@Chicago Bulls

[BN Bulls] I respected the way this group came out on the backend of a B2B … but the wheels have fallen off in this second half. They’ve also gotten NOTHING from some key role players. Pat has 5 TOVs. Ayo shooting 2-12. Jevon 0 points in 14mins. Just brutal stuff.

[BN Bulls] I respected the way this group came out on the backend of a B2B … but the wheels have fallen off in this second half. They’ve also gotten NOTHING from some key role players. Pat has 5 TOVs. Ayo shooting 2-12. Jevon 0 points in 14mins. Just brutal stuff.

by IMKudaimi123


  1. IMKudaimi123

    2-4 in the last 6, we need these guys back.

  2. dudeguy81

    Our two big free agents: Craig was great but more or less a season ending injury after just a third of the season. Damn. Carter on the other hand is the worst player on the team the past 20 games or so and I just have no words. He’s half the guy he was in Milwaukee. WTF man.

  3. lizard_king_rebirth

    Lots of guys hurt, 2nd night of a back-to-back and a couple guys are cold from the field. It’s gonna happen sometimes, doesn’t really mean shit.

  4. Most of the guys have been playing 33m a game for over a week now. It’s rough.

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