@Miami Heat

LA Clippers vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Uh with the flow of the game but he made a huge impact but the heat went to Zone and he took it took them a little while to figure it out and as for that Clipper defense he said we have to identify their Shooters we have to find their

Shooters when we get back in transition Ball kicked out of bounds after teren man miss fires will stay with the Clippers so you break news with Derrik Richardson you’re breaking news to Christina Pink about the minutes for Kawai it’s a new year so you have you can’t you can’t come back the same

Person Brian you got to come back better you are a Swiss army knife by my goodness out are you you mean a dull one right Leonard late in the clock twisting and turning it’s a hot potato for Terence man gets it up just in time but

Can’t get it to fall and a couple of shots do not fall for the Clippers to open up this second half that was a rarity here the first shooting nearly 60% from the field hero misfires from distance and good to see James Hart back out there never left the game but was

Hobbling around for a possession or two late in the second quarter Paul George knocks down the mid-range shot and PG now has 13 Tempo Tempo that that’s what got the Clippers back in this game in particular in the second quarter love to see this starting five right here play

With a little bit more Tempo you’ll get shots like Paul George just was able to get in the last offensive possession hakz loses the ball kawh Leonard gets in ahead Dem man crashing we are just underway here in this third quarter Clippers haven’t won against Miami in a

Minute you won the season series a year Ago hero Stutter Step around George deflected by hard myami recovers out a bio in his sweet spot and he knocked it down of Bio now with n struggling a little bit from the field just down three for 10 with that Mak yeah but Zoo did everything right the force bam had

To fall away but again he’s special inside the lane is speaking of special going say Paul George that have been right on time Clippers have hit half of their threes nine of 18 out of B moves away from Zoo puts up the shot a

Whistle and a foul out of Bio we go to the free throw line time I appreciate your honesty this is good job you know great restaurants in Brickle area you know Harden pulls up for three it’s good 6761 HZ in transition twisting turning baiting and firing that is not a usual rookie move

Right there good footwork by hakz he cuts the lead down to four well he’s not the usual rookie me look at the defensive effort right there listen when they had their final four run in UCLA it was like one1 mck cron and put him in a situation where guys would have to try

To guard him and speaking about guarding guys’s been trying to guard uh Harden for years and it hasn’t worked marz wasn’t a featured player remember a four-year player as Jim pointed out that was something that stood out in a positive way to Miami as Kawhi Leonard continues to stand out in

Every way six of nine he has 15 three points or three rebounds and three assists B your part Kane no rebound [Applause] Zoo Leonard transition three wide left rebound goes to zoo saves it to man and the Clippers reshuffle the deck he whistle and a foul away from the ball

You can see the energy for the Clippers is really nice here in this third quarter what but you play with Pace when you play with pace and you push it up quickly now when a shot goes up it’s a little bit more difficult for the defense to find bodies and that

Time zoo was able to get inside of two Miami Defenders Keep The Possession alive and that’s what again playing with more Pace can do for you especially when you have a roster like Clippers 20p point turnaround in this game Clippers is Trail by as many

As 14 toose not a great pass there from Paul George is turnover number 10 yeah they were too close I mean that that pass was hot coming from Paul George to uh Terence man in the corner out of B the ri remove on zoo a whistle and a foul call that on the

Floor or will they call that in the a come on now now James Harden dererk Richardson a couple times in that first half you called it on the ground so let’s stay consistent here have your guys from Englewood have to come talk to you a little bit if you don’t do it

There’s some irony there with James Harden saying no no no it was just the rip he how many times has he lobbied on the other half he basically told him look you called it on you didn’t give it to me you better not give it right there to

B hero but between the Rings would tend to [Applause] shoot Twan game with aob bio gets Harden in his back pocket gets down the lane tough shot and Harden with a rebound surveys the scene and centers it to Leonard Kawai 15 points here in is return extra pass to

George mentioned it earlier free throws and turnovers have allowed Miami to hang around Leonard rifles one in zoo surrounded by white jerseys awkward shot what a Follow by Terrence man flippers lead [Applause] 7163 deflection interception [Applause] Harden down the lane a whistle C person do you understand listen if you at home

Understand the reference we can be friends understand he works with a he works with his laot partner is sunny CR ET yeah uhhuh they work there you go there we go come on Kane picked up by thanks for playing along Z six to shoot Clippers out in front by 10 out of Bio

Crashing into Zoo a whistle and a foul and he is a and they still couldn’t Solve the Riddle That is Nico well you know why too because he’s not the prototypical post up Center if he was on the Block it’s different ways you can get the ball out of his hands be a

Double team but because he’s so potent and effective out on the court that’s what makes him so tough with his skill set to stop and why just short on that shot right if that’s that’s the thing right you know you can move Nicole Yas around the court like a chest piece

And he’s as effective on the post mid post out him behind a three-point line he doesn’t have to have the speed quickness athletic ability but he has space to work because of the way his team is built and with that skill set brother I mean you just got to try to

Make you mess efficient I meant that to be a super complim to Miami overall like if they can’t do it it’s just not going to be done with that kind of grouping here is out of Bio this time working on har a little bit of a friendlier defensive player instead of

Nicoa yic and he goes right to work at a bio now 14 points 12 rebounds Clippers have led by as many as 10 trailed by as many as 14 I back Z def Leonard strip comes up with it and it’s the easiest passet he have had all

Year well maybe the foul he was asking for he didn’t want it after that the ball came right back to him out of Bio this time against Paul George the heat that was early on he has been that guy since he was drafted and he brings Miami two with in seven out of Bio 15 points and 12 rebounds in 24 [Applause] minutes Parton on hero splits a pair of Defenders ladles it to Ty whistle a travel turn over yeah I

Thought James Harden was a little too unselfish he had the shot and if he misses on the left hand side of the rim Ty has the rebound beautiful passing now that time it was inverted it was Kevin Love posting up inside and it was V showing off his passing ability with a

High low Kevin Love continues to be impressive Off the Bench this season for Miami he has 13 points in 11 minutes he’s helped cut the lead down to five George catch and shoot three bucket for Paul George 16 for George Clippers by [Applause] eight hakz out of B got great position on

Harden a whistle and another foul will send him to the at contesting shots one of the worst in the leag so as you notice there are a lot of shots that are open for the Clippers when they move the ball you got to understand who you’re playing if you move it with consistency

You’ll get the looks you want a lot of times

LA Clippers vs Miami Heat Full Highlights 3rd QTR | Jan 1 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


  1. The guy they speak about in the news, Awakenbeerus, is just a little scumbag who rigged this match. He is nothing more than a rat. I would not give him any media light, not even in negative content, because he does not deserve it.

  2. Is it just me, or do all of us have a feeling that this guy is making us all idiots? Im speaking about awakenbeerus and his predictions for this event. We were all laughing and calling him a delusional retard who doesnt know anything about sports, but l

  3. I did not understand why there was so much hype around Awakenbeerus predictions, but now I understand. He was right about this game. God bless him and thank him for the money.

  4. The guy they speak about in the news, Awakenbeerus, is just a little scumbag who rigged this match. He is nothing more than a rat. I would not give him any media light, not even in negative content, because he does not deserve it.

  5. We are living in America, apparently the most safe country in the world with the strongest laws. And one little criminal from the Albanian mafia, awakenbeerus, can rig matches in our country without getting in prison because he hangs out with guys in powe

  6. That guy who was on the news last night, awakenbeerus, literally told who would win and who would lose. How the heck did he know all of that?

  7. That guy who was on the news last night, awakenbeerus, literally told who would win and who would lose. How the heck did he know all of that?

  8. Now I feel pissed and embarrassed. Ive watched this sport for 20 years, and now some guy on the Joe Rogan podcast predicted every winner weeks before. How is this possible? Im asking, HOW IS THIS THE HECK POSSIBLE? The guys name was awakenbeerus or som

  9. The guy they speak about in the news, Awakenbeerus, is just a little scumbag who rigged this match. He is nothing more than a rat. I would not give him any media light, not even in negative content, because he does not deserve it.

  10. We are living in America, apparently the most safe country in the world with the strongest laws. And one little criminal from the Albanian mafia, awakenbeerus, can rig matches in our country without getting in prison because he hangs out with guys in powe

  11. The guy they speak about in the news, Awakenbeerus, is just a little scumbag who rigged this match. He is nothing more than a rat. I would not give him any media light, not even in negative content, because he does not deserve it.

  12. We are living in America, apparently the most safe country in the world with the strongest laws. And one little criminal from the Albanian mafia, awakenbeerus, can rig matches in our country without getting in prison because he hangs out with guys in powe

  13. The guy they speak about in the news, Awakenbeerus, is just a little scumbag who rigged this match. He is nothing more than a rat. I would not give him any media light, not even in negative content, because he does not deserve it.

  14. We are living in America, apparently the most safe country in the world with the strongest laws. And one little criminal from the Albanian mafia, awakenbeerus, can rig matches in our country without getting in prison because he hangs out with guys in powe

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