
Melbourne Boomers v Southside Flyers | Full Basketball Game | WNBL 2023/2024 Season

Melbourne Boomers v Southside Flyers | Full Basketball Game | WNBL 2023/2024 Season

W it’s over an epic game three and Southside and through to their third Grand Final in Four Seasons Reed sweeps on the crow massive basket three you are kidding me and the fireb burned brightest Townsville are wnbl champions for the fourth Time the start of the New Year means only one thing in a signant wnbl it’s time to turn up the heat as we head towards the business end of the season and what a way to kick off 20 24 with a blockbuster between Arch enemies Melbourne and Southside at Parkville

These two sides have sat in the top four all season but a chasing Packers hot on their heels meaning valuable points season series splits and bragging rights are all up for grabs in the first of a big double head up this Wednesday night Jess web are with you alongside our

Resident expert Mark alab backov Mark a huge night ahead of us so much on the line I’m always the one a new year brings new opportunities for both of these teams and when I say opportunities trying to to regain some of the momentum that they’ve had from the early portion

Of the season the Melbourne Boomers after a 5-0 start have hit a skid 2 and5 in their uh their seven games from that point the Southside Flyers have had a yo-yo of results in recent weeks both of them sit in the deadlock of teams with seven wins at the moment and only one

Win separates second through the fifth and all teams can’t make the wnbl finals but one team will greatly help their calls tonight it’s certainly been such an amazing season you feel like it’s only going to get better as well in that inconsistency touch on is just adding a

Little bit of extra Intrigue to this Clash tonight of course the Michelle Tims cup is also up for grabs if Melbourne can win and Incredibly marked since the 20156 season so eight years the team that has won the first match of the season has won all three regular season

Matches between these two sides and that doesn’t include the 2020 Hub season but that’s an incredible record DC history repeating tonight well I mean it’s hard to say you’ve got two teams that sit you know firmly within the upper echelon of the competition as we look at the the

Ladder here the Sydney Flames um finding their way into that top four have been able to build their their season up but we’re looking at the Flyers and Melbourne Boomers the Boomers with a win can put themselves back into that top four and as you mentioned win the season

Series which would be a huge Boon for their program but the Southside Flyers can put themselves back into contention for potentially uh home finals advant or court advantage in the finals if they can get a result tonight and then keep that series alive with the Boomers and

That ladder is so incredibly tight at the moment so as you mentioned it is third taking on Fifth so a really big game to come ahead of us tonight and uh for for Melbourne we’ll touch on them briefly because they’ve had a bit of a roller coaster so 5 and0 start as you

Mentioned the wheel sort of fell off but they did lose Jordan Canada for a number of matches that that really kind of gave them a little bit of the wobbles but she’s back and obviously plays such an important role uh for this side do you think that they all settle here on in

With with Jordan Canada back into the side I think so and I mean whenever you have an athlete of that caliber in your lineup she brings you just under 15 points a game but it’s the eight and a half assists it’s the ball in her hands and the game management that she can

Bring to a lineup when it’s winning time so they’ve been able to hang around you a lot of the the matches even the ones that they’ve lost the Melbourne Boomers but just that Poise you know under pressure when it’s winning time she delivers that where that has probably

Been absent in their lineup um through that skid that you mentioned and uh for the Southside Flyers they’re starting five uh including uh some familiar names Cole roochie poch Jackson and Russell uh to start for them how do you see their season so far and what do you think they

Need to do uh for the rest of the season to really put themselves in that Championship uh contention well I think they are they’ll sit in that mix but one of the things that’s noticeable for me they’ve got match winners individually in terms of their scoring punch you know

Throughout the course of that uh that starting five but the ball is being shared a whole lot more so they’ve been able to lift their way up the ladder in terms of assists per game they sit number one in the competition with 20 assists as an average per game which

Means they’re getting all of those people involved organically they’re getting the right people shots and they’ve got as I said people that can win a match off their own bat um just on their talent alone but when they can play together they’re pretty dangerous so Canada Hillman Cony froling and

Blitzar the starters for the Boomers still know Christy Wallace unfortunately hasn’t passed a fitness test we hope to see her very soon but we only a couple of moments away from tip off here at Parkville such a massive night ahead of us in the signate wnbl a blockbuster

Clash to kick us off on this Wednesday night and markers we get underway and Southside with the first possession any any key matchups that you’re looking out for tonight well it’s going to be the Battle of The Bigs and you know this one here where we’re looking at pick and

Roll with Mercedes Russell and Nar Hillman both of them have been exceptional Imports for both of these individual teams Mercedes Russell is a go-to when the the going gets tough um coach chery Chambers will draw up offenses to get her the ball in the post

But then Nas Hilman she won a a player of the round award only a number of weeks ago she’s been able to stay step up and probably been you know more effective than perhaps what the the Melbourne Boomers expected in signing her so Southside ball to kick us

Off get a repeat opportunity here it’s Jackson puts a shut up can’t get it to go Melwood on their home floor of course beat Southside way back in round one by seven points to kick off would has been a fantastic Seas in that is an excellent way to get us started at

The boom box from Jordan [Applause] Canada there’s roochie swinging it across to poch sets herself lets it Fly for a triple it’s a big three reply from poch normally known as a driver you can see they’re challenging her to shoot the three-point shot she’s made the first

One hman shares it with blits now to can looks inside too much on the pass and it be a Southside ball interesting in the early doors here of this one the Melbourne Boomers have manique Cony handling the ball as the main point guard which means they’re trying to play

Jordan Canada off the board in a scoring type of role here’s rochie working on Conti Southside to maintain possession asking the question mon Conte of course a duel sports star but uh he really putting together a fantastic season as PCH can’t get it to go roochi wrestles for it will get a jump

Ball now whenever you’re in defense you’re alertness and the the way that you position your body allows you to see and anticipate the next thing that’s uh that’s about to happen for Sarah Blitz arves two straight possessions off her Baseline inbound she hasn’t been watching her matchup and that match Up’s

Been able to cut to the basket and get a catch to 2 ft from the hoop Canada working the perimeter now to Conti looking for an option now finds a lane and it wobbles in one of the things I really like about con’s game or in the past month of her

Basketball is that she settled back into making plays organically making the the basketball play that she sees and not trying to force too much to happen she can be a an energy spark but where she’s Let The Game come to her she’s been far more effective for the Boomers as

Russell gets her first bucket of the evening it’s been a good start to this Contest course so much on the line tonight these two sides looking to solidify top F spot as Canada coughs it up on the fast breaks outside can’t make it count last touch Melbourne ball a still early days trying to feel each other out and trying to find any

Advantage that they can gain so that reaction time advantage in transition the push of the ball but the defense from uh the Boomers was up to the tast there is Blitz Ares it loses it roochi races away 54 early lead to the Flyers inside to rush still working hard and gets the foul

Call that’s been something that the Flyers have evolved with in recent weeks is their ability to get scores off transition or points off transition rather so whenever there’s an error made by the opponent the pace at which they’re looking to play back the other way and getting people the likes of

Mercedes Russell to the tip of the rim um Lane Runners like be Cole or if she doesn’t have the ball in that moment mat Rie they get out ahead and the ball gets thrown to them for easy scores having an outstanding season as Mercedes Russell number five in the

Competition for average points per game seven for rebounds so cruci crucial to this Flyers outfit Canada makes a move kicks it out to Blitz offes in the corner can’t get it to go but Hillman gets it back out to Canada who fires for three it’s offline poch comes down with It now to Cole out to Jackson who fires for three it’s off the [Applause] rim Canada looking for Hillman stolen away from her by rochie to Cole inside to Jackson denn is can’t find a bucket froling for the Boomers working on PCH musles her way to the rim and I love

That mentality from Key fry the ability to spin and play through the contact without going to the ground she’s a the type of strength and body type that can score and get on the free throw line for [Applause] m1’s be a Southside ball as Cole gets back to her feet such

A fantastic crowd in tonight at Parkville two arch enemies going head to-head poch nice finish unfortunately for Sarah blitz’s the third time there that she’s been beaten by a cutter to the basket she is Blitz Ares and now’s coughed it up as they both hustle to the floor fouls call I

Think and Sarah blitzes I mean credit to her with that hustle to dive onto the ball but part of your job or doing your job early uh all your work early I should say that can alleviate a lot of the struggles that you have so putting your body in a

Position where you can see where the ball is and the player that you’re guarding or having Clarity perhaps with how you’re going to maneuver around actions you want to be Crystal Clear when you play against a team the caliber of the Southside fli cuz any error it

Costs you a layup or a catch two feet from the hoop which puts you in layup territory and F territory Cole sets herself for a triple knocks it down FES are out to a little mini lead here of Five Points this six to go on the first Fring lovely

Work textbook pick and roll between Canada and froling did a great job of holding the defender off and only releasing the contact to go and catch that pass roochi second opportunity and it’s a [Applause] trouble probably thinking that she got failed on that particular possession but

I like her energy to go and try and pursue offensive rebounds so she’s been in the thick of the action here on two separate occasions in the early stages of this first quarter going to win an extra possession for the Southside Flyers hman long range two and credit the screen by Fring like

Hman doesn’t get open on that catch and shoot at the free throw L without a tremendous job by Fring to get her feeding the Ro into the action for the Flyers to poch to roochi inside to Mercedes Russell margin back to Wi Russell finds on the bucket really tough basket but the 6’5

Russell is able to elevate over the top of hman I thought hman did everything she needed to on the defensive end to try and make that shot a tough one Reed also onto the floor for the Boomers Cony in Canada roie got a hand in there Mel

Ball less than five to go in this opening term here at Parkville TI contest so far as we would expect between these two sides Canada lost it Southside ball and though the scoreboard reads 10 to3 and we’ve got a close game you know by virtue of that score line it does

Look like the Flyers are in a little bit more Rhythm at the off end and they’re more proactive or acting and trying to make things happen defensively they’ve got the Boomers on the back foot right [Applause] now russle puts it up and gets the [Applause] call so dangerous in that position isn’t

She so hard to defend she is and she’s a big Target too so while she’s 6’5 she does a great job of spreading her wings span so you can throw the basketball anywhere within her reach and she releases her position so the the contact she has with her back on the defense she

Releases that only to go and catch the ball so it’s always caught safely and in scoring distance makes it two from two now that leads back out to five such a good shooting team are the Flyers as well early stages but they’re already shooting 62% from the field compared to 40% for the

Boomers that up have a good night of Fers Canada out to Davidson working away inside she’s lost it Dicky for the Flyers to roochi to S to complete the play that’s a beautiful play and this is indicative of the team the team style the assists that has become the trademark of the fers in

Their past month of basketball up to 20 assists per game the ball touched four sets of hands there before it finished on the rim for a layout and a timeout has been called here in the first quarter and this timeout is brought to you by signant Australia’s number one digital

Accessories brand signant continues to power the wmbl Australian owned and designed signant is available at JB highi Office Works and other leading retailers visit today so a handy buffer here for Southside in this opening quarter they shot out to a seveno lead and as you’ve mentioned mark it probably now is

Indicative of a little bit of dominance dominance they’ve had in this first quarter yeah and it’s come off the defensive end for mine they look far more proactive they’re trying to climb into receivers of the basketball and get a hand to it Matty rochie is putting a

Whole lot of pressure on Jordan Canada and trying to get a hand in for deflections so everything that they’re doing becomes uh a focus on ball security not proactively trying to score as a you know as a first line thing so they’ve got the Boomers on the back foot

And then being able to get out and running transition so that last fast break that the Flyers had indicative of a change in their style or perhaps an evolution is probably a better way to put it where they’re getting easy baskets anytime that they can force a turnover from the opponent they’re

Running in numbers back the other way and sharing the ball so Melvin this season notoriously they’re the worst first quarter team this season only averaging the 17.7 points so it has been an area of concern for them and when you’re playing against quality opposition you can’t

Afford to give them too much of a of a head start yeah I mean it’s marginal edges that you’re trying to go for when you’re playing in this upper tier of the competition against a team the caliber of the Southside Flyers Canada puts one up can’t get it to go here’s rochie to

Ernst working on froling that one’s offline Davidson with the rebound off to Canada now to Reed he’s lost it and the Flyers all over Melbourne at the moment couple of bites at that one and they get the foul call and it’s the points off turnovers

So the moment that that ball got into a Flyer’s hands off the back of a defensive possession they in numbers M Ro trying to accelerate down the floor and get ahead where uh her sister-in-law was up to the task to challenge that shot you had kly erns chasing the player

Not pulling out and just expecting that a layup is going to be scored going to support it and gets on the back of the alley put back and gets on the free throw line out of it so plays like this just sheer effort based things they take

The wind out of the sails of opponents [Applause] two from two from kyli Ernst 86% at the line this season and this has been a hot start to the Flyers nine points the advantage less than three minutes on the clock Jordan Canada up feeds Davidson’s got a hand in there to break

It all up they’ve been very good at their defensive end so far the Flyers Jackson to poch now to Mitchell inside to ER Canada though breaks it up races down the other end and makes them pay and that will help as a settler I especially as a juxa position with the the prior

Possession that they had they had a wide open layup but second guessed it you saw panina Davidson who’s a tremendous basketballer who can make a layup 2T from the hoop just hesitated because of the pressure that the Flyers have been playing with on the defensive end couple of Misses from Lauren Jackson Melbourne

Ball Davidson puts one up gets it to go and case in point right so once you disarm that fear and you’re playing proactively and aggressively on the offensive end backto back baskets for the Boomers deficits now back to five a little mini fight back here from the Boomers Dicky poch underneath it and

Capitalizes Canada driving hard to froling little bit of a fumble gets the call I really like her start to the game and her mentality so you can see that she’s a leader within this huddle you’ve got someone the caliber and experience of Jordan Canada but off the back of

This really tough move where she gets on the freeth throw line key Fring straight into the hle and she’s organizing and she’s the main voice Jordan canidate has a rest Fring this is the first it’s always helpful when you have that lead voice be a driver of energy

And hustle the way that key froling [Applause] is she’s also going to head to the bench minute and a half to go this opening caught up Flyers with a handy lead at the moment a fumble from poch and Conte pounces and puts it in and isn’t this really indicative of

The quality of both of these two teams so where there’s a wrestled back of the momentum that the Flyers had early controlling the early part of the game now the tables have turned to the Boomers they want it back again the Boomers as Cony finishes it off all of a

Sudden we’re back to [Applause] two boom fans getting involved a great crowd in already at Parkfield final minute of the opening quarter Mitchell sets herself for three it’s offline coming it’s an opportunity here for the Boomers even though we’re talking about first quarter 39 seconds left to go for

A two for one if they get a quick offense and a quality shot out of this possession they can give the Flyers one more possession back and then end the quarter with possession themselves just to WR it out Davidson to [Applause] Roi carving through and finds herself a bucket noticing of fearlessness every time that Lauren Jackson is involved in a pick and roll the guard from the Boomers is going right at her and challenging her to be able to contain a faster and smaller and quicker opponent so your eyes are deceiving you

If you’re looking at the scoreboard it is 21 a piece 121 221 great fight back here from the Boomers rochy with the last play of the quarter can’t get it to go what an entertaining start to this contest at Parkville after the Flyers got out to by as much as nine points the

Boomers have settled and fought back to tie things up at quarter time we’re going to take a short break and be back with the second quarter Shortly [Applause] Use that momentum and power you’ve created to explode out on your first dribble okay we’ve got two more one sometimes as women we look for Perfection as opposed to execution work ethic is important when the players are to [Applause] Your [Applause] I National landscape of basketball that is pioneered what it is to be an Australian opal she’s a fe Hall of Famer she’s a women’s world Basketball Hall of Famer she’s a two-time Olympian she’s you know an OG of what it is to be in Australian

Op and pav the way for so many great athletes that have come after her time so some great scenes there at quarter time with that presentation in front of a really great crowd as we get underway in the second quarter and the Flyers they jumped out to a nine-point lead

During that first quarter but the Boomers hit back to tie things up at quarter time so a good fight back from the Boomers haven’t been the best first quarter team this season but important that they stay in touch early in they have done that as read driving hard to

The basket couldn’t get it to go Cole for the Flyers off to rochie Fires for three it’s offline remain a Southside ball Russell to Cole back to Russell long range two nice finish that brings her tally to three of three from the field and she’s gotten on

The free throw line for three of four as well so really being an offensive Target for the Flyers and producing certainly in fine form that free attempt is offline for Mercedes Russell number five in the competition of average points per game but number one shooting from the

Field so how’ you see that that first quarter mark it bit of es and flows and couple of momentum shifts but uh fun stuff it was and I think that you’ve hit the nail on the head EVs and flows you had both of Team both of teams in a high

Level of turnovers for a first quarter alone so indicative of the type of pressure that’s out there but then the momentum swings came off the back of just pushing the ball in transition so the Southside Flyers had a combined 16 points off points off turnovers and then um fast break points

Is over half their score and then the Boomers hit back late in the quarter for six and six of their own so 12 of the 21 incredible stats so bit of a track meet right now but both teams capitalizing off the work that they’re doing at the defensive [Applause]

End watch at the line for the Flyers and they Edge out ever so slightly again great battle unfolding here and you expect the pressure just to continue to rise Cony from Beyond The Arc it’s off the rim and last touch Southside their early observations with the Boomers to start this second quarter

The ball is moving so whatever they’re doing from the offensive end to create an advantage it might be a pick and roll um it might be a dribble handoff they’re getting into that action and then keeping the B moving which is forcing the Flyers to have to move left to right

And where they’ve got so much Tall Timber on the floor you can exploit gaps or or force them to open up gaps that then you can dribble penetrate or cut into just like this kicking it out to Cony FES for three can’t get it to go Russell with the

Rebound fumble from rochie and it’s a turnover hasn’t this game turned on its head so that fumblin and butter fingers there by mat Roi that was indicative of the way that the Boomers were playing in the first 3 to 5 minutes of the first quarter flies still with their noses in

Front by three points we will level at quarter time Fring working on Jackson out to Canada that one’s off the room Jackson pulls it down look at this here working on Conte looks inside to poch the referee see this but I say look at the speed here so

The push of the ball it’s a a clear track meet the moment that the ball gets turned over it gets outlet to a guard usually Matty RI and then they go they try to run at a raate of Notch down the floor so could start to the second

Quarter for the Flyers out to a five-point lead again now it’s up to melbour T respond into Jordan Canada can’t get it to go just has to keep her feet on that layup R the contact and be able to get herself a a more in control finish at the

Basket flies have turned it over it’s going to be a boomer ball taking it down the floor Roi H got a hand in there Boomer ball Cony six points so far for the Boomers leading scorer for them Mercedes Russell up to nine for the Flyers poch with eight hman to roochie Conte

Jordan Canada Ki manufacturer kicks it out to rochi one’s missing flies fast break down the other end it wobbles out from Cole boom is quickly down the other end through rochie now tremendous Play Just prior that the defensive job that rochie did on Jordan Canada try and get in the road

And not let her use the screen then chase her over the top then be in the mix to be able to contain her it really kickstarted that fast break down the other direction Melbourne to inbound Conte to Roi Canada looking inside to froling it’s come on stuck Russell Cole back to

Russell pops it in just about to say likely time out time if your coach Chris Lucas of the Boomers the momentum has shifted the Flyers way and then the Boomers just look out of sync they’re starting to second guess or premeditate perhaps what they’re trying to do on the offensive end and it’s

Leading to turnovers but then we mentioned earlier the the great job that the Flyers are doing of pushing it down the other way so timeout called here in the second quarter and this time out is brought to you by ctm sport ctm sport is here to transform your team’s travel

Experience lead the hustle of off Court arrangements to ctm sport the experts in sports travel management get The Winning Edge at ctm so Mark almost a carbon copy of the first quarter where the Flyers kind of shot out of the blocks Melbourne looking a bit fumbly they’re out to as

Much as nine points in that first quarter Melbourne hit back to bring scores level at quarter time but now the Flyers have the advantage and out to seven points during this second quarter yeah they’ve started on fire and it’s come on off the back of some really good

Defending but then to me it looks like the Melbourne boomers are becoming very Jordan Canada Centric so they’re trying to get her involved in actions as a scorer and then have plays end with her and there’s obviously a very high level of defensive scouting and focus that the

Flyers have put on her as as a dangerous player for Melbourne and they’re able to blow up some of those actions and then turn it into points in transition back the other way as while it’s great to try to put your your better athletes in scoring positions it still has to have

An an organic flavor the ball still needs to move and if if not X you need to be able to go to Y and Z missed a few games with concussion protocols Jordan Canada back into the lineup of late averaging the 14.9 points per game only the four so far tonight Cony

Froling now to Canada the flyers in a 23 Zone out of the timeout they worked it into the corner up goes the three attempt good rebound from Hilman and now to Canada out to froling sets herself for a triple Hilman again with the O board back out to

Canada shot clock kick ticking down Canada goes to ground manages to get it back out to Hill and it can’t complete the three it’s a flyers ball rochie Cole broken up by Hillman good defense Canada down the other end and that’ll lift her confidence she’s tough to keep down I

Was looking for a spare bit of space there to talk about how well a job defensively Matty R is doing in containing Jordan Canada but the moment that you let her get loose like that she makes you pay on the scoreboard that’s going to be quite the arm wrestle

Now it’s a turnover from Southside so an opportunity here for Melbourne Cole heads to the Ben bench the offensive foul called on rochi Five Points the difference flies in front will level it quarter time is froling working on Jackson comes up short poch for the Flyers share it with

Rochie into the last five minutes of the first half rochie out to Jackson looks inside Canada standing in the way puts the shot up and gets the call that’s a tough finish by Canada being able to leverage her uh Body Balance and be able to we like wheel off that

Contact and separate and be able to get the finish on the left hand especially in a time of the game like this this is following the same script as the first quarter where we had EVs and flows but we had two really distinct Rhythm changes where it started the Flyers off

To a proverbial flyer and then the Boomers working their way back to arm wrestle leverage back completes the play Jordan Canada that brings her up to eight points there only a few moments ago were saying she’s hasn’t quite found a rhythm put on four points in matter of

Minutes probably a minute not even that it’s be Cole trying to find an opening comes up short Jackson for three it’s outside ball Con in there with the spoil rarely see her do that on the football field I think but you can watch these games like qualitatively and do they pass the eye

Test who’s the team that to the eye looks like they’re playing to win versus playing not to lose and the momentum shifted almost on its head it looks like the Boomers have found their groove they’re acting and they’ve got the Southside Flyers reacting Cole long range three can’t get

It to go do we expect these momentum shifts to continue happening tonight I mean I think so for the the caliber of Team you know the both of these two are and they sit in the upper echelon of the competition for a reason but the interesting thing is the stat that

You’re LED with at the start of the broadcast where whoever wins game one wins the entirety of the series rolling works so way to the rim and all of a sudden scores a level again you’ve got this same kill the momentum timeout that coach Chris Lucas had to take earlier in the quarter

You’ve got that from the other bench with Coach Cheryl Chambers now trying to wrestle back some momentum she’ll have the opportunity now with possession to try and orchestrate the type of shot that she wants to get their you know their rber to hit the road again so this

Time out is brought to you by Ford Aussie Hoops the perfect introduction to of basketball for kids aged 5 to 10 years basketball Australia launching the Ford Aussie Hoops award for 2023 to find out more visit Aussie hoops. basketball to register so once again we have seen

Another momentum uh shift and uh Mark the uh stat you touched and I’ll just repeat it we mentioned it off the top but for the last eight seasons basically the team that has won the first match of the season in this matchup has won all three uh between these two teams so

Melbourne of course winning in round one by seven points if they win tonight they’ll clinch the Michelle Tims cup and go ahead in the series but uh that’s pretty incredible for the last eight years it’s been one way or the other there’s no it hasn’t really quite been

Even which as we were talking a little bit off air and a little bit during the uh the broadcast for two sides that have kind of consistently been in contention for so many years it is just seems a bit wild that it’s either all or nothing either one team wins all three there’s

No two and ones happening here um it’s it’s quite the record it is it’s almost absurd you know given like you mentioned the quality of both of these teams they’ve always been in and around or been the team that’s won the championship ultimately in any of these

Seasons so to have a three zip record against one another each season it’s probably going to be the answer to a trivia question one day and just to to add to that as well it’s almost uh flipping every season because Melbourne are 11 and N in the last 20 matches

Between these two sides so just ahead in the head-to-head but he been pretty even we see another turnover in hman for the Boomers feeds Cony that one bounces out scores a level at quarter time level again here in the second as Mitchell drains a big three that’s why you love having

Mitchell on your roster she’s just a calm head she’s calm with her skill execution under pressure as well so you canar hear the boom box crowd starting to light up it doesn’t change the way that she plays she makes the play that she sees knocks down the open triple

Cony pulls up short on the three flies make them pay the other end what a great pass that was massive almost quarterback like by Leilani Mitchell and Dicky with the Finish as Reed sets herself for a triple can’t get it to go Mitchell [Applause] now finds SS back to

Mitchell back to erns to Russell couple of attempts draws the foul but beautiful team play by the Flyers to keep the ball moving so they recreated an advantage of time and space then with the pick and roll between erst and Mitchell Mitchell drags it off finds

Erst who then at 6’5 throws the ball to the other 6’5 athlete line up just over the top of everybody to where only Mercedes Russell can catch it and reach it now they get on the free throw line 11 points so far for Mercedes Russell no problems there I mentioned

Earlier this is the change for me you know visually the the change from the the Flyers the way they’ve involved in their offense they’re sharing the ball a whole lot more it’s touching sets of hands it’s making sure that the the defense is always in Pursuit and it’s

Creating open shots that they can hit froling can’t get it to go flies again now out to a Sixpoint lead Mitchell for three that’s another easy as you like couple of big three-pointers in this second quarter into the final two minutes of the opening half roochie for

The Boom is out to Canada here’s Hillman another chance gone begging for the Boomers flies with the momentum Mitchell for another triple it’s offline but Dicky with the rebound Ernst gets it to go at two hustle plays jasman Dicky on the o glass and then

You’ve got kli erst on the other side of the hoop being able to rebound and put it back in but watch the body language of the Melbourne Boomers whenever there’s that type of a scenario a Miss shot an offensive rebound it looks like there’s slump of the shoulders they look

Like a team that’s fatigued or is feeling the the pressure of this run that the Flyers are making to finish the half so a new game high lead now of 11 points the Flyers way they live by as much as nine points in the first quarter before Melvin hit back to draw scores

Level couple of momentum shifts in this second quarter fliers have it on their terms at the moment Blitz Ares at the line [Applause] couple of important free throws there for Sarah Blitz haves draws them back to within nine final minute of the first half here at Parkville great crowd in the house tonight watching these two top four contenders go head-to-head Russell finds herself another bucket it’s starting to get dangerous

Here for the Boomers they need need to execute and get themselves a score they’ve got an opportunity to get two potential possessions here to finish out the half they can get two scores SS can’t get it to go chance for the Flyers Cole Mitchell Canada applying the pressure back to

Cole now to erst Cole working on Hillman draws contact so it’ll be a baseline ball with 17 seconds left this presents an opportunity for Coach Cheryl Chambers to be able to find an edge potentially call a timeout here and organize a a play to get a shot type for someone to get them

Going obviously not looking at that but if you have as a coach timeouts in the bank in this scenario you’re trying to find any Edge that you can play back underway here’s Mitchell for [Applause] Southside time ticking down gave it to Russell who couldn’t finish off on that

Occasion and that’ll do us for the first half here at Parkfield Flyers making their move in that second quarter after scores were level at quarter time they headed to the halftime break 41-3 it’s been a pretty entertaining game of basketball as we take a look at some of

The second quarter highlights Mark alaka what do we make of all of this well I mean it’s it’s momentum swings again isn’t it so the Boomers come out with a little bit of zest about them to start the second quarter but then it got wrestled back pretty quickly by the

Southside Flyers the sharing of the basketball being able to get all streams of offense going for their score line they’re getting on the free throw line they’re getting scores in transition and they’re doing a pretty good job of executing the create advantages Mercedes Russell I mean what a handful to deal

With she’s being for the Melbourne Boomers at this point up to 14 points and got the eight rebounds as well but when we talk about runs it was 70 then it went 70 back the other way then the Flyers finished the half on a 13-2 run just the body language from the Boomers

Looking defeated really really early on here when they’ve been able to show an example of being highly competitive against Southside and having the ability to get themselves back into the contest so plenty of fans enjoying the action tonight a big double header of signate wmbl tonight here on this

Wednesday night as we take a look at some of the key stats to halime Mark and uh that those field goals I mean the Flyers were shooting really well in the opening quarter kind of be brought back a little bit um to an even kill here in that second quarter the three-pointers

Look at that stat yeah absolutely and I mean this is going to be an Achilles heel for the Melbourne Boomers being able to consistently hit the three-point shot part of that will be personnel and lineups that you have on the floor but then also are you creating the types of

Three Point looks that are less contested where you’ve got a chance to hit them at a higher clip the the telling thing for me looking at this stat block is you’ve got the 12 assists to the Flyers the ball is touching sets of hands everybody’s getting involved

And I spoke you know in the intro about how many potential match winning offensive talents the the Southside team have at their disposal right now they’re being carried by um Mercedes Russell and the scoring output that she can bring but Rie is scoreless Lauren Jackson is

Scoreless and both of those two have got their abil to put points in the teams up on the the board in only a half of basketball as we take a look also at some of the individual stats winners to half time as you mentioned Russell Leading The Way with 14 poch eight er

Six and for Jordan Canada she started slowly but has worked well worked her way into the match with nine points Fring as well chipping in with seven cones playing a great role with six and uh also the rebounds there Russell and Jackson doing the job for the Flyers

Yeah well I mean the big one is Sarah blitzar hasn’t got going offensively and neither has Nas Hillman they’ve got four points between them two each and they’re both critical to putting a winnable score line up on the the board for the Melbourne Boomers and you know shown a

Capacity to to be very elite at Blitz ARS on the perimeter and Nas Hilman with that long range two-point shot but then all of her work close to the basket so plenty to look forward to in the second half these two top four teams looking to

Get valuable points to kick off 2024 as the signate W comp competition continues to heat up as we head towards the business end of the season at halime it is the Flyers 41 to 30 we’re going to take a break don’t go anywhere big second half to come

Next women are powering forward and changing the game on and off the court together basketball Australia and the Australian Sports commission are powering women in basketball we are amplifying the voices skills and spirit of women in the game from the backboards to the boardrooms where breaking barriers shattering stereotypes and

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Online Ford dealers have back sport in communities for nearly 100 years and now from the Boomers and Opals to Aussie Hoops your local Ford dealer is proud to support sport basketball because all dreams start Somewhere through sport business do you find that people are really reluctant to celebrate their wins 100% I think it’s hard for people to be proud of what they’ve done for me I’m wanting to make this team right that’s all I’ve ever wanted I make it hell yeah but I’m not celebrating cuz

Now I’m going to a tournament and now I want to win a medal now I don’t get the color medal that I wanted and so then you’re down in the dumps but all I ever wanted was to make a team and go to this tournament and I feel like it’s relative

In every aspect of the stage of your career whether that be sport or business life whatever it is and it’s sometimes it’s not till you retire um or you know you’re done playing that Sport and you look back and go maybe I didn’t achieve all my goals I ever wanted but damn I

Got to be proud of myself I’m damn proud that I’m still playing today like I’m I’m grinding you know now I feel like I stop and smell the roses cuz soon that’s going to be done and that’s going to be sad and that’s scary but I have I’ve achieved so much and

Even just you asking me that question makes me be like no I really have cuz I’m luckier than still maybe the person next to me who never got to experience to wear the green and gold hi I’m Amy and I’m anal and we’re here with Lin and Zara from Ford Aussie Hoops

Let’s go have some fun yeah what was your um favorite sport when you were younger basketball obviously do you play other sports too uh no just H you’re a Hooper what’s your favorite subject at school guys math math math and P what’s 2 plus two sure what’s two *

Soon there we go I don’t want to stop do you believe in magic did you know that I’m magic here we go yeah I I can do many magic tricks what’s your favorite thing about basketball friends do you get fat out a lot I do yes she also gets a lot of tech

FS I don’t get Tech FS I thought you were going to say the fun the fun in the friends but the friends make it fun the people you do it with make it fun yeah all right guys let’s go shoot some hoops come On He an absolute Workhorse Alex Australia’s top one sh he tries to get to every you overheated the generator that’s night gown I’m wait well that smile might make all the girls at the church social Swoon but it’s not going to work on me well not going to be polite not going to

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Staff meeting to go to and so do you you elitist Harvard fascists miss the Deans List two semesters in a row Yankee Jackass stram the westwing feel better getting that off your chest or CJ I’m a whole new woman online now women owering forward and changing the game on and off

The court together basketball Australia and the Australian Sports commission a powering women in basketball we are amplifying the voices skills and spirit of women in the game from the backboards to the boardrooms where breaking barriers shattering stereotypes and empowering the next generation of female athletes and leaders get involved and

Together we can create a future where every girl’s hoop dreams are within reach time here at Parkville it is the Southside Flyers leading the Melbourne Boomers 41-3 at halime as we get underway in the third quarter Jess Webster and Mark alab backov with you Boomers get us started in this

Third Cony for two great start to the Boomers in this third quarter and Mark we’ve been digging into the stats books tonight I’ve got another one for you off the back of that Conte shot Melbourne pretty good third quarter team they’ve won nine of the 12 third quarters this

Season in a 21.4 qu in the third so maybe now is the chance to make a move they get another opportunity Canada adds two to her tally great start to the Melbourne Boomers on Q look at you go that was fantastic I love it when that happen great

Timing I think is spot on and it’s going to come off the back of or making up this this margin is going to come off the back of effort based things so things like offensive rebounds and put backs getting out and running in transition trying to get things that are

Less dependent upon other people makes a triple great response from the Flyers after back toback buckets from the Boomers to kick us off in this second half Melbourne looking to keep in touch with the top Four Cony draws contact you want the basketball to keep moving from the the Boomers perspective in the half court every time it’s done that they’ve got weapons to be able to go to to put points on the board but the challenge to overcome from that first half the O of 12 three-point shots

Obviously only the six assists and they only attempted five free throws for that first half they averaged 19 a half 10 points the margin early in the third score a level at quarter time flies by 11 at the half Rie feeding Russell knocked Away by Canada Russell gets it back shot comes

Up short and Blitz arms pulls it in and stolen by poch no one to throw to a head for Sarah blitzar so when you’re in a purple singlet you’ve got to run ahead of your matchup so she’s got a Target to throw to or even if you’re not open you bring

A Defender with you which bases the floor for the ball handler a little bit more Roi to Cole now to poch had a fumble under pressure shot clock ticking down they’ve turned it over the Flyers and Melvin give it right back so Melbourne looking to hit home

Runs in transition trying to play really quickly in that instance I would have loved to have seen minique Cony turn and she had nobody in front of her if she keeps the ball alive she can be a decision maker and Catalyst to run that fast break for the Boomers you think Melbourne wouldn’t

Want this lead to get out any further Russell can’t get it to go it’s outside ball I thought that was good execution out of the pick and roll there by rochie and Russell so rochie used what the it’s called a hostage dribble she comes over the top of the

Screen and she waits looking for a second contact with her Defender before she makes a decision whether to go herself or pass to The Rolling Mercedes Russell which she did in that instance R inbound to Jackson and the interior presence of both Jackson and Russell when they’re in

There and competing they’ve got a size Advantage but both do a wonderful job of leveraging contact to find balance now you find with Lauren Jackson she’ll lean into you and try to shoot the ball through you through that contact that you bring and be able to make the play

Whereas Russell’s a little bit different she’ll use the contact to separate and then open up some air space for her to get her shot off first point for Lauren Jackson tonight new game high lead of 13 points to the Flyers they win a back hotch can’t find a bucket Canada

Screaming down the other end for the Boomers as Cony puts the shot up and gets the three but no score Canada pushing in transition with the mentality of trying to get on the hoop so her aggressive mindset is really important but she’s going to have a high

Level of gravity like alertness from the Southside Flyers defense so the moment a second Defender commits to try to blow up that driving lane the ball’s got to move cuz an advantage is created for somebody else can sets the feet and gets the first three-pointer for Melbourne tonight that’ll feel good going through

For the melin Boomers I would love a couple more of those here’s an opportunity conty gets another bucket and here they come the Boomers just outworking the flyers for possession right now so taking away some of the predictability of what the the Flyers are intending to do on the

Offensive end and blowing it up with with hand [Applause] pressure another missed opportunity for the Flyers Cony makes them pay look for Coach Cheryl Chambers to call timeout here try to kill the momentum of the Boomers margin is back to six points Melbourne with the momentum flying still with a handy lead as we head to a timeout here in the third

Quarter and this timeout is brought to you by the W NBL don’t forget the official wmbl app is available we don’t want you to miss a minute of the action so for all your live scores highlights and all your player and team info and plenty more make sure you download the

Free wmbl app today so we’ve mentioned it has been a game of momentum swing so souai got out to a nine-point lead in the first quarter before Melbourne hit back and Drew level at quarter time in the second quarter Southside got out to 11 points and then Melvin hit back now

In the third quarter they got out to as much as 13 points the Flyers and now Melvin have hit back to draw within six as we head to a timeout so it’s been a crazy game in basketball it’s like a heavyweight boxing match it’s one person

Lands a blow and then the other one throws one back and you try to see who can get on the the biggest run uh you know when they do have momentum in their favor for me watching this there’s a an intention from the Boomers to be a little bit more disruptive on the

Defensive end but then that is getting coupled with the flyers I mean I praise the the way that they had the basketball moving and pushing in transition and touching sets of hands where they can utilize everybody’s talents here they looks like predetermined outcomes for what they’re trying to get done on the

Offensive end in the half court or you know you had uh Beck Cole from the wing try to drive the ball between three Defenders and make a play rather than having something organic occur and the boomers are making them pay every time there’s a average shot selection from

The Flyers the Boomers make it make them pay on the scoreboard issue for the Boomers is they’re good at making a comeback but not getting a lead of their own yeah and the counter move to that which I think is a great one by coach Cheryl Chambers is to put Leilani

Mitchell in normally she isn’t in this early it’s usually the ballpark of 2 to 3 minutes um at the end of each quarter just to manage the end of the games with her decision making she’s in early just to try to steer the ship back on course for the

Flyers six points a difference the way of the Flyers scores level at quarter time flies by 11 at halftime melin trying to make their move is froling puts a shot up it comes up short Davidson with the O board Cony shot clock ticking down Davidson out to froling for a

Triple it’s off the rim Russell with the rebound like to see them continue to try and get their feed into that painted area they haven’t got a heap of free throws at the moment mainly because they’re not putting themselves in positions to be faou which is what they

Would regularly do when they’ve played their best basketball it’s been you know very paint heavy Mitchell inside to poch trying to muscle away to the rim Boomers with a good defense but poch even [Applause] better I mean that’s an unreal finish I I probably side with the the Melbourne

Boomers in that particular play I thought it was a take another look travel here on N poch so there’s a travel potentially one here where she comes down with the basketball again but the the rule book is there only as a guideline the refs can only call what they see and if

There’s players in the road you’ve got to continue to play and continue to compete so credit to Nadia po staying in the play and being able to get herself a bucket couldn’t complete the n one on that [Applause] occasion back out to eight points the lead Conte for a long range

Three huge from Monti and make no bones about it she can score the basketball like credit to her now that she’s had a number of games under her belt with the Boomers she’s finding her way and she’s getting back into basketball Rhythm and making the right play at the right time Dicky

Couldn’t get it to go Blitz arms with the rebound con’s fourth attempt at triple she finally drained one she’s up to 12 points Blitz ARS from long range again backto back triples for the Boomers two points the margin this is why basketball is such a

Percentage game so to be 0 of 12 often it’s indicative of the quality of shot not the caliber of talent I mean that goes without saying but you know the wheel is going to turn if you can continue to orchestrate shots with a lot of time and space Dicky shot clock ticking down

Russell comes up short Canada reels it in for the Boomers making their move here in the third swings it across to Blitz eyes for another one oh my the Boomers have come alive they could have buy a triple in the first half now they’re raining and they’ve hit the lead Mark

For the first time tonight as Dicky draws contact and what you won’t see at home is when that three-point shot went down both myself and Jess sat up in our chairs holy moly do we have a ball game on our hands just almost from out of nowhere

We’ve been sort of mentioning that that the Boomers so far is they’ve kind of been a bit fumbly haven’t quite found their groove and having to continue to to come back after the Flies keep creeping out to these handy leads and just absolutely responded in a big way

Here in the third and we’ve got a level ball game response is the right word so it’s both strategic but at this pointy end of competition between two championship caliber teams it’s so much psychology and and your resilience so do you have the resolve and the discipline to stick

To your identity to try not to panic and Force action or overthink what you’re trying to do or even predetermine what you’re trying to do just to wrestle back a sentence against a quality and worthy opponent Rie for Fring they can’t get another one can they offline on that

Occasion Blitz arms though with the rebound off to roochi poch breaks it up rochi gets another opportunity shot clock ticking down Blitz off going for it again well coming out of half timee she was the one athlete that they needed to get going on the scoreboard cuz when she

Gets rolling she can Catch Fire she’s had some massive games within her wnbl career where she’s put up points in the high 30s she’s got that capacity just needs to see the ball go through the hoop a number of times and get her confidence Going H for three the Boomers were 0 and

12 from three-point range at halim they’ve knocked down five in this third quarter unbelievable stuff and they’re up by three two and a half on the clock in the Third how good sport just didn’t see it coming I don’t think all of a sudden the Flyers need a

Settler and the momentum to go back their Way Boomer ball Cony looking for Blitz harves poch broke it up [Applause] here she is to finish it off she’ll head to the line and this is the psychology piece right so the Flyers get a stop but their identity that transition and pushback the other way is indicative of

Everything that got them those leads in the first and second quarter so credit to them not to be in a of the three-point deficit at the moment or a boom box that is cranking in volume just continue to stick to your identity you’ve to have the ability to to flush

All of the external noise or even sometimes internal noise and play to your identity it’s going to put you in a position to win this basketball game flies under a little bit of pressure first attempt from poch wobbles out she makes a [Applause] second a quarter it has been from the

Boomers they Trail by 11 at halime and now they’ve hit the front two minutes left in the third Cony driving up and in what a game she’s having what a season she’s having insane and you know I talked in the earli half about when you become a little bit too Jordan

Canada Centric with what you’re trying to execute with her off the floor this is when they’ve made their run cuz the ball is organically moved from side to side it’s touch sets of hands and they’re making the plays that they see they’re a very good basketball team when

They play that way fers need to put a shot up Cole in the corner makes the shot but ran out of time now it’s the Flyers on the back foot trying to reclaim who they are so I mentioned earlier about leani Mitchell and the Poise that she brings to the

Lineup to organize or game manage and get the the ball to the right person on time and on target you’ve seen that from Amy Rie in this couple of minute stretch here just before she got subbed out of the game just now by Jordan Canada I

Think she’s been a real Catalyst to the way that the Boomers have been executing on the offensive end think Conte might have had a foot outside the line now the thing to think about in these instances if you’re the Boomers or the Flyers a minute to go in the quarter

There’s not going to be anything that’s largely going to influence the scoreboard in a way that decides the match so if there’s anybody on your roster with fou trouble this is a good opportunity to get them some rest and hopefully not have them pick up a a foul that you don’t

Want Canada stands in the way gives it to froling tough attempt some good defense from the Flyers bit smart you know you get the ball into froling two feet from the hoop against the smaller coal ball rims out in that occasion but it’s still a great shot choice roie tough shot foul is

Called after this set of free throws the Melbourne Boomers will have possession to close out the quarter so wouldn’t be surprised to see coach Chris Lucas communicate with somebody on the floor what orchestrated play they want to run to get an intended outcome so that could be assistant coach Christy harell having

A conversation there with manique Cony at half court trying to diagram how do they want to end this half whose hands do they want the basketball in to try to get a shot that they can hit and go into the three4 time break with even more momentum Hillman gives it to

Canada shot clock down of five and offensive foul called or is is it going against rochie I think it’s against rochie so she’s tried to get in the road of Nas Hillman rolling to the basket then the referees have signaled a flop warning so they’ve said that she’s

Staged as well has taken a a hit absolutely but maybe gone on with uh the contact a little bit too much a little now on it as they say is Canada lets it Fly and that brings us to an end of a third quarter where the Melbourne

Boomers set things a light and they’ve hit the lead by three points after they Trail by 11 at halim they headed to the three4 time break 55- 52 over the Flies and what has been a crazy game of basketball I think Markov I don’t know if there’s any other way to describe it

We’ve seen a bit of everything momentum shifts and uh Melbourne that was an impressive third quarter and my stat that mentioned at the first quarter was was right on they are a good third quarter team so they’re proving the stats sheet right on that occasion spot

On and just a heavyweight hit out I alluded to it earlier but I mean I would love to watch six more quarters of this game the way that it swings and roundabouts and twists in the narrative and the plot changes over and over again I mean but what a three-point shooting

Quarter for the Melbourne Boomers let’s take a look at some of the highlights of that third quarter as we mentioned the Boomers were 0 and 12 from three-point range at half time and then all of a sudden the points started to flow it was an impressive quarter from

The Boomers the Flyers as we mentioned they’re led by 11 a half they were out to as much as 13 points during that third quarter before Melbourne absolutely hit back as they’ve done all night here’s one of the shots from Cony that landed and just a flurry of three

Points it was pretty impressive to watch mark it really was and you know for mine it was getting Sarah blitzar going on the offensive end so she has n points in the quarter and then Cony like you mentioned I mean all the way up to 17

Points which is incredible 8 of 12 from the field being able to get the one assist as well but the aggressiveness that she’s playing with and making great decisions with the basketball she was a huge part of why they got out to that 25 to1 quarter that you just witnessed they

Did a lot of it without Jordan Canada on the floor so to bring her back in if you can incorporate her and her talents into the way that they’re playing you know stylistically this is is Melbourne Boomers basketball they had seven assists in that quarter alone there was

Only six in the first half in total for the the entirety of that two quarters so it it goes to show you the way the basketball’s moving and the way that they’re organically making decisions and not trying to force the action to happen so final quarter underway at Parkville

Mark put your coach’s hat on what do you want to see from both sides tonight if you were their respective coaches this in this final quarter rather yeah well with the Flyers it’s going to be the Poise piece so you’ve got to be able to execute and get high powered shots here

Um or high quality shots I should say rather on the offensive end but then support it with rebounding there’s a picture where no one goes inside the paint so the the psychology of the the momentum with the Boomers in control right now they’re all running back to

Defend right now you’ve got to try and play to win not play not to lose especially if you’re going to beat a quality team like the Boomers yeah for the flip side you want the proverbial you know foot on the neck of um of the Southside Flyers if you’re

The Boomers you’ve got to continue to compete um for possession play and then try and we their second guessing on the offensive end or Force any actions make them paying transition back the other way so massive last quarter to come we’ve touched on so much on the line

Tonight as this signant wmbl season continues to get better and better every week as Russell finds her way to the rim and that’s what you want you want a post presence it doesn’t mean you have to go there with the intention to score each time but you’ve got to try and collapse

This Melbourne Boomer’s defense and then where they’ve got so much Tall Timber on the floor a missed shot is a great offensive rebounding opportunity on the opposite side of the shooter Canada couldn’t capitalize on the three attempt Roi down the other end couldn’t get it to go hman with the rebound for the

Boomers off to Canada so that would have been an example there if Lauren Jackson stayed in the key she would have had a rebound and layup but she’s popped out to the three-point line giving her matchup freedom to go and contest the layup without penalty Cony to Davidson looking inside

To Hillman stolen away from her by Mitchell off to Cole gives it to Russell but Canada comes up with it for the Boomers Cony who’s been fantastic tonight for the Boomers could it get it to go Jackson with the rebound one point the margin who’s going to stand up for

Either side to get them over the line Canada broke it up and finishes that’s the impact sometimes when you’re running a patent offense that a team has scouted and prepared to defend so Canada has obviously seen that that play a number of times probably on film in the preparation for this game

Anticipates where the pass is going and goes and Picks It Off Russell Mitchell drains the triple from the car park no less scores level hold on your hats as they say Mark RI gets a hand in there Davidson to Conte shot clock ticking down car par Cony [Applause] offline and southide ball didn’t quite see the call it will be yeah now the interesting thing so the Melbourne Boomers have been The Benchmark of the competition with recovering missed shots as offensive boards and second chance opportunities no less the offensive rebounding that they output game in game out is number

One in the competition they average 14 offensive rebounds but there’s a difference when you play against a team of the the size physically of the Southside Flyers the Nar Hillman rebounds two feet from the hoop and I think she’s got four offensive rebounds what would normally be a trademark layup

And put back for her she’s looking at either Russell or Jackson or Ernst at 6’5 sometimes multiple standing in the pain dissuading that shot Mitchell offline for the three-point up So can take away from the comfort of doing what you do [Applause] best Melvin turn it over flies back the other way now both teams making errors just trying to play at a pace and an urgency that is beyond the the skill level at this point in the game with the fatigue

That these teams have accumulated it’s a smart for them to get into an offensive set here if they can keep the ball moving a shot will emerge Canada finds an opening can’t get it to go outside ball Canada’s all over the place competing trying to win this game she

Nearly had a pass stolen earlier deflected by Matty RI at around half court looked like she turned an ankle got back up and got back into the contest there chases the the rebound on that play wide open floater that just rattles out unfortunately but stays in the contact takes the hit from Lauren

Jackson dislodged her headb number one in the competition Jordan Canada for average steals per game with 2.4 she’s had five tonight and hav the Boomers missed having her on the floor chipped in with 16 points as well Cony Leading The Way of 17 she’s also got four steals to her name as Russell

Puts it up bubbles out scores still Level 5 and a half left Jordan Canada swings it across to Hillman and now Blitz Ares rochi shot clock down to five Hillman gets it to go pass that’s a great pass by Amy rochi drags the two Defenders with her finds Hilman this is

What I’m talking about about being aggressive Hilman going to the rack rather than settling for the jump shot go and make sure of the points and put yourself in position to be fouled stolen away by Guess Who Jordan Canada oh get some contact as well looks like she’s going to be

Okay let’s take another look so quick Lauren Jackson could be in trouble here could be an unsportsmanlike foul it looked like it wasn’t an attempt at the basket just trying to do everything she can to stop that certain layup probably dodged a bullet there the Flyers to get away with just a

Regulation foul it still sits with two shots here for the Melbourne Boomers to be able to push their lead [Applause] out Just one from two for Jordan Canada three points the margin the Boomers way was their lead at three quarter [Applause] time he’s Ry for the Flyers to bet Cole to Dicky looking inside to Ernst they’re under pressure the Fliers and the foul is cold but the challenge for the Boomers

And the advantage potentially here for the Flyers when you’ve got Ki Ernst in the game she’s got the ability to hit really clutch three-point shots and literally from the car park I mean the moment she’s over the halfway line she’s open if you give her time and space and

She can hit that shot but when you switch in a pick and roll and you switch a smaller guard onto her if she can go to the basket at 6’5 her reach and her touch close to the rim can be a real Advantage for the Flyers as well as

You’re seeing here so the smaller Jordan Canada they’ve turned it over as uh that was Nar Hillman’s fourth personal as well just a few moments ago now watching this play so you’ve got the posting up of Carly erns but recognizing the advantage that that could provide for the Flyers um froling

Did a tremendous job with her ball pressure and forced a travel Canada loses it chance for the Flyers four minutes left in this last quarter they’ve dominated in patches the Flies as Cole puts a shot up get it to go and Melbourne ball every time the Flyers

Have skipped out to a double digit lead Melbourne has responded holding firm at the moment and fing leading by EX example so two straight possessions you have the pressure job she does defensively in the switch against mat RI forces the travel out of the Guard when she’s essentially

The the big in that equation and out on the perimeter but then to go and beat people to that rebound and take the contact to make sure that the fers don’t get a second chance she’s playing a win this time out is brought to you by your local Ford dealer proudly supporting

Community basketball in Australia so the Melbourne Boomers Char by 11 at half time scored 25 points to 11 in the third to lead by three three quarter time and now they are holding firm with a three-point lead but as we know Mark the Flyers are going to keep

Coming at you and still plenty of time left on the clock anything can happen as we’ve seen tonight anything genuinely can happen there’s so much time and 6 minutes have elapsed from this quarter alone and both teams very talented from a scoring standpoint both of them have

Only scored five points so it gives you a picture of two things one the occasion and the amount of pressure and urgency that is you know within this particular ball game and where it’ll Place both of these teams on the ladder coming out of it but then also both of these teams

Just having you know a hint of hesitation in the way that they’re playing you’ve got the Boomers only on the two fouls Flyers only on one you know are they the team I should say rather that is more aggressive at trying to get their feet into the paint whether

It is to score or to create advantages and close outs you’re probably going to see them start to pull away and it’s not outside the Realms where the Flyers can wrestle back ascendence here and you know that could potentially be them as well play back underway four minutes left Canada up

Makes a move kicks it out to Davidson in the corner gives it to Blitz hars he Fires for three I mean they must have read my script right so Jordan Canada feeding the paint forces a second Defender to commit throws the ball out you’ve got a two-on-one with Davidson and Blitz arves

On the weak side of the [Applause] floor Russell to Cole Russell tough in these situations and draws the contact and a great pass by bet Cole she’s a tremendous feeder of the post and has been her whole career and it’s something that you know where we l her

Scoring ability we don’t often talk about her ability to create easy baskets for other people but having coached her in the past and then coached against her she always throws the ball not to the open player but away from the defense so her open teammate can release that

Contact and and catch the ball safely like Mercedes Russell did one from Two for the three three throws for Mercedes Russell up to 17 points tonight Five Points the difference just over 3 minutes on the clock Canada looking inside to froling can’t complete the [Applause] play they got everything they wanted out

Of that possession other than the made the layup russle off to Cole hotch can’t get it to go would have loved that the [Applause] Flyers Canada [Applause] one thing to watch for that coach Chris Lucas does a lot of and has had success with for multiple stops in his coaching

Career late in these game end game situations when it’s winning time he gets the ball to his best guard and he’ll simplify the game plan where there’ll be just a pick and roll or here you seeing a lot of space for Canada to create gives people room to be

Themselves and Excel with limited instruction and more you know just organic read in decision making Ern sets with the three offline a couple of three attempts yeah I talked about getting getting the ball into the paint being really important for creating advantages two straight possessions the Southside

Fers have gone around the perimeter and then shots come up without creating an advantage so less than two minutes to go now Five Points a difference it’s been a lows scoring final up intensity is really lifted at the moment he’ve got a big finish coming up two of the big contenders of this

Signate wmbl season kicking off 2024 in style on this Wednesday night he’s rochie for the flies to Cole [Applause] finds her opening but it comes up short but the shot quality is better cuz they get their feet in the pain so that’s a shot that you can make

And it’s an easier one to rebound here’s Canada to Blitz arves not on this occasion Davidson keeps it alive for the Boomers back to Canada shot clock ticking down she goes inside to froling can’t find the fish but gets the contact an outstanding Poise by froling now the thing that she did differently

In that possession with her catching the key versus the layup that she missed earlier she grounds both of her feet and gets her balance so she’s able to elevate evenly off both feet make her body long be able to leverage the contact and get the shot away the one

She missed earlier she was fading forwards and out of bounds trying to get away from uh the pursuing Defender where you can get body control there’s something to the ability to go from fast in terms of your movement to a spot to stop and then regain your balance and be

Powerful in your next action couple of massive shots for froling misses the first 74% at the line this season get the second time out to the Flyers coach Cheryl Cham has an opportunity here there’s still enough time on the clock for them to get themselves back into

This one but they’re going to need a couple of quick possessions something disruptive defensively or are they going to go for a three-point shot that they’re hoping to land put themselves within one basket of being able to tie the game up and then just allow themselves to organically defend at the

Other end and then come down and try and get themselves a three-point shot again so timeout here with a minute and 1 second left on the clock this is a new game high lead for the Melbourne Boomers six points was an equal game high lead for them six points an

Incredible turnaround after three times being nine points or more down in this game it’s been pretty impressive but you know the Flyers are probably drawing up something pretty special at the moment yeah they will and you know they’ll get themselves a you know an executed shot

Out of this particular play if I’m coach Chris Lucas and I’m talking to the Boomers lineup right now I’m looking at our fouls at the moment so you’ve got four fouls the next one you’re sending people to the line you do not want to foul a three-point shooter the last

Thing that they want is to turn this into like a two possession game where you can hit the front if they get a three-point shot that they make and get fouled you’ve got to stay ultra clean but then to the contrary I mean you can

If there’s going to be a wide open layup you can let it go or then the choice becomes do you foul them and put him to the free throw line there’s a lot of things to to consider that strategically you can send a message in in what your instruction is what would

You do uh just stay clean and probably not allow that Lauren Jackson from the corner switching is the the best uh defensive tactic to try to take away three-point shots it comes at you know the cost of potentially giving up a layup but where that didn’t look like it

Was the the defensive Choice by the Boomers you get Lauren Jackson popping out to the three-point line out in the corner to hit that shot we can’t keep the goat down for long well I mean she’s a great three-point shooter right so it’s the one thing that is is something

She’s done at a very high level throughout the course of this season you’ve got to take that away from her and force her to plan B’s one from eight from the field tonight for Lauren Jackson but that was a moment to keep the Flyers alive can they get a stop here

Canada and hman with the [Applause] finish and that is a we we can’t understate how enormous that play is so hanging around the basket good things happen Nas Hillman goes to get that rebound now if we rewind our memories back to the game against the bendo spirits there was a a really key

Offensive rebound and missed layup by Nas Hillman uncharacteristically sometimes those plays can haunt you but the very next contest here against the fers to rebound that and put it away which now puts them well and truly the Box SE to win this match puts all of those fears away it

Relieves any pressure that you feel in that situation moving forward so 25 seconds left the Boomers holding firm with a fivepoint lead they led by three at three quarter time down by 11 at halim and scores will level at quarter time it’s been a game of momentum

Swings and each team have had their opportunities and the Boomers at the moment just trying to hold on but they they’re the ones that look like they’re playing with confidence and it was the complete opposite earlier in the game it’s flipped on its head and the challenge that the Flyers have with 25

Seconds there’s not a lot of ball time you know game time to to be able to get shots away so whatever they orchestrate here you want to catch and shoot you want as little time as possible to elapse off the clock and make yourself a three to put yourself back into a

Winning position but then you’re still in a spot where you’re going to need to F to stop the clock so you’re battling percentages and it’s it’s not looking good for the Flyers right now if if you don’t get a score on this particular basket or you let too much

Time go off the clock need something special to happen here Southside who’s it going to be Mitchell it’s no [Applause] good now the Fliers with one more foul in hand coach Chris Lucas having the opportunity to call time out here in advance Advance the [Applause] basketball it appears opting not to so

If you take the ball from this backourt position you can use the entirety of that 16 seconds the shot clock will be switched off and the game clock will determine how much time is left in this one look for Nadia poch to deny Jordan Canada the ball her and Rie will work

Together they couldn’t Den in the end roochi applying the pressure Canada did she step outside the line I think it was a foul yeah to try and stop the clock but she cannot be denied Jordan Canada it’s amazing after a layoff especially with concussion symptoms and to come

Back visually it’s still Jordan Canada that we were looking at in last round’s game against the Beno Spirit but she was still sort of out of sorts and out of sync holy with what we’re used to seeing apart from a a patch in that first half where it looked like she was really

Trying to chase points perhaps to her own detriment she’s found her way when they’ve needed her two most to put herself or her team rather in the box seat to win this one so the seconds ticking down here at Parkville Canada with the ball in hand happy to see the time tick down

An impressive Victory from the Melbourne Boomers they beat their Arch Rivals the Southside Flyers 67 to 61 and what has been an incredible game of signate wnbl basketball in front of a pack crowd at Parkfield the Boomers came from behind multiple times to come out winners and

Clinch the Michelle Tims cup for the 2023 24 season as Mark alov we take a look at some of the fourth quarter highlights and the Boomers they had to come from behind that halim they left by three points at three quarter time and boy it was a test of their mental will

In that final quarter to hold firm and they certainly did that it really was and in the second half holistically you know we talk about Jordan Canada and she was tremendous to close out the game 18 points seven rebounds five assists but like you mentioned the six steals is

Insane but then what about the job it can’t go understated that ni Cony did to get them back from you know being in a a position where the Flyers were in the box seat 17 points for her she’s got the four steals she’s got one assist and one

Rebound was a huge Catalyst for allowing the Boomers to be back into contention where they could win this game and we mentioned it throughout the call but three times Melbourne had to come from nine points or more Downs so nine points in the first quarter they drew scores

Level 11 points in the second they hit back again 13 points they were down in the third before a huge run to see them Edge in front at 34 time and then they uh got the job done in the last as we take a look at some of the full-time

Stats Mark yeah well I mean the one that’s not up there is the second half scoring 36-2 in the favor of the Boomers but that obviously comes off the back of the the three-point shots that they were able to hit in that second half they orchestrated that better their assists

Went up um the Flyers went down they started to become a little bit more individual but look at the points that they’ve left on the the board hanging from the free throw line 12 of 20 if they’re able to knock some of those down maybe they win this game they had some

Layups room out so while you’d be frustrated with the result they were in a winnable position the Flyers the Boomers just ultimately wanted it more in that second half that another chapter to what has been a roller coaster uh season in the signate wmbl things are

Really starting to heat up as we head towards the business end of the season Mark these are the games to come for round 10 and a huge one to come straight after this Townsville taking on Perth you can see the rest of the matches including a Super Sunday three games on

Sunday coming your way across the screens on nine now what stands out to you well there’s a lot of narratives there to to look at so you’ve got Perth needing to try and get some wins on the board in the absence of ARA McDonald Townsville trying to stay on top of the

Ladder Sydney the hottest team in the competition right now with three straight wins they get to play the Boomers here after this massive win that’s going to be a massive Clash you and ultimately a determin a head-to-head as well so there’s so many implications for lad positions and mentioned right up

The top you had five teams all within two wins of each other only four were going to make the finals someone’s got to miss out so every game is a crucial game so a huge crucial uh result this was for the Melbourne Boomers to keep themselves in touch with the top four an

Incredible game of basketball we have witnessed after scores a level at quarter time a game of momentum swings but it is Melbourne Boomers who came out on top by six points uh on behalf of myself Jess Webster Mark alivov and all of our entire production team we hope

You have enjoyed the coverage tonight it was the Melbourne Boomers who got over the line by six points we see you next time

Watch the game between Melbourne Boomers and Southside Flyers in Round 10 of the 2023/2024 Cygnett WNBL season , held on Melbourne Sports Centres – Parkville. #WeAreWNBL

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00:00:00 Intro
00:05:31 1st quarter
00:25:46 2nd quarter
00:57:25 3rd quarter
01:17:33 4th quarter


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