@Houston Rockets

Should the Rockets trade Jalen Green?

Should the Rockets trade Jalen Green?

There’s a lot of talk I see on Twitter about Houston possibly trading jayen you know uh and I wrote about this some article about face two today I’ve seen fans speculate about you know Zack LaVine and Donovan Mitchell specifically and here’s my take on this I am not

Trading jayen green unless it Nets me a young star or one that’s at least second Team all NBA or better right that’s where I’m at second Team all NBA or better because I don’t believe Jaylen has that kind of upside so that’s where I would do it that’s where I’d feel

Comfortable in the tri trigger and Zack LaVine doesn’t f that bill at all right he just doesn’t uh Donovan Mitchell is more borderline right he he he is definitely closer to that but the issue with with Donovan Mitchell is he becomes an expiring in 2026 not expiring but he

Has a player option in 2026 so he can be with you for two years and then just gone right and fr frankly like he’s just right there in terms of talent to where like I’m comfortable just taking the risk right just taking the risk with Jaylen

And and and just seeing where this goes and if I lose out on that I’m okay with it I’ll lose I lose out on that I still have asset to go get somebody else and I think somebody else will become available right I think with with

Mitchell the only way in which I do that trade is if I’m confident that I can get some sort of extension at least another year Commitment if I can get him like if I can you know through back Channel negotiations right if I can get him to

Like commit to opting into that that last year or if I can get him to signing an extension right then maybe I do a trade with Jaylen right then maybe I do a trade with Jaylen multiple first and then I and then you you go get Donovan because I think Donovan’s actually not

Too old to where he doesn’t fit in your timeline long term like I think shenon and Mitchell can actually fit you know Peak together when when Donovan’s in his early TW early 30s and you know you know Jaylen not Jaylen shenon in like his mid 20s right I don’t think that’s a crazy

Idea at all but you have to get him to stay until his early 30s that’s the issue that’s why I’m reluctant to do such a trade

Salman (@SalmanAliNBA) explains his thoughts on the Rockets possibly trading Jalen Green.

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  1. No. Do not trade him. Start tari and let Jalen run against second units until he gets his confidence back . Trade oladipo, landale and Tate and a second to the hawks for capela

  2. Houston Rockets should not trade Jalen green. the best way to handle his issues is to give him time off from basketball, maybe a week off from the game to rediscover himself and come more motivated. Coby white is suddenly playing like an all star according to the Bulls fans and that’s a lesson for the Rockets

  3. It's not time to trade JG. He's playing more efficient and disciplined, there is still a lot to discover in his game. Is there a reason to rush this?

  4. Get something for Jalen Green while other teams still have some hope for his "potential." His rookie contract will be over and whoever wants him will force us to match? No… Get TFOH. MOVE him. Guys off the street play just as well, minus the hopes and dreams.

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