@Sacramento Kings

49ers Get the One Seed, Kings Play Charlotte – January 2: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

49ers Get the One Seed, Kings Play Charlotte – January 2: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC

Good morning chatty house chatty gang going on everybody and Ramsey got our first belt of 2024 congratulations to Ramsey on the first belt of 2024 that’s big time for our guy we might need a like a speech happiest man man what up Warren did we send out a tweet nah I

Didn’t get to it I was too dude you saw me over there just we were deep in thought dude just hammering out thoughts ideas Synergy spreadsheets black leather gloves my wife gets kick out of every time we talk about the rundown because of the off right yeah yeah

Dude just crushing it on the rundown what zbo what’s up Michigan congrats on the dub Bryce I don’t want to talk about fantasy football I’m I lost by one point but like I was telling Kyle this morning I’m holding out for for Thursday stat Corrections he is he is living and

Dying on a Nick Bosa sack I am I like I think it’s BS that I didn’t get the Nick Bosa sack yeah that’s a weird one because I mean it technically became a running play but it definitely wasn’t supposed to be so how do you call that just

Instantly yeah I think it’s technically not a sack but maybe they’ll go back and look at it and that’s my fingers crossed man yeah uh we have about 30 seconds oh which is about Perfect Look at that for me to get a profanity lace tirade oh where is it aimed at what up

David Patrick Mahomes Lots on this today ass Lots on Kings lineup stuff coming up I disagree but that’s okay that there’s lots of King on this or on there being King lineup okay I was about to say dude hey I got okay that’s news to me all right five seconds let’s

Have a great show and a great start to 2024 everybody good morning and a very happy 2024 to everybody out there whether you’re listening on the radio listening on the free Odyssey app or hanging out with us in the chatty house on ESPN 1320 TV ESPN 1320 you can find us

There ESPN 1320 you can find us there as well as always we’re taking your comments in the chatty house so get in there and talk with us I James Happy New Year to you and to your family and your loved ones that’s the only time I’m going to say this

There’s all this debate about like hey when do you say happy new year when do you stop today this is it I’m done after today I don’t know like I I think I’m just gonna say happy new year for like the next month just to like get under

Your skin I hate it just like walk around Happy New Year to the lady at Starbucks and then we’ll go to Jamba and I’ll say happy New Year oh I can’t I can’t wait to loudly disagree say actually you know what we’re two weeks in and it sucks I gu

Said thing it’s like it’s today’s the second we’re all back at work hey good good to see if you want to say hey how was your New Year how was your holidays that’s fine yeah hey Happy New Year to you like dude we’re 72 hours in let’s get this thing

Rolling fast starts fast starts out here I’m just glad we don’t write checks anymore like I mean I guess my wife writes a check every once in a while but because checks you used to you have to change the date in your head oh yeah and

How many times you put the wrong date and then you can’t have a check that’s a year old and then you’re like oh either you gotta like Scribble it out and sign like and then put your initial yeah I don’t know I like I don’t know when the next time is I’ll I’ll

Write the year because I I don’t typically do that anymore Kyle yeah I I don’t think I I do when I’m when I’m writing like 2023 season 2024 season but that won’t come into play until well into 2024 so it won’t be a problem okay

It’s not like in school when you had to date you had to write your name on the paper and you have to write the date on the and for the first month and a half you’re battling between 1999 or 2000 like no no no no see that’s what’s nice

About the MBA I do the 0203 or the 0304 season you’ve been on that 2024 kick since October covers everything yeah good for you man yeah you’re well ahead of the curve yeah I don’t have to worry about it I I don’t have to I don’t have

To worry about any of that uh until next season but welcome to 2024 everybody hope that everybody had a great holiday um and that everybody got into the new year safely soundly and um yeah on a high note and let’s keep the notes High

The Kings got off to got off to a well they haven’t started in 2024 yet but they closed out 2023 in style with a 117 110 win over the Atlanta Hawks then a 123 92 win over the Grizzlies meanwhile the 49ers on their last game of 2023 they beat the Washington commanders 27

To10 then got a little bit of help from the Arizona Cardinals who downed the Philadelphia Eagles 3431 out in Philadelphia pretty amazing game there and uh that secured the number one overall seed for the 49ers they can now rest in week 18 before they get to buy they get HomeField Advantage at the

Playoffs huge weekend for the 49ers big weekend for the Kings um I want to dive deep into the 49ers in a bit but with the Kings James I thought we saw the not two bests but two very two very different wins for them where they come

Back from 23 down against Atlanta in the first quarter they’re down 18 at the half they come back and win at 117 110 um but then they had a game against the Grizzlies where they win by 31 and just kind of dominated from start to finish which of those wins is is better

For you I don’t know to be honest with you it’s kind of like a weird buildup you lose a bad game in Portland you look like the same team that lost in Portland for the first I don’t know 20 minutes of the Atlanta game then all of a sudden

You crank it up and you’re this great team and then you get to the next game and there’s carryover from that so I feel like there’s a weird carryover from one game to the next where either they’re really good or they’re really bad and sometimes trying to figure out

Who they are in the middle I think the one thing I will point out they’re 19 and 12 it’s the first time that they’ve walked in it’s the best record they’ve had since the the 20045 season so when they walked into ‘ 05 this is the best record that they’ve

Had seven games over 500 but 19 and and 12 and like look you can’t you can’t take that away from them and then you look at the games ahead and it’s easy to see how they could actually start accumulating some space here and maybe

Get to 10 games over 500 so two in one road trip uh it’s not the two wins I would have expected they the especially the Grizzlies game I thought would be more competitive yeah the Grizzlies have been playing well since J got back well they they were and then he

Missed a game and then he came back for a game and they’ve lost they had lost those two games so now they’ve lost three in a row and they look like a team that got like that that new coach that new head coach like bump that we talked

About with Antonio Pierce but they got that with John Morant coming back and then that’s run its course now it’s like who are we how do we get together here how do we figure this thing out with no Steven Adams how do we figure it out

With you know Marcus Smart there and no Dylan Brooks because this is the first time John morance really played with this group of players and I thought it was really really obvious that they were just a collection of pieces that had no identity yet at all yeah that’s that’s

Very much what it you and I talked about this extensively yeah like man even when jaw gets back the Grizzlies are not they would need to without JN Morant somehow be 500 to be competitive once he got back into the lineup and they’re just not and

John Morant is not the type of player I think John Moran is very good but he’s not the type of player that is going to go he’s not there’s not that many of these guys in NBA history who are just going to come back and be like all right

Team get on my back we’re GNA win 12 in a row here we’re gonna get back into the mix right away let’s get this thing rolling like he’s a good player but he’s not he’s not a franchise altering um what were they what were they when

Before he came back six and 19 yeah like he’s not going to make them 19 and six in their next 25 no I mean maybe I mean you got to look at last year they were what the number two seed in the west sure but no but that was with a very

Different collection of players no that’s true there’s no I mean you have Dylan Brooks is gone you just mentioned Stephen Adams who’s a big piece for them Brandon Clark is a big piece for them you’re still trying to intergrate Marcus Smart who’s been in and out of the

Lineup you lose tus Jones who was a big piece for them like there’s just there’s a just new batch of players here that they’ve got to mesh and get and get everything figured out and now they’re at a spot the Grizzlies are where they’re 10 and 22 they have to go 31 and

19 to finish 500 oh that’s not good they have to go 12 games over just to finish 500 you know Kyle the crazy thing is too we talked about like this weird road trip right yeah it’s very strange so you start in Portland where you get Anthony

Simons and you know I think Simon is he’s very similar to what we saw from Jaw from Trey young but the dejon Murray thing like we talked extensively about dejon Murray last week because it’s like well what if he becomes available right sounds like he I think he is I I think

It’s very likely that he is too but I watched him play and I wasn’t overly impressed and like a lot of dribbling a lot of like spin moves that don’t make any sense sure and it’s almost like he’s the he’s a lower version of John morand

And I think it it kind of prepared the Kings a little bit because it was a lot of the same spin moves it was a lot of the same like Herky jerky motion trying to force things the difference is that John Morant can go jump over AA and

Deonte Murray can’t um and I’d say Deonte Murray plays a little bit better defense but still the style of player I think while the road trip was weird and three time zones and all that stuff it did one game kind of set you up for the next game with you know unique players

That you you’ve got a like game plan for and I’m not saying that uh Simons is uh is you know Trey young but that style of player that just shoots from anywhere at any time and does these crazy things he’s not the passer that that Trey young

Is but I think it just kind of like the buildup it’s like okay how do we defend this yeah the very that very ball dominant scoring guard yeah for sure yeah yeah we can I want to put a pin in the Jon Murray thing because I definitely have some thoughts after

Watching him against Sacramento last thing on the Grizzlies yep there is not a more fraudulent basketball player in the National Basketball Association than jiren Jackson Jr oh he stinks I don’t mean stinks he doesn’t stink let me take that back that was strong he is not nearly as good if you

Never watched the Grizzlies and you only consumed like NBA content podcast C and reading and stuff you would think that jiren Jackson Jr is one of the like five or six best bigs in the NBA and he is just not man he wants to be a guard so

Bad and I just do not believe in in the Grizzlies as long as he is just their their anchor in the middle yeah 18 points and three rebounds like what point problem with Team USA too yeah he he just wants to shoot threes and and I

Get it I mean that’s kind of the way the the league has gone but it’s a tough watch man he looks a lot different with Stephen Adams there like because Stephen Adams will anchor the middle and he can come in for all these weak side shop

Locks and stuff um I just I’ve kind of felt the same way I I think if you put him next to sabonis sure he would be incredible like we would sit here and go oh my gosh look how good he is because he is that shop block he’s kind of what you

Need but I think a lot of times we always were looking for the piece that fits with sabonis so piece it fits with with Stephen Adams and we’re not thinking that jiren Jackson also needs that piece yeah you know and that’s why I think look at the the young tandem in

Houston and how good those guys can be with shenon and and Jabari Smith Jr yeah because it’s kind of the same type of player it’s kind of like young sabonis and Sharon Jackson sitting right there yeah yeah yeah I I I I think that’s the

Ideal but man I just I have not been impressed at any point with jiren Jackson over the last season and a half two seasons no and maybe it is maybe it’s just a product of Stephen Adams being out and like we talk about with sabonis as a

Defender um maybe jiren Jackson is just miscast in his role a little bit and they’re just kind of missing that additional piece but I’m I’m out for the time being yeah he’s certainly not three rebounds or seven foot yeah he’s certainly not an All-Star he can’t go

Get more than three boards man yeah come on come on I’m just out on him all right I think it’s partly because of the Team USA stuff that started it and then this year has been very very telling because when jaw is out you’re expecting a guy

Like jiren Jackson Jr to step up and be like okay I’m gonna be the guy I’m gonna help this team win some games and they just didn’t it just didn’t yeah and I I mean keep in mind his shop locking last year you know he’s defensive player of

The year which I didn’t see at all in this game 118 at home and 71 on the road yeah like he got some uh some positive vibes there home cooking home cooking yeah anyways I just interesting stuff I just need to get that off my chest okay

All right big weekend for the 49ers they not only got a win in Washington but they secured the number one seed what does that mean for them what does the team look like coming out of week 17 and then a couple of notes from that game as

Well that’s all coming up uh and the 49ers did an NFL first oh yeah they did something this year that has never been done in NFL history we’ll talk about that next on The Insider sponsored by Jeffy Lube on ESPN 1320 Uh Wheezy um do I think the Kings Target any clutch guys I mean maybe but like the one thing I’ll say about dearen Fox is he kind of stays out of it like if you need him to to like make a help you make a decision or to give a thumbs up or

Thumbs down and you into to him sure he’ll give you that but outside of that he doesn’t he does not uh like jump in the freay and say hey go get me this or go get me that that’s just not is Julian nret uh you asked him my fantasy

Team take the championship as of boy sore subject it’s it’s a sore subject as of right now I am down one point and I’m waiting for stat Corrections and I don’t think they’re going to help me but just in case they do uh because I do believe

That there was a Nick Bosa act that was missed and we’ll see what happens yeah when I saw that he only had uh the 2.6 I was like didn’t he have a sack and that’s when I he actually at one point had a pass deflection put on the board

And then taken off too he actually had the one point oh no yeah he was at like 3.25 at one point and then draw back to 2.25 or something oh yeah I even went through and saw it I’m like oh it’s tough yeah I’m probably gonna lose but stat Corrections do usually pop

Up on I mean it’s Thursday that they we go through it all yeah momes killed me absolutely killed me yeah man I didn’t get to watch any of that game I saw they had 25 points and was like oh okay good momes figured it out and it turns out they kicked six field

Goals he threw more balls into the dirt than any quarterback I’ve ever seen in that game was like what are we doing here oh you don’t like that so you’re just going to Chuck it into the dirt and of course he had a big drop again natch wdez scantling he actually stinks he’s

Horrible stinks in the scope of NFL players one of the best wide receivers on the planet yeah from an NFL standpoint chriso we have not talked about the tra we will oh yeah that’s coming mhm all right here we go 5 Seconds let’s party plenty of Kings talk coming up

That’s James I’m Kyle we had to talk about a big weekend for the 49ers they had everything they needed to go their way after a disastrous week 16 where they get smoked at home by the Baltimore Ravens and their Star Quarterback Brock pie throws four interceptions and they just look like oh

Boy they are reeling they get some help from the officials on Saturday night when they watched the Detroit Lions two-point conversion call then they got some help from Dan Campbell when he decided not to just kick the extra point and to try again that was some straight up buffoonery seven yards out just

Ridiculously stupid the entire sequence was dumb like I feel for him because clearly the guy went and and like checked in yeah the refs the refs hosed it yeah it’s a total mistake on the officials but but when that happens like to go for it from the seven then to get

Bailed out on a call and then did just like the whole thing man just kick the extra point like the funniest part about all that I am with you I we are in lock step on all that I thought Dan Campbell terribly mismanaged that game after they

Got they got screwed and get like I said this is not the the the Lions did everything right they got the right play they should have had the conversion now granted if they had announced number 68 maybe the Cowboys cover it differently but you it doesn’t matter anyways

Um the last twoo convers try was there if Jared G makes any kind of good throw tight end catches it and walks in yeah but he left it outside he left it low the guy to try and die for it and then he drops it but even if he had caught it

He wasn’t going to get in so H just a wild ending to that game it helped the 49ers because they needed Detroit to lose they needed Philly to lose the ners go win their game against the commanders and then just a few minutes after uh there were players in the tunnel after

The game watching thetion yeah was really cool um watching that that action unfold in the in the Cardinal game as the Cardinal came back and and beat Philadelphia in Philly clinch is the number one seed for the 49ers and of all the things that they

Needed I think getting a week 18 to rest where it sounds like Kyle shanan is planning on resting some guys but then getting the bi-week where they get an additional week off to get some guys healthy I just that that to me like forget home field forget anything that

Matters more than anything because I told you this during the game with the way they looked against Washington MH prior to travarus Ward’s interception that kind of just flipped the game around but Washington was driving in to make that a three-point game in the second half I thought they were just in

Cruise control they did not look great no no no I thought they just walked in that game knowing that they’re going to win no matter what and they were just in cruise control and I mean that’s not what you want to see it’s a little embarrassing embarassing to do that but

I felt like the coach was coaching and I don’t think the players were like not playing hard but I also don’t think that they had that little bit of extra juice it comes with a big game yeah I think that’s part of it and then there’s the

Monday night to Sunday 10 a.m kickoff on the opposite side of the country turn around like I get I expected it to be a little bit sloppy early and they were much better like I said travious w got that interception and that was basically the ball game from from that point

Forward Washington never really got anything going again but it I was you’re watching that game and you’re going man Philly’s going to beat because at that point it looked like Philly was going to beat Arizona yeah yeah Philly M Arizona was going in it was seven to three they

Throw a pick six Kyler Murray does 99 yard pick six and then they get a field goal Philly answers with a touchdown it’s 21 to six and you’re going all right this game’s over I Arizona’s got nothing for these guys which would have made week 18 a must win for the 49ers

And you’re going man this they look beat up they look out of gas yep they Christian mcaffry is getting his calf worked on on the sideline like this is this is a mess they’re going to lose to LA because La is playing well and the 49ers are clearly not and they’re going

To wind up having to uh to play in that first weekend of the playoffs no bu they’re going to be super beat up it turned out not to be the case yeah I was more concerned with the mcaffrey situation like even before they pan to the sidelines and and someone’s like has

A pulled down and and trying to work on his calf muscle I was like I hit you up I’m like what is Shanahan doing lot of touches he was at 16 touches already and it’s like what are are you really in week 17 are you gonna hit this guy for

Like 35 to 40 touches in a game like what exactly is your is your problem yeah like do you not understand that you still have another like five weeks to play it felt it felt very much like they were trying to do to put them away early

Like they were were the ners were very much trying to go up by a few scores in the first half so they could you know pull Christian mcaffry for most of the fourth quarter or whatever whatever it was yeah and it just did not it did not

Work I guess but at the same time I mean maybe they were trying to get him his stats till he broke 2,000 yeah 2,000 yards I would really hate that if that was a case I don’t know the whole time I I was sitting there it was cringy I was

Like what are they doing and sure enough he he ends up on the sidelines with a calf injury hopefully it’s nothing they say it’s nothing the MRI says it’s like very minor calf strain yeah but like look this guy has a long long history of of injury and he’s been durable for the

49ers but you know like use your head in that situation yeah they’ve already ruled him out for week 18 which not not a surprise sounds like Eric Armstead they’re not going to try and push him back into action for week 18 he’s got knee and foot stuff so they’ll try and

Give him another couple weeks to see if they can get him right and they need him for the postseason you put that you put put that down in the rund down his absence has been glaring in the Run game I totally agree with you they’re very

Lucky that they got up a couple of scores on Washington and didn’t allow Washington to just get behind Brian Robinson their running back yeah because he was cooking yeah I mean I think that that that might be the road map to to beating the 49ers is that specific issue just just

Try to beat up yeah Power Run game you know if you want to sort of negate take away Nick Bosa in the pass rush just run right at that whole side like and I I think that it’s been pretty productive when that does happen the problem is the

Niners usually put up a couple of touchdowns and you can’t just rely on the Run game the whole time yeah this isn’t like 1985 football yeah so I I I think it’s it’s just sort of the way that the league is is changing and morphing but getting not only the

Bye-week but getting a week 18 basically off a second buy if they want it’s a second buy realistically and so that just it will help especially I mean we’re not going to see Trump Williams at all I guarantee like there’s no way they’re run Williams in week 18 that’s

What I was going to ask you so so Kyle Shanahan immediately after the game on Sunday is like yeah we’ll probably rest some guys yeah and then on Monday in his conference call was like we still got to work that out with the coaches there’s still some stuff we need to work on

Gotta have a good week of practice so I I I get that and I get you have to suit up 46 guys like you you can’t rest literally everybody but Trent Williams no chance Armstead and and Christian mcaffry already out yeah I think a guy like I I Brock pie probably not playing

I’d give him a quarter maybe a half just depending on how the offensive Line’s holding up if the offensive line is not holding up then bail on that so that that’s my caveat to the Trent Williams thing if you’re rolling Brock py out there Trent Williams has to play yeah

You can’t you can’t roll and it may not even be Jaylen Moore the backup left tackle because he’s in concussion protocol yeah so I I I I don’t want to put perie behind anything other than the starting offensive line so if Trent Williams doesn’t play I don’t think

Brock py plays Okay and like you said if if they if they do maybe a couple series just treat it like a preseason game just get them out to run a couple things that you want to work on and call it good but I’m not running that risk man with their

Injury problems at quarterback that’s not a risk I’m running well I’d also like to see Sam dnell get some run because what if you do need him and he he hasn’t hardly played at all all season like what if you do need him the playoffs like get the guy out there like

Let him stretch his legs let him get some some confidence find a rhythm but he can’t be out there with with no running back with you know sure the other guy that I would sit is KD I mean yeah he took that shot I thought his

Knee was gone like the way like that’s usually guy skies for to make a catch jumps to make a catch and then gets hit low as he’s coming down I I that feels like that’s a blown out knee every single time the timing was just right on

It was lucky as his toes didn’t catch the turf and and stick yeah yeah really really lucky and I I also like they didn’t really talk about that much that felt dirty like that whole that sequence there like they kind of high lowed the dude but he was I didn’t understand that

At all like in I think it was two guys trying to make a play Maybe really the guy came in really really low so on the tackle and I guess that’s what you do but but yeah because if he tries to hit him high he’s getting a penalty yeah no

It’s true so I don’t um I I KD probably doesn’t play Debo might play a little bit like they got a suit up receivers so Debo might play a little bit but I don’t think he gets a ton of run yeah GRE Greenlaw is another guy who’s been

Dealing with injuries I think if you’re gonna sit a linebacker I think he’s the one you sit just gives it just gives him that little bit of time man to to Really refresh and reboot and make sure that they’re they’re ready to roll for the

For the playoffs so I I think it’s just it wasn’t just winning just getting a bye it was getting two and that’s huge for for a team heading into the playoffs yeah 100% And if they make a Deep Run it’s that’s going to be the reason why

Because making a deep run without that first round buy was going to be really really difficult given the spot they were in um so if all of their their their starters sit who we just talked about Trent uh Trent Williams uh Debo Samuel George KD Christian mcaffrey

Brock pie the 49ers still in just 16 games so didn’t even need the extra 17th game to get here m they’re the first team ever with a 4,000 yard passer a 2,000 yard allpurpose back a wide receiver and tight end with a thousand yards receiving and then

Another uh wide receiver excuse me two wide receivers and a tight end all with a thousand allpurpose yards yeah that’s crazy I read that wrong but you get it that’s wild it’s crazy the amount of the amount of of weapons they have uh Acquired and then developed George K

Fifth r pick Debo Samuel second round guy now Brandon iek they traded up for in the first round but then Brock P seventh round pick last pick of the draft pretty remarkable yeah I mean it’s really stunning that all but one of them are homegrown yeah then yeah you trade a

Bunch for maccaffrey who everybody knew was a star so yeah um yeah I I I just I don’t have any any more superlatives about the 49ers offense it’s really good no it’s really the numbers reflected it’s really good and the other thing I point out the Brock party’s finish 4280

Yards 31 touchdowns 11 interceptions two rushing touchdowns I think if I went back and pulled the tape that’s the exact statline you had for him before the year yeah I said 42 4,300 yards 30 33 touchdowns yeah not bad good call good call by you yeah so pie also set

The 49er single season franchise P franchise single season passing record 4,280 yards eclipsing Jeff Garcia’s 4,278 back in 2001 so congratulations to Brock py the 49ers now um that week 18 game against the Rams is going to look like preseason football Rams have got their spot locked up Niners got their

Spot locked up they’re just they’re they’re playing for the postseason on Sunday that should be a that should be an entertaining one to watch all right the Kings also got after it this weekend they got a couple of wins they got a win over the Hawks on Friday they got a win

Over the Grizzlies on Sunday we will dis we will dive into some of the Fallout from that there was a lineup change against Memphis we’ll talk about that there was a trade with ogan anobi leaving the Raptors and going to the Knicks we will talk about that tons of

King stuff coming up plus we’ll have a Sprinkle of of NFL for you as well on the Insiders sponsored by Jeffy Lube h I just realized I’ve had the 49ers box score covering up the chatty house the whole time oh so you couldn’t see the

Chat no I just I I’ve been I’ve been like looking up at the but not my bad chatty gang what’s up what’s up hey give your give your real thoughts before you say your fake thoughts on the [Laughter] air it is what it is I mean we’ll we’ll talk about it on

The air but you see the trade that they that they got for him and he’s not told the Knicks that he’ll sign an extension although you know it’s it’s possible that he’ll he’ll uh lock up this summer um but because they have Larry Bird rights to them which just means they can

Go above the cap to sign him but the Kings don’t have that trade to offer for him yeah Atlanta last season although Nick poosa didn’t play in that game and then uh the Chiefs beat the hell out of him the next week too the craziest thing about this

Atlanta game that Ramsay’s talking about is it was Marcus Mariota and the 49ers looked like they had never defended a read option in their lives it was insane every time Mario pull the hand off Samson abocom crashed down Mariota wide open it was it was nuts though it just got smoked by Arthur

Smith man that was tough that was a tough look yeah and then the Chiefs killed him the next week uh by the way mad props is week really really strong efforts by both of us but really really strong effort by me in making the the lines all but one of them are within

Like a couple oh I just I mean patting myself on the back here did a really nice job yeah cuz what we have monk points and assists versus um touches whoops by mcaffrey yeah right yeah that was one of them uh David we’ll get into that in

This segment here’s the separation on on the ones that are close there was one that was not close but here’s the separation on all of them 31213 oh was the difference in the numbers wow yeah the one I got wrong I got super wrong or not like wrong but

The one that was off was super off I don’t think Harbaugh’s heading to the Raiders I’d be pretty surprised yeah not stunned but a little surprised Hara wants to go somewhere where he he at least has a correct a franchise quarterback correct 10 seconds happy Tuesday everybody welcome into 2024 the second

Day of 2024 the first work day of 2024 for us want to remind everybody dowlo and casc are back this week want to thank everybody hung out with me and James last week we were in Wednesday through Friday doing a no to two show that was super fun but now we are back

Or excuse me a 10 to two show but now we are back into our normal 10 to noon slot DLo and KC will be in beginning at noon so big thanks to DLo and KC for letting us borrow a couple of their hours last week that was very nice of yeah I’m

Gonna Bill them for it later as you should yeah they can have my back for a day after after that that stretch no if you’re good at something never do it for free I think Socrates said [Laughter] that Kings Hawks on Friday I don’t I don’t have a ton on this game

Specifically um the Kings ended up winning by seven they trailed by 23 as many as 23 31 to8 feels like a lot more than 23 points yeah it does like looking at the score bug and seeing 31 to8 is like jarring it was embarrassing they came

Out like L and without any any fire at all but I think it plays into a larger conversation about Mike Brown looking at what’s going on and literally just like having the quickest hook of all time and I find it interesting that like he keeps he keeps pulling Harrison Barnes and and

Kevin hder we’ll get into the Kevin herder situation a little bit later but the quick hook he he understands what the problem is but that’s what he’s got M you know you can’t sit here like all everyone wants this starting lineup change and that starting lineup change

Is like okay well that’s not going to help you and and the King starting lineup realistically it’s been really good all season they’re like a plus 11 per 100 possessions like they’re good even if it feels like they’re not they are yeah and so anyway I I thought that

You know they give up 71 points in the first half they give up 39 in the second half and dearon fox just kind of clowned uh the Hawks there was even a point where he started laughing with some fans on the sidelines yeah they don’t the H

We we were wondering on Friday’s show like man the Hawks have some good players like what what how how are they so bad have good players and and I think a good coach and Quinn Snider he’s one a coach of the year right is that I love

Quinn snd I think Quin SN is a very good coach I’m just confused though how it is that Clint capella dominated the whole first five minutes of the game just dominated like every time you turn around he was like throwing in a bucket yeah and then nothing like he just they

Don’t go back to him at all they don’t play through him at all they don’t involve him at all it’s like once the game settles in it’s like okay it’s Trey Young’s time and everyone else has to watch or it’s Deonte Murray time and everybody else has to watch like how

Many spin moves do I have to watch like stop spin moving so that was so that’s my thing with with de jante Murray specifically I don’t know if he’s a good Defender anymore I don’t know if he’s he’s because he used to be the type of player

That you could just throw on dear and fox and yeah Fox is gonna get his but but Deonte Murray is gonna make it tough for him yeah he’s just not that anymore so I don’t know if it’s because of the situation in Atlanta and he’s just

Punting and I I I think that the whole my turn your turn thing that he and Trey young do I that I don’t think that would necessarily be the case if if Sacramento were to acquire him however if he’s not going to be an like Elite all NBA type or all

Defense type of perimeter Defender I’m out like the offense would be a bonus to the hey here’s a very good Defender who’s going to help you there oh and he can go get you 20 a night if he’s not doing if he’s not doing it on the

Defensive end amount yeah and and I don’t think like he would walk into Sacramento on average 20 a night you’re looking at probably again reassess in him is more like a 17 point per game guy on a team that actually wins sure sure sure sure sure let me rephrase that a

Player who is capable of creating his own shot yeah and going and getting you a bucket in the mid-range he can shoot the three um he can finish when he gets in when he gets to the rim so he he’s capable of that I don’t think the Kings

Would need him to do to get 20 a KN but my my bigger takeaway was like man he is defensively not what I what I thought he was yeah that no no I’m with you and I don’t know that I would make that investment or I would wheel and deal

Because you know they gave up three picks for them so I don’t know that they’re going to they’re going to want a lot back and in return although they’re they’re fully open for business I I’ve had conversations over the last couple of days uh the Atlanta Hawks are fully

Open for business so um when you’re that bad of course they are so I would say that they could undergo a complete reboot here in the next couple of weeks uh leading up to the trade deadline yeah and keep in mind too this is the same

Team that wanted to get rid of John Collins for three years and it took him that long to finally pull the trigger on a deal they were just dramatically overvaluing him so it’s it is a tough team to trade for because of that although the kings were able to pull off

The the Kevin herder deal with them without any problems so yeah they swung that yeah they’ve got some players I mean I would still like was that was that was with schlank though right yes yes it was Travis schlank their former GM is no longer there no no

No now it’s a it’s a it’s a strange they have the weirdest front office in the league yeah they have a a very strange front office it’s yeah yeah I’m not gonna you’re not gonna dive into the fact no that they just that they hired Grant liman from NBC Sports Bay Area to

Step in and I love Grant but like there’s some there’s some uh weirdness to that feels like they hired a GM and then went hey hire your buddies just call your friends and bring them in well they they have the owner’s son as part of that right who hired his friend right

Who then hired his friends and then they they’ve even hired like a babysitter so like like I have a another person that I know works there that’s kind of like a consultant but like I think it’s a babysitter site type situation just weird whole thing is weird strange

Strange happenings in Atlanta maybe not a team you want to deal with so I’ve decided ultimately where I land on the dejon Murray thing is a out okay we had and if you missed Friday show we we talked at length about that and somebody called in Thursday and and

Dropped that name we were like oh okay let’s dive in and I’m just kind of out on the idea now okay yeah I mean I I wouldn’t be like a 100% out but I’m certainly not in and I think it leads us to like other discussions totally what

Do you mean um just because like I think that there’s some stuff hidden there that when you start to look at why the kings are better or why that you’re able to make a change at the shooting guard spot and stuff I think there are some specific reasons that that you’re able

To do that which I don’t think were the same case even last year and so yeah you know we do have a jiffy Loop player of the game for for the for that game right let me get my buttons ready we do yeah tell me Jam I’ll let you do it Jiffy Lu

Fast break player of the game for Friday’s game against Atlanta yeah it’s uh for me it was dearon Fox yeah finally Fox wins a player of the game about time yeah that because that never ever happens that guy steps up and actually does something yeah so

Go to ESPN hit the giant logo there in the middle of the screen says Jiffy Lube and then what are we doing Fox foox FX Fox as easy as it gets so but this plays into a different discussion here because real quick yeah enter to win a $100 JY lub G certificate

Oh yeah of course my bad yeah so the reason why we’re giving away $100 gift certificate from Jeffy Lube to dearon Fox is because he goes eight of 16 from three and the game before that he went seven of 15 so in two games he knocks down 15 three-pointers he comes back he

Hits another three uh in the the win over Memphis now Kyle I think this it’s an interesting discussion because when dearon Fox is a a mid-range shooter and a guy who finishes at the rim and the fastest point guard in the league defenses have to defend him one way they

Go UND screens right and you need to put alongside dearon Fox three Shooters and deonis sabonis when dearen Fox all of a sudden becomes a 40.3% three-point shooter and he’s shooting 8.9 threes per game or I think it went down to 8.8 threes per game correct after the Memphis

Game now you have different options on who you can start next to him yes fully it changes who what what you’re doing right it it changes whole complexity of your offense if dear f i don’t love that like a couple of games uh this week he

Had like what 14 threes or 16 threes and he only took 20 shots I don’t like that I need him shooting more than four shots inside the three-point range sure but if that’s what he’s doing and he’s setting this up so what do what I feel like he’s

Doing right now he’s setting up the entire league to say you have got to defend me at the three 100% And then once they they start making the adjustment then you’re going to see him hit the Nitro button and be even more def like undefendable he’s gon to start

Attacking in a different way and this is just it’s a really really smart player who is playing out of his mind right now and I think when you see see him doing that it now becomes okay to move Kevin herder and his three-point prowess to

The bench and put in Chris dwarte who is a defensive-minded player and swap the two out and a good Defender yeah he’s a good Defender yeah what we’ve seen like right away he’s calmed down he’s settled into his role a little bit where he’s not out there like Kung Fu Fighting

Every single minute of the game just fouling everybody but I think a lot of this is Mike Brown is looking around like okay did Fox just give me an opportunity here and the answer is yes yeah he did so he’s shooting as you said 40.3% from three that is his career high

By 29 Points yeah 0 28 right yeah 0. 29 he shot 37.5% one year right on 2.9 attempts yeah yeah that’s not a lot that’s not very many at all saw somebody on on I I mentioned the other day Darren Fox and and he how how how much better

He’s shooting it this year and somebody said I still think he’s taking too many threes my argument is that if you’re gonna hit 40% 8.8 is not enough okay I know maybe a higher volume that numbered like plummets but man whatever he’s doing from the three-point line I am in

On right now if he goes through a stretch of two weeks where he’s hitting 12% or something and it looks like he’s regressing back to kind of the mean of of the rest of his career okay then let’s rethink it but right now with with

How well he’s shooting it I am all in and I and I get what you’re saying you don’t want 16 of his 20 shots to be threes yeah that’s that’s probably excessive but if he’s gonna take 16 threes in a game and make eight of them I have a

Hard time complaining yeah like okay you’re gonna win I mean like if if all of a sudden he becomes uh like Steph Curry but with speed yeah and like but I just don’t know like I want that I I hope that that’s sustainable right I I I

Really do think that like shooting all these threes might be sustainable but even I I think it’s the last I don’t know like over his last 11 games he’s shooting 45.3% from three on 9.6 attempts per game man that’s wild man that’s a lot yeah I mean that that

Really is wild especially especially for a player who coming into this year was averaging 3.8 attempts per game from three yeah and shooting 32.1% for his career for his career and all a sudden he’s a 40% three-point shooter so I I I’m with you there’s there’s definitely an aspect of this

It’s like okay there’s some level of regression coming at some point you would think think but even still if he’s gonna wind up shooting 37 38% for the year that’s plenty but I’m telling you Kyle that the beauty to what he’s doing is the second that he starts reg regress

It’s going to be because teams don’t leave him open and then when they don’t leave him open from three he is barbecue chicken time yep like and like shout out to Luke LS who has put a tremendous amount of work into into helping Daren become this type of player and also R uh

Ros Fox his wife um she has also done the same thing like this has been a uh like a a group effort to help him become the shooter that he’s become and hey let’s let’s give a shout out to Keegan Murray why not who sat there and

And worked with him all summer long and a long Defender they one-on-one all the time they’re working on each other’s games like that’s a big deal like to play against a Long Tall uh you know athletic dude who who’s uh like making life difficult for you but at the end of

The day like if this is how the kings are going to be built it does change everything because it used to be that you had Fox and sabonis and neither one of them shoot the three right sabonis is out there you know when he does shoot which isn’t enough he’s crushing it

Still and then on top of that you’ve got Fox just breaking it out and having this you know spectacular season as as a three-point shooter and like now now you get to start tinkering now you know you have a better idea of what it is you

Need to go get at the trade deadline yeah and I think it’s watching them and I and I this is a little bit prisoner of the moment and I and I think that this will will change for me over the next maybe week or two but when you watch them

Against Memphis and you watch them dismantle that team by 31 and now anytime a team beats a team by 31 they’re gonna look great and you’re gonna go oh wow this is so I’m again I’m trying not to overreact but let’s overreact yeah why not that’s our job um no I I’m I’m

I’m willing to here we go here’s I’m not going to overreact I am more open to the idea now that the Kings can be more competitive in the playoffs that I thought they could without a huge change to their roster I still think they need to make some

Changes I still think they need to shore up their rotation whether that’s a player in the starting unit or or not I I’m I’m you know TBD but but I I think they need to still Shore up their their eight n man rotation for the playoffs but I don’t think that

Necessarily needs to be a starting caliber player now because if Chris dwarte going into the starting lineup and God bless Chris DTE good player but if that small change made you that much better defensively as good as they were against the Grizzlies the other night they give up 92 points they have not

Allowed 30 points in a quarter in any of their last six quarters they’ve been so good on that end and if this is all it took was Chris Duarte into the starting lineup now all of a sudden I’m looking at Kellin Johnson Alex Caruso a player like that

They were going okay yeah they’re fine players but I mean how much better they make you really well to me now that could make you a lot better yeah if just Chris dwarte is g to make your defense as good as it was the other night Mike Brown called it the best offensive

Performance the Kings have had since he’s been here that incredible that’s great if they continue this trend now all of a sudden at the deadline I’m going man if you’re putting this this offense in a seven game series that’s tough to deal with it regardless but if you now are

Confident that you can throw out some sort of defensive lineup that is going to say okay maybe they’re not as good offensively but if you have a defensive lineup that you are confident can go get you a stop or a few stops in a row over

The course of over the course of a few minutes now that’s where for for me I’m going okay maybe maybe like him in a second round series maybe you like what they can do against whoever they face in the conference final okay but again now

I need to we saw remember the game in Brooklyn last year where they kind of grinded out a win against the Nets okay and Mike Brown after the game I remember he was like I’m glad to see that we could win this type of game and won a

Game like this all year you got to win in different ways blah blah blah maybe this Memphis game is just that maybe they oh hey they had a really good defensive performance it all falls apart over the next couple of next couple weeks but I like that

Foundation yeah I mean I I totally see like the path forward here I just Chris DTE needs to prove that number one he can grow into the role number two he can stay healthy because that’s been an issue and number three he can stay out

Of foul trouble no doubt and if he can do do those three things I think if he starts to grow into that role and he starts to become like a a solid like he needs to take the three-point shot like he can’t sit there and and start dribbling every single time like stop

With the dribbling like sometimes you can do that but it’s like he always wants to get in the two-man game with domos but he doesn’t want to shoot it in the two-man game he wants to give it back to domas one and a half maname yeah

So you’re like what are we doing here like how about you just catch and shoot but if he can grow into that role and even if he shoots a like 35 36% from three okay that’s fine make teams guard him yeah exactly I mean what I’m talking

About is at this point Chris DTE is shooting 36.7% from the field and 30% from from three like he has not been an impactful offensive player at all if he can settle into this role the role will continue to morph and he’ll get more and more responsibilities by the end of this

Season if this is what Mike Brown is going to do and I’m not convinced 100% that he is going to stick with this maybe he will maybe he won’t um but there there comes a point where if one of your major trade assets is Kevin herder um you don’t want to devalue him

And so like this might be a temporary thing with Kevin’s hand we don’t know what’s gonna happen here right but if dwarte does grow into this role there will come a point where you’re going to see him take on the toughest defensive assignment on the perimeter that will

Allow dearn Fox to take a breath and my concern right now isn’t that dearn fox is you know is going to be able to maintain 30 points a game or whatever and so that we might get to a point where he’s trying to maintain that type of scoring average and his efficiency is

Going to go in the tank because he’s playing 35 36 minutes a night and he’s defending at an at a high level you need someone to be able to take some of the pressure off for him in a different way and I think Malik monk is already

Stepping up and saying hey I got some of that right he’s taking on this this role where he’s eating more and more minutes at the as a primary ball scorer whether it’s with the first unit or the second unit he’s taking some pressure off where you can have Fox Float around the

Perimeter and just shoot threes and relax if you can get someone to take some of the defensive pressure off which would be dwarte that would be big as well yeah and then if you can if you can and this gets back to what I was talking about if you can throw out

A lineup of fox dwarte Keegan Murray Harrison Barnes in a in a postseason setting where that’s four Defenders now that you feel at least okay about you it’s a switchable lineup it gives you a genuinely really good perimeter Defender and Chris dwarte you have a player like Keegan Murray who

We’ve seen in spots this year go guard Davon Mitchell for an entire or excuse me Donovan Mitchell for an entire game I think that’s the first time I’ve ever ever gotten that backwards oh interesting like I usually me to say Davon Mitchell and I say Donovan this is

The first time I’ve ever said Donovan said DAV on it meant Donovan anyways where we’ve seen Keegan Murray take on that assignment and so if it’s Chris Dart and you get Keegan Murr playing like that dearen fox is a very good Defender Harrison Barnes is a fine

Defender still if you have those four running around on the perimeter in a in a playoff setting like you again going back to can you get a stop when need one I like that lineup to get a stop yeah so it but again it comes back to what you were saying about DTE

Where the Kings aren’t going to play him in a big spot if he’s if they’re playing four on five offensively because the team doesn’t feel they need to guard him on the perimeter he needs to settle down like on both ends of the Court we’re seeing him settle down a little bit on

The defensive end but on the offensive end he’s still kind of like hopped up you’re like hey man just kind of simmer down you you’ll be okay Part of Me Part of Me wonderers if that’s because his his role has been inconsistent this year but maybe Mike Brown putting him in the starting

Lineup this is like hey you’re the starting two guard go go you have earned that spot now go keep it yeah maybe that maybe that helps him where he doesn’t feel so much pressure to try and I don’t know just relax and play yeah I’m excited to talk to Mike Brown

Tonight uh during pregame and kind of figure out if that what his idea is here because again this could be like well herder’s dinged up and he needs a break a mental break or is this like hey this is what we’re doing now and if this is what they’re

Doing that’s fine but I kind of want to have him like say what it is that he’s looking for from dwarte and let’s be honest what what are you looking for from Kevin herder because I think one of the questions in the chatty house earlier was you know what does this mean

For Kevin herder and the fact is there are no extra shots in the starting lineup like Harrison Barnes has dealt with it all year long uh dear Fox is at 22 shots per game deona sabonis is taking an extra shot per game you’re seeing a guy like Keegan Murray get an

Extra couple of shots like those fourth and fifth starters you don’t need them to be like incredible offensive players but they have to hit the three and they have to at least be confident right if like dwarte has done a nice job with some back cuts and stuff like that right

But you you have to at least play them like someone has to defend them because if not that’s when you start guming up with sabonis and you start guming up things for Fox so for me I I I want to hear Mike say what his plan is and then

Again I think Kevin herder might be able to flourish Off the Bench alongside a guy like uh Malik monk who’s setting up people all over the place if he’s just floating around as a shooter he might get his confidence back in that role and the the key is though you don’t want to

To toally devalue him because like I think that they are looking for uh a move and and he would probably be the one that would go if they are looking for a move speaking of moves I’m glad you brought that up ogn and Obi got traded I don’t think the Kings necessarily

Whiffed because I don’t I don’t we’ll we’ll talk about the package that the Knicks sent and and what the Kings could have could have done to try and match it but I think that Nick’s trade is very very or the Pascal SE yakum tra excuse

Me the OG trade with the Knicks is very telling for what a pascal SE yakum deal might look like and we’ll talk about that next he’s James M KY we’re the Insiders on ESPN 1320 um I’m going to pull this one up while we’re sitting here chatting while we’re sitting here

Sorry jeez I’ve starred a bunch of chats I’ve not been able to get to to I oh okay um LaVine will not be a king this is I am not ham right um I’m not going to say that that’s the case uh but I do think that there’s an internal battle

Over who wants Zack LaVine on this team and who doesn’t and I think what part of Chris dwarte starting can be a giant middle finger saying this is what I need that is not what I need you guys got me yeah and I know yeah that’s incredible but you you understand what

Like folks out there this is like Mike Brown saying like don’t get me another Kevin herder or a a Juiced up version of don’t get go get me some offensive weapon at at the two get me someone that can slow somebody down so I don’t have everyone in the world talking about how

Deon sabonis is bad defensively when really he’s not he’s just trying to defend his guys and giving up wide open dunks to Rudy Gober because no one can stop a like a guy attacking the uh the lane so I’ll say this because this is what I’m thinking and I don’t want

To I don’t want it to come across like you’re saying this this is what I am Gathering I would bet that Zack LaVine is a check that I would bet VC is a big Zack LaVine guy there is definitely some someone within the walls of golden one that wants Zack LaVine and

There are other one minute one or two people who do not want Zack LaVine from what I what I’ve been I I’ve heard so there are people in there that do want Zack LaVine Zack LaVine wants to go to Sacramento um he would love to go to

Sacramento uh but what you have to give up to go get Zack LaVine just like what are we doing here and that’s not what you need like you can get a a more well-rounded version of Zack LaVine it’s just going to cost dude here’s my here’s

My thing on this the in fact we can we can save this for the air if you want yeah we’re coming back in 30 seconds Zack line that’s where we’re gonna start guys okay good job whoever brought that up I am not ham nice work all right 10 10 seconds I saw Will

Z in the chat what’s up will all right here we go hour number two it’s party time we’re taking you right up to noon dowlo and KC will be back uh today DLo and KC are back today they’ll hang out with you from noon to 4 uh I’m Kyle that’s James

Tons of Kings talk today we’ve talked 49ers as well if you want to get in on the conversation 91699 1320 that’s 91699 1320 the 49ers clinch the number one overall all seed in the NFC over the weekend big weekend for them they have a buy in the first round of the playoffs

They have HomeField advantage throughout the playoffs and now they can rest some guys in week 18 we’ll dive into that a little bit more mad props coming up next segment that’s when we’ll dive into some 49er stuff fun mad props this week very tightly contested and like I said patting myself

On the back some really good projections by me but we were talking in the chat at the break and if you want to get in on that chat ESPN 1320 TV um you can hang out in the chatty house ESPN 1320 or ESPN 1320 that’s where you can reach us in

The chatty house and we talk through the breaks we hang out during the break we answer questions um and frankly the chatty house sometimes asks some really good questions that we bring to Air and that’s one we’re going to do right now so I am not ham in the chat declared

That Zack LaVine will not be a king and we’ve we’ve talked pretty extensively about about Zack LaVine and and I definitely want to get your thoughts on this but for me the whole Zack LaVine thing um I think what it would take to go get Zack LaVine from an asset

Standpoint you could probably go get probably two maybe three lower caliber players who improve your roster more than Zack LaVine would oh for sure I mean financially we’re talking about a guy who makes 200 million over like the next four years yeah just you’re locking yourself into

Zack LaVine as a member of your cores for the next half decade yeah I I don’t understand in any world where like Zack LaVine to the Kings makes sense I I just don’t like he’s not a super efficient scorer he’s he’s never won at all like the fact that he’s fun and he’s

Highlight re and he gets buckets okay like there are a lot of guys like that out there in the league and this guy gets paid a lot to shoot 33.6% from three you know that’s that’s not exactly what you’re looking for and for me it’s

If you’re G to add that type of of offensive weapon then add it on the front line yep don’t add it in the back court in the back court like I think everyone you can look at like what’s happening with Trey young right Trey young has played alongside Kevin herder

He’s played alongside bogdon bogdanovich he’s played alongside deante Murray they just keep like wheeling and dealing through these guys that they believe can help Trey young as a player and they keep losing and what they haven’t done is is done something basic like what the like the Philadelphia 76ers did with

Alen Iverson like Eric snow did all of of the Dirty Work he held down he rebounded he played defense he got everyone involved he kept the team together he hit a you know 16 foot jumper but that was about it he was so valuable to the Philadelphia 76ers like

Why haven’t they tried that next to Trey Trey young I have no idea and so when I look at dearon Fox I first of all I’ll say dearen fox fits fits next to a lot of players he’s not such a like this crazy megalomaniac scorer guy that he

Can’t fit alongside people he fit perfectly fine alongside buddy heeld he fit perfectly fine alongside bogdon bogdanovich and you the one player that he really didn’t fit alongside was was Tyrese halberton again you didn’t give it long enough but also you could see that it might not work because you had

One guy who needs to orchestrate everything and one guy who needs the ball in his hands to score and so that’s not exactly conducive to to building a team now we’ve seen again Fox work with herder Fox is probably going to work just fine with Chris dwarte but Chris

Dwarte is more like that Doug Christie or Eric snow type player that you run out there that does the Dirty Work that that gets mixes it up that goes and gets some rebounds that that gets a couple of assists that might have like six or seven eight shots a game but that’s it

As long as he’s fitting into that role I think he can flourish and I think it makes Kings better yeah so I just and that’s not to say that Chris Arte is a better player than Zack LaVine in a vacuum he’s not or even better than

Kevin herder no no if you but if you’re if you’re acquiring Zack LaVine it’s because he puts the ball in the hoop in so many different ways yeah he’s a ridiculous athlete he can fill it up from outside like he’s a very very good scorer but when you look at the Kings

And you look at their needs that’s not it putting him next to dear and fox is either handcuffing fox or handcuffing LaVine yeah and it just that defeats the purpose of acquiring a guy like that no totally totally if dearen Fox was really still if dearen fo I shouldn’t say still

If dearen Fox was struggling to score the basketball Daren fox is like man you know what he’s just he is 20 points a night and they really need more from their back court then okay but that’s not the case that’s not the case at all

I just don’t I don’t I don’t see the Zack LaVine thing outside of hey he wants to be in Sacramento and oh that’s that’s he’s won dunk contests like that’s a big name and getting Landing a big name in Sacramento would be cool and and and and different but I don’t think

It helps them this year no no no it’s like the Kings have made this mistake a million times over the course of time over the course of history I mean it literally is like going out and getting Derek Smith because one of the first games that the Kings played in

Sacramento dude goes out and scores like 30 something points and the Kings go out and trade for him and then he blows out his knees and never the same player like or he had a bad knee already like yeah but it brings us it’s real quick yeah

It’s about going and we say this once a show at least it’s about going from good to great yeah acquiring Zack LaVine is a we haven’t made the playoffs this guy will help us get to the playoffs type of move Zack LaVine is not a this gets you

To a championship caliber type of move it’s just it’s it’s not yeah and the problem is that Zach has made it to the playoffs exactly one time in his career and he wasn’t great yeah so I mean that’s just like the he’s been in the

League a long time and he’s not the type of player that gets you over the hump nope um there’s also this other um here in chat we had Greg moss and and I’m not calling you out Greg I’m just saying uh it plays into a different discussion

Here Davon plus herder a future first doesn’t get the Kings an anobi for those wondering why the Kings didn’t trade for him um this is a an interesting discussion Kyle because everyone wants to go out there with a trade machine and they they want to work out trades and

The problem is that like you got to work the trade machine at least helps with salary right right so people out there in the in the world can look at and say okay salary capse this is how this works right um so yeah on paper that the Kings

Have all kinds of ways to get to get ogn and Obi the problem that you have is that the Raptors didn’t want it’s not that they didn’t want Kevin herder and Davon Mitchell in a first round pick it’s that they wanted to stay competitive build around a 22-year-old

Scotty Barnes they got a 2 3y old they got a 24 year old and they’re building with that as their core the Kings had that to offer but his name was Keegan Murray and the Kings weren’t going to do it and so they lost out so my point

Isn’t that the Kings had a better deal could have given a better deal my point is that sometimes you’re trading with a team who has different motivations than what you have and that’s what we’ve run into here and then I think the bigger question is is that going to be the case

If they decide to trade Pascal yum and I’m going to say that I don’t think it is and I that sounds weird but go ahead so that’s kind of interesting because that’s what I was going to bring up on the about the OG trade was we’ve talked

So much about the kings first round picks I know they have first round picks and they can offer these and teamc second there were zero first round picks in that deal it was it was Emanuel quickley and RJ Barrett and Detroit second yep which will be really good second Pi be really

High second round pick 31st pick in the draft Yeah so so back back in the first round early second round pick so that’s the only tra that was the only pick that went in that deal because like you said the Raptors clearly still want to compete yep and draft picks don’t help

You do that especially if they’re draft picks in 2025 and 2027 well or later yes yeah so if if we’re talking about a 2026 2028 pick okay now when it comes to se yakum I’m going to say a couple things number one seaka makes $38 million so you have

Toronto is going to have to take back upwards of 30 32 million no matter what and the people who make that kind of money are not a bunch of young players right so so they’re going to have to take back veterans that’s number one number two they already got two pieces

To go with Barnes and they have other pieces there already they’re probably at this next Junction looking for more of the draft compensation and not bearing themselves in the long-term contracts and and getting players that fit Maybe I’m Wrong maybe they’re looking for the exact same deal again they only want 22

23 year old players sure and if you got those players to trade them then they’re in so like welcome OKC to the conversation you have a bunch of these guys but I don’t think that that’s you already got two of them I think that they’re probably gonna like look at the

Build as a long-term situation and build assets because again OG makes so much money that it’s going to you’re going to have to take back veterans no matter or what yeah yeah and whether that’s I think that’s a great point and whether that’s veterans with a couple of Cheaper

Young players attached or an expiring with a couple of young guys attached or maybe it’s just salary match and then a bunch of picks yeah and maybe that’s where that winds up Landing but I I did think I was certain that the OG trade was going to be a player and then a

Bunch of picks that was not how it went which I thought was really really interesting yeah the past yamal is going to be fascinating now I think so too I think it it does the Kings can still get in on this they can still be players in

This if they want um but remember he makes a lot of money and if you’re Toronto and you’re looking at this you already got three young guys that you can build around could you fill out your roster with role players that actually make sense to help bring these guys

Along and help develop them and help you know put placeholders in place and then first round picks as assets so I think there’s definitely a way that the kings are still involved the Kings Trade talk will not stop at least until the trade deadline then we’ll talk buyouts but the

Kings Trade talk is definitely not stopping we do have mad props to get to and then we will take a look at a potentially messy NFL playoff picture the good news uh for the 49ers is they are uh locked into the number one seat

In the NFC but what else is going on in the NFL playoff standings will let you know that and then an exciting addition of mad props you’re not going to want to miss it very tightly contested race between me James this week on ESPN 1320

Um yeah Adam fox seum says he won’t sign a two-year extension no he he wants a full four-year extension and he probably wants 160 million plus um which it realistically it’s what he’s worth so uh Bryce asks will will will it take a third third team to get

Seak to Sacramento that’s something that I did not talk about which I should have yes Bryce there’s totally a possibility where again he’s making 38 million bucks but maybe there is another team out there that has a um let’s say like a team like Cleveland right Cleveland has a couple of assets that

Are around the age you know Isaac aoro and maybe they’ve had interest in Harrison Barnes in the past what if you were to trade Harrison Barnes to Cleveland Isaac aoro and some other player I haven’t even looked at at their roster go to Toronto but maybe that gets the Kings the young

Player that Toronto’s going and looking for and then on top of that um you know you throw in some uh some draft compensation there are lots of ways to to design trades but as much as trade machine and everything else is important the motivation of the team that you’re

Dealing with is also equally important yeah would something like let me see how much of a role he’s playing there two minutes I will uh I will be right back I got to run out and grab something real quick yep yeah I I definitely think that there’s there are ways to construct a

Deal um Ricky Rubio’s expiring contractor he’s about to retire I think but you could probably again trade Harrison Barnes and um to Cleveland and have a package Isaac aoro and someone like Ricky Rubio’s expiring so they’re not taking well he’s not expiring he’s owed 6.5 million next year

But maybe that works for for Toronto better and anding on top of that you’d have to have like a herder thrown in on it on a trade like that as well because we’re dealing with a dude who makes $38 million and you know let’s not forget that Kevin herder

Is a whopping 25 years old and fits the player Arc and could probably slide right into either a bench roll or starting roll with um with Tonto all right we back wait until you get a load of Damian shoes bro uh oh it takes a lot for me to

Be like oh dang Daman shoes today Bruh Bruh the whole outfit actually is cash I thought he was going he’s not going to the game tonight correct I’m in there Friday oh five seconds here we go I’m Kyle he’s James we’re hanging out with you until noon then DLo and KC will

Be in here again want to thank everybody who hung out with us last week we were rocking from 10 to two had a ton of fun doing that and so everybody who was who was in here thank you so much I was a little bit worried over the holiday kind

Of week or that week between Christmas and New Year’s that there’s going to be nobody nobody around there’s nobody around the office but uh shout out to everybody who’s in the chatty house everybody listening on the radio and on the free Odyssey app we appreciate that

Immensely yeah I mean here at the office it was just you and I on Friday Kyle we went to leave yeah it was I thought n I’m not gonna I this is a that’s a that’s a break story I’ll tell it at the at the at the next break after you left

Your boy had a little problem here in the office oh no yeah we’ll talk about it um it’s just not one that I want for air that’s all okay um mad props we do the these every Friday we take the 49ers game and the upcoming Kings

Game and we take two stats we put them against each other and then James and I have to pick which one will be higher I’ve had some whiffs this year in terms of like which stats to line up next to each other but I did a really nice job this

Week so the first one was Brock pie passing yards or Kings Hawks total points oh you and I both took Brock py passing yards it was much much closer than if I had told you we both got that right I would have thought okay pry must

Have just gone out and lit up the commanders but he really didn’t did he go what like 233 234 230 on the dot 230 on the dot Kings Hawks total 227 oh so we both we both got the W there I did think the the 49ers game plan offensively was

Interesting and we’ll we’ll talk about that here because we also had Brock py completions or Malik monk points and assists Brock pry 22 completions Malik monk 23 points and assist who chose what we both had monk oh so we both get we both uh get both

Get the win there I thought I didn’t think the the so I thought there were there were two ways Kyle shanan was going to go about Sunday’s game he was either gonna have pretty the ball in the air 40 times and torch a not very good

Defense or they were going to play it way more conservative and let pry kind of regain some some confidence after a four interception game and I think we saw that early it was a lot of easier throws uh Rhythm throws not really pushing the ball down the field and a

Little bit later into the game they started pushing the ball down the field Kyle yuse cheek dropped well would have been a deep touchdown on the first drive but they started pushing the ball down the F field a little bit more late in the game and then they got up by by 17

And and packed it in yeah but I was expecting more of a pass heavy game plan I think and it just wasn’t that wasn’t really the case I just don’t think we either one of us assumed that mcaffrey would carry ball was it 13 times like by midc quarter I I was

Stunned by that I was like what what is happening yeah it was a it was a lot of Christian mcaffry and we’ll get to him in a second Brandon auk yards are Kings first half points this is the one that I that that we had a big whiff on so you

Took Kings I took I took auk it was 114 to 53 oh Kings didn’t have a great first half against Atlanta no not at all yeah yeah they were down 7153 at the half is that what it was yeah down 18 roared back to win by seven okay uh so yeah so

I get the I get the W there you get your first loss uh but don’t fret James you’re not out of it just yet Christian mcaffry touches or dear and fox field goal attempts we both went with fox fox had 20 field goal attempts mcaffry because of the injury

18 touches that’s what he finished the game with oh yeah he would have way more yeah he was he was pacing upwards of 30 yeah like 47 touches like stop touching people yeah I uh I don’t uh I don’t think he probably would have gotten there because they probably would have

Even if he was healthy they they would have I think removed him in the fourth quarter maybe but he still would have would have been upwards of of 30 I think yeah a lot of work I was just like sitting there begging for aij Mitchell to get some some Burn yeah and then

Finally he did but it was because of injury we’ve talked a lot about the Kings changing rotation it hurt your boy in this one Keon Ellis not playing oh that one’s stung and 49er sacks or Keon Ellis made field goals you went 49er sack I rocked with my guy Keon and no

Dice no minutes for Keon Ellis so no field goal attemp uh no made field goals uh one sack for the 49ers hopefully two hopefully two hopefully there’s that stack correction come on but one one sack for the 49ers so you get the win there I take the L my first L and then

49ers points or Trey young points I took Trey you took the 49ers the 49ers hung up 27 Trey young hung up 24 24 that’s right Trey didn’t have a big so you get the win I take the L by three points you win this one you five- one this week

Four for you four and two for me really really really strong performance after last week I think we combined got two or three right yeah I’m wondering why this doesn’t translate my prize picks at all because I am one of the worst the single-hand worst prize picks players of

All time do you need me to do do you do you need me to just like when you tell me two you’re thinking of I will come up with 49ers props to put against them yeah I guess that might work I can play that yeah for sure it’s kind of like

Like I don’t know if you’ve ever had to do like on television there’s so many different ways it so I’m always better when someone asks me a question sure if someone just puts a camera in my face say hey talk about the game for 45 seconds and I’m like what do you mean

Talk about the game right there’s a basketball game today like there there was a game in the Kings one like what do you want me to like pull out like so anyway who was rating threes in Sacramento yeah exactly so I definitely more comfortable when someone’s like

Throwing even if and then it became like hey if you’re a camera guy ask me a question and then I’ll I’ll answer and give me some kind of prompt yeah give me a prompt and then I’ll fire away and I can talk for 45 seconds that’s no big

Deal but yeah it’s just different let’s get to our guy Manny 91699 1320 91690 91320 if you want to jump in on the conversation Manny what do you got for us what’s up guys Happy New Year’s may your 2024 stay crunchy and never get soggy man bro I go ahead

Yes Kyle go ahead dog so with the Zach talk right like I’m no basketball expert or analyst but I have watched I can count on it on one hand the number of Bulls games I’ve missed since he’s been a bull and I can tell you it was

Exciting when he first got there I thought the tools were there for him to be uh to get a better jump shot the athleticism was obviously already there uh learned some defense and he really hasn’t changed much over the years he’s a he’s the Carlos Boozer of Defense he

Hates playing defense uh his offense is spotty at best yeah he’s had some great games but he he relies he still relies on his athleticism basically for everything um does like James like there’s it makes no sense to go get somebody like that who would basically

Be not it’s not the same player but he’s basically just taking Tyrese’s spot of two offensive players that’ll just end up bumping heads all the time I I just don’t see it I don’t see how giving up what you need to give up for him even if

The Bulls were in a we just want to get a rid of the salary type thing there’s nothing that they already have point guards over there they have Kobe white and they have IOU they don’t need another they don’t need Davon really it’s there’s nothing that really makes sense in that tra

Trade to me and I just have to say to like the naysayer Kings fans out there like just trust the Monte if there’s something out there he’s going to get it done if it’s not worth the cost don’t be disappointed at the trade deadline if he

Sticks with what he has and waits till the end of the season to address whatever needs to be addressed they’ve done what they’ve done so far they killed the 16-year streak I know everybody wants to rush into like the next atmosphere of the playoffs this Championship enjoy the ride not trying

To tell anybody out of fan but enjoy the ride and let it play out my man you won’t be disappointed thanks Manny appreciate you 91699 1320 I’m with him yeah I don’t want Zack line either by the way speaking of speaking of Carlos Boozer uh did you see Jordan Clarkson

Had a triple double for the Jazz last night oh no it was the Jazz’s first triple double since Carlos Boozer had one in 2008 what yeah oh that’s a crazy stat insane that’s a crazy stat Lor marinin Donovan Mitchell Gordon Hayward nobody wow Gordon never had one not one

Wow I was in high school I was in high school I’m 33 I was in high school the last time the Jazz had a triple double before last night it was Jordan Clarkson of all people my one-year-old I had a one-year-old that’s now 16 he can out

Drive that’s a and Deon sabonis has six of them this season yeah yeah that’s wild if anybody ever tells me to not be soggy again it’s G to be a problem by the way shout out to Manny appreciate the call 91699 1320 that’s 91699 1320 we’re talking Kings trades we’re talking 49ers

Getting the one seed we’ll take a quick look at the NFL playoff picture when we come back there’s a couple of wild games uh ahead of us this weekend the Raiders unfortunately eliminated with their loss to the Colts but we will talk about that and we will look ahead to

Tonight’s Kings game Kings Hornets tonight we’ll give you some keys to victory in that one and we are giving away another Jiffy Lube gift certificate a $100 Jiffy Lube gift certificate will be up for grabs in the next segment we’ll have your keyword next on ESPN 1320 Sacramento

Sports what was your story you’re waiting for the break or No that’s a good call by Manny what was the story you’re going to share with us so um I’m trying to delicately do this uh uh I need the restroom okay after you had left oh and I went I am so excited to use the restroom right now because there’s

Nobody here I get to go to the bathroom and I don’t have to worry about any type of interference people walking in and it’s weird it’s awkward so I go in and I’m make myself comfortable and I’m all a sudden the door opens to your stall no to the bathroom okay

And I’m like you’ve got to be kidding me like you’re the only one here I’m the only person in this building we we like you checked you went yeah there nobody here there’s no one here the lights were off everywhere that lights nothing so I’m like damn it and and I’m going okay

It’s probably the janitor it’s probably janitor getting in here getting everything cleaned out to go it’s like all right that’s fine I’m not gonna know maybe it’s somebody from downstairs coming upstairs I don’t know I’m not going to know this person though so who cares I leave the bathroom stall it’s complex

Who I know who’s the yeah complex still here I guess they had a lunch and he had to come in and finish some stuff so now it was awkward not that it was fine but I just I was awkward in that moment dude okay like I thought I was I was so sure

I was just gonna have the the restro to myself there is a janitor here that speaks on speaker phone from the stall yes in Spanish yeah yes yeah it’s on speaker phone on speaker phone yeah loud loud yeah that was that was rough for for me uh we did say the first keyword

It was fox fox ESPN Fox click the Jiffy Lube logo Fox and speaking of Manny uh Manny won the Jiffy Lube gift certificate I think last week well we gave away a ton of them one day so I think everyone all of our friends got

One on one day hey I also really agree with this take by Warren which is which uh Fox is who they thought oh like different a little bit different style of player JW plays Above the Rim more often than Fox does uhuh and their different styles of of point guard but I

Think dearn Fox is carrying his team and taking a leap in the way that people thought jaw was doing I would say this too like how much time do we have 45 okay like very quickly the fact that dearn fox settled down got married had a child started to be a real life

Person and not a cartoon character or a lifestyle guy it matters it does it matters in the NBA and him finding a way to settle in and like like get comfortable with who he is as a person MH that actually matters johnar has no

Idea who he is as a person and he’s got a bunch of hangers on telling him that he’s something that he’s not all the time yep Jo C jock can’t guard Fox he get his ass busted all right here we go final segment taking up to noon then

Dowlo and KC will take over I’m Kyle that’s James we’re having a great time today talking NFL we’ve talked to ton of Kings yeah it feels like the kings are having one of those seasons and I think this is a little bit if you’re looking for a kind of overall like overarching

Theme of the year it’s been that inconsistency and in fact somebody in the chat in our in our YouTube chat earlier in the chatty house Scout recycler uh said the Kings need to improve their consistency to take the next step not sure if that will come

With a big or small change to the roster and that’s that’s kind of the big take away from the weekend for me they go beat the Hawks but man they did claw back from down 23 and down 18 and a half and then you go smoke the Grizzlies and

Look like you’re in a different stratusphere than them Kyle I think it’s been up and down and back and forth all year and we sit here and we go okay yeah now maybe they need this they need that it’s like ultimately they need to string a month together of just good consist

Play yeah and we talk about this like you know the reason why part of the reason why the Kings had such success last season without injury was because they didn’t go out and get injury prone players right so I would say consistent consistency can be looked at in the same

Way as injuries sure if you go out and find a consistent player you know then you have a much higher chance of of finding success yeah th% don’t go out there and look for somebody who’s all over the board thinking that you might be able to fix them and it’s why I’d

Also say that I’m not 100% sold that that Chris wte is a long-term answer at the shooting guard spot like he hasn’t been able to be consistent whether it’s injury whether it’s just you know inconsistent play he hasn’t been able to be that guy so like I would like to say

Okay maybe this is the point where he he gets there he’s 26 years old maybe he settles in all that stuff but I if I’m a team like the Kings I would prefer if I need more consistency go find yourself someone who brings in every single night

That’s that’s just it and and I admire what Mike Brown has done and I think he’s been doing the right things in terms of mixing and matching and messing with rotations and not just getting set with ay these are the starting five and then this is the bench and sometimes

We’ll go a little deeper in the bench depending but this this is the team that I’m rolling with like he has moved things around with the bench unit and now he’s moving things around with the starting unit MH and just trying to find like you said just trying to find that

Night in and Night Out competitiveness where you’re not going to win every night shots aren’t gonna fall every night yeah but it’s the oh hey they look like title contenders against the Grizzlies and then they look like a lottery team against Boston yeah you know it’s been that up and down kind of

Uh and and Boston might be a tough example because Boston’s really good but I guess the Rockets or the Pelicans M they look like not a title so I think finding that and and maybe it is Chris DTE maybe it’s a trade they haven’t made yet but yeah that’s that’s going to be

The I think the next step is where we’re not talking about like hey what does the starting lineup look like on a given night yeah I mean I think that this is something that like when you you talk about consistent you can find consistent players right it’s something that it’s

Actually a a skill set that that I look for like when I’m playing fantasy football right so I’ve got CD lamb on my roster from week eight until week 17 he has he has one touchdown every single week I think there’s one week where he has two

Touchdowns and the one week that he didn’t have a touchdown I’m sorry from week eight to week 17 the one week he didn’t have a touchdown he had 11 catches for 191 yards so every single week I’m looking at 29 Points 18 points 29 Points 11 points 13 like if you can

Start to count on someone the way that the Kings right now can count on the Aaron Fox and demonus of bonis if you can add more people that are like that then you’re going to find great success yeah yeah um I I have nothing to add okay that’s

That’s a that’s I think what what Mike Brown is searching for when he when he’s making changes in the starting lineup and we’ll see what it looks like after the trade line and then it’s about figuring it out for the postseason and at least having a solidified starting

Five and a good three or four deep bench that Mike Brown knows he can rely on in a seven game series and then maybe that changes on matchups but right now um if they were going into a playoff series I wouldn’t I wouldn’t feel great because

You just don’t know like hey who’s gonna start who’s their five best players right now and I think you know who your closing lineup is I think it’s their starters with Malik monk at the two but outside of that it’s kind of yeah so anyways no um real quick before we get

Into keys do a king’s victory tonight against the Hornets well first of all you want to give away a $100 gift certificate yeah let’s do it all right ESPN is where you’re gonna want to go there’s a giant jfu logo right in the front you’re G to click on that and

Then you’re G to enter the code word monk monk as in Malik monk MK Malik monk 275 and five against the Grizzlies on Sunday night just the kind of performance we’ve been looking for for Malik monk it feels like for two weeks we’re like all right hey big Malik monk

Scoring that tonight all right here it comes okay here we now it seems he’s finally right with that foot injury he’s not on the injury report and uh man he lit it up in Memphis and he was your player of the game d stonis Alo also a

Really good game 13 points 21 boards 12 assists another triple double for him but man when Malik monk catches fire like that I I don’t I’m gonna bear with me here yep Steph Curry has always been the Warriors best player but when they were in the in the

2015 2016 in those two years I was of the mind like man I don’t know if there’s anybody more important to them than Draymond Green what he does for them emotionally what he does for them defensively I guess just and again that in retrospect in hindsight I know right

Now that sounds crazy but in 156 like trust me that that was the case I feel like that’s where Malik Monk Is at Darren Fox is clearly their best player yes deonis sabonis is very clearly their second best player y I don’t know that there’s a more important player for

Sacramento than Malik monk like if you tell me that hey in a playoff series he averaged 18 and six I like the Kings to win that playoff series against almost anybody I’m with you like for me like first of all he’s found consistency even last season he was really good but he

Wasn’t consistent M and he’s starting to where you can start start writing in with pen what you’re getting and the fact that he’s shooting 41.2% from three y it just makes him deadly like his set shot and someone asked earlier in the chat like how much is what’s his his

Price tag right and I don’t know like we’re gonna have to wait and see like I’m gonna have to do a lot more research on like who has money and all that stuff but again you have to understand that like once we get through the trade deadline it’s possible some of these

Teams that have money right now won’t have money this offseason and things will shift so monk I mean the Kings can offer I think it’s 17.4 17.5 million uh as a starting salary for him it’s like a a 4year 78 is what they could offer him

And he is living up to that type of contract now if he’s going to get 25 million a year 30 million a year first of all the kings can’t go there they don’t have because he’s a two-year contract he they all they have is early bird rights they don’t have full L bird

Rights to them um and they don’t have salary cap space so you’re going to lose him if it’s above that uh but like the type of player he’s become in Sacramento to me is just it’s spectacular and you talked about the foot injury the foot injury was clearly bugging him like the the

Kings didn’t need him in Phoenix he scored seven points um he missed the next game and then the Portland game he only scored seven points too you could tell it was bugging him and then he had a couple of days to heal up and uh he

Was really good and the cool thing too is he’s from Arkansas and I guess it’s not that far for friends and family to get to Memphis to go watch that game and so he had I think upwards of 50 people in the stands uh friends and family

During the holidays so good for Malik having a big game with his friends and family there yeah love to see that for him uh before DLo and Casey get in here um we will skip the NFL playoff stuff we can do that another time let’s get to

Our keys to victory for the Sacramento Kings tonight against the Charlotte Hornets the Kings looking for their third consecutive victory in James ham of the Kings beat the kings make sure to become a subscriber today what is your first key to Victory no slip UPS

This is a bad team Portland’s a bad team you can’t let them have confidence early you got to do exactly what you’re supposed to do and that’s uh beat the pants off this team come around mhm you got to do it early for sure yeah uh for

Me uh my first key is a defensive repeat we talked consistency I have no doubt the Kings will figure it out on offense no matter what I they have enough weapons they have a good enough coaching staff and they have one of the 10 best players in the league in Daren Fox they

Are going to put the ball in the hoop they have to get stops I mentioned it earlier over their last six quarters they have not allowed 30 points in any of their last six quarters qus and over those six quarters they’ve allowed a combined 131 131 points in six quarters that is

Less than 22 points a quarter that is outstanding they need to continue that that level of Defense tonight and um you that goes to what you’re saying just snuff it out early don’t don’t let them score 38 in the first quarter and and let their confidence grow keep him to 20

21 points and uh run away early this is a really good off defensive team I mean lamelo ball is averaging 247 a game uh is he back you know I’m not sure I didn’t look um Terry roier at 236 miles Bridges who I assume is going to get

Booed out of the building is at 19.7 uh Hayward Gordon Hayward is at at 145 149 for Brandon Miller yeah all further further illustrating your point here lamelo ball out with an ankle injury Gordon Hayward out with a calf injury Terry rer doubtful he is sick Frank Nina also out and then Mark

Williams is doubtful with the back injury so yeah lamelo ball and Gordon Hayward both out for the Hornets yeah which just adds to everything we’ve been saying yeah I mean this team is is rudderless and they’re not playing well at all your second key is my favorite

One um don’t let Nick Richards look like dwap wreath um first of all I know who Nick Richards is I I have no idea who dwap breath is even though I I watched him dropped 25 and n on the Kings but like why like that should never happen like

Do not get beat by some Rando do not you have to make adjustments you have to figure it out don’t let somebody beat you the Kings have notoriously done this it used to be a random dude named Jason Smith who every time he played the Kings was like game

Time all NBA player that all NBA you’re like why is Jason Smith have like 18 points in 12 minutes I I don’t know yeah I knows that’s a good one the the the Hornets do not have a ton of size the roster is crazy it’s like two SF Footers

And then a bunch of six seven dudes yeah it’s really W get a body on whatever big is on the floor and then Harrison Barnes Kevin herder Malik monk Dar whoever it is go clean it up they made PJ Washington this guy one year I think PJ

Washington put up hung like a 42 that’s crazy PJ Washington’s a fine player but come on yeah he’s always been a guy people like oh should the Kings Trade for like i’ I’ve said in the past like when he was cheap yeah go get him yeah

42 points there it is it’s not his career high but it’s his uh second it was uh at Golden One Center 127 126 Charlotte Hornets W and that’s back on February 28th 20121 PJ Washington 42 points on 15 of TW uh 22 shoot shooting golly lit them

Up crazy PJ Washington’s fine but come on Malik monk scored 21 in that game off off the oh hey Hornet bench bonus key Malik monk Revenge game all right that’s right key number key number two for me the king’s got to get it going from three tonight I know they live and die

By the three you got to live by it tonight Charlotte is allowing teams to shoot 39.7% from three oh that’s not even trying that’s not even trying dude you’re going to get open looks you got to cash them yeah yeah there’s going to be a lot of open looks okay that’s a

Good key key number three uh do work early and let the starters prep for Orlando tomorrow Orlando’s good back to back against the Orlando Magic you need to get up on this team early uh let your Starters play 28 to 30 minutes move on to the next game and somehow find a way

To win your first backtack of the Season got to figure it out man and remember the kings are 4-0 this season on the front side of a back toback there 0 and four on the back side of a a backto back so yeah you got to figure it out right

Here would you would you take a loss tonight if it meant winning tomorrow no no a loss is a loss and if it’s a bad loss to a bad team no I mean this is your chance to go nine maybe 10 games over 500 right now if you get there

Right now that is wild that literally puts you like like eight games ahead of last season’s Pace it’s pretty good pretty good uh my final key you can’t expect a whistle the Hornets are are pretty good at defending without fouling um so don’t don’t go in and do the thing

M and I and I bring this up because Mike Brown specifically pointed to it the last time the Kings was it against who was it against was it Boston where he said some calls didn’t go their way and he thought it took him out of the game

Yeah you can’t I don’t want to see that tonight I think part of the reason they they don’t foul a lot is because they’re not very good at defense so that’s all yeah they just get out of the way yeah yeah I’m not going going to lie I

Haven’t done the like super deep dive on Hornet’s defensive tape but I think this is more just in general don’t let the refs take you out of the game you got a shot at your 20th win on the season tonight already man 20 man on January

2nd we haven’t seen that kind of that’s not bad Sacramento their 20 20th win of the year but also their first win of the Year oh because 202 yeah there you go that’s a bad joke I’m sorry that was stupid that was really bad um NFL playoff clinching scenarios I have some

Fun ones for you so I’m not there’s not GNA be a quiz on this so nobody needs to be like dialed in and remembering okay the top the top oh awesome uh the top five seeds in the NFC are are wrapped up 49ers are one Dallas or Philly will be

Two um no excuse me Detroit Detroit or Dallas or Philly will be two um the ram are locked into the five so like the there’s five playoff teams that are set the seating is a mess but Atlanta gets in with a win and a Tampa Bay loss Dallas clinches the NFC

East with a win or a Philly loss Green Bay gets in with a win these are my favorite ones ready Green Bay gets into the playoffs with the win or a Green Bay tie a Seattle losser tie and a New Orleans loss or tie oh or a Green Bay

Tie a Seattle loss and a Tampa Bay loss or a Green Bay tie a Seattle tie and a Tampa Bay loss or tie or a Minnesota loss or tie a Seattle loss and a Tampa Bay loss or a Minnesota loss or tie and a Seattle loss and a New Orleans

Loss wow Green Bay has six different clinching scenarios one of which is just win just win just get a dub okay luckily the 49ers don’t have to worry about that let’s get yeah no oh that’s my bad I got to mute you there it is Kenny carway of

DLo and casy joining us now for the handoff what’s up Casey oh hang on that’s my fault my fault my fault okay start now here now all right I was just saying I just wanted to get in while you were still talking about this because you remember

That year when I believe it was the Steelers see the Steelers or the Chargers they literally needed like seven things to happen on the last day of the season and they all happened and I think they lost at the buzzer are you talking about the Chargers game where they just needed to

Tie and both teams would have got no no no this was this was probably maybe 10 years ago now remember and I think seven things needed to happen like seven win tie lose scenarios they needed all seven to happen they all happened and I think

They I think it was the Chargers I think they like lost on a like field goal or a pick at the end or something it was something crazy it was something it I’ll never forget it as you can see although I don’t remember it specifically h he’ll

Never forget it sounds very charger but he forgot it just to clarify San Francisco locked into the one seed that’s huge Kenny we’ll talk about that in a second yeah yeah uh San Francisco locked into the one seed the two seed in the NFC could either be Dallas Detroit or

Philly the number three seed could be either Dallas or Detroit for the for the two Dallas would have to lose Detroit win for the two of Dallas wins Dallas is the two seed mhm uh if Dallas loses and Philly wins uh I think Philly is the two and

Then Detroit is the three I think is how that goes and then the NFC South is still up for grab so that four seat it could be Tampa Bay it could be Atlanta and I think there’s a New Orleans situation where New Orleans could clinch the NFC South I think at

Atlanta’s still alive aren’t they somehow some way so Atlanta can win the South uh with a win and a Tampa Bay loss New Orleans can win the South with a win and a Tampa Bay loss or they tie an oh that so okay because Atlanta plays Tampa oh boy

This is a mess see one of the things oh no I’m sorry Atlanta plays New Orleans one one of the things about these lay game scenarios I heard you guys talking a little bit about it with the Washington Niners game uh Drew Down in the chat he said Dallas ain’t losing in

To to the commanders and all and in theory I agree but these these late season games against teams that you should beat weird things can happen where things could happen like it it’s not always so cut and dry it’s not always oh 49ers playing the commanders

They should beat them by you know four scores when they end up they ended up beating them by that but it’s not always just like from the kickoff like it’s just weird Vibes a little bit you know as they talk about in B in football all the time somebody’s always playing for

Something next contract uh next year whatever the case may be they one opportunity so it’s always it’s always iffy you always got to be weary of these games against teams that essentially have nothing to play for but have everything to play for yeah well and if travarus Ward doesn’t get that

Interception down there in the red zone and Washington goes in and scores you’re look at early second half and that’s a three-point game yeah like that that that game flipped on its head when Ward got an interception so yeah weird weird things happen I thought there was zero

Chance that Arizona was going into Philly and winning I didn’t think it’s like okay Jonathan gon Revenge game and I know Philly’s defense is struggling but I just don’t think the Cardinals have have the bodies well we well we got to start doing to a certain degree and I’ll talk

About a little bit more throughout the day but we got to stop giving Philly the resp respect that we’ve been giving them I mean they haven’t shown all year that they’re this really good team like they have year all year even when they were 10 and one they were getting

By yeah so so they might lose on Sunday they might lose to the Giants it could definitely they almost lost to the Giants a couple weeks ago they should have had Tyrod in there the whole time they probably would have lost agree I mean it’s we saw this weekend

Jacksonville didn’t Jacksonville lose to Carolina no who was it that Jacksonville beat the heck out of Carolina oh okay my bad who is the owner that threw his drink David terer the Panther’s owner Oh my he threw his drink in Jacksonville oh yeah that’s my bad I got that one

Swapped no it’s I don’t I have no idea Battle of 95 yeah that was bad for yeah that’s a tough that’s a tough look for for David terer uh we got to get you out of here Kenny uh what do you guys got coming up on the

Show Kings Niners and Michigan go Blue let’s go let’s go uh oh gross I’m a lifelong ubb fan after becoming a lifelong Alabama fan this weekend go dogs big Michael pen this is the year baby go Blue you’re relying on Jim Harbaugh to win a big game good Harbaugh and the Niners win

Championships this year can’t believe it all right we’re gonna go whatever whatever that is that’s coming up next on ESPN 1320 thanks guys thanks chatty gang yeah up in here man they was it was they was missing you guys man I all you guys were held it down during uh for a

Couple days during the during the break I was tapped in yeah appreciate y we’ll see you soon oh see chat again today didn’t hold this up what’s going on James what happening how was your holidays it was good yeah um uh oh that’s not good don’t do

That I think I just I don’t think I closed it I think I just shrunk it uh this is this are running shut down the other okay it’s up there somewhere I’m gonna let you find it because I don’t Orit I had the other that up oh now you’re open to the second

One I think I just shrunk it just exit it open it back up that’s everybody what’s up Hammer should be interesting back at it hey I moved um I didn’t know what else to do I moved Fat Joe to today okay because he was trending and we needed something what’s

Doing oh you got to look it up it’s not even him you got to look it up it’s hilarious it’s hilarious what’s up Hammer dude good yeah feed up yeah yeah that chair oh takes me days I tried to recover the whole weekend now super

Sore I need to get you set up here so you can stand for some of it I need something figure out how to figure out how to make that work have a chair at home but I don’t even know my chair would you better at you for four

Hours hey hey thank you she looking down at her phone smiling uh just grinning from ear to ear everything you’re low I’m high you got that mey I guess I forgot how to do This K Rex yeah yeah yeah we got them screaming D KC K KC we got screaming K KC we a number one spot we a number one spot for some sports huh got the city going crazy when we work huh we top two but we ain’t two we in first huh and

When you need the real we is who you search D KC KC we your number one spot let’s go Bab 2024 what’s good what’s good what’s good Hey we back up in here one more time for the first time in the New Year we welcome you in here to D and KC I’m Damen barlin the ultimate needle

Mover in God B himself he’s Kenny carway yes sir acknowledge me and like I said man we are so I’m sorry I’m sorry hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hey let’s hey the family’s getting bigger the on man the family’s getting

Bigger now Crystal’s always been a part of the family but it’s official official put put a ring on it the other day on Sunday New Year Put a Ring On It Go our man Jesse got engaged to his his his wonderful now fiance Crystal who the two have already been together for what

Like 19 years or something go 11 years in March y’all got together we started dating we were 16 sophomore year high school sweethearts come on man high school swe man I love love man I love love appreciate you guys thanks for everyone who said um congrats and stuff

Like that there were a lot of people too if you bothered to like have an Instagram account you would see how many people I re I redownloaded it and then threw thanks everyone on my dad’s post okay I deleted the app right after that but I I threw it thanks everyone on

There why do you hate Instagram man look everybody just a good time I don’t like taking like I don’t like taking pictures of this I don’t like posting like like stuff going on and stuff like that I like Twitter post you don’t have to take pictures you can post sneakers can we

Also acknowledge like got a pair of Air Force ones that I can only post that so many times I did post Dolphins win well that’s not well stop it stop it stop it stop it not not yet we’ll see what happens on Sunday but damn that hurt old

Team’s in the hospital right now it’ll be a well damn well Sunday gonna be crazy I’m looking forward to Sunday yeah Sunday G Sunday might be the worst day of my life Sunday Sunday Sunday gonna be something I mean Jesse by the way our boy celebrated a birthday I did I did

Look I did I did have to pe’s what’s my guy got on for the big day I was like he’s got his Air Force Ones on we got to get our guy in pair Air Force One yeah it was the generic Jesse alphab in air I got you we just

Now a new hoodie you got on though I thought I thought that when I walked yeah no he’s talking to you yeah I had that well I had the D hoodie on oh yeah you got the new hoodie no you got a new hoodie I had a new flanel on I had oh

This is new I guess yeah what I was wearing in the picture that’s what I was talking about Jesse I mean we see yours too I mean that’s just my my my my one piece of Kings gear I’m rocking with uh uh advisory man they they put that work out

There that’s not a raw special I’ll tell you that Daman does not dress for less he does not as D did his year end work and I was like oh my God how much I spend my clothes this year awful look New Year’s resolution stop that well I’m

Not gonna make that resolution stop that immediately because that that was that was I got rid of some clth it was a blood bath I got rid of some clothes so I can get some more that’s exactly what I did that’s what I did I gave away a

Lot of clothes oh and you know I’m kind of wased and kind of old because I got a pack of new hangers and I was just so excited that’s a good look how they sit in the closet it’s all um did you get the Velvet yeah velvet uniformity so

They’re all the same hanger like every hanger in my closet is the same hanger pants and shirts it’s just I was I was so pleased with myself that’s fire because I got hangers at home I hate them they’re just too hard to put clothes on and stuff like that they’re

Horrible hangers my girl bought them she likes them they’re horrible I hate them go to Costco get the black joints with the Velvet uniformity across the see but it’s tough though see I don’t like the Velvet The Velvet is no good I need the plastic

Hang see for what you have you you are like a primary hoodie guy yeah so the plastic hangers work better for hoodies like Essentials gear those plastic gear those plastic hangers is perfect when you the the velvet’s a little tough for hoodies well I don’t I don’t I don’t

Hang my hoodies oh fold them okay see we have the Velvet hangers at home then that’s what those are I hate those do the do the plastic hangers keep the the pointy shoulder from happening yeah they round okay well I’ll never find out that’s fine I I like the F my hood he’s

Like I’m at the department store okay well I mean not all of us have the room that you have to to lay out in this department store but this was about Jesse who we celebrating birthday and the whole thing and his dad and I just love Mr Tapia

He’s so proud of his son yeah beardless Jesse is an experience yeah every time I scroll across those pictures and one that’s a couple years old I I whoa that’s that’s beardless Jessie and then I go well I look that different if I just commit to this thing it’s like the

The it’s a game Cher it’s the it’s a gameer it’s the like I always get a little Jarred when I see your you know with with the with the clear glasses that you used to wear I is that oh that’s that’s Kenny I don’t think I’ll I’ll never go beardless again I’ll never

Go beardless I hadn’t I had Jazz won’t let you you cut it too short once and she didn’t at you for two weeks I’ll I’ll never go without facial hair I always wonder like would I go like Barry Bonds you know older he got no facial

Hair you see other people doing it n it ain’t never gonna happen that ain’t never gonna happen oh man there’s there’s a lot to talk about Jessie definitely had the best New Year’s Eve yeah no I’m not gonna lie it was lit this weekend everything went well very good man

That’s awesome well you you look the chatty house wants to interact with you on Instagram man like just just go to Instagram yeah man bring it back that’s tough I don’t know meet me on meet me on Twitter we go Jesse’s good on Twitter but you didn’t even post like you didn’t post

Nothing about this on Twitter that’s just me I don’t like post about like what’s going on if you know you know you know let people in they want to love you no you know and people just trying to love Jesse you resistant to love it’s a

Process maybe one day we’ll get back to it congratulations yes uh obviously we’ve told you that a thousand times but officially in front of our whole crew uh congratulations to you and appreciate everyone too she she’s she’s wonderful man and uh obviously we’re we’re we’re thrilled for you so we’ll get and and

Shoot Jesse’s weekend carried over into yesterday last night it finally happened I was driving on the way to Sacramento or whatever I peeped the phone like we got to get home now we gotta get home now not only did The Rock return as Jesse has been talking about four

About a year and a half yeah oh but he he said it wasn’t subtle this time he said something oh my God you you it’s one thing we might have to go to Philly it’s one thing I I did think about that then I thought I don’t want to see it

That bad the the the one the you young Rock Jimmy Fallon whatever when you say it on WWE TV oh it’s different oh it’s different oh it’s fine finally happening Roman and The Rock is happening do you think uh you think he was hurt before why do you yeah why do you think

It didn’t happen before I don’t know I don’t know they W doing movies right he said n he said he wasn’t in shape he wasn’t in enough shape to do it and it was clearly I don’t think he’s in the best of shape now now I’m not talk obviously the rock

Looks like a million bucks that’s no no no no no no it’s not that it’s not the way he looks he always looks fantastic it’s how long can you go in the ring your main Eventing night two of WrestleMania against the champion who’s going on nearly four years you’re gonna

Have to go 40 minutes he brck bottom Jinder Mahal and and did the people’s elbow my man looked Gass when he was asking where he should eat boy that took forever should I go that’s that’s what I’m saying more should I yeah that’s what I’m saying

That’s why you got to do the triple threat at WrestleMania he was a little he was a little fatigued he’s got he’s got I don’t know when WrestleMania is April he’s got yeah he’s got about four months to get that win back yeah yeah it’s just the question of H one how did

They get there how does this happen what does it mean for Cody oh there’s a lot there’s a lot everybody got to take a back seat everybody gotta take a back see I I don’t think so I think I think Cody can still be a part of it I I don’t

Want no I don’t want to this is for the head of the table this is for the tribal Chief there’s a one onone a philosophy you you you don’t have to overthink this it’s the Rock and Roman at WrestleMania you don’t have to overthink this however you’ve been

Building Plan B for about eight months now and you can’t just go oh well you’ve got to figure out a way to incorporate Plan B and what I told Jesse earlier I love you mentioned him years ago I love this dude now Damian still got that briefcase he does keep him away from

This match he still got the briefcase and he’s that dude no he he he’s gotten better than when I initially said it one thing I did by the way Kings played uh 49ers clinch the one seat we’ll get tall of that it’s about wrestling right now but get your mind

Right but I got I I I watched some of the best of shows just like I literally did nothing the time like nothing I had no plans did my family didn’t really want to do anything I just I was at the house so I caught up on wrestling and I

Watched some of the best of shows that they had and one of the raw shows was um they had that that that match from Puerto Rico and oh my God that match was so fire it one it gave me I had already respected what Bad Bunny did but it gave

Me a whole new respect for him but that show to me was about Damen priest and he that’s where I was like that’s that’s my guy he can go he can go anything that whether it’s Damen PRI whether it’s Cody or whatever that needs to happen Monday

On Raw the following that’s that’s fine nothing needs to happen in WrestleMania nothing need it is Rock Roman WrestleMania we’ve waited three four years for this that’s all that needs to happen everything else needs to happen on Monday night Damen priest needs to cash in on Seth that’s what needs to

Happen so I’m good with that because I actually don’t think he should cash in on Seth I think he should cash cash in on Punk that would be CU yeah they shouldn’t keep the belt on Punk now Seth got Seth gotta get Seth Seth got to get

A win yeah okay that’s fine that’s a good point that’s a good point let him beat let him beat he didn’t he didn’t took ESS like three or four straight BR well he set Cody up like he set Cody up uh he set Cody up for beating Roman last

Year but he had the Roman kind of he did yeah no kind of he absolutely it’s time for him to get a win I’m Daman priest cashing on Seth like Seth did a couple a few WrestleMania ago that’s a good call that’s the good call call right there

Night one of WrestleMania yeah right at the end on Saturday that’s a good that’s a good call call me Triple H hey that made that made event that those some Heavy Hitters yeah uh Seth and and you go Triple Threat there is the W back pun

And Seth Cody no I don’t want that you gotta have Cody doing something n Cody’s about Roman You’ got it that’s what I’m saying you got to you can’t you can’t just ignore it you’ve got to figure out a way to work it in I got an idea

I haven’t worked it all out yet keep it it keeps Cody out of the match but I I think I think it could work let’s let’s hear when we come back or where the people are watching just keep it going we took a week off like we

Had we we had to get this out of our system while you were while you were sleeping in case you already know what time it is I’ll tell you while you were sleeping the whole King season almost went to hell a couple of nights ago I

Was so upset I was so upset after that first quarter that the first I was already planning Today’s Show in the first half of that Hawks game I was like I don’t care what happens against Memphis we’re whooping the king’s ass Monday at noon I almost

Tweeted out I’m glad I didn’t I said when they were down 31 to8 I said it doesn’t matter if they come back and win this is a joke oh no I didn’t think that’s that’s how I felt I was like it don’t even matter Nah when Fox did that

S three I was like ah matters that was good it’s good we come back forgiven there’s so much to talk about man we will get you caught up on every we’ll talk about the Kings over this stretch that we’ve been away we’ll talk about the San Francisco 49ers it’s great they

Clinched the one seed I don’t know if that’s the story though because the one seed was more about Philly it wasn’t all it wasn’t it wasn’t all beautiful while we were away we gonna talk about it 49ers Ru Kenny’s Christmas we’ll come back we are just getting started we’re so happy that you

Are here with us it’s D with KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on sac Sports leader ESPN 1320 congrats League MVP Lamar Jackson as well yeah yeah that’s locked absolutely I Ain got I ain’t got and I ain’t got no problem with that that’s my

Boy he he’s on the list of uh jerseys I need to get remember that’s original I’ve been saying can we get like an updated list yeah that that purple though oh that’s so nice purple’s clean I think I might go with black though go black I don’t know when I’m I gota wait

Till the season’s over CUA if they beat the Niners in the Super Bowl yeah yeah Tuesday trist trist Tuesday in full effect Jason Jones we could hash all of this out with Jason Jones too at 3:00 oh yeah yeah wait so if they beat you guys

In the Super Bowl you still to get Lamar Jersey I mean I’m not gonna get it right away have to let that sit a little while boom ice ring coming up I think there’s going to be a year buffer between that that sounds that’s fair I

Mean I do I got a lot of jorgys to get anyway so wouldn’t have there would be no need to run out and get a Lamar Jersey but I I’ve been I’ve been having my eye on that eight I need that oh man we missed you guys yeah I was I was

I’m ready been ready I must have done something wrong it says you’re countdown to where back is almost over it should should oh it’s over yeah it’s over shout out kyn I think this was an uniece unused piece of artwork he put together I was like let’s let’s bring

The superheroes back let’s bring the superheroes back Stacy loved the Mamba year oh yeah oh yeah big time Big Time big time uh do you think the rock could just be the antagonist that starts crippling the bloodline from within that’s already happened they’ they’ve already kind of

Ended the bloodline kind of and you got um um uh what’s the The Uso Solo or Jimmy Jimmy you already got Jimmy Jimmy’s gonna be the next one to leag because when when he puts solo as the next guy Jimmy’s gonna feel disrespected at some point he’s gonna

Turn on on Roman at some point when it happens to I feel like like everyone’s got to turn on him like it’s got to be bad for him just everyone beats a moment stuff like that he goes away for a while yeah it has to happen it has to happen

But I don’t want to see the I love the bloodline so I saw this and it makes sense because of the Australia Factor it’d be dumb rocking Roman is a WrestleMania main it’s a main event I I I get I get I get why Rock and Roman is

A WrestleMania Main Event putting it at elimination chamber is dumb I get I get the business is different that’s dumb that’s dumb you cheap in WrestleMania you cheap in the Rocks return you do all of that that would be awful elimination chamber I love Roman’s tweet today too theoi yeah it’s

Perfect Roman Roman Roman’s perfect when when it’s all said and done we talked about it maybe about a year two ago it might be like top three he might be he might be on the Mount Rushmore right now yeah is he I I mean this is this is

This is great but Roman before like that happened he wasn’t bad though he was booed though like nobody wanted him around but we also got a factor in shield Roman Hogan shield Roman was a big deal Hogan Austin and Cena don’t do see see no I was I wasn’t parted up I warned

You no no I warned you I just wasn’t parted up Jesse just told me to shut up no it’s fine J Jesse Jess Jesse let me right in my eyes and it’s not your that’s fine I got you see they G they G the people gonna start some Bryson here

Talking about Roman’s not that good relax you sound ridiculous Roman right now was one of one but like the shield was cool but like that little L between there like that happen but even this we talking we talking like five years okay hold up the fact I was I was naming the

Top four and I and I and I said Hogan Austin and are undeniable this dude Bryce said Undertaker Bryce you’re disqualified from the conversation moving forward in fact I can’t time you out from here Bryce take take a take a two-minute break take a break take a lap take take

M keep an eye on him like no no don’t don’t say anything Casey taker is a San Antonio Spurs like this is I mean I was people might take this the wrong way but Tak her think I might be har pres to be top 10

No you don’t mean that I I just dumped that don’t worry top that’s cap I’m off the top of my head I’m thinking Flair Hart no Michaels Triple H well we’ll see okay and we didn’t even mention a rock wait a minute what are we talking about

Though see that with with wrestling you have to break it down into categories you you can’t top 10 of all time just period pound for pound pound for pound Mike skills wrestling all that okay all right I’m take take five people I just said Ric Flair stinks let’s just get

That out there you don’t have to whisper is not’s overrated clap clap clap clap CL I mean I’m not going to argue with that he’s overrated but I I would take Michaels Triple H and rock overtaker we’ve already mentioned we’ve already mentioned four that’s fine those four

We’re at eight now that’s fine our guy down south he would take Brett Hart and ain’t nothing wrong with that now we had nine you who else I’m putting in the top where’s Macho Brock is Brock betterer where’s Macho Macho Man uhuh where’s Sid Vicious okay whoa yeah okay the bit’s

Done now all right and I mean and when you’re talking I mean is Brian Danielson going on this list anywhere not on the top 10 he’s probably if Bret Hart isn’t the greatest If Shawn Michaels isn’t the greatest in in ring worker of all time Brian Danielson he’s he’s by the way

Shout out to aw the end of their pay-per-view was flawless I didn’t see it there was some I got to tag you in did you see when they missed the the onire table bit yeah that look like it hurt yeah so shout out to my guy still

Selling like he’s on fire I don’t know why they do that stupid stuff man they need to chill out they need to chill out but they La their the last two minutes of that show was if you had been following the story a little bit it was

Perfect they did a great job pass gotta be on there too no they absolutely not nash and Hall no no Nash and Hall no razor and Diesel no no hey is Brock is Brock better than terer though yes yes okay I agree we at 10 we’re at 10 yeah

We’re at 10 y’all thought I was crazy we’re at 10 fine he’s Larry Bird all right he didn’t make Casey’s top 10 he’s Larry Bird Bird 10 on my list by the way he’s going to get squeezed out Giannis is coming he’s gonna get y yic

Yannis in that spot yeah Yas and Yiannis are on the way for sure that’s a that’s a one day maybe in the summer we’ll talk about this what what who in the top 10 in the traditional top 10 will make it in 25 years because you just like I think yok

Jannis will be in you know most people’s top 10 so now like Larry bir might not make out yeah yeah well will you think will will make it will I’m think is one of those guys that people have their heels dug in on and unfortunately God Rest his soul I think

Bill Russell is too love Bill Russell he’s not my top 10 I know but I I think there are people who like if you have Bill Russell in the top five Like You Mad Dog yeah you dog you know when it changes this h i i

Don’t it 25 years probably is has to be like 50 years you probably have to be dead like all of those people who hold on to that stuff just can’t be around anymore and then you the people who are making the list are like Bill oh no I read about

Bill Russell in you know on once you think magic ever gets out no I don’t think so Magic’s always gonna be one well there’s one on your list that’s current that I think might get squeezed out KD yeah I don’t know I don’t think I don’t think Magic Michael LeBron or Kobe

Ever ever fall out of the top 10 I actually don’t think Shaq does either now the crazy thing is there’s three guys right now that I think are going to be it’s gonna be Joel Giannis and Joker I think that when they retire they gonna be people’s top 10 I think I was

Listening to Simmons probably that’s you’re always listening to Bill Simmons like always always yeah you you’re Bill Simmons you’re Bill Simmons fan yeah yeah and you always pretend like you don’t know who you’re listening we’ve been enabling this for and years watching I’m listening to Joe Button sometimes I’m

Listening to I’m sorry you confus Joe but on on on on basketball sometimes I’m listening to Zack low sometimes I’m listening to uh it is what it is no bro you Dro way too many cousin s references on this show cousin s’s hilarious we’ve been letting this go on for three and a

Half years you are a Bill Simmons fan I listen to the Pod I listen to say say you’re a fan you’re a P1 I’m a fan of the Pod Bill Simmons himself h I don’t hate him like like everybody else does but I listen to it it’s good canny like

Bill Simmons when he started moving to La I heard that Simmons be saying some wild stuff but the one of the things he said was he said I think how do he phrase it he said he thinks I I don’t want to misquote him too much but something about embiid is

Playing as good or better than Shaq ever played right now oh that’s a that’s a take I don’t think it’s horrible and and the reason why I don’t I don’t even know it might not have been Simmons but they were talking about the free throw aspect of

It all where last four minutes of the game there was hacker Shack and be’s like 85% from the foul line embid being a better free throw shooter than dearon is offensive so offensive dear’s got to fix that the’s got to fix that um as I’ll

Use that as our segue uh to talk about the sacrament got to fix yeah no that’s it might be the only thing he has to fix we this dude improved his three-point shooting you see significantly I know you saw that one against Memphis where he just pulled up from like 30 wasn’t

That the first one the first one he took from the logo I know he did that crazy I think he did that against uh what was thec he did that against what was the last game you and I were at together Boston ca he oh well forget that game

Like the like the first shot of that game he took from the K he was like I’m just gonna it was Boston yeah that was that when he did that yeah he did another one against OKC too like he’s that’s that’s and and and that’s his I didn’t know that’s his range I

Guess that’s Luke CLS working yeah man so like I said if I tweeted out but I was like if this is dearon it might be time to shut down the league like if if he gonna be as fast as he is and now he got that type of range or was

He shooting 38% from three right now I think he’s shooting 40.2 wow I think wow it’s still averaging 30 a game yeah uh I don’t want to be wrong let let me make sure I got that right Big Time Performance by him I’ll go backwards a little bit in Atlanta yeah because we

Don’t need to talk about them we could talk about it tomorrow because the kings first night of a back toback tonight M and their last back toback went horrible again their whole year of backto backs has been terrible so we’ll we can focus more on the Minnesota game and all how

About the nonb back to back can we get that out the way real quick the Portland game oh my gosh I was upset the Portland yeah I walked away from it I did too I was like this is trash this this is not you guys this is

Not okay uh 40.3 is the exact number by the way for Deen and he is exactly at 30 man boy I’m I’m I’m just fascinated and we’ll get to Portland I want these dearon Fox numbers what are they going to say if they try to squeeze him out of

The allstar game that would be crazy because I was thinking about this yesterday like Steph no matter whose numbers are better Steph’s probably gonna get voted in because it’s a fan vote a fan vot but this is where the percentages should take over I I this is where the

Percentage it’s 33 33% is the fan I don’t argue the coaches will throw them in there though the players and the coaches they’re they’re vote they need to do what’s right here but I don’t think coaches that I don’t think they weigh into the starters I think they do

It’s not 100% fans Not the starters not no more because that’s when Zaza was leading at Center and they were like yo we gotta chill with this yeah so I think I think it’s weighted in and then the fans obviously got no say in the reserves right right right I see what

Casy’s saying but I don’t think that’s happening they’ll vote him in the players and all that he’s just kind of solidified no matter what that’s I think he I think he I think he’s he’s got a legacy it’s also it’s also again he’s got a legacy spot but it’s also not like

He’s having a terrible season no no no not at all it would be deserving but it’s not more deserving but he’s not having the season de arens having and they were in a far different position when we left than they are right now

Like I saw our I I I saw uh uh Angry Bon appeared sad sad Bon appeared like all the good vibes from the win streak they’re gone on it got wiped out that quick and that’s where I thought we were headed because they had that they had that Timberwolves loss now thanks to

Daman again you went to that game didn’t you as as with the family didn’t you I didn’t go with the family I went Alone Oh I thought that was the W this year’s wi we didn’t do it we didn’t do it we didn’t do it okay so it’s not when I saw

It’s not your fault anymore when I saw it was the Timberwolves on I was like I don’t think this is a good idea I don’t know it’s the second night of a back toback it’s Minnesota Timberwolves I don’t know I’m not comfortable with this this time I mean I called every friend I

Had to get those Washington Wizards tickets last year this year we were going to buy them and it was I’m comfortable with this and thankfully he had already purchased that hoodie was like look guys can’t do both that’s a fact look I can only support one entity at a time here

Um that’s where I thought we were going when we we after the way that Portland game was shaking out that Portland game was awful and then leading into the first half of that Atlanta game first these dudes it was down 318 did you have something did you have

Something on the Portland game you wanted to mention because that’s the one no that feels like an eternity of goals it really does I don’t want to watch this I thought I thought that was their worst loss of the Season far um dear and sabonis were phenomenal the the most

Ridiculous stats of all time Daren had like four I think the number was seven 77 it was like 43 and 34 for for dear and domas and then was it HB that had nine nine nine mean that’s that’s not even a professional basketball team no that was inexcusable and and after that

Game um I think you know they talked about it a lot especially um on New Year’s Eve when he was going crazy but Malik monk was like yo that’s my fault you know we the bench I take responsibility and making sure we’re ready to go we’re ready to go coming

There and hope and we we we didn’t do it and I I put that on me now whether it was on him or not I mean he didn’t have a great game but whether it was on him or not that they they were aware that’s something that I took away from it like

Malik was aware like that wasn’t good enough from from the bench unit and you know I’ll take responsibility to step up a little bit and he did in the next two games that’s for sure stepped up in a major way after after um I’ll just say this after the Portland game and it’ll

Kind of lead into the next game I thought that was the first time we were at 26 games I think into the season I was like all right I gave it a 25 game buffer maybe a move needs to be made because this this ain’t work um is that a trade move or

The move Mike eventually wound up making well I led into I think this was going in the Atlanta game and I said cuz the trade I just didn’t I still don’t know if that’s going to happen like I just I don’t know if it’s going to happen

What’s not happening for OG and OB he’s he’s on your other favorite team gota be honest with you I’m glad that’s over but I would have liked him on the team but this is getting a little weird like all right settle down OG’s cool but settle

Down well I mean but I I think he fits with what we were talking about though because wasn’t that the Nick’s essential univer if the if if if Nick’s Nation or whatever they’re called had the equivalent of a universal deal like we always do isn’t that what it was RJ RJ

And quickly yeah and I think they probably did that with a good feeling that they could resign him of absolutely absolutely well well no there’s reasons for that there’s there’s there’s there’s reasons for that I don’t think you move on and and like I said like you just

Mentioned excuse me you don’t make the deal for for some of your main pieces unless you know you can get this guy back that’s right that’s right we’ll talk more about that later Trista Crick will be with us at the top of the two o’clock hour and we’ll we’ll we’ll book through

WrestleMania when Jason Jones joins us in the three o’clock hour but what I what I felt going into that Atlanta game was I said you know I think it’s time to explore changes in that starting lineup and where I went was I said Trey L starting

At the four move Harrison to the second unit didn’t do that um I think and and it traditional sense but the minutes might tell you otherwise Trey L’s 25 minutes in that game against Atlanta 19.6 rebounds here some Barnes only 12 minutes in that game yeah damn near

Split evenly between the first half and the second half um I think there’s there’s something to that though and I think there’s something to the fact that we saw you know it it it’s it’s tough I’m sorry we’ve been gone for so long we’re we’re throwing all these

Stories in together but you you you you you go you go ahead to the Memphis game and he makes the move with Chris DTE and Kevin herder man I think and and and it’s obviously you know the captain obvious moment of of the day here but it it

Feels like it’s not Harrison to watch this trade deadline it’s Kevin hder and the fact that Mike has Mike like I don’t mean this to come across it felt like Mike kind of publicly bailed out Harrison Barnes this year when being asked about Harrison and Mike talking

About well you guys got to understand we don’t draw anything up for Harrison and he doesn’t mention the fact he’s not rebound he doesn’t bring any of that stuff up right and when it comes time to and he and and and and I think it was it was Atlanta to Memphis

So I think it was before the Atlanta game that that there there started to be like chatter about a change in the lineup then it was before the Memphis game that he was directly asked and and and he was like oh that there might be and then

That’s where we see Chris in the starting lineup and Kevin herder’s not and I just I don’t think that’s nothing I don’t think that’s Mike trying to motivate Kevin I don’t think that’s hey I’m gonna go with the best guy I don’t think it’s the Davon Keon thing we’re

Saying like I think that’s a completely separate issue I think if you’re watching a player this trade deadline for Sacramento it’s Kevin herder yeah I I completely agree and and not that I want either one of them out of here but I I think if if Monty’s trying to make a a

Move a splash move I don’t think it could be one or the other I think it it a splash move sure yeah I think you got to have herder and Barnes in the deal probably something else as well and I I didn’t have a a huge problem with

Um the starting lineup change getting dwarte in there I know a lot of people uh kind of rough on dorte but I think he he’s o he’s okay like he’s not great he you know he had a big shot against Atlanta uh Ling that fourth quarter big

Corner three uh that that kind of got them I think a five-point lead or something like that Ling the game and they never look back and he had some good good uh moments against Memphis but he’s he’s competing on the defensive end and if he can stay away from getting in

Foul trouble all the time I understand why you would play him especially when Kevin herder isn’t doing the other things before when he was like scrapping and shooting the ball even though his shoot his shooting wasn’t there he was scrapping getting rebounds he was working on the defensive end working on

Getting uh to the basket and getting easy buckets I was still like yeah you got to keep him out there but right now he looks a little lost and that feels like what we’re talking about like we’re only talking about the defensive we’re only talking about the

Other stuff because when you go back to the Atlanta game you know they obviously had that Dreadful infuriating first half and then Kevin herder plays four minutes in the second half he was two of three in those four minutes so this isn’t about him missing shots or not finding shot he

Played four minutes took three shots hit to now to be fair in that game he got hurt yeah yeah he got hurt so I I think I think and and that could have been one of things oh your hand hurts we’re gonna make you questionable I don’t know so

Mike said but but but but if you if you if so you jump ahead to to the Memphis game Mike said before the game because I think that’s where this started he was asked is Kevin okay like is he a go he was like oh yeah Kevin’s Kevin’s gonna I

Think the question in full might have been is is Kevin good is Kevin a go and you know will there be a change to the starting lineup he was like no Kevin Kevin’s a gamer like Kevin’s Kevin’s going to go he’s you can’t keep him out of this game

And uh where you know there there there may be a change to the lineup so Kevin played against Memphis he didn’t start so you you kind of lost the injury excuse right in my opinion in that situation you lost the injury excuse moving forward because if he hadn’t

Played oh Chris came in and man he filled in nicely we’re just we won we’re gonna ride with that that’s not what happened yeah no you’re right and I like I said I um I understand the move forward toout and the biggest thing about it even when

We were going through this in training camp for me was I didn’t think dorte should have got that um position out of training camp I said no let’s let’s give herder the respect he deserves give him an opportunity to work through this and show that he could do other things and

He was doing other things for a while yeah and now that is kind of gone and the shooting hasn’t come back yeah and now you gotta you got to make a move and and if it’s Chris DTE um come in and be you know a defensive anchor on the

Perimeter and I’m still looking at the loud situation I mean Harrison once again both Kevin and and Harrison Barnes you’re probably looking to use them in a trade package to you know gain a a big time ball player that you think can change your fortunes but while they’re here I think they probably

Should both be on the second unit there’s a stretch I just wna I just want to laminate a point you just made right there there’s a stretch in November headed into early December for Kevin hder seven rebounds two rebounds nine rebounds five six five and then three then the stretch

From December 11th to the end of the year he never has five rebounds again and there’s one four 2 3 one two one two three zero all of the other stuff disappeared in some of those games one of seven two of eight now that’s not all of them I’m cherry-picking a couple

Of games here one of eight two of six it’s your Harrison Barnes thing that you’ve said unfortunately already this season do something if you’re one of from the field okay go get nine rebounds go get eight rebounds you’ve done that repeatedly this year and I think that’s where I think that’s where Mike’s

Frustration I’m assuming he’s frustrated he made a change to the starting line I think that’s where Mike’s frustration is coming into play is you’ve you’ve you’ve either shot well or have done other stuff remember he started the season cold yeah that’s where we saw oh he did

But man he working right he’s not invisible yeah and now he’s gotten to the point where his his his possessions are bad because he’s not he’s missing shots and he’s not doing anything else or not his positions his minutes are bad he’s missing shots and he’s not doing

Anything else yeah and I just I I yeah it’s time and and I’m also not of the belief because everybody wants a deal to be made I don’t know if it’s GNA happen I don’t I don’t want to give up either one of them because you know I’m I’m big

On you next move has to be your best move because you don’t have a whole lot of assets so we’ll we’ll get into it a little bit later but I’m not into giving either one of those guys for a guy like Caruso like if you can get Caruso for

Picks cool even though that’s taken away from the move that you can make but I’m not into that so I say all that to say I’d rather just move them both to the second unit and see what you can get out of Lyles and dwarte in those spots and

See if that helps you get more consistent on both sides of the ball starting the game and maybe helps them out going up against other second units didn’t really help against Memphis for herder now we don’t know how herder truly was feeling there’s a difference between you know being well enough to

Play a game and feeling like yourself I thought he was solid against Memphis I thought he was cool get he didn’t get a whole lot of time like meaningful time that and I think that’s the most important word the meaning I thought I thought he was I

Thought he was just he was just kind of in the flow of the game which I guess isn’t a bad thing and maybe that’s where the the the conversation about the bench comes into play we’ll talk more about this there’s obviously a lot more Kings basketball to talk about we do want to

Talk about the 49ers as well the number one seed uh in the NFC but is that the biggest Story coming out of why we were away uh ogn anobi was traded we just kind of touched on that that if there’s a deal to be made where does that go now for

Sacramento much more ahead we’re so happy to be back here with you Ste KC brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 13 to1 big perk play facing the most pressure I’mma tell you right now it’s got to be Joel and B this guy’s putting

Up another MVP season he can’t be out in the first to second round he’s got to make it to the Conference Finals at least let’s let’s see let’s hear how that sounded in comparison oh one bad you you don’t need to be so loud with Kendrick it’s kind of

Bruce arish got you got to take down the volume a little bit to be so loud with kendri this season I I like perk I like big perk too not wrong though Joe’s not doing this in the playoffs what did he do last year against Boston he was bolded that’s what he

Did try to help him out favorites to win NBA t the kings are not on this list the kings are behind the Warriors right now they’re like at plus 5,000 I think that’s crazy kings are behind the Mavericks that’s crazy is it the same as his last three standups Dr

David pretty much but it’s funny funny it’s good yeah it’s good I I enjoy it’s it’s Chappelle like it’s it’s what he does You Know Jack this is a second-year player versus verus guys who have been in the league for like eight calm down also who the are you don’t come in

Here getting crazy this is your first day relax Jack I like I like the the Avatar though I’m trying to it’s like a moon in the line I don’t know what’s going on there but that’s kind of fire relax a little bit um I forgot what I was gonna say

Now oh well oh well comparing second year player to do five years there’s your there’s your other boy we got to get Zach Zach we got to fix that I don’t like that back backdrop to Zack L I don’t know what that TV’s doing I I think it’s just to

Display the NBA today logo but it’s not that’s terrible Zach this is why they put your segments on YouTube on clean up your bookshelf get it together [Laughter] Zach come on Z SH is that is that Rick Ross up there who who’s up there who’s the bobblehead Harden H was that

Harden could be wrong Shay and Tyrese W players that those that that Tyrese number was crazy what was it 43 and 43 over two games 43 points 43 assists oh that was nuts absolutely nuts Pacers with couple big wins over over the break yeah they they

Man then that look like Rick Ross the one in the top I get that it’s probably James Harden yeah Ah that’s the one thing I didn’t do was change our music since it’s since it’s popping up in the chat just know we

Got it let a nay say or no we got it no don’t worry about it like we we’ve got you this some of the greatest television perhaps ever produced that was but but but that’s the whole point it was not produced that’s why it was great McAfee

To to be in that moment and be like nah I got to say something right here that’s why you let your Playmakers be playmakers that was phenomenal so I I wanna I want to play that clip in its entirety because I we were having a discussion before the show by the way I

Also I also want to say this uh I think some of the naysayer stuff is getting a little out of pocket oh you knew that was coming like like this is like this is funny that this is funny I just if I don’t know how I’m I’m trying to phrase

This we all know what he we thought he was gonna say right don’t if you’re if you don’t use the word nay you can’t don’t do that yeah you can’t substitute it somebody I’m not gonna say who someone said said to me when I walked into the office hey you going to let

These naysayers know today and I thought all right all right let you know right now joke for us like like right like let’s do not get too comfortable as what Damen is saying that’s and I I’m a I’m a I’m very fearful do not get comfortable okay it’s already happened oh man way

Way too comfortable Jay where did the sound go look how we leave we leave his own apparel and then the sound is gone no I’ll figure it out stand by maybe it’s this button right here no all right I think I got it I think I

Got it over Jaylen milro often wears his own branded apparel reading lank across the front it’s an acronym that stands for let a naysayer know being told by his former offensive coordinator Bill what I thought is that know what you thought boy let a nayay or no let a

Nayay or no the professional’s right in the middle of his Le that’s all right you almost lost me got real tight up here as you were too I thought it was going down oh sorry let say no say or no that’s what we thought the whole time that’s what we all thought so

I’m gonna hit pause well that’s pretty much the whole bit right there do you think Rees knew what they were laughing at abely no chance KK knew I don’t think Kirk knew either and other three knew the three there’s three guys on the set only one of them is

White I wish we could have seen Joey and and Dez’s uh face Desmond’s face because I know if I was sitting there I would have okay I think Kirk knows CU he’s kind of in the position like it’s like awkward like he can feel the awkwardness

You can see the awkwardness like he’s he knows now I think no I think when when re was saying it I don’t think Kirk had the same when he was in acony that stands for let a naysayer know being told by his former offensive coordinator

Bill not what I thought is that not what you thought boy let I don’t this moment I don’t think Reese has a clue what’s going re going produc yeah and and this is why I say let the play makers cook because obviously you know everybody knows nobody’s supposed to talk during

This moment right this is Reese’s moment to introduce this video that they have nobody’s supposed to say nothing and Pat McAfee said you know what I need to say something I it’s one of the Great Moments in TV history already even at the end of the video like we still does

Know he’s going to producer after the show like that damn MC Ife interrupted me dur my read like what’s his issue was the naysayers who needed to know and being told his former offensive just got right back to work it’s a hell of a job by ree Davis I see and this is

This is I feel like he looked at Desmond what what you guys think I was gonna say what you guys think I don’t know but see they they did it right this is also why like inside the NBA is so good because you need for me in my opinion you need a

Rees Davis or Ernie Johnson you need a Chuck you need a Pat McAfee that’s going to go off script and just give you gold that was perfect would the you couldn’t have scripted that any better that was perfect would the clip have caught on the same way if Desmond or Joey had said

Something versus Pat McAfee yeah I think so okay because I think everybody knows what a lot of people know what that was supposed to be it was just supposed to be Reese talking going into it nobody supposed to say nothing and if somebody comes out says

Whoa what can you hey can you imagine like Shaq do I’m just picturing like they’re talking about Inside the NBA like if sha interrupted Ernie or something like that no that was that reminds me of the now with that said don’t willy-nilly going around saying the word naysayers I cannot and I

Can’t tell I can’t defend what might happen to you yeah do do do not ask your coworker uh uh what are these naysayers talking about just don’t just do not don’t get comfortable yeah do not get comfortable this like when Shaq told Ernie when Ernie’s like yeah Li smashing a box of

Tricks what Ernie and Ernie had no clue what he was talking about tricks no tricks smashing tricks what is he smashing Chuck what is he and then Shaq’s face when he’s looking at the camera the whole time shout out to uh Golden State Schiller who was like we will assimilate this

Into the Lexicon nay say still no hard r that was my favorite retweet of of of all of these and the Booker T one the booker oh the Hogan one was pretty funny too come on the Hogan one was pretty funny too but let’s

Just oh man m one m one says can I say nayay with an a in the end no don’t say no not at all just just treat nayay as the new n-word just when you do nayay that’s that’s the new nword that was yeah unbelievable when I saw that yeah

Incredible absolutely incredible anyways uh as we get back to get back to work here we were talking about Kevin herder and and Harrison Barnes and their lack of production and more focused on Kevin herder and his movement out of uh the starting lineup of course the Sacramento Kings first night of a back-to-back

Tonight uh the Charlotte Hornets are in town and the Orlando Magic are here tomorrow obviously James was busy posting his soon Tobe award-winning show uh the Insiders with Kyle Matson here so he wasn’t a shootaround just taking a quick Peak it doesn’t look like Mike spoke today I don’t know that he

Normally speaks it shoot around I see Harrison and I see Chris DTE um I don’t think this is I I don’t I don’t think Mike’s going back to Kevin this is purely speculation on my part I don’t think Mike’s going back to Kevin tonight I don’t think so I don’t think

That I don’t think this was a one game plan yeah I I think um I think that time is is come and gone to be honest with you and so I’m look especially if you’re talking about a team that struggles to defend from time to time Chris dwarte gives you a certain

Level of um size on the perimeter and toughness that maybe you feel like you’re lacking and I know Matt Barnes was talking about on the on the telecast he you know he credited DTE for some of the the shooting woses of John Mor on on that game on uh what was that Sunday

Night um and that’s you know that’s something that you’re looking for somebody else that can help out dearon on some of that perimeter defense and I don’t think I think that’s to be honest with you I’m just reading the T leaves I’m this is just Kenny I

Haven’t talked to nobody I don’t know nothing about this I feel like this is what Mike wanted to do to start but he gave Kevin the respect and DTE got hurt yeah I was gonna say but he gave Kevin the respect I think some of that had to

Do with as well it’s like let’s let me see what you got let me see what you can you can give I think your your second line is really what happened you think if dorte doesn’t get hurt he’s he’s starting with game one kind of feel like he is

This is just I kind of he is yeah maybe um and Kevin you know he didn’t come out light in the world on fire but he got going and herder’s essentially having the same season he had last year in terms of Peaks and valleys but it’s

Worse and it feels like the valleys are much worse and I don’t know if this is because of what happened in training camp I don’t know if this the beginning of of of something new in terms of frustration for him and like you know the question when you move a starter to

The bench sometimes becomes do you lose that player like mentally do you lose them can they can they not regroup can he not him get get himself going this is already a guy who who was you know not shooting the bet in in in the midst of a

Stretch where he wasn’t shooting the best we just went over his rebounding numbers which like the the effort the work that he had that he was putting in to start this season is really what was getting in prais like he’s not shooting that’s fine he’s there you know Kevin

Herder is there you had a stretch of games where you didn’t know if Kevin herder was there can you trust that he’s going to take this the right way take advantage of what you just pointed out a couple of minutes ago now you’re going against a a lot of time now you’re going

Against second units now you’re out there with Malik now you’re out there with a different type of playmaker now there’s there’s there’s more you could do and there’s probably gonna be a decent chunk of time that you’re still going to have domas so find your spots on the floor run with domas do

Everything that you did last year that that that put the Sacramento Kings in just a in in in a great position but now the flow of the game is already there yeah you don’t have to dictate the flow of the game but you said that maybe that

Ship has sailed we’re seeing Davon over the last handful of games get back into the lineup which is something I wasn’t certain we were GNA see and if there’s one thing Mike has shown us over the last year and some changes you better be ready yeah whether your Davon or your Terren or

Your Keon or your Chris dorte you better be ready because you could get called at any time and that call might not be for a game that call might be for a stretch of five or six or seven you’re going to have an opportunity throughout the

Course of a season to earn a spot in the rotation I don’t know if Keon I don’t I don’t I don’t know what they saw from Keon that kind of worked his way out of the rotation but now all of a sudden we’re seeing Davon back yeah so I I you

The question are you sure that the ship has sailed with Kevin herder in the starting lineup faring injury are you sure that that ship is sailed I’m not 100% sure just based off some of the things that you talked about but that’s also a little different because it’s it’s rotation minutes compared to

Starter Mike didn’t mess with the starters last year he messed with rotation and minutes and who got all that stuff and even this year he hadn’t messed with the starters you know outside of injury you know if you’re if if usually if that five is healthy

They’re at the very least going to start and then things will play out how they play out so that’s one reason why I do think that the ship is sail for for Kevin in this situation being a starting two guard but one of the other things I

Think about though and I try not to put put you know guys in the Box in this situation in the league and nothing like that but feels like Kevin herder is a sixth or seventh man in this league it feels like that’s where he

Best uh fits on a on a really good team like if you got a team that’s trying to like win a championship or go to another level you probably want Kevin herder coming off the bench unless you had like four other dominant def defensive type guys if you don’t have that you might

Use him on the bench as opposed to starting and I know it’s it’s no other way that it can be looked at in some situations other than a demotion um so I understand that but I also think that I think this could be something that gets his season going and he could flourish

In this role coming off the bench if you know if he gets those type of minutes it’s yet to be seen whether he’s going to get those type of minutes uh coming off the bench he had 17 against Memphis but like we talked about a good amount

Of that was after the game had been decided a little bit so I think he I think he could flourish in this role coming off the bench we’ll see if he gets that opportunity but it could be a good thing for him I I absolutely think he can as well it’s just

Willie um yeah how is he taking this I mean we go back We examined a lot of Kevin herder interviews uh following that that that Mike Brown stuff in training camp and Kevin’s never never never like his tone his demeanor his delivery never fluctuates very much

It always kind of sounds the same he’ll you know for all the talk about Keegan ever smiling Kevin herder’s you know not you know running around smiling and laughing all the time but it was clear when they spoke to him in the locker room that one day like he he was a bit

Down right like I think that’s the best way to describe it he how because that that’s that’s training camp yeah you have an opportunity to figure things out now you’re in the midst of a season you’re 30 games in 30ish games in now you’re into this now and for the coach

To say hey you know what we’re going to go with a different option here you’re still gonna play you still you still a big part of what we’re doing but you just you just said this sometimes this stuff is looked at as a demotion it’s

Hard to think that it’s not even if the minutes round out to be exactly the same and you can look back and see Kevin herder’s minutes start to the client as a starter even if the minutes wind up being the same going from a starter to

Coming off the bench is always going to be looked at as a demotion yeah fair or unfair I completely understand that I completely understand and um like you said it’s it’s gonna it’s gonna be interesting to see how he takes it um if he I I understand he’s he’s an athlete

It’s human nature to be down about it but you got to remember back to what you signed up for you know literally with these contracts and what you want to be a part of be a part of winning um if that’s where coach thinks he can best

Utilize you you got to be accepting of it and be ready to perform as best you can at that if do not get in the minutes or you’re you know stuck on the bench be ready be ready to go for your opportunity uh because it it is going to

Come at some point whether it’s him just calling on you or it’s be because of an injury so I if I was his teammate right now you know I talk to him like I understand it’s frustrating It’s upsetting but you got to be ready and you you got to be

Ready to perform whether you’re getting three minutes or 23 minutes like you’ve got to be ready this is what you signed up for and I we’ll see if he is I think he will be I do I think Kevin herder is a pro yeah like I I’m I’m with

You like I think he will be I just I do think this is tough and it’s probably also for him there’s probably a certain level of that’s what he wanted to do anyways there’s probably a certain level of frustration with his position with the Kings and then you have

The the part that I don’t think enough of us sometimes factor in you have the uneasiness of the fact the trade deadline is a month away and now you have it’s getting real yeah so you have this this this benching thing your role changing you can go back to training camp your

Struggles and you know the trade deadline is a month and some change away you just saw ogn and Obi trade so you know it’s it’s it’s happening now and sometimes that that’s that’s not just team stuff that’s not just career stuff that’s that’s life stuff now you have in

The back of your head and like am I going to Washington like am I going to Chicago like what is the next month and a half going to look like and no matter how many guys say oh yeah you one game at a time oh this oh that’s fine yeah

But in reality yo that’s tough it’s tough to truly put that stuff out of your head yeah you’re 100 per correct I like you said though I think he’s a professional um I think he’ll he’ll be ready to go with whatever it is you know

He’s called on to do do um but it like you said it ain’t easy I understand no it’s not uh it’s not you’re listening to D and casing on kfm West Sacramento kxq HD2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app live on 98.5 FM HD2

Wherever you are we appreciate you so much for listening shout out to the chatty house we missed y’all we’re so happy to be back here uh with you talking Kings basketball we’ll talk 49ers football as the day progresses we’ll talk Trista crit coming up here in

Just a couple of minutes I got some questions to couple minutes like 55 I got some things I was thinking about over the break well get your stuff off what you what is it well it’s not Kings related we talking Kings right now okay just well I wasn’t even I’m gonna

Mention oan and Obi deal was done and that can be dead now and never be brought up again yeah OG going to the Knicks uh RJ I like that deal for everybody actually is I know that’s not popular but a win-win well that remains to be seen but

I like OG on the Knicks I think it works obviously he’s I there’s a overwhelming belief he’s going to be there long term and I don’t hate the pickup for Toronto like I like Barrett and you just go scoot over and get your food man it’s

Was trying to do it quietly I was trying to do it quietly but I’m back here it’s our it’s our first day back we just kind of Dipping our toe in the waters man trying see that kid in class let me open these bag of chips real quietly while

The teacher’s teaching right now and he shoot you he takes the bite like real slow that’s fine teacher looks up be the bag did you see the oh that yeah that shove injury is awful just awful um sorry Jesse yes that’s how I feel about it right now

I got you I got you that’s too bad man it was an incredible two week stretch for the for the for the Ravens we we’ll we’ll get to that um did you see because we mentioned the OG and aobi deal the followup about about the Knicks and

Donovan I did not see that no TR the ni the Knicks aren’t like heavily pursuing him and the Cavs aren’t listening to anyone there there’s there’s no there’s no belief right now that Donovan Mitchell is going to be traded from from the Cleveland Cavaliers at least not

This season okay um the true test as much as I think it was Tim bontemps who was trying to get Donovan off off of Cleveland the true test isn’t right now not signing an off not not signing an extension last off season was similar to why dearon didn’t sign the extension

With Sacramento it makes significantly more financial sense to wait yeah if Donovan doesn’t sign one this off season well then ring on the wall you you proably you’re Cleveland you probably got to figure this out yeah I I I understand them not moving on from

I mean Cleveland is a place even is a place where you get a guy like Donovan Mitchell you almost want to write that to the wheels fall off and do everything you can to win him over yeah yeah and if if um if he hasn’t given any indication

Of not wanting to be there at the very least this year you see what you got see see what you can do so um and you talked about it earlier as well kind of feels like the Knicks might have made their move now they still have they still have

Some picks they have Evan for I think his deal is expiring so they still have some pieces that could be moved for someone um maybe you throw Mitchell Robinson in there even though he’s out for the year uh there’s still some things that you can do but RJ Barrett

And Manuel quickley uh those were two yep huge pieces that they had for any type of trade offer and they moved them on OG and and you know OG is a guy they they seem to feel can help them get to another level he’s probably building a

Roster around your coach too yeah I was about to say it’s probably a guy that tibs definitely would love to have so um you talk about Brunson OG Julius Randall arenstein um Josh Hart got a good little good little group right there yeah looking looking at the Eastern Conference standings right now

You got Cleveland and New York both at 18 and 15 but man it feels like the conversation around them is very very very different um I think it’s Indiana that caught a lot of people off guard sitting there at 18 and 14 now having won four in a row

Yeah they’ve played well in the last week or so big time and there are the Miami Heat Miami’s played really well too Miami beat the hell out of though the Warriors the other day just beat the hell out of them had uh had Stephen Clay on the bench looking just

Distraught yeah that clip was everywhere I was like why are you guys like did they just lose game seven what the hell is going on my thought I was like why are you guys acting like that game’s over go take the shower but in in in

Their in their in their defense a little bit shout out vonte I think that was the vibe killer like they they that was I think there was the third loss in a row the second of three in a row and it’s like oh it’s it’s shifting and my narrative that they’re better without

Draymond Green is starting to die I haven’t tweeted that out in a while well here’s the thing it appears they’re exactly the same maybe they’re just not good it appears that with or without Draymond Green they’re exactly the same either way that flies in the face of the

Narrative we couldn’t win a title with yeah exactly I haven’t missed Draymond not one well the league has been going on just F imagine fine the league just continue watched Warriors games I haven’t been like damn was Draymond was no it’s been perfectly fine

No no uh no stories him by the we got to be appro well well the last one was the I feel it’s funny any time Shams tweet something about Draymond it’s like all right well he talked to Rich Paul today which is unfair and but I’m connecting

Dots here again you go back to the playoff the playoff game Draymond Green doesn’t they don’t they don’t expect Draymond Green to be suspended oh I’m sure that’s the narrative they wanted out there until he’s suspended the next day yeah um he’s missed nine so far so the important of bringing up

Shams Shams was I think that was it three three weeks he thought it was he saw at least weeks the uh um yeah the that yeah right that was a three-week program that he was which would put him my now that’d be about a 12 to 13 game

Suspension okay Shams well we’re nearing that 12 to 13 marker and we haven’t heard anything from the league heard a lot from Shams MH uh haven’t heard a lot from the league or anything that I can think of this is the start of week three since this suspension well since the

Suns game I should say okay I think it’ll be 15 it’ll end up being 15 which is it’s about right and when he comes back be on your best behavior sir you know who’s playing well right now is Phoenix yeah yeah I mean the last two games they

Beat Orlando right and they um they beat somebody else in between their two just when it looked like the wheels were falling off because it looked like it was be all bad be they beat the Blazers they beat the Blazers but it looked like it was going to be all bad after

Christmas I think it was when that’s when the Kevin Durant W story came out yeah Luca puts up what he have 50 on him or I think he had 50 on Christmas was it 50 I thought like 4 something yeah no no yeah bro I was disconnected on Christmas

I didn’t watch was I was upset I didn’t watch it you know what game basketball game I wound up watching the most I’m embarrassed to say this don’t tell us you watching like the last game of the no that’s I didn’t watch any of that I for some reason I was distraught after

The 49ers Ravens game should be and I like the Ravens I was like God they just that was frustrating the game I saw the most of was the Warriors nugget game that game actually I I found myself just sitting there just just watching it I actually I actually didn’t see and this

Whatever the first one was I don’t remember okay no look we’ll talk about this when we get back because this goes into what I have to say okay all right that was bothering me I’m not paying a lick of attention to the time man I’m so

Happy to be back here we’ll come back we will shift gears to the 49ers for a few minutes Trista cek top of the 2 o’clock hour lots to talk with her about Jason Jones final hour of the show Ste casy brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN

1320 speaking of Sky River Casino make your plans to be with us yeah man February 2nd live show watch party 4:30 game Kings at he a Pacer oh wait their second and final meeting of the Year hey Jesse I added a piece of sound for you what are you doing with him nice

That’s quality right there when we add to the by the way I was ashamed of myself I thought we got rid of this it was it’s just in a position where I couldn’t see it Sensational it’s still there we ain’t getting ready to TD that’s fine that’s wouldn’t doesn’t

Hurt I mean if he already cut it and it’s not extra work for you it’s fine damn what are you doing with him and them Tesla people are aggressive these things are cracked they really are I really mean it Wilson we open the show with it yeah man yeah

Man if they do do it at elimination chamber that’s so trash and cheap yeah it’s dumb that would be awful Jack who you think’s a fraud in the I just had the the playoff picture up Jack who do you think oh I have a feeling I know who you’ll say who do you

Think’s a fraud in the Western Conference you know um rewind just a little bit uh maybe you know maybe I’ll talk about this on the air a little bit you know but I don’t want to I want to upset my people but um feel like the top four is about set

Miles we already got you baby let a naysayer know got you we got you uh I did watch sapelle uh yesterday um I don’t even know if you’re allowed to say that you like it I like Dave Chappelle I like the way he tells jokes I um I don’t

Know like the way he tells stories I should say kind of feel like Jesse might feel like all right if you’re not g you said the funny but yeah it was it was 58 minutes it was it was I don’t want to say it was like part two of the

Closer but it wasn’t far off all right where you want to go you said you you had you yeah stuff by the way we open up to phone lines if y’all want to talk man yeah man tap in with us tap in is by the way curious is it is everybody back at

Work there’s a lot of people here there I wasn’t sure I I should day another day you probably could have taken the rest of the week given given the given the ksfm news we got once we got here it’s like no no anybody went anywhere it was

Like wait a minute hey look y’all might not see us tomorrow right now all this this this won’t make sense to anybody but but Kenny and I are going old school this week apparently we didn’t even know we had no idea all right all right yeah so I’m

Just curious like because I know kids are still out uh kids are back kids are back no not all I me me and sprout had a quiet walk this morning yeah not all of them but a kid in sight Reese is back oh well Reese is different though Reese’s

Schedule is completely but they they his his track is uh the closest to traditional so a lot of them went my man Bren is snowboarding maybe it’s Roseville maybe that’s what it is I can’t keep up with these school districts anymore everybody used to be doing the same thing now everybody got

Different schedules it’s it’s a lot coming back from work like after New Year like a week like this they need to do it where like all right guys we’re GNA come back to work on Thursday years ready and then we’ll go a full week after that there you go that’s that’s

Good what they really should do for us is all right guys come back and just don’t take any commercials for four straight hours because y’all won’t shut the hell up shout out to KC because he’s gotten the commercial breaks right twice I think we’ve only had to break for

Commercial three times I missed two of them that happens we’ll talk about it all put it on a shirt life at Odyssey season two episode one an empty office boy it’s the perfect because they came in talking about the ree Davis when you walk in or whatever doing the little

Nsav thing like it’s perfecty this wasn’t on my list but I’ll speak about it I watched the episode of The Office oh you did now this was this was uh it wasn’t like in a row I was it was on I I’mma watch it okay it was when

Uh Michael I think they were doing like stress Suicide Prevention or something like that and he was about to jump off the uh my life oh my life and he was really gonna do it on to like a bounce house and then when they found out he

Was gonna do it they said hey hey don’t don’t really help you’re going to hurt dude when um Craig Robinson’s character Daryl’s talking to him he’s like Mike like you got a cushy life a Nerf ball life like nobody would want to trade with whatever like you’re good

Mike he was really gonna jump off the building onto the bouncy house he threw the watermelon on Stanley’s car my God yeah that still does make me laugh I don’t like go like crazy with the laughter but I chuckle multiple times all the time Dwight you ignorant

that’s good stuff is that the best I don’t want to call it TV show because like breaking safety training I think is is that like one of the best is that is that a sitcom like what is that how do you classify the office it’s a sitcom

Because like you wouldn’t like like put that with like The Sopranos or anything like that but office is like one of the greatest ever it’s a SI I’m still I may be Different Strokes for different folks I guess I put Modern Family up there within that no I think people love

Modern Family I’ve never like I’ve seen it and I’ve seen a lot of episodes of Modern Family I just have never like like I don’t truly know the story like I’m like you with the office but I’ve probably seen a few more episodes of Modern Family than you’ve seen in the

Office Modern Family is hilarious that’s no that’s when we’re all what they say a belly lab double over whatever they be doing I find that on very I find that on very funny he’s uh he’s like a he’s like a jiujitsu black he could like destroy

You really yeah damn he really he he he actually might have been able to throw Nate Diaz out of the bar with Aaron that that day like that that’s what he does the stars of that show is uh the the the son-in-law Claire’s husband uh yeah

You’re missing me the uh the the gay the gay guy who’s not really gay in real life okay he acts he acts as as a gay man on there okay and um Claire Claire’s funny too those those three are they get me all the time which one’s Claire Claire is Ed oil’s

Daughter okay which one’s which one’s the adopted one what’s her name with the the Two Dads she’s funny oh the the little Asian uh girl she’s hilar and it’s crazy seeing her grow up She was like literally like a little baby when they got her and now she’s

Like well I don’t know if it’s still on live but yeah she 13 14 years old but that she’s hilarious too ly that’s I I do not know enough about that she’s good with the onliners you you you should watch Modern Family it’s good you would like

It Modern Family is hella funny yeah it’s the to me it’s it is the office it’s just in a family setting not a office setting okay I get that yeah I get that um but so you talk about Christmas Day and all this other stuff I

Didn’t watch a whole lot of basketball I watched the morning game the Nixon that was the other one I watched yeah um I didn’t watch much of any of Warriors nuggets because the Raiders Chiefs game was good that was a good game trying to see if they’re gonna be able to hold on

To that yeah I was tapped into that and then you know Art of War well shout out to shout out to YouTube they they got it right oh they had the the Box the right way yeah yeah they they they they they did Christmas day right they allowed you

To watch both of them good see that’s a game changer that’s a game changer right there um but you know Art of War I had to see what was going on with the Eagles have to okay they wanted my attention they got it who who who said that they all

Did syani all of them serani s all of them they wanted my attention they got it so I had to check up every time you say serani my phone thanks you’re talking to her I I got I I tapped into that so I didn’t see much of Warriors

Nuggets came back for Celtics Lakers but then I was getting ready for Christmas all this it got it got a little hectic but I I say all that to say I watched a fair amount of both obviously I was tapped in to the Niners game I didn’t

Watch did yous did you see yeah it actually been a good game it looked like it was gonna be a blowout then the Lakers came back and then you know Celtics pulled away at you didn’t miss much buddy definitely did not see one second of Miami Philly especially after

Jimmyy and andb were out for that game I said this is awful you weren’t tapped in for ham hakz versus Tobi Harris matter of fact who won that game I think Miami did yeah that’s not the game what was the night game was Phoenix and that’s

The one Phoenix and but I but I watched that because Niners game ended at halftime in that game so I watched the second half of that game yeah I didn’t and and Booker gotten into it with uh with uh Grant Williams I saw that later yeah was good stuff Booker

Was like suspended and couldn’t get his arms off funny that was a good little tussle right there but um so i s all that to say the next day or a couple days later I don’t know if you saw it Circ circulating around Twitter was the ratings thing and people were going you

Know football people were trying to go in on the NBA because I think all their games did like no less than 22 million for ratings and I think the Christmas Day basketball did like a high the highest game did like 4.9 or something like it was something crazy

And I was sitting there and you know I’m I’m an NBA guy I love my NBA I love the NFL too you know I love the structure of the NFL I think it’s perfect the one game a week the the buildup and the crescendo to that G I think it’s just

Perfect like I understand understand why people are invested but I was like don’t don’t come on here trying to trying to crap on on my NBA now don’t do that don’t do that I don’t appreciate that don’t appreciate and and what I what I was thinking about

Was the NFL is doing something with these numbers I don’t know what but when I find out I’m GNA let NFL’s doing something Oliver Stone what you going conspiracy you and you know what I keep coming back to okay how does the Super Bowl continue to increase

Viewers how oh you’re actually asking I thought you were gonna answer no does anybody know how they continue to increase viewers every year halftime Maxs maybe actually measure halftime separately but it’s it’s possible it’s like come on man so so so five million more people watch this game than they

Did last how everybody watches the Super Bowl yelling at me I don’t know they’re doing something they’re doing something and when I find out yeah I’m telling you cracking the Cod count your Days Roger gell yeah no that’s fine just what exact just you know ballpark like what do you

What is it exactly that you think they’re doing fudging a number somehow somewhere they’re they’re in charge of the numbers yeah but they get the numbers out a certain way they’re they’re they’re they’re they’re doing something with the numbers and here and here’s the here’s the other thing about

This right so this this another thing that made me think about it like these numbers I just I don’t know I wrote this down I have a whole uh notebook oh for while I was away I wanted to remember this stuff okay I my notebook broke so’

You go here on while while we were sleeping I watched a great uh 30 for30 that I didn’t know existed and I was like oh they have this out I got to watch this did you see the one about the Heisman Trophy one of 97 the great

Heisman race of 97 I love think I’ve heard of it I didn’t either I didn’t know it was there they happened to show it on like ESPN 2 uh on a like Christmas Eve I was like what I didn’t even know this existed so I went back watched the

Whole thing it was the great Heisman race in 97 pton Manning Randy Moss Charles Woodson Ryan Leaf right and the way they told the story it was no interviews or nothing like that they basically took you on a trip and took clips of people talking about that season from

The beginning of the Season all the way through Payton going up against Florida again pton all this like Charles Woodson they just showed clips of the way people talked all the time and I’m G ask you a question ask everybody else a question do you think college maybe this

Only works if you saw the 30 for 30 but I’ll try it again you think college football was bigger then or now oh wow um I’m gonna go then I think it’s then too I think it’s then too right so I was like all right let me see

What’s you know let me do this ratings thing right they said 7.8 million people watched Ohio State Michigan that year okay that was their opportunity to get to the Rose Bowl Charles Woodson Heisman David Boston you know like I think college football was bigger back then

You had the biggest star one of the biggest stars in college football on the main stage 7.8 million people watch that they said 19 million people watched Ohio State Michigan this year that to me though that’s the wrong metric to use you have to use the rating number versus

The total number of viewers because the rating number gives you a percentage of people viewing versus the total number the total number like I’m looking right now you said 1997 yeah so going back to the Super Bowl of 1997 87 million people watched that right in comparison to 113 this year

Viewing or allegedly 113 this year but but but here’s here’s here’s here’s the more important number let’s go back to 97 the rating was 43.3 that basically means 43% of the households that had to tell on we watching the Super Bowl right this year it was 40 so okay so now we’re getting

Somewhere so the rating is different so that now we’re getting somewhere right because that’s that’s what I’m that’s what I’m talking about right like the NFL or have you believe and I know how it’s put it out 115% of the people in America were that’s how they’ll put it out there but

It’s actually down that makes more sense yeah so it’s it’s like there there’s a lot of factors F out I’m coming after you Roger gell I figured you out with my man D we figured out your funny math hey hold on Javier don’t involve me in

This the strangest jump is in 2006 so from 2006 so in 2006 90 million people watched the Super Bowl on ABC in 2010 so four years mm number went up above 100 million for the first time it went to 106 so you’re looking at a growth of 16 million over the stretch of

A 4-year period where the percentage goes up about a little less than 4% that’s the only jump that’s not like incremental 90 91 93 and contrary to my partners it doesn’t go up every year there is fluctuation um there’s 112 114 112 111 104 98 that was the Super Bowl in

2019 uh then it went back up to 102 then back down to 95 there’s a lot of things that factor in that I think factor in now is where where the fudging of the numbers probably comes into play with some of the tweets not with this stuff

That I’m looking at but with some of the tweets is not only do you now have Fox and fox the porst not only now do you have a and ESPN you have the simoc cast on ESPN 2 you have the players only room on on ESPN plus then you’ve got you know

The 10 different other ways that they’re able to to to watch these games and it’s all bundled into one big number right to say this number of of people watch the Super Bowl this year we figured you out DLo and KC Figured You Out Roger Goodell and we’re coming for you brother we

Coming for you whoa that’s good I thought you were going to drop a naysayer in there but you didn’t that’s all I was waiting for was you next but because so I was thinking about this on Christ I’m like bro like I watch I understand that football like okay but they do they

Do they do but do they football ratings continue to go up and that flies in the the face of what we’re supposed to be see with cord cutting streaming how are you going up unless people are they’re not they’re not measuring the cord cutting no I

Think they are it’s still how it’s still Jesse can’t have a Nelson box why how can he he’s watching on his computer well okay so so so computers I don’t know how they when I mean streaming I mean like Dana legally by the way the feds you listen I stream

Legally of course he does the hell is your problem Casey wow name Dro me I stream what the hell wow he said Jesse does it no I stream legally by the way I meway in here just snitching on everybody I meant his computer not how he streams I’m talking about his

Computer he can’t have a Nelson box on the computer gonna be weird five minutes of the show’s cut out that D button go back now for those who uh for those who stream the way Dana White doesn’t like how are I think that’s going crazy how are they being

Factored in they can’t they probably not yeah they’re probably not being factored in so how these how is everything going up Kenny I don’t know dude that’s what I’m saying he’s up to something I don’t it’s up to something it’s up to something I don’t like it only I only

Don’t like it because they’re trying to disparage my beloved NBA and I don’t appreciate so let’s let’s let’s let’s let’s do this let’s let’s just go further down the rabbit hole pull up can you pull up Christmas Day ratings from year P years past for basketball yeah uh

Sure because what what I’ll find interesting because my guess this is 100% a guess on my part would you say like four million people watched like I don’t know what the peak game was this year but let let’s say four to six million is the number for the

NBA my guess is last year the number was 4 to six million and you didn’t from any basketball fans I also think there’s a thing where much like I talked about a minute ago with the with the Raiders and the Chiefs I wasn’t just watching the Raiders and the Chiefs I rarely unless

It’s the Sacramento Kings am watching One sporting event at the same at a time right if I’m sitting down to watch basketball I’m like on a night that the Kings aren’t playing and it’s not a like a TNT night I’m finding whatever multiscreen is on and I got I got I got

The Pacers up I got Oklahoma City up I I I I got the Bucks up like that’s that’s just how I consume Sports now right um that’s how a lot of people do it right like if you have YouTube TV which is booming right now that’s probably if you

Have the if you want to watch them both like yourself or something like that you probably do it that way which which is why there’s probably a lot of people who were watching both in some way shape or form they were watching both and my boys didn’t get counted NBA didn’t get

Counted the way they should have got counted okay I didn’t appreciate that okay so just I just want to make sure I really nailed down this conspiracy you got do you believe that 20 million people were watching basketball no I don’t think 20 million people were watching

Football I think you’re wrong 20 here’s here’s here here’s here’s here’s here’s two other just small factors to take into account at least as it pertains to Christmas Day I think we already handled the Super Bowl but just as it pertains to Christmas MH it’s later in the season

The games are more important very true very true and gambling see when people talk about gambling I think there are people who like I gambled on the Eagles and Giants so I’m GNA watch every moment of it I think there are a lot of people and probably the majority of the people who

Like I I gambled on I put money on uh Eagles Giants let me check my phone every five minutes and see what the score is but the difference is though again we’re just talking about Christmas these are Standalone games even then but my whole point is I don’t think they’re

Watch I don’t think every you’re not saying this but everybody that gambles is sitting there like I gotta watch the game no but what I think no no no you’re right but what I think they are doing is putting their TV on that game walking away going to grab some some chips and

Dip or Christmas cookies or whatever is is is on Grandma’s table and then because you know grandchildren are big gamblers and then they’re coming back and what’s going on here okay oh I’m go pull up on the you know get this Domino’s game in for sure game still on

For sure you it doesn’t matter who’s watching it right it matters if the TV is on that game and that is that was probably the case num there’s a there’s a lot more people that watch football than NBA on Christmas day not disputing that but did the did did the NFL take over

Christmas uh no no no no here’s why if did were you able to find Christmas Day ratings from last year uh for the NBA I I couldn’t find it right you’re probably better at so so I I’ll find something here here’s why they didn’t take over here’s why the NFL didn’t take over

Christmas the audiences for these two sports are very different now now not for us we’re sports fans right but there’s if you were to survey the mass majority of like NFL fan bases it’s particularly season ticko things like that they’re older and they’re right that’s why they they love that dude who

Was previously in office that’s why they booed neing that’s why all of that stuff played in yeah had black lives matter on the court in the NBA because that’s their audience and no matter what the shade of this country is starting to look like there’s still more of the NFL audience

Right than there is of the NBA audience right we you me chatty everyone that we’re sports fans we’re watching we’re not caught up in all of that stuff but there are you are foolish if you believe that there are people who will look at the NBA I’m not watching I’m not watching those

Naysayers yeah no that’s that’s still that’s that’s a real thing whereas on the basketball side that’s not how they feel about the NFL right we’ve already watch them both yeah we going to watch them both but there are people over there who aren’t watching both there’s other another thing that factors into it

As well is um the matchups they were good matchups on Christmas Day and I I say that because I remember I think it was last year I didn’t watch one second of Broncos Rams right like it was It was supposed to be a big time game but the

Broncos were terrible um the Rams were terrible I wasn’t watching that so these games uh they were all close well the biggest blow was the Ravens and the Niners um but they were all close they all had implications on the the postseason and I was intrig I’m not even

Saying it from a point of view where I wasn’t intrigued like I watched all the football but like I said the the the matchups had to matter I remember a couple years ago they had Vikings Saints in a game on Christmas Day I didn’t watch a second of that I was like I’m

Not I think the Vikings weren’t good or something like that like I’m not watching that the matchups ended up mattering this this Christmas for me personally so the numbers going back to 2022 the NFL and NBA were head-to-head they’re almost identical they’re they’re about the same roughly just rounding 22

Million to four million it’s about the same Roger Goodell I’m watching you I’m watching you okay Dana we got him we got him yeah we’re watching his house right now soon as he presses that button we’re gonna get him watching his house right now sir if you’re watching my house I’m gonna sue

You did he ever get him I don’t think he did he just did like that big speech and I’m still here yeah you are you are I no not Jesse well we’ll come back Trista Crick joins us at the top of the two o’clock hour we’ll talk more basketball we’ll

Talk more Kings basketball the national championship is set oh boy and it’s not exactly what I expected though the outcome to me crystal clear we’ll talk about it we’ll talk about it Ste and Casey brought to you by Sky River cas here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 no

Chance no chance Michael penck is that dude oh he’s nasty might he’s nasty Caleb is number one I guess but he’s nasty Michael penck might be thought Alabama played a little bit so I I’ll I’ll save it yeah I’m G save it too save it just I’m G save it to

Uh let’s see if I have time for know what I wanted to talk about the hell are you talking about come on man no we ain’t download what the hell this is ridiculous okay well it was supposed to be kicking it with KC but that’s not happening today I don’t know what they’re

Doing I’m just saying Jack Davis I’m just saying got my eye on you Roger gadell I got my eye on you so then a lot of people were um I think it was George Carl matter of fact and then there was another guy who like broke things down because you know the

The the NFL people were you know yeah I think it’s uh shout out shout out to our our people I think man shout out to my man figs I think that’s that um open I don’t know what that is I think let me see I think it’s from a

Man shout out to my man fig both of us for both of us but um so they talked about uh you know the NFL people were you know taking a little Victory lap and this one I don’t know I’d have to I’d have to see this

This seems crazy to think about um where was it Dam the guy broke it down pretty good let me see if I can find it before the break it down I don’t want nobody else to hear um yeah I don’t know if I can find it

But the the guy talked about how the NFL the NBA uh ah there he goes he says it’s a lot to read but the NFL is undoubtedly the most popular American sport it is by far the best overall business but blindly citing ratings alone shows a willful misunderstanding of how these leagues

Work they operate on entirely different business model says some other stuff and he says the NBA earned an estimated 18.6 million in Revenue in 2022 the NBA was around 10 billion so yes the NFL is a bigger league but it doesn’t even earn twice as much money tweets like this

Pretend as though the NFL is getting five time the viewers equals earning five times as much that’s just not remotely how this works the NBA remains a great business the NFL is a better one but they’re both making a ton of money they’re only loose competitors in that sense but they can

Thrive when do we start using ratings like the dis leagues now like you’re a big ratings fan now during the Monday night Wars well well that’s different no but now people like oh this is dumb like why are these two teams playing like the ratings are going to be horrible for this

Game I’ve done that a couple times too though I won’t lie do you do your headphones ever short out over there where it feels like there’s yeah every now yeah okay I gotta like uh mess with yeah you remember when yours almost exploded no I remember that

Almost on fire oh no I’m glad that’s funny no that’s good you live so we can laugh about it now I’m glad y’all thought that was funny like if something happened we like remember that one time Dam almost exploded that was crazy I was

Like yo my ears are hot what the hell is here that was wild yeah that was that was wild rip out the headphones and throw them out like a bomb yeah no that was that was that was not fun at all oh man that was not fun at

All and mind you through all this entire rant I I really enjoy the NFL I week 18 I’m gonna be locked in they got some things set up so it’s not to diss the NFL it’s like don’t disrespect my NBA though don’t do that where was I on Christmas Eve that I

Didn’t oh yeah man I was uh shout out shout out to to my nephew uh Lon Leonard uh we was out here at made Hoops over the weekend off the grounds it was popping made Hoops tournament or that that wing of the maid Hoops tournament out here in sack over the weekend was

Popping shout out to late l AZ Unity head coached by Marvin Bagley Jr oh how about that Marvin Bagley Jr and um I think his name is marcelus I think that’s the the youngest son’s name he’s on that team too ball player I didn’t he kept looking at me I wonder if he

Knew oh man trist C coming up at the top of the 2:00 hour we’ll talk with her about a variety of things in the association so so some time with some old friends over the weekend appar I gotta I gotta tell I gotta tell you that so uh two coming with Kenny caroway

Halfway decent what my man say that’s facts what my man say that’s facts fact facts I was at uh the maid Hoops uh tournament this past weekend shout out to my my nephew Leon Leonard uh doing his thing out there hey keep ey late lard man this boy’s doing his thing eighth grader

Doing his thing wi Millan he he got it he got it but um he plays he lives in Arizona he plays for Arizona unity and it the head coach is Marvin Bagley Jr is the head coach of of AC Unity so so the baggley were well uh junior uh his wife

And Marcel I think it’s I don’t want to I’m not trying to disrespect I think it’s marcelis I think that’s the the youngest son’s name um they were all in the building you know watching the team play and Jazz asked me she said cuz I

Don’t know if he was like looking at me or notice me or what but he would he would always kind of look at me not in like a mean way or nothing like that he just kind of when he see me he just kind of stared for a second and she’s like do

You and Bagley got beef for something I was like I mean he probably why does that happen everywhere you go he Bagley saw that tweet about the light The Beam with his pops and all that I bet this no junior is pops Junior’s pops oh it’s easy that’s exactly okay yeah Junior

Junior’s saw that he saw the Tweet yeah so I was like I don’t I say he probably don’t don’t like me but I I I would well the same thing happened with draymond’s family is we made the the the you know the slow walk down the ramp at the

Golden one Center like right through the firing squad they was looking at us crazy I was like it can’t be me Rich family doesn’t like Casey either War family I’m not sure the big fans but look I told Jaz I was like this is all I

Would do with Bagley tell me if I’m wrong tell me if I’m wrong if he do something stupid I’ll be like man that’s clown Behavior I don’t know why he do that but I think you and me both we would say we would actually say like I don’t

Know why he does that because I’ve interacted with him personally very nice man when I talked to him very nice I don’t know why he does this stuff on the internet that’s what we would say all the time now you may he not like that or

Whatever the case may be but I was never like he’s a this and that this and that I’d be like what he did was stupid he needs to fall back and I don’t know why he does it because I’ve met him on a number of occasions he was very very

Nice his whole family was nice that’s what I would say all the time but I don’t know maybe he didn’t see that episode well is very true sometimes we assume people listen every day maybe maybe Marvin only caught the go uh like that

I did tell him that I I did I think I tagged him on that one too that was a great tweet that was a great tweet imagine the headline got a lot of traction that night too Marvin bagley’s father attacks local radio host at a basketball game oh that’ be so

Good oh man yeah that have been that would have been good been good for the show hey for all I know he didn’t notice me at all but it I just I felt energy when he would see me a couple times he did a good job though they went up

Against the Oakland soldiers and they lost that game now help me crazy he he’s your nephew’s coach okay yeah well better keep your words Sweet moving forward because star Prospect in Arizona suddenly gets benched for with no explanation thr told was told to tell his uncle light the beam

Yeah does not know what it means his punishment he’s forced to wear a Detroit Pistons Letterman’s jacket everywhere he goes I’m not I’m not sure what’s going on here very very OD Behavior man shout out to that made Hoops tournament though next year in Sacramento y’all should get out there

Man that made Hoops tournament is great like I said Asia Unity they’re one of the top teams in the in the uh whole little tournament they go they got four places they go almost like ebl they were in Arizona they were here they’re going to Seattle Jamal Crawford was in the

Building over the weekend coaching his son uh for Seattle Rotary and then they finish up in Vegas and uh it was it was great for like a basketball like it’s dope when they come back next year y’all y’all gotta go check that out man very nice yeah very nice

Um Move Along here again trist C gonna join us here in just a heartbeat let’s mention a couple of things because I don’t think there’s any deep Dives uh to do into either of these subjects or into this subject in particular uh really entertaining game between Michigan and

Alabama last night oh yeah I yeah had it all the way I thought had it all the way no doubt ever I thought he’s lying I thought Harbaugh was brilliant I thought that was arguably Jim Harbaugh’s best game as a Michigan head coach he coached that game with zero fear he coached that

Game with zero um uh hesitancy as to who he was going against he knew exactly who he was going against and I thought Nick sain and alab were tremendous when they you know through the course of the game I thought they were really really good when the

Score got tied and of course when they got up like I I thought I thought they were fantastic when they fell behind not sa the players you felt like a you you started to see the moment a little bit which is a really weird thing

To say for Alabama but the way that they had played for 56 some odd minutes 55 some odd minutes didn’t match the way that they played on their final offensive possession and of course Nick sain is a tremendous coach I thought he did a great job yesterday but

I thought last night was Jim Harbaugh’s Shining Moment as a head coach I think they’re winning the national championship I’ve been consistent with that all year I think they’re winning the national championship I think they’re the best team in football and here’s the part where I guess you and I

And all three of us are in strong disagreement I think they’re winning the national champ chionship and I think they’re winning it going away I didn’t expect Washington to beat Texas I expected Michigan to beat Texas uh but Washington got the job done that penck

Kid is the truth they had a great run this is a great story for the the rip Pack 12 it’s going to end the night of that National Championship when Jim Harbaugh gets his first his first championship trophy well let me let me go back a little bit because I got I

Gotta talk about that in a second but let me go back I watched that game early on I mean the the you talk about the moment Michigan with the almost interception on the first play of game the fumble the Muff punt I thought they were a little jittery uh to start the

Game but once they settled in I was watching that game and I tweeted it out a couple times because I thought Michigan was gonna beat up on Alabama and the only reason I felt that way I didn’t want to say it publicly after what happened during the week but

Because because I got love for the kid but I was like Monroe’s not beat he’s not a he’s not a good enough quarterback in my opinion to beat this Michigan defense let a naysay or no and that’s how I felt going into it then the Bill O’Brien story comes out

And I was like well I’m not talking about that publicly and I didn’t want to talk about that but I was watching the game I was like and they stacked him like six times in the first half I was like yeah this isn’t your older brother’s Nick Sabin teams like this

Team isn’t good enough to beat Michigan and I felt like Michigan had to figure some things out offensively and once they did that I thought they was going to steamroll kind of happened the opposite way Alabama ended up finding out some things and figuring some things

Out on the offensive end and in that third quarter early fourth they took complete control of that game and I was like o I don’t know if it’s gonna happen but like you said hard ball they didn’t Panic they got the stops they needed they got the scores they needed and uh

It it was a great great Rose bow shout out to my man Alan Knox he was in the building shout out to Bon Hill he was in the building Bon went as a hater though because he was going for Alabama so I gotta talk to him about that okay but um

Would have been a great time to queue up sad Bonte I don’t even have sad Bonte ready he not even a Bama fan he’s a Florida State fan but he uh it was a great game I think Michigan’s going to win a National Championship as well okay

I would have been a lot more confident if they’re going up against Texas than I am penck phix was he’s the truth unbelievable last night he ain’t G against the defense like Michigan’s he hasn’t he hasn’t he he was unbelievable last night also real quick as we bring her

In Texas didn’t need to be in there no they didn’t of course not Texas had no it should have been Georgia’s no doubt about it how Georgia move from one to out no preaching to the choir should have been Georgia preaching to the choir you listening to the KC on

Kfm W Sacramento 98.5 FM CarX qc2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app it’s like a new adventure every time we bring her into the show it looks different every time the big homie TK Trista cck what’s up man what’s up I’ve been trying to get

Things together arranged so I made a little made a little move what’s behind you is that what what picture is that behind you we got a little uh so this a friend did this for me oh you can’t see it that’s those are some J those are some jays

Ones it’s painted with watercolor yeah painted with watercolor uh this is from the Fel book I just took them out the prints and then this was uh came with the house this is painted painted did those people uh were were they on the Run they just left a lot of stuff left

The piano left the picture they left a bunch of hooks and what else did they leave one of those step stool like seating things you can go and you know go up to the top and they left that was all vintage so yeah a lamp they left

A big lamp very heavy lamp see they probably thought with the piano it’s not worth you said what now they probably thought with that piano it’s not worth moving like we’ll have to hire an an entirely different set of movers I think it’s thousands of dollars to hire a

Piano mover it’s like a specific thing probably it twice in 10 years well I’ve heard the same inst true for a pool table well you can hand that pool table over I’ll play on the pool table all night every night okay he wrote when he was talking about his setting we were

Talking about setting up places and he wrote pole table p l l pole table and I was like I think he means pool table but maybe he means pole table you Damian you did I do that yeah no I was walking Sprout while we were texting that’s

That’s I wasn’t paying attention I was like I’m not gonna go back and ask if it could have been it could have been uh Apple though because they be apple they be I a’t gonna put that on Apple that was that was probably on me can can I

Can I show him the video that you sent me yeah sure Tris is out there she just out there dropping wood she she sent up her but it and that was the end result got got a little got a little fire popping nice A little pair of hik boots little daners out

There like 10 minutes 10 15 minutes what to to get some l oh I really did R Full Table 15 20 minutes I got like a I probably cut chopped uh I don’t know five or six logs into little tiny ones or you know ones for the fireplace

Probably a little more I mean it’s a workout dude because oh yeah there’s I’m not buying so what I have done which probably people don’t really care but I get the wood from the forest around the house like I haven’t bought any wood there’s just a bunch of probably a cart

And a half of wood in the backyard that I have to I have to chop myself and it’s some of it’s like very old probably 15 to 20 year old wood and then a few trees came down in the forest right near me I was not you tell the story I’m

Trying to be an adult here I’m trying to be an adult ad I’m sorry TK you just kept saying it like I got through the first one real quick Side Road one um especially the word chop I don’t know if this is like a West Coast thing but definitely in

Portland the word Chopper look up look it up I got I got my ass beat by this girl gener cuz I was r around calling her a chopper in eighth grade and she was like call me a chopper one more time she put my shirt overneath my head and

Just punch me looking like Devon Booker on Christmas Day big old suola nose anyway a couple of trees came down in the park and so they they uh used the um the whatever it is chainsaw and they had some pieces in they gave the logs away so I’ve been whatever I’ve been

Making firewood making you guys uh ever used the chainsaw no no I’ve never used chainsaw I was I didn’t like that experience at all at all I didn’t like that experience at all there’s too much there too much that could go wrong there so I’m still

Working out the studio I got this little Creator thing that has like this These Arms with the with the um ring lights and the cam and the camera and the mic but should I get a wide lens like something to widen myself out so that I

Can be as back further way I mean no I think you look great like the part of the reason you’re so close is because of the setup that we use right like that’s what it looks like when you wind up but when we do this we call it the PTI setup

It just cuts out some of the background stuff and puts us all right next to each other got it my head just looks bigger than you two’s heads so well you might be a smidge B if it’ll I can pull the computer closer and it’ll it’ll it’ll uh

Even out the size of our craniums there well because you guys aren’t using the camera that’s on the laptop that you’re using it’s like some other camera right yeah that’s why it’s like a little further back um you have to move away from your camera Casey looks like how they did wi

Horse on ESPN few times Kenny wior over there with the giant head come on man um what’ you think of the OG deal oh I love it finally our man ogan and Obi is free he’s been wanting to go to New York for as long as I can remember I know that it

Was four first rounds or third three first round picks that Memphis offered I know there was some other deals that were in place I’ve never believed that I’ve never believed that that’s what they said they even talked about it Zack low talked about it today

I think that was I think Zack low was the originator originator I I don’t question that Zack low was told that I just have some serious I just don’t believe that that’s true what players oh I think it was mostly pics so I think they wanted my mom

Doesn’t like the Shadow on my cheek she’s told me she doesn’t like it so we that’s where we’re at on that so is she texting you right now honey second right Mrs Mrs C hello hey Mrs C need know when you come for for OG I

Feel like he has been and I said this to someone who does a lot of the um soft tisue work on him and we were talking about just I think OG’s reputation has taken a hit I think there are a lot of people right now saying well is OG and

Anobi worth the 40 million that he’s INE inevitably gonna get paid is he really the bell of the ball he’s a seven-year vet now you know his upside who knows like is it any better than what he is now and does he really fit into needing

A role carved out for himself right does he really need quote unquote touches or the offense built in a way to get him specific amount of touches per game and to that I have been riding for OG and anobi I’ve been saying his attempts have gone down every year his efficiency has

Gone up his defensive rating is the worst that it’s been in his entire career as a second all NBA defense guy but like what’s changed Darko has changed the coach has changed the defensive scheme has changed they don’t switch like they did with Nick nurse so

The way that he gets into the passing lanes and is on ball Defender and off ball Defender he just doesn’t look as good and then he goes to New York and immediately shows he’s irritating Anthony Edwards holding him to like 27% from the field in the 63 possessions

That he’s guarded him forces him into three turnovers zero assists so on and off the ball as a Defender we know what he can do catch and shoot threes that’s what New York needs right RJ Barrett is real trash at the three right like we’ve known that he’s been much better this

Year but that’s I think that’s kind of an anomaly and when they get to the playoffs they’re going to need guys that can space the floor and keep a defense honest because that paint was so packed and you could not that’s why Julius Randle I think was so bad in the

Playoffs is they didn’t respect any guy shooting from Deep so they were like okay you just go into traffic like we’ll build the wall and made the whole offense sputter so I think he’ll help them in that way but he loves to move without the ball as we’ve seen right

He’s constantly cutting very high IQ I think the the people who are slandering ogn and Obi right now are going to be eating their words in three to six months I don’t know if I was slandering oan noi because I think he’s a good ball player I think he’s very very helpful

Very beneficial uh to a team trying to get to another level but I think and and this is something that I always say that I shouldn’t or others shouldn’t do I shouldn’t do it myself right I’m a little caught up on like uh that number he’s gonna be asking for in the off

Season like I don’t know if he’s franch like that’s almost like franchise money it feels like now we’re in a new NBA we’re in a new salary era so 3540 million that could be for your number three guy as that used to be for for

Your number one but I I don’t know I just ot’s cool does he take them to a championship level though no but that’s not what is intended right I think that’s what people talk about him M though I think it’s the next Domino you need a specialist and you need a valuable role

Player who can do a bunch of things that you currently are lacking but by all means this is not it they are not done obviously like what do they have back well I thought RJ and Emanuel quickley were like their two biggest assets what do they have left to

Like move in space too they’ll have some cap space they’ll have a bunch of first round picks but here’s the thing too they’re gonna probably I think try to go get somebody like Jordan Clarkson to come off the bench and be Emanual quickly and so then You’ replaced what

IQ did for you for way less because IQ you talk about a guy who wants a lot of money he wants Jaylen Brunson money he wants 25 to 30 he’s not you know maybe he gets the and he’s a starting point guard for them but the Knicks are not

Paying their six-man $30 million a year no shot Jaylen brunson’s up for extension this summer so no chance the name that I keep hearing keep hearing it keep hearing it heard it this offseason didn’t believe it there’s been Rumblings there’s been talk Joel embiid I keep hearing it that

They’re waiting for Joel andb to be disheartened for them to be a good regular season team again and to get bounced out of the playoffs in the second round again I don’t know the culture looks really good now what’s it going to look like in the playoffs but

There’s been talks there’s been lots and lots and lots of talks about we’re just waiting for J what would that even look like though now in terms of the package pause yeah um because you guys have got the flags out ready for me okay you guys are ready New Year same BS okay

Yes yes what would the pack look like I I wanted you to say it I don’t I mean I don’t know I think there’s probably maybe you maybe you end up moving Julius Randall I don’t know you probably want maybe a a lot of picks um and they do have a lot right

Like they have a lot of picks I think the Knicks have they’ve been St backing first rounds it gets buried because of the Oklahoma City stuff but they have a lot of tradable pieces tons and if if it comes to that like if that’s really on the table I

Like Julius Randle you move so they have absolutely hary they have their own 2024 they have Dallas’s 2024 protected one through 10 they have Detroit’s 2024 protected 1 through 18 which probably will not convey because Detroit is boooo they have a Washington’s first round pick a top 12 protected they have a Utah

Or Cleveland’s second round pick they have Miami second round pick this is all just in 2024 and they got and they’ve got their own in 2025 they’ve got their own they’ve got Milwaukee top four protected uh they’ve got a 20 uh second round pick from Brooklyn with no

Protections they’ve got a second round pick from Detroit protected only 31 1 through 55 in 2020 and then that’s pretty much where it kind of ends in terms of a bunch of Firsts so that’s that’s a lot of picks though guys it is that that is absolutely plus they got

Like you said in a situation like that Julius randle’s on the table um I I think he’s an expiring so maybe this wouldn’t work for the offseason but they still got Evan forier uh there they want to make a down oh yeah they can move

That off the off the books too he’s an expiring this year though right yeah I’m looking at that right now Evan for is on the books no he’s on the books it’s um it looks like a club option so you could pick up his team option and then move

Them that’s an idea um so you’ve got a little cap little cap space you’ve got looks like so yeah they’re a little bit over the cap but you can still go into the luxury tax depending on how you want to do it and I feel like they’re doing it

The right way I mean if you’re New York you you get your Brunson you go get your OG you have Julius there you got all these guys you can um you can also forgot you can put Mitchell Robinson in a deal even though he’s out for the

Season in the in the offseason you can put him in a deal because he makes yeah and now now that you have those pieces in place now you go Star hunting you just you and what they’re doing is right like you kind of wait for

A franchise guy to say he wants out and that’s kind of what you do so if you had Joel embiid yeah you’d have to trade Mitchell Robinson right so you keep hartenstein Off the Bench so your starting five would be uh Jaylen Brunson it would be your three would be OG and

Anobi Josh har Josh Hart he kind of plays a little two a little three maybe you end up bringing Quinton Grimes maybe he’s a starter starter for you and then you’ve got uh no and then you’ve got ogan anobi embiid is that five maybe Josh Hart that’s a pretty

Thin team they’re going to need to round that out with some depth for sure uh you talked about Domino’s falling OG was a guy who Kings fans talked about quite a bit uh what’s the next Domino to fall for Sacramento with ogan noobi now in New

York you want Pascal I mean I don’t think he’s gonna resign anywhere go more than I think there’s a lot of people here who wanted seaka more than OG yeah to answer your question yeah I take seaka I take the price not gonna sign yeah and

That’s where the price be clear I don’t think he’s signing with anyone right like that’s not I’m never going to sign with Sacramento or I’m never going to sign with the scene that’s trading it does not make Financial sense for him to sign with anyone until the season is

Over and he’s a free agent yeah for sure he help you but you’d have to give like really Pennies on the dollar we know from what Messi and I said this on Twitter Messi did not want to move OG and Obi that’s been kind of one of his prize possessions on the

Roster despite how poorly he was used he wanted to keep them and OG just frankly said I can’t promise you that I’m going to resign here and Pascal’s not promising he’s going to resign there so you may have two guys that you lose for nothing that are somewhere in the in the

Max money neighborhood so what do you really have if you don’t get anything back they were forced to make this move I think IQ helps them a lot but I think absolutely Pascal is a player that they’re now going to try to move even though that was their first option and

They couldn’t move him even for pennies on the dollar yeah I to when you talk about Sacramento I definitely would take him because right now I’m looking to upgrade at the the starting number uh the four spot starting four four spot so I’m like I said the price because I it’s up in

The air whether or not he’d sign with you I wouldn’t be giv a whole lot but if you could get him absolutely I’d bring him in start him at the four move Keegan to the three and do you move Harrison Barnes yes yes yes because worst case

Scenario worst case if you get cakam and Barnes is in the deal uh and you don’t sign I come back now that money’s off your books so you can go do something you can go be involved in a trade get a free agent something like that so if

Barnes is whether it would you know would get the deal done yeah I’d make that move what else what other players you guys thinking about that we would want yeah who’s available you think is actually possible you know who I thought about over the over the weekend they

Were talking about it on the Insiders during the Christmas break and I I’m not I don’t know where I’m at with it yet but I’m kind of intrigued it brought up the name dejonte Murray and I’m thinking about a guy at the two spot that could

Defend and create in the open court his three-point shooting are lack thereof is what concerns me a little bit um ever since he left San Antonio he’s just done things where I haven’t been a big Deon Murray fan like I don’t know about the guy but I’m intrigued by by him by him

Coming to Sacramento and starting at the two now he’s on an expiring as well so I wouldn’t be giving up much for him because you don’t know if you can retain him but he he’s speak my interest what you think about de Jon he doesn’t seem interested in playing defense anymore

That was his thing and I feel like he’s kind of gotten a little funny style like he just thinks he’s better than that now he I don’t know I don’t want to say Diva esque but like a little diva esque and he goes on a team with Trey young and

That was why they traded for him they traded for him to play off ball and to play defense and to be able to shoot the three you know be able to like bring the ball up when needed you know spell Trey Young when he’s on the bench right or

Just like have another shot Creator but what is dejonte now he stands around in the corner does not get involved in the offense whatsoever and the offense is absolutely abysmal when he’s the point guard they are absolutely terrible he will not play defense whatsoever even though he gets a steal

Of game it’s just not the same level of high quality intensity that we were used to from him and it feels like well I guess now that I’m in San not in San Antonio anymore I don’t have to do this anymore is there a team ahead of

Sacramento was we we talk about deals and you know that there’s obviously things going on in starting lineup with Kevin herder and all of that stuff Harrison Barnes is always going to be a trade discussion but with this team as it is is there a team in the Western Conference particularly the

Four above Sacramento that you think are particularly scary above the four or below the four above above above where Sacramento is so like the Oklahoma cities uh Denver Minnesota and the Clippers yeah I think for me I obviously think the nuggets are the best team in the NBA I think when

The playoffs come that’s a take right there they’re gonna be they’re gon in the best they’re the best team in the NBA the best that’s that’s because you’re you’re focus on the regular season right now but what we know is what I continue to say and I continue to be proven right is

That first and foremost the Trope is correct folks Jaylen Brown doesn’t go left his handle is extremely suspect for a two three like he’s just not that Tatum in half court play when you need him to go out and get you bucket I am not sure why Tatum Tatum is tween tween

Tween tween tween step back from 30 but he needs to quit with that BS like he needs to stop with that go to the rack move the ball around Joe Missoula I am so out on him he’s gotten better but I am just not I am not a fan of Boston

Whatsoever love Drew holiday love Chris D porzingis I don’t I am not messing around with Boston they’re going to need to prove me wrong in order for me to feel differently same thing with Milwaukee I don’t play any defense we know what time it is there I’m more

Afraid of OKC if I’m the Nuggets or Minnesota really Minnesota probably because of how they play yic and they make it so difficult where they have two bigs Blitz him one’s coming you know he one’s playing directly on yic on defense and the other ones coming in as an

Irritant but I’m more afraid of the Western Conference than I am the Eastern Conference okay see he beat the breaks off them boys the other night yeah um okay see the real deal uh I think Minnesota’s the real deal and and it’s happening again I I I said this

Wouldn’t happen anymore it’s happening again Clippers are really me man Clippers are really me they do it every year and then they fall in her face every year I go through this about about the same time every year every January February I start to feel the same way

And they and they get into the playoffs and and they do nothing but it’s happening again Tristan I know I’m starting to feel it too it’s like um it’s almost like a fell you know they’re the siren on the rock you know they’re oh and you’re like oh my god do you hear

That it’s the Clippers calling it’s kawhai Leonard MVP kawhai Leonard do you hear that oh it’s the splash of the net with Paul George oh my God it’s two-way oh you see that it’s hardened as a distributor oh my God is that a plumble double double meanwhile what the Clippers

Should be is is what what’s it called uh you got Pride Rock what’s that that that dark place that Mustafa was showing Simba don’t ever go over there uh that’s where what’s his name Liv scar Liv yeah you you never go over there we rule over

All stay away from that that’s what the Clippers really are is there that that dark area where scar is and you don’t want to go over really be boy they are and they’re just they’re like Kenny Trista coming to get you y and we know how that

Ends off of the cliff I know I know hey but you know I love to shout out to Russ join top 25 in in alltime scores yesterday shout out Russ man they a’t got Norm we ain’t even talking about Norm pal now they finally after three years they’ve implemented uh my boy

Coffee into the rotation I goodness great Terence man I mean they oh man my boy Mir Cofe just a tiny little mirr Cofe coffee yeah they cooking yeah yeah they cooking for sure but the the point was and OB you you’ve got the Pelicans when

You round out the the the the group you know Sacramento’s right there in the middle you have pelicans Dallas Phoenix Houston La I name off those teams the Pelicans strike a little bit of concern given the fact that the kings are 0 and three versus them but the other four

Don’t um not that I don’t have a healthy respect for the other four teams but it like Houston’s beat Sacramento twice boy if the Kings don’t make a trade man Houston might get them I don’t really feel that way but Lakers are 500 we’re really it’s crazy we’re really hung up

On on the Sacramento Kings making a move and it’s kind of like okay like I I get it but then what like can they not compete with this roster that they have it’s same thing like with the ogn and Obi thing you’re not going to get ogn and

Obi unless you’re trading something of value and what was that going to be that was going to be a guy that none of us want traded which is Keegan and Keegan’s not going anywhere that’s that’s foolish like I and I don’t understand so I don’t understand that line of thinking why

Does Sacramento have to be the only franchise that trades something to acquire something like Sacramento has to be the franchise that gives up on their their their their their rookie prospects again trist I’ve said this a million times you pulled that rip cord once and it worked you can’t do it again no

Unless it’s Giannis or Joel like you’re not doing it for OG and anobi you’re not doing it for Pascal seum no chance James James brought up a great point and this is what this is what sits in my head you trade for whoever Zack LaVine Pascal seak seak what’s that mean for Malik

Monk because you tell me before you do anything we can go acquire a hundred million in salary we could bring in more $100 million more in salary next year and here’s how we resign Malik monk in the process that’s all Malik Monk’s one of The Untouchables he can’t facts that’s

Right and what Damon is talking about is not only is he Untouchable but you have to make sure you’re able to resign him contract protect at all costs not just because of how he plays Off the Bench and how he’s a spark plug but you can tell he’s like an emotional leader

For this team he’s not I don’t it’s almost disrespectful to say this but it’s the only word that comes to mind but it’s like mascot Vibes like he’s more than that obviously he’s incredible as a as a just like an immense athletic Phenom but the chemistry with Fox is

Obviously important too but like I feel like fans rally around monk oh for sure absolutely you ever CH trist you ever um you ever seen the movie High School High you remember that movie I it was like a like one of those parodies it was like parody D or

Something like I don’t know if you remember but I always use the analogy maai Fifer is in that movie and the kid class David uh right yeah like a rhin stone cow boy that was the scene right but McKai fer is in the movie and he’s

The the class is bad or whatever and and the guy the sub comes in says everybody get out your books and the whole class turns and looks at Mai Fifer in the back and maai puts his headphones on and then everybody says Ah Yeah we’re like they’re throwing they’re acting up or

Whatever right so uh the guy gets through to Maki and he asks him like a month later like everybody get your books out and turn to page 15 they all look at Makai he gets his book out the whole class gets their book out that’s

What I use like a lot of time in sports that’s what I feel like dearen and Malik are here in Sacramento like they they look at them and they say are we good they say we’re good then we rolling if they show any tinge of like frustration

Or they’re not like or uneasiness then everybody’s uneasy that’s what I feel that’s leadership though for you and I think for somebody who’s a six man to be an emotional leader and you feel like Fox and monk should have been always together right they should have always

Been on the same team from the very beginning and now that they’re there it would be it would be heartbreaking and I know that fox knows it’s a business because this happens all the time but if you if you can keep them together on this team for their entire careers I

Think you you should Trista cck heat check pod req bet MGM tonight 2024 TK and dowlo and KC where will Trista be next week hopefully here hopefully right here well yeah here hopefully right here it sound okay does the is oh it sounds great you don’t sound like you’re in Rick Ross’s house

Anymore good good very good that’s a deep cut for those who’ve been long time listening that was the early early stuff it was early D Casey yeah uh but we appreciate you we’ll be back much more ahead stea and casy uh brought to you by Sky River Casino here on Sacramento

Sports leader ESPN 1320 did Damen just get lost during that read did you just get lost uh I was going to tease something but I didn’t know what to tease so I was like I’ll forget it I knew there was something wrong there’s a there’s a

Purple Hue yeah so like even when we go to the the Box quad or triple box I get faded out or whoever’s on the bottom oh yeah I can see it’s a hue on the bottom yeah a fuzz yeah there’s a and and that’s that’s awesome because I only made

10 of these so it’s it’s good no I get to go redo all of them that’s that’s fantastic oh that’s good yeah I’m I’m a I’m a winner you said your friend made that yeah can I make another one yep I’ll get you his info yeah he did that with watercolor he

Does a lot of nostalgic stuff from our childhood like a lot of like um yeah meig I’ll shoot you his Instagram right now all right guys love you I’m gonna go record the heat check and then we’ll see what’s up all right all right TK by bye

K you think there people like that listen to the show now that don’t know that we interviewed R Ross or we had show yeah for sure yeah for sure yeah yo what’s the hot ones shout out the hot ones man shout out the hot one H man here cooking he’s been on Twitter

Too that D’s lowy a legend You’ been watching the whole show on Twitter man we appreciate you bro out here feeling good I’m not mad at you brother I haven’t seen Brooke Hogan in a long time she’s gotta be 30s mid-30s now oh yeah I met her she

Was it was 2000 oh yeah she got to be maybe early 30s Hogan’s new wife looks suspiciously like Brooke Hogan oh my God she’s 30 she’s 35 Hogan uh what year oh damn it was like 20 years ago I think Hogan got baptized over the weekend do you see why F was training

Today Casey I didn’t let me see oh yeah you got to look that up that’s why we’re playing also was by the way yeah I the chat alerted us to that oh my gosh see well this is incredible I I I’ll put it up on the screen for for those who didn’t see

It Fat Joe hold on here’s the reason why this is why Fat Joe is that’s Jada pinket Smith right there I was no so did I was just completely fooled when I first seen this man sure hate to see her getting eviscerated on social media poor Jo crack well yeah poor Joe

Somebody called her Mrs worldwide on [Laughter] Twitter I refuse to like any picture on Instagram that that will post with her absolutely refuse oh it’s awesome though I get to redo all of those Graphics that I worked on over the week I had a really productive week it turns out Jesus yo so I just saw what uh ksfm posted I thought that was Kim At first she looks just like Kim at least in these pictures Kim yeah Kanye uh tweeted out uh oh his uh his wife yeah she looks just like Kim in those pictures I don’t see her often so I

Don’t know if that’s what she always looks like no that’s that’s what she looks like see always walking around with no clothes on it is it’s it’s it is interesting to like marry someone and then divorce them and then go out and find someone who looks exactly like them well he’s doing

That on purpose right I’m not gonna try to this I’m not gonna try to understand what Kanye West that’s fair the other thing that was going uh going crazy over the um over the break and we definitely don’t have to Deep dive this but Dr Umar on Joe Button was

Everywhere did you see the episode uh no I didn’t see it either they said it was up but and it wasn’t just patreon but I never saw it anywhere I want to check it out but he I say that to say he talked about how he feels like

Uh Kanye can be saved that is that that’s where the Eminem line came from right I think it was a little after that I didn’t see the M clip okay but um I heard about it I didn’t think he said that to to Joe so yeah Joe must have

Thought oh this dude’s pissing everybody off let’s get him on the show yeah no I think he said it on the podcast he said he said he he said the line about Eminem can’t be the greatest because he’s white I think he said that on the podast that

I didn’t see the the episode feels like the whole damn episode was on Twitter throughout the whole week yeah Dr Umar was every cutting up yeah uh I can’t remember who said it man I can’t remember who said it but someone was like who makes Dr Umar the

Authority on who the hip-hop greats are if you can’t acknowledge how great Eminem is like we can’t have a conversation like Eminem is one of the greatest I’ve ever do absolutely he one of the the the greatest Lyricist of all time and he’s I think I had these numbers late in

2023 I think he’s the highest selling hip-hop artist of all time I can believe that or selling streaming I can’t remember which one it was it might be both to be honest with you but his numbers are pretty insane yeah I could believe that now that doesn’t make him the greatest

Though no it means greatest selling means he’s a little more Universal than some of these other artists he is the high selling by the way that’s where his uh I didn’t see exactly skin tone comes into play yeah yes but again like like the the part of

Eminem’s story is the fact that he’s white like you can’t like you can’t like tiptoe around like that’s part of his story doesn’t mean he’s trash and he’s sold because he’s white like he’s phenomenal the reason his records are so high is because it’s almost like it’s like the NFL

Conversation we were having earlier black people and white people bought them that’s the difference between Jay Cole Kendrick Lamar and and and Eminem is not as not saying no white people buy those I’m saying universally they’re not purchased the Way That Eminem was right Eminem was bought by

Every kid in South sack and Rockin yeah 100% man and Elder Hills so I think I think uh Eminem is one of the greatest to ever do it uh a lot of people have him as the greatest I don’t think he the greatest so he’s up there

He’s he’s he’s up there I I don’t think I wouldn’t I wouldn’t greatest either but he’s would have top five or top 10 you wouldn’t have Eminem top 10 no he’s an unbelievable Lyricist he’s sold a lot really 20 20 years later there’s not a whole lot of Eminem songs like I go

Back and play as compared to like Jay-Z or n w top top 10 he’s an unbelievable Lyricist I just don’t think you like Eminem I think I think that’s that’s the music is just personal preference like that’s what it is but it’s probably like

How I don’t think I can make a list but I can make a i Drake has to be on the list like yeah you talk about top 10 artists of all time like Drake would be on the list whether I like him or not Eminem wouldn’t just be on the list he’d

Be top he’d be top I don’t think I have him top five he’d be top 10 though is mem The Undertaker of rep well according to Kenny we just had this conversation two hours ago I feel like yeah it’s crazy y That’s crazy know know I mean because then because now we’re talking

About like everything when you talk to me when you talk about rap you talking about everything like I could never I could never play a club he don’t have a club song You Don’t Have a Party Song and people say that about like Nas but Nas at least got like Uchi Wally shorty

Uh club songs aren’t the measurement of anything great for me but it’s it’s got to me when you talk about the greatest it’s got to factor in the greatest is all encompassing okay well Drake has one record I can work out to and it’s because J Cole’s on it the the the the

Greatest has all-encompassing uh aspects All incompass I’m gonna regret this they got the bars bars they got the the the super hip hop songs they got the the the club joint they got the radio hits they got it all that’s the greatest I just need you to reel off 10 artists for me

Um so J Cole kendri Drake J Jay Nas Drake fine no order right right Pac okay okay um and I have no issue with anyone you just named K I put Kendrick on there this is probably personal for me I put Cole on there and I put Andre 3,000 on

There and then probably Eminem So Eminem probably is in the top 10 okay but all right yeah I mean I forgot Wayne Wayne is probably above Eminem that puts M at 10 then okay I have no issue with I have no problem with problem is the problem is

At some point when you talk about the greatest of all time big is my favorite rapper I don’t know that I like even I have my like I it’s ready to die in life after death like that’s it we’re talking two albums you talking about all-encompassing you

You could be the greatest of all time with two albums what about the impact of them though because like they play Forever like just is is the impact the albums or their death I don’t know I don’t know I was born I was born after that but I I

Listen to Big Stone stuff I don’t know I big I mean big has you seen the clip like a year ago when like half of this Brooklyn block was in their Apartments rapping juicy I mean that’s not all people our age right that’s people who

Are 25 who know the words to to Juicy in his hood I don’t know if people 25 in Detroit that’s awesome know the words to Eminem songs okay yes yes and I think they know him far reaching far beyond Detroit you ain’t see when Eminem took the stage

With Ed Sharon you didn’t see that in Detroit so people 25 year olds who don’t know the words to Tupac songs know the words to Eminem songs I bet you they know the words to lose yourself maybe yeah maybe maybe I’m not gonna dissect that list too much because

We there was no order to any of that but man not M’s in the top you just don’t like M let’s just leave it at that you don’t like m Eminem is one of those guys that you say oh I like him but you really don’t anyone who listens to you I can’t

Remember last time I said I like no Em’s good like I like Eminem too but like you don’t play him in the car or anything really doe when do you play him I don’t really but that’s my but I don’t either but that doesn’t mean I don’t like him

Or he’s not great yeah he’s great he’s he’s a top 10iz I think someone who’s great is recognizing that they maybe they’re not that’s me with Drake I do not listen to Drake ever but that don’t mean that don’t mean he’s not the dude and Eminem is top 10 I

Don’t think he top five I think that’s where that’s where we differ I I think just top five just requires a lengthy the top five you talk about top five hip-hop artists you almost get into the wrestling thing like what are we talking about characters in ring workers like

What are we talking about because you can’t have any top five list without Nas but like what’s the list because Nas don’t like it’s not like hit record after hit record after hit record it’s like no Nas can rap right that’s what we’re talking about then you have the uh

Who said it the other day oh crap who who said Beyonce’s the best woman’s rapper Trina said it that’s right you’re girl Trina said Beyonce is the best and it’s like I understood exactly what Trina meant Oh the internet got Furious yeah absolutely understand a little crazy and this goes back this is

Something I’ve thought about for like weeks now yeah it is definitely is because remember when we had the conversation of way she explained it when we had the conversation of uh Jay writing still Dre and you were like that enhances both of them and I said that no

It doesn’t and I’ll tell you why when a when somebody writes a rap and somebody performs a rap I look at that as like I can do that when somebody writes an R&B song like say Beyonce don’t write her songs right somebody else is writing them for him I can’t sing like Beyonce

So that’s why it doesn’t matter and special but here’s the thing you can’t why can’t I because you you you un unless unless Jay Jay could write something hand it to you and leave you can’t make it a hit I think unless unless unless unless Jay is sitting right next to you going

No do it like this no do it like this now you’re just doing you don’t think that happened with Dr Dre I don’t think no because I don’t think Jay-Z produ still Dr he wrote it that’s not the same thing I I could we do it why it’s so

Impressive we do it every day in the car like we just recite waps all all the time we’re in the club that’s already has a Cadence established yeah and if somebody tells you how to do it like if Jay tells you how to do it or say you so

So say clearly for everybody you can make still Dr a hit you could make no this is puka all over again the last three years of D and KC how is that ridiculous so so Dre had nothing to do with that record Being he put the music together I’m talking about writing your

Raps like he put the music he produced the song so yeah I can’t do that but as far as like rapping the raps is somebody going write the whole thing for me yeah I could do that so if Jay W so if Jay was writing for Taylor Swift Trina would

Have said the same thing about Taylor Swift oh Taylor Swift is the best rapper uh alive when she raps or the best female rapper when she I don’t know if you would have but Beyonce don’t write or raps Jay’s writing those raps and Jay is the greatest rapper of

All time therefore what say but I think that it’s not the same it’s exact okay it’s not the same as Nikki writing her stuff and coming up with albums and just somebody writing rap for you that is easier than coming up with your own stuff yeah that’s I’m not I’m not

Debating that at all what I’m saying is you can’t do it just because Jay wrote it for you I disagree okay all right I disagree all right well disagree I I don’t know we’ll come back KC could get eight catches 100 yards on the Rams If Shawn McVey drew it

Up that’s all right ESPN 1320 Tyler that’s not true that’s not true that like you’re wrong that’s not true if somebody writes something for you every now and then I mean Kanye didn’t never write Kanye it was rhyme Fest and uh consequence writing all this stuff but

He wrote some of his stuff to show that he could rap so Kanye gets in there a little bit but people make that argument about Kanye all the time that’s another one I didn’t put in the top 10 who is questionable if you consider what you

Write and what you don’t write but um I just I don’t factor that in like I don’t look at it as a demotion there’s a reason that’s absolutely a demotion and that’s that’s the reason some people talk about Drake right because there are people who’ve whether the Quinton Miller

That’s not even really his Rhymes it’s more like hooks but people use that against them like you don’t write your own stuff but like that there’s a reason writers are writers there’s a reason rhymefest was rhyme Fest M and there’s a reason rhymefest was a writer for Kanye

Kanye knew knew how to deliver stuff Kanye had the mind to put something together and deliver it that rhymefest didn’t have very very fair I think it’s look it U uh though was a little dramatic easy in Cube I think I think it’s I think it’s to me I think it’s

Harder to write than it is to perform I’m not saying everybody can perform it but I think it’s harder to write than it is to perform but I don’t you can’t say that because a skilled writer we’ll just stick with rhymefest just because he’s he’s in the conversation

Rhymefest yo I just write what’s in my head that’s easy yeah I just can’t I just can’t I just can’t perform it the way that these guys can like your skill set would would would would would lean you to like for us sitting and talking for four hours that’s easy work for us

This what we do but like Sarah hajes might come in here and be like yo this is really hard or Jake might come in here and go this is really difficult whereas for us we go sit in that that CBS 13 studio and we’re following cameras and we got people

Talking in our ear we’re talking for 22 minutes versus four hours we’re throwing to stuff that’s already recorded we might be talking live for eight out of 22 minutes and after 22 minutes or after the 30 minutes goes that was hard y that was really really difficult because we’re following camera we’re doing

Something different this is what we’re good at that it’s just it’s that’s all that that’s all that factors into this some some people can perform like man I can’t I can’t piece this together Eddie Murphy was a performer so he had Rick James right for him that’s what it is

Yeah but you would never we would never look at Eddie Murphy as the greatest musician because also like I said that’s also like you you can you can still be a star you in my opinion you can’t be the greatest if other people are writing your stuff when it comes to Rhymes you

Can’t be and like I said when somebody writes an R&B song then then who then the conversation is Jay and NZ and that’s it I mean I don’t think Cole or Kendrick have people writing per stuff Drake has shown enough of his own RS that supersede a quint Miller wri in the

Hook so gets on there three stacks nobody writing for him the the Eminem nobody writing for him the greats are reserved the top of the top is reserve for the ones that do the Performing and the writing that’s the difference with R&B you don’t ever have Usher’s probably

The greatest Usher don’t write his lyrics he performs them like only Usher can no we know who the greatest is you want talk about somebody you can do it all he wrote and performed you could do it all but that’s that was the the i i because you brought up Beyonce when we

Talked about that and I was like well or maybe I did I don’t know I was like well what is the difference and the difference is even if somebody writes for Beyonce I can’t sing like her I don’t I just physically cannot sing like her or Usher or something like that I

Believe I could do what Dr Dre did as far as reciting the lyrics I I I I don’t doubt that you could I just don’t think you can make it a hit maybe not well I mean if Dre’s doing the production maybe it okay well now now now we’re getting it no it’s

Just we’re not doing that we can we can talk continue the conversation guys it didn’t stop radio audience it didn’t stop no it really didn’t it absolutely did not it may have gotten a little bit more intense there during the commercial break maybe we’ll we’ll bring J we we

We’ll book we’ll book through WrestleMania and we’ll get to the bottom of this uh conversation when Jason Jones joins us coming up in about 30 minutes of course we’ll talk Sacramento Kings as to your point to put a button on it I don’t think everybody can perform put a

Button on it button both so what are the two I don’t hell if I don’t um I don’t think everybody can perform I don’t think that I think I can but I don’t I I do agree with you there’s people who can perform there’s a reason why we looked

At Beyonce as the star of Destiny’s Child because she was the star Latavia couldn’t be Beyonce because Beyonce there’s just an aura to these people I I completely get that there’s an aura to Dre there’s an aura to easy I get that I think it’s I I I just think that I could

Perform okay so we got Kenny win and grams in Super Bowl gra no like I said if I have Dre’s production now you got Dre’s production right yeah you got you got Dre’s production okay can you win a Grammy or you got Shawn MCB on the other side can

You go 100 yards in a game I go win a Grammy before I can go 100 yards at this age can he take one hit I don’t want to do this no more at this I what if you in your Prime what if you in your Prime then what have you in your

Prime uh RI Ross cos on Kenny we forget that that is true that is facts that’s a good good call he cosigned that’s a good call there was about eight fire emojis that it was like one no no you’re selling our guys short here no yeah

You’re selling our guys short and it was the worst like thing that could have ever happened to this show it was four rck Ross it was four and I wrote that so and I love how you knew exactly how many fire so let’s let’s also be

Okay all right I don’t want to do let’s get into it no no come on we’re back it’s first day school we just got back saying he wrote this he’s saying he wrote this when he when you did but you didn’t oh I did write it no you you kind

Of wrote it which one you wrote it to the tune of well there’s only one oh that’s where the production comes from no but you wrote it to the tune of some people some people would tell you that’s harder a a a rapper a ace matter of fact

When I did that before to me I want to say that’s easy because it’s not easy writing Rhymes but that that’s easier than like writing Rhymes and then like putting it to a beat that I’ve never heard of the beat that’s already made with the Cadence and all this other

Stuff that’s easier it’s not easy easier than creating something but I’ve had uh Ace because he be rapping shout out black Ace shout out 9g it’s was like Oho you took that beat and the Cadence and transform it into your own words like that’s kind of impressive I was like not

Really I just kind of copied but I I don’t know some people would think that’s that’s difficult in its own right okay give me the Grammy bro that’s fine matter of fact just give me a Kenny that’s better well that’s those prestigious kenes that were handed out

Uh over on ksfm uh check us out beginning in eight minutes it’s a true story can we can we can we talk about my guys real quick though yes can can we get yes because I I want to talk about your can we get just two things out of

The way we’ll tie them together and then it’ll it’ll segue us to football and I’m only bringing this up because you put a note in the the you you put a note in our rundown that it just left me curious the ending to the Cowboys one of

One of the craziest things of of of of the break was the the ending to the Cowboys Lions game which was good for nobody as my man Trey wingle pointed out like no matter who you were rooting for this is a disaster and that bizarre ending to the Lakers

Game happened within minutes of each other where was I that day I didn’t see none of and if you happen to If you happen well see have made Hoops see if you if you have no life like I do and you just happen to be in front of your

TV I think this was Saturday night watching this all unfold it was pretty spectacular to see uh a marquee player a marquee game and everyone trashing officials the Cowboys and lions thing I’m still confused about I don’t entirely understand what happened what was supposed to happen what the

Officials said what happen what the Detroit Lion said was happened what the the official said was supposed to happen I read the pool report and I left more confused like I I was just like okay someone or some ones are lying as to what happened or there was just the

Worst miscommunication in the history of player and officials that we’ve ever seen But the thing that got my attention was the LeBron thing and you put a note in that you don’t know how they could have overturned that call yeah and that’s the only reason I’m bringing this

Story up before we get to the 49ers because I saw it I saw it on replays and stuff like that and while I think he was behind the line I you could make the argument his toe was on the line but it wasn’t I don’t think you can make that

AR do you do you absolutely see brown hard court in between his shoe and the line yeah pull it up okay and and when was that taken when was that t was that taken when he got on his toes to to release or was that before I don’t know it’s the freeze

Frame but it’s the it’s the freeze frame that they you it’s literally what LeBron was pointing but that’s my point if you if you’re getting it where he’s bending his knees and he hasn’t completely bent we might be able to tell we might be able uh then yeah it looks it looks like

He doesn’t touch it but you don’t you don’t know did he not I think oh he didn’t oh he didn’t tweet it he uh he put that on IG all right hang on hang on LeBron was LeBron was funny it was my man’s birthday LeBron was funny it was my man’s

Birthday if we that’s that’s what we’re going do a replay I don’t even know why we have it I mean that’s it’s clear it’s obvious it’s clear to say it’s clear is obvious let me find it it this is I thought it was on LeBron’s page

Understand I I got one that’s not a good I got understand where it’s inconclusive I I I so it looks it to to me it looks like he’s shooting the ball that doesn’t look that’s not clear look at that’s not clear not clear that’s that’s that’s not clear

Look at the very next one look at the very next one on the right look at that you can’t like that’s when he’s about to jump he’s still on the ground so if you’re looking at these two I think he was behind the line but if you’re talking about overturning

Something and it has to be clear and conclusive it’s not clear and conclusive fact the fact that the officials rolled this at two out the gate is pretty crazy now that is crazy I would PR wild yeah and that and that’s where that’s where it’s a it’s an issue right because if it

Was the other way if they ruled it a three and they went back to look at it I don’t think it’s conclusive the other way so you could sorry I’m G try I I’ll kill that noise keep talking sorry no I was just saying it’s not clear either way so them

Ruling it a two is kind of a trip to me I would have ruled it a three but if it was if it was ruled a three I don’t think you could go back and overturn that to a two it really came down to the rolling the the initial

Rolling and then did you see uh did you see a r in these ref moments are classic first of all he’s the only one that can go to the monitor I’ve never seen a player go to Oh I thought the same thing I was like oh my God I

Think he’s gonna get in trouble for that he in fact didn’t get in trouble he just goes to the Monitor and points I’ve never seen that before never ever seen that before and then uh the ref I forgot who it was did you see the one where he

Was like it’s it wasn’t me it wasn’t me it was the everybody else it wasn’t me well yeah I wasn’t that Tony brothers that did Tony brothers that’s who it was I I think think he was saying is I don’t make the ruling and he’s right like it’s

Not they’ll never explain it to nobody else but king king I don’t make the ruling King it wasn’t me king sorry uh yeah that’s that’s that’s all we got so I one frame to answer your original question I don’t I think it was a three

But if I had to go by the rules of Replay not clear and conclusive probably the craziest thing is that they actually ruled it a two that was crazy I would have ruled it a three out the gate because you he probably he the referee knew the second he ruled it they were

Going they have to go look like he he he he gave it to and then immediately signaled um but you know that you you want the official you you know there’s there’s I think this happens a lot in the NFL with turnovers and in the NFL I

Think it’s right especially when it’s a live ball m let it play out yeah and you can get it right on on the replay but what you don’t want to do is blow the whistle and then it kills everything then you find out you were wrong and there’s nothing

You can do about it this is the first time I’ve actually seen that happen in the NBA right where they I think they aired on the side of caution and maybe you could argue no matter what the referee ruled it would have been airing on the side of caution and the

Replay they couldn’t make a definitive ruling I call it a three poor Tony brother it’s not me I saw that I’ve never those two things i’ never seen before plus they didn’t turn the monitor around that was the other thing where were the other reps they’re usually like

Blocking the monitor I think that’s what caused LeBron to react that way is they didn’t turn the monitors around and all he saw was his foot last ref that crossed LeBron was Eric Lewis we know what happened to him no Tony brother you want this smoke you want this smoke ref

Great career big dog know what Happ great career and then so then to flip that to go to the the uh the Lions Cowboys game once again didn’t see it live but hearing people talk about it I mean I saw the play but like other people made this point up

Um the the Lions tried to trick the Cowboys and they end up tricking the ref yeah they tried to get to and and I don’t blame it it was a great idea to like um kind of convolute the situation and not let the Cowboys know who it is

But in the meantime you didn’t take care of the the person you were supposed to they say that they did but but on that one I don’t know I didn’t watch it did they announce it on the speaker uh I can’t that always happens so so I don’t think they did the part

That throws me off the most is there was a flag for illegal touching well well it happens a lot the there were two flag though and the official I think it was in the pool report said the other one was for illegal formation MH and I don’t know if

Because in their minds they didn’t get the they they they didn’t get the eligible receiver part that’s what created the illegal formation or was the illegal formation something else the illegal formation because if you go back there were two there were two flags on the play from different officials so that

Again that that that I know when you when you when you check in which is probably why the announcement is made it’s not like one official knows the for like a guy is eligible that they all have to know right because that influences because it was two different

It was two flags from two different officials which means no one in a stripe shirt knew what the knew knew that yeah I don’t know if it’s 68 or 70 I don’t know which one Spencer in the chat says they announced 70 but threw it

To 68 threw it to 68 and and from from what I heard 70 kept doing that all game long I think I think the refs might have said that but he would run on from the sidelines and run on there and Report eligible he would report eligible that

Time he did it again but 68 was supposed to report eligible and 68 might have said I’m eligible and the ref just looks at oh here’s again running in he must be the one that’s eligible and it’s it’s a good try by by Detroit like to kind of confuse

Everything like I don’t have the only problem I have is in that situation especially if they announced it and you hear it 68 has to say no no no I’m eligible like now you gotta kind of get rid of the you’re trying to be secretive

You have to make sure he knows I’m the one that’s eligible and now if that blows your cover or whatever whatever whatever but at any point should just to kick the damn field goal absolutely the first he went up the seven there was a flag the the next play

The guy went bro kick kick the field goal go to overlive to fight another day his biggest flaw is he’s too much of a football guy I guess we’s like come on phas let’s just go for it again he went for it three times three times bro kick the field goal let’s talk

About your boys here yeah man um steo and KY here on kfm West Sacramento 98.5 FM krx qd2 Sacramento ESPN 1320 always live on the free Odyssey app we will talk a variety of topics including your Sacramento Kings who play tonight uh at the golden one center with our man Jason

Jones when he joins us coming up here in just a couple of minutes we’ll talk wrestling we’ll talk hip hop I’m sure Jesse will label it a king’s video and YouTube will be upset with him um can can can I can I just throw a question out first absolutely

Does what happened on Christmas Day change any of your feelings about this football team no not at all not at all it was uh a dominant performance by the Baltimore Ravens but what well I’ll take that back maybe it changed a little bit and I’ll tell

You where where it would change I always thought like only only way this team loses is through injury or if they turn the ball over a bunch and then I would say they might even be able to overcome turnovers well no I mean you turn the ball over five times and especially

Against a team as good as the Ravens and you’re gonna be playing out playing playoff teams that you know may aren’t the Ravens but they’re still good teams you can’t turn the ball over like you got to take care of the football and I don’t know if they can

Overcome three turnovers in a game let alone five but other than that I mean that was to me that was always what would beat him if they got sloppy with the ball turned it over gave short Fields uh gave easy scoring opportunities if they played a clean

Game penalty wise and uh turnover wise and they were able to stay healthy they they should they should win every game they play that’s still kind of how I feel got they can’t take care of they can’t get sloppy with the ball man that’s that’s not something they’ve done a lot but

It’s something that you worry about at any time man because fumbles are pretty random um I think there’s a study on that that shows you know oh man they they’re taking the ball away at a record pace and then like the next year they don’t like they’re not they’re still

Trying to rip the ball out or punch it out it’s just it’s kind of R then the bounce of the ball like you could lose the ball but 10 times it goes back to you and you don’t get a fumble lost for that or it’s kind of random so some of

It you know there’s ball security and things of that nature but the bounce of the ball is pretty random and uh yeah just take and credit too I I I want to be careful obviously the Ravens were a phenomenal team heading into that game they’ve been a phenomenal team in

The two games played since then they beat the hell no matter how we frame it out of the San Francisco 49ers and Then followed it up with beating the hell out of the Miami Dolphins yeah again there may be questions about the Miami Dolphins but that’s a good football team

San Francisco 49ers that’s a great football team and the Ravens walked in and just beat the crap out of both of them uh so salute to to to Lamar who I feel like is the MVP and uh salute to the Baltimore Ravens it probably shouldn’t be as clear and cut as the

Ravens beat the 49ers therefore Lamar is the MVP but I think it is because I think the race is that close uh and I do think it was a two-person race between Lamar Jackson uh and in Brock p and however it ends is extraordinary either way if

Brock P winds up winning it I don’t think he will but if he winds up winning it that’s he’ll get more bonus money than Sal like that is just a phenomenal story for the last pick in the draft if uh Lamar wins it a guy who people went on

TV for four months and told him to change position now you got now there’s a term called quarterback that’s being used like when people just talk out of their ass when it comes to Lamar Jackson and is knocking on the door of winning his second most valuable player of the

NFL award uh in in in just a matter of a month or so so salute to the Ravens um but this isn’t below and JC in Baltimore so our job is to talk about the San Francisco 49ers one thing I’m concerned about as it pertains to the 49ers

Actually doesn’t have to do with the San Francisco 49ers it has to do we talk about the end of games the New York Giants did everything they could to make sure the team that I think is perhaps scariest for the San Francisco 49ers in the playoffs gets to the playoffs a wild

End between the Giants and the Rams uh has set up Rams got to you know take care of business in the wild card but man that that the the the the thought of a potential Rams versus 49ers match up is scary to me um it it is uh a little bit

It I didn’t want I wanted to find a way and it ended up working out where this week 18 game wouldn’t matter at all and lo and behold it happened you know what I mean in a number of different for a number of different reasons shout out to

The Philadelphia Eagles shout out to the Eagles or the Cardinals depending on how you look yeah yeah shout out to the Steelers as well um you know when beating the Seahawks and that helped clinch a birth for for the for the Rams but um it it does but only to a certain

Degree I mean the ners uh if they play the Rams they should beat the Rams Rams are a tough opponent McVey would want that game really bad they’ve got weapons all over the place this week just they played him in the playoffs okay okay okay but and I I’d

Have the a certain level of of urgency and and um respect for the game that I would have for anybody at this point it’s the playoffs it’s one game so I don’t care if they’re playing the Eagles I would sit there and be like man I

Don’t know they got to be ready it’s going to be a tough matchup um but I think at the end of the day the Niners would would would handle business against the Rams you mentioned the Steelers can we salute Mike Tomlin no matter what happens against the Baltimore Ravens on Saturday that man’s

Gonna finish above 500 again always always salute the the the one of the goats absolutely like dude has never had a losing SE season and he’s been the head coach of that team I don’t even know how long at this point that that is just absolutely phenomenal 17 Seasons 17 Seasons without

A Los took over like an 07 R I was going to say 20 I was like it’s got it doesn’t feel like 20 but it’s got to be close that is amazing that was a big time win for them uh in Seattle to keep their their season alive and I just looked up

And Mason rudol is their guy going into that game got do what you got to do at this point Sorry Kenny picket the the one thing and I agree with you I think um I think Lamar is the MVP deservedly so uh a phenomenal season uh by him and

What he’s doing here is just A1 stuff but I think I think it still holds true I think I saw it about a week ago or something like that that Brock pie uh he broke the single season record for passing yards in the season for the 49ers 4,200 yards

Um having a phenomenal season stat-wise all while the 49ers are dead last in pass attempts per game wow this guy is having an talk about his weapons and all this other stuff he doesn’t throw the ball nearly on average nearly as much as any of

These other guys that you try to put up there as a matter of fact they were dead last last time I saw somebody could fact check it for me if you want but that de last and pass attempts per game of the San Francisco 49ers that’s incredible

Um so you know you look at you know the your Dax and you know all this other stuff Tua all these these guys letting it Fly they’re letting it Fly and Brock doesn’t between between just the style of play that Kyle Shanahan uh likes to

Play and the fact that a lot of their wins have been three score games in the fourth quarter MH not throwing a ball like that um I want to mention we because Jason Jones is gonna join us here in a minute I do want to mention Christian mcaffrey

Uh out this week there’s probably a lot of guys who are going to be out this week I don’t know if the Christian mcaffrey stuff was always you know he has a mild CF strin that’s how they’re they’re framing it but now we’re looking at like a 3-week period uh for Recovery

Because of because of the bye-week they almost don’t play for a month a meaningful game um I said scary uh yes and no I mean I hear people talk about Rhythm and you know trying to get a feel for the game I think they’ll be able to

Take care of that I think they’ll be fine defensively I definitely would give them all that rest a lot of people are saying some of these guys might have to play just because that’s the nature of roster avail ability um but in my opinion Brock shouldn’t play Trent shouldn’t play uh Christian’s already

Out aay KD Debo shouldn’t play Debo said he is playing he talking to K I think he said he wanted starters to play yeah Debo told K Adams he was playing um Fred Warner shouldn’t play Green law shouldn’t play Bosa shouldn’t play and travarus Ward shouldn’t play so I know they talk

About you can’t NE yeah he’s all pro he’s all pro they talk about you know you can’t do it because the roster um yeah yeah kiddo ain’t playing okay the Kido mcaffrey not playing travarus ain’t playing Warner green law ain’t playing fos is not playing I don’t care if they

Gotta get me sign me up I’ll do it I’ll take one for the team the latest thing that I’ll take one for the team play for the San Francisco game don’t matter they I I won’t try to tackle anybody I won’t take on any blockers nothing well what

Exactly you do just put on a uniform be there so they can’t play okay we’ll come back Jason Jones he’ll join us when D and Casey return here on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 uh yeah yeah yeah feel like there was a weird not to stat about the 49ers I’m trying to

Find it from Nick Wagner because he was the one who had it but now I’m scrolling back way too long get it David terer such a little like bro your team sucks so you’re throwing stuff at fans come on man I don’t feel I got nothing to say about it either

No unacceptable conduct yeah they find him $300,000 oh they did yeah what did they do today today just like just now oh I didn’t even see that yeah they they they announced it just now Mikey where’s where’s Mikey am I seeing this right Mikey is at Laughs Unlimited yep Mikey

February 22nd 23rd and 24th wa is confusing cuz the flyer says June 17th and 18th what what which what day is he there that’s good stuff good stuff good stuff yeah it’s facts nothing absolutely nothing good good good good question good question I don’t know I didn’t even

Think about that that’s a good question cuz I didn’t expect the crowd to react to they booed giddy right yeah like bridge is gonna get booed all game like they booed giddy all game yeah brid will get boot all game too and what happened with that I feel like it just kind of

Went away I maybe they’re letting the cops handle it first I don’t know how long does it take the cops to handle this hey how old are you 16 was you all come on man we got to talk seems simple I don’t know seems easy to

Me uh how much time do we have I can’t tell no okay I gotta run to the bathroom so top five text me your top five rappers all so I can put it on the show no no you need to be clown then that’s what I’ll do make it

Good I was running through the six with my woses I was running through the six with my house that uh Cowboys Lions game seem to be a good one on Saturday night though for a nice little Saturday night something I would have watched if I was home obviously ball season was awful

Awful so I’m I’m in the uh minority they need to they need to figure something out with this College college sports thing get rid of them well make it a big ass playoff or something they need to do something but then I got frustrated over the weekend because like they were talking about

Some these kids were transferring and in the entering the portal the kids at Arizona or whatever now the the reporting was a little off they said they’ve been offered situations but it looks like they’re gonna stay but it’s like come on man like this portal it’s a little too easy to move

Around oh okay well Kim has weighed in with top five rappers of all time I don’t know if this is in order so I won’t I’ll just name the five Lil Wayne Jay-Z Kendrick Lamar Tupac and her not the singer her Kim she’s top five rapper of all time Kim’s

Never dropped Drake bars before so no this is true I’mma ask you to write Drake bars the NFL sent a memo to clubs today regarding players reporting as eligible including this video from the Cowboys lons game they tried to trick these guys that can’t get anything right well what did

You think was gonna happen let’s get our brother TC in here before Jason Jones joins us 91699 1320 first call of 2024 what’s up TC man what’s up with my guys up man me back up graduated we up oh we went we went from guys to Brothers I I don’t

Know if that’s a demotion or what it is n cut that out it’s all good man what’s up with my two brothers good dog happy New Year man man happy New Year man have a Prosper year me and my brothers we gonna do our thing absolutely for sure

For sure just tapping in though I’m go on my little daily rent Hey so uh you know I guess the ners you know they got a buy you know everything got I guess gotta come through Santa CLA Brock stay Brock stay sharp Shanahan stay sharp when you get too cute things happen like

When the Raven blew us out you know Shanny if you’re not in your bag and you want to be too cute dude that’s what happened when you stay out the way call the play like you need to call them Brock you stand up you know the boys all

Right man we be hosting that lambardi KS you good bro yeah I’m good no you just talking to us like kind of it’s almost like Quiet Storm Vibes like gotta get gotta get charge like you want me to hit a little you know slow jam or

Something hey hey you a fool no it’s good n I’m just n I’m just vibing I’m ready for this game tonight the boy Gonna Make some noise I see OG he gone so we ain’t got to worry about that dude man the boys just got to buckle down and

Stay tuned in one last thing y to me personally D and KC Andre 3000 is not in my top 10 bro I mean not I I I disagree but let me hear your reasoning because I I probably can understand why you would say that I just you know club like you

Talking about Club bangers and all that he really don’t got he just didn’t really hit it from me you get what I’m saying like when I’m thinking of top 10 or top five immediately that come to my head I’m thinking pop JayZ Nas like you know what I’m saying

Like you might even say Cole Kendrick like you know like what you saying about Eminem I know I know you feel about Eminem but I I would say Eminem is more top 10 than Andre 3000 I mean that’s I I don’t disagree with anybody saying well

Of course I don’t because I have Eminem in my top 10 but uh when you talk about three stacks I think I think you also got to look at uh look at the outcast I mean yeah that’s what we’re talking about yeah you know what I’m

Saying like he’s got you talk about uh no no Club Banger and it’s regional too but you go to Atlanta they might play players ball in the club throw your hands in the A and wave them like it just don’t care Rosa Parks like you might hear those things in parties or

Stuff like that in the South and you hear him on the radio stuff happens here yeah yeah right so you hear you hear the radio hits too so he he’s he’s got that he’s got that but I understand because of the inactivity um putting Three Stacks for

Some people in the top 10 may be a stretch but he’s in my top 10 okay um there’s probably a few stretches but stop it name one no name one oh I know who it is we all know who it is no it’s Tupac I Ain’t say I ain’t I a we doing

This again are you serious we’re back on this you don’t like Tupac again I thought we were I thought we were past this the number two highest selling artist of all time I love Pac that’s the shoot yes wow I love Pac who’s number three you still

Have that list in front of you JayZ and Drake or tied on that list that I saw and then it’s Kanye five I love p and Wayne is six Wayne is Wayne in your top 10 yeah oh man Wayne is a weird one but yeah Wayne in top 10 Wayne said A Millie

Was his I think he said it was his best record yeah best record you agree with that I mean once again that’s that’s you know probably one of the biggest records he ever did made the most money off biggest record he ever did either that or lollipop I thought

Lollipop might have been bigger lollipop was huge too I feel like ailly was go DJ is my ailly was an hour and 15 minutes for like year straight like that that that joint was go DJ is probably my favorite Wayne song uh kings are back at g1c tonight uh they’ll take on the

Charlotte Hornets no lamelo yeah when I when I see the Hornets like H at least lamelo’s coming now yeah yeah and it’s uh and which which which bows the question you know which version of the Sacramento Kings are we going to get are we gonna get the one that we Lo saw the

Last six quarters or the previous six quarters and I’ll focus on the first half of Atlanta in in in the game against Portland because I’ll give I’ll give Minnesota their respect but which version of the of the Sacramento Kings uh do we get and what version of Jason

Jones do we get uh as we welcome in our man Jason Jones uh from the athletic uh first of all happy New Year also I didn’t mention this let’s get this out the way you got till Friday before Happy New Year’s must cease we don’t need to do this we don’t

Need to do this like January 19th hey happy New Year got nope you got till Friday and then it’s done I’m already over it so I mean hey that’s fair enough it’s the second so so that that yeah I mean you you had days leading into the

First to say happy New Year to me once the Rose Bowl and everything is over I’m I’m over that’s that’s fair enough that’s fair enough let say this Jay may not be super active on on Twitter and like is is active as he used to be when

Hefts well he does that but he’s active in the group chat Jay had a the Hogan one is had a good weekend the Hogan one that’s that’s the one that H me them naysayers out there I’m telling you them naysayers just let a naysayer know he he never

Miss out on an opportunity to get a joke in on the group chat that was awesome that was one of the I was like but that what a great way to start the year it might not get any better than that that might be moment of the year

Yeah I mean Way start the year between that I couldn’t I felt bad for Mark Spears but I couldn’t stop laughing I was just like we didn’t even talk about that one oh my God and of all the sites to do it awful announcing tweeted out a gift of a

Serious situation involving our man the Hall of Famer the Hall of Famer Mark Spears and him being racially profiled at a store they attached a picture of Marcus Spears at ESPN who covers football swag write up was right the picture was wrong what made it so bad was the picture says Marcus Spears

Oh so bad I just like I said so bad you can’t pull we all look alike with two of us who look absolutely nothing alike I mean you couldn’t two Polar Opposites the only thing Marcus and Mark have in common with their tall big guys

But they look I I was like who who and it was up for a while yeah it was up for a minute I was like no one’s going to take this down no one’s going I’m just like man yeah those naysayers over there I don’t know what they doing

Sleep see so that’s the other conversation that we need to have Jason I’m looking did they I’m just looking to see if they tweeted a my bad or anything like that and it doesn’t look like they did um I think people are getting a little too comfortable using the word

Naysayers I think I I think I think after tomorrow I think we give them about we give people 48 hours and then it’s time to fight like okay like okay we’ve let you guys laugh you know we let you on the joke okay now we know what you want to

Say there’s gonna be a certain set of the population who’s gonna really fixate on it a little too much but I am gonna get one of those L shirts now I’m not an Alabama guy but I’m gonna get one of shirts wanted to be there for the conversation where milro told him that’s

What it stood for and he said it with a straight face I want to be there for that and all that c also proved that Pat McAfee been hanging out with us a little too much well because McAfee he was like hold up that ain’t the word you’re

Supposed to say and he doesn’t he uh I feel like he always rapping on on the on the show or something I mean he’s a he he been in football locker rooms his whole life he’s heard some things you know I mean between him and Will Compton they got some fun on

Twitter so the other thing that we uh we didn’t mention on the show was I saw this like later and I was like this didn’t really happen did it because I saw when they were doing this and I didn’t even think twice of it the the the lady who flashed on the ESPN

Broadcast well yeah I said wait a minute how did they not catch that that wasn’t live no yeah I missed that oh no it’s out there it’s not hard to find I I’ll I’ll find it later I mean for research purposes I’ll have to research research

Yeah yeah might have to write about that this week I don’t know yet so we’ll see how did they let that happen wasn’t maybe it’s the New Year people just Ain got you know they had a lot of fun on Sunday night you know the slow catching up I don’t

Know ESPN apologizes for showing woman flashing on Bourbon Street come on man all right all right there’s a lot of apologies already we ain’t even 48 hours into the new year just apologizing left and right man there’s some people that want to start over they just start this

Year over with by the way and you got Dan Orlowski sniffing Molly’s shoe on first take oh my God I’m glad I’m glad I missed that I’m glad I missed that that is wild that is yeah people have gotten a little too comfortable already I mean yeah yeah

The other uh the other thing complaint not necessarily A broadcasting complaint but these uh college football games they go entirely too long it the the first half of Michigan Alabama was an hour and 45 minutes well I watched a whole damn show during halftime yeah I was like at the gym during the

Alabama game and I had it on you know on my phone or whatever half I said let me leave I like left went to the store got home and halftime wasn’t ending it I’m like hold up it’s been like 30 what’s going on bro Texas we’re worse than the

Super Bowl now with halftime Texas Washington ended I think at 9:45 our time yeah it was late I thought I was gonna miss the end of the game trying to go back and forth between that game and Monday Night Raw I’m like oh man this a whole fourth quarter to goost well

That’s a that’s a good segue before we get there I just want just for those that didn’t see it on man look at Stephen A’s face look at Shannon’s face as yo how that’s like next level simping that I can’t I can’t endorse I mean there’s no need for

That hey hold on hold on man get that off the screen man there’s no need for that screen look at look at what’s going on in the comments of that one man come on man that’s unall for I mean that’s there’s no need for that type of stuff

On television I’m glad my kids didn’t see that yeah that’s a lot I mean how do I explain to my son what’s going on soning I can’t how do he even get her shoe watch that stuff there’s just so much that I don’t need to know I yeah

Yeah my thing is to be comfortable enough to grab to even hold her yeah I I yeah no what we doing hey you brought it if my woman saw me doing that on TV I wouldn’t have a woman no more that’s yeah yeah that’s oh what’s we doing we

We sniffing we sniffing women’s shoes on TV okay I’m go yeah I yeah I there’s just so many questions point being ESPN got bigger problems than women flashing their breast on television yeah they do uh you brought up um raw where they haven’t flashed brush on TV since Jackie left

But I don’t know why it was always Jackie but it was always Jackie um all right book it what’s it look like the rock is not only is the rock back he brought up being the head of the table what what what’s this look like in an in a fantasy world you’ve got

Rock and Roman night two you’ve got CM Punk and Seth on night one okay but where’s Cody Cody’s going through hard times still Cody hard hard times Cody something’s gonna happen to Cody there’s gonna be more hard times and the story has to keep you know I think we I

I it’s almost like because everyone assumed the story would end in Philadelphia it won’t end even though it would make so much sense of course it they won’t do that what if what if what if Damen ran out and cashed in like Seth Rollin style in that

Match what if he runs down rock um Roman yeah Rock Roman he runs down second night clocks the rock with the briefcase pins the Rock wins the title Roman doesn’t lose it’s exactly what they did with Roman where did yeah Brock didn’t lose Brock didn’t lose in that match that Seth came

In Roman did yeah and now you have a title switch and no lost match I don’t think but see I I don’t think he messed with that match I think they’ve met I I think they’ve made some such a big deal about how many days he’s had the title and I

Think I think if if you’re WWE you might want Roman to get past Hogan man that’s a long that goes through SummerSlam oh sum just yeah and and so maybe Cody who knows maybe part of the hard times is that Cody has to win money in the

Bank and then he a you know he cashes in after SummerSlam so who wins the Royal Rumble then Punk yeah I think Punk wins the rumble and punk finally gets the main event and that I think is happening for sure I think I think Punk wins the rumble but

Yeah I think yeah I I I just really think yeah I think Cody gets the belt gets gets the title in 2024 I think the only I think he I I think he gets Roman’s belt just because I think that’s the long-term story yeah but you know and

It’s funny they wouldn’t have him take Seth but I mean he’s already beaten Seth what he beat what three times when he came back yeah keep him away from Seth I don’t know but I think but I think everyone knows talking about terms of Legacy if you’re gonna put a belt on

Cody you put the you put the W you put you put Roman’s belt on Cody you don’t put yeah you and I think the long-term story I think Cody’s gonna you know I really do also think that that injury threw off a lot when he got hurt you

Would have won last year yeah you lost six eight months of story with him being out so I think yeah you know and then you know life happens who would have thought CM Punk would be back you know you’re going to get some Pro you know

You don’t know what’s gonna happen but I think I think I would hope the rock wouldn’t tease that only to like I’m not gonna be there I gotta move n you can’t do that on WWE we said this earlier you could do it on young rock or Jimmy

Fallon or whatever you can’t do it on WWE TV yeah and then Roman tweeting later on that night like ha haa that’s funny that’s a good response that’s a good respon I think that I mean talk about they’re going to it’s just crazy like my kids don’t never really saw like

Peak Rock but they’re excited that the rock is on Raw yeah and that that’s why I feel like I understand where they’re coming from maybe Jesse whatever ain’t no run-ins in this match you who that leave that match alone leave Rock and and Roman alone and then you go back to

Your story lines after that think your only runin has to be family okay yeah your only run can be family it’s got to be you know I mean it’s got to be Jay solo Jimmy maybe they you know shoot what Nia you know you you can bring the whole family you know

What’s my girl’s name tamama Tam bring Tama back you know let’s get Trinity let’s get Trinity back that’s the one I was thinking of bring Trinity back get her back in he does a run in just have the just make this a you know a big

Family affair and I also think um to to your point uh Daman the one the reason why I don’t like it completely is I think when Roman loses the belt he’s got to get pinned it’s got to be special I think that’s that’s a moment right that’s that’s an alltime moment so i’

Want I want him to lose by getting pinned yeah and I think it has I think yeah whoever whoever pulls that off about the last guy they’ve got with with bar no in a single match it was Baron Corbin that’s crazy yeah that’s it is yeah that just shows you where Roman was

Back that’s when he had him eating dog food right yeah him and dog Z had Roman eating dog food yeah if um if it’s rock and Roman if it really is rock and Roman at Mania and not elimination chamber like the speculation is for that Australia show he’s he’s he’s breaking Hogan’s

Record because the rock can’t beat him like the rock can’t The Rock can’t beat him so if you get through WrestleMania I I think the I don’t I know I had the date before I don’t think it’s SummerSlam I it’s it’s like after SummerSlam I think it’s I think it’s

After SummerSlam too and someone someone said I don’t know who I saw break this down but it wasn’t something I was thinking about but there’s a a a showing Berlin I think it’s called bash in Berlin yeah and well you do have another guy who’s

Held a title for a long ass time yeah you could do Gunther you could do Gunther versus Roman in Berlin and get probably one of the craziest crowd reactions in history yeah you have to work it out to your National audience later but this is what everybody wanted

Was Sammy you wanted the re action in sami’s Hometown or Home Country yeah or was his hometown you you could get the same thing it would just be with Gunther in Berlin who I think is awesome I think that dude is a stud yeah I think and

You’ve already had that with Drew you did you did it in the UK with Drew so I mean you’re gonna I think they probably got probably two or three opportunities to have these Mega you know Mega matches and I mean if anyone’s going to pin Gunther probably should be

Roman wouldn’t hurt that wouldn’t hurt his character at all so yeah they’ve got a lot of different ways they can go with this I still 2024 by the end of the year Cody has the belt and Roman goes makes movies for a while chills and then he returns in 2025 for the next

Mania but I think I do think what also makes the story interesting is that if you have the rock just pop in for Wrestlemania you can then also Link in Punk into that story and the fact remember that was one of the big issues 10 plus years ago was that I’ve been

Here all this time and you dropped this part-timer in and put the belt on him and that was one of Punk’s issues back then and now I mean you got crossover stories you’ve got the two workers over here you can be like Seth and Ro you know Seth and punk are going

To be the workers and then you’ve got your part-time you know whatever you want to call there gonna be a it’s gonna be a lot of fun going in you know this a Wrestlemania 40 it’s gonna be a lot of fun going into it and I I did I did

Mention uh this earlier want to know what you got feels like they got to get set the win he he didn’t put people over a lot in these WrestleMania and if he’s going up against Punk that’s what I think it’ll be at WrestleMania you can’t lose to punk can’t you can’t take

Another L it Gotta Get Set to win I maybe my maybe that’s my bias speaking because I like that’s my boy Seth well you much the theme of today’s show you don’t like CM Punk either I don’t well I’ll tell you that well if I don’t like

Somebody I’ll tell you I don’t like him I don’t like CM Punk okay I well I do and I do think I would not I mean considering I mean I think win or lose Seth isn’t hurt I think the idea of giving Punk the Wrestlemania Mo the the Wrestlemania moment might

Outweigh Seth had one of the greatest WrestleMania moments in history one of the craziest crowd reactions I’ve ever seen yeah that you know second to the Rock concert at Arco Arena but it was to cash in in the main event at Mania after he remember he had he lost that

Night taking the greatest spot in history of WrestleMania the RKO off of Randy Orton’s back that was off the stomp yeah that was yeah so I think I I think if talking about Story the idea that punk gets his moment finally night one but I think the moment is being

There like I think he can lose like he the the fact that he’s closing a WrestleMania he’s headlining a WrestleMania I moment I could see it going either way you know I could see it going either way with that one because those two will have an incredible match

And that’s what it’ll come down to that’s gonna be it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a fire I just don’t want them to hug at the end it feels it feels like there’s heat there like let whether there really is or there isn’t let that live you don’t

Have just because it’s WrestleMania you don’t have to hug after everything fight but hey let them let them have the heat that they have that’s right uh this WrestleMania gonna be crazy Jade is gonna be out there I think Jade and I think people say Ria Ripley you know

That’s gonna be crazy Bianca’s still around like it’s it’s gonna be it’s gonna The Miz is doing his thing right now it’s it’s gonna be let AJ AJ Lee show up and attack Becky if you right there a heavy fire that’s my girl AG Le yeah let that I mean there there’s a

There’s a lot of potential for a you know you know and until Sasha signs somewhere there’s always that Spectre of she where she might pop up so I mean this is going to be I think if you’re in the business you want to be a part of the 40th well

Real quick uh and we can we can move on we spent a lot of time but did I’ve been out of the loop a little bit did this rock thing were there murmur about this showing up yesterday no the only thing they teased was the turn of a

Former WWF WWE Champion and Jinder Mahal came yeah and I think once everyone realized The Rock was in Pasadena like oh yeah he’ll be down there yeah yeah so I I it wasn’t it wasn’t on my radar um and normally when they say a former WWE Champion I don’t think anything of it

Because that could mean anything like mean Jinder Mahal I mean it could mean shinder Mahal exactly you know it could it could have been Braun strowman it could have been you know it could have been you know it could have been anybody that was fun I do love the

Crowd’s reaction to Dominic that’s one of my favorite things in wrestling right now they let Dom H and it’s fullon it’s it’s it’s similar to the Vicky girl it’s a full-on part of the show like that man tries to talk and they just Boo the hell

Out I love that I absolutely love that where you want to go you want to go Kings or you want to go football what you what uh let’s go football man let’s go football real quick I just and you know what what are you seeing in the NFL

Right now obviously you got the two1 seeds locked up with the Ravens and the in the 49ers are one of those teams winning the Super Bowl in your opinion if I had to pick today I’d say Baltimore of course youan it’s on brand no it’s on

Brand but it’s not it’s not it’s not outrageous I mean I think they I just think they’re just Lamar is so dyn dnamic and yeah I I would I would pick them right now I I mean I know it’s only I know you know mcaffrey is gonna you

Know what he’s gonna miss this game with the calf thing but if I’m a Niner fan that kind of concerns me because he could he could sit out a couple of weeks and who you know three carries in you fa that thing again you know and you know not that

They don’t have other players but he’s special you know you don’t there’s only you know he’s like Marshall Faulk you know that type of special where you can do anything with him and he’s your best player no matter where you put them but I just and you know I like Baltimore’s

Defense to me that you know them in the Niners are kind of neck and neck that’s funny their defense I was just looking up they scored 89 points in the last two weeks that’s nuts cooking against two double digit win teams and two teams who have defense that aren’t terrible right

You know I mean I you know I I just I like the way that I’ve liked the way they looked all season I like that Lamar beating people from the pocket as well as running you know and that was always one of my concerns too was that you know

If they got down could Lamar throw you back into a game I think he’s shown he can throw you back into a game and they actually got him some rece you know they got him some receivers too that helps ours is true yeah but you know and I

Think there’s the I think the Rams could be scary dangerous they can run the ball they got guys who have been there I mean if the if the Niners got to play them at I mean and to me well if uh I would think the Niners would beat them but what what

Could concern me would be that that’s a division team they know you well and they’re seeing you this week so of course it’s not going to be the right it’s not going to be a full on game in the sense that you’re not going to get the full Niner roster but that

Familiar AR it they’re playing well you assume that you know if the Niners sit some guys the Rams will go on and win that game you know they could be on a however manying game winning strep if you see them in the playoffs so I think

I think they could be a scary team you know down the stretch and that same vein you could be looking at Baltimore’s first match up being against Cleveland anybody feel any type of way about that yeah I like Cleveland yeah I like yeah same situation almost um except I

Probably trust Stafford more than flacko but still I mean well Flo could wind up being the story of the Season here in a minute this dude this some crazy dude just rolled off the couch and hadn’t lost the game yet and if Flaco goes in there and beats Baltimore that would be

Oh that would be one of the wildest stories we’ve ever seen just just because what is Flaco 38 40 uh yeah you yeah just they beat Baltimore twice this year or one I know I know they came back and beat him in Baltimore uh that was one of deshaun’s

Last games yeah I can’t remember if they beat him in in Cleveland or not they did not um the Ravens beat them 283 oh yeah I remember that game yeah that’s a there’s G to be some in another team I think in the AFC uh Buffalo could either they could

Either throw eight they could either throw eight picks in a playoff game but if or they could roll I mean they could roll through and they could go I mean I think if I if I if I had to pick a team from each conference that kind of be

Like a a wild card that could go all the way I say to Rams and buffalo I think I think in this in this Wild Card round in the NFC at the very least I think there’s a real possibility where all the lower seeds win wouldn’t put money on that but I mean

You look at you look at um the You’ what you’re really saying as you could say the Packers beating the Cowboys Packers be yeah Packers beating the Cowboys I’m with you on the Rams beating Detroit if Philadelphia is a lower seed I don’t think they will win I wouldn’t

Pick Philadelphia to beat anybody in the playoffs right now Philadelphia like they’re ready to go home I don’t know what’s going on out there they look like they’ve packed it I don’t know what’s going on in that locker room yeah but yeah you know Detroit you know they’re

Too busy trying to be cting out smart people and do stuff that makes in you know everyone’s mad about the two-point conversion I’m like no they tried to get slick they sent three linemen over there that’s your fault you know they they tried to trick him and because the

Referee was confused he picked the wrong number to be eligible and my thing is hey hey Dan can’t if you kick that field goal early on well and then you went for three three times in a row I mean went for two three times in a row that’s still the I

Just still can’t get over that where he just all right let’s just hide the this is bad bad mojo just bad vibes just kick the field goal there bad vibes around this two-point conversion you got to be the two no no no no no let’s try it

Again from the seven oh let’s try it no but that’s the thing like you that’s you either love that stuff about either that’s the reason why you love Dan Campbell or that’s the reason why you can’t stand Dan Campbell is because and stuff like that there’s probably no in

Between with the people who love him or the people who dislike yeah and they to me they had about 10 five 10 plays in that game where I say what are you doing that was a rough game for short yardage you’re in shotgun trying I’m like what are you doing well shout out

To won that game shout out to uh Mike McCarthy who uh finally somebody well he dialed up a hell Mary up three with under two minutes to go and threw the ball out of bound what the hell play call was that yeah I was like okay I

Guess throw a bomb yeah it was not a good weekend for coaching or officiating no it was Ron’s foot behind the line depending on where you freeze the frame I mean there’s one where like it’s clearly behind there’s one where like I can’t tell my thing is maybe they had to stop

Starting four power forwards I don’t know what’s going on with my boys I’m like what the hell is this like I don’t under do you just like being down 10 after the first quarter every game what the hell is this yeah that sounds familiar sometimes I’m just like when I saw the

Ad ruie LeBron I was like what the I’m like what are we doing here V I was like and then hey V go guard the point I’m like what is this I’m like there’s a lot of times in sports coaches get too smart for their

Own good I think I think in the NFL I think Shanahan has done that sometime and it’s cost them where you get too smart for your own good like run the balls Kyle you’re gonna win if you run and like I’m g go ahead and throw a few

Times you know of course I get joy out of that because you know know Kenny’s a Rams fan he don’t care but what what we the hell La guy I forget you’re an LA guy a Sacramento guy okay whatever listen to these people okay L show the

Hell is the New Year why the hell is that on there well that one made the cut that one made that one made it to 2024 yeah I don’t know yeah NBA I’m confused by my boys I’m like okay I don’t know what this is it’s like you have two

Point guards on the bench so you can put some more non Shooters out there with it’s like you’re wasting healthy like you’re wasting healthy defensive Player of the Year caliber ad in Lebron so you can experiment for half the season real quick know we talk about media we didn’t even talk about Jason

Whitlock God BL muted I pay no attention well Jay did you see that my man yeah yeah yeah like yeah yeah boy that was a wild boy stick around for post y I’ll talk about he forgot that your computer will tell on you sometime and

Some ads pop up for a reason oh okay now thought he was jumping on ESPN and he was diving himself yeah he thought he thought man this is disgusting I’m GNA be a moral guy and say this is inappropriate and everyone was like actually that showed up based on what you search

For not be not because ESPN is filthy it’s because you’re filthy Jason yeah that that that that that that yeah we we had some Elite moments we we had some Elite moments on the Twitter SLX yesterday yeah yesterday was a good it was a good way to kick off the New Year oh

My he’s out there he’s out there like hey guys this is disgusting why would ESPN put this here uh oh no sir you’re search engine there well you can go find it for yourself folks we’re gonna go uh we’re out of time folks we’re gonna watch NBA basketball

Tonight you know hey we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna watch we’re gonna watch basketball and have a good time and you know and do all those things whatever Jason Whitlock was trying to do boy man he out in them streets man I Y do your thing Mr Whitlock do your thing

Just stop trying to front Jay we appreciate you bro we’ll see you next week see you next week all right yes indeed will uh Antonio Pierce be the coach of the Las Vegas Raiders when we return yeah yeah uh my guess is he won’t be but he’ll be in the running for the

Position because I don’t think they’re naming him the coach on Monday right uh right or maybe I’m wrong I don’t know um but I that’s one bad thing about being gone so long is you know Raider Nation Vibes would have been Skyhigh following the win against Kansas City yeah and

Then lose a they lose one to the Colts that was a tough one um we’re going to head over to 1025 uh we appreciate y’all being with us miss you guys this week tonight to start the year off the right way certifi Drake bars game tonight you’ve never lost the certified Drake

Bars game never and do want to point out there is a game tomorrow yeah I want to keep the Vibes High okay Vibes a high see if the Kings can go 22 and0 and Drake 22 and0 in Drake bar games uh we’ll see you guys here tomorrow

Beginning with the Insiders at 10 a.m. on Sacramento sports leader ESPN 1320 vamos Kings light the beam balls deep so who’s the leader for January as far as like the calendar yeah the calendar uh it’s still reys it’s still reys Davis okay but damn Jason will Li

He really thought he was doing something let’s keep track of that we’ll do on D and Casey calendar all right we’ll do that yeah because I don’t know if they’re gonna keep track on Twitter anymore Jason Whitlock you idiot how is this possible funniest part is that people like yeah Jason like

Don’t worry about it this this and that like no that’s how the ads work pal that’s fantastic damn Crosby coming in with a black eye hockey players that’s what they do uh all right guys we have got to roll man um again appreciate you guys we’ll see

You see you tomorrow hit the thumbs up before you go and subscribe and all that stuff and I will see you guys tomorrow and I’ll fix all these stupid cloudy graphics

Thank you for watching. Please subscribe and hit the thumbs up.

0:00 Stream starts
2:30 The Insiders begins
16:30 break
20:15 49ers got the 1 seed
31:35 break
36:00 Kings made a starting lineup change
1:00:15 break
1:05:30 talking Zach LaVine and the Kings
1:15:30 break
1:19:30 MadProps recap
1:30:45 break
1:36:30 more on the Kings
1:58:30 The Insiders ends
2:02:45 D-Lo & KC begins
2:16:45 break
2:27:30 Kings beat Memphis and De’Aaron is lighting it up
2:46:30 break
2:50:30 College game day yesterday
2:56:00 is Kevin Huerter getting his spot back?
3:09:00 OG Anunoby to the Knicks
3:17:00 break
3:26:30 KC’s thoughts on NBA Christmas Day games
3:47:00 break
3:56:00 Washington-Michigan in the CFP final
4:01:20 Trysta Krick
4:31:00 break
4:36:30 top 10 hip hop artists
4:47:15 break
4:56:00 talking 49ers
5:17:00 break
5:23:00 Jason Jones
5:58:00 Show is over

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LIVE Mon-Fri 10a-12pPST
ESPN 1320 Sacramento, CA

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