@New York Knicks

The Knicks MASTER PLAN Revealed…

The Knicks MASTER PLAN Revealed…

The New York Knicks master plan may have just been revealed through a multitude of Articles including one by Ian Begley and SNY and we have to talk about it so what’s up guys welcome back to Nick’s digest it’s Chris Gallagher here and we are going to waste no time jumping into

It today because the master plan for the New York Knicks in acquiring a final star may have just been revealed through a series of Articles one important one being Ian Begley’s recent SNY article so let’s just jump right in see what he to say initially talking about the OG an

Anobi move and stuff he said to acquire on anobi the Nicks sent out RJ Barrett quickly and their most valuable 2024 second round pick that belongs to the Detroit Pistons this year some fans in media including Begley suggested that the Knicks after making that trade no

Longer had the draft Capital to swing a big deal however some in the organization disagree with that they feel like they have enough left to land at top player New York has eight tradable first round picks including four of their own those four other teams picks are protected some have

Significant protections such as the Pistons one such as the wizards one however the Pistons one is still very valuable because it will probably turn in to a pick right outside of the draft lottery and then if you pair that with enough firsts teams would definitely be interested and then he mentions as far

As players Evan forier on on his expiring $18 million deal Julius Randall Quinton Grimes Dante D venzo Mitchell Robinson Jericho Sims and Isaiah hartenstein are all trade eligible while Josh Hart and Duce McBride will not be eligible before the deadline my big takeaway there is that the Knicks just named every single trade

Eligible player on their team outside of one guy that one guy obviously Jaylen Brunson it’s not more news that brunson’s Untouchable that’s not surprising it’s nothing to be shocked at we know that we know Brunson is never going to get traded off of the Knicks but Randall being added into

There makes me feel like maybe he’s not fully Untouchable maybe the Knicks are willing to move Julius Randall if it is the right move now I don’t know exactly what that trade would be and I think the Knicks would do their best to not trade

Julius but that is sort of why I think that some in the organization think they have enough left in the tank they think that they can move Julius Randall he’s on a friendly enough contract that if you pair him with first round picks you could get something very

Valuable whether it’s in a trade where you’re sending Randall to whatever team you’re trading for an absolute star for or if it’s in a three team trade where some upand Comer gets Julius and they give more assets to the team that the Knicks are getting a star from the big

Question is who is that star who would the Knicks be going for unsurprisingly with recent news Ian Begley mentioned Carl Anthony towns specifically and said how Shams noted that the Knicks will always have interest in towns and that’s been true today as it was true the day

That Leon Rose took over as Knicks president because Rose is Town’s former agent he and William Wesley are close with towns and his family and Senior vice president of basketball operation gar basketball operations garison Rosas ran the Timberwolves during towns’ tenure or during some of his 10e obviously he’s still there I’m not

Saying that I think it’s going to be Carl Anthony towns because I don’t I don’t think the Timberwolves would ever trade him now they got too good now they don’t want to and that’s fine I don’t want Carl Anthony towns he has no fit on the New York Knicks whereas the

Timberwolves have managed to be the number one defense in the league with towns on that team which is so impressive and a lot of that is to do with the fact that they have both Jaden McDaniels and Rudy go covering for towns which you probably need because towns is

An atrocious Defender so the Timberwolves are not moving him that lineup is set too well also towns is a better shooter than Julius Randle so I don’t think the Timberwolves are really that into the idea of Julius and Rudy goar as your power forward and Center whereas with towns he can hit threes

He’s shooting 41.3% from deep meaning that he actually can fit better with goar than Julius Randle would which kind of makes me think that you’re really not going to see Carl Anthony towns get moved to the New York Knicks which is fine especially when you look at

Something like this where it said that Minnesota has been willing to trade towns in the past Begley believes that the Knicks could have traded for towns in the 2023 off season but now the Wolves won’t be trading him because entering on Tuesday today is now Wednesday when I’m filming this and when

This video is coming out the NBA the NBA’s second best team is the Minnesota Timberwolves record-wise towns scores 21 points per game shoots 40% from Deep gets nine rebounds and three assists per game it’s been a major factor for that he’s been one of their best offensive players he always is

But Minnesota will have a stiff luxury tax bill once Anthony Edwards gets his max extension the Timberwolves have already committed big money to towns Rudy goar and jayen McDaniels now if you don’t know you’re about to Know Carl Anthony towns not too long ago signed to supermax or just a ma massive Max

Extension I’m not sure which one it is for four years $222 million that kicks in starting next year Julius Randle makes four years 117 million so towns is making over 100 million more than Julius Randall I don’t think the Knicks want that that all that money on

Their payroll when you got someone like Jaylen Brunson who’s about to command another huge payday very soon or command his first real huge payday pretty soon and also because even if you traded Randall for Towns at best you’re moving laterally you’re not adding more star power you’re trading one star for a

Completely different star who fits the Knicks way worse so I just don’t think that makes sense or really doesn’t fit the Knicks way worse wor but the Knicks have enough defensive liability as it is they’re a good defensive team but I don’t think adding towns would help them

At all because of how much of a defensive liability he is and I know Julius Randle is not the greatest defender in the world because the effort’s not always there but towns can’t play a lick of defense and it just would not work on the Knicks the way

That it’s able to work on the Timberwolves because they have McDaniels Edwards Conley and obviously Rudy goar to really cover for him and the Knicks don’t have that so it’s not going to be Carl Anthony towns that is it is I think most of us Nicks fans are fine with that

If you’re not fine with that let me know down below but really that’s not all that we know because when we go here Grimes is still a Nick and so is Evan for these are not two of the top asset value guys that there are in the NBA but

Quinton Grimes has some potential as a young defensive Maven as Bley says and Evan forier is playing under a hefty salary expire expiring deal that could facilitate any move without needing to add Randall and his money in future trade packages and not just Randle this also means because he says for for

Example guys like Josh Hart and Dante D venzo who the Knicks obviously do not want to trade or even potentially Mitchell Robinson and the Knicks are actively trying to find someone interested in forier in his deal Brett sigal of clutch Point said which means they might already be cooking something

In a multi-te deal now look oops sorry got a little mixed up right there but if the New York Knicks trade Evan forier this season which they obviously should his deal is expiring cuz he’s a team option there’s no feasibility where the Knicks accept that unless they’re about

To make some massive trade where they need the 18 million of Evan forier but even so that loses value the most value Evan for is going to have is right now before the trade deadline because he’s an expiring contract so whatever team wants to take him on it’s going to get a

Nice $18 million in salary come this summer which is either going to help with luxury tax or free up space to sign someone depending on what team is to land him so I do think there will be that willingness of the Knicks saying look if it can help facilitate a deal we

Will give you this expiring contract and you can either just get1 18 million and get some value there in that alone or you can give us a worse contract on top of that and we’ll take that on because yeah though we have a ton of draft picks

To give you we understand some of them are protected may we just traded away our two best play young players of value so we obviously understand that you would have preferred getting RJ or IQ but now that we don’t have them we can give you Evan for’s deal and if that

Means that you would take less draft picks to take some salary cap maybe that’ll work it really depends on what the team is and I think when most of us think of Evan forier salary at this point we’re thinking of Someone Like A Deon Murray who the Knicks have shown

Interest in who makes the same amount of money as forier who it’s feasible to say okay well maybe the Knicks make a move for Deon before the trade deadline and trade Evan forer’s contract and throw some first round picks their way I think eventually the Hawks would say s the

Knicks gave around four first which might not be ideal I don’t know if that’s the move the Knicks should make I don’t know if that makes them good enough I don’t know if he fits with jayen Brunson I could see how he could but I could also see how he couldn’t but

Clearly the Knicks want to use forer’s contract in some sort of trade which means they’re not done making moves the Knicks are going to do something at some point within the next month or so before the deadline the the trade deadline isn’t exactly 36 days as of as of my

Filming of this this is going to come out on Wednesday January 3rd I’m filming this on the same day trade deadline is on February 8th the Knicks are going to try to move forign deal now here’s the question are they trying to get another star and the reason we have to raise

This question is because the guy that they have been interested in the longest the guy who we have singly talked about the most on this YouTube channel Donovan Mitchell is not going to get traded before the deadline I guarantee there is no trade for Donovan Mitchell before the

Deadline it doesn’t make sense for the Cavs and they’ve already shut that down and so of the Knicks because if you look here the Knicks are talking about retain retaining their assets and perhaps pursuing Donovan Mitchell when he becomes a free agent in the NBA and there’s Sirens outside because that’s

Saying don’t trade for Donovan Mitchell wait for free agency and if you don’t then we’re going to come arrest Leon Rose but also just because we know that’s not going to happen as Mark Stein pointed out the Knicks don’t intend to make an allout Pursuit ahead of the

February 8th trade deadline and the Cavs have signaled to rival teams throughout December that they’re not prepared to entertain any trade offers anyway they’re right to do so the Knicks are right to do so everyone’s correct in this case don’t trade for Donovan mitell right now because his value could go

Down his value is higher than it will be in the summer because there’s a really good chance that Donovan Mitchell himself is like hey by the way I’m not resigning here like you can keep me around for the next year I’ll play I’m not going to hold out I’ll play for you

Guys and I’ll try to win I’ll try to win an NBA Finals with you guys but I’m going to leave next summer I don’t know where I’m going to go but I know it’s not going going to be signing a contract in Cleveland whether I’m signing in Miami whether I’m signing in Brooklyn

Whether I’m signing in New York whether I’m doing a sign in trade to go somewhere on the East Coast anywhere maybe I’ll surprise you go out west again who knows it’s unclear what Donovan wants it’s unclear what he’s planning to do I think the easiest way to take or the

Most correct guess you could make is that if you asked Donovan Mitchell if you could just go to any basketball team that you would want to and have no repercussions where would you go he’d probably save the team with this logo I’m going to guess that he wants to play

For the Knicks just being that he grew up a Knicks fan that his family is located in New York it would make the most sense for him to want to come to the Knicks maybe he would prefer the Brooklyn Nets because he’d get more touches who knows both are in New York I

Know if I were an NBA player being from Manhattan the first team I would want to play for is the New York Knicks and second without question would be the Brooklyn Nets because I wouldn’t be uprooting my life to go somewhere else I could live in the Great greatest city in

The world and play professional basketball there nothing beats that and well in general yeah the Nicks are the more stored franchise that actually has a fan base but like the Nets are still an all right option they probably have like six or seven fans out there who

Actually root for them like Mr and Mrs whammy and then five other people who are probably from New Jersey or something but it is a fan base and essentially that’s what you’re looking at when it comes to teams or where could I go in free agency and I think if the

Knicks and the Nets each get an equal chance to make a pitch at Donovan Mitchell Donovan would be insane to take any contract with the Nets because the Knicks are better basketball team they’re more prepared to contend right now sure the Nets have better draft picks that if they could sign Donovan

They could make another trade but even then are they going to be good enough are Donan Mitchell male Bridges and star to be named later whoever that guy may be and he might not be some Superstar level player which he would have to be is that good enough no I mean sure if

They still had Kevin Durant if Katie didn’t really care about winning and just hung out in Brooklyn because he liked it here then yeah if you were able to get male somehow without trading for Katie which I know absolutely contradicts itself or even if you were

To just have KD Kyrie still goes to Dallas you could go and try to sign Mitchell in free agency and hey then you got a nice little Duo right there or if you could find some way to do get some Level of Star who’s been a best player

On a championship team or has the real chance to be one like someone like Jason Tatum then yeah but guess what the Nets are not going to get Jason Tatum because they owned their draft pick but traded that draft pick away for Paul Pierce Kevin Garnett and Jason Terry because

Well Billy King is Billy King and that’s really all there is to be said on that topic so it makes you think that the Knicks would have the best chance going into free agency unless the Miami he could come in and swoop him away but the Knicks do have the home cooking

Advantage and the fact that they’re probably closer to winning the title in 2026 and the heat will be when Jimmy Butler’s aging and the and they are running out of money and have basically no assets to make any more trades if they were to sign Donan Mitchell and it

Would be hell to open up cap space there the Knicks are in a better position to open up c space I think they hold out and if they hold out and can sign Donovan Mitchell then they can use the forier contract still they can acquire someone they could use their draft picks

To trade for another guy and then you could theoretically have Jaylen Brunson Donovan Mitchell ogan and noi potentially Julius Randall and some Superstar Center instead of Mitchell Robinson and Mitch is great but I’m just pitching random things here the Knicks clearly have a master plan that’s going

On which is to keep their draft assets maybe away from Donovan if everything goes right so they could just sign him in 2025 free agency and avoid having to trade anything for him and then go ahead and trade for a completely different star and have a stacked up super team

That’s going to be the best team in the NBA and I genuinely think Leon Rose is looking that way obviously easier said than done because you are B anking on getting the correct pitch on Don V Mitchell and getting him to come to your team while also having Brock Aller work

Wizardry with the cap space so comment down below what you think Leon Rose is playing is because I am unsure right now I won’t lie but I’m pretty sure it looks something like that I’m pretty sure that is the Nicks master plan let me know if

You agree with what I’m saying or if you disagree I read all the comments I try to respond to as many as possible have a great day guys and go ni

Ian Begley just revealed what the Knicks MASTER PLAN is. In a new SNY article, Begley talks the Knicks remaining trade assets, and Chris Gallagher breaks down and speculates what all of this could mean.

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  1. Like I’ve been saying for a minute if you’re going to trade Julius, I better hear Joel Embiid or Kevin Durant. I don’t think we have to trade Julius to get Donovan Mitchell, so Cleveland is not even in the position to even demand that they better take that Detroit Pistons first round pick because nobody stays or goes to Cleveland on their own accord. I feel that if season, Julius doesn’t show up in the playoffs, then it’s time to move them because that’s his third chance. And we have to stop with this KAT trade send him to Brooklyn if he’s trying to go to NY. i’m aware that him and his girl was looking for a crib in the city or got one already by now. I’m sick of this. The media has been pushing this for like two years.

  2. Randle has a great contract. In fact he is way underpaid for his production. Towns is horribly overpaid. His contract will drown any team. No way!

  3. Hard to replace Randle's production. Can't believe I'm saying this; but keep Randle and add to the team by moving picks, grimes, fournier, and X.

  4. Everyone is rushing NYKs to make a trade. Not necessary. If they can’t win this year they got 4 1st round picks. Maybe 1 of those 4 or 8 picks will be the ONE or TWO superstar they seek. Good things come to good teams who draft well and are patient. No need for spida or DJ just to waste draft capital. Those teams missing out of the draft picks that will net someone a superstar. They need good scouts and splurge in that dept this year like no tomorrow.

  5. Randle has grown mentally in the last year. He is a more consistent player and still has potential for improvement on the court. They should think twice before trading him.

  6. 4 1sts is a little crazy. 3 Max. It is wild that we could have another elite player though with the money we spend to just to have Fourniers trash ass sit on the bench.

  7. Donovan is a bad fit next to Brunson. The talk needs to end. He just got smoked by our starting point guard in playoffs last year. Donovan is overrated, overpaid, and a bad fit.

  8. KAT is not a winning player. Kentucky was loaded with him and couldn’t win the chip in college. He’s not the player we need.

  9. Chris, what about this trade? Fournier, Grimes, Mitch (Nice contract) and 3-4 FRPs for Murray and Capella? I would pull the trigger on that.

  10. It wasn’t Billy King who the decision to trade for Paul Pierce and Kevin Garnett. It was then owner Mikhail Procorav who made that decision ! However Billy King always gets blamed when was the fall guy !

  11. Why did they resign deuce McBride? And leave hartistein out there! There are some players that are just Knicks type players! So no I’m not trading Hartinstien son got heart!

  12. How about being loyal to your core players aka it worked for the Warriors! Oh but you’re gonna have to coach em up! Ohhh scary thought! A little delayed gratification might go a long way! Might prove what kinda coach we really have!

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