@Atlanta Hawks

Hawks vs. Thunder Postgame Press Conference: Quin Snyder

Hawks vs. Thunder Postgame Press Conference: Quin Snyder

Thought the first half defensively we were really good um you obviously Alexander’s tough to tough to handle when he gets going and I thought you know when JJ got into foul trouble um you know there was a stretch there where we had a really hard time getting stops

And uh but we kept our composure and uh I think extended got the lead back to double digits and and then obviously at the end of the game we we held on so it was like I said a it’s a good good win and a home win coach obviously JJ had an amazing

Game today we all know how athletic he is but are there any other aspects of his game that you’ve seen thus far this season that you’re really really impressed with that he’s improving thus far well you know his whether you want to call it playmaking or facilitating I

Think he’s getting more and more comfortable and our team is getting more comfortable with him having the ball in his hands whether it’s transition or in situations tonight where they were coming to double team and um trying to impact our guards you know he’s capable of making plays and making plays for

Other people as well um which is something that I think he’s you know you’ve seen him do that you know in practice settings um but I think his comfort and his confidence um you know doing those things in a game you know against a good team team um you know

That that that’s a that’s something that’s unique to him with his size and his athleticism as you mentioned and um the other thing you know we want to continue to to use him defensively in various matchups and um he’s learning to do that as well learning to play out on

The floor more guard the ball more and you that that’s tough because sometimes it it puts him in some situations but I didn’t he didn’t really foul when he was guarding the ball he he had some help situations and you know they were those were tough situations some tough calls

Not saying he didn’t foul but um you know there were I don’t know what kind of Advantage was gained we just have to be more discipline in those situations and he does obviously because we need him Trent played 14 minutes was out there for the final play what what did

You see from him in this game we have a lot of confidence in Trent and he really knows who he is as a player um you know that we we felt you know along with JJ that Trent was a good matchup um where we had you know the opportunity to

During various rotation situations we needed a matchup on Shay and you know Trent was able to you know to defend and defend without fouling and then on the offensive end you know he he’s capable of getting in the lane and making plays he’s got a lot of poise in the lane and

He made his floater a couple times times and um I think our coaching staff and his teammates as well you know have a lot of confidence in him and we’ve had a number of guys like that that you know whether it’s Patty or Wes um Garrison um

Trent guys that have come in um in different times for different matchups different reasons different games and you know for those guys to be able to to produce like that when they’re called on is has been really really good for our team and um as I said they’re all

Different um tonight was a night that you know we felt like Trent could give us something unique and he did during the break during the third quarter how pleased were you with the guys for not losing focus or momentum it was good you know I I think we when we

Have some empty possessions offensively um you know and they were able to convert I I felt like we did a really good job early getting back in transition and then there were a number of situations where we either gave up open looks or gave up the rim you know

Right away early in possession and don’t give ourselves a chance to guard so um I thought we corrected that to would like to correct it more um but enough where we we were able to you know make some shots and re extend the lead so we did

Did a good job of keeping Our poise in in those situations coach JJ has talked in depth about his dad always pushing him when he was young to now to just throwing it down he loves to dunk but I’m curious what are your thoughts when you see him throw some of those slams

Down tonight they’re efficient you know it’s you know he doesn’t need to lay it in unless he has to and I think his his uh his balance you know as he’s attacking the rim uh is unique you know I thought there were a couple times tonight when he couldn’t get all the way

And he did a great job of staying under control and finishing over the top of somebody um so you know guys have a lot of confidence in whether it’s transition or in the half court um to make the right play and the Duncan is a good

Play I know you you talked over here uh and know you talked a little bit after the game in DC about how it didn’t really it follow the same form as the previous struggles late in the game and tonight was kind of more like that where

You were holding on holding on what do you kind of attribute that whole sequence to at the very end where obviously you got out there out of there with a win but it wasn’t not the cleanest well I I think when you when you’re ahead

And um if a team gets you on your heels um you know JJ’s case there a couple times he didn’t want to foul um and if that is the case with any of us you when someone’s got their head down and they’re going full speed and transition

You you can’t guard them oneon-one and we just have to you know shift to the point where they see bodies and don’t allow them um to get through those gaps and you know when you in that in that time when you have a lead you know the offense is just in

Fullblown attack mode and it takes more um you know more urgency even if you score to get back there were a few times you know we hit a shot and then they’re back and they scor you know six seven seconds and those possessions are are tough tonight we we did enough

Offensively um to give a cushion some of that will happen to a degree but you know we we’ve got to do a better job you know and we did a great job at the end of the half you know and that that mindset I think just it’s a collective

Focus that you have to have all right thanks coach okay

Hawks vs. Thunder Postgame Press Conference: Quin Snyder after 141-138 Win

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