@Phoenix Suns

Has Frank Vogel figured out the rotation for the Phoenix Suns?

Has Frank Vogel figured out the rotation for the Phoenix Suns?

So we don’t know for certain whether or not bball will continue to get opportunity but it sounds as if Frank vogle is really trying now that the big three are back and we’re headed towards the back half of the Season that he’s really trying to iron out his bench

Rotation here’s what he had to say about it yeah just keep learning each other you know I mean having Brad back is uh is is beyond welcome uh but there is an integration piece of of guys still learning each other and you know knowing when to pick spots uh to be aggressive

To you know to um you know to facilitate you know all those types of things and we’re still uh we’re still a little too um unsettled with our role players you know and who who’s earning those minutes you know so uh you know i’ like to get

That settled uh as quickly as possible um but with guys been in and out we haven’t been able to do that so um the biggest thing is just uh you know those guys learning each other and um continue to grow in our system so it seems like

That might be why we’ve seen a little bit more of some other guys uh lately like Sabin Lee uh udoka Zuki and even bulbo he’s probably trying to give another opportunity to all these guys to really showcase what they have what they can bring to the table and maybe even

Test out a little bit of how they have bonded and built chemistry with some of the starters on the team as well because I think that’s a big portion of this that will kind of go into it like do we see Chim as he met to have really good

Chemistry with Bradley Beal in the ways that we’ve seen some guys have really good chemistry with Devon Booker or Kevin Durant like what does that all look like to set this team up in the best way possible I mean we saw that a little bit last year uh when Kevin

Durant and jock were on this on the court together they seem to have an instant connection Ro the bat you don’t know what players feel comfortable with what players until you throw them out there in the middle of a game and there’s one thing about being familiar

And and comfortable with a guy in practice versus getting out there on the actual court and you know different players different systems are attacking you and how you manage that with another player like some guys just listen I I in the course of my young playing career

Back in the day there were certain guys where it just felt like there was like this mental you know connection where we just knew where the other guy was going to be or how he was gonna you know react to certain situations and you don’t know

That until you get into those games and so I I’m I I like what Frank is doing it’s different than what Monty did we used to complain about Monty because his rotations were wildly all over the place but that’s because we got to game 70 and

He was still doing the same stuff that he did in game number one yeah you can’t do that at some point you got to find some consistency so right now in the first 40 50 games of the Season you do that the last 30 it’s all about

Tightening it up and making making sure that you’re getting the chemistry where it needs to be guys are feeling comfortable and more importantly guys know what the role is going to be and the fluidity and the fluidity of the game and the rotations because that’s what gets them comfortable if you

With that that’s when you run into issues with all the other players outside of your big three and you do not want that this year well and Frank’s had to deal with so many injuries too that it’s forced his hand into into odd rotations not just injuries to the top

Guys but you’ve seen little out and oog out and and a bunch of guys struggle here so uh but yeah I think we’re starting to get closer to that time I think right after Allstar Frank’s got to kind of have that pretty good idea of

Who who his top 10 are and lock it in and build that chemistry be between this group because we saw if you don’t if you don’t build that it doesn’t just magically come uh come playoff time and that’s that’s what happened last year you kind of ran out of the uh at a

Runway to build that chemistry with the group after the trade for KD and you couldn’t get it done so so he needs to shorten those and I think we’re starting to get a good idea I think there’s a couple spots that it may keep jockeying for position but I think

We’re pretty close to guys that are going to be in his rotation yeah so let’s talk about that who are you guys thinking are for sure shoin who do you think is still kind of a fringe and uh uh is there a situational type of a an a

Thing where maybe if we need more size we’ll turn to this person or if we feel like the team is smaller we can stick with this what what are your thoughts on the rotation thus far I know we’ve only seen a few games with the big three in

Action and healthy but how are you feeling this is assuming the big three are healthy yes assuming the big three are healthy and I’m going to assume Grayson Allen is your fifth that’s who I would put SP as well yeah so so so with those five locked in uh I would say

Gordon is the only one right now that has got a locked in position you can make an argument for shimi because he’s he’s played quite a bit in the last 15 games but I I could see a scenario where things might shift a little bit when Nas

Comes back and if he plays at the the level that he’s shown to be capable of from time to time outside of that it’s kind of a wild card everything’s up in the air uh Josh shogi’s been inconsistent Goodwin’s been inconsistent UDA Eubanks kbd they’ve all been wildly

Inconsistent you don’t know what they’re going to get from them so outside those five I would say Gordon is for sure a lock Messi’s right there on the verge of being a lock and then it’s everybody Else

With Bol Bol’s entrance into the Phoenix Suns rotation, Frank Vogel has his hands full as far as figuring out who will best complement Devin Booker, Kevin Durant and Bradley Beal.




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  1. I think Watanabe can be HUGE for Suns with spacing. I would have Rotation as

    Beal Booker KD Nurk Gordon Allen Metu Watanabe and one of the big men.

  2. Yeah outside of Big 3 + Nurk, Allen, and Gordon no one has a spot in the rotation. You can make the argument for anyone to make up the other 4 spots.

    Saul is right Metu is almost a lock, so then we are looking at 3 spots…

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