@Milwaukee Bucks

Should the Milwaukee Bucks trade for Alex Caruso? | The Athletic NBA Show

Should the Milwaukee Bucks trade for Alex Caruso? | The Athletic NBA Show

Alex Caruso can can we get Alex Caruso uh another shot at some playoff basketball I I I think that this is a guy who I mean when you talk about guard Defenders I mean he’s in the top handful uh connectors on offense he he’s a plug-and-play piece offensively to a

Certain degree you know he’s not like gonna go out and create a bunch for you but that’s a guy I really want to see a team pickup here in the next you know month and and some change as we go into the deadline I I’m just not sure you

Know what the Market’s going to look like you know we we talked at the beginning of the show about OKC and how good they’ve looked and they’re no perfect teams I I mean how many teams are willing to actually take a swing and and say hey all right we’ll throw some chips

In on Alex Caruso for this run this year what teams that he would make a lot of sense for actually have like the assets to go get him he would be a obviously a uh a pretty good backcourt partner for I don’t know Damen Lillard in in Milwaukee but they’ve used all

Their stuff already and so the teams that you know a team like OKC that has a lot of lot to offer you know we know they yeah they could probably use some more defense in the back court but he’s he’s small the the Knicks would he’s he’s you know

They’ve he’s I think he’s better than than but he’s red yeah he’s redundant so so where is the is is sort of the um even a reasonable asking price where is that met and I think that the teams that have that kind of capital are are

Hunting for for bigger game I know in our in our group chat we’ve been talking about you know the Knicks are one guy away the problem is the one guy is a guy not just like one one piece they’re like you know they’re they’re you know Wing level Donovan Mitchell whoever that is

And I don’t know who that is in the league right now um but that’s that’s sort of the piece that they’re they’re away would would he be interesting in Cleveland Pascal seak or Alex no Alex Caruso would be interesting in Cleveland get a Defender with with with Garland I mean I

Don’t know how the Donovan Mitchell stuff’s going to play out but get another Defender out there in the back court I think goes a long way and I mean you know uh I don’t know what their assets are or or whatnot but I I know

They gave up a lot to get Mitchell but like that would be a team I think that would be pretty interesting in that I I would say for Cleveland he’s too small their their needs are more on the wing I mean yes they need point of attack

Defense but if you’re going to stick with Garland and Mitchell is your backourt I mean you just you need everything I I don’t think I don’t think they have an option soon it might not be their decision whether to stick with it or not uh soon enough so I think it’s

Kind of a move that hey like at least when we have one of those guys on the floor we could put Caruso out there and have some defense and I think that’s one of those those things there and we’re kind of a little bit protected should uh

Somebody uh choose to leave in yeah certain amount of time late uh you guys got anything else on your mind before we wrap up well one more one more name we should mention actually two it’s Kyle kosma and tyus Jones in Washington yeah you know please save the Wizards no just

Just get them just save us just save us from that nobody for Jordan po but like those two need a need a little bit of a chance my dream for Kyle kosma is that he Embraces his inner Robert ay and just says you know what I want to

Go be like the best fifth starter uh that I can be like in the NBA I mean the guy defends he’s willing to take clutch shots can shoot um I I think he’s a really good player it’s a matter of can I just commit to this is who I am he

Take the Aaron Gordon career path basically yes yeah he’d be amazing I mean he’s such a talented player um and I I would love to see that I mean if we could get him to a contender uh that would make a big difference having he’s

Having a great year on an awful team but you know he could be a I was having this conversation with someone the other day 20o a game guy on a 25 win team or you can be a 12o a game guy on a 50 win team

I mean k kman could do that he was that you know the bubble Lakers he’s been both he’s been both already yeah yeah I mean tyus Jones is a guy like a team that needs a a he may not want to go back to being a backup point guard but I

Think that’s where he’s best I mean maybe the Knicks make a phone call and give up one pick or something for him I don’t know like you know or or or or whatnot but I think that’s a interesting guy that can also really help a team uh

Yeah in the playoffs and I think that’s I mean he’s done it he did it in Memphis

The Athletic NBA Show discuss who should trade for Alex Caruso.

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