@Golden State Warriors

Warriors/Magic Postgame, Steph, klay, CP, Podziemski, Kuminga, Coach Kerr Reactions | Jan 2, 2024

Warriors/Magic Postgame, Steph, klay, CP, Podziemski, Kuminga, Coach Kerr Reactions | Jan 2, 2024

There’s a a hamstring strain on Gary but does he need any more imaging or any more information I don’t know anything yeah how big of a even with no further information just how big of a blow and disappointing is it for him personally to just come back yeah I feel bad for

Him more than anything um you know feel bad for us too but mainly for him he’s been out whatever it is four or five weeks um he worked hard hard to get back to this point um he makes such a big impact for us so fingers crossed that

That he’s not out for too long I think maybe Steph got out of the slump tonight a little bit what do you think about his performance tonight Steph was amazing but Steph is always amazing you know even when he doesn’t score 36 points he just the um the

Attention he draws defensively what he does um to an opposing defense the way he opens up the floor um he’s a remarkable player and uh you know really really got himself going on a night when we when we needed it looked like there were a couple turning points

In the game one second quarter and then later in in the third quarter I think what did you what did you see happening during those key moments well we started rebounding in the second half they had 13 offensive boards in the first half and only three in the second half so I

Thought our our work on the glass was much better um I think uh for the most part we we defended um you know without fouling um so the game could flow for us and we we took care of the ball you know only 12 uh 12 turnovers for us um and I

Thought a lot of guys came in and played really well you know um Lon was fantastic um plus 10 and obviously closed closed the game uh he’s so good defensively and um just I thought you know wigs Brandon our our bench came in really did a good job what you think of

Kaminga um overall especially you know guarding some of their big bger Wings yeah I thought JK had a had a a nice game you know he played uh played hard he he he wasn’t uh into the ball enough in the first half and vogner was kind of getting downhill and thought his defense

Picked up and was better in the second half and then you know JK gives us um those buckets around the hoop those are big for us we we don’t score easily around the basket all the time and so when he can uh you know get get to the

Hoop get to the foul line get us easy easy bucket um it’s really important for us so I thought he played a really good game Steph uh wasn’t shooting well from a three most of the first half I think the first one he made was that one at

The end but it seemed like he consciously found his way to get 15-footers 12 Footers to get going how how sort of important and underrated a part of his game is that because he could have just kept shooting threes figuring they’d go in at some point well

He’s you know he’s the greatest shooter of all time for a reason he can shoot any shot um from from anywhere I I always look at guys with um who who are good mid-range Shooters and also good three-point Shooters those are the best Shooters in the world they’re the ones

Who you know they have that radar that that can you know translate whether it’s a 17f footer a 13-footer a 28-footer those are the guys with the best hand ey of the best touch and um this is a huge team Orlando and you’re not going to get

To the rim and finish and so Steph new coming into the game just looking at the tape that uh he was going to have to pull up and make make some mid-rangers and he did a great job of that what did you think of how clayed especially being

In foul trouble in the second half yeah I mean after the foul trouble I think he only played nine minutes in the first half um and um I thought he was excellent in the second half um did a good job guarding banero which is a you know really tough matchup for anybody

And then I thought the key play of the game was Clay’s save from underneath uh our basket um looked like the ball was going out of bounds I think Trace came over and blocked the shot looked like it was going to go out of bounds and he

Saved it we got a bucket at the other end and and I I thought that was the biggest play of the game you guys talked about maybe getting some momentum started with his home stand you lose the first couple games here um what do you

Want to take from this game to try and get some momentum at this point and I just want the guys to uh to to breathe a little bit and you know when you lose a few and you know everyone’s anxious um you press a little bit um I just want

Them to uh to play um with urgency but um no anxiety you know we got to settle in and and just be able to rely on execution all the little details we talk about um but at the same time be loose and and confident and free and so we

Need to um take that next step but tonight was a really uh good win against a really good team and U very proud of the guys you guys gave up that corner or three to close the first half um and yeah kind of a similar bucket to end the

Third quarter are those when you talk about like the little details are that is that the type of possession small stuff you really feel like you need to clean up still yeah yeah I mean those are um those are key plays um we got a tough break at the end of the third

Quarter Dario had a little jump hook that went in and out and then um uh Vagner made a great play in transition but the one at the end of the half Steph knew he came too far off of uh Gary Harris and um you know he needs to stay

With him in the corner and you know Gary had Vagner at half court and got to make Vagner try to score you know get through Gary to score and not not give them a wide open shot so you know there’s a few plays here and there like that but um

The thing I like tonight we just competed everybody was um connected and together and pulling for each other the bench was great um that’s that’s what it’s got to feel like you kind of addressed this earlier but um how important was this that I mean it’s only three straight losses but

It felt like things were going the wrong direction they were they were so we needed to uh to write the ship so um like I said good win and um now we got to back it up and go get another one thanks you guys you know Chris when this uh when

You guys came on after losing to Denver there you know there was a sense that okay you have seven games in a row at home maybe a good chance to kind of catch yourselves and get some momentum going then you lose the first two how

Big was it to try and make sure that this didn’t happen tonight another loss um was huge you know uh we’ve been struggling to get wins um and it’s it’s hard to win in this league you know what I mean that team’s a young team well coached uh they’ve been playing hard all

Season long so this was a good win for us you’ve made 13 threes the last four games um shooting them a bit more too I mean are are the looks are you being actively want you know trying to shoot it more or is it just more looks or presenting themselves probably more

Looks last game they was helping off and I was open tonight think all well most of them was the shot clock you know what I mean so uh just trying to to find a the opportunities to to be a scorer too how much better does the shot feel than

Maybe a few weeks ago it ain’t never felt bad yeah I’ve been a shooter my whole life you know what I mean so if it don’t go in you know still you know you got to keep shooting is there any body language or looking step’s eyes you see when he sort

Of moves into another level it seemed like at times tonight he was even more determined than usual or just locked in I guess no uh he pretty he played the same way you know what I mean but obviously getting them get look good looks or whatnot and the energy of the

Team changes when we get stopped and you’re able to get out and transition and when shots go in you know especially for a shooter or something like that and a scorer like Steph you know once you make a couple now you know it’s trouble cuz now you’re going to try to jam him

Up and he’s going to drive or whatnot just keep making the right play uh you guys have talked about issues uh defensively connecting defensively did you see any progress on that front today um a little bit here and there still in spurts but we still got to be better uh

Rebounding you know still get even more connected defensively we like you said like we said we have good spurts you know but we got to put put a full game together gp2 left this game with a hamstring injury and about that just his the way that injuries hit him it seems

Like kind of Relentless he can’t get any momentum unfortunately and it’s random what do you think about you know you know getting knocked back by these injuries it’s it’s tough man I got I got to go down there and check on G cuz uh he’s such a big part of our team you

Know um people may not realize it but his energy is consistent every day every practice every game or whatnot so him coming back to our team uh has been huge for us so uh I hope what it is isn’t isn’t something that’s going to take a

Long time or whatnot but I think for him it’s going to be about uh just getting as healthy as possible you know how injuries can be extremely frustrating and come at all the wrong times there never a good time for an injury obviously what kind of advice do

You have for him like weathering these ups and downs when he can’t get momentum um advice um I don’t I mean he he know nobody’s going to feel sorry for you you know what I mean you just got to take your time and and uh put yourself

First but he’s a competitor I know how bad he wants to play and how hard he’s been working to get back out there so uh we’ll see what happen but but that that’s unfortunate for for a guy like GP who works as hard as he does

Else uh clay just uh maybe sound’s kind of obvious but how much needed how much how much needed was this win tonight for you guys uh yeah I needed that we needed that bad cuz the last two games were just or three at where was it three game losing

Streak yeah that wasn’t fun so that was a really important win for us what did you what did you kind of like about how you guys won this game um I liked that Steph bailis out there when we were up 40 hit that step back that was

Ridiculous and uh I like that there was balanced scoring effort I mean seeing all five starters in double digits is always a good sign and um I also like the shots we took we shot a very efficient percentage so our defense we stuck to the game plan very

Well and those are the things I liked you uh you you dunked uh for how’d that feel that felt amazing I will never take for granted dunking a basketball period doesn’t even have to be in the NBA it could just be in the driveway uh so that felt really

Good felt really good can’t relate Raymond how many times have you dun since you’ve been back man shoot I have a few I don’t dunk with as much frequency as I used to but there’s just things you have to accept as an athlete and uh sometimes as time goes on

You might not have the same bounce he wants to did but you just got to learn how to still be an effective player and I’m still uh doing that and uh yeah I felt great I’ve had I’ve had a fair share of dunk so I remember dunking on

Two people when I came back so I I counted for something yeah uh when you guys came back from Denver I know there’s a lot of talk about okay we’re home now let’s try and straighten ourselves out then you lose the first two so yeah to get this win obviously is

Huge you think it can be sort of a m momentum kickart for you guys absolutely we’re very much looking forward to the Denver game they’ve had our number the last two outings so it’s going to be nice to see a great team and try and change that

Outcome and I know we’re all eager to get to that game and build a win streak here how frustrating is it just to see Gary go down again with that hamstring um and have you gotten a chance to uh chat with him in the training training

Room I haven’t spoken to him yet but it’s very frustrating because we know how much Gary means to this team and how great of a player he really is he’s a champ and he was a very important part of that team and still is and uh he just

Relieved so much pressure from us as far as guarding he’s such a great on ball Defender and finisher at The Rim I’m going to miss him but we want him to be healthy when it matters most Steve kind of had a long quote last game post game

Just about uh it was like the collective grid of the team but everyone kind of needing to to to row in One Direction you know how do you feel this team’s kind of chemistry is in general Vibe and you know as you guys kind of weighed through this at 16 and

17 I think we have great potential and I think we’re going to hit another level um we’ve had different lineups but I know we have the ability to get to another place of being really good so so it’s just about staying the course and having the right mindset going into

Each game and uh I’m excited I mean I’m excited for this home stand I’m excited I played better tonight and I look forward to building on it you mentioned playing better what was the difference tonight I know in your last game against uh Dallas I think it

Was one of 11 from the field tonight not very good much better uh what how do you think why the difference tonight versus the last game I think just being patient not get two down on myself when I got three early fouls and just uh staying patient throughout the game I

Think I only had two shot attempts in the first half so uh the ball’s eventually going to find me and um just look forward to playing with that confidence for the rest of the season and realizing that I can be a threat uh just pulling other Defenders away

And making shots obviously but getting Guys open and making great plays what’s foul trouble like for you seems pretty rare in your career when you kind of sink it into some foul yeah it’s uh just some boneheaded plays by myself and uh can’t be doing that to myself I want

To have a good night out there so uh yeah I mean that was very uncharacteristic of me Steve was saying before the game that you’re a perfectionist um and that as that sometimes you get down on yourself when you’re not as good as you want to

Be how do you find that balance between understanding that perfect Perfection is not really reasonable and at the same time staying positive about what you can do even when things are going bad um well Steve and I had actually a great conversation yesterday and uh that helped me relax a lot sometimes I

Forget just how successful and how lucky I’ve been to be a part of championship teams and Allstar Gam games and gold medals and when you want to get back to that level so badly you can kind of get in your own way and rather than forcing it we had a conversation about just

Enjoying this last chapter of my career and how lucky I truly am to still be playing this game and doing it at a high level and being a better Mentor for these young guys Lean by example and having my energy right every game and he helped me realize when I do

Have negative energy how that affects the team in a poor manner so we had a great conversation that just helped me change my whole mindset and forget about shooting splits or points per game or Allstar games and just to enjoy being in this Warriors uniform and appreciate what we built

Because it’s such a rare opportunity for any professional athlete to be a part of so much success and to try and pass that towards the younger guys and keep this thing going nice there you go problem look at that sorry bro you guys came back from uh from

Denver and figuring you know seven game home stand and I know there was a sense that okay now it’s the time to sort of get some momentum going lose the first two how important was it to come out tonight and and take this thing uh every game is important for us

During this stretch and the show a little resiliency after the last two games we’ve had Orlando’s been playing great they’re very physical and uh has been kind of our weakness you know trying out to foul and give up offensive rebounds and all those things and after the first quarter we we dug in

And executed and just you know played with a great competitive spirit and we needed it bad so uh definitely a great win it’s always nice to kind of you know settle the the storm a little bit and you know get back on the right track

Now you got to like we always say you got to do something about it to kind of back it up so we gave ourselves a good opportunity to do that playing against Denver on Thursday looked like there were a couple of U segments in the game

When you really kind of mostly on ball just decided you go okay you’re going to do what it needs to be done was there a certain mindset that you carried through that that PS of the game it’s always about just taking what the defense gives you knowing when you can be

Aggressive uh I think from really the start of the game I kind of saw the pictures really well on you know where help side was going to be and when I had the ball mostly at the top of the key being able to get downhill into the

Paint um and then kind of soften the defense up we got the ball moving a couple times where I got some you know open Catch and shoot looks and once we stopped fouling we got the the tempo where we wanted you know playing in transition and that always helps

Us you know kind of create good momentum so I thrive in those type of you know situations uh Steph speaking of momentum how much is it going to affect you guys maybe if gp2 is out for any length of time he left the hamstring straand and don’t know his status of course

I feel I want to just feel bad for him because you know ever since last year he’s been working really hard to get his body and where it needs to be to play the way that he wants to play and impact the game the way that he

Can and you know it’s just unfortunate these injuries pop up that you know take his availability away so you just think about him and the you know rehab process I don’t know the details of where he’s at but hopefully he gets back soon and can just play for a sustained amount

Of time to really show how he impacts our team on both ends of the floor you saw it tonight just an energy boost and you know he changed the game for us so I know he loves to be out there I just feel bad for him Steph you

Mentioned getting into the paint how conscious and crucial was it um you missed your first few threes but then you had three or four nice twos in a row kind of mid-range and it seemed like that kind of sprung you and the team yeah again it’s just taking what the defense gives you

Like it’s very rare when I have more twoo shots and three-point shots so um that’s just kind of getting settle in not forcing stuff and uh I think the last maybe three games there’s been times where I pressed a little bit and that’s why I said I

Need to play better in those stretches is where even if it’s not me getting the shot just making the right decisions um obviously I didn’t shoot the ball great when I did have decent looks but uh again just keeping things simple and it was nice

To get a little bit of flow and get a little momentum on our side and then we capitalized on in the second half too so you know everything kind of worked in our favor that way what do you think of the new starting lineup and really kind of just more the whole reconfigured

Rotation this time around no we’re going to keep experimenting cuz there hasn’t been one look that’s worked consistently and that’s just the situation we’ve been in all year uh it was not pretty for the first three minutes tonight but then we responded pretty well I know there was a

Couple Subs that came in but you know we responded well to win that first quarter which is huge we haven’t won many first quarters over the course of the you know first 30 whatever game game so it’s on us to play better to play more physical stop fouling give

It up offensive rebounds the simple things that even if you’re outmatched sizewise like you can play physical and do something about it we had a really soft start tonight so the E the the challenge is to stay locked in no matter what rotate or what uh you know fivan kind of rotation is

Coach puts out there we’re all going to get an opportunity and until we truly find an identity of what works that’s the challenge for our team right now what uh what’s your swing of emotions at the end of the first half when you get you know you get the n13 but then you

You guys obviously go up the the I gave up that you can put that on me fair I definitely did that um I mean that’s the simple things that we haven’t done well to execute and honestly those could be you know kind of Swing possessions that change the the momentum coach mckb used

To call it you you know Big Mo going into halftime and that was it was a tough break that I I lost Gary in transition not knowing how much time you know was left thankfully we responded and didn’t affect us in the second half but those are the things from a focus

And execution standpoint that I got to get better at with we all got to get better at if we’re going to take that next you know leap as a team uh Steph what do you uh what are your thoughts on Bon Carol and uh is he starting to become one of the notable

Players in the league I mean he’s been playing great all year um I think he’s evolved to he just seems like he’s playing way more patient KN he can get us he’s such a physical player uh him and France vogner like they try to get they can pretty much get wherever they

Want it’s just a matter of you know you know making or missing just cuz they’re you know that physical and you know skilled with the ball but they’re both they’ve both taken a leap and that’s reflected in their record and uh yeah two young guys are starting to

Figure it out and they’re they’re tough you got to it’s not really going to be a one-on-one type situation you got to have all Five Guys ready to to defend um because they’re kind of becoming game changers on that front so they got a good thing going for some young guys

That are you know running a Team at times it wasn’t pretty but a win is a win and boy did the Warriors did it after they losing three straight games including two in a row at Chas Center they beat the young and upper coming Magic by six there with a curry flurry

He led all scorers with 36 points his 14th 30-point game of the season Klay Thompson with the big second half scoring 15 and the Warriors again get a much needed Victory before welcoming in to defending NBA champs on Thursday here to chase Center we welcome everybody at

Toyota Warriors post game live with the NBA chat v a i Am Bon Hill Steph clay they showed up and then Jon to kaminga who scored a double figures for the 13th straight game he played well tonight JK welcome to Toyota Warriors Plus game live Fest this is Bon Hill and you

Continue to play better and better and better the more starts you get can you explain how the game is slowing down for you JK this season I mean it’s pretty much about ribs uh everyday ribs film practice and stuff like that uh and just having that

Tres from uh coach care that’s what kind of helping me to just keep going JK what’s it like starting right now on this team as you guys are trying to get your rotation it seems like you’re starting to find your rhythm with the starting unit I could to hurry can you

Repeat that please what’s it like to get your rhythm with that starting unit it seems like you’re starting to find your your your rhythm with Stephen Clay in that starting unit 19 points in that that was huge man it’s just knowing what you playing of uh you know we got St we

Got clay everybody in this league are afraid of of those two people so just knowing how to play with them just open a lot of things well Jonathan you had nine rebounds Saturday night against Dallas tonight you had another six rebounds are you put more of the emphasis on crashing

The glass especially with you start as opposed to scoring I mean definitely as you see uh they’re starting a couple guards like three guards uh I’m the only one out there like a big man me and Lon or even Trey so I know for sure the rest of the

Guys won’t be in there fighting every time so that’s why that’s my role just going going out there putting pressure uh hopefully I get some rebounds okay JK I know when you go against other guys in your draft class you have a little chip on your shoulder going against France

Wagner tonight what was that what was that matchup like for you I mean like I said it’s just uh it was a good match up uh I Manan we both got drafted same year uh just one draft that part I mean and we all is going to see each other for a

Long time in this league so just going out there bumpy against other even Paulo I mean Paulo was my in my class in high school uh just those guys see know guys it’s a blessing for me to just be a part of this journey and competing against

Them you got the upper hand tonight Jonathan 19.6 rebounds four assists and a much needed win keep up the great work 13 straight games and which you scored at least 10 points JK thanks for the time yes sir thank you Brandon thanks for Ming your time

Last game Steve K said this team needed to show more togetherness more grit how did you do in those departments tonight I think we did a better job uh in those areas uh they killed us on the glass in the first half and um came together and

Second half I think they had three offensive rebounds um we limited to fouling in the second half and um made them make tough shots and came out with the w how do you guys put that effort into rebounding you’re one of the shortest teams in the league but we

Number one in the league in rebounding tied with the Celtics there that’s all effort yeah it’s all effort just understanding um you know long rebounds oft times mean long misses or long shots it was long misses so um for me at least I try to go every play and you know

Leave the team rebounding and I think when other people see see me or someone else go they they try to follow suit and I think their training camp coaches made a big emphasis on everybody crashing and it helps our transition defense out um because they got to put a body on

Everybody so um it’s been a big emphasis for everybody uh through training camp and I think it’s you know showing through the first couple months of the Season you made your mark tonight playing 28 minutes you make your mark on the glass you make your mark on the

Scoreboard but I want to ask you about the whole rookie experience cuz it’s not just on the court you know this is 82 games how are you doing the whole the whole experience of being an NBA rookie yeah I love it um it’s been good to me

So far um you know some days I think about like homework in school but then you know I got to look and I don’t have it um but it’s been good for me um really good vets around me uh to help me get through whatever I may need um on

The court end the court um but yeah it’s been great how much do you go to the vets looking for advice or how much you know do they keep it natural and maybe it just flows they have a little piece of advice here and there but what’s that

Two-way street like yeah it’s a little bit of both um I think um you know through hanging out with them on the road doing things with them on the road they they share little tidbits of of advice and sometimes it’s like a question I just want to know and I’ll

Just ask them and they’ve been really good to me and Trace about you know telling us things that that’ll be beneficial official to us what kind of rookie tasks have you had to do not much and I’m super thankful and I hope it stays that way in 2024 um but we’ve had

To get like food for them and carry some bags I carry uh Clay’s chessboard um draymond’s Domino’s um just little things like that um but they haven’t done anything like over to top or anything like that have you played uh chess with Clay yet I have never um I’ve

Never played chess um I play checkers though okay yeah Now’s the Time for chess yeah learn yeah yeah I’m going learn good thanks congratulations on starting the new year with the win thank you appreciate it well Trace thanks for a moment of your time as some of the guys went into

The locker room they said New Year getting that dubby to start things off and I know it’s just one game but what does it mean to start the right way um it’s great um obviously we’re on a little skid so um just getting back in the wind column and um just continuing

And um just building off of this is the main thing for us how was it for you being back in the starting lineup as well um it’s good um I like that coach Kerr put a lot of trust in me um but at the end of the day day and just got to

Keep doing what I’m doing and playing hard on the floor when you’re watching the closing lineup what do you think about Jonathan kaminga in there what do you think about his game tonight JK played great his athleticism is off the charts and um he really attacks the rim

Hard rebounds hard and um he’s a great asset to our team and I love playing with him why do you love playing with him uh just because he brings energy and I feel like I bring energy as well and so and I think that’s contagious and

Then Steph Curry I mean I’m going to ask these guys all the time what words do you have for Steph Curry but as a rookie when you see him and person when you see him putting jayen sugs in Hell tonight when he’s beating his Defender off the dribble and creating for himself what’s

It like witnessing that uh it’s just unreal that’s the word that I would use unreal and legendary um the things that he does on a court it’s like it’s absolutely ridiculous and just loss of wordss for what he does and um I’m glad he’s on our team there he goes all right

So you start the new year with the win how did you celebrate this New Year okay you had the night off day off what did you guys do to celebrate um what I did I was just at home chilling with my family they all came in to town so just chilled

With them it was good yeah any good meals uh of course like what come on um my mom makes casseroll stuff of that nature we had a pot roast so it was good there you go good well congratulations on the w and your role in it thank you thank you

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  1. That Flagrant 1 foul missed on Steph in last 7 seconds, after they called that cheap one on JK, is infuriating.

  2. Steph being called for a flopping call couple weeks ago, but never EVER getting the Superstar whistle he deserves, is so ridiculous!

    It's all so backwards and it's really infuriating. ๐Ÿ˜ค๐Ÿ˜ค

  3. I want two more titles now, FOR STEPH, BECAUSE it's Steph. ๐ŸŽ‰โค

    Hope it happens. ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿฅณ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  4. If that was draymond auto flagrant 2.. clearly a hook on the face.. no foul call SMH refs be stressing ppl..especially us watching on TV.. we see every thing hmm ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜…

  5. Wiggins always get me mad that he canโ€™t get an easy bucket with his weak ass layup. Even his under the rim dunk is pretty bad but JK can finish

  6. Klay's answer to his last question is going to turn the season around. As long as he can keep remembering that conversation. Let's go!

  7. The reality is the GSW team that won the last NBA title is no longer the same. Only Steph curry is able to carry them. Klay, Draymond n without a good center, they are fighting to qualify for playoffs ๐Ÿ˜ข

  8. Kerr gave Klay, his second best player, the "your career is over speech"… told him to mentor rookie Podziemski who gets 30mins a game lol terrible fukn coach

  9. Why do they always ask the dumbest questions and try to talk about these players on the sly. They act like they can do what these athletes can do. You are not going to have a good night every night. The things they say I know hurt players. You can see it in their eyes. I love this team. God bless Golden State…

  10. I wish that Kerr would play Moses moody some. Give him some of Klay time. Just keep him in the rotation he does amazing when he comes in.

  11. I would love to see another 63 guard at age 3536 to carry a whole ass roster. I would love to see it. Steph is amazing man. Hopefully he gets the help he needs or his guy step up because we cannot waste it.

  12. Moses Moody needs more minutes man how do you not play him last season but then start him and play him a lot in the playoffs and this season play him well start him and then he's out of the rotation make up your mind Steve, is he a tray piece or is he part of this teams future

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