@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry Recaps Warriors Win vs Magic | Jan, 2, 2024

Stephen Curry Recaps Warriors Win vs Magic | Jan, 2, 2024

You guys came back from uh from Denver and figuring you know seven game home stand and know there was a sense that okay now is the time to sort of get some momentum going lose the first two how important was it to come out tonight and and take this thing

Uh every game is important for us during this stretch and to show a little resiliency after the last two games we’ve had Orlando’s been playing great they’re very physical and uh has been kind of our weakness you know trying not to foul and give up offensive rebounds and all those things

And after the first quarter we we dug in and executed and just you know play with a great competitive spirit and we needed it bad so uh definitely a great win it’s always nice to kind of you know settle the the storm a little bit

And you know get back on the right track now you got to like we always say you got to do something about it to kind of back it up so we gave ourselves a good opportunity to do that playing against Denver on Thursday looked like there

Were a couple of um segments in the game when you really kind of mostly on ball just decided you okay you’re going to do what it needs to be done was there a certain mindset that you Carri through that that pors of the game it’s always about just taking what

The defense gives you know when you can be aggressive uh I think from really the start of the game I kind of saw the pictures really well on you know where help side was going to be and when I had the ball mostly the top of the key being able to get downhill

Into the paint um and then kind of soften the defense up we got the ball moving a couple of times where I got some you know open Catch and shoot looks and once we stopped fouling we got the tempo where we wanted you know playing in transition and that always helps

Us you know kind of create good momentum so I thrive in those type of you know situations uh Steph speaking of momentum how much is it going to affect you guys maybe gp2 is out for any length of time he left the hamstring Strand and don’t know his status of

Course I feel I want to just feel bad for him because you know ever since last year he’s been working really hard to get his body where it needs to be to play the way that he wants to play and impact the game the way that he

Can and you know it’s just unfortunate these injuries pop up that you know take his availability away so just just thinking about him in the you know rehab process I don’t know the details of where he’s at but hopefully he gets back soon and can just play for a sustained amount

Of time to really show how he impacts our team on both ends of the floor you saw it tonight just an energy boost and you know he changed the game for us so I know he loves to be out there I just feel bad for him Steph you

Mentioned getting into the paint how conscious and crucial was it um you missed your first few threes but then you had three or four nice twos in a row kind of mid range and it seemed like that kind of sprung you and the team yeah again it’s just taking what

The defense gives you like it’s very rare when I have more twoo shots and three-point shots so uh that’s just kind of getting settle in not forcing stuff and uh I think the last Maybe three games there’s been times where I pressed a little bit and that’s why I said I

Need to play better in those stretches where even if it’s not me getting the shot just making the right decisions um obviously I didn’t shoot the ball great when I did have decent looks but uh again just keeping things simple and it was nice

To get a little bit of flow and get a little bit momentum on our side and then we capitalized on in the second half too so you know everything kind of worked in our favor that way what do you think the new starting lineup and really kind of just more the whole reconfigured

Rotation this time around I know we’re going to keep experimenting because there hasn’t been one look that’s worked consistently and that’s just the situation we’ve been in all year uh it was not pretty for the first three minutes tonight but then we responded pretty well I know there was a

Couple Subs that came in but you know we responded well to win that first quarter which is huge we haven’t won many first quarters over the course of the you know first 30 whatever games so it’s on us to play better to play more physical stop fouling giving

Up offensive rebounds the simple things that even if you’re outmatched sizewise like you can play physical and do something about it we had a really soft start tonight so the E the the challenge is to stay locked in no matter what rotate or what uh you know fiveman kind of rotation

Is coach puts out there we’re all going to get an opportunity and until we truly find an identity of what works that’s the challenge for our team right now what uh what’s your swing of emotions at the end of the first half when you get

You know you get the n13 but then you you guys obviously give up the the I gave up that you can put that on me fair I definitely did that um um I mean that’s the simple things that we haven’t done well to execute and honestly those could be you

Know kind of Swing possessions that change the the momentum coach mckillop used to call it you know Big Mo going into halftime and that was it was a tough break that I I lost Gary in transition not knowing how much time you know was left thankfully we responded

And didn’t affect us in the second half but those are the things from a focus and execution standpoint that I got to get better at we all got to get better at if we’re going to take that next you know leap as a team Steph what do you uh what are your

Thoughts on Bon Caroll and uh is he starting to become one of the notable players in the league I mean he’s been playing great all year um I think he’s evolved to he just seems like he’s playing way more patient know he can get a he’s such a physical player uh him

And France Vagner like they try to get they can pretty much get wherever they want it’s just a matter of you know them you know making or missing just cuz they’re you know that physical and you know skilled with the ball but they’re both they’ve both taken a leap and

That’s reflected in their record and um yeah two young guys are starting to Fig figure it out and they’re they’re tough you got to it’s not really going to be a one-on-one type situation you got to have all five guys ready to to defend um because they’re kind of

Becoming game changers on that front so they got a good thing going for some young guys that are you know running a team

Stephen Curry meets with the media after a 121-115 win for Golden State Warriors vs Orlando Magic


  1. ๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿ˜Š

  2. The team and coach suck this year but as long as there is steph curry, I'll keep getting up at 4 am in europe to watch the dubs..He's the GOAT

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