grow

With where do you want to see him grow the most going into 2024 now because you mentioned that you said you know you’re pushing him but you can he has more potential to tap into yeah uh I don’t know I think it’s just he’ll know where

His spots are he’ll know where his shots are going to be and I think just knowing I mean pick and popping just shooting just with confidence not hesitating not thinking about it I think that just comes of more reps and more more shots in in game like situations so uh I think

That’s going to come and that’s what I want to see from he already does it uh it’s just just seeing more from him and that’s just like I said it comes with more reps what does it mean to you to play a team in your home

State uh it means it means a lot uh but at the same time it’s just another game uh obviously I know a lot about the Thunder’s history and um just being being around the city and things like that but um it’s another game it’s a

It’s a a long season I mean a lot of these teams are really really good that we’ve been playing and so uh you can’t really look too far ahead or look behind too far so uh we like I said the Thunder is really a good team so we got to be

Ready what what is what is what what are the challenges with playing with thunder what they have right now such a young team uh I mean they’re a young team but not not every young team knows their roles the way they do uh I think I think

That’s the challenge when you have young teams is uh guys coming in wanting to to prove that themselves and uh rightfully so wanting to prove themselves and make their Mark in this league and um you don’t find too many teams like the Thunder who I mean you look at their

Team not too many of them if any really don’t know their roles and what they bring to the team so I mean from Luke L Dort to I mean we all know that Shay and Chad are the head of the snakes and um I mean Josh I mean plays his his role

Really well jayen both of jayen do so I mean they have a really good team and a young team like you said that they they play their roles and that’s why they’re successful you see me glass half full guy always looking forward um how’s morale with this team right now for the

2024 stretch I mean the morale is good I mean yeah we definitely uh I’m the type of guy I look at things half full uh so I think I think what we’ve been doing here recently I think end of the year off the right way was important uh we

Talked about it in the locker room it’s important to end the year the right way and it’s also important to start the year the right way so um I think that’s the the good thing good thing about our team is that we we definitely are talking talking about these type of

Things tread rumors are always around since you’ve been in the league with your teammates um you always have to deal with that when you hear guys like deante always getting thrown out there those team meetings you discuss that we got to just be part of this Collective group now or are there conversations

Just to ignore the outside noise oh yeah we ignore people like you and side noise so uh this type of thing we just focus on what we got to focus on and we we’ll be good appreciate Trey you’re above at the top of the list in terms of points

Per possession and the pick and roll as a ball hinder what do you want to continue improving on that and your partnership with Clint on and all of these guys like jam too uh I got to I mean I want to continue to be better I I

Was doing a really good job early on taking care of the ball I think here recently I’ve gotten a little bit um more turnovers here than I feel like I should have and for me that’s where I can I can be better for my teammates and

Just making sure we get a shot up and uh sometimes I’m trying to get them the ball and sometimes it’s a turnover andtime I’ll live with it but there’s a few turnovers here and there that these last few games I feel like I can be better at and I that that’ll help our

Bigs too uh just getting them the ball making sure they have a touch and uh so that’s where I can be better for them

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