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Steve Kerr says the Warriors ‘haven’t found their grit!’ What’s wrong in Golden State? | NBA Today

Steve Kerr says the Warriors ‘haven’t found their grit!’ What’s wrong in Golden State? | NBA Today

Let’s check in on the Golden State Warriors because they are going streaking but it’s not in the good fun way golden state has lost three straight games they take on the magic at home tonight A team which beat them three straight times so let’s take a listen to

Steve cerr Steph Curry on the current state of the Warriors we haven’t found um that uh that grit that every team needs every good team needs we’re not there yet and and that’s a problem until this team really connects in a in a way that is solely dedicated to winning each and

Every game then we’re going to be stuck in this in this place we’ve experimented a lot some for you know forc reasons some for searching for an identity we haven’t found it collectively so it’s frustrating for sure you know 32 games in so we have to get to that point before it’s too

Late so the Warriors have been in the middle of the pack both offensively and defense offensively this season they’ve been streaky to multiple five game win streaks balanced out by six game losing streaks and then a pair of three game losing streaks here and it kind of feels

Like Fool’s Gold Zack because at the beginning of the Season we’re all like okay I don’t really know what we like about this roster what we don’t like about this roster how does Chris Paul fit what do this going to look like but then Steph gets off to the start and

It’s like oh my gosh okay maybe actually we’re going to believe then Draymond Draymond then Steph comes back to Earth a little bit and now they have all of these issues so when you look at Golden State do you think that the clock is running out on this team figuring it out

For the season what a far cry those comments Steve cerr just made about we got to get connected we got to find our identity from when they were six and2 and they won a crunch time game against I can’t remember who he said this is who we are

Remember this team we win every close game we Wi on the road we’re back the Warriors are back and they’ve just lost the plot almost exactly since that moment and when you talk about sort of connectiveness and and that I think to me comes through on defense and since Draymond Green

Suspension their offense has been fine their defense has been bottom 10 and it’s hard to build that grit and the connectedness and that identity when you can’t decide who to play and when to play them and I’m not saying that Steve Kerr’s fault it’s just the lineup changes all the time the rotation

Changes all the time and it feels like this team is just in such a state of flux all around the roster that it’s going to be an uphill battle to find it itself and write itself again before it’s too late just getting into the top

10 and the top six in the west is really really hard and the turnaround has to start now the the battery died on that clock a year and a half ago and I keep telling y’all this look let me explain something the Jackson Five that group broke up The

Five Heartbeats broke up The Temptations broke up H Destiny Childs even broke up so at the end of the day I don’t know why we so like w to keep this team together it’s time for a change of scenery it’s time for new bodies in Golden State want gold state though Klay

Thompson I I’m just saying it’s time for Klay Thompson to get a change of scener it’s time for Andrew Wiggins to get a change of scener like Steve cerr is all over the place jack Zach just talked about it one minute oh yeah we found it

Here it goes I’m gonna yeah but no they haven’t found it and here’s the here’s the reality to it they might make the play in tournament and if they do happen to get in the playoffs there’ll be a a first round exit this team is dysfunctional and it’s okay that we just

Have to accept the fact that it’s time to just break it up the experiment has blown up the question of like that that that people would accept that it’s just for who Chan what what are they lacking I think the difficulty is for the Golden State Warriors breaking it up would be a

Very personal decision and that’s something that they would take so seriously but honestly what I take personally is you mentioned in Destiny’s Child because Beyonce went solo Steph Curry can’t go solo we play team sports but when I think about the Golden State Warriors the magic is that they have

Made us all believers they are a team full of underdogs that overachieve but it feels like they’ve squeezed all of the juice out of that magic with the exception of Step so what do you do and when I think about this big picture I think about the the last Dynasty that we

May have had the Spurs right something similar a team that was great sustainably in the west what did the Spurs do they got a Kawai right right and kawhai became the guy that was young that infused them with ability I don’t see the Warriors getting something like

That at this point and that’s it’s like what is the blueprint for this but does Steph have to ask for the change you know what I mean like and saying oh things need to change when you want to see something change but no one said well what is that and that’s the thing

That I’m struggling with is it Pascal seak is it what is it for Golden State that’s it right there it would have to come from stuff and that’s the tough part of all that I look like [Applause] [Applause] IND

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Kendrick Perkins, Zach Lowe and Chiney Ogwumike join me on NBA Today to discuss the Golden State Warriors’ 5-game slide, Steve Kerr and Steph Curry’s press conferences and how they could turn it around.


  1. Filled with guards and small forwards. Too small. GS needs a real good player, rim protector, bruiser, rebounder, 7 footer at the 5 and slide TJD at PF.

  2. With the exception of Klay Thompson's expiring contract this team we'll have some flexibility this summer. I feel bad for Chris Paul he didn't ask to go to the Golden State Warriors he doesn't fit this team and what they're trying to do because he doesn't have enough players to pass the ball to that are going to make shots the Golden State Warriors have a couple of good players they can develop I think more along the Lakers Austin Reeves kind of deal where they can end up being a decent player like that. Outside of that they have no size they are probably the worst team in California they cannot beat the Clippers who are the Lakers in a series. They need to start building for the future get some younger good players Steph Curry still has a few good years leftt the kind of money the Warriors have they need to make a decision about Klay Thompson and let him go and for the kind of money he's asking for the Warriors can get a couple of really good players so it's time to make some tough decisions

  3. Your problem=
    if a player is missing shots, quickly replace with players you have sitting on the bench quickly?
    Try best defensive players/shot maker sitting in front of you.

    ADVISE:try not to discourage players who are trying hard with other players not putting 100% in: strong defense, rebounding and second chance rebounding. (Season is getting shorter?)

  4. Unpopular opinion (but probably true): Just wait out the Draymond suspension and they'll be a decent team again.

    Steph couldn't make the playoffs before Draymond showed up in 2012…at this age, he probably can't make the playoffs without him. They're the best example of how in team sports, you can have a situation where the sum is greater than all of its parts. They're Hall of Famers with each other and Steph is barely leading a 0.500 team without him. Whether it's defense, locker room, or even offense, Draymond fills out where Steph leaves off. Iguodala did the same thing.

  5. They’re small. If you look at all the championships, their teams were bigger in support of the shooters. Led the league in defense and offense. The defense and rebounding is gone, everyone knows that, and no amount of good shooting is enough to overcome that.

  6. The warriors are obviously trying to figure out who to keep and who to trade. They are building the team for the next 5-10 years also. Kerr is playing the young guys to see who they will keep.

  7. The question is what is their (Klay, Wiggins, Green) trade value and who will the Warriors get back. It seems like a fire sale and potentially draft picks will need to be included as a package to send them off (similar to Jordan Poole's deal). At the end as a fan, I would like to see them all together but come off the bench.

  8. I find it hilarious that Perk can say it’s over for the Warriors but he here everyday for three years talking about a .500 Lakers team can be in the finals smh. I’m not saying he’s wrong about the Warriors but you can’t have that logic and not apply it with the Lakers as well bc neither team is a real contender. You all should be giving more takes and segments on better and/or younger teams like Thunder , Nuggets, Kings, Magic, Twolves, Mavs , Clippers, and Bucks but instead it’s always Lakers, Knicks and Warriors when not a damn one of them is realistic title contender yet they are talked about every damn day on ESPN lol.

  9. What's wrong in Golden State? …Actually, nothing! 
    #30 changed the game's geometry;. …Kerr's evolving the player rotation from 8 to 10-12!

  10. Perk and it’s OKAY that the you averaged 3 points per game for your entire life career!

  11. The only person who is at fault here is Kerr himself.

    This dumbaas has benched the wrong players and played the wrong ones and at the wrong time. He is the only reason they are struggling, not the players. I see the players trying to do their best every game.

    I find myself screaming at him at every game, even when we win, because he is always making the wrong calls. Once he got sick in 2016 and Luke Wilson took over, Luke broke the NBA record for most wins. The Warriors haven't been a championship team because of him, they have been in spite of him.

  12. Klay Thompson is single and use to look like a marine. Now, he looks like he could be a pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean.

  13. You know what is wrong? When Brown left the warriors there is no more brain in the bench. Kerr is just letting go everything. Play what you want never mind if we win or lose. And besides Thompson really sucks.

  14. Grit? You mean having good solid bigs who rebound and having big guards who can defend? Thats grit Stevie!! 😅 you can Dun havent gotten the message

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