@Phoenix Suns

Bradley Beal Scores 25 Suns Big 3 Combine For 77 Suns Beat Magic (Post-Game Reaction)

Bradley Beal Scores 25 Suns Big 3 Combine For 77 Suns Beat Magic (Post-Game Reaction)

Oh Happy New Year Phoenix Suns fans the Phoenix Suns get a w to close out the year the calendar year 2023 what an exciting game it was Phoenix Suns fans oh my goodness we have so much to talk about thank you all for being here here the Suns have now won

Three in a row count them one two three in a row and I absolutely love it Suns fans I know that there was a rough stretch there where it seemed like the world was falling and everything was you know coming crashing down but that all changed with you know one player Bradley

Beal coming back and that all changed with a couple star players well at least one on record Eric Gordon speaking up and now look at us three in a row and for all you Vibes people out there The Vibes are a lot better you know what I

Mean so we are going to talk about this we are going to react to this and I do appreciate everybody who is tuning in whether you you are watching on YouTube or Twitter or Facebook I do appreciate all the support check out all my social media links Down Below in the

Description and again we got lots to talk about here so we’re just going to dive right into it the Phoenix Suns get the W 112 to 107 in a game that was kind of full of runs and don’t don’t get me wrong we are definitely going to talk about the

Things that the Suns need to improve on but we’re really going to focus just on a lot of the good things that I saw out there so if you’re not really like a positive person and you you want to focus on what the Suns did wrong that’s

Probably later in the show I’m going to focus on a lot of the things the Suns did right tonight because in my opinion that’s kind of what I think Frank Vogal and them should be talking about I mean I know they will go over you know the

Negative stuff but I want to focus on what they did right out there and what they did right out there was a lot of good things and speaking of that a lot of that was just as simple and as easy as this sounds I know this isn’t like the best like analysis here

But it was just the offense and the rate that they were scoring at I mean maybe I heard on the broadcast wrong somebody fact check me here and I’m probably I hope this doesn’t sound too over the top but I swear to God that after the broadcast they said that the Phoenix

Suns being like all five of their uh starters being like in double digits was like that was like the first time since like 2005 maybe I’m like overreacting with that it sure felt like that I know that’s the first time all season that the Phoenix Sun starters have been in

Double figures I think it was by halftime not not during the game obviously but it was the first time Phoenix Sun starters have been in double digits by halftime since 2005 I I probably butchered that uh fact right there but it certainly seems true because we all know that that was the

First first time this season you know this was just one of those nights where it just seemed you know to an extent don’t don’t get me wrong we will get into some of the negatives but it just seemed like a lot of things clicked and I feel like the last three games which

Have all been W’s that’s sort of How It’s been and don’t get me wrong Phoenix Suns fans this isn’t like we beat the Charlotte Hornets this was a really good Orlando Magic team and as Bradley Beal who yes played awesome tonight his best game as a Phoenix Sun by the way Bradley

Beal even said it that the Orlando Magic are a playoff team and as Bradley Beal said uh they made us work that’s what Bradley Beal said and I knew that was GNA happen I I was talking to a friend earlier on the phone I was like yeah I

Was like I hope Fenix Suns fans are ready for this magic game because they are really damn good and don’t be surprised if they make the playoffs and don’t be surprised that they are a a tough first round exit and I’m serious Suns fans that this magic team is really

Good it’s it’s a good thing we only play them twice a year you know what I mean so shout out to the Orlando Magic and I don’t know much about their head coach I think his name is Jamaal Mosley but he is doing a great job coaching that team

I believe right after the game he he went right up to Bradley Beal gave him a hug and they they had a chat for a little bit so shout out to him all right you guys I can’t believe we’re already six minutes in and I haven’t even

Cracked open my drink it’s been a while since I’ve done a live show I’ve kind of been having fun with the videos again which by the way I appreciate all that support but you know what it’s New Year’s not going to lie to you guys I’ve

Had a drink already and I’m G to keep drinking it’s the new year let’s celebrate y’all I got a good old Budweiser here but don’t worry I’m drinking some water it’s okay Suns fans don’t worry everything’s going to be okay so yeah let’s crack one of these

Open let me know in the comments what you’re doing for New New Year’s let me know what you’re drinking the beverage of your choice even if you’re just drinking chocolate milk I don’t know let me know in the comments so that being said cheers and we’ll dive into this happy New Year Suns

Fans oh delicious you guys know me excuse me I like to start with the first quarters you guys know that I like to do that on these shows and I’m going to talk specifically about just certain things that I saw from specific players and then we’ll dive into the stats and

More takeaways and you know and I’ll try to get you guys’ comments and questions by the way I appreciate everybody that’s in here I mean you know I know phnx is live right now Suns Jam Etc you guys are all awesome for tuning in to me even if

You’re watching later I love you guys anyways all right let’s start with the first quarter Kevin Durant was doing Kevin Durant things out there and again I’m just specifically focusing on kind of the first half first quarter here attacking early and often got a couple nice midi shots to start off the game

Couple highlight dunks there was one specific play that Kevin Durant had where he had really good defense on I hope I’m pronouncing this name right Goa batat I hope I said his name right he went up Kevin Duran kind of had both arms up they collided you know he pretty much

Declined the ball and then that actually led to a Kevin Durant highlight dunk um I’m G to talk about Bradley Beal kind of here last because again he did have his best game as a phoenix son uh just one specific play from Devin Booker here uh

I guess I am kind of talking about Bradley Beal here because it it involves Bradley Beal uh Bradley be or excuse me Devon Booker made a nice three which was assisted by Bradley Beal and then I believe like maybe a minute later Booker Drew in the defense Beal was right

Behind him wide open Booker just trusted him dished it off to Bradley Beal hit the three that was around the 803 Mark of the first quarter uh let’s go to Yousef nurk real quick uh he had a nice little handoff from Grayson Allen just took the ball dribbled put his shoulder

Down dribble dribble took it up on uh batat laid it up and in he had a couple of those tonight as Eddie Johnson called them straight gangster look I’m not trying to start beef with deand dton stands out there but I don’t remember deand dton doing that much in his career

In Phoenix just taking the ball putting his back behind the basket dribbling throwing an elbow and just laying it up and in you know what I mean like that’s what makes use of nage so awesome for this team and speaking of nage I want to read a tweet here from Shane Young and

Trust me I there’s so much more I could say about nurk and how great he has been all season and and I just want to pull up this tweet I’m literally looking at it on my phone right here just to make sure I’m not butchering it but Shane

Young had a great tweet here about use of nerk and he said oops that’s not it he had a lot of great tweets tonight uh oops technical difficulties but pretty much what Shane Young said as I lost the Tweet before I could even read it to you

Guys was that use of nerk has been a really good fit and speaking of that he said got to admit nerkish has been quite a beast offensively fits this roll like a glove what what did use of nage if I remember correctly was it in the Rockets game where because of the big

Three because of the big three and all the spacing that we saw and the ball movement and the the trust of this team allowed Yousef nerkish just to Feast to not only get the ball but to do things with it score you know get offensive rebounds be a beast in the paint as

Spencer says Domin nage is here like he has been fantastic and as Shane Young said is just fitting like a glove and I have more on y Yousef nerkish later by the way because I actually have a tweet that I want to show you guys that he put

Out I think like a couple days ago nerkach has been awesome and again that’s just one specific play and he had a couple of those like you know put a shoulder down drive up post up and just lay it up and in and score speaking of nerkish by the way

I’ll get to the stats at some point but nage tonight 33 minutes eight for 17 from the field but he had 19 points 13 boards three assists and only one turnover he’s been awesome you guys like love or hate nage he has been awesome and consistent for this team and

I I I just love it you know he’s been fantastic all right let’s talk about Bradley Beal holy crap Bradley Beal welcome to the Phoenix Suns this felt like Bradley Beal’s real first game as a son you know what I mean this was obviously his best game as a sun no

Question and you might look at the box score and be like yeah he was really good on offense but guess what he was great on defense that’s that’s not just me saying it it’s not Sun’s Twitter just saying it the broadcast was saying it and just go back and look at the

Highlights I think you know myself included I for we we forget how like long and sort of athletic Bradley Beal is he’s like what six foot4 but he’s got a long Wings span and as we kind of saw tonight has that like burst in speed which really helps on the defensive end

And tonight we saw that and even if it was just Bradley Beal just competing on defense which we need a lot more of that by the way I will take it Bradley Beal was great tonight you know as mentioned before with Devin Booker you know he had

One assist from Booker which led to a three and then like like I mentioned book Drew in the defense passed it out to Bradley Beal for the wide open three but that wasn’t just it early in the game Bradley Beal was showing a lot of aggressiveness he was really fast in

This game he was attacking he had a couple midies from like 15 16 feet I believe early in the game he had nine points on four for four shooting and just kept cooking from there in the third quarter he had that Boom Room dunk as Kevin Ray said where he would just

Drive on the fast break and just throw it down and again just saying that Bradley Beal was aggressive tonight is an underst statement saying that Bradley Beal was getting good looks and not only taking but making good shots is an understatement Bradley Beal was fan fantastic tonight 25 points in 35

Minutes guess how many shots he missed tonight Suns fans three Bradley Beal was 10 for 13 from the field tonight now you know only it was one for two from three Al Whatever you maybe you want to see those threes go up a bit whatever he was 10 for 13 from the field

He had 25 points and two assists now again there’s always things to nitpick and I’m sure Suns fans in the comments will have some kind of thing to you know to nitpick about this I don’t care tonight was a great Bradley Beal game and it just shows the potential of this big

Three and I don’t mean to sound Petty and I don’t mean to sound or salty but for all you Bradley Beal trade haters who are in my comments all the time this should be a reminder of why we traded for Bradley Beal and how good he can be

And the scary thing is this wasn’t even his best game this isn’t going to be his best game and and as the big three as a whole and as the Phoenix Suns as a team this wasn’t even the best game that’s what’s scary that’s why you trade for a guy like

Bradley beel Sun’s fans and on that note I think that deserves a drink right there cheers as Spencer says because he’s killing it in the comments an active quote big three makes nage a better score too exactly now real quick I don’t mean to get Negative nage maybe needs to be a little

More consistent with taking smarter shots when he’s left wide open especially the three which we know he’s not you know he’s not a three-point shooter he can hit the three but he’s not really going to do it much just saying if he’s going to be left

Wide open he’s got to be a little more consistent he kind of needs to compete a little more on the defensive end but don’t get me wrong Spencer I 100% agree it makes him a better score and he’s been fantastic just wanted to say that anyways all right let’s keep going on here

Because I got a lot of notes and we got so much to talk about um the first quarter like I mentioned I know we’re still in the first quarter and I I’ll eventually skip through it I just kind of just you know going through the notes and everything at one point in

This game it was 16 to N I believe the suns were on a 100 0 run and then I think the magic like went on a 102 run at some point of their own but there were points in this game where like I think the biggest lead

Might have been like six the Suns did a great job of keep or not really keeping the lead which is a a negative I’ll get to eventually but building a lead and even if the magic kind of fought and clawed back the Suns did a great job of

Just building more leads a lot of that again was just due to their offense but one thing that I’ve really been critical about the Phoenix Suns this year and again I know it’s just one game is there defense and look I’ll talk about it in the negatives later but especially in that fourth

Quarter let me repeat that especially in that fourth quarter holy cow the defense was great I don’t know what it was this was just one of those good defensive nights where guys just seemed active they seemed alert you know they had their hands out they were competing on

Defense if I heard the broadcast correctly the magic shot and I just want to make sure I’m getting the strike as I wrote down they were three for 13 over the last 730 of the game and that was all because of the Phoenix Suns defense and again obviously they weren’t making shots but

You got to credit the defense because of that the magic went three for 30 in the last seven 30 of this game or EXC three for 13 excuse me you guys know what I’m saying I’m sorry but you know we we we’ve been criticizing this team a lot about the

Fourth quarter collapses and you know they yeah here and there we saw it you know blown leads here and there and the magic getting back into this game but and again real quick not to sound negative I’m just saying even Bradley Beal at the end of this game was talking

To the the broadcast lady and said our defense has to be better so he gets it but I’m just saying the fourth quarter defense was really good and you could maybe argue a good chunk of this game defensively for the Suns was really good and I think that has to be

Addressed because again you guys like I have been criticizing this team and I’m going to criticize them later about bad defense you know allowing guys just to get to the paint and don’t get me wrong we’ll talk about it but the defense tonight was great uh will says Beal just being on

The floor is huge eases the pressure off kti and book amen will thank you for saying that especially when they would each normally be alone with the bench exactly oh we’re g to talk about the bench later but I totally agree with you shout out to my guy Cody appreciate you

Being here man he says don’t forget to round roundhouse kick the like button Hulk smash that subscribe I appreciate you being here Cody also says happy New Year Brandon well Happy New Year to you Cody appreciate you being here man and happy New Year to all of you Suns fans

Thank you guys so much for being here I know there’s a lot of great Suns content and you guys are here supporting me and I truly do appreciate it even if you’re just watching later by the way if you guys are a big movie fan do me a huge

Favor y’all go check out my guy dude who dude who loves movies one one of the biggest movie fans I’ve ever met in my life also a great guy I’ve known this my friend Cody for years shout out to him man go check out his channel dude who loves

Movies all right let’s continue on here let’s kind of go down the board if you will uh Kevin Durant I mean this as a compliment and I think this is a good thing Sons fans I really do Kevin Durant played 39 minutes tonight had 31 points five assists five boards by the way

Kevin Durant had zero turnovers I believe maybe last game had like one been lowering the turnovers since he talked about it 30 31 minutes five assists zero turnovers 12 for 21 from the field and I mean this as a compliment but sort of a quiet yet efficient night sort of like

Against the rockets and I love that like the fact that Kevin Durant can just do Kevin Durant things out there you know literally walk into threes walk into mid-range shots have a couple highlight dunks here and there compete on defense and we can just win the game and

The story kind of be about other players that is an amazing weapon to have Kevin Durant was awesome tonight and he’s not even like the story because we’re just so used to seeing that from Kevin Durant which again you guys can call me bitter you can call me

Salty in the comments that’s why you trade for a guy like Kevin Durant who was a superstar who should be in the MVP conversation despite our record and is an Allstar this year so is Devin Booker I can’t believe I didn’t even play KD’s drop it’s been so it’s been a

While since I’ve done a live show so I’m a little rust let’s play Kevin Durant’s drop and then we’ll talk about Devin Booker so I’ll probably play Devon Booker’s drop after [Applause] This arm [Applause] yeah it’s been a while since I’ve played the KD or Booker drop and you know I I feel like in a way KD deserved the drop more than Booker but Booker wasn’t too bad tonight excuse me I gotta burp real quick excuse

Me um feel like he might have gone a little cold in the second half if you will sort of but still was really good out there I mean he had 21 points tonight 37 minutes seven for 17 from the field three for eight from three five assists you could maybe make the

Argument that not necessarily that the Suns have gone like away from Point book because I still think the play makinging is a little underrated and he’s averaging like what like eight assists I believe on the year but like Kevin Durant has been doing a lot of the playmaking and assisting even though he

Had only had five assists I believe like last game he had like 11 he might have had like 10 the previous game and everything but it’s okay to have Kevin Durant as sort of your like point guard and if Booker wants to do a little play making here and there that’s fine because

Booker earlier in the year and not too long ago was great as a point guard or in the point guard role I guess you could say and he still finished five assists and only one turnover by the way as a team tonight Suns fans you guys know I’ve

Been harping on the Suns for this I always do it doesn’t matter what team’s out there doesn’t matter if it was the team you know from from last year before the KD trade or the team from five years ago I hate turnovers if you turn over the ball you’re probably going to lose

Guess what Suns fans we had six count them six turnovers tonight that is amazing and I know that makes a guy like Frank vogle happy six turnovers we need more of that it’s pretty much impossible to not turn the ball over during a game if you

Do you’re a very lucky team or you had a lucky game but I will take six turnovers if we can lower the amount of turnovers wo we are going to be tough to beat Suns fans speaking of that you know turnovers and all that we had 21 assists tonight which you

Know you want to be higher like I think we had like 34 last game if I remember correctly but you know that’s okay I I’ll take the 21 turnovers and six or EXC 21 assists and six turnovers I don’t know what I’m talking about you guys know me let’s get

To a comment real quick while I while I gather my thoughts great win but defense is still a problem I’ll talk about that in a minute bench is so bad especially Eric Gordon did not get open looks same as metu UD do udoka played like no

Minutes I feel like book ball hogged a bit a little bit Booker tends to do that you know not necessarily ball hog but I think he tries to play like herob ball will sometimes step into shots that he is capable of hitting but maybe it’s

Like the wrong time to kind of hit that shot you know but I pretty much agree with you sorry to get Negative there but it is kind of true let’s just talk about it the bench I’ll just say this Sons fans I don’t want to sound too cocky or conceited but it’s

True it’s not just Eric Gordon either the the only player the only player to score Off the Bench tonight was chimzi metu 17 minutes three for seven from the field only had six points had six rebounds by the way dude’s a really good rebounder by the way he was

Our only player Off the Bench to score and I don’t want to sound too cocky or conceited but it’s true let’s say like Eric Gordon who who was 30 minutes tonight zero for three I hope he doesn’t come out again to Chris Haynes and start complaining about not

Getting touches but let’s say he hits like 10 point 10 or 12 points right and let’s say let’s say they play like a k Bates deop tonight or a or a UDA or a Sabin Lee for example let’s say they contribute Five Points let’s say aogi maybe hits

One3 this probably would have been a blowout I’m just saying and again 30 minutes for Eric Gordon you know was 0 for three you know there was one specific three where he kind of had to throw it up because the shot clock was about to expire I don’t know again I hope he

Doesn’t complain about the the lack of touches but the the Counterpoint to that is that you know KD 31 nerk 19 Bradley Beal 25 Grayson Allen who I thought was really good in this game game he had 10 points Devin Booker 21 I mean the the starters legit carried

Us so you know there’s things to improve on which I guess we can kind of segue into that now but I’m just saying if Eric Gordon contributes a little more maybe metu let’s say like a Josh aogi or let’s say like somebody off the bench who didn’t play tonight contributes like

Six to n points we probably blow out the magic which is not easy to do because they’re really good on defense and as Bradley Beal said they are a playoff team let me take a sip of my beer we’ll dive into the negatives we’ll get to

Some comments and we’ll kind of wrap up the show Cheers delicious Happy New Year Suns fans you guys doing all right I got a lot of notifications going on from Twitter and everything by the way tonight was Kevin Durant’s 14th 30-point game of the season that’s awesome um sorry just clearing the notifications

The noties follow me on Twitter by the way if you guys aren’t already all right as you guys have probably discussed in the the the chat already and I do appreciate you all being here I really do I know there’s only 14 of you in here right now but 14 feels like 14

00 you know what I mean so I appreciate you guys being here all right the negatives obviously the defense even though it was better it really was tonight’s defense was better but like for example and I am reading off some notes Here Paulo banero

Who by the way if you guys don’t know is a star I know he’s only in his second year year I know he won Rookie of the Year you’re probably like Suns geek slow down bro he’s only in his second year no seriously Paulo benero is a star for

Example with the Suns bad defense like the dude had his first seven points of the game and was just scoring at will whether there was like a three driving to the basket which I’m going to criticize the hell out of the Suns for that in a minute the dude just

Got whatever he wanted in the first half and then if it wasn’t Paulo it was France Vagner who look I don’t know if he’ll ever be an Allstar but maybe borderline Allstar that’s how good fron Vagner is the dude is literally he’s literally the definition of a Swiss army knife and I

Mean that like he is that good like he took over in the second half um and and again just times where the magic would go on these runs that kept them in the game was really because because of one offensive rebounding but two just again just any player can just Slither into

The the the rim and just score and it’s really frustrating man like I don’t get it and it’s not just that it’s the offensive rebounding like there was one play I want to not play I guess moment or sequence maybe in the second quarter if I remember correctly where like the

It it was Jaylen sug no it might yeah it might have been Jaylen Suggs and Cole Anthony who by the way are not you know big men they’re their guards you know who would jump super high grab the offensive rebound give the magic another possession that happened like back to

Back just so many offensive boards there was one play in particular and I wrote it down where uh somebody took the shot I think it was fron Vagner there was four Phoenix Suns in the paint just swarming the paint Bron Vagner got the offensive rebound drove in laid it up and in

Bucket and one just stuff like that like I don’t know why the Suns can’t secure an offensive rebound and it did clean up it did clean up in the second half because if I’m looking at it here the magic only had eight offensive rebounds which all were in the first half so

Credit to the Suns for that they they allowed the magic to have zero offensive rebounds in the second half zero but they allowed eight in the first half and we all know all season long it’s been an issue so that’s why I’m kind of harping

On them you know what I mean like I’m harping on the Suns really just for all season long the offensive rebounding but again the I guess a big takeaway is that they allowed zero zero offensive rebounds in the second half that is huge I don’t remember the last time that’s ever

Happened so shout out to the Suns for that man um let me just make sure I’m not missing anything here and again you know the defense is still bad it needs to be addressed Bradley Beal backtack post games has said the defense is trash and and I’m not even joking like

I’m about to upload a quick little clip he said this on his first came back I meant to do this sooner but I completely forgot this was Bradley Beal the other night and then he even said it again tonight on the broadcast this is what Bradley Beal said about the defense and

It’s hilarious and you all need to watch it listen to this H defense was a little bit trash but let’s listen to it again cuz that’s just an amazing quote uh defense was a little bit trash but I legit could listen to that clip like a thousand times I’m not even

Joking and he he didn’t say the word trash tonight but he said like the defense still needs work and he’s right speaking of Bradley Beal after the game you know as I mentioned like twice already he mentioned the magiker playoff team he said they made us work but what I like

Too is Bry Beal has been talking about how he doesn’t want to step on anyone’s toes but he also is being more aggressive and we definitely saw that tonight we saw more explosive Bradley Beal a more aggressive Bradley Beal and and I like that like if Bradley

Beal is going to be quote like selfish or step on toes I think that’s okay because it makes the Suns a little more lethal and one thing I like and and I’m kind of paraphrasing what he said but I specifically remember him saying this he

Said I am here for a reason like Bradley Beal is here for a reason and we saw that tonight and look it’s not going to be pretty every game from here on out you know we’re just entering the month of January which is crazy by the way

Like we still have so much basketball yet to be played but at the same time it’s January you know we’re in trade season we just saw a big trade go down with ogan and Obi going to the Knicks by the way but you know it’s still a lot of

Basketball left to be played you know like in March we’re gonna we’re going to be having a completely different conversation you know what I mean still lots of ball left to be played which by the way Suns fans just a friendly reminder here that basketball season goes fast so please

Appreciate these games please watch them you know what I mean like basketball season goes so fast and then it’s like the middle of like August and Suns fans are like oh why isn’t Sun’s basketball on because it’s it’s the off season and the season goes by fast so appreciate these games

Anyways I guess what I’m trying to say is that that you know Grayson Allen’s talked about it Bradley Beal’s talked about it Frank vogle Booker all of them have talked about it that it is going to take time and the fact that we haven’t even seen this like Big Three at their best

Not even at their Peak is what is scary and I think excuse me and I think it should excite Suns fans you know what I mean let me just make sure I’m not missing anything here um just GNA read you guys some notes then we will kind of dive into the

Stats I think I kind of read you all of the notes that I wanted to read yeah for the most part I pretty much did let’s dive into the numbers if you guys have any comments questions concerns get them in right now let me know what you’re

Doing for New Year’s by the way then kind of wrap up the show let’s read you guys some stats here the sh the the sun shot 50% from the field tonight the magic shot very well 46.7% so if you round it out 48% the Suns I believe in the first half

We shooting really good from three not the greatest night from three but the magic didn’t really have a great night from three either 32% from the magic 29% from the Suns 8 for 27 I know that’s like terrible but like I’ve seen worse from the Suns like I’ll take those

83es you know obviously not great but you know it is what it is we lost the rebounding battle tonight unfortunately 45 to 35 but again eight of those offensive rebounds were from the Magic in the first half and then they had zero in the second half that is a huge

Improvement 21 assists tonight for the Suns 22 for the magic um only six turn turn overs for the Suns 18 fast break points only lost the points in the paint battle 58- 56 and we had 17 fouls so again not the prettiest game not the ugliest game

Either you know pretty damn good game you know like I mentioned Paul ban Caro is the Superstar 28 points nine rebounds seven assists fron Vagner borderline Allstar sometimes 27 seven and six um they had a lot of bench contributors tonight Wendell Carter had a lot of open

Shots he was three from three from three 17 points uh Cole Anthony I thought played very well 13-5 had a couple nice offensive boards um and then again you know we kind of went over it in terms of the Suns but one player I want to talk about Grayson Allen

Who not only has played great on the court but I feel like has been a great leader off the court and I want to just read you guys a quote that he said the other it was like maybe a week ago I think it was after we

Lost to the Kings and it kind of seemed like I don’t remember if it was like the Kings game or after the Christmas game it was a recent quote is what I’m trying to say say and I feel like it might go Overlook I I actually featured this

Quote in a video because I kind of wanted to just remind Sons fans that like yeah things were like terrible a week ago before we went on this three- game win streak but players like Grace and Allen have been great leaders and I just want to read you guys

This quote let me take a sip real quick and then we’ll we’ll read it you can read it on the screen by the way if you don’t want to put up my terrible reading but and now again this was a this from like a week ago but Grayson Allen said

This we got to keep it a little I can’t read already we got to keep a little bit more positive energy going it’s very easy to look around and be frustrated but we have the talent to win more games the way our team is put together I feel

Like we should be winning more games but we are a new group and we have to take the growing pain in stride and keep the positive energy because we got to be very optimistic about the flashes that we do put together that are good because

That’s truly who we are and who we can be and early on in the season is still early on in the season in December remember he said this like a week ago we’ve been unfortunate with the injuries early on and it’s delayed some of the some of the more stuff but I truly

Believe I am really optimistic if we keep putting minutes together out there in the fourth we’re going to start flowing so some positive energy here through the frustrating losses again this is Grayson Allen that said it if you don’t want to put up with my terrible reading you guys can just pause

It and read it for yourself but not only just that quote he has been awesome this season I’m not saying that like stepping into a starter role is new for Grayson Allen but it is sort of new first off on a brand new team with three Superstars

But you know just with the the level of Talent on this team he’s averaging 13 points per game four and a half rebounds 2.7 assists on 50% shooting and 45% from three doing all that in 33 minutes by the way and look I know he didn’t have

The best game tonight but he was four for eight from the field had 10 points four assists and two Steals and he had one block so and the dude just competes on defense by the way just really competes on defense and I love that oh

And not only just that he uses his sort of size and strength to just drive in on dudes and score he had that amazing let’s talk about the highlight of the night where sort of was like a broken play is like I think like KD like

Threw it to Bradley Beal and he was kind of like shocked he got it and then I think he like passed it to the driving graceon Allen who I don’t even know how he saw him but just threw it behind his back to the wideopen booker who hit it

In the corner when Booker hit that shot I don’t do this often but I was like whoa that was Lou it was a lot louder than that it was loud dude so that was the highlight of the night right there in my opinion Grayson Allen has been fantastic Kevin Durant recently talked

About it and he said and I quote he’s not just being a standstill shooter he’s handling the ball which he is doing a lot of that by the way he’s making plays in the paint he’s making plays off the bounce the pick and rolls he probably already did this already but watching

Him in Milwaukee and the stops he was at before it’s hard to see the type of stuff in his game because the role he was playing that’s what Kevin Durant said so Kevin Durant is acknowledging how great and consistent Grayson Allen has been so big shout out to Grayson Allen

Y’all let me take a sip of my beer y’all then we’re going to wrap this up cheers I’ll get to a couple comments and I just kind of wanted to thank you guys for the great year that we’ve had let’s get to a few comments um shout out to Vision plasma oops I

Can’t click the comment oh what is going on here shout out to Vision plasma says hopefully the Suns take care of business early tomorrow so that the big three can get some rest to prep for the Clippers exactly by the way I don’t think deand drayton’s gonna play in that game just

Saying he’s I think he’s been injured the last few games um Slayers icon says amazing what about you geek happy New Year guys Happy New Years to you all um John says the defense is still concerning I know it takes time but these late game leads that we lose at

The end of the game is so stressful exactly I totally agree with that and it does need to be addressed shout out to my guy the QC says we look we look pretty damn good and he also says love the quote from Bradley Beal by

The way if you want know what quote that is I’ll just play it one more time because it’s hilarious I’m probably going to play it like a thousand more times on the videos and the live shows uh defense was a little bit trash but I legit could listen to that like

Forever um okay let’s see mug says might have to get me an allen Jersey he’s turning out to be great for us exactly he has been so damn good and and again like just the leadership and the maturity I think he’s shown all season has been awesome it’s been what the sons have

Needed Maya appreciate the nice comment she says geek you explained the game very well I appreciate that Maya I’m gonna humble myself for a minute there’s a lot better analysis and breakdowns of the game I just break it down how I see it you know what I mean like again with

The Grayson Allen stuff it was a broken play KD I think found Grayson cutting to the rim he dished it behind the back to Booker like if I see a nice defensive play I’m gonna talk about it so I appreciate that Maya thank you for saying that um Tommy says do the

Clippers start their big four chat probably because Russell Westbrook’s been off the bench and I know that’s been pretty good for them and they’ve been contributing they’ve been playing pretty well as of late that’s that’s going to going to be a tough game y’all it’s going to be sort of the battle of

The big The Bigs you know big three big fours if you will um that’s gonna be a tough game y’all it’s G probably probably gonna be a no defense game maybe on the exception of kawh Leonard but we’ll see all right guys on that note I just wanted

To get a little cheesy I mean we all like cheese right I just wanted to just first off wish you guys a Happy New Year I know there’s a lot of problems in the world and in America right now and I know there’s a lot of problems you guys

Are probably dealing with out there I mean I’m a human I deal with problems too I know it’s not all sunshine and rainbows and all that but I just wanted to wish you guys a happy and blessed New Year I hope you guys have a great New

Year’s a safe New Year’s and I hope you guys had a great and peaceful holiday even if you don’t celebrate the holidays I hope you guys were at peace and I hope you guys were happy and I hope that’s how you enter 2024 uh I hope you guys are happy and at

Peace and if if not I hope it gets better for you and if I can just kind of toot my own horn here for a minute kind of you know Pat myself on the back here I just wanted to say thank you guys for an incredible year on this channel uh again

Let me just humble myself there is so much Suns content and I hate to always say that you guys know I always say it the the channel I’m not trying to compare myself to these other team or not teams not trying to compare myself to these other you know podcasts and

Networks and channels but it’s true there’s a lot of suns content out there and you guys are consistently watching me no matter what like you guys are amazing I I legit cannot say thank you enough like yeah I have a second job outside of this YouTube stuff but you

Guys allow me to have days off you guys allow me to pretty much upload videos whenever I choose to and you will still keep watching like even when we were losing like a week ago you know when when things were bad and the world was falling for the Suns everything was

Crumbling down you guys kept watching and whe whether you watch the live shows or just the YouTube shorts or the videos I appreciate it if you follow me on Instagram like you guys don’t know how much it means to me when you share a video or like share an Instagram post or

Tag me like that means the world to me y’all so just wanted to say thank you you know not trying to toot my own horn too much or get conceited but we are on the road to 9,000 subscribers last time I checked I think I was at

8,600 amazing I like to say we’re on the road to 10,000 but really we’re on the road to 9,000 and I appreciate it like 8,600 people people are subscribed to this channel like what I really appreciate it you guys I just wanted to say that so happy New Year’s to you all

And stay safe out there be be kind to people be nice to people and spread the love y’all there’s too much hate and negativity in the world and just stay patient with the Suns y’all it’s not going to be pretty but it’s going to

Take some time but as we can see I mean I will take this three-game winning streak I love it speaking of that before we get out of here it’s going to get a little tougher um you know we play the the uh or not the Clippers excuse me play the Blazers next

Definitely a winnable game but then we play play like the Clippers the heat the Grizzlies they’ve been playing a little bit better then play the Clippers again then play the Lakers like it’s going to get tough but like if if we can win a few of these games y’all that would be

Huge obviously I’d like to win them all but it’s probably unlikely we’ll see one game at a time y’all so I love you guys Sawbuck appreciate you being here man you’ve been a subscriber for as long as I can remember Maya appreciate you being here I love you guys God bless you guys

Stay safe out there peace out God bless and remember before we get out of here uh defense was a little bit trash but sorry I had to that one more time I love you guys you’re all amazing I’m going to go have a couple more drinks and enjoy

The rest of my night I love you guys peace out God bless win or lose Phoenix Suns for life no matter what happens peace out and go Suns What’s up Son

It’s the final Phoenix Suns game of the 2023 calendar year. The Suns host the Orlando Magic grab a beverage of your choice and join me after the thing to react to it!
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Follow Me On News Break

Kevin Durant fires back at ESPN’s ‘frustrations’ report Jusuf Nurkic responds Grayson Allen’s optimism and MORE!

This was one of my favorite live shows ever. Recap of the Suns/Lakers timeout controversy, Reactions from Kevin Durant, Devin Booker, Frank Vogel. Bradley Beal’s latest injury update and MORE Suns talk!

During my trip to Phoenix, I had the honor of geeking with the PHNX Suns crew. I filmed a video of the “behind-the-scenes” and took tons of pictures. I also included fun moments from the podcast. Enjoy! Thanks again PHNX!

PHNX Podcast with Suns Geek

Phoenix Suns Media Day 2023 Watch-Along/Live Reaction Show

The Athletic reported that Phoenix Suns Owner Mat Ishbia was “very involved” in the Deandre Ayton deal. More Ayton trade talk and what is our biggest concern is with the Suns roster.

Suns Geek and The Suns JAM Session podcast grade the Jusuf Nurkic/Deandre Ayton trade and more Ayton talk.

Phoenix Suns News Damion Lee is out indefinitely with a meniscus injury, former Phoenix Sun Cam Payne signs with the Bucks, and MORE!

Celebrating 25 years of the NBA2K video game franchise Suns Geek and ThunderSteve85 bring you our NBA2K collection. All the 2K games and stuff we have collected over the years!–Oz7lN4Hk4

We now have the LEAKED audio from the Devin Booker/Luka Doncic altercation in Dallas in March 2023. 👀

The Bradley Beal vs Cooper Flagg 1-on-1 story NEVER HAPPENED. Here’s why. What do you think about this fake story and all the Suns hate?

Cam Payne TRADED to the San Antonio Spurs, Suns sign Bol Bol and MORE Suns talk!

Eric Gordon signs with the Phoenix Suns live reaction show with the Suns JAM Session podcast.

Recapping day 1 of Suns free agency with John from the Suns JAM Session podcast! (Live on both channels)

ICYMI Emergency podcast with the Suns JAM Session podcast as we react to Bradley Beal being traded to the Phoenix Suns. The Chris Paul Suns era is over. What do you think of the trade?

Music Credits: Current live show intro countdown music Born a Rockstar (Instrumental) – NEFFEX (YouTube Audio Library)

I believe all content used falls under the remits of Fair Use, but if any content owners would like to dispute this I will not hesitate to remove said content immediately. It is not my intent to in any way infringe on their content ownership. If you find your art or images in the video please let me know and I will be glad to credit you.

*Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO THEIR RESPECTIVE OWNERS*


  1. The Suns bench only got 12 shots the whole game. Hard to score if you aren’t getting shots. I was hoping to see Saben Lee play again. He really pushes the tempo. I guess Vogel didn’t like the matchup. Nurkic has the best +/- on the team currently. So yep he has been amazing.

  2. Was really impressed with Beal last night. Also Nurk is continuing to prove night in and night out that we won the DA trade. Happy New Year and keep making amazing content

  3. Good sht. Didn’t know you were in Memphis. I’m here too. I went to school for communications and journalism if you want to get some joint podcasts going. I played basketball until I got hurt at u of m shortly after Rose left

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