@Houston Rockets

The Houston Rockets have a version of Nikola Jokic in Alperen Sengun | The Athletic NBA Show

The Houston Rockets have a version of Nikola Jokic in Alperen Sengun | The Athletic NBA Show

Uh Josh what is your New Year’s resolution for a team or a player this is a a dual one they go hand inand it’s for the rockets and shenon oh I think I’m Allin on shenon I know Jay you like him too who doesn’t like yeah no

He’s good he’s so good ridiculous and I think what they got they’ve got like a potential top big in the league like over like potential top one of the top players in the league I think I mean you look at joic obviously joic is the top

Of the mountain like how many Centers do you think are better than him right I mean it’s joic it’s embiid it’s those two I think maybe maybe well in the regular season it’s Bam Bam kind of Fades a little bit in the postseason but even that’s probably

Close I just think the defense is the defense like bam the defense is a huge difference I put go over him I’d probably put goar over him the way he’s played this year too really yo just defensively go been outrageous you can’t you can’t ignore how good he’s been

Offensively oh I’m not I’m not I just think gar has been the best defender in Le I just think that like the the Rockets have a unique opportunity here they’ve got a guy and I’m not saying obviously joic is an outlier he’s a leech he’s a different level they got an

Opportunity to he to have a version of that on their team team even if he was even if he maxes out at like 75% of what yic is that’s an incredible and he can do it I mean he what 21 points a game nine rebounds and like more than five

Assists right now like the guy like I think hou has real crazy opportunity what’s fun about him too is like you can tell like he’s he’s had he’s had flashes of this but he you can tell the confidence is building into like a none of you [ __ ] can guard me exactly kind

Of attitude you know like he’s like’s he’s he’s realizing he can manipulate the Matrix yeah right like you you can see that starting to form with each like week of him like yeah none of this is going away just and he’s what 20 21 20 21 maybe yeah young right so

They have an opportunity to develop him and develop their offense around him and I think they need to start working towards that and then going off of that his resolution needs be he’s got to start averaging a double double he’s at nine rebounds and I think he can get to

Seven eight assists a game but then again it’s going to come back to them running their offense through him he is the best player on the Rockets right yeah he is easily easily and I think that they can take a little bit of a blueprint from how Denver runs their

Offense through joic and do somewhat of the same thing but I don’t think it’s it’s not even it’s not obviously y again joic is joic but there was a time when people I remember watching a little broadcast when joic got put in the end of a Denver

Game and scored and the announcer said oh man everybody’s getting points today like that’s that’s a real thing that happened he was drafted during a Taco Bell commercial yeah it was like who’s who’s gonna start nkit or joic you know exactly who he build around and they chose poorly they chose

Poorly I don’t know man looks pretty good but I wouldn’t be surprised if it even stunned the coaching the new coaching staff there a little bit just how good shenon is and just how valuable he could be to an offense so like when they came into this season I don’t think

They were thinking we need to build everything around this guy no whereas now it’s probably time to shift that yeah yeah it’s time for a change right and everything needs to be they need to run it was like called like a zoom action like Denver runs right where they

Just have him at the top of the key and he gets the choice go right go left hand off uh pick and roll like whatever he wants to do and catch it at the high Post run a Horn’s action screen like he can do all those things you know what I

Mean I think that it’s going to be interesting to see if they make that adjustment going forward see what happens

The Athletic NBA Show discuss the Houston Rockets and Alperen Sengun.


  1. Yeah the tension of Jalen not knowing this isn’t his team is much like Zion being clueless that he leads the marketing campaign but on the court, it’s BI’s team

  2. Sengun is better than Jokic in many aspects. His development as a player surpasses 21 years old Jokic in every aspect.

  3. Alpi ddidnt play in many 4th quarters on garbage time as it happened against detroit. His stats would be much higher but Ime prefers to play with second unit which is quite normal decision.

  4. ❤️Sorry but he is better than JOKIC , he is in a class of his own , very hi IQ ,moves we haven’t seen before, he has eyes back of his head, look at some of his passes, no sor NOT like JOKIC, he is much better than JOKIC

  5. Joker can not jump. Alperen can. If Alperen pulls his 3pnt % up to 40's he would be better than Jokic. Defense is getting better and better. Gober can blok but can not steal. Alperean can

  6. The front office weren’t completely bought in on Sengun and were all in on Jalen having the keys to the franchise.. now that Ime has changed the culture Sengun is a the anchor to a top 10 defense

  7. for me he is significantly different than Nikola. he has post moves and is more athletic. if he can develop a three pointer that is good enough and Houston builds a team around him he will become map caliber.

  8. Imo a bit disrespectful for Jay King to put Gobert over Sengun. Maybe he doesn't watch Sengun enough.

  9. I would like to see the Rockets' G-League team (Rio Grande Vipers) sign two of Alperen Sengun's Turkish teammates to a one-year deal just to try them out, perhaps Sadik Emir Kabaca and Ercan Osmani. He played with them for around seven years, and is technically still playing with because they're on the national team together. If the experiment works out then the Houston Rockets could become a powerhouse.

  10. His last 5 games he’s avg 29/9/6 the kid is special. He’s got a chance to be the best big in the league in 4-5 years. He’ll be 25-26 years old jokic and embiid will be in their mid 30s. I don’t see sengun not being a 28-30 ppg scorer in his prime. I just want to see him get to 10-12 rebounds a night I think he can do that while also dropping 7-8 assist. Houston has a potential mvp on their hands. They found a real franchise player 1 year after losing Harden. Pretty impressive

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