@Philadelphia 76ers

Trade Reports ESCALATING… This Could be HUGE for the Sixers… | 76ers News

Trade Reports ESCALATING… This Could be HUGE for the Sixers… | 76ers News

The NBA season is approaching its halfway point and the Sixers find themselves in the mix for the best teams in the NBA but there still is that missing piece that everyone is searching on to figure out what can take this team over the end well a new name has entered

The mix of trade rumors which we are constantly breaking down right here on Sixers digest make sure to hit that subscribe button so you keep up with everything turnning out on this channel but today I want to talk specifically about Jordan Clarkson and why he might be an interesting fit on this Sixers

Team now what brought me to this point is this this report by Brett seagull of clutch points in which he writes compared a note on the Utah Jazz here compared to the Eastwood teams monitoring the Raptors and Hawks the Utah Jazz are one team nobody really

Knows what to expect from in the west Utah has turned things around in recent weeks winning eight of their last 11 games Lori Marin’s name has come up in trade rumors but the Jazz still Envision the young Ford being the star of their team moving forward unless they are

Blown away with an offer marinin will not be traded the same cannot be said for veteran guard Jordan Clarkson whether he starts or comes off the bench clar would be an instant upgrade for various playoff contending teams around the NBA the Boston Celtics have shown prior interest in Clarkson but it would

Be impossible for Boston to acquire the veteran unless they gave up either Derek white or Al Horford the Philadelphia 76ers would be another intriguing landing spot for Clarkson especially with the Anthony mountain in the final year of his contract so a lot to digest here and I

Want to start with the quick side note of the lri marketing news I’ve been a huge Lorry marketing guy on this channel and have have many times said that if he is available that would be my guy for these Sixers to go all in make a move on

It is no surprise for the Utah Jets to pull him off the table unless they are blown away by an offer curious what exactly that means but in my opinion Lori Markin is a keeper it would be the right decision for the Jazz to hold on

To and begin to build around him however if he became available in any way the Sixers should absolutely be making that phone call as should a number of other teams in the league and frankly I think there are teams like the Oklahoma City Thunder and even the New York Knicks a

Little bit that could compete with offers and go out and get lri if they truly wanted but the most important note in the story is of course Jordan Clarkson and to just refresh what exactly it said there is the Philadelphia 76ers would be another intriguing landing spot for Clarkson

Especially with DeAnthony mountain in the final year of his contract so the comparison to DeAnthony mountain is interesting there very different players Jordan Clarkson and DeAnthony Melton DeAnthony Melton is a guy I think goes a little underappreciated underappreciated in the scope of Sixers fans that this is

A guy who really has played phenomenal for this team really good shooter has a some nice athleticism really good Defender his hands are everywhere on the court and a great complimentary piece to Tyrese Maxi that Melton and Maxi seem like guys that really get along quite

Well that they fit on the court they fit off the court and he’s a guy who has played above his means from a contract standpoint and what I mean by that to compare specifically here Anthony Melton on his only final year of his contract which he mentioned making $8 million I’m

Very curious what the market value for the Anthony Mountain will be this year I do think it will be more than 8 million that I do think he absolutely reaches in that double digit kind of sphere possibly in that $15 million range probably in that 10 to 15 range is where

I would guess Melton gets priced at he’s a guy that for the right price and obviously depending on what the roster looks like and what these final moves and players brought in depending but Melton is a guy that I would love to have back on this six years team not a

Guy that I’m itching to get off by any means I don’t think he is the end all best player there are certainly holes in his game the finishing around the rim not the best playmaker things like that but overall a very solid player and a style of player the Sixers have really

Strug to get and hold on to in years past now to talk about Jordan Clarkson I first want to talk about the contract because I think that’s always important in these conversations and especially when bringing it up in comparison to DeAnthony Mountain being in the final

Year of his deal I thought it was interesting to note that Jordan Clarkson also in the final year of his deal so not quite the long-term security upgrade there that it was kind of portrayed in the article and as seen here making $23.4 million this year for Jordan

Clarkson so this was a player option deal he did ultimately take it to cash out and serve the year in in Utah does seem like he’s kind of enjoying life in Utah like sometimes when there are these young losing teams you can see the miserable players that just won out I

Have not got that vibe from Jordan Clarkson when peing in on some Jazz games that it feels like he’s enjoying his time playing some really good ball and to dive into his stats specifically for what he brings to the table still a guy that purely gets buckets that on the

Season averaging 17 points per game 5.3 assists 3.6 rebounds his efficiency has been a little down this year shooting just 40.4% from the field and 29% from three that’s a significant Notch below what we’ve kind of come to be accustomed to for Jordan Clarkson that through his career he’s a 33.6% three-point shooter

Which still is not great last year he shot 33.8% but he is a guy that can fill it up in a hurry and that field goal percentage as you can see a career 43.9% and last year shot 44.4% from the field so the 40.4% a bit of an outlier and as

You look kind of down the years this is the worst shooting percentage that he has posted in his career so one would think that there will be a little regression to the mean that things to return to normaly that there’s enough of a track record for Jordan Clarks that we

Can see that we know a little bit that these numbers will go up over time and that happens with the NBA with these shooting splits how magnified and what these these short sample sizes can translate to over the course of the Season I’m sure that gets back and you

Can even talk yourself into that being a reason to trade form as you kind of are going to get his best ball one would think or you know maybe that does not happen that’s a little bit of a hope as well but for Jordan Clarkson as a whole

I’ll start with saying a very different stylistic player than DeAnthony Mountain once again Clarkson much more cut from that microwave score pop off the bench and there is an argument to be made that that is a a player that the Sixers need now I would not be willing to trade

DeAnthony Melton in a deal for this that I think Melton is so different that he’s a player that’s important frankly this shifts back to kind of the one of the Clippers players whether it is a Marcus Morris a Robert Covington and I’m sure the Jazz are going to have their

Ultimate eyes on draft picks as they are in their rebuilding process I’m not going to pound the table and talk about why why Jordan Clarkson is the Difference Maker here but I do want to note that this is interesting kind of breaking this down the day after a game

In which De Anthony Mountain was out and the Sixers lineup for this game was especially intriguing to me that they rolled with Tyrese Maxi Kelly UB Nicholas patum Tobias Harris and Joel embiid and that unit looked absolutely dominant they did blow out the Bulls it

Was even closer than the 110 to 97 score indicated that in the first quarter alone the Sixers outscoring Chicago 43 to 18 there it was impressive and the game was pretty much over from then but that lineup specifically was very intriguing to me there was so much size

On the floor it was one of the more fun lineups that I’ve seen and I think there’s a real argument to be made that this should be the starting lineup moving forward now if that is the case that reduces DeAnthony Melton to a six-man type of role and kind of the

Exchange there is it’s either DeAnthony mountain or Kelly UB and there are arguments to be made for either I do think that lineup should be the closing lineup in a lot of nights that I like the additional side with maxi obviously being the smallest guy in the court

Standing around 6 fo two but then beyond that you have everybody over 6’6 6’7 and up that niik Batum Tobias Harris Kelly UB and shout out to Kelly UB who I think is probably a more clean comparison from a basketball perspective to Jordan Clarkson still guys that aren’t exactly

The same but both guys that are pretty unique styles of players Clarkson specifically there’s not a lot of guys like him in the league these days he is that true six-man he’s a guy that won six-man of the year two years ago in the 2020 2021 season so it’s not that far

That this guy has been recognized for the type of talent that been and once again a 20 point per game scorer just last season as well so this is a guy who is still getting it and that was a career-high for him last season he’s kind of figuring out his style where he

Fits in the league and kind of one of what his game needs so to bring that over to the Sixers is that the player that they’re missing I personally I’ve seen a lot of love for Jordan Clarkson shout out my guy RB Philly take that I

Know has pound at the table for a couple Seasons now for Jordan Clarkson I just don’t quite see it the same way that you yes you can make the argument of of needing that additional scoring punch but my fear is still coming down to who are going to be those guys that guard

The Jason tatums the Giannis all these these big time wings that these Sixers will have to get through if they want to win out the Eastern Conference and go deep into the playoffs that I’m still I’m less confident in the ability of the Kelly UB the Tobias Harris the all those

Players being able to guard those players that I am with not being able to produce enough and for the most part the bench has been solid for these Sixers this year that little bit of an outlier last night because there was a ton of extended run and some injuries of course

Uh we saw a little minutes from Kenny Lofton Jr for the first time in a Sixers uniform saw some Jaden Springer and some rookie Council but the bench overall has been productive this year that there have been upgrades and especially when you’re talking about a top six like with

The Anthony mountain with Kelly UB and with UB specifically I’ve gone back and forth that many times I’ve said I believe his best role is the six-man and I still kind of see that because I think he’s capable of bringing a Jordan Clarkson like impact in his Off the

Bench being that Mike R scorer going out and getting his and having the freedom to create his own shots with the second unit in a way that he doesn’t quite with the the starters that I love the way that he’s been super decisive taking catch and shoot threes and deserves a

Ton of credit for being a much better Defender than advertised at least to this point he had a couple steals last night picking up full court couple moments where he really flashed me of Kelly is committed to this team he’s committed to winning and playing a

Winning R of basketball that I think a lot of people just straight up did not think that he was capable of at this point Jordan Clarkson has a lot of similar strengths and weaknesses to that that he is a bucket getter he’s never a guy that’s going to be known as a

Defensive glove and that’s kind of what holds me back on this overall deal so if you’re trading for a guy that’s going to be a free agent and if you think about he’s making $23 million for this season what do you think his market value will be so I understand this fits the

Timeline this fits the the concept of this cap space plan that we love we know that Daryl muray loves having these expiring deals and that was a big reason with the Clippers trade that he did not want to take anybody with additional years on the contract that the mindset

From here is we have Joel embiid We have Tyrese Maxi and the rest of the roster is a blank slate for me to create I don’t know if Jordan Clarkson fits that from either a short-term or a long-term perspective so if you’re going to make this deal you have to believe that that

Is the piece that can get them over the edge I just straight up don’t quite feel that way and maybe that tune changes when the playoffs cuz I do think that there is a little more offensive creation that this team could use but I just did not the Jordan Clarkson guy

Unfortunately now from the long-term perspective I don’t think it makes a ton of sense to give up a draft pick if you’re going to let this guy walk at the end of free agency or if you believe his price tag could be a little too expensive in the future for you to be

Able to retain him so for me maybe this is one that the the Sixers are stay on the outside looking in or maybe it is a cheap deal maybe Jordan Clarkson just wants out he’s going to be an expiring anyway it’s not something I’m fully taking off the table but I don’t think

The Sixers are won Jordan Clarks in away and I hope that Daryl Mo does not look at it that way either regardless I want to hear your guys thoughts in the comment if you agree with me if you agree with me if you disagree with me

Let me know why or why not drop a comment below make sure to smash that subscribe button hit a like on this video and I’ll be talking with you next time right here on Sixers digest peace

Trade Reports ESCALATING- This Changes Everything for Sixers Scoring | 76ers News

The NBA season is cruising by and the Sixers are still in search of the missing piece. A new report came out linking them to a new name in the rumor mill. Sean Barnard breaks down Jordan Clarkson’s potential fit on the Sixers and if he believes he could be the missing piece to get the team over the championship edge.

#nba #sixers #jordanclarkson


  1. I will take Clarkson over Melton any day. Clarkson is a bucket he can score on all three levels. If they can keep Melton, and he comes off the bench good. I also like Kelly Olynyk because he can play with Joel, and he is a three point shooter.

  2. Sixers Please make a trade in a smart way , The fans want the best players out there,We need more good shooters And Taller players Please 😠😠😠

  3. Don’t make a trade just for the sake of a trade. Leave the team as is. They have chemistry and generally like each other. Maybe a backup big but that’s it

  4. No trade coming anytime soon as long as Morey doesn't see a deal he likes. He'd rather make a deal now than wait for the summer but I don't think it will be a blockbuster deal, more of a around the margin deal again. Melton is fine but not a starter, a solid third guard.

  5. Trade would be Clarkson and John Collins for Harris and Korkmaz plus 1 first. You are wrong about Clarkson he resigned 3 years contract in off season.

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