@Milwaukee Bucks

Why The Bucks Are The Best Team in The NBA

Why The Bucks Are The Best Team in The NBA

Do y remember earlier in the season when the Bucks were struggling and Giannis just wasn’t playing that well his numbers were down Dame I think was struggling to a point the bench didn’t look that good and people were coming for Adrien Griffin and I remember people

Were trying to tell me the Bucks were not going to be that good of a team this year and I said don’t judge a team within the first 10 games I’ve always had the theory that you judge a team after 20 to 30 games and that’s the

Range that we’re currently in right now and as we can see about a month or two later the Bucks are currently one of the best teams in basketball and if you ask me I think they’re the best team gentlemen happy 2024 we got to talk about the future 2024 NBA champion

Milwaukee Bucks I talked about this team a couple months ago and it was more on a potential thing but I think my theory has been proven Milwaukee is going to do some damage this year I want to start with the fact that Giannis is currently

On an MVP run and I’ve already made my video talking good about him and I’m making a video within this week talking about the whole MVP conversation in itself but as a little spoiler I think Yannis needs to be cons considered in some way now granted I know he’s

Probably not going to win it because we all know the voters are not going to vote for him but if we’re going off stats and the way he’s playing you got to give it to Giannis I feel like he’s in that conversation I know people want

To talk bad about Giannis saying that he wouldn’t be the number one option when Dame got here but this is still giannis’s team Giannis has been on one of the craziest stretch games of basketball and I think tomorrow they actually play the Pacers and if you know

Anything about Giannis he does not like the Pacers I genuinely expect Giannis to have like a 40 or 50 point triple but I won’t go too in depth about Giannis because I talked about this man so many times in just individual videos and I guess over the past couple years

Also there is a 40-minute video out there I’m not going to say who made it but there’s a 40-minute video out there talking about how Giannis is done very well for the City of Milwaukee so I guess the last thing I’ll say about Giannis is this man is the key piece of

This team but y’all already knew that instead I want to shift the focus to other things that a lot of people are not talking about I think something I want to talk about is more or less a narrative that I’ve seen throughout the entire season and it’s that the buck

Should fire Adrien Griffin I love that sports fans don’t have patience anymore like y’all will just not wait for things to develop and I get it maybe in sports like in the NFL where you only have 17 games and you don’t really have much time to I guess you know grow as a

Player or coach I mean you could literally be a brand new coach and come in and you have like one to two years and if you don’t do something you’re out the gate man but in the NBA you do have 82 Gam games to show yourself and Adrien Griffin he’s coached for

About 30 games for this Milwaukee team and I remember within the first 5 to 10 games people were saying yo this man should be fired but I always thought that was stupid and we’re starting to see that Milwaukee they’re finally coming together at the time recording this video the Bucks have

Statistically the number one offense in the NBA I almost said NFL now I’m not going to act like their defense is perfect because it’s simply not there are things that they can fix but I feel like Adrien Griffin has done everything he’s been able to do and he’s done it

Pretty well and I think it’s even funny that Bucks fans are now on Twitter you know making fun of it being like oh we’re 11 And1 in the month of December should we fire Adrien Griffin oh we have the number one offense we fire Adrian Griffin like everybody is now realizing

How stupid it was man like y’all waited five games and said no let’s get this new coach out of here when you have a completely different team when Dame joined the Bucks I feel like a lot of things changed for this team you know the narrative about them possibly

Winning another NBA title obviously the odds went up and also I just think inside the team you know the people are starting to act a little bit different I feel like this team is more locked in and they’re more together than they’ve ever been they finally have a veteran

Leader and somebody that is desperate for a title now I’m I going to tell you that Adrien Griffin is the most perfect head coach no I’m not going to for example I do think Dame could be used a little bit more in the offense I think maybe there have been certain

Situations where you know they’re just not using the right players for the right situation but honestly those are things that a first year head coach for a team is going to do now I know this is a buck video and I’m mostly talking about this team but I want to talk about

One team for a sec because I’ve seen so many people talk about them to demoralize the Bucks the Boston Celtics I’m just going to talk about them for a minute but first gentlemen we are in 2024 happy New Year y’all I’m uploading this on January 1 and I just want to say

I appreciate y’all I put a little you know post on Twitter I put something in my community post but I appreciate y’all and all the support that we had this year now that being said we’re on the road to 50K this year we’re trying to hit 50k so of course if y’all boys

Enjoying the video you know what I’m saying leave a like on it and subscribe to the channel if you have not already also in the comment section let me know what is a goal you’re trying to accomplish in 2024 also my voice is a little messed up I don’t know I think I

Have like a small cold coming it’s not that big of a deal but that’s why my voice is a little bit messed up and also I just want to say that I have a new series coming to the channel in 2024 I’m super excited to announce it very soon

We’re working on a trailer right now for it so stay tuned for that but it’s probably going to be on my Twitter which by the way make sure y Boys Follow my Twitter all right let’s get back to the video so a lot of people was talking

About Boston and saying they’re the team to beat right now which I disagree with and yes I will make a dedicated video to Boston but all I’m going to say is I don’t agree the fact that people think Boston is Miles Ahead better than the Bucks I think the difference between

Milwaukee and Boston is that Boston is this really beautiful looking Tower however all you need is one little brick to fall and this entire Tower crashes down like with Milwaukee if Dame went down I genuinely believe that this team is still a team that could win the

NBA Finals obviously they would suffer a little bit but I think they’re still contenders if Jason Tatum goes down I can’t promise you this team contends the way I think Milwaukee can I think Milwaukee has better depth than Boston I think Boston is a good team don’t get me

Wrong but I don’t trust them come playoff time it’s the same reason why I haven’t been able to get behind Phoenix this entire year now this Buck team is great don’t get me wrong but there’s one move that I think if they were able to make it would make this team the most

Perfect put together allaround balance team in the NBA I think some Bucks fans know what I’m going to say but I want to see the Bucks kit Alex Caruso man I don’t care what the Bucs have to give up I think this is a trade you have to make

But if you have to throw in Jay Crowder or Bobby poris who’s had problems with the team this year you throw one of them in or some picks I do not care I genuinely think Caruso is a player you need for the playoffs and someone that

Is going to succeed for you when it matters most now finally I want to talk about Chris Middleton for a second and shout out to H genius cuz that’s his quote unquote Pooky Bear real talk though Chris Middleton has had an interesting bounceback here I would say

Over this past 5 to 10 stretch of games he’s definitely gotten back to Old Chris Middleton we all in love I’m not expecting Chris Middleton to be the second option of this team because obviously they have Damon Yannis and kind of like with Bradley Beal for example on the Suns he’s obviously their

Third option I think Chris Middleton is one of the best third options you can have in the NBA of course the stats aren’t going to show show up when you look in the game I do expect Chris Middleton to still come up clutch like

He has in the past I mean there is a reason why Milwaukee currently has the best offense in the NBA and Middleton is a key reason to that we know Giannis is good we know Dam’s good we know Brook Lopez can sometimes provide on the offensive side even though I’d say Brook

Lopez’s value is more on the defense but having Middleton come back to his prime I’d say is very important for this team to succeed I mean there are very few holes in this team and I talked about it you know not even a minute ago but I

Think getting a player like Alex Caruso or even another Wing would really help out this team and I know I haven’t necessarily talked about their defense but their defense has also been pretty good this year and again guys like Giannis and Brook Lopez are destroying the paint I do think their

Perimeter defense could use a little bit of work which again is a reason why you get Alex kuso now I’ve thought about this for a while and I think there’s one more thing that Milwaukee could do to improve their lineup and that’s playing the nasis more no okay okay all troll

aside I think Milwaukee’s in a great position right now I mean seriously if you waited 5 to 10 games to judge a team and then you didn’t even want to have a little bit of patience I feel like there’s a lesson to be learned don’t judge teams to start off the year

Wait 20 to 30 games that’s when you’ll finally find out about the real teams in the NBA like Orlando remember when people thought they were a fraulin team well they’re still a playoff team and speaking of teams that have been interesting in the standings is the Phoenix Suns and last year I actually

Made a video about the Suns it was like 2 weeks ago but if you guys want to check it out the video is going to be on the screen right here

Why The Bucks Are The Best Team in The NBA

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  2. lol @ Milwaukee having better talent than Boston. Bro have u ever tried breathing through ur nose? U sound like ur congested.

  3. I totally agree with you as a bucks 🦌 fan everything on the offensive side of the basketball is great its just our perimeter defense it terrible. Come play off time if we get alex curso we can at least hide dame’s defense.

  4. with dame being my favourite player all time, and the bucks being my favourite team all time i love how the team is right now. they definitely have a chance to win this year

  5. Milwaukee will not trade Bobby! It would have to be jae Crowder & late picks. Milwaukee has Pat, Payne, marjon & Bobby coming off the bench. I think Milwaukee good as they are & don't need Caruso 🤷🏽‍♂️

  6. Best team f@king trashhhhhhh..send LILLARD buck 🏡 he is so f@king overrated 😢😢😢😢😢 And i am bucks fan

  7. The bucks bench was stale tonight. Looks like the pacers took the dub. The bucks starting 5 is too overpowering. They need to have a court genrel for the bench man and I feel like that was why they lost to the pacers tonight

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