@Portland Trail Blazers

Portland Trail Blazers vs Phoenix Suns Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

Portland Trail Blazers vs Phoenix Suns Recap | Blazers Uprise Postgame Show

E got e what’s going on everybody welcome into the Blazers uprise postgame show the Blazers today lose by 21 to the Phoenix Suns 109 to 88 this was a pretty rough game after a good first quarter which the Blazer are up 29 to 20 this is going

To be an a bridged postgame show a little bit shorter than normal so we’re just going to hit all the marks that we need to hit as fast as possible uh shout out to bet us for sponsoring the stream Eric how’s it going man how are you

Doing I’m not too bad congrats thank you bro so wearing the uh gave myself a little wasn’t a Gatorade bath it was a little water bath but uh oh my goodness I just had like a like five heart attacks watching the end of that game but um yeah in case anybody out there

Doesn’t know I’m a Huskies fan They just won the semifinal to make it to the national championship game and it was they almost choked like moment like in they almost had one of the biggest choke jobs ever and they won off a last second stand and it

Was hype man hype happy I was live on gab’s channel watching the end of the game so I will clip that and tweet that out at some point but uh yeah I’m pretty happy right now you know the Blazers lose by 21 is kind of weird being happy

After a dreadful game but uh yeah we’re we’re going to talk about this basketball game Eric um but first before we jump into things this post game stream is sponsored by bet us they are our sports book sponsor all season long as they provide us with our spreads for

Picks against the spread you can do live betting parlays a bunch of fun stuff they also got casino slots all types of stuff over there at bet us and if you use the link in the description box below you’ll receive a 125% deposit match which means if you deposit $100

They’ll match you $125 this free money to bet with so you can have some fun with bet us with the NBA in full swing the NFL the final week is coming up and then it’s playoff action college football national championship game is next Monday so now is a great time if

You want to to get in with that deposit match with that free money that bet us is trying to toss your way with that link make sure you use that link shout out to to them for sponsoring this postgame show Eric let’s just dive right

Into it I have one more thing to say about football yeah go ahead this weekend could not have gone any better for our 49ers uh the Cardinals upset the Eagles uh Lions lose to the Cowboys and we have the tiebreaker over both the Cowboys and Eagles so we uh now can rest for

Basically 3 weeks and that’s been one of the things uh I’m sure you as well as I have been worried about all season with simply not being healthy when it mattered like last year and uh so now they don’t have to play anyone this week they have a first round buy then they

Just have to win two home games and then the Super Bowl’s in Vegas so they don’t have to travel outside of a little radius the rest of the season if they keep winning so it’s it’s setting up well it’s also setting up for us to be

Uh have our hearts broken but uh yeah yeah I uh I don’t know I I’m glad I don’t have to worry about the Niners for two weeks with the huskys and everything going on with them right now so yeah but it’s been a good weekend for sure

Yep very nice yeah in case Chad doesn’t know me and Eric are both Niner fans so we have rid that roller coaster the past 12 years where they’ve been torturously close to a Super Bowl win and haven’t gotten it none of my teams have ever won a championship so hopefully Washington

Can get that off my back and then hopefully the Niners can double down on it fingers crossed because it’s not going to not going to be the Blazers this year this is this the year man they got to get it done this year it’s set up

Perfect for them if they don’t get it done this year it’s it’s going to be a failure yep yep I feel that way about both my football teams so football is my sport right now basketball I mean I love basketball it’s always going to be my

True and true love you know the Blazers are always going to be my true love especially with the channel especially with the community but I did not love whatever the hell we watched the final three quarters of this game first quarter was fine hold them to 20 points

Scored 29 come out of the gates looking good scoot Henderson came out of the gates looking good was nice to see Sharp playing and then the rest of the game was just an absolute disaster so what do you want to lead with here Eric when we recap this

Thing well uh we’re just talking about positives yeah I thought scoot had a really really good first half um I thought uh Moses Brown did okay uh in the first half as well and then IBU baji I felt like came in and uh once again just provided a ton of

Spacing um for the offense um had a had a couple of buckets had a couple of block shots but unfortunately picks up two fouls and is uh basically in foul trouble the rest of the night yeah F out in 23 minutes can’t be as aggressive as

He needed to be uh nerk kind of took advantage of that a couple times later in the half but uh his initial run in the first quarter I thought he uh provided some outstanding minutes and looked like a very competent NBA Center um outside of that um I was really

Disappointed in this game about the lack of effort and energy and uh sharp maybe gets a pass uh he’s been out for a while but his defense was absolutely atrocious in this game uh he gave up on several plays didn’t seem like he was had any interest in guarding anyone um and uh

The the lack of effort on rebounding uh by Jeremy Grant matis th and Scoot Henderson uh quite frankly if I was chony I would have I’d bench all those guys next game for their uh lack of effort in this one because it was absolutely pathetic and they there was

Like five or six plays in a row where they just turned around and stood there as their guy ran around them and attacked the offensive glass and the Blazers just refused to defensive rebound and it’s become a problem all year uh with Grant and has been a

Problem his whole career um and I just don’t understand why a coaching staff allows their team to give that poor of an effort on rebounds and uh it’s quite frankly pissing me off yeah I yeah I I’ll be honest I wasn’t watching this game closely enough

To really notice the lack of effort but you look at the I look at the box score three rebounds for scoot 34 minutes two for Brogden and 21 like Thy Ford you know Jeremy Grant won in 25 like they did obviously did not rebound the ball

Super well um you you always wonder on games like this where it’s like New Year’s Day what were they doing last night right what were they up to last night in Phoenix like um they probably didn’t have a curfew and I’m not blame them for like going out and celebrating

You know the games later today whatever but you still got to give effort man yeah there was a play where uh I think you saw this one Tori CU he made a comment about it but brogon made a terrible pass to the corner it got it

Gets picked off and he just stands there and watches this guy the guy run down the court and dunk I forgot who it was Grayson Allen or someone um doesn’t doesn’t bother hustling back on defense I would have sat his butt down right then uh like it’s one thing to turn the

Ball over throw a bad pass but to not even hustle back on defense after that I’m just sick of watching these guys give no effort when that was the whole thing about this season right oh we’re we’re we may not have the talent but we’re going to be dogs all game long

We’re going to we’re gonna outwork people and we’re gonna we’re gonna leave it all in the court you know and and that I I I think they’ve completely stopped doing that and and it might just be this game but it’s been it’s been a theme over the last couple weeks they haven’t been

Consistently putting the energy and effort that they have uh that they had been doing earlier in the season yeah and what is it it’s veterans when you get to this point in the season where you’re 9 and 23 getting into January like veterans like this I

Feel like begin to get a little checked out because they’re not playing for their spot in the league they have their spot in the league they’re not playing for a contract Thal Just Got Paid Grant just got paid right I guess brogen is playing for a contract but like he’s

Gonna he knows he’s going to get paid and he’s going to end up on a different team he might even know this by now but he’s most likely going to be on a different team after the trade deadline and then he’ll play hard for that team

Is I kind of his mindset at times it feels like um so that’s you know a guy like sharp coming back off an injury I don’t know if he’s 100% I don’t think he should be playing unless he’s 100% so I don’t even want to use that as an excuse

But also he’s probably a little bit Rusty legs probably aren’t all the way under him but effort is a decision like even if you don’t have your legs even if you are a little rusty a little Gass you can still give effort and May just not

Be as um quick or you know solid defensively like there’s a difference between being Rusty maybe not all the way in game shape because you’ve been out for a couple weeks and trying and just coming back and just kind of going through the motions um so but the thing

Is is like you have a lot of young guys right and people say oh you need veterans on this team to Mentor room to Mentor room the thing is is a I feel like that’s what the coaching staff is supposed to be for it does have help having veteran mentors

But I’d rather and we’ve talked about this I’d rather have veteran mentors that don’t have to play 25 30 minutes a game right like you’ve talked about Earl Watson for Dame where he barely played but he was a good Mentor for Dame when he was coming into the league Jared

Jeffri was on Dame’s team when Dame was a rookie or yeah it was his rookie and he barely played right but they they were good veterans to have in the locker room the problem is the Blazers are playing a lot of veterans because they have veterans that you have to play like

You’re not gonna bench Jeremy Grant Malcolm Brogden like you’re not gonna bench any of these guys but the problem is when you’re rebuilding and when you’re 9 and 23 it’s easier for those guys to become checked out and then you got young guys on the team that see that

Or that feel that and then how do they respond that could be a detriment having veterans on the team when you get to this point in the year and you’re sitting at 9 and 23 and it’s obviously like a season that’s going to end in another Lottery appearance with maybe a

Couple of these guys somewhere else so in a way having veterans on a team that’s 9 and 23 now can be detrimental in that regard and that’s why I’d rather have guys that are more like roll roll guys started with3 sorry I got to turn off uh ESPN sound that’s why I’d rather

Have roll guys though as you’ve alluded to so I do think that maybe it’d be good to move off brogon because brogon kind of plays slow offensively and defensively isn’t an impressive player at all I think that’s a guy obviously for the guard problem but also you got chony as a former point

Guard that can coach these guys right like bring in a bring in a third St point guard that’s a vent what’s up I said Canen you coach them I don’t cany oh I think um you would assume right like he’s hired to do a job yeah but but

No good point good point my my whole thing is when you have veterans at this point in the season I wonder if they’re getting a little checked out and you don’t want that to have an effect on the young guys because if you’re going out there and busting your ass but you got

Three veterans next to you that aren’t why are you busting your ass if the rest of your teammates aren’t you know and nothing happens to them they get to play they 30 minutes or whatever no matter what you know I know they didn’t play that much tonight cuz it was a blowout

But you know like close if this would have been a close game they would all play 30 minutes despite their lack of effort you know like um I I don’t think that’s doing any positive things in terms of mentorship to to scoot and and the young guys so yeah I’ve been saying

This all along get rid of all of them yeah and then and then we have another issue Tori and that’s um so I did some digging into what’s going on with DeAndre Aon and uh apparently his knee’s just been swollen for weeks and there’s nothing structurally wrong with it it’s

Just swollen and it’s always swollen and it’s just they don’t know what’s wrong with it um it it just seems kind of weird that you have tendonitis that you’re resting and you’re not doing anything and it’s not getting any better or whatever so yeah and then they bring

Him back and then he’s out again yeah it’s very no the aen situation is very very weird yeah so I don’t I’m not sure what’s going on with him if it’s like one of those where the doctors think he’s fine and he’s saying he’s not or or

What’s going on there um but yeah like I I mean there’s been plenty of instances in the NBA of that happening before uh but uh yeah it’s just it seems kind of weird that um they can’t find anything like structurally wrong yet he’s having all these issues and it’s not getting

Any better with the rest the Aton situation is weird and it’s probably going to become weirder like that’s all I’ll say um um if those of you were there for a previous stream hearing something like this maybe isn’t surprising um I’m not going to say he’s not dealing with anything it’s just weird

That like like it’s it sounds like the way you explain it sounds like he and the team are on the same page well I mean they’re just trying to figure out why like his knee keeps bugging him like you know it’s like why why does your knee SW all the time like if

You’re if you’re really just resting and not playing and stuff like I don’t I don’t know if they think he’s like outdoing stuff on it or so but but like why isn’t it like going down like it just doesn’t make sense um and so I don’t I don’t know if they’re necessarily thinking

Something nefarious or anything I just think they’re like baffled as to why he’s having these issues when they can’t really figure out what’s wrong with Disney that would be the second year in a row they’ve been baffled about an offseason acquisition regarding an injury yes it would be

So interesting that they’re in that same position now luckily they were able to get five seconds back for the first guy with eighton uh if he’s if he’s really dealing with something wrong with his knee that contract is impossible to move impossible to move um and it quickly

Becomes maybe the worst contract in the league so hopefully he’s all right but yeah he just it wasn’t any specific play either so that adds up because like he just randomly the first time he was out just came out of the blue after I think like a couple days rest like they had

Some days off and it just comes out of the blue and I thought it was a little weird but didn’t want to speculate on it um and then he starts playing again his effort feels just low and he really was not impactful at all like he wasn’t any more impactful

Than IBU baji is being right now and now he’s out again so the eighton situation is weird um I don’t think it’s as simple as maybe many people think and it’s going to be interesting to see what comes next so do you still think if they could

Get out of his contract for an expiring they’d do it yeah I mean you don’t bring in a dude on a Max contract to come and and have the impact that he’s had like I I truly believe they thought he was going to come in and and be a higher

Impact player if not then it’s just a mistake to bring him in in the first place if you brought him in just to be an average starting center at best um so yeah I think they would move off them but I mean you know what’s funny is

Cronin wasn’t going to do that deal without Kamar which this is props to him in a way but it’s not like he wanted Aon so bad he was willing to do nerk NS and Keon straight up for him he needed back extra out of that

Or maybe he was willing to do it and he just finally learned how to negotiate you know um either or like getting Kamar in that deal I think saved that trade that part of the Dame trade because I think the sun’s part was completely separate for us um and I view it

Completely separately for us but I don’t know I think people assume like oh yeah they really wanted Aon I don’t know if it’s something where they really wanted Aon I think it was something where maybe they took a flyer just to see what they could get out of

Him and there was like no point not to and because they got back a prospect that they liked like I think there’s a chance that they might have done nerk Naz and Keon if they could financially for tamani like I don’t think Cronin really valued going into a rebuild I don’t think he

Really valued any of those three players so like you get tamani a prospect you like and then you get eight and just take a flyer on him but this point like that hasn’t really panned out so uh to answer your question I think they would move him for an expiring if they could

But I could be well a little a little bit on that I mean that goes against the whole narrative that cronins wanted Aon finally got his guy he wanted him for over a season now um that’s possible too and it’s possible that he soured on him

I mean the thing is sometimes you really want a player you bring him in and he isn’t what you thought he was gonna be we’ve talked about this before that’s that’s the toughest part so underrated about being a good GM is realizing when you made a mistake and

Correcting it instead of letting it multiply by not making a move with him you know like and just keeping him on the roster and and doing that kind of stuff so um I do think that uh if Cronin if if he moves Aon um let’s just say let’s say the Hornets

Called right and offered Gordon Hayward straight up for DeAndre Aton Gordon hayward’s on an expiring contract um we could get out of his contract completely maybe huh probably buy him out yeah yeah yeah like Gordon Haywood might not even play for us or whatever um or you know maybe flip him somewhere

Else or some I don’t know but um yeah I don’t if if Cronin does that I will I will sit here and give him props for um recognizing that a player he brought in was not the solution and and that he fixed it so it wouldn’t hurt

Them moving into the offseason next year as well as this year and so I will that’s something that we’ve every time there’s been a trade deadline or free agency signing and stuff and we we tell you guys right away that we’re disappointed because it affects future cap flexibility and signings and and

Trade options and things like that and everyone’s like why are you so down we just got Gary Payton and like the only thing the first thing we think of is this hard caps us we can like even if KD demanded to be traded to Portland this

Summer we couldn’t do it then and like all this kind of stuff so um and then and then you H for months like all these fans like oh Katie’s gonna come to Portland and play with teame you know and we’re just sitting here like no they

Can’t even do it yeah and and so like we thought we think about that stuff when we this last trade deadline when the team refused to get any kind of expiring or uh non-expiring contracts they were all expiring all contracts they could get out of um they could have brought

Some of those players back but they were all ones that didn’t include any money for next year and that’s one of the reasons why they didn’t take wisman back in the trade um yeah and and we told you guys right then that they were setting themselves up to be cheap again next

Year and everyone else was telling us there’s no way Portland’s not going into the tax next year they’re going to be in a tax team they promised daame um all this crap right and we’re sitting here saying that doesn’t make sense it doesn’t line up with what the moves they

Made so if Cronin does do that and fixes a potential problem for two more years of having that contract on our books I will sit here and give him props for at least recognizing that he made a mistake and correcting it yeah yeah um and also

Getting Kamar out of the deal like I’ve given him props for like I don’t I don’t like how they you know I hate how they handled the Dame thing I’ve been very outspoken on that but it’s not something where it’s like I have this personal Vendetta against Cronin where like if I

Think he does something good I’m not going to say it’s good like I love the Kamar part of that trade I said that on the day the Dame trade was made I loveely you got Kamar like I I was on record from the jump with that uh so in

In he’s done nothing but make me even more happy that we got got him cuz he’s panned out about as well as I could have expected for a rookie this season I think the Blazers kind of missed his energy in in effort tonight in the starting lineup um but you know there’s

There’s a point to getting expiring if you’re going to have cap space and then either like sign for agents with that cap space or like use that cap space to bring on contracts with assets attached to him right there’s a difference between that and bringing in expiring

When you’re not going to have cap space so the money’s going to expire but it’s not going to open up any for you and then saying yeah this offseason we want to make a trade where you need salaries to match whatever you’re bringing in but you’re not going to have any because

They’re all expiring and they’re all going to be free agents so that was the problem with the way it was lining up with last offseason was you’re getting expiring when you’re trying to make a trade and you’re not going to have cap space what’s the point with the Blazers where they are at

Now like if you’re getting off a contract even if you’re not getting caps if you’re getting off a contract that’s like not a good contract it’s fine you know it’s it’s you’re just getting off that cont contract it’s going to give you more Avenues in the future so that’s

The case in my opinion with Aon but there is a chance you know depending on what brog is training for that the Blazers could have some cap space this off season that they could use to bring on contracts or maybe sign somebody solid Off the Bench like maybe a you

Know a a younger player that can play a role and fit the timeline of the future better than you know a Malcolm Brogden type of vet so opening up flexibility this off season would make sense and it’s just like this the the Vets on this team aren’t bad

Basketball players but you look at a game like this I mean they got they got punk today you know aon’s out with that whole debacle so I’ll give Kum props if he moves off that but you’re just looking at a a bigger problem where brogen I think this fan base has started

To overrate him what did I say last game he’s only good when he’s hitting threes he’s two for four from three today one for four inside the arc he is very inefficient at least in a Blazer uniform and the Blazer system he is very inefficient inside the

Arc he is not somebody you want going oneon-one but he dribbles too much he he he doesn’t like he he stops the ball and he over dribbles and not a lot of good comes from it because he’s not officient inside the arc like he had five assists a day 21 minutes okay

Great I just I wish he would play in the flow more and I don’t think he’s as good as Blazer fans act like cuz I’m not impressed with him defensively offensively he just that can create yeah and he’s not like a great passer for a point guard he’s like an

Okay passing point guard who can knock down a three the thing is in previous stops he’s been better slashing to the rim driving so it could be just he doesn’t have enough floor spacing on this team but like the entire point is like why don’t you trade him to a team

That he makes more sense on though like it’s very clear cut and dry that he needs to be somewhere else as soon as possible possible especially if he’s not going to give Max effort because you don’t want that wearing on the young guys um so you know it’s it’s this kind

Of like Segways into trade talk which we are about a month and a week away from the trade deadline so we’re going to ratchet this up more on postgame shows talking about trades um but yeah this team was just super lethargic today yeah I just uh and then you got anron

Now five days going on being sick too sick to play wonder if he has Co maybe you know I don’t know the protocols and testing and all that but well that’s what I was saying because the fight left yesterday so maybe he wasn’t on it maybe maybe they didn’t

Want he didn’t play today because they didn’t want people to get sick on the plane or something but yeah I mean there’s some nasty flu going around too but Dr says brogen’s body language is terrible in person he was is lost on both ends tonight his leadership is

Trash I just don’t think he doesn’t want to be here I don’t think he doesn’t want to be here um in my op and iame for that yeah like he he didn’t want to be traded to a rebuilding situation he’s he’s been um like I mean

We can critique his on court play but that’s just how he plays uh but in terms of like in the locker room and stuff he’s been everything the team hoped he be so like yeah he’s been fine I’m not trying to talk crap about him or anything it’s just going to look

Different I mean it’s it’s he probably doesn’t want to be here Andor they’ve already told him that they’re trading him at the deadline so like it’s hard if you know you’re going to get traded at the deadline and you’re playing on a team that’s 9 and 23 it’s hard not to

Just kind of go through the motions when you’re out there like what exactly are you playing for the record doesn’t matter he’s not going to be on the team at the end of the year so like he’ll go out there and play but he’s not playing for a lot

Like he’s not incentivized to go out there and bust his ass you know what I mean so that’s the problem when you’re in rebuild mode that’s the problem when you’re sitting here in 923 is you end up with those situations with some veterans sure the leadership is great but when it

Starts stuff like that starts happening on the floor where the body language is bad energy is bad you start detracting from whatever leadership they’re providing and at that point you just move on from them and give younger guys a shot and get future value that aligns with

The window of like of competition right when this team is competing when this team is good it’s going to be at least two to three years from now that is when they need assets to build upon that team that is actually capable of consistently winning basketball games because this

Team isn’t cons capable of consistently winning basketball games they’ve been a little better lately but it’s like we’re sitting here like oh our last eight games we’re three and five and that’s a good thing which shows shows my point they are not good the veterans know that

Chanty knows that he says in postgame press conferences he tells his team that they’re not good enough to have first quarter LS like and come back from them and win like Chanty admits in post press conferences that they’re not good enough and that he tells them they’re not good

Enough so it’s just kind of a lame duck period I feel like right now it’s a little easier when you’re playing at home and you got like the home crowd and you’re not traveling but they’re embarking on a seven game Road Trip y this I feel like is probably going to

Be a pretty brutal seven game Road Trip they play Phoenix and then they play Dallas twice in a row which they just got blown out by Utah with Luca and Kyrie playe so maybe the Blazers get a win but it’s not an easy road trip they got Dallas twice Brooklyn New York OKC

And Minnesota and then they come back home and face Phoenix and Brooklyn there is a legitimate and and then they face Indiana Los Angeles OKC Houston there’s a legitimate chance we lose all these games only three of those games are at home and that’s Phoenix Brooklyn and

Indiana well definitely if we don’t get some guys back but um yeah yeah guys back probably join the team in Dallas at some point you’d think because at least you’d be able to like outscore a team um but this is a brutal schedule they have coming up they actually had a

Relatively easy schedule to start the season this is going to be a period where we are just the next two weeks going to be brutal with this seven game Road Trip the teams we’re playing the worst team we play over the next 3 weeks is the Brooklyn

Nets that’s the worst team we play yeah so we’re going to be probably five point underdogs at least in each of the next 1 two 3 4 11 games which is fine which is fine it’s just going to it’s it’s going to get get brutal especially if you got vs that

Aren’t giv eff it’s going to be a lame duck period because this is the stretch leaning up to like late January and then that’s when trade talk really ramps up and then you got the Dame return game on January 31st Um yeah I look back to uh some comments that Jeremy made last year mhm in which he said he knows he needs to improve his rebounding chony reiterated that said that they talked to him that the rebounding needs to improve and then you watch a game like tonight and watch him just give

Absolutely no effort on the rebounds and and I just wonder what happened to wanting to fix that or whatever or like why is the team okay with him not giving any effort on the rebounds and um I mean it’s it’s not going to hurt his trade value or anything because he’s

Never been a good rebounder that’s not why a team would be trading for him yeah um so I don’t think it really matters that much I don’t think it’s going to be that noticeable to teams on film or anything um because jerem’s got a good reputation and stuff uh but I just I

Just from a coaching perspective I just I simply do not understand how if both the person and the coach said it was a problem and needed to get better last year and it’s still we’re talking like a year later is not it’s still an issue um and I I just I don’t

Understand why he’s just being allowed to go out there and just literally just stand there and watch as the ball goes up and the rebound comes off and doesn’t do anything about it yeah no 100% agree I think I mean then this falls on chony I don’t think chony is super effective

In terms of holding players accountable you also have the situation that still bugs me earlier in the year where he’s cussing out like matis Thy and gery Grant for laughing on the bench down 17 but when they’re down 17 chy will be smiling and clapping and like joking

With the Oppo with opposing players and it’s like he’s not holding himself accountable like he’s holding his players but then there’s other situations where it’s like is he holding Jeremy ground accountable at all for his rebounding just very weird um I think I I just think we’re embarking on a

Period where it feels really weird around this team where the Vibes are off you know earlier in the season like oh they’re playing hard they got a lot of young guys like The Vibes are at least good even though they’re losing a bunch of games I don’t think that’s going to

Continue I think it’s going to be real weird the next month and it’s not something that’s like all too bad cuz we’re going to end up tanking at the end of the year but I think this game was the start of it uh and it hurts not

Having guys like they need ants offense they shot the ball terribly today the offense was a joke outside of the first quarter they scored 29 in the first quarter they scored uh let me do some quick math 59 the final three 59 yeah 59 the final three quarters Eric

That’s less than 20 points a quarter that’s terrible so bad yeah they had 18 in the second and 14 in the third that’s awful they got out scored 35 to 18 in the second and 3114 in the third they just got absolutely freaking dominated it wasn’t even it was

Ridiculous uh so a coming back will help their offense help them look a little better but you’re they’re about to embark on a interesting stretch of games yeah I mean maybe like you said it was just the one I mean it’s not with Jeremy but

Maybe the rest of the team just was in a funk because they were out last night like you said um and maybe it’s just it’s tough when you have so many players in and out of the lineup so I guess that could be a bit of an

Excuse um like you just it’s hard to get excited or feel like you can win when you know aern is not playing again and um all that kind of stuff so um yeah I don’t know something’s got to change though absolutely absolutely um what other things you want to touch upon maybe talk

About Scoot a little bit more uh that step back mid-range he had was pretty nice and it was good to see him like come off a screen and hit a pull-up three I believe that was if I recall correctly um because I meant to make this point on a

Previous postgame show and I didn’t he needs to start working on shooting pullup threes when they go under screens where he’s like running into them cuz I feel like the only time he makes Defenders pay for going under screens he like stops and does like a

Between the legs like left to right like step back right mhm it’s it’s like a stationary thing but you look at the best cards in the league they’ll go off the screen and then if they go under the pull right like an’s really good at it Dame’s really good at it scoot never

Even tries it um I need to watch back his three because I need to remember exactly the footwork he had going into it and if it’s applicable to this scenario so give me a second but um I want to see him like come off screens and pull like go straight into threes

When Defenders go under because that’s how you really hold Defenders accountable for the pick and roll then they have to if you’re able to consistently hit that shot not only do they have to chase you over but they also can’t like chase you over and then

Like run back to cut you off because they’re going to give up that pull-up three so they have to stay on you that makes it easier to turn the corner easier to drive that’s a key for him in the pick and roll being able to get

Downhill off of it is being able to come off that screen and if the defender goes over just like go straight into a pullup three and knock it down consistently enough yeah yeah yeah and they’re especially in the first half of this game they were giv

Him a ton of space even just not even with the screen they were sagging off of him and uh yeah I think if he’s able to start making him pay for doing that um it’s going to open up the rest of his game yeah so it wasn’t exactly what I

Was talking about actually watching it back yeah that’s right it was like the little like left hand hang dribble that he stepped into it um you know it wasn’t a step back like he normally does but I think they were just switching uh Grant set the screen pretty low and both guys

Were so far off he just dribbled you know a little hang dribble read the defense pulled up it was better in terms of like not being a slow like step back like setting it all up it was just like in Rhythm get downhill a little bit um

Get a littlee of steam so you can drive if they play up read the defense SE sag and then pull straight into the shot so I want to see him be a little bit more aggressive off screens with this three-point shot not just shoot Comfort shots like his percentage might be bad

If he starts trying to pull up um from three in ways that he’s not used to like his shooting May look worse but I don’t think that’ necessarily be a bad thing for the evolution of his game because at some point I think he’s going to have to

Get a little bit more comfortable with going straight into his pull-up three off screens when Defenders go under instead of needing to slow down and step back right um because at some point Defenders if he shoots well enough Defenders will give him a little more respect but they’ll still give him that

Pullup three where they might be able to stop that step back cuz it’s not like the quickest move um so with scoot it’s like I’m watching his efficiency just like everybody else you know I want to see him have good shooting nights and this and that but as long as he’s

Working on like game shots that he needs to add even if he’s missing them because he’s not comfortable with them yet I’m fine with that because that’s just a part of his developmental process okay we’re going to hide anyone that uh does any fake W tweets by the

Way and also we’re going to turn on subscribers only mode um because I don’t think that’s on anyway I mean it was it wasn’t funny the first three times you did it this stream yeah so uh for scoot tonight um I you know it’s been a conversation his

Turnovers um so I like to see like I don’t know how he’s getting his turnovers um and uh I felt like so he had one where he threw it uh a nice balance pass to to Jabari and Jabari didn’t keep his guy sealed and he knocked it out of bounds

Or whatever I don’t think that’s on scoot I think that was a good pass then his next turnover was uh he got the ball on an outlet pass and threw it down the court to Jeremy hit him in his hands would have had a layup if he caught it

And Jeremy lost it out of bounds I don’t think that’s on scoot I think thought that was a good pass um yeah should have been an assist yeah um there was two plays one to Sharp I think and then one to Chris Murray where he tried to pass

To them sharp wasn’t ready for it and lost out of bounds or was like about to cut and Chris didn’t cut it wasn’t there anymore and Scoot just threw it right out of bounds uh just miscommunication I guess uh I don’t I don’t necessarily think um I don’t really think that’s something

That like you have to be too hard on him it was not like he was going into traffic and doing something dumb or whatever he just thought absolutely thought thought the thought the guy was going to be there and he wasn’t you know that’s that’s with playing more and

Playing with guys and with Chris in particular you know they haven’t played on like in actual games together that much because Chris hasn’t really gotten much of an opportunity this year and then sharp has been missing uh several games lately so their timing just wasn’t

Right on that so so those are all fine um the one his fifth one um he got into trouble and this happened several times in this game uh two or three of them did not count as turnovers but uh he does have a problem where he

Stops and the defender up on him and he just throws up some wild crap over his head or or doesn’t have a shot and still throws it up anyway and doesn’t even come close to making most of them um airballs a lot of them or gets blocked

On a lot of them so so I think that’s the only thing that in terms of handling the ball and setting up the offense that I didn’t like tonight was he had a little too many of those type of situations but overall I thought um

Other than that uh it was it was still a pretty good allaround game from him yeah he’s he’s playing with his pace which I think is a good thing um he’s obviously like trying to learn how to master like the pace of the game and change pace is

Something that he really struggled with early on and now he’s working on it like if he makes mistakes where it’s clear he’s like working on a move or a shot where he’s trying to like slow down use his body um in order to create an easier

Shot for himself or read the court like stuff like that I’m cool with him struggling with stuff that he needs to work on I for me it’s different than him struggling because he’s like trying to play way too fast and is completely out of control um so just like the turnovers

Deserve context with it I think certain areas like that where he’s struggling is like yes that’s an improvement area but I like that he’s trying stuff that he needs to improve on because in some ways that’s the only way you’re going to improve on it is to try

To work on it in practice in workouts and in games and you look at a season where the Blazers are n in 23 it’s a great opportunity for scoot all season long to work on these things so that he can get his game to the point where he

Can help the team win basketball games when the rest of the team is ready to win basketball games cu the rest of the team a’t ready now so that’s the whole point of a of a rebuilding season of a developmental season is for guys like scoot to work on some things like this

And sometimes the results aren’t going to be pretty but it’s part of the process yeah absolutely and yeah I have been encouraged with just the growth and uh yeah I mean he’s throwing some really highle passes I would like to see him uh maybe get I mean the problem is you know

He doesn’t really have this big on the roster I mean baji and Moses could be this kind of but um if we got like an elite level finishing big it’d be really nice to be able to see scoot try to do uh more of a situation that Blazers

Always get caught up with and that’s when you get going downhill and have uh like one defend that has to choose between either coming and guarding you and um you lobbing it up or dumping it off to the big on the role uh and not around the free throw line around the

Basket um so what’s funny is Aon was supposed to be that guy and he’s just not that guy that’s what people said Aiden was supposed to be um yeah both B Bodi and Moses were open so many times tonight on that like around the basket and we just didn’t lob

It up to him very often so I would like to see that happen a little more uh but yeah um it’s hard to find too many things to be like super critical of scoop right now yeah I will say this I’m really starting to like his floater game

MH because the problem is like when he was playing too fast he wasn’t under enough control to shoot floaters it felt like it felt like everything was just going to be hard at The Rim because he’s already has so much momentum going towards the rim and he had three floaters today with like

Really good Pace on him the first one he just goes left off a uh off a pick and roll slows down keeps his defender on his right side uh it was kab Bates deop and then just goes up for the floater because nerk backs off to the big man um

And he was going probably 30% but gets a nice little float shot off hits it he had he had that other one where he like drove right the defender stunted at him and he like stopped oped the defender like didn’t commit all the way and then

He did that quick pound kill dribble and got into a floater you know what play I’m talking about yeah the thing is in the G League he was like really impressive with like how he would like his pickups like how he would pick up the ball off the dribble and like get

Through tight areas get past um you know Defenders that were digging on him stunning at him because of how creatively he like would pick up the ball in order to like na navigate through traffic and we haven’t really seen that this year and that play was

Like one of the first instances where we saw something that like he would do in the G League at the NBA level and it was that play where Booker yeah Booker stunned at him he slowed down realized he could get through read the play and then did a quick pound kill dribble to

Get past Booker because Booker was reaching for the ball so killed it low got it under his hand and went into his floater and knocked it down that’s the type of stuff that he’ll be able to do consistently you look at like the way Dame developed his floater the way ants

Developed his floater you look at guys like Trey young for these smaller guards to be effective scorers mastering the float shot is is key because you can um you can go into the shot pretty much at any time if you’re under control and it’s an efficient enough shot most of

The time that uh it it makes defenses pay you know it’s not like a 17 foot pullup mid-range if you’re shooting floaters from like 7 to 10 feet also if it becomes deadly enough this is what Trey young saw good at then big men who are dropping cuz a

Lot of bigs are going to drop on scoot cuz he’s not that great of a shooter if you go up for that layup they’ll jump at it or they’ll start leaning forward and you can switch that to a lob last second over the top so that part of his game is very crucial

And those three plays those three floaters he had he had another one in the second half um where he went left off a Ebu pick and roll and just slowed down to almost a stand still with the free throw line and nerk didn’t commit to him and shot a floater under control

So the change of pace into that and then him mastering those shots is awesome to see because it’s going to be a bread and butter shot for him yeah I don’t know if you saw Sharps 2 made baskets tonight uh but they were both off bajy pick and

Rolls um they they’re very Booker esque MH book I saw one of his mid-range pull-ups yeah um and so those are the kind of shots that scoop if he ever develops like a a shot where he can make it consistently from 10 to 15 feet those will be there

All day for scoot um whether that’s a runner a floater or pullup or or whatever he decides to do in that situation there are there is going to be a lot of space especially for someone who still has a questionable jump shot um coming off those screens um because

The Big’s not going to gonna press up very often like you mentioned nerk not doing um so those those plays are available for him and I really like that action from sharp and baji in this game um unfortunately that was pretty much the only two things that sharp did well

In this one but um but yeah I think um you can see what having a big that sets good screens and who gets some clearance for for your guards uh just how much that can impact the game a little bit and once they learn to score a little better

Off of that um I I really think it’s it’s encouraging yeah 100% um so I like I like where scoots game is headed you know it’s easy to just sit here and look at box scores and um feel good or bad about his statline but at the end of the

Day pieces of his game need to come together um and it’s not going to be all at once like one game is going to be one thing one game is going to be another thing and every game you’re probably going to be able to point to eras of struggle at

Least during his rookie year where like something doesn’t look good but as long as he keeps slowly adding little pieces like this floater the change of pace into his floaters um the three-point shot has come around the the playmaking is better like he had five turnovers today I think only

One them was truly his fault um six assists you’re seeing him slowly rounded to form it’s not like Dynamic like oh my goodness he’s a star already as a rookie like some people were hoping for optimistically but it’s it’s a good sign like I am no longer feeling discouraged by his rookie

Year which yeah as at one point everybody was kind of panicking not maybe not everybody but a lot of people were panicking about scoo Henderson calling him a bus calling him this calling him that now he’s improved a ton and he’ll continue to improve and it

Just makes you wonder like what is he going to be in his second year because here’s the thing he works his ass off like I am more confident in his work ethic than some other young players work ethics on this team and that’s not to necessarily like say that those other young players

Don’t work hard scoot by all accounts works his ass off and this offseason I expect scoot to work his ass off and the thing is he also knows what he needs to improve and I think scoot is a like a legitimate student of the game um with

That chip on his shoulder right and it’s like struggles like this to start his rookie year that he’ll find a way to be motivated this offseason by some of his struggles this season at least that’s just my interpretation of what I can tell of him and his character so the

Fact that he’s improving this much adding these little pieces and we’re he’s played what 22 23 games now because he missed some time I feel very solid about his rookie year I don’t feel bad about his rookie year at all which is kind of crazy considering how different the feeling

Was around him after his first 10 games yeah I think for me he just needs to figure out a way to be a little more efficient that’s he’s been very inefficient so far U tonight what he had 17 off what 18 shots or something like

That um well I got a question for you regarding that like if he’s working on shots that he’s not really comfortable with yet aren’t really in his yet but are shots that could be really good for him in the future but he’s not having efficient nights right now because he’s

Working on those shots is that really a bad thing well that’s that was my point earlier was I felt like he was having an efficient night when he was he he had 13 points in the first half and he was taking uh really solid shots but they

Were shots that we’ve been saying he needs to work on and improve and stuff and so yes I was whether those go in or not isn’t necessarily the issue the issue is at least three or four times in this game he threw up some garbage when

He didn’t it wasn’t there and he still shot it anyway or tried to throw something up when you didn’t have an angle and those those are the kinds or you miss your big when and take a much tougher shot than your your big would have had uh so those are those are the

Things I’m looking for to improve his efficiency not that he needs to be like a 60% true shooting percentage or I’m not going to take him seriously or anything I just want it to be more like uh just eliminate the bad the bad bad shots uh that he’s taking yeah I don’t really

Have I feel like he’s trying to get to the free throw line a little bit more yeah well there was one what his worst shot of the night was the one bow well he got got uh maybe maybe not that one but there was one where um nerk

Completely bodied him and I don’t know how it’s not a foul yeah he absolutely fa and NK was not going straight up or anything um so maybe it’s as simple as he just starts getting some calls and some respect from the officials um but yeah the I just feel like there’s times

Where he’s he’s stopping getting into trouble and he just kind of throws it up at the Rim he’s not really even in a rhythm or have a shot or a good look at the hoop he’s just trying to get it there yeah we say he had one on bull b

Where I think he thought he was going to get fouled and tried to sell the contact a little bit and it wasn’t a good shot I mean everything else like he missed some pullup midies he missed a floater um like I do think he has to be has to figure out a way

To there’s times where he settles for a mid-range and I feel like in some of those situations he needs to figure out a way to get to the rim to truly be efficient because it’s really hard to shoot a bunch of mid-ranges um all game long and uh be

Efficient but like I think yeah yeah exactly I think the key for him though is like some of these some of these moves on the interior like he had a shot where he kind of slowed down put his body into the defender and then missed a little like Runner a little like fallway

Runner I think at some point he’ll start to hit these a little bit more I I’m cool with those types of shots like there’s a couple shots like the one he got bodied by nerk was I thought a foul and he went into nerk used his body to

Like draw the foul and didn’t get the call if he’s a superstar he gets that call 100% of the time so like that type of stuff is fine um to me uh you know there’s a there’s a couple shots like he tried a little like

Spin like hook on nerk yeah that one in the second half that was not good I mean if you if he makes that it’s like oh wow look at that move you know what I mean like he had completely stopped and obvious his momentum had all

Stopped and he didn’t have any kind of angle I don’t know yeah I I guess for me I just like that he’s slowing down and trying to be creative sometimes it’s going to look bad but I think it’s just part of the evolution process yeah um so definitely he’ll continue to he’ll

Continue to improve that as he just gets more reps so I just think at the end of the day like he just needs more game action he needs more NBA action there’s people the start year saying send him back to the g- league he played the g-

League for two years he he can go and dominate The g- League probably right now yeah he needs NBA level reps as many as possible and that’s why it’s frustrating earlier in the season when like he has a really good game and plays 22 minutes like he needs reps um the

Reps he’s gotten so far I think have been very productive have been very productive for him so yeah especially lately yeah and it’s like he’s like a couple Miss shots away from having efficient nights you know what I mean it’s it’s not like seven for 18 I’d have taken that the

First five games of the year you know what I mean um so it’s just uh only three shots were threes 15 so he’s six for 15 inside the arc it’s just learning how to be more efficient as a finisher um which I think he’s trying to figure out right now and

Then I mean he’s been shooting the three ball well enough I wouldn’t mind if he shot a couple more threes a game MH yeah absolutely especially like I said if the defense is just going to Sag off him I think he’s got to make him pay sometimes yeah he’s got his three- point

Percentage up to 29% I know that still doesn’t look good but considering where it was when it was at like 8% he’s ESPN says his last 10 games he’s shooting 43% from three but only 41% from the field which shows you he’s not shooting well from two but I trust that

He’ll be able to figure out how to finish um I I don’t I don’t have like long-term worries about his finishing ability mhm well there was a point in this in the second quarter when we couldn’t do anything on offense and he scored a couple times and I was like okay like

Just assert your dominance right now and he had that that’s when he had that like tough right-handed hook floater thing uh that went in um and I was like okay yeah scoot just take over this game because like no one can do anything um so I

Think maybe he’ll learn how to do that um that’s something that um Dame had to learn and anthon’s learning right now as well uh just when to like score or be a scorer and when to be a facilitator and uh set up your teammates and stuff like

That so um definitely a lot of time left for him to learn that kind of stuff it’s it’s that’s not something that anyone really Masters in their rookie year yep Mason Warner says hate how little shots sharp gets I think sharp just has to learn how to consistently assert himself

I think like he off runs where he looks great and have runs where he struggles I think some of that’s fatigue some of that might be the abduct the abductor strain he was struggling with I just think especially with like he’s kind of a chill guy like I think the biggest

Issue for Sharp to work through is figuring out ways to like consistently assert himself and consistently be aggressive as a scorer without it turning into bad shots mhm the problem is he I feel like he could get good shots almost every possession if he tried yeah but yeah I also feel like the

Problem is we don’t get out and run man yeah why don’t we run the why don’t we run because we want to set up our offense for a horrible shooting we’re like five of 25 at one point from three in this game this is also why I’m like I

Want to move on from from Brogden I feel like Brogden just slows up our offense but I mean I can’t really blame any of the players cuz like you mentioned with like late game execution and stuff it’s been a problem for years now with different coaches now

Different um Personnel all that kind of stuff a lot of people said Dame was the reason we didn’t run you know because he always slowed it down right but like we have the same Pace as we’ve had all throughout Dam’s thing and we have one of the fastest and uh young players in

The league and Anthony can get the ball up the court really quick oh just I don’t understand you know what’s funny about this we have the 20th fastest pace right Milwaukee has the fourth fastest Pace yeah that was literally just people finding a way to blame Dame for something yeah because how does

Milwaukee have the fourth fastest Pace then and why do we have the 20th I mean hell already to have like a 610 dude who can grab a rebound and just take it coast to coast in like three seconds well well yes but um but Milwaukee was

Only the ninth fastest Pace last year so their Pace has gotten even faster yeah so they got some they got an old Center they got an old small forward so yeah yeah like Dame hasn’t hurt their Pace at all if anything he’s helped it so that’s like I don’t know

Like if like Don Nelson was our coach or something like you think we’re playing at the 20th Pace right now like no or like or like Mike de Antony do you think you think we’re slowing the ball up and running half court offense or do you think we’re

Pushing the ball and shooting within eight seconds a lot and you know I yeah I mean it’s got to be coaching you know I feel like a lot of times we get Outlet passes and just jog the ball up the court though yeah like yeah but also

It’s like learn how to set drag screens I like we don’t do anything in transition other than just run down the floor yeah we outl the ball and we Jog and then everybody else just runs straight down the floor like nobody cuts through like nobody does anything

Running the court it’s just we’re not we don’t do things to effectively run the court at all and it’s more than just one guy it’s like a systemic thing but chony says he wants them to play fast but then it doesn’t look like it on the court and

That’s the problem with stuff chony says it never really aligns with what it actually looks like on the court no matter who’s playing yeah well that’s why I wasn’t upset with scoot throwing that pass to Jeremy because it was there yeah and he could have got an easy dunk

Or laying so um yeah it’s I don’t know why they don’t try to do that they they’ve done it a couple times like off the jump ball they run that quick law play to eighton they’ve successfully done that a couple times this year um but how many fast break lobs do we have

To Sharp this year dude it can’t be that many I don’t even know if I remember one we had more last year with Dame yeah and we force a bunch of turnovers like it’s not anything to do with us not forcing turnovers I don’t understand it’s baffling to me it’s like

Jeremy Grant’s rebounding I have no explanation we forced the second highest turnovers in the league yeah so yep and I do want to say something about uh a player tonight that I thought played pretty well uh someone that we’ve been kind of hard on and that’s Chris

Murray uh he came in and did a lot of nice things on the court um the only really thing he’s got to hit his threes uh he missed two of those tonight um I don’t know if he shot any garbage time but uh I think he I think those are the

Only two shots he missed but I thought he did some really nice things defensively had a really Advanced read on a off ball situation where he uh jumped a passing Lane and got a steal for an open dunk and uh also had a nice offensive rebound put back in traffic um

I just I really liked his cutting and uh movement out there and his defense was really solid tonight um so I thought he was one of the bright spots in this game as well yeah no he was solid I don’t disagree with any of the positives I

Will bring up some that is negative though I the more I think about his shot I think the way he shoots the ball isn’t conducive to NBA success because he has a low release and it’s a slow set shot which is weird because in summer league he was starting to shoot it like

Really fast yeah like I don’t know if it’s the line I don’t know if it’s I don’t know what it is with the way he shoots the ball but he shoots the ball so slow and it’s like some guys can shoot the ball in college and then they

Get to the league and the league is faster right um so if you have like a slower shot the it’s much worse than if you’re like a solid shooter in college but shoot the ball quick because you’re still going to be able to get your shot off in that

Case if you shoot the ball slow it might work in college at a slower Pace but in the NBA like guys are flying at you so that’s the thing with him is I feel like I feel like a lot of his shots he like doesn’t shoot that fast but it still

Feels rushed and it still feels like the misses are because he’s shooting it faster than he actually wants to yeah but at the same time most of his uh when he’s gotten playing time this year which has isn’t a lot to be fair but I feel like they’re so open that he

Could shoot it really slow I don’t think it’s really a case where he’s he’s like too slow or I just feel like when he can’t shoot it slow he looks uncomfortable shooting the ball and I feel like the the percentages are much lower mhm well I mean to be fair if we’re

Giving other players ‘s time to adjust to the NBA like I think we need to give him a little bit of time to see if he can correct that or work on his game enough to fix that or not if he can become a decent Corner three-point shooter I think

That’s I think he could be an okay role player still and I’m not like completely out on him but I just I don’t know if that’s ever going to happen or not yeah I mean I don’t want to say bad things about him um that’s just kind of my thing that I

Noticed with his shot he can do some fundamental things like he can be solid I think in the end of the day he has to hit threes though because he’s not going to be like a lock down Defender that provides so much value defensively that it doesn’t matter what he shoots um

He’s yeah he just if he’s going to be solid everywhere he needs something that he does well M like like consistently well he can be solid in a bunch of areas but if he doesn’t do any one thing well it’s going to be hard to be a role player in the

NBA cuz most role players they fill a specific role they’re not just like oh they do a bunch of things like solidly but like shoot 33% from three like so that’s my thing with him is just hopefully he can start making some three-point shots I know he had a big

Game in the g- league recently where he has some threes uh I think he just has to figure out a way to speed up his shot um yeah that’s the other problem too is it’s low like yeah Keegan has a higher release higher set point higher release than he does

Um so he’s a little more confident and his shots more fluid and like quick um so that’s the thing with Keegan is he has to figure out how to maybe shoot the ball a little bit differently shoot the ball a little quicker um and knock down

Threes cuz if he knock down threes and he saw it everywhere else he’s like oh you can put him out there he’ll space the floor he’ll hit some shots and he like will be solid every else like that’s that’s fine I guess is like a

Ninth man um he just comes down to that three-point shot and that is my worry with him but he’ll he should get some run at the end of the season that’s the thing if we tank this year it’s going to be more interesting than previous tanking years because you’re probably

Going to have scoot you’re going to have Chris Murray you’re going to have Ryan ruper you’re going to have probably Tani Kamar um you know maybe some dap 30o games like you’re going to have some interesting prospects playing when the Blazers do inevitably tank and um maybe they’d Play

Sharp like we’re already losing a bunch of games anyway so you know maybe they play Sharp and it’s not even like full tanking because normally you’d think like maybe somebody like sharp they sit but if you got sharp scoot those guys like that’s going to be an interesting

Tanking team like it’s going to be more interesting than the past couple of years when they tanked um it’s going to be less brutal and they’re probably going to win more games they like watching Brandon Williams and Brandon Williams yeah um gan gan Williams yeah the williamses were not were not fun

Um so but that’s that’s the thing with Chris is like I do expect him to get an opportunity later in the year and I’m curious to see how he looks with like regular heavy minutes after development in the G league and maybe some inconsistent reps in the NBA like you

Know he he played some NBA minutes tonight like uh he played what 19 minutes that’s some good Reps for him there and was solid had a nice putback uh you know played against the solid Suns team so he’ll continue to get reps I’m just curious to see what it results

In when he finally gets consistent heavy playing time at the end of the year most likely yeah and someone who went through this last year Jabari Walker um had been playing fantastic recently I thought he had a pretty rough game today uh especially shooting the ball uh was not

Even close on some of his three-point shots or uh pull-ups um but uh they’re a bigger team you see what it is they’re playing bbo and nerk together like he he’s much better against small lightups yeah but uh I mean even if that’s the case uh I I

Think um I mean he was due to have a bad game because he had been playing fantastic lately yeah that’s the other thing with with having Chris is like you already have Jabari you already have that like hustle well-rounded rebound solid yeah and then Tani’s like your defensive stopper right it’s just kind

Of like you’re you’re doubling down on an archetype that you don’t need a d out on um so that’s the thing with having Jabari that was part of the reason why I didn’t like the Chris Murray pick was you already had Jabari Walker and Jabar right now is a better player and he’s

Younger so what’s the future I don’t know I don’t know but um he’ll get a chance later in the season so if he takes it and runs with it great like you know he’ll have the opportunity which some young players never get the opportunity because they’re on good

Teams and even if they do deserve the opportunity some of them never get a chance um so I don’t think this is necessarily a bad situation despite him having some younger players at his position ahead of him because I do think he’ll get a chance at the end of the

Season to legitimately play but um the guy I’m really looking forward to watch him play once we start taking is repair yeah I want to see repair play like I I still have a lot of faith in repair I think he’s a project that people are going to have patience with

But I think he could pan out one day um you can watch the remix yeah um looks long and quick with a nice jumper yeah I mean he has he has tools he has he has like a seven foot three wingspan apparently grew an inch like moves well

Can shoot the ball like that’s an intriguing Prospect they’ll play the ignite on the 22nd and 24th of January so I plan on showing up to those games just to do some Scouting For The ignite a lot of draft prospects on that team um but also always interested to see what

Repair is doing down there um um anything else you want to talk from from this game I know you got go soon well not from this game but you mentioned live scouting uh just wanted to mention that uh Conor Smog and I went to the Oregon State game against USC on

Saturday was a lot of fun um was really close to the action so uh got a good view of both Isaiah klier and bronny James and uh yeah uh um I don’t know call your yeah what has happened to him I don’t know man it’s it’s weird he was he

Didn’t play like the last seven minutes of the game um they had a lineup with him and and bronny and uh Boogie and they were like pressing and they started pressuring Oregon State and uh they got back in the game and then they coach like subbed the lineup out that was

Getting him back in and then Coler didn’t play the rest of the game and uh yeah I was like I was really impressed with some of his uh passes to his bigs um just like threading the needle inside um but the bigs weren’t finishing uh

Very well um and then uh yeah then you look down and you see it’s got like a bunch of turnovers um which I didn’t really I know one play he like dribbled it off his foot um but uh yeah just wasn’t getting many shot opportunities at all I

Think he had seven points um hit a nice three had one really nice finish uh Going Up and Under the basket uh for a reverse laying um but it just it’s weird man you look at his last couple weeks at games and he’s just like I don’t know if

They’re just not using him right or what but like he’s definitely not showing the same stuff he was showing earlier in the season I don’t know if they’re a well coached team like they have what Enfield yeah yeah who did he who was the Cinderella team he coached in Mar I

Think it was Florida GF Coast or something that Lo whatever the d was that was he the Florida Gulf Coast I I think so like whatever the dunk City or yeah yeah yeah dunk City yeah they beat Georgetown um what’s his first name again Andy Enfield Andy Enfield yeah

Yeah I’m I’m gonna search him up because I’m I’m curious because I don’t really remember um but like the you know what did yeah Florida G Coast um and then he became the USC coach in 2013 the USC hasn’t really done much they made the elite a and got waxed by

Gonzaga who sucks now by the way G zaga might miss the tournament rip um at least was that with Moy yeah that was with Moy um are both moies yeah but they just got eviscerated like I don’t I don’t know like you have these coaches that coach the send Thea schools that go

On like one March Madness run and then they get a job much higher and like never really amount to anything like what has Shaka smart done since VCU I Mar’s pretty good this year but yeah but like they were pretty good last year they were two seed and lost in the

Round of 32 you know like he’s been able to get some talent in but he’s never been able to do much with them um there’s somebody else um whoever coached Nevada what was that muscleman I don’t know I I’m just always worried these coaches that go on like one Cinderella

Run and get a big five you know a group you know big conference job off of it musman is not a good example he was an NBA coach uh that ran into some legal trouble and then went down down to college yeah uh and then he’s he’s to up

To Arkansas and Arkansas has been on several runs recently so he’s he’s a really good coach yeah no he’s Arkansas’s decent um I’m just always worried they made the final four like two years in a row Rec last saw no not last year but the two years before that no with Jaylen

Williams and Arkansas yeah no no they haven’t made the final four with him at all they haven’t made the final four since 1995 Jaylen Williams sweet 16 and then lost in the elite eight they losing the elite eight yeah well they went to the Elite 8 two years

In a row then yeah yeah because they they lost to um remember they beat Oral Roberts they were the three seed they beat Oral Roberts in the sweet 16 barely and then they lost to bayor that was the year that Baylor beat Gonzaga in the championship and then um in 2022 they

They beat Gonzaga and then lost to Duke and that was coach K’s final year right yeah um and then last year they lost theweek 16 as the eight seed to Yukon so they like they’ve had some solid tournament success but not F four I don’t know I’m just always worried these

These coaches that get big jobs off of like one Cinderella run that’s like kind of fluky you know M um but I mean you got to come from somewhere yeah no for real for real it’s just I like I I’d want to see more of a

Body of work if I’m hiring a coach I guess I mean he got the number one recruit Isaiah CER to come there and he got bronnie to come there so like that that I guess and then they’re getting blown out by Oregon State I mean it’s

It’s tough to the bronny situation I is you can’t really blame him for Brony having heart failure and stuff but um yeah but bronnie was bronnie was good against Oregon State and they still blown out I okay like I know I know if his name last name wasn’t

James and all that that he probably would be a fringe NBA Prospect and all that but I actually think bronny is good like I and not just based on this one game but I I think he has potential to be elite defensively the only thing that’s holding him back in my opinion is

He’s his height like he doesn’t LeBron’s height bro he dude he’s not he’s not a point guard um I don’t know if his handles are good enough to be a point guard in the future maybe um but I I think a shot looks nice his I I

Think he’s the third best defender in this draft behind SAR and Dunn um and I just think he’s he has the ability to um see the floor uh really well I think his playmaking and passing is um could be elite um just don’t know if he

Has the handles to go along with it um but lateral quickness on defense all that kind of stuff i’ I’d give him really high marks if I’m if I’m grading it man he just he looked like he was a good player out there I don’t know yeah

I think he’s a second round Prospect because I think he’s a three and deep Prospect at 6′ three like a slightly undersized shooting guard that can knock down threes has his athletic I don’t know if he’s 6’3 though dude he did not get the benefit of LeBron’s jeans have you seen

Bryce James Bryce James like 66 Bryce James got lucky bronny did not get lucky cuz uh Brony and Collier looked about the same size and they both looked like 61 just because I was standing right by them yeah I don’t know did it by Bron and Collier looking down upon them right

Yeah um yeah this draft of this year is so weird man so weird my daughter was with me and uh she’s she’s like 5’9 510 and uh she she thought for a minute that she was like cuz there was a point where bronny was like walking towards us and I swear

He was looking like right at her cuz he was like looking like right at me but like right next to me if that makes sense yeah and I was like bronn’s looking at you like just kind of joking with her you know and uh she’s like

She’s like ew he’s like shorter than me or whatever and I’m like no he’s not he’s like who cares it’s LeBron James’s son so she looked it up and it’s like she he’s 6’3 no way and I was like you have to realize he’s standing next to

Like seven foot guys right now so he looks small like compared to the people on the court but like he’s not he’s not actually short you know like he’s still pretty tall like compared to you what if she did a bronny that’d be wild that be awesome you’d have to be friends with

LeBron then oh man we get LeBron for an interview hopefully we draft Brony then I don’t know what fantasy world I’m inventing here but wasn’t that serious but uh but yeah it was uh yeah I I don’t know like I I thought there’s so many of those guys this year

That like I’m I’m just thinking there’s no way they’re as tall as they’re listed like I don’t think uh I don’t think call your is like 64 or anything either like so um um but yeah I don’t know they do look like NBA players though yeah I

Think there’s a lot of heights in this draft that are completely OV exaggerated I already don’t think this is that good of a draft but I also think you look at like I don’t think walis is 611 I don’t think Holland is 68 I don’t think topit is

66 I don’t think Coler is 6’4 this draft dude this this draft sucks I I am just so unimpressed man like it’s kind of a bummer I want to be impressed I will probably find some prospects I like but oh my goodness the only prospects I like right now are all guards

Yeah like like Shephard is such a sniper I mean he’s going to be a day one NBA player you look at like Jordan Hawkins where he’s like he’s had some good minutes for the Pelicans like and I think he’s a little older than Shephard is yeah because Shephard’s a freshman so

I think um you know like the Kentucky cards Dillingham I’m impressed with jacobe Walter has star upside um outside of SAR it’s just like yeah in the front Court there’s just not much but uh speaking of tank ofon let’s do a tank ofon Sim and then we’ll get out of here

Before we jump into this tanken th Sim once again this post game show is brought to you by bet us with the college football national championship coming up you can get in on that action with our Link in the description box below which will give you a 125% deposit

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Link in the description box below let’s hop Tank a thwn um and I need to ceue up uh Rich’s you know pingpong balls I cue that up next stream next to loss the beginning to look a lot like last year yeah next blowout loss I’ll get you guys covered um anyway we’re fifth

Eric one game ahead of sixth one and a half games behind fourth which is Charlotte who’s lost 11 in a row maybe they will have a losing streak that Rivals Detroit because Detroit has finally won a game congrats to them they are three and 30 uh Portland 42% chance

To top four 10 and a half% chance of the number one overall pick which is the same odds they had last year they also have the 12th pick via Golden State so let’s simulate this thing and scroll up from the bottom you got Houston to OKC you got Lakers to New

Orleans Lakers at 500 you got Golden State to Portland you got Brooklyn to Houston you got Utah at 10 Atlanta falling down one spot to nine I believe Chicago has jumped up again Eric remember last time I said Chicago is always lucky when we do our tank ofon Sims yeah

Well looks like they jumped up again looks like they’re very lucky Toronto to San Antonio at 8 you got Charlotte moving down three spots to seven which means Portland has jumped into the top four so you got Portland and you also got Memphis Chicago you got San Antonio at six and

Detroit at five so you also have uh God who’s the other team that sucks Washington Washington top four Washington Portland Washington’s been number one on a lot of her they have they have hopefully they’re fourth at four is the Chicago Bulls at three is the the Memphis Grizzlies at two is the

Portland Trailblazers and at one is the Washington Wizards Washington SAR and Gafford they probably go SAR yeah um gota just hope they fall in love with Holland or something yeah or we gotta hope Holland is 67 yeah yeah um yeah it be for us yes cuz like there

Dude I’m just saying screw it and drafting Holland and having some reservations about it probably I don’t know but also I would if a team really wants that second pick I would definitely make it available if sar’s off the board at one yeah I mean if you

Can just if you could get like four or five future first I don’t know how much that would go for we’ve never really seen a pick traded that high for just future first but you could get something for that pick that might be more that might be better than Ron

Holland you know cuz it only takes one team falling in love with the prospect but I not in love with Ron Holland I’m not in love with the top of this draft so what if you could get like in this scenario like eight and a couple future firsts or something Um it’s intriguing um depends on who’s there if Cody Williams is there at eight I’d do it and take Cody Williams at eight yeah but I’d ask for six in the future first because San Antonio in this scenario has six and eight so so if you had or would

You do six and eight for two maybe it’s hard to say without knowing in this draft I might how I tear things yeah almost every other draft no it’s just like when you have 12 too like I mean I guess take as many shots it’s just I don’t know like you’re going to

Have five picks in this draft you probably move a couple of the seconds it’s just yeah we’re like built to trade up if we needed to trade up we’re not really built to trade down two two for uh four in our pick spec I wouldn’t do that either because

Yeah I mean if there’s three prospects who I was equal on sure but mhm um yeah this would be an interesting way for the draft to play out anyway that is tank ofon Sim we got the second pick so moving up nice moving up anything else for this postgame show

Eric oh thanks everyone for tuning in uh especially with the later start uh appreciate you all hanging out until then um and uh yeah what we have Wednesday and Friday this week versus is Dallas both times yep another one of those where both postgame shows will be

Talking about the same kind of game yeah I might not be there for Friday we will see um yeah no problem going to bend yeah and also that’s Sunday I’m not sure either because that’s at 12:00 p.m at Brooklyn so I’ll bring my laptop I’ll bring my mic I’ll bring my webcam we’ll

See yeah rly Sunday uh but other than that yeah I’m I’m ready to get out of this wet t-shirt so if you guys don’t know what I’m talking about go watch the end of game stream where I my hat goes missing because uh I was very excited and I’m

Uh relieved and ready to win a freaking championship for one of my teams because none of my teams have ever won a championship but my Washington Huskies got a legitimate chance now kind of crazy man and they’re going against Harbaugh bro hopefully Harbaugh still doesn’t have a championship because of course he

Coached the Niners in the Super Bowl when they lost to the Ravens so hopefully he can be cursed and not me we’ll see Jackson said at least it’s water yeah I wasn’t going to be too silly with it I had a little bit of

Water left in my water B you know had to celebrate with something um anyway anyway that’s right for the stream shout out to B us thanks everyone for watching have a good night yeah we’ll catch you later have a great start to your 2024’s and until next time as always peace out go


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  1. So sad watching them stunt Sharpe/Ant/Scoot developing together. Yes, they been injured so far, but trade Grant and Brogdan already lol. Not like they need to win this year. They showcased Grant and Brogdan enough. Its all about "tanking" for a chance at Alex Sarr at this point and giving the actual players who will be here long term reps.

  2. Honestly, Jerami might be close to the all-time NBA leader in career games ending in 1 rebound.

  3. Rewatch crew. Dadgummed migraines. Maybe the incessant noise for the last couple of days and nights from the rebranded meth cook biker thugs next door that are now proud boys has something to do with it…sigh….Go, Blazers and happy new year, all!🙂

  4. These blazers… they genuinely piss Eric off . Thats why we like Eric. He is personally affronted by the lack of effort by so called professionals.
    Jabari and Toumani always play their asses off, so it is possible. So somehow those guys make the situation seem worse by example.
    And hey guys Ayton is a blazer big man which means he is never going to pan out. Wouldnt be surprised if he has tendinitis related swelling which is logically going to get worse moving from a phx climate to pdx.
    But talking about moving Ayton…why bother, its a tank season anyway?
    And i think its contradictory to use the term rebuilding phase when the franchise is clearly not finished melting down. All the weird vibes are because of this. Any effort is cross – purpose to securing a high draft pick. However, padding one's personal statistics is always in vogue, and who doesnt like to see teammates fighting each other for the freebee rebounds?
    As for Jeremy's weak rebounding the guy has Darius Miles schoolgirl knees. Its more difficult for him to establish position and be a good fundamental rebounder with the way he is built and his kittycat mentality. Expecting Grant to increase his board totals at this point in his career? Nah

  5. The purpose of veterans in any young team is to teach and lead by example however well or badly the team are doing. That is clearly not happening. Hopefully we can trade at least Grant and Brogden and get some good young pieces and better older influences in return.

  6. I would absolutely trade back a few picks if we gain a few firsts in the process. I’m chilling with Matas, Tidjane, Alex or Cody. As long as we grab one of those guys I think it’s a win. Would be even better if we can trade down to do so! Also who knows who will fall to the GS pick this year.

  7. So theres a lung infection thing goin around all over the country, coast to, I just got sick a few weeks ago a lil bit..but this infection i just got while everyone is having it. I can say, its all in the lungs, so if simons has it, makes perfect sense hes out..or covid which makes sense of course

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